path: root/sntp/main.c
diff options
authorOllivier Robert <roberto@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-04 21:33:17 +0000
committerOllivier Robert <roberto@FreeBSD.org>2013-12-04 21:33:17 +0000
commit2b45e011ca352ce509bc83ae148230aeee0c7e0d (patch)
treea618007bb41d13153794a598e3d904ace2976324 /sntp/main.c
parent9b5bd0a264b0a21eefac2b929b574c73bd601507 (diff)
Virgin import of ntpd 4.2.6p5.vendor/ntp/4.2.6p5
When the series of commits is complete, things like https://cert.litnet.lt/en/docs/ntp-distributed-reflection-dos-attacks should be fixed. PR: bin/148836 (except that we import a newer version) Asked by: Too many MFC after: 2 weeks
Diffstat (limited to 'sntp/main.c')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 1721 deletions
diff --git a/sntp/main.c b/sntp/main.c
index 0cc4f03785e7..9ddb5bfa8f12 100644
--- a/sntp/main.c
+++ b/sntp/main.c
@@ -1,1735 +1,471 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000 N.M. Maclaren
- Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 2000 The University of Cambridge
-This is a complete SNTP implementation, which was easier to write than to port
-xntp to a new version of Unix with any hope of maintaining it thereafter. It
-supports the full SNTP (RFC 2030) client- and server-side challenge-response
-and broadcast protocols. It should achieve nearly optimal accuracy with very
-few transactions, provided only that a client has access to a trusted server
-and that communications are not INVARIABLY slow. As this is the environment in
-which 90-99% of all NTP systems are run ....
-The specification of this program is:
- sntp [ --help | -h | -? ] [ -v | -V | -W ]
- [ -q [ -f savefile ] |
- [ { -r | -a } [ -P prompt ] [ -l lockfile ] ]
- [ -c count ] [ -e minerr ][ -E maxerr ]
- [ -d delay | -x [ separation ] [ -f savefile ] ]
- [ -4 | -6 ] [ address(es) ] ]
- --help, -h and -? all print the syntax of the command.
- -v indicates that diagnostic messages should be written to standard error,
-and -V requests more output for investigating apparently inconsistent
-timestamps. -W requests very verbose debugging output, and will interfere with
-the timing when writing to the terminal (because of line buffered output from
-C); it is useful only when debugging the source. Note that the times produced
-by -V and -W are the corrections needed, and not the error in the local clock.
- -q indicates that it will query a savefile that is being maintained by
-it being run in daemon mode.
- The default is that it should behave as a client, and the following options
-are then relevant:
- -r indicates that the system clock should be reset by 'settimeofday'.
-Naturally, this will work only if the user has enough privilege.
- -a indicates that the system clock should be reset by 'adjtime'.
-Naturally, this will work only if the user has enough privilege.
- -x indicates that the program should run as a daemon (i.e. forever), and
-allow for clock drift.
- -4 or -6 force dns resolving to ipv4 or ipv6 addresses.
- The default is to write the current date and time to the standard output in
-a format like '1996 Oct 15 20:17:25.123 + 4.567 +/- 0.089 secs', indicating the
-estimated true (local) time and the error in the local clock. In daemon mode,
-it will add drift information in a format like ' + 1.3 +/- 0.1 ppm', and
-display this at roughly 'separation' intervals.
- 'minerr' is the maximum ignorable variation between the clocks. Acceptable
-values are from 0.001 to 1, and the default is 0.1 if 'address' is specified
-and 0.5 otherwise.
- 'maxerr' is the maximum value of various delays that are deemed acceptable.
-Acceptable values are from 1 to 60, and the default is 5. It should sometimes
-be increased if there are problems with the network, NTP server or system
-clock, but take care.
- 'prompt' is the maximum clock change that will be made automatically.
-Acceptable values are from 1 to 3600, and the default is 30. If the program is
-being run interactively, larger values will cause a prompt. The value may also
-be 'no', and the change will be made without prompting.
- 'count' is the maximum number of NTP packets to require. Acceptable values
-are from 1 to 25 if 'address' is specified and '-x' is not, and from 5 to 25
-otherwise; the default is 5. If the maximum isn't enough, you need a better
-consistency algorithm than this program uses. Don't increase it.
- 'delay' is a rough limit on the total running time in seconds. Acceptable
-values are from 1 to 3600, and the default is 15 if 'address' is specified and
-300 otherwise.
- 'separation' is the time to wait between calls to the server in minutes if
-'address' is specified, and the minimum time between broadcast packets if not.
-Acceptable values are from 1 to 1440 (a day), and the default is 300.
- 'lockfile' may be used in an update mode to ensure that there is only
-one copy of sntp running at once. The default is installation-dependent,
-but will usually be /etc/sntp.pid.
- 'savefile' may be used in daemon mode to store a record of previous
-packets, which may speed up recalculating the drift after sntp has to be
-restarted (e.g. because of network or server outages). The default is
-installation-dependent, but will usually be /etc/sntp.state. Note that
-there is no locking of this file, and using it twice may cause chaos.
- 'address' is the DNS name or IP number of a host to poll; if no name is
-given, the program waits for broadcasts. Note that a single component numeric
-address is not allowed.
-For sanity, it is also required that 'minerr' < 'maxerr' < 'delay' (if
-listening for broadcasts, 'delay/count' and, in daemon mode, 'separation') and,
-for sordid Unixish reasons, that 2*'count' < 'delay'. The last could be fixed,
-but isn't worth it. Note that none of the above values are closely linked to
-the limits described in the NTP protocol (RFC 1305). Do not increase the
-compiled-in bounds excessively, or the code will fail.
-The algorithm used to decide whether to accept a correction is whether it would
-seem to improve matters. Unlike the 'xntp' suite, little attempt is made to
-handle really knotted scenarios, and diagnostics are written to standard error.
-In non-daemon client mode, it is intended to be run as a command or in a 'cron'
-job. Unlike 'ntpdate', its default mode is simply to display the clock error.
-It assumes that floating-point arithmetic is tolerably efficient, which is true
-for even the cheapest personal computer nowadays. If, however, you want to
-port this to a toaster, you may have problems!
-In its terminating modes, its return code is EXIT_SUCCESS if the operation was
-completed successfully and EXIT_FAILURE otherwise.
-In daemon mode, it runs for ever and stops with a return code EXIT_FAILURE
-only after a severe error. In daemon mode, it will fail if the server is
-inaccessible for a long time or seriously sick, and will need manual
-WARNING: this program has reached its 'hack count' and needs restructuring,
-badly. Perhaps the worst code is in run_daemon(). You are advised not to
-fiddle unless you really have to. */
-#include "header.h"
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <float.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#define MAIN
-#include "kludges.h"
-#undef MAIN
-/* NTP definitions. Note that these assume 8-bit bytes - sigh. There is
-little point in parameterising everything, as it is neither feasible nor
-useful. It would be very useful if more fields could be defined as
-unspecified. The NTP packet-handling routines contain a lot of extra
-assumptions. */
-#define JAN_1970 2208988800.0 /* 1970 - 1900 in seconds */
-#define NTP_SCALE 4294967296.0 /* 2^32, of course! */
-#define NTP_PACKET_MIN 48 /* Without authentication */
-#define NTP_PACKET_MAX 68 /* With authentication (ignored) */
-#define NTP_DISP_FIELD 8 /* Offset of dispersion field */
-#define NTP_REFERENCE 16 /* Offset of reference timestamp */
-#define NTP_ORIGINATE 24 /* Offset of originate timestamp */
-#define NTP_RECEIVE 32 /* Offset of receive timestamp */
-#define NTP_TRANSMIT 40 /* Offset of transmit timestamp */
-#define NTP_LI_FUDGE 0 /* The current 'status' */
-#define NTP_VERSION 3 /* The current version */
-#define NTP_VERSION_MAX 4 /* The maximum valid version */
-#define NTP_STRATUM 15 /* The current stratum as a server */
-#define NTP_STRATUM_MAX 15 /* The maximum valid stratum */
-#define NTP_POLLING 8 /* The current 'polling interval' */
-#define NTP_PRECISION 0 /* The current 'precision' - 1 sec. */
-#define NTP_ACTIVE 1 /* NTP symmetric active request */
-#define NTP_PASSIVE 2 /* NTP symmetric passive response */
-#define NTP_CLIENT 3 /* NTP client request */
-#define NTP_SERVER 4 /* NTP server response */
-#define NTP_BROADCAST 5 /* NTP server broadcast */
-#define NTP_INSANITY 3600.0 /* Errors beyond this are hopeless */
-#define RESET_MIN 15 /* Minimum period between resets */
-#define ABSCISSA 3.0 /* Scale factor for standard errors */
-/* Local definitions and global variables (mostly options). These are all of
-the quantities that control the main actions of the program. The first three
-are the only ones that are exported to other modules. */
-const char *argv0 = NULL; /* For diagnostics only - not NULL */
-int verbose = 0, /* Default = 0, -v = 1, -V = 2, -W = 3 */
- operation = 0; /* Defined in header.h - see action */
-const char *lockname = NULL; /* The name of the lock file */
-int unprivport = 0; /* Use an unpriv port for query? */
-#define COUNT_MAX 25 /* Do NOT increase this! */
-#define WEEBLE_FACTOR 1.2 /* See run_server() and run_daemon() */
-#define ETHERNET_MAX 5 /* See run_daemon() and run_client() */
-#define action_display 1 /* Just display the result */
-#define action_reset 2 /* Reset using 'settimeofday' */
-#define action_adjust 3 /* Reset using 'adjtime' */
-#define action_broadcast 4 /* Behave as a server, broadcasting */
-#define action_server 5 /* Behave as a server for clients */
-#define action_query 6 /* Query a daemon savefile */
-#define save_read_only 1 /* Read the saved state only */
-#define save_read_check 2 /* Read and check it */
-#define save_write 3 /* Write the saved state */
-#define save_clear 4 /* Clear the saved state */
-static const char version[] = VERSION; /* For reverse engineering :-) */
-static int action = 0, /* Defined above - see operation */
- count = 0, /* -c value in seconds */
- delay = 0, /* -d or -x value in seconds */
- attempts = 0, /* Packets transmitted up to 2*count */
- waiting = 0, /* -d/-c except for in daemon mode */
- locked = 0; /* set_lock(1) has been called */
-static double outgoing[2*COUNT_MAX], /* Transmission timestamps */
- minerr = 0.0, /* -e value in seconds */
- maxerr = 0.0, /* -E value in seconds */
- prompt = 0.0, /* -p value in seconds */
- dispersion = 0.0; /* The source dispersion in seconds */
-static FILE *savefile = NULL; /* Holds the data to restart from */
-/* The unpacked NTP data structure, with all the fields even remotely relevant
-to SNTP. */
-typedef struct NTP_DATA {
- unsigned char status, version, mode, stratum, polling;
- signed char precision;
- double dispersion, reference, originate, receive, transmit, current;
-} ntp_data;
-/* The following structure is used to keep a record of packets in daemon mode;
-it contains only the information that is actually used for the drift and error
-calculations. */
-typedef struct {
- double dispersion, weight, when, offset, error;
-} data_record;
-void syntax(int);
-void display_data(ntp_data *);
-void display_packet(unsigned char *, int);
-void pack_ntp(unsigned char *, int, ntp_data *);
-void unpack_ntp(ntp_data *, unsigned char *, int);
-void make_packet(ntp_data *, int);
-int read_packet(int, ntp_data *, double *, double *);
-void format_time(char *, int, double, double, double, double, int);
-double reset_clock(double, double, int);
-void run_server(void);
-double estimate_stats(int *, int *, data_record *, double, double *, double *,
- double *, double *, double *, double *, int *, int);
-double correct_drift(double *, double *, double);
-void handle_saving(int, int *, int *, int *, data_record *, double *,
- double *, double *);
-void query_savefile(void);
-void run_daemon(char **, int, int);
-void run_client(char **, int);
-void fatal (int syserr, const char *message, const char *insert) {
-/* Issue a diagnostic and stop. Be a little paranoid about recursion. */
- int k = errno;
- static int called = 0;
- if (message != NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: ",argv0);
- fprintf(stderr,message,insert);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- errno = k;
- if (syserr) perror(argv0);
- if (! called) {
- called = 1;
- if (savefile != NULL && fclose(savefile))
- fatal(1,"unable to close the daemon save file",NULL);
- if (locked) set_lock(0);
- }
-void syntax (int halt) {
-/* The standard, unfriendly Unix error message. Some errors are diagnosed more
-helpfully. This is called before any files or sockets are opened. */
- fprintf(stderr,"Syntax: %s [ --help | -h | -? ] [ -v | -V | -W ] \n",argv0);
- fprintf(stderr," [ -q [ -f savefile ] |\n");
- fprintf(stderr," [ { -r | -a } [ -P prompt ] [ -l lockfile ] ]\n");
- fprintf(stderr," [ -c count ] [ -e minerr ] [ -E maxerr ]\n");
- fprintf(stderr," [ -d delay | -x [ separation ] ");
- fprintf(stderr,"[ -f savefile ] ]\n");
- fprintf(stderr," [ -4 | -6 ] [-u] [ address(es) ] ]\n");
- if (halt) exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-void display_data (ntp_data *data) {
-/* This formats the essential NTP data, as a debugging aid. */
- fprintf(stderr,"sta=%d ver=%d mod=%d str=%d pol=%d dis=%.6f ref=%.6f\n",
- data->status,data->version,data->mode,data->stratum,data->polling,
- data->dispersion,data->reference);
- fprintf(stderr,"ori=%.6f rec=%.6f\n",data->originate,data->receive);
- fprintf(stderr,"tra=%.6f cur=%.6f\n",data->transmit,data->current);
-void display_packet (unsigned char *packet, int length) {
-/* This formats a possible packet very roughly, as a debugging aid. */
- int i;
- if (length < NTP_PACKET_MIN || length > NTP_PACKET_MAX) return;
- for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
- if (i != 0 && i%32 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- else if (i != 0 && i%4 == 0)
- fprintf(stderr," ");
- fprintf(stderr,"%.2x",packet[i]);
- }
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
+#include <config.h>
+#include "main.h"
+#include "kod_management.h"
+#include "networking.h"
+#include "utilities.h"
+#include "log.h"
+int ai_fam_pref = AF_UNSPEC;
+struct key *keys = NULL;
+void set_li_vn_mode (struct pkt *spkt, char leap, char version, char mode);
+int sntp_main (int argc, char **argv);
+int on_wire (struct addrinfo *host, struct addrinfo *bcastaddr);
+int set_time (double offset);
+#define NORMALIZE_TIMEVAL(tv) \
+do { \
+ while ((tv).tv_usec < 0) { \
+ (tv).tv_usec += 1000000; \
+ (tv).tv_sec--; \
+ } \
+ while ((tv).tv_usec > 999999) { \
+ (tv).tv_usec -= 1000000; \
+ (tv).tv_sec++; \
+ } \
+} while (0)
+ * The actual main function.
+ */
+sntp_main (
+ int argc,
+ char **argv
+ )
+ register int c;
+ struct kod_entry *reason = NULL;
+ int optct;
+ /* boolean, u_int quiets gcc4 signed overflow warning */
+ u_int sync_data_suc;
+ struct addrinfo **bcastaddr = NULL;
+ struct addrinfo **resh = NULL;
+ struct addrinfo *ai;
+ int resc;
+ int kodc;
+ int ow_ret;
+ int bcast = 0;
+ char *hostname;
+ optct = optionProcess(&sntpOptions, argc, argv);
+ argc -= optct;
+ argv += optct;
+ /* Initialize logging system */
+ init_logging();
+ open_logfile(OPT_ARG(LOGFILE));
+ msyslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Started sntp");
+ /* IPv6 available? */
+ if (isc_net_probeipv6() != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
+ ai_fam_pref = AF_INET;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("No ipv6 support available, forcing ipv4\n");
+ } else {
+ /* Check for options -4 and -6 */
+ if (HAVE_OPT(IPV4))
+ ai_fam_pref = AF_INET;
+ else if (HAVE_OPT(IPV6))
+ ai_fam_pref = AF_INET6;
+ }
+ /* Parse config file if declared TODO */
+ /*
+ * If there's a specified KOD file init KOD system. If not use
+ * default file. For embedded systems with no writable
+ * filesystem, -K /dev/null can be used to disable KoD storage.
+ */
+ if (HAVE_OPT(KOD))
+ kod_init_kod_db(OPT_ARG(KOD));
+ else
+ kod_init_kod_db("/var/db/ntp-kod");
+ auth_init(OPT_ARG(KEYFILE), &keys);
+ add_entry("", "DENY");
+ add_entry("", "DENY");
+ add_entry("", "DENY");
+ add_entry("", "DENY");
+ add_entry("", "DENY");
+ delete_entry("", "DENY");
+ delete_entry("", "DENY");
+ delete_entry("", "DENY");
+ if ((kodc = search_entry("", &reason)) == 0)
+ printf("entry for not found but should have been!\n");
+ else
+ free(reason);
+ /* Considering employing a variable that prevents functions of doing anything until
+ * everything is initialized properly
+ */
+ resc = resolve_hosts((const char **)argv, argc, &resh, ai_fam_pref);
+ if (resc < 1) {
+ printf("Unable to resolve hostname(s)\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (bcast) {
+ const char * myargv[2];
+ myargv[0] = OPT_ARG(BROADCAST);
+ myargv[1] = NULL;
+ bcast = resolve_hosts(myargv, 1, &bcastaddr, ai_fam_pref);
+ }
+ /* Select a certain ntp server according to simple criteria? For now
+ * let's just pay attention to previous KoDs.
+ */
+ sync_data_suc = FALSE;
+ for (c = 0; c < resc && !sync_data_suc; c++) {
+ ai = resh[c];
+ do {
+ hostname = addrinfo_to_str(ai);
+ if ((kodc = search_entry(hostname, &reason)) == 0) {
+ if (is_reachable(ai)) {
+ ow_ret = on_wire(ai, bcast ? bcastaddr[0] : NULL);
+ if (0 == ow_ret)
+ sync_data_suc = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("%d prior KoD%s for %s, skipping.\n",
+ kodc, (kodc > 1) ? "s" : "", hostname);
+ free(reason);
+ }
+ free(hostname);
+ ai = ai->ai_next;
+ } while (NULL != ai);
+ freeaddrinfo(resh[c]);
+ }
+ free(resh);
+ if (!sync_data_suc)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
-void pack_ntp (unsigned char *packet, int length, ntp_data *data) {
-/* Pack the essential data into an NTP packet, bypassing struct layout and
-endian problems. Note that it ignores fields irrelevant to SNTP. */
- int i, k;
- double d;
- memset(packet,0,(size_t)length);
- packet[0] = (data->status<<6)|(data->version<<3)|data->mode;
- packet[1] = data->stratum;
- packet[2] = data->polling;
- packet[3] = data->precision;
- d = data->originate/NTP_SCALE;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- if ((k = (int)(d *= 256.0)) >= 256) k = 255;
- packet[NTP_ORIGINATE+i] = k;
- d -= k;
- }
- d = data->receive/NTP_SCALE;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- if ((k = (int)(d *= 256.0)) >= 256) k = 255;
- packet[NTP_RECEIVE+i] = k;
- d -= k;
- }
- d = data->transmit/NTP_SCALE;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
- if ((k = (int)(d *= 256.0)) >= 256) k = 255;
- packet[NTP_TRANSMIT+i] = k;
- d -= k;
- }
-void unpack_ntp (ntp_data *data, unsigned char *packet, int length) {
-/* Unpack the essential data from an NTP packet, bypassing struct layout and
-endian problems. Note that it ignores fields irrelevant to SNTP. */
- int i;
- double d;
- data->current = current_time(JAN_1970); /* Best to come first */
- data->status = (packet[0] >> 6);
- data->version = (packet[0] >> 3)&0x07;
- data->mode = packet[0]&0x07;
- data->stratum = packet[1];
- data->polling = packet[2];
- data->precision = packet[3];
- d = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) d = 256.0*d+packet[NTP_DISP_FIELD+i];
- data->dispersion = d/65536.0;
- d = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) d = 256.0*d+packet[NTP_REFERENCE+i];
- data->reference = d/NTP_SCALE;
- d = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) d = 256.0*d+packet[NTP_ORIGINATE+i];
- data->originate = d/NTP_SCALE;
- d = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) d = 256.0*d+packet[NTP_RECEIVE+i];
- data->receive = d/NTP_SCALE;
- d = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) d = 256.0*d+packet[NTP_TRANSMIT+i];
- data->transmit = d/NTP_SCALE;
+static union {
+ struct pkt pkt;
+ char buf[1500];
+} rbuf;
+#define r_pkt rbuf.pkt
+generate_pkt (
+ struct pkt *x_pkt,
+ const struct timeval *tv_xmt,
+ int key_id,
+ struct key *pkt_key
+ )
+ l_fp xmt;
+ int pkt_len = LEN_PKT_NOMAC;
+ memset(x_pkt, 0, sizeof(struct pkt));
+ TVTOTS(tv_xmt, &xmt);
+ HTONL_FP(&xmt, &(x_pkt->xmt));
+ x_pkt->stratum = STRATUM_TO_PKT(STRATUM_UNSPEC);
+ x_pkt->ppoll = 8;
+ /* FIXME! Modus broadcast + adr. check -> bdr. pkt */
+ set_li_vn_mode(x_pkt, LEAP_NOTINSYNC, 4, 3);
+ if (pkt_key != NULL) {
+ int mac_size = 20; /* max room for MAC */
+ x_pkt->exten[0] = htonl(key_id);
+ mac_size = make_mac((char *)x_pkt, pkt_len, mac_size, pkt_key, (char *)&x_pkt->exten[1]);
+ if (mac_size)
+ pkt_len += mac_size + 4;
+ }
+ return pkt_len;
-void make_packet (ntp_data *data, int mode) {
-/* Create an outgoing NTP packet, either from scratch or starting from a
-request from a client. Note that it implements the NTP specification, even
-when this is clearly misguided, except possibly for the setting of LI. It
-would be easy enough to add a sanity flag, but I am not in the business of
-designing an alternative protocol (however much better it might be). */
- data->status = NTP_LI_FUDGE<<6;
- data->stratum = NTP_STRATUM;
- data->reference = data->dispersion = 0.0;
- if (mode == NTP_SERVER) {
- data->mode = (data->mode == NTP_CLIENT ? NTP_SERVER : NTP_PASSIVE);
- data->originate = data->transmit;
- data->receive = data->current;
- } else {
- data->version = NTP_VERSION;
- data->mode = mode;
- data->polling = NTP_POLLING;
- data->precision = NTP_PRECISION;
- data->receive = data->originate = 0.0;
- }
- data->current = data->transmit = current_time(JAN_1970);
-int read_packet (int which, ntp_data *data, double *off, double *err) {
-/* Check the packet and work out the offset and optionally the error. Note
-that this contains more checking than xntp does. This returns 0 for success, 1
-for failure and 2 for an ignored broadcast packet (a kludge for servers). Note
-that it must not change its arguments if it fails. */
- unsigned char receive[NTP_PACKET_MAX+1];
- double delay1, delay2, x, y;
- int response = 0, failed, length, i, k;
-/* Read the packet and deal with diagnostics. */
- if ((length = read_socket(which,receive,NTP_PACKET_MAX+1,waiting)) <= 0)
- return 1;
- if (length < NTP_PACKET_MIN || length > NTP_PACKET_MAX) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad length %d for NTP packet on socket %d\n",
- argv0,length,which);
- return 1;
- }
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Incoming packet on socket %d:\n",which);
- display_packet(receive,length);
- }
- unpack_ntp(data,receive,length);
- if (verbose > 2) display_data(data);
-/* Start by checking that the packet looks reasonable. Be a little paranoid,
-but allow for version 1 semantics and sick clients. */
- if (operation == op_listen)
- failed = (data->mode != NTP_BROADCAST);
- else {
- failed = (data->mode != NTP_SERVER && data->mode != NTP_PASSIVE);
- response = 1;
- }
- if (failed || data->status == 3 || data->version < 1 ||
- data->version > NTP_VERSION_MAX ||
- data->stratum > NTP_STRATUM_MAX) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: Unusable NTP packet rejected on socket %d (f=%d, status %d, version %d, stratum %d)\n",
- argv0, which,
- failed, data->status, data->version, data->stratum);
- return 1;
- }
-/* Note that the conventions are very poorly defined in the NTP protocol, so we
-have to guess. Any full NTP server perpetrating completely unsynchronised
-packets is an abomination, anyway, so reject it. */
- delay1 = data->transmit-data->receive;
- delay2 = data->current-data->originate;
- failed = (
- ( data->stratum != 0
- /* && data->stratum != NTP_STRATUM_MAX */
- && data->reference == 0.0
- )
- || data->transmit == 0.0
- );
- if (response &&
- (data->originate == 0.0 || data->receive == 0.0 ||
- (data->reference != 0.0 && data->receive < data->reference) ||
- delay1 < 0.0 || delay1 > NTP_INSANITY || delay2 < 0.0 ||
- data->dispersion > NTP_INSANITY))
- failed = 1;
- if (failed) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: incomprehensible NTP packet rejected on socket %d\n",
- argv0,which);
- return 1;
- }
- if (data->stratum == NTP_STRATUM_MAX) {
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: unsynch NTP response on socket %d\n",
- argv0,which);
- return 1;
- }
-/* If it is a response, check that it corresponds to one of our requests and
-has got here in a reasonable length of time. */
- if (response) {
- k = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < attempts; ++i)
- if (data->originate == outgoing[i]) {
- outgoing[i] = 0.0;
- ++k;
- }
- if (k != 1 || delay2 > NTP_INSANITY) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: bad response from NTP server rejected on socket %d\n",
- argv0,which);
- return 1;
- }
- }
-/* Now return the time information. If it is a server response, it contains
-enough information that we can be almost certain that we have not been fooled
-too badly. Heaven help us with broadcasts - make a wild kludge here, and see
-elsewhere for other kludges. */
- if (dispersion < data->dispersion) dispersion = data->dispersion;
- if (operation == op_listen) {
- *off = data->transmit-data->current;
- *err = NTP_INSANITY;
- } else {
- x = data->receive-data->originate;
- y = (data->transmit == 0.0 ? 0.0 : data->transmit-data->current);
- *off = 0.5*(x+y);
- *err = x-y;
- x = data->current-data->originate;
- if (0.5*x > *err) *err = 0.5*x;
- }
- return 0;
-void format_time (char *text, int length, double offset, double error,
- double drift, double drifterr, int precision) {
-/* Format the current time into a string, with the extra information as
-requested. Note that the rest of the program uses the correction needed, which
-is what is printed for diagnostics, but this formats the error in the local
-system for display to users. So the results from this are the negation of
-those printed by the verbose options. */
- int milli, len;
- time_t now;
- struct tm *gmt;
- static const char *months[] = {
- "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
- "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
- };
-/* Work out and format the current local time. Note that some semi-ANSI
-systems do not set the return value from (s)printf. */
- now = convert_time(current_time(offset),&milli);
- errno = 0;
- if ((gmt = localtime(&now)) == NULL)
- fatal(1,"unable to work out local time",NULL);
- len = 21;
- if (length <= len) fatal(0,"internal error calling format_time",NULL);
- errno = 0;
- precision /= -3;
- len += precision;
- sprintf(text,"%.4d %s %.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%.*d",
- gmt->tm_year+1900,months[gmt->tm_mon],gmt->tm_mday,
- gmt->tm_hour,gmt->tm_min,gmt->tm_sec,precision,milli);
- if (strlen(text) != len)
- fatal(1,"unable to format current local time",NULL);
-/* Append the information about the offset, if requested. */
- if (error >= 0.0) {
- if (length < len+30)
- fatal(0,"internal error calling format_time",NULL);
- errno = 0;
- sprintf(&text[len]," %c %.*f +/- %.*f secs",(offset > 0.0 ? '-' : '+'),
- precision,(offset > 0.0 ? offset : -offset),
- precision,dispersion+error);
- if (strlen(&text[len]) < 22)
- fatal(1,"unable to format clock correction",NULL);
- }
-/* Append the information about the drift, if requested. */
- if (drifterr >= 0.0) {
- len = strlen(text);
- if (length < len+25)
- fatal(0,"internal error calling format_time",NULL);
- errno = 0;
- sprintf(&text[len]," %c %.1f +/- %.1f ppm",
- (drift > 0.0 ? '-' : '+'),1.0e6*fabs(drift),
- 1.0e6*drifterr);
- if (strlen(&text[len]) < 17)
- fatal(1,"unable to format clock correction",NULL);
- }
-/* It would be better to check for field overflow, but it is a lot of code to
-trap extremely implausible scenarios. This will usually stop chaos from
-spreading. */
- if (strlen(text) >= length)
- fatal(0,"internal error calling format_time",NULL);
-double reset_clock (double offset, double error, int daemon) {
-/* Reset the clock, if appropriate, and return the correction actually used.
-This contains most of the checking for whether changes are worthwhile, except
-in daemon mode. */
- double absoff = (offset < 0 ? -offset : offset);
- char text[50];
-/* If the correction is large, ask for confirmation before proceeding. */
- if (absoff > prompt) {
- if (! daemon && ftty(stdin) && ftty(stdout)) {
- printf("The time correction is %.3f +/- %.3f+%.3f seconds\n",
- offset,dispersion,error);
- printf("Do you want to correct the time anyway? ");
- fflush(stdout);
- if (toupper(getchar()) != 'Y') {
- printf("OK - quitting\n");
- fatal(0,NULL,NULL);
- }
- } else {
- sprintf(text,"%.3f +/- %.3f+%.3f",offset,dispersion,error);
- fatal(0,"time correction too large: %s seconds",text);
- }
- }
-/* See if the correction is reasonably reliable and worth making. */
- if (absoff < (daemon ? 0.5 : 1.0)*minerr) {
- if (daemon ? verbose > 1 : verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: correction %.3f +/- %.3f+%.3f secs - ignored\n",
- argv0,offset,dispersion,error);
- return 0.0;
- } else if (absoff < 2.0*error) {
- if (daemon ? verbose > 1 : verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: correction %.3f +/- %.3f+%.3f secs - suppressed\n",
- argv0,offset,dispersion,error);
- return 0.0;
- }
-/* Make the correction. Provide some protection against the previous
-correction not having completed, but it will rarely help much. */
- adjust_time(offset,(action == action_reset ? 1 : 0),
- (daemon ? 2.0*minerr : 0.0));
- if (daemon ? verbose > 1 : verbose) {
- format_time(text,50,0.0,-1.0,0.0,-1.0,-10);
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: time changed by %.3f secs to %s +/- %.3f+%.3f\n",
- argv0,offset,text,dispersion,error);
- }
- return offset;
-double estimate_stats (int *a_total, int *a_index, data_record *record,
- double correction, double *a_disp, double *a_when, double *a_offset,
- double *a_error, double *a_drift, double *a_drifterr, int *a_wait,
- int update) {
-/* This updates the running statistics and returns the best estimate of what to
-do now. It returns the timestamp relevant to the correction. If broadcasts
-are rare and the drift is large, it will fail - you should then use a better
-synchronisation method. It will also fail if something goes severely wrong
-(e.g. if the local clock is reset by another process or the transmission errors
-are beyond reason).
-There is a kludge for synchronisation loss during down time. If it detects
-this, it will update only the history data and return zero; this is then
-handled specially in run_daemon(). While it could correct the offset, this
-might not always be the right thing to do. */
- double weight, disp, when, offset, error, drift, drifterr,
- now, e, w, x, y, z;
- int total = *a_total, index = *a_index, wait = *a_wait, i;
- char text[50];
+handle_pkt (
+ int rpktl,
+ struct pkt *rpkt,
+ struct addrinfo *host
+ )
+ struct timeval tv_dst;
+ int sw_case, digits;
+ char *hostname = NULL, *ref, *ts_str = NULL;
+ double offset, precision, root_dispersion;
+ char addr_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ time_t pretend_time;
+ if(rpktl > 0)
+ sw_case = 1;
+ else
+ sw_case = rpktl;
+ switch(sw_case) {
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ break;
-/* Correct the previous data and store a new entry in the circular buffer. */
- for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
- record[i].when += correction;
- record[i].offset -= correction;
- }
- if (update) {
- record[index].dispersion = *a_disp;
- record[index].when = *a_when;
- record[index].offset = *a_offset;
- if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: corr=%.3f when=%.3f disp=%.3f off=%.3f",
- argv0,correction,*a_when,*a_disp,*a_offset); /* See below */
- if (operation == op_listen) {
- if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- record[index].error = minerr;
- record[index].weight = 1.0;
- } else {
- if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr," err=%.3f\n",*a_error);
- record[index].error = x = *a_error;
- record[index].weight = 1.0/(x > minerr ? x*x : minerr*minerr);
- }
- if (++index >= count) index = 0;
- *a_index = index;
- if (++total > count) total = count;
- *a_total = total;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"corr=%.6f tot=%d ind=%d\n",correction,total,index);
- }
-/* If there is insufficient data yet, use the latest estimates and return
-forthwith. Note that this will not work for broadcasts, but they will be
-disabled in run_daemon(). */
- if ((operation == op_listen && total < count && update) || total < 3) {
- *a_drift = 0.0;
- *a_drifterr = -1.0;
- *a_wait = delay;
- return *a_when;
- }
-/* Work out the average time, offset, error etc. Note that the dispersion is
-not subject to the central limit theorem. Unfortunately, the variation in the
-source's dispersion is our only indication of how consistent its clock is. */
- disp = weight = when = offset = y = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
- weight += w = record[i].weight;
- when += w*record[i].when;
- offset += w*record[i].offset;
- y += w*record[i].dispersion;
- if (disp < record[i].dispersion)
- disp = record[i].dispersion;
- }
- when /= weight;
- offset /= weight;
- y /= weight;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"disp=%.6f wgt=%.3f when=%.6f off=%.6f\n",
- disp,weight,when,offset);
-/* If there is enough data, estimate the drift and errors by regression. Note
-that it is essential to calculate the mean square error, not the mean error. */
- error = drift = x = z = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
- w = record[i].weight/weight;
- x += w*(record[i].when-when)*(record[i].when-when);
- drift += w*(record[i].when-when)*(record[i].offset-offset);
- z += w*(record[i].offset-offset)*(record[i].offset-offset);
- error += w*record[i].error*record[i].error+
- 2.0*w*(record[i].dispersion-y)*(record[i].dispersion-y);
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"X2=%.3f XY=%.6f Y2=%.9f E2=%.9f ",x,drift,z,error);
-/* When calculating the errors, add some paranoia mainly to check for coding
-errors and complete lunacy, attempting to retry if at all possible. Because
-glitches at this point are so common, log a reset even in non-verbose mode.
-There will be more thorough checks later. Note that we cannot usefully check
-the error for broadcasts. */
- z -= drift*drift/x;
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"S2=%.9f\n",z);
- if (! update) {
- if (z > 1.0e6)
- fatal(0,"stored data too unreliable for time estimation",NULL);
- } else if (operation == op_client) {
- e = error+disp*disp+minerr*minerr;
- if (z > e) {
- if (verbose || z >= maxerr*maxerr)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: excessively high error %.3f > %.3f > %.3f\n",
- argv0,sqrt(z),sqrt(e),sqrt(error));
- if (total <= 1)
- return 0.0;
- else if (z < maxerr*maxerr) {
- sprintf(text,"resetting on error %.3g > %.3g",
- sqrt(z),sqrt(e));
- log_message(text);
- return 0.0;
- } else
- fatal(0,"incompatible (i.e. erroneous) timestamps",NULL);
- } else if (z > error && verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: anomalously high error %.3f > %.3f, but < %.3f\n",
- argv0,sqrt(z),sqrt(error),sqrt(e));
- } else {
- if (z > maxerr*maxerr)
- fatal(0,"broadcasts too unreliable for time estimation",NULL);
- }
- drift /= x;
- drifterr = ABSCISSA*sqrt(z/(x*total));
- error = (operation == op_listen ? minerr : 0.0)+ABSCISSA*sqrt(z/total);
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"err=%.6f drift=%.6f+/-%.6f\n",error,drift,drifterr);
- if (error+drifterr*delay > NTP_INSANITY)
- fatal(0,"unable to get a reasonable drift estimate",NULL);
-/* Estimate the optimal short-loop period, checking it carefully. Remember to
-check that this whole process is likely to be accurate enough and that the
-delay function may be inaccurate. */
- wait = delay;
- x = (drift < 0.0 ? -drift : drift);
- if (x*delay < 0.5*minerr) {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Drift too small to correct\n");
- } else if (x < 2.0*drifterr) {
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Drift correction suppressed\n");
- } else {
- if ((z = drifterr*delay) < 0.5*minerr) z = 0.5*minerr;
- wait = (x < z/delay ? delay : (int)(z/x+0.5));
- wait = (int)(delay/(int)(delay/(double)wait+0.999)+0.999);
- if (wait > delay)
- fatal(0,"internal error in drift calculation",NULL);
- if (update && (drift*wait > maxerr || wait < RESET_MIN)) {
- sprintf(text,"%.6f+/-%.6f",drift,drifterr);
- fatal(0,"drift correction too large: %s",text);
- }
- }
- if (wait < *a_wait/2) wait = *a_wait/2;
- if (wait > *a_wait*2) wait = *a_wait*2;
-/* Now work out what the correction should be, as distinct from what it should
-have been, remembering that older times are less certain. */
- now = current_time(JAN_1970);
- x = now-when;
- offset += x*drift;
- error += x*drifterr;
- for (i = 0; i < total; ++i) {
- x = now-record[i].when;
- z = record[i].error+x*drifterr;
- if (z < error) {
- when = record[i].when;
- offset = record[i].offset+x*drift;
- error = z;
- }
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"now=%.6f when=%.6f off=%.6f err=%.6f wait=%d\n",
- now,when,offset,error,wait);
-/* Finally, return the result. */
- *a_disp = disp;
- *a_when = when;
- *a_offset = offset;
- *a_error = error;
- *a_drift = drift;
- *a_drifterr = drifterr;
- *a_wait = wait;
- return now;
+ break;
+ /* Received a DENY or RESTR KOD packet */
+ hostname = addrinfo_to_str(host);
+ ref = (char *)&rpkt->refid;
+ add_entry(hostname, ref);
+ printf("sntp handle_pkt: Received KOD packet with code: %c%c%c%c from %s, demobilizing all connections\n",
+ ref[0], ref[1], ref[2], ref[3],
+ hostname);
+ msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "Received a KOD packet with code %c%c%c%c from %s, demobilizing all connections",
+ ref[0], ref[1], ref[2], ref[3], hostname);
+ break;
+ case KOD_RATE:
+ /* Hmm... probably we should sleep a bit here */
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ getnameinfo(host->ai_addr, host->ai_addrlen, addr_buf,
+ sizeof(addr_buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
+ printf("sntp handle_pkt: Received %i bytes from %s\n", rpktl, addr_buf);
+ }
+ GETTIMEOFDAY(&tv_dst, (struct timezone *)NULL);
+#if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4
+ sscanf(p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME, "%ld", &pretend_time);
+#elif SIZEOF_TIME_T == 8
+ sscanf(p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME, "%lld", &pretend_time);
+# include "GRONK: unexpected value for SIZEOF_TIME_T"
+ tv_dst.tv_sec = pretend_time;
+ }
+ offset_calculation(rpkt, rpktl, &tv_dst, &offset,
+ &precision, &root_dispersion);
+ for (digits = 0; (precision *= 10.) < 1.; ++digits)
+ /* empty */ ;
+ if (digits > 6)
+ digits = 6;
+ ts_str = tv_to_str(&tv_dst);
+ printf("%s ", ts_str);
+ if (offset > 0)
+ printf("+");
+ printf("%.*f", digits, offset);
+ if (root_dispersion > 0.)
+ printf(" +/- %f secs", root_dispersion);
+ printf("\n");
+ free(ts_str);
+ return 0;
+ return set_time(offset);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
-double correct_drift (double *a_when, double *a_offset, double drift) {
-/* Correct for the drift since the last time it was done, provided that a long
-enough time has elapsed. And do remember to kludge up the time and
-discrepancy, when appropriate. */
- double d, x;
- d = current_time(JAN_1970)-*a_when;
- *a_when += d;
- x = *a_offset+d*drift;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Correction %.6f @ %.6f off=%.6f ",x,*a_when,*a_offset);
- if (d >= waiting && (x < 0.0 ? -x : x) >= 0.5*minerr) {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"performed\n");
- adjust_time(x,(action == action_reset ? 1 : 0),0.5*minerr);
- *a_offset = 0.0;
- return x;
- } else {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"ignored\n");
- *a_offset = x;
- return 0.0;
- }
+offset_calculation (
+ struct pkt *rpkt,
+ int rpktl,
+ struct timeval *tv_dst,
+ double *offset,
+ double *precision,
+ double *root_dispersion
+ )
+ l_fp p_rec, p_xmt, p_ref, p_org, tmp, dst;
+ u_fp p_rdly, p_rdsp;
+ double t21, t34, delta;
+ /* Convert timestamps from network to host byte order */
+ p_rdly = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdelay);
+ p_rdsp = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdisp);
+ NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->reftime, &p_ref);
+ NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->org, &p_org);
+ NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->rec, &p_rec);
+ NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->xmt, &p_xmt);
+ *precision = LOGTOD(rpkt->precision);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("sntp precision: %f\n", *precision);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ *root_dispersion = FPTOD(p_rdsp);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("sntp rootdelay: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdly));
+ printf("sntp rootdisp: %f\n", *root_dispersion);
+ pkt_output(rpkt, rpktl, stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->reftime:\n");
+ l_fp_output(&(rpkt->reftime), stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->org:\n");
+ l_fp_output(&(rpkt->org), stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
+ l_fp_output(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
+ l_fp_output_bin(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n");
+ l_fp_output_dec(&(rpkt->rec), stdout);
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->xmt:\n");
+ l_fp_output(&(rpkt->xmt), stdout);
+ /* Compute offset etc. */
+ tmp = p_rec;
+ L_SUB(&tmp, &p_org);
+ LFPTOD(&tmp, t21);
+ TVTOTS(tv_dst, &dst);
+ dst.l_ui += JAN_1970;
+ tmp = p_xmt;
+ L_SUB(&tmp, &dst);
+ LFPTOD(&tmp, t34);
+ *offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.;
+ delta = t21 - t34;
+ printf("sntp offset_calculation:\tt21: %.6f\t\t t34: %.6f\n\t\tdelta: %.6f\t offset: %.6f\n",
+ t21, t34, delta, *offset);
-void handle_saving (int operation, int *total, int *index, int *cycle,
- data_record *record, double *previous, double *when, double *correction) {
-/* This handles the saving and restoring of the state to a file. While it is
-subject to spoofing, this is not a major security problem. But, out of general
-paranoia, check everything in sight when restoring. Note that this function
-has no external effect if something goes wrong. */
- struct {
- data_record record[COUNT_MAX];
- double previous, when, correction;
- int operation, delay, count, total, index, cycle, waiting;
- } buffer;
- double x, y;
- int i, j;
- if (savefile == NULL) return;
-/* Read the restart file and print its data in diagnostic mode. Note that some
-care is necessary to avoid introducing a security exposure - but we trust the
-C library not to trash the stack on bad numbers! */
- if (operation == save_read_only || operation == save_read_check) {
- if (fread(&buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,savefile) != 1 || ferror(savefile)) {
- if (ferror(savefile))
- fatal(1,"unable to read record from daemon save file",NULL);
- else if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: bad daemon restart information\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Reading prev=%.6f when=%.6f corr=%.6f\n",
- buffer.previous,buffer.when,buffer.correction);
- fprintf(stderr,"op=%d dly=%d cnt=%d tot=%d ind=%d cyc=%d wait=%d\n",
- buffer.operation,buffer.delay,buffer.count,buffer.total,
- buffer.index,buffer.cycle,buffer.waiting);
- if (buffer.total < COUNT_MAX)
- for (i = 0; i < buffer.total; ++i)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "disp=%.6f wgt=%.3f when=%.6f off=%.6f err=%.6f\n",
- buffer.record[i].dispersion,buffer.record[i].weight,
- buffer.record[i].when,buffer.record[i].offset,
- buffer.record[i].error);
- }
-/* Start checking the data for sanity. */
- if (buffer.operation == 0 && buffer.delay == 0 && buffer.count == 0) {
- if (operation < 0)
- fatal(0,"the daemon save file has been cleared",NULL);
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: restarting from a cleared file\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
- if (operation == save_read_check) {
- if (buffer.operation != operation || buffer.delay != delay ||
- buffer.count != count) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: different parameters for restart\n",
- argv0);
- return;
- }
- if (buffer.total < 1 || buffer.total > count || buffer.index < 0 ||
- buffer.index >= count || buffer.cycle < 0 ||
- buffer.cycle >= count || buffer.correction < -maxerr ||
- buffer.correction > maxerr || buffer.waiting < RESET_MIN ||
- buffer.waiting > delay || buffer.previous > buffer.when ||
- buffer.previous < buffer.when-count*delay ||
- buffer.when >= *when) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: corrupted restart information\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
-/* Checking the record is even more tedious. */
- x = *when;
- y = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < buffer.total; ++i) {
- if (buffer.record[i].dispersion < 0.0 ||
- buffer.record[i].dispersion > maxerr ||
- buffer.record[i].weight <= 0.0 ||
- buffer.record[i].weight > 1.001/(minerr*minerr) ||
- buffer.record[i].offset < -count*maxerr ||
- buffer.record[i].offset > count*maxerr ||
- buffer.record[i].error < 0.0 ||
- buffer.record[i].error > maxerr) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: corrupted restart record\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
- if (buffer.record[i].when < x) x = buffer.record[i].when;
- if (buffer.record[i].when > y) y = buffer.record[i].when;
- }
-/* Check for consistency and, finally, whether this is too old. */
- if (y > buffer.when || y-x < (buffer.total-1)*delay ||
- y-x > (buffer.total-1)*count*delay) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: corrupted restart times\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
- if (buffer.when < *when-count*delay) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: restart information too old\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
- }
-/* If we get here, just copy the data back. */
- memcpy(record,buffer.record,sizeof(buffer.record));
- *previous = buffer.previous;
- *when = buffer.when;
- *correction = buffer.correction;
- *total = buffer.total;
- *index = buffer.index;
- *cycle = buffer.cycle;
- waiting = buffer.waiting;
- memset(&buffer,0,sizeof(buffer));
-/* Print out the data if requested. */
- if (verbose > 1) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: prev=%.3f when=%.3f corr=%.3f\n",
- argv0,*previous,*when,*correction);
- for (i = 0; i < *total; ++i) {
- if ((j = i+*index-*total) < 0) j += *total;
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: when=%.3f disp=%.3f off=%.3f",
- argv0,record[j].when,record[j].dispersion,record[j].offset);
- if (operation == op_client)
- fprintf(stderr," err=%.3f\n",record[j].error);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- }
-/* All errors on output are fatal. */
- } else if (operation == save_write) {
- memcpy(buffer.record,record,sizeof(buffer.record));
- buffer.previous = *previous;
- buffer.when = *when;
- buffer.correction = *correction;
- buffer.operation = operation;
- buffer.delay = delay;
- buffer.count = count;
- buffer.total = *total;
- buffer.index = *index;
- buffer.cycle = *cycle;
- buffer.waiting = waiting;
- if (fseek(savefile,0l,SEEK_SET) != 0 ||
- fwrite(&buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,savefile) != 1 ||
- fflush(savefile) != 0 || ferror(savefile))
- fatal(1,"unable to write record to daemon save file",NULL);
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Writing prev=%.6f when=%.6f corr=%.6f\n",
- *previous,*when,*correction);
- fprintf(stderr,"op=%d dly=%d cnt=%d tot=%d ind=%d cyc=%d wait=%d\n",
- operation,delay,count,*total,*index,*cycle,waiting);
- if (*total < COUNT_MAX)
- for (i = 0; i < *total; ++i)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "disp=%.6f wgt=%.3f when=%.6f off=%.6f err=%.6f\n",
- record[i].dispersion,record[i].weight,
- record[i].when,record[i].offset,record[i].error);
- }
-/* Clearing the save file is similar. */
- } else if (operation == save_clear) {
- if (fseek(savefile,0l,SEEK_SET) != 0 ||
- fwrite(&buffer,sizeof(buffer),1,savefile) != 1 ||
- fflush(savefile) != 0 || ferror(savefile))
- fatal(1,"unable to clear daemon save file",NULL);
- } else
- fatal(0,"internal error in handle_saving",NULL);
+/* The heart of (S)NTP, exchange NTP packets and compute values to correct the local clock */
+on_wire (
+ struct addrinfo *host,
+ struct addrinfo *bcast
+ )
+ char addr_buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
+ register int try;
+ SOCKET sock;
+ struct key *pkt_key = NULL;
+ int key_id = 0;
+ struct timeval tv_xmt;
+ struct pkt x_pkt;
+ int error, rpktl, handle_pkt_res;
+ key_id = (int) OPT_ARG(AUTHENTICATION);
+ get_key(key_id, &pkt_key);
+ }
+ for (try=0; try<5; try++) {
+ memset(&r_pkt, 0, sizeof rbuf);
+ error = GETTIMEOFDAY(&tv_xmt, (struct timezone *)NULL);
+ tv_xmt.tv_sec += JAN_1970;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ printf("sntp on_wire: Current time sec: %i msec: %i\n", (unsigned int) tv_xmt.tv_sec,
+ (unsigned int) tv_xmt.tv_usec);
+ if (bcast) {
+ create_socket(&sock, (sockaddr_u *)bcast->ai_addr);
+ rpktl = recv_bcst_pkt(sock, &r_pkt, sizeof rbuf, (sockaddr_u *)bcast->ai_addr);
+ closesocket(sock);
+ } else {
+ int pkt_len = generate_pkt(&x_pkt, &tv_xmt, key_id, pkt_key);
+ create_socket(&sock, (sockaddr_u *)host->ai_addr);
+ sendpkt(sock, (sockaddr_u *)host->ai_addr, &x_pkt, pkt_len);
+ rpktl = recvpkt(sock, &r_pkt, sizeof rbuf, &x_pkt);
+ closesocket(sock);
+ }
+ handle_pkt_res = handle_pkt(rpktl, &r_pkt, host);
+ if (handle_pkt_res < 1)
+ return handle_pkt_res;
+ }
+ getnameinfo(host->ai_addr, host->ai_addrlen, addr_buf, sizeof(addr_buf), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST);
+ msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Received no useable packet from %s!", addr_buf);
+ return -1;
-void query_savefile (void) {
-/* This queries a daemon save file. */
- double previous, when, correction = 0.0, offset = 0.0, error = -1.0,
- drift = 0.0, drifterr = -1.0;
- data_record record[COUNT_MAX];
- int total = 0, index = 0, cycle = 0;
- char text[100];
-/* This is a few lines stripped out of run_daemon() and slightly hacked. */
- previous = when = current_time(JAN_1970);
- if (verbose > 2) {
- format_time(text,50,0.0,-1.0,0.0,-1.0,-10);
- fprintf(stderr,"Started=%.6f %s\n",when,text);
- }
- handle_saving(save_read_only,&total,&index,&cycle,record,&previous,&when,
- &correction);
- estimate_stats(&total,&index,record,correction,&dispersion,
- &when,&offset,&error,&drift,&drifterr,&waiting,0);
- format_time(text,100,offset,error,drift,drifterr,-10);
- printf("%s\n",text);
- if (fclose(savefile)) fatal(1,"unable to close daemon save file",NULL);
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Stopped normally\n");
+/* Compute the 8 bits for li_vn_mode */
+set_li_vn_mode (
+ struct pkt *spkt,
+ char leap,
+ char version,
+ char mode
+ )
+ if (leap > 3) {
+ msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "set_li_vn_mode: leap > 3 using max. 3");
+ leap = 3;
+ }
+ if (mode > 7) {
+ msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "set_li_vn_mode: mode > 7, using client mode 3");
+ mode = 3;
+ }
+ spkt->li_vn_mode = leap << 6;
+ spkt->li_vn_mode |= version << 3;
+ spkt->li_vn_mode |= mode;
-void run_daemon (char *hostnames[], int nhosts, int initial) {
-/* This does not adjust the time between calls to the server, but it does
-adjust the time between clock resets. This function will survive short periods
-of server inaccessibility or network glitches, but not long ones, and will then
-need restarting manually.
-It is far too complex for a single function, but could really only be
-simplified by making most of its variables global or by a similarly horrible
-trick. Oh, for nested scopes as in Algol 68! */
- double history[COUNT_MAX], started, previous, when, correction = 0.0,
- weeble = 1.0, accepts = 0.0, rejects = 0.0, flushes = 0.0,
- replicates = 0.0, skips = 0.0, offset = 0.0, error = -1.0,
- drift = 0.0, drifterr = -1.0, maxoff = 0.0, x;
- data_record record[COUNT_MAX];
- int total = 0, index = 0, item = 0, rej_level = 0, rep_level = 0,
- cycle = 0, retry = 1, i, j, k;
- unsigned char transmit[NTP_PACKET_MIN];
- ntp_data data;
- char text[100];
-/* After initialising, restore from a previous run if possible. Note that
-only a few of the variables are actually needed to control the operation and
-the rest are mainly for diagnostics. */
- started = previous = when = current_time(JAN_1970);
- if (verbose > 2) {
- format_time(text,50,0.0,-1.0,0.0,-1.0,-10);
- fprintf(stderr,"Started=%.6f %s\n",when,text);
- }
- if (initial) {
- handle_saving(save_read_check,&total,&index,&cycle,record,
- &previous,&when,&correction);
- cycle = (nhosts > 0 ? cycle%nhosts : 0);
- if (total > 0 && started-previous < delay) {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Last packet too recent\n");
- retry = 0;
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"prev=%.6f when=%.6f retry=%d\n",
- previous,when,retry);
- for (i = 0; i < nhosts; ++i) open_socket(i,hostnames[i],delay);
- if (action != action_display) {
- set_lock(1);
- locked = 1;
- }
- }
- dispersion = 0.0;
- attempts = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) history[i] = 0.0;
- while (1) {
-/* Print out a reasonable amount of diagnostics, rather like a server. Note
-that it may take a little time, but shouldn't affect the estimates much. Then
-check that we aren't in a failing loop. */
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"item=%d rej=%d\n",item,rej_level);
- x = current_time(JAN_1970)-started;
- if (verbose &&
- x/3600.0+accepts+rejects+flushes+replicates+skips >= weeble) {
- weeble *= WEEBLE_FACTOR;
- x -= 3600.0*(i = (int)(x/3600.0));
- x -= 60.0*(j = (int)(x/60.0));
- if (i > 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: after %d hours %d mins ",argv0,i,j);
- else if (j > 0)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: after %d mins %.0f secs ",argv0,j,x);
- else
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: after %.1f secs ",argv0,x);
- fprintf(stderr,"acc. %.0f rej. %.0f flush %.0f",
- accepts,rejects,flushes);
- if (operation == op_listen)
- fprintf(stderr," rep. %.0f skip %.0f",replicates,skips);
- fprintf(stderr," max.off. %.3f corr. %.3f\n",maxoff,correction);
- format_time(text,100,offset,error,drift,drifterr,-10);
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s\n",argv0,text);
- maxoff = 0.0;
- }
- if (current_time(JAN_1970)-previous > count*delay) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: no packets in too long a period\n",argv0);
- return;
- }
-/* Listen for the next broadcast packet. This allows up to ETHERNET_MAX
-replications per packet, for systems with multiple addresses for receiving
-broadcasts; the only reason for a limit is to protect against broken NTP
-servers always returning the same time. */
- if (operation == op_listen) {
- flushes += flush_socket(0);
- if (read_packet(0,&data,&offset,&error)) {
- ++rejects;
- if (++rej_level > count)
- fatal(0,"too many bad or lost packets",NULL);
- if (action != action_display && drifterr >= 0.0) {
- correction += correct_drift(&when,&offset,drift);
- handle_saving(save_write,&total,&index,&cycle,record,
- &previous,&when,&correction);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ((rej_level -= (count < 5 ? count : 5)) < 0) rej_level = 0;
- x = data.transmit;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- if (x == history[i]) {
- ++replicates;
- if (++rep_level > ETHERNET_MAX)
- fatal(0,"too many replicated packets",NULL);
- goto continue1;
- }
- rep_level = 0;
- history[item] = x;
- if (++item >= count) item = 0;
-/* Accept a packet only after a long enough period has elapsed. */
- when = data.current;
- if (! retry && when < previous+delay) {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Skipping too recent packet\n");
- ++skips;
- continue;
- }
- retry = 0;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Offset=%.6f @ %.6f disp=%.6f\n",
- offset,when,dispersion);
-/* Handle the client/server model. It keeps a record of transmitted times,
-mainly out of paranoia. The waiting time is kludged up to attempt to provide
-reasonable resilience against both lost packets and dead servers. But it
-won't handle much of either, and will stop after a while, needing manual
-restarting. Running it under cron is the best approach. */
- } else {
- if (! retry) {
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Sleeping for %d\n",waiting);
- do_nothing(waiting);
- }
- make_packet(&data,NTP_CLIENT);
- outgoing[item] = data.transmit;
- if (++item >= 2*count) item = 0;
- if (attempts < 2*count) ++attempts;
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Outgoing packet on socket %d:\n",cycle);
- display_data(&data);
- }
- pack_ntp(transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN,&data);
- if (verbose > 2) display_packet(transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN);
- flushes += flush_socket(cycle);
- write_socket(cycle,transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN);
-/* Read the packet and check that it is an appropriate response. Because this
-is rather more numerically sensitive than simple resynchronisation, reject all
-very inaccurate packets. Be careful if you modify this, because the error
-handling is rather nasty to avoid replicating code. */
- k = read_packet(cycle,&data,&offset,&error);
- if (++cycle >= nhosts) cycle = 0;
- if (! k)
- when = (data.originate+data.current)/2.0;
- else if (action != action_display && drifterr >= 0.0) {
- correction += correct_drift(&when,&offset,drift);
- handle_saving(save_write,&total,&index,&cycle,record,
- &previous,&when,&correction);
- }
- if (! k && ! retry && when < previous+delay-2) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: packets out of order on socket %d\n",
- argv0,cycle);
- k = 1;
- }
- if (! k && data.current-data.originate > maxerr) {
- if (verbose)
- fprintf(stderr,
- "%s: very slow response rejected on socket %d\n",
- argv0,cycle);
- k = 1;
- }
-/* Count the number of rejected packets and fail if there are too many. */
- if (k) {
- ++rejects;
- if (++rej_level > count)
- fatal(0,"too many bad or lost packets",NULL);
- else {
- retry = 1;
- continue;
- }
- } else
- retry = 0;
- if ((rej_level -= (count < 5 ? count : 5)) < 0) rej_level = 0;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Offset=%.6f+/-%.6f @ %.6f disp=%.6f\n",
- offset,error,when,dispersion);
- }
-/* Calculate the statistics, and display the results or make the initial
-correction. Note that estimate_stats() will return zero if a timestamp
-indicates synchronisation loss (usually due to down time or a change of server,
-somewhere upstream), and that the recovery operation is unstructured, so great
-care should be taken when modifying it. Also, we want to clear the saved state
-is the statistics are bad. */
- handle_saving(save_clear,&total,&index,&cycle,record,&previous,&when,
- &correction);
- ++accepts;
- dispersion = data.dispersion;
- previous = when =
- estimate_stats(&total,&index,record,correction,&dispersion,
- &when,&offset,&error,&drift,&drifterr,&waiting,1);
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"tot=%d ind=%d dis=%.3f when=%.3f off=%.3f ",
- total,index,dispersion,when,offset);
- fprintf(stderr,"err=%.3f wait=%d\n",error,waiting);
- }
- if (when == 0.0) return;
- x = (maxoff < 0.0 ? -maxoff : maxoff);
- if ((offset < 0.0 ? -offset : offset) > x) maxoff = offset;
- correction = 0.0;
- if (operation == op_client || accepts >= count) {
- if (action == action_display) {
- format_time(text,100,offset,error,drift,drifterr,-10);
- printf("%s\n",text);
- } else {
- x = reset_clock(offset,error,1);
- correction += x;
- offset -= x;
- }
- } else
- waiting = delay;
- handle_saving(save_write,&total,&index,&cycle,record,&previous,&when,
- &correction);
-/* Now correct the clock for a while, before getting another packet and
-updating the statistics. */
- while (when < previous+delay-waiting) {
- do_nothing(waiting);
- if (action == action_display)
- when += waiting;
- else {
- correction += correct_drift(&when,&offset,drift);
- handle_saving(save_write,&total,&index,&cycle,record,
- &previous,&when,&correction);
- }
- }
-continue1: ;
- }
-void run_client (char *hostnames[], int nhosts) {
-/* Get enough responses to do something with; or not, as the case may be. Note
-that it allows for half of the packets to be bad, so may make up to twice as
-many attempts as specified by the -c value. The deadline checking is merely
-paranoia, to protect against broken signal handling - it cannot easily be
-triggered if the signal handling works. */
- double history[COUNT_MAX], guesses[COUNT_MAX], offset, error, deadline,
- a, b, x, y;
- int precs[COUNT_MAX], precision = 0;
- int accepts = 0, rejects = 0, flushes = 0, replicates = 0, cycle = 0, k;
- unsigned char transmit[NTP_PACKET_MIN];
- ntp_data data;
- char text[100];
- if (verbose > 2) {
- format_time(text,50,0.0,-1.0,0.0,-1.0,-10);
- fprintf(stderr,"Started=%.6f %s\n",current_time(JAN_1970),text);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < nhosts; ++k) open_socket(k,hostnames[k],delay);
- if (action != action_display) {
- set_lock(1);
- locked = 1;
- }
- attempts = 0;
- deadline = current_time(JAN_1970)+delay;
-/* Listen to broadcast packets and select the best (i.e. earliest). This will
-be sensitive to a bad NTP broadcaster, but I believe such things are very rare
-in practice. In any case, if you have one, it is probably the only one on your
-subnet, so you are knackered! This allows up to ETHERNET_MAX replications per
-packet, for systems with multiple addresses for receiving broadcasts; the only
-reason for a limit is to protect against broken NTP servers always returning
-the same time. */
- if (operation == op_listen) {
- while (accepts < count) {
- if (current_time(JAN_1970) > deadline)
- fatal(0,"not enough valid broadcasts received in time",NULL);
- flushes += flush_socket(0);
- if (read_packet(0,&data,&x,&y)) {
- if (++rejects > count)
- fatal(0,"too many bad or lost packets",NULL);
- else
- continue;
- } else {
- a = data.transmit;
- for (k = 0; k < accepts; ++k)
- if (a == history[k]) {
- if (++replicates > ETHERNET_MAX*count)
- fatal(0,"too many replicated packets",NULL);
- goto continue1;
- }
- history[accepts] = a;
- precs[accepts] = data.precision;
- guesses[accepts++] = x;
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Offset=%.6f disp=%.6f\n",x,dispersion);
- else if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: offset=%.3f disp=%.3f\n",
- argv0,x,dispersion);
-/* Note that bubblesort IS a good method for this amount of data. */
- for (k = accepts-2; k >= 0; --k)
- if (guesses[k] < guesses[k+1])
- break;
- else {
- x = guesses[k];
- guesses[k] = guesses[k+1];
- guesses[k+1] = x;
- precision = precs[k];
- precs[k] = precs[k+1];
- precs[k+1] = precision;
- }
-continue1: ;
- }
- offset = guesses[0];
- precision = precs[0];
- error = minerr+guesses[count <= 5 ? count-1 : 5]-offset;
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"accepts=%d rejects=%d flushes=%d replicates=%d\n",
- accepts,rejects,flushes,replicates);
-/* Handle the client/server model. It keeps a record of transmitted times,
-mainly out of paranoia. */
- } else {
- offset = 0.0;
- precision = 0;
- error = NTP_INSANITY;
- while (accepts < count && attempts < 2*count) {
- if (current_time(JAN_1970) > deadline)
- fatal(0,"not enough valid responses received in time",NULL);
- make_packet(&data,NTP_CLIENT);
- precs[attempts] = data.precision;
- outgoing[attempts++] = data.transmit;
- if (verbose > 2) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Outgoing packet on socket %d:\n",cycle);
- display_data(&data);
- }
- pack_ntp(transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN,&data);
- if (verbose > 2) display_packet(transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN);
- flushes += flush_socket(cycle);
- write_socket(cycle,transmit,NTP_PACKET_MIN);
- if (read_packet(cycle,&data,&x,&y)) {
- if (++rejects > count)
- fatal(0,"too many bad or lost packets",NULL);
- else
- continue;
- } else
- ++accepts;
- if (++cycle >= nhosts) cycle = 0;
-/* Work out the most accurate time, and check that it isn't more accurate than
-the results warrant. */
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Offset=%.6f+/-%.6f disp=%.6f\n",x,y,dispersion);
- else if (verbose > 1)
- fprintf(stderr,"%s: offset=%.3f+/-%.3f disp=%.3f\n",
- argv0,x,y,dispersion);
- if ((a = x-offset) < 0.0) a = -a;
- if (accepts <= 1) a = 0.0;
- b = error+y;
- if (y < error) {
- offset = x;
- error = y;
- precision = data.precision;
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"best=%.6f+/-%.6f\n",offset,error);
- if (a > b) {
- sprintf(text,"%d",cycle);
- fatal(0,"inconsistent times got from NTP server on socket %s",
- text);
- }
- if (error <= minerr) break;
- }
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"accepts=%d rejects=%d flushes=%d\n",
- accepts,rejects,flushes);
- }
-/* Tidy up the socket, issues diagnostics and perform the action. */
- for (k = 0; k < nhosts; ++k) close_socket(k);
- if (accepts == 0) fatal(0,"no acceptable packets received",NULL);
- if (error > NTP_INSANITY)
- fatal(0,"unable to get a reasonable time estimate",NULL);
- if (verbose > 2)
- fprintf(stderr,"Correction: %.6f +/- %.6f disp=%.6f\n",
- offset,error,dispersion);
- if (action == action_display) {
- format_time(text,75,offset,error,0.0,-1.0,precision);
- printf("%s\n",text);
- } else
- (void)reset_clock(offset,error,0);
- if (locked) set_lock(0);
- if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"Stopped normally\n");
-int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
-/* This is the entry point and all that. It decodes the arguments and calls
-one of the specialised routines to do the work. */
- char *hostnames[MAX_SOCKETS], *savename = NULL;
- int daemon = 0, nhosts = 0, help = 0, args = argc-1, k;
- char c;
- if (argv[0] == NULL || argv[0][0] == '\0')
- argv0 = "sntp";
- else if ((argv0 = strrchr(argv[0],'/')) != NULL)
- ++argv0;
- else
- argv0 = argv[0];
- setvbuf(stdout,NULL,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- setvbuf(stderr,NULL,_IOLBF,BUFSIZ);
- if (INT_MAX < 2147483647) fatal(0,"sntp requires >= 32-bit ints",NULL);
- if (DBL_EPSILON > 1.0e-13)
- fatal(0,"sntp requires doubles with eps <= 1.0e-13",NULL);
- for (k = 0; k < MAX_SOCKETS; ++k) hostnames[k] = NULL;
-/* Decode the arguments. */
- while (argc > 1) {
- k = 1;
- if (strcmp(argv[1],"-4") == 0)
- preferred_family(PREF_FAM_INET);
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-6") == 0)
- preferred_family(PREF_FAM_INET6);
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-u") == 0)
- ++unprivport;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-q") == 0 && action == 0)
- action = action_query;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-r") == 0 && action == 0)
- action = action_reset;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-a") == 0 && action == 0)
- action = action_adjust;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-l") == 0 && lockname == NULL && argc > 2) {
- lockname = argv[2];
- k = 2;
- } else if ((strcmp(argv[1],"-x") == 0) &&
- daemon == 0) {
- if (argc > 2 && sscanf(argv[2],"%d%c",&daemon,&c) == 1) {
- if (daemon < 1 || daemon > 1440)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range",argv[1]);
- k = 2;
- } else
- daemon = 300;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-f") == 0 && savename == NULL && argc > 2) {
- savename = argv[2];
- k = 2;
- } else if ((strcmp(argv[1],"--help") == 0 ||
- strcmp(argv[1],"-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1],"-?") == 0) &&
- help == 0)
- help = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-v") == 0 && verbose == 0)
- verbose = 1;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-V") == 0 && verbose == 0)
- verbose = 2;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-W") == 0 && verbose == 0)
- verbose = 3;
- else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-e") == 0 && minerr == 0.0 && argc > 2) {
- if (sscanf(argv[2],"%lf%c",&minerr,&c) != 1) syntax(1);
- if (minerr <= 0.000999999 || minerr > 1.0)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range","-e");
- k = 2;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-E") == 0 && maxerr == 0.0 && argc > 2) {
- if (sscanf(argv[2],"%lf%c",&maxerr,&c) != 1) syntax(1);
- if (maxerr < 1.0 || maxerr > 60.0)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range","-E");
- k = 2;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-P") == 0 && prompt == 0.0 && argc > 2) {
- if (strcmp(argv[2],"no") == 0)
- prompt = (double)INT_MAX;
- else {
- if (sscanf(argv[2],"%lf%c",&prompt,&c) != 1) syntax(1);
- if (prompt < 1.0 || prompt > 3600.0)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range","-p");
- }
- k = 2;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-d") == 0 && delay == 0 && argc > 2) {
- if (sscanf(argv[2],"%d%c",&delay,&c) != 1) syntax(1);
- if (delay < 1 || delay > 3600)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range","-d");
- k = 2;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[1],"-c") == 0 && count == 0 && argc > 2) {
- if (sscanf(argv[2],"%d%c",&count,&c) != 1) syntax(1);
- if (count < 1 || count > COUNT_MAX)
- fatal(0,"%s option value out of range","-c");
- k = 2;
- } else
- break;
- argc -= k;
- argv += k;
- }
-/* Check the arguments for consistency and set the defaults. */
- if (action == action_query) {
- if (argc != 1 || minerr != 0.0 || maxerr != 0.0 || count != 0 ||
- delay != 0 || daemon != 0 || prompt != 0.0 || lockname != NULL)
- syntax(1);
- } else {
- if (argc < 1 || argc > MAX_SOCKETS || (daemon != 0 && delay != 0))
- syntax(1);
- if ((prompt || lockname != NULL) &&
- action != action_reset && action != action_adjust)
- syntax(1);
- if (count > 0 && count < argc-1)
- fatal(0,"-c value less than number of addresses",NULL);
- if (argc > 1) {
- operation = op_client;
- for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k) {
- if (argv[k][0] == '\0' || argv[k][0] == '-')
- fatal(0,"invalid Internet address '%s'",argv[k]);
- hostnames[k-1] = argv[k];
- }
- nhosts = argc-1;
- } else {
- operation = op_listen;
- nhosts = 0;
- }
- if (action == 0) action = action_display;
- if (minerr <= 0.0) minerr = (operation == op_listen ? 0.5 : 0.1);
- if (maxerr <= 0.0) maxerr = 5.0;
- if (count == 0) count = (argc-1 < 5 ? 5 : argc-1);
- if ((argc == 1 || (daemon != 0 && action != action_query)) && count < 5)
- fatal(0,"at least 5 packets needed in this mode",NULL);
- if ((action == action_reset || action == action_adjust) &&
- lockname == NULL)
- lockname = LOCKNAME;
-/* The '-x' option changes the implications of many other settings, though this
-is not usually apparent to the caller. Most of the time delays are to ensure
-that stuck states terminate, and do not affect the result. */
- if (daemon != 0) {
- if (minerr >= maxerr || maxerr >= daemon)
- fatal(0,"values not in order -e < -E < -x",NULL);
- waiting = delay = daemon *= 60;
- } else {
- if (savename != NULL)
- fatal(0,"-f can be specified only with -x",NULL);
- if (delay == 0)
- delay = (operation == op_listen ? 300 :
- (2*count >= 15 ? 2*count+1 :15));
- if (operation == op_listen) {
- if (minerr >= maxerr || maxerr >= delay/count)
- fatal(0,"values not in order -e < -E < -d/-c",NULL);
- } else {
- if (minerr >= maxerr || maxerr >= delay)
- fatal(0,"values not in order -e < -E < -d",NULL);
- }
- if (2*count >= delay) fatal(0,"-c must be less than half -d",NULL);
- waiting = delay/count;
- }
- if (prompt == 0.0) prompt = 30.0;
- }
- if ((daemon || action == action_query) && savename == NULL)
- savename = SAVENAME;
-/* Diagnose where we are, if requested, and separate out the classes of
-operation. The calls do not return. */
- if (help) syntax(args == 1);
- if (verbose) {
- fprintf(stderr,"%s options: a=%d v=%d e=%.3f E=%.3f P=%.3f\n",
- argv0,action,verbose,minerr,maxerr,prompt);
- fprintf(stderr," d=%d c=%d %c=%d op=%d l=%s f=%s",
- delay,count,'x',daemon,operation,
- (lockname == NULL ? "" : lockname),
- (savename == NULL ? "" : savename));
- for (k = 0; k < MAX_SOCKETS; ++k)
- if (hostnames[k] != NULL) fprintf(stderr," %s",hostnames[k]);
- fprintf(stderr,"\n");
- }
- if (nhosts == 0) nhosts = 1; /* Kludge for broadcasts */
- if (action == action_query) {
- if (savename == NULL || savename[0] == '\0')
- fatal(0,"no daemon save file specified",NULL);
- else if ((savefile = fopen(savename,"rb")) == NULL)
- fatal(0,"unable to open the daemon save file",NULL);
- query_savefile();
- } else if (daemon != 0) {
- if (savename != NULL && savename[0] != '\0' &&
- (savefile = fopen(savename,"rb+")) == NULL &&
- (savefile = fopen(savename,"wb+")) == NULL)
- fatal(0,"unable to open the daemon save file",NULL);
- run_daemon(hostnames,nhosts,1);
- while (1) run_daemon(hostnames,nhosts,0);
- } else
- run_client(hostnames,nhosts);
- fatal(0,"internal error at end of main",NULL);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
+/* set_time corrects the local clock by offset with either settimeofday() or by default
+ * with adjtime()/adjusttimeofday().
+ */
+ double offset
+ )
+ struct timeval tp;
+ tp.tv_sec += (long)offset;
+ tp.tv_usec += 1e6 * (offset - (long)offset);
+ if (SETTIMEOFDAY(&tp, NULL) < 0) {
+ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Time not set: settimeofday(): %m");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ tp.tv_sec = (long)offset;
+ tp.tv_usec = 1e6 * (offset - (long)offset);
+ if (ADJTIMEOFDAY(&tp, NULL) < 0) {
+ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Time not set: adjtime(): %m");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;