path: root/test/tclock.c
diff options
authorEd Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org>2011-04-30 10:55:14 +0000
committerEd Schouten <ed@FreeBSD.org>2011-04-30 10:55:14 +0000
commit0294a182a1629b1d854b84906e73487d6cb75fba (patch)
treee563e21bcc0164ba11452983316bda26eebb1d3c /test/tclock.c
parent22b11c4db16996bf8d4878fab98762c348676df3 (diff)
Import a stock copy of ncurses 5.8 into the vendor space.vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226
It seems both local changes we made to 5.7 have already been fixed upstream properly, so there is no need to preserve the changes. Also, with SVN we import full source trees. Unlike CVS, where we removed unneeded cruft.
Notes: svn path=/vendor/ncurses/dist/; revision=221243 svn path=/vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226/; revision=221244; tag=vendor/ncurses/5.8-20110226
Diffstat (limited to 'test/tclock.c')
1 files changed, 258 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/tclock.c b/test/tclock.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fdcb446b58a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/tclock.c
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+/* $Id: tclock.c,v 1.29 2010/11/14 01:04:52 tom Exp $ */
+#include <test.priv.h>
+#include <math.h>
+# include <sys/time.h>
+# include <time.h>
+# include <sys/time.h>
+# else
+# include <time.h>
+# endif
+ tclock - analog/digital clock for curses.
+ If it gives you joy, then
+ (a) I'm glad
+ (b) you need to get out more :-)
+ This program is copyright Howard Jones, September 1994
+ (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk). It may be freely distributed as
+ long as this copyright message remains intact, and any
+ modifications are clearly marked as such. [In fact, if
+ you modify it, I wouldn't mind the modifications back,
+ especially if they add any nice features. A good one
+ would be a precalc table for the 60 hand positions, so
+ that the floating point stuff can be ditched. As I said,
+ it was a 20 hackup minute job.]
+ COMING SOON: tfishtank. Be the envy of your mac-owning
+ colleagues.
+/* To compile: cc -o tclock tclock.c -lcurses -lm */
+#ifndef PI
+#define PI 3.141592654
+#define sign(_x) (_x<0?-1:1)
+#define ASPECT 2.2
+#define ROUND(value) ((int)((value) + 0.5))
+#define A2X(angle,radius) ROUND(ASPECT * radius * sin(angle))
+#define A2Y(angle,radius) ROUND(radius * cos(angle))
+/* Plot a point */
+static void
+plot(int x, int y, char col)
+ MvAddCh(y, x, (chtype) col);
+/* Draw a diagonal(arbitrary) line using Bresenham's alogrithm. */
+static void
+dline(int pair, int from_x, int from_y, int x2, int y2, char ch)
+ int dx, dy;
+ int ax, ay;
+ int sx, sy;
+ int x, y;
+ int d;
+ if (has_colors())
+ (void) attrset((attr_t) COLOR_PAIR(pair));
+ dx = x2 - from_x;
+ dy = y2 - from_y;
+ ax = abs(dx * 2);
+ ay = abs(dy * 2);
+ sx = sign(dx);
+ sy = sign(dy);
+ x = from_x;
+ y = from_y;
+ if (ax > ay) {
+ d = ay - (ax / 2);
+ while (1) {
+ plot(x, y, ch);
+ if (x == x2)
+ return;
+ if (d >= 0) {
+ y += sy;
+ d -= ax;
+ }
+ x += sx;
+ d += ay;
+ }
+ } else {
+ d = ax - (ay / 2);
+ while (1) {
+ plot(x, y, ch);
+ if (y == y2)
+ return;
+ if (d >= 0) {
+ x += sx;
+ d -= ay;
+ }
+ y += sy;
+ d += ax;
+ }
+ }
+main(int argc GCC_UNUSED, char *argv[]GCC_UNUSED)
+ int i, cx, cy;
+ double cr, mradius, hradius, mangle, hangle;
+ double sangle, sradius, hours;
+ int hdx, hdy;
+ int mdx, mdy;
+ int sdx, sdy;
+ int ch;
+ int lastbeep = -1;
+ bool odd = FALSE;
+ time_t tim;
+ struct tm *t;
+ char szChar[10];
+ char *text;
+ short my_bg = COLOR_BLACK;
+ struct timeval current;
+ double fraction = 0.0;
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ initscr();
+ noecho();
+ cbreak();
+ nodelay(stdscr, TRUE);
+ curs_set(0);
+ if (has_colors()) {
+ start_color();
+ if (use_default_colors() == OK)
+ my_bg = -1;
+ init_pair(1, COLOR_RED, my_bg);
+ init_pair(2, COLOR_MAGENTA, my_bg);
+ init_pair(3, COLOR_GREEN, my_bg);
+ init_pair(4, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE);
+ }
+#ifdef KEY_RESIZE
+ keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
+ restart:
+ cx = (COLS - 1) / 2; /* 39 */
+ cy = LINES / 2; /* 12 */
+ if (cx / ASPECT < cy)
+ cr = cx / ASPECT;
+ else
+ cr = cy;
+ sradius = (5 * cr) / 6; /* 10 */
+ mradius = (3 * cr) / 4; /* 9 */
+ hradius = cr / 2; /* 6 */
+ for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
+ sangle = (i + 1) * (2.0 * PI) / 12.0;
+ sdx = A2X(sangle, sradius);
+ sdy = A2Y(sangle, sradius);
+ sprintf(szChar, "%d", i + 1);
+ MvAddStr(cy - sdy, cx + sdx, szChar);
+ }
+ MvAddStr(0, 0, "ASCII Clock by Howard Jones (ha.jones@ic.ac.uk),1994");
+ sradius = (4 * sradius) / 5;
+ for (;;) {
+ napms(100);
+ tim = time(0);
+ t = localtime(&tim);
+ hours = (t->tm_hour + (t->tm_min / 60.0));
+ if (hours > 12.0)
+ hours -= 12.0;
+ mangle = ((t->tm_min + (t->tm_sec / 60.0)) * (2 * PI) / 60.0);
+ mdx = A2X(mangle, mradius);
+ mdy = A2Y(mangle, mradius);
+ hangle = ((hours) * (2.0 * PI) / 12.0);
+ hdx = A2X(hangle, hradius);
+ hdy = A2Y(hangle, hradius);
+ gettimeofday(&current, 0);
+ fraction = ((double) current.tv_usec / 1.0e6);
+ sangle = ((t->tm_sec + fraction) * (2.0 * PI) / 60.0);
+ sdx = A2X(sangle, sradius);
+ sdy = A2Y(sangle, sradius);
+ dline(3, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, '#');
+ (void) attrset(A_REVERSE);
+ dline(2, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, '.');
+ attroff(A_REVERSE);
+ if (has_colors())
+ (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(1));
+ dline(1, cx, cy, cx + sdx, cy - sdy, 'O');
+ if (has_colors())
+ (void) attrset(COLOR_PAIR(0));
+ text = ctime(&tim);
+ MvPrintw(2, 0, "%.*s", (int) (strlen(text) - 1), text);
+ refresh();
+ if ((t->tm_sec % 5) == 0
+ && t->tm_sec != lastbeep) {
+ lastbeep = t->tm_sec;
+ if (has_colors()) {
+ odd = !odd;
+ bkgd((chtype) (odd ? COLOR_PAIR(4) : COLOR_PAIR(0)));
+ }
+ beep();
+ }
+ if ((ch = getch()) != ERR) {
+#ifdef KEY_RESIZE
+ if (ch == KEY_RESIZE) {
+ flash();
+ erase();
+ wrefresh(curscr);
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ dline(0, cx, cy, cx + hdx, cy - hdy, ' ');
+ dline(0, cx, cy, cx + mdx, cy - mdy, ' ');
+ dline(0, cx, cy, cx + sdx, cy - sdy, ' ');
+ }
+ curs_set(1);
+ endwin();
+ ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS);