path: root/scripts/interface/SBFrame.i
diff options
authorDimitry Andric <dim@FreeBSD.org>2016-01-06 20:12:03 +0000
committerDimitry Andric <dim@FreeBSD.org>2016-01-06 20:12:03 +0000
commit9e6d35490a6542f9c97607f93c2ef8ca8e03cbcc (patch)
treedd2a1ddf0476664c2b823409c36cbccd52662ca7 /scripts/interface/SBFrame.i
parent3bd2e91faeb9eeec1aae82c64a3253afff551cfd (diff)
Vendor import of lldb trunk r256945:vendor/lldb/lldb-trunk-r256945
Notes: svn path=/vendor/lldb/dist/; revision=293262 svn path=/vendor/lldb/lldb-trunk-r256945/; revision=293263; tag=vendor/lldb/lldb-trunk-r256945
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/interface/SBFrame.i')
1 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/interface/SBFrame.i b/scripts/interface/SBFrame.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c10a9b6e3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/interface/SBFrame.i
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+//===-- SWIG Interface for SBFrame ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+namespace lldb {
+"Represents one of the stack frames associated with a thread.
+SBThread contains SBFrame(s). For example (from test/lldbutil.py),
+def print_stacktrace(thread, string_buffer = False):
+ '''Prints a simple stack trace of this thread.'''
+ ...
+ for i in range(depth):
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
+ function = frame.GetFunction()
+ load_addr = addrs[i].GetLoadAddress(target)
+ if not function:
+ file_addr = addrs[i].GetFileAddress()
+ start_addr = frame.GetSymbol().GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress()
+ symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr
+ print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset}'.format(
+ num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i], symbol=symbols[i], offset=symbol_offset)
+ else:
+ print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{func} at {file}:{line} {args}'.format(
+ num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i],
+ func='%s [inlined]' % funcs[i] if frame.IsInlined() else funcs[i],
+ file=files[i], line=lines[i],
+ args=get_args_as_string(frame, showFuncName=False) if not frame.IsInlined() else '()')
+ ...
+ for frame in thread:
+ print frame
+See also SBThread."
+) SBFrame;
+class SBFrame
+ SBFrame ();
+ SBFrame (const lldb::SBFrame &rhs);
+ ~SBFrame();
+ bool
+ IsEqual (const lldb::SBFrame &rhs) const;
+ bool
+ IsValid() const;
+ uint32_t
+ GetFrameID () const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ Get the Canonical Frame Address for this stack frame.
+ This is the DWARF standard's definition of a CFA, a stack address
+ that remains constant throughout the lifetime of the function.
+ Returns an lldb::addr_t stack address, or LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS if
+ the CFA cannot be determined.") GetCFA;
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetCFA () const;
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetPC () const;
+ bool
+ SetPC (lldb::addr_t new_pc);
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetSP () const;
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetFP () const;
+ lldb::SBAddress
+ GetPCAddress () const;
+ lldb::SBSymbolContext
+ GetSymbolContext (uint32_t resolve_scope) const;
+ lldb::SBModule
+ GetModule () const;
+ lldb::SBCompileUnit
+ GetCompileUnit () const;
+ lldb::SBFunction
+ GetFunction () const;
+ lldb::SBSymbol
+ GetSymbol () const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Gets the deepest block that contains the frame PC.
+ ///
+ /// See also GetFrameBlock().
+ ") GetBlock;
+ lldb::SBBlock
+ GetBlock () const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Get the appropriate function name for this frame. Inlined functions in
+ /// LLDB are represented by Blocks that have inlined function information, so
+ /// just looking at the SBFunction or SBSymbol for a frame isn't enough.
+ /// This function will return the appropriate function, symbol or inlined
+ /// function name for the frame.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns:
+ /// - the name of the inlined function (if there is one)
+ /// - the name of the concrete function (if there is one)
+ /// - the name of the symbol (if there is one)
+ /// - NULL
+ ///
+ /// See also IsInlined().
+ ") GetFunctionName;
+ const char *
+ GetFunctionName();
+ const char *
+ GetDisplayFunctionName ();
+ const char *
+ GetFunctionName() const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Return true if this frame represents an inlined function.
+ ///
+ /// See also GetFunctionName().
+ ") IsInlined;
+ bool
+ IsInlined();
+ bool
+ IsInlined() const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the
+ /// target's default.
+ ") EvaluateExpression;
+ lldb::SBValue
+ EvaluateExpression (const char *expr);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ EvaluateExpression (const char *expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ EvaluateExpression (const char *expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, bool unwind_on_error);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ EvaluateExpression (const char *expr, SBExpressionOptions &options);
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Gets the lexical block that defines the stack frame. Another way to think
+ /// of this is it will return the block that contains all of the variables
+ /// for a stack frame. Inlined functions are represented as SBBlock objects
+ /// that have inlined function information: the name of the inlined function,
+ /// where it was called from. The block that is returned will be the first
+ /// block at or above the block for the PC (SBFrame::GetBlock()) that defines
+ /// the scope of the frame. When a function contains no inlined functions,
+ /// this will be the top most lexical block that defines the function.
+ /// When a function has inlined functions and the PC is currently
+ /// in one of those inlined functions, this method will return the inlined
+ /// block that defines this frame. If the PC isn't currently in an inlined
+ /// function, the lexical block that defines the function is returned.
+ ") GetFrameBlock;
+ lldb::SBBlock
+ GetFrameBlock () const;
+ lldb::SBLineEntry
+ GetLineEntry () const;
+ lldb::SBThread
+ GetThread () const;
+ const char *
+ Disassemble () const;
+ void
+ Clear();
+#ifndef SWIG
+ bool
+ operator == (const lldb::SBFrame &rhs) const;
+ bool
+ operator != (const lldb::SBFrame &rhs) const;
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the
+ /// target's default.
+ ") GetVariables;
+ lldb::SBValueList
+ GetVariables (bool arguments,
+ bool locals,
+ bool statics,
+ bool in_scope_only);
+ lldb::SBValueList
+ GetVariables (bool arguments,
+ bool locals,
+ bool statics,
+ bool in_scope_only,
+ lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ lldb::SBValueList
+ GetVariables (const lldb::SBVariablesOptions& options);
+ lldb::SBValueList
+ GetRegisters ();
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the
+ /// target's default.
+ ") FindVariable;
+ lldb::SBValue
+ FindVariable (const char *var_name);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ FindVariable (const char *var_name, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ FindRegister (const char *name);
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Get a lldb.SBValue for a variable path.
+ ///
+ /// Variable paths can include access to pointer or instance members:
+ /// rect_ptr->origin.y
+ /// pt.x
+ /// Pointer dereferences:
+ /// *this->foo_ptr
+ /// **argv
+ /// Address of:
+ /// &pt
+ /// &my_array[3].x
+ /// Array accesses and treating pointers as arrays:
+ /// int_array[1]
+ /// pt_ptr[22].x
+ ///
+ /// Unlike EvaluateExpression() which returns lldb.SBValue objects
+ /// with constant copies of the values at the time of evaluation,
+ /// the result of this function is a value that will continue to
+ /// track the current value of the value as execution progresses
+ /// in the current frame.
+ ") GetValueForVariablePath;
+ lldb::SBValue
+ GetValueForVariablePath (const char *var_path);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ GetValueForVariablePath (const char *var_path, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Find variables, register sets, registers, or persistent variables using
+ /// the frame as the scope.
+ ///
+ /// The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the
+ /// target's default.
+ ") FindValue;
+ lldb::SBValue
+ FindValue (const char *name, ValueType value_type);
+ lldb::SBValue
+ FindValue (const char *name, ValueType value_type, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ bool
+ GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description);
+ %pythoncode %{
+ def get_all_variables(self):
+ return self.GetVariables(True,True,True,True)
+ def get_parent_frame(self):
+ parent_idx = self.idx + 1
+ if parent_idx >= 0 and parent_idx < len(self.thread.frame):
+ return self.thread.frame[parent_idx]
+ else:
+ return SBFrame()
+ def get_arguments(self):
+ return self.GetVariables(True,False,False,False)
+ def get_locals(self):
+ return self.GetVariables(False,True,False,False)
+ def get_statics(self):
+ return self.GetVariables(False,False,True,False)
+ def var(self, var_expr_path):
+ '''Calls through to lldb.SBFrame.GetValueForVariablePath() and returns
+ a value that represents the variable expression path'''
+ return self.GetValueForVariablePath(var_expr_path)
+ def get_registers_access(self):
+ class registers_access(object):
+ '''A helper object that exposes a flattened view of registers, masking away the notion of register sets for easy scripting.'''
+ def __init__(self, regs):
+ self.regs = regs
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if type(key) is str:
+ for i in range(0,len(self.regs)):
+ rs = self.regs[i]
+ for j in range (0,rs.num_children):
+ reg = rs.GetChildAtIndex(j)
+ if reg.name == key: return reg
+ else:
+ return lldb.SBValue()
+ return registers_access(self.registers)
+ __swig_getmethods__["pc"] = GetPC
+ __swig_setmethods__["pc"] = SetPC
+ if _newclass: pc = property(GetPC, SetPC)
+ __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetPCAddress
+ if _newclass: addr = property(GetPCAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the program counter (PC) as a section offset address (lldb.SBAddress).''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["fp"] = GetFP
+ if _newclass: fp = property(GetFP, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the frame pointer (FP) as an unsigned integer.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["sp"] = GetSP
+ if _newclass: sp = property(GetSP, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the stack pointer (SP) as an unsigned integer.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["module"] = GetModule
+ if _newclass: module = property(GetModule, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the module (lldb.SBModule) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["compile_unit"] = GetCompileUnit
+ if _newclass: compile_unit = property(GetCompileUnit, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the compile unit (lldb.SBCompileUnit) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["function"] = GetFunction
+ if _newclass: function = property(GetFunction, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the function (lldb.SBFunction) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["symbol"] = GetSymbol
+ if _newclass: symbol = property(GetSymbol, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the symbol (lldb.SBSymbol) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["block"] = GetBlock
+ if _newclass: block = property(GetBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the block (lldb.SBBlock) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["is_inlined"] = IsInlined
+ if _newclass: is_inlined = property(IsInlined, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an boolean that indicates if the block frame is an inlined function.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetFunctionName
+ if _newclass: name = property(GetFunctionName, None, doc='''A read only property that retuns the name for the function that this frame represents. Inlined stack frame might have a concrete function that differs from the name of the inlined function (a named lldb.SBBlock).''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["line_entry"] = GetLineEntry
+ if _newclass: line_entry = property(GetLineEntry, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the line table entry (lldb.SBLineEntry) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["thread"] = GetThread
+ if _newclass: thread = property(GetThread, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the thread (lldb.SBThread) for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["disassembly"] = Disassemble
+ if _newclass: disassembly = property(Disassemble, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the disassembly for this stack frame as a python string.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["idx"] = GetFrameID
+ if _newclass: idx = property(GetFrameID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the zero based stack frame index.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["variables"] = get_all_variables
+ if _newclass: variables = property(get_all_variables, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["vars"] = get_all_variables
+ if _newclass: vars = property(get_all_variables, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["locals"] = get_locals
+ if _newclass: locals = property(get_locals, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the local variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["args"] = get_arguments
+ if _newclass: args = property(get_arguments, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the argument variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["arguments"] = get_arguments
+ if _newclass: arguments = property(get_arguments, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the argument variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["statics"] = get_statics
+ if _newclass: statics = property(get_statics, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the static variables in this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["registers"] = GetRegisters
+ if _newclass: registers = property(GetRegisters, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the CPU registers for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["regs"] = GetRegisters
+ if _newclass: regs = property(GetRegisters, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the CPU registers for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["register"] = get_registers_access
+ if _newclass: register = property(get_registers_access, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an helper object providing a flattened indexable view of the CPU registers for this stack frame.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["reg"] = get_registers_access
+ if _newclass: reg = property(get_registers_access, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an helper object providing a flattened indexable view of the CPU registers for this stack frame''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["parent"] = get_parent_frame
+ if _newclass: parent = property(get_parent_frame, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the parent (caller) frame of the current frame.''')
+ %}
+} // namespace lldb