path: root/bsdconfig/share/media/wlan.subr
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bsdconfig/share/media/wlan.subr')
1 files changed, 1392 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bsdconfig/share/media/wlan.subr b/bsdconfig/share/media/wlan.subr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f25cddff94cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bsdconfig/share/media/wlan.subr
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+if [ ! "$_MEDIA_WLAN_SUBR" ]; then _MEDIA_WLAN_SUBR=1
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Devin Teske
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+# are met:
+# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# $FreeBSD$
+############################################################ INCLUDES
+. $BSDCFG_SHARE/common.subr || exit 1
+f_dprintf "%s: loading includes..." media/wlan.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/device.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/dialog.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/strings.subr
+f_include $BSDCFG_SHARE/sysrc.subr
+f_include_lang $BSDCFG_LIBE/include/messages.subr
+############################################################ GLOBALS
+# Settings used while interacting with various dialog(1) menus
+# Structure to contain the wpa_supplicant.conf(5) default overrides
+f_struct_define WPA_DEFAULTS \
+ ap_scan \
+ ctrl_interface \
+ ctrl_interface_group \
+ eapol_version \
+ fast_reauth
+# Structure of wpa_supplicant.conf(5) network={ ... } entry
+f_struct_define WPA_NETWORK \
+ anonymous_identity \
+ auth_alg \
+ bssid \
+ ca_cert \
+ ca_cert2 \
+ client_cert \
+ client_cert2 \
+ dh_file \
+ dh_file2 \
+ eap \
+ eap_workaround \
+ eapol_flags \
+ eappsk \
+ engine \
+ engine_id \
+ frequency \
+ group \
+ identity \
+ key_id \
+ key_mgmt \
+ mixed_cell \
+ mode \
+ nai \
+ pac_file \
+ pairwise \
+ password \
+ pcsc \
+ phase1 \
+ phase2 \
+ pin \
+ priority \
+ private_key \
+ private_key2 \
+ private_key2_passwd \
+ private_key_passwd \
+ proto \
+ psk \
+ scan_ssid \
+ server_nai \
+ ssid \
+ subject_match \
+ subject_match2 \
+ wep_key0 \
+ wep_key1 \
+ wep_key2 \
+ wep_key3 \
+ wpa_ptk_rekey \
+ wep_tx_keyidx
+# The following properties are ``Lists'' and as such should not be quoted.
+# Everything else should be quoted.
+ auth_algo
+ eap
+ group
+ key_mgmt
+ pairwise
+ proto
+# Structure of wpa_cli(8) `scan_results' entry
+f_struct_define WPA_SCAN_RESULT \
+ bssid \
+ flags \
+ freq \
+ siglev \
+ ssid
+# Structure of a menu item in the wireless editor
+f_struct_define WLAN_MENU_ITEM \
+ letter \
+ ssid \
+ nconfigs \
+ nfound \
+ help
+############################################################ FUNCTIONS
+# f_wpa_supplicant_init $file
+# Initialize $file with basic contents of new wpa_supplicant.conf(5).
+ local funcname=f_wpa_supplicant_init
+ local conf_file="$1" tmpfile
+ # Create a temporary file
+ f_eval_catch -k tmpfile $funcname mktemp 'mktemp -t "%s"' "$pgm" ||
+ return $FAILURE
+ # Make it unreadable by anyone but ourselves
+ f_eval_catch $funcname chmod \
+ 'chmod 0600 "%s"' "$tmpfile" || return $FAILURE
+ # Make it owned by root/wheel
+ f_eval_catch $funcname chown \
+ 'chown 0:0 "%s"' "$tmpfile" || return $FAILURE
+ # Populate it
+ cat <<-EOF >> "$tmpfile"
+ ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
+ eapol_version=2
+ ap_scan=1
+ fast_reauth=1
+ echo >> "$tmpfile"
+ # Move it into place
+ f_eval_catch $funcname mv 'mv "%s" "%s"' "$tmpfile" "$conf_file"
+# f_wpa_supplicant_parse $file [struct_prefix [count_var]]
+# Parse wpa_supplicant.conf(5) $file. Default overrides are stored in a struct
+# (see struct.subr for additional details) named `{struct_prefix}defaults'. See
+# WPA_DEFAULTS struct definition in the GLOBALS section above.
+# In addition, for each one of the wireless networks we parse from $file,
+# create a struct named `struct_prefixN' where `N' is a number starting from 1
+# and ending in $count_var (zero means no networks). See WPA_NETWORK struct
+# definition in the GLOBALS section above.
+# If a `blob-base64-*={ ... }' entry appears, a struct named
+# `{struct_prefix}blob_base64_*' is created and the `data' property holds the
+# base64 encoded binary data without whitespace.
+# Custom `*={ ... }' definitions are also supported, but should be unique
+# (unlike the `network' definition). A struct named `{struct_prefix}*' is
+# created if at least one property is defined in the block.
+ local file="$1" struct_prefix="$2" count_var="$3"
+ [ "$count_var" ] && setvar "$count_var" 0
+ [ "$file" ] || file=$( f_sysrc_get wpa_supplicant_conf_file )
+ if [ ! -e "$file" ]; then
+ f_dprintf "%s: No such file or directory" "$file"
+ return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ local list_properties
+ f_replaceall "$WPA_NETWORK_LIST_PROPERTIES" "$NL" "" list_properties
+ eval "$( awk \
+ -v count_var="$count_var" \
+ -v struct_prefix="$struct_prefix" \
+ -v list_properties="$list_properties" '
+ if (!count_var && !struct_prefix) exit
+ blob = count = custom_struct = network = 0
+ split(list_properties, lists, FS)
+ }
+ function set_value(struct, prop, value)
+ {
+ quoted = substr(value, 0, 1) == "\""
+ for (l in lists) if (list = prop == lists[l]) break
+ # Remove data after whitespace if unquoted and not a list
+ if (!quoted && !list) sub("[[:space:]].*", "", value)
+ # Otherwise if quoted and not a list, remove the quotes
+ # NB: wep_keyN needs to retain quoting if/when present
+ else if (quoted && !list && prop !~ /^wep_key[[:digit:]]+/) {
+ sub("^\"", "", value)
+ sub("\".*", "", value)
+ }
+ gsub(/'\''/, "'\''\\'\'\''", value) # Sanitize the value
+ if (!created[struct]) {
+ print "debug= f_struct_free", struct
+ print "debug= f_struct_new WPA_NETWORK", struct
+ created[struct] = 1
+ }
+ printf "debug= %s set %s '\'%s\''\n", struct, prop, value
+ }
+ {
+ if ($1 ~ /^network={/) {
+ empty = 1 # We do not increment count unless !empty
+ network = 1
+ next
+ } else if (match($1, "^blob-base64-[[:alnum:]_./-]+={")) {
+ blob = 1
+ blob_data = ""
+ struct = struct_prefix "blob_bas64_"
+ struct = struct substr($1, 13, RLENGTH - 14)
+ next
+ } else if (match($1, "^[[:alnum:]_./-]+={")) {
+ empty = 1
+ custom_struct = 1
+ struct = struct_prefix substr($1, 0, RLENGTH - 2)
+ gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_]/, "_", struct)
+ next
+ } else if ($1 ~ /^}/) {
+ if (blob) {
+ gsub("[[:space:]]", "", blob_data)
+ set_value(struct, "data", blob_data)
+ }
+ blob = custom_struct = network = 0
+ next
+ } else if (!match($0, /^[[:space:]]*[[:alnum:]_]+=/))
+ next
+ if (blob) {
+ blob_data = blob_data $0
+ next
+ } else if (network) {
+ if (empty) { count++; empty = 0 }
+ struct = struct_prefix count
+ } else if (!custom_struct)
+ struct = struct_prefix "defaults"
+ if (!struct_prefix) next
+ prop = substr($0, 0, RLENGTH - 1)
+ sub(/^[[:space:]]*/, "", prop)
+ value = substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
+ set_value(struct, prop, value)
+ }
+ END { if (count_var) print count_var "=" count }' "$file" )"
+# f_wpa_scan_results_parse [struct_prefix [count_var]]
+# Parse the results of wpa_cli(8) `scan_results' into a series of structs (see
+# struct.subr for additional details) named `struct_prefixN' where `N' is a
+# number starting from 1 and ending in $count_var (zero means no results). See
+# WPA_SCAN_RESULT struct definition in the GLOBALS section above.
+ local struct_prefix="$1" count_var="$2"
+ [ "$count_var" ] && setvar "$count_var" 0
+ eval "$( wpa_cli scan_results 2> /dev/null | awk \
+ -v count_var="$count_var" \
+ -v struct_prefix="$struct_prefix" '
+ if (!count_var && !struct_prefix) exit
+ count = 0
+ seg = "[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]"
+ bssid = seg":"seg":"seg":"seg":"seg":"seg
+ freq = siglev = flags = "[^[:space:]]+"
+ S = "[[:space:]]+"
+ line = bssid S freq S siglev S flags
+ line = "^[[:space:]]*" line "[[:space:]]*"
+ }
+ function set_value(struct, prop, value)
+ {
+ gsub(/'\''/, "'\''\\'\'\''", value) # Sanitize the value
+ if (!created[struct]) {
+ print "debug= f_struct_free", struct
+ print "debug= f_struct_new WPA_SCAN_RESULT", struct
+ created[struct] = 1
+ }
+ printf "debug= %s set %s '\'%s\''\n", struct, prop, value
+ }
+ {
+ if (!match($0, line)) next
+ ssid = substr($0, RLENGTH + 1)
+ count++
+ if (!struct_prefix) next
+ struct = struct_prefix count
+ set_value(struct, "ssid", ssid)
+ set_value(struct, "bssid", $1)
+ set_value(struct, "freq", $2)
+ set_value(struct, "siglev", $3)
+ set_value(struct, "flags", $4)
+ }
+ END { if (count_var) print count_var "=" count }' )"
+# f_wpa_scan_match_network WPA_SCAN_RESULT WPA_NETWORK
+# Compares a WPA_SCAN_RESULT struct to a WPA_NETWORK struct. If they appear to
+# be a match returns success, otherwise failure.
+ local scan_struct="$1" wireless_struct="$2"
+ local cp debug=
+ f_struct "$scan_struct" || return $FAILURE
+ f_struct "$wireless_struct" || return $FAILURE
+ local scan_ssid scan_bssid
+ $scan_struct get ssid scan_ssid
+ $scan_struct get bssid scan_bssid
+ local wireless_ssid wireless_bssid
+ $wireless_struct get ssid wireless_ssid
+ $wireless_struct get bssid wireless_bssid
+ local id_matched=
+ if [ "$wireless_ssid" -a "$wireless_bssid" ]; then
+ # Must match both SSID and BSSID
+ [ "$scan_ssid" = "$wireless_ssid" -a \
+ "$scan_bssid" = "$wireless_bssid" ] && id_matched=1
+ elif [ "$wireless_ssid" ]; then
+ # Must match SSID only
+ [ "$scan_ssid" = "$wireless_ssid" ] && id_matched=1
+ elif [ "$wireless_bssid" ]; then
+ # Must match BSSID only
+ [ "$scan_bssid" = "$wireless_bssid" ] && id_matched=1
+ fi
+ [ "$id_matched" ] || return $FAILURE
+ #
+ # Get the scanned flags for the next few comparisons
+ #
+ local flags
+ $scan_struct get flags flags
+ #
+ # Compare configured key management against scanned network
+ #
+ if $wireless_struct get key_mgmt cp && [ "$cp" -a "$cp" != "NONE" ]
+ then
+ local mgmt mgmt_matched=
+ for mgmt in $cp; do
+ local mgmt2="$mgmt"
+ [ "$mgmt" != "${mgmt#WPA-}" ] &&
+ mgmt2="WPA2${mgmt#WPA}"
+ case "$flags" in
+ "$mgmt"|"$mgmt"-*|*-"$mgmt"|*-"$mgmt"-*)
+ mgmt_matched=1 break ;;
+ "$mgmt2"|"$mgmt2"-*|*-"$mgmt2"|*-"$mgmt2"-*)
+ mgmt_matched=1 break ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ "$mgmt_matched" ] || return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ local enc type flag
+ #
+ # Compare configured encryption against scanned network
+ #
+ for enc in psk:PSK eap:EAP \
+ wep_key0:WEP wep_key1:WEP wep_key2:WEP wep_key3:WEP
+ do
+ type=${enc%%:*}
+ flag=${enc#*:}
+ { debug= $wireless_struct get $type cp && [ "$cp" ]; } ||
+ continue
+ # Configured network requires encryption
+ case "$flags" in "[$flag]"|*"-$flag-"*)
+ break # Success; stop after first match
+ esac
+ return $FAILURE
+ done
+ cp="" # sensitive info
+ #
+ # Compare scanned network encryption against configuration
+ # NB: Scanned network flags indicates _one_ of PSK EAP or WEP
+ # NB: Otherwise, no encryption (so encryption won't match)
+ #
+ local enc_wanted=
+ for enc in -PSK-:psk -EAP-:eap; do
+ flag=${enc%%:*}
+ type=${enc#*:}
+ case "$flags" in *"$flag"*)
+ enc_wanted=1
+ { debug= $wireless_struct get $type cp &&
+ [ "$cp" ]; } || return $FAILURE
+ break # success
+ esac
+ done
+ case "$flags" in *"[WEP]"*)
+ enc_wanted=1
+ local wep_found=
+ for type in wep_key0 wep_key1 wep_key2 wep_key3; do
+ debug= $wireless_struct get $type cp && [ "$cp" ] &&
+ wep_found=1 break
+ done
+ [ "$wep_found" ] || return $FAILURE
+ esac
+ if [ ! "$enc_wanted" ]; then
+ # No match if the network specifies encryption
+ for type in psk eap wep_key0 wep_key1 wep_key2 wep_key3; do
+ debug= $wireless_struct get $type cp && [ "$cp" ] &&
+ return $FAILURE
+ done
+ fi
+ cp="" # sensitive info
+ return $SUCCESS
+# f_wpa_scan_find_matches scans_prefix $scans_count \
+# wireless_prefix $wireless_count
+# For each struct from `{scans_prefix}1' up to `{scans_prefix}$scans_count'
+# (see struct.subr for additional details) compare the wireless network info
+# (defined as struct WPA_SCAN_RESULT) to that of each configured wireless
+# stored in `{wireless_prefix}1' (defined as struct WPA_NETWORK) up to
+# `{wireless_prefix}$wireless_count'.
+# If a scanned network is deemed to be a match to a configured wireless
+# network, a new `match' property is set on the WPA_NETWORK struct with a value
+# of `{scans_prefix}N' (where N represents the scanned network that matched).
+# At the same time, a new `matched' property is set on the WPA_SCAN_RESULT
+# struct with a value of 1, indicating that this network has been matched to a
+# stored [known] configuration and that it should not be displayed in menus.
+# NB: If a matching entry is not correct, the user can optionally `Forget' the
+# network and that will cause the WPA_SCAN_RESULT to no longer match anything,
+# causing it to appear in the menus again.
+# Return status should be ignored.
+ local scans_prefix="$1" scans_count="$2"
+ local wireless_prefix="$3" wireless_count="$4"
+ local matches
+ [ "$scans_count" -a "$wireless_count" ] || return $SUCCESS
+ f_isinteger "$scans_count" || return $FAILURE
+ f_isinteger "$wireless_count" || return $FAILURE
+ #
+ # Go through and eradicate any flags we set in a prior run, as things
+ # might have changed on us (either from the config side or scan side)
+ #
+ local w=1
+ while [ $w -le $wireless_count ]; do
+ f_struct "$wireless_prefix$w" set matches ""
+ w=$(( $w + 1 ))
+ done
+ #
+ # Find matches and set match data on structs
+ #
+ local s=1
+ while [ $s -le $scans_count ]; do
+ f_struct "$scans_prefix$s" set matched ""
+ w=1
+ while [ $w -le $wireless_count ]; do
+ if f_wpa_scan_match_network \
+ "$scans_prefix$s" "$wireless_prefix$w"
+ then
+ f_struct "$scans_prefix$s" set matched 1
+ debug= f_struct "$wireless_prefix$w" \
+ get matches matches
+ matches="$matches${matches:+ }$scans_prefix$s"
+ f_struct "$wireless_prefix$w" \
+ set matches "$matches"
+ break # to next scan result
+ fi
+ w=$(( $w + 1 ))
+ done
+ s=$(( $s + 1 ))
+ done
+# f_dialog_menu_wlandev_edit $wlandev [$defaultitem]
+# Display a list of wireless network devices (wlan*) associated with
+# $wlandev (e.g., `iwn0'). Allow the user to create and destroy wlan interfaces
+# while selecting ones to be cloned at startup (by setting `wlans_$wlandev').
+ local funcname=f_dialog_menu_wlandev_edit
+ local wlandev="$1" defaultitem="$2"
+ local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+ local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+ local prompt # Calculated below
+ local hline="$hline_arrows_tab_enter"
+ [ "$wlandev" ] || return $FAILURE
+ f_sprintf prompt "$msg_select_wlan_interfaces_for" "wlandev"
+ #
+ # Initially mark wlan devices with a %parent of $wlandev
+ #
+ local dev devs if list_to_save=
+ f_device_find "" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK devs
+ for dev in $devs; do
+ f_struct "$dev" get name if || continue
+ case "$if" in wlan[0-9]*)
+ parent=$( sysctl -n net.wlan.${if#wlan}.%parent \
+ 2> /dev/null )
+ if [ "$parent" = "$if" ]; then
+ local _wlanmark_$if="X"
+ list_to_save="$list_to_save $if"
+ fi
+ esac
+ done
+ list_to_save="${list_to_save# }"
+ #
+ # Operate in a loop so we can create/destroy interfaces from here
+ #
+ while :; do
+ #
+ # Refresh list of wlan interfaces
+ #
+ local wlanlist=
+ f_device_rescan_network
+ f_device_find "" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK devs
+ for dev in $devs; do
+ f_struct "$dev" get name if || continue
+ case "$if" in wlan[0-9]*)
+ wlanlist="$wlanlist $if"
+ esac
+ done
+ #
+ # Build menu list of wlan devices
+ #
+ local menu_list="
+ '> $msg_save_exit' '$msg_return_to_previous_menu'
+ '> $msg_create_new' 'wlan'
+ '> $msg_destroy' '...'
+ local parent X
+ for if in $wlanlist; do
+ f_getvar _wlanmark_$if-" " X
+ menu_list="$menu_list '[$X] $if' '%parent: $parent'"
+ [ "$defaultitem" = "$if" ] && defaultitem="[$X] $if"
+ done
+ #
+ # Ask user to make a choice
+ #
+ local height width rows
+ eval f_dialog_menu_size height width rows \
+ \"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" \
+ $menu_list
+ local menu_choice
+ menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+ --title \"\$title\" \
+ --backtitle \"\$btitle\" \
+ --hline \"\$hline\" \
+ --ok-label \"\$msg_select\" \
+ --cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\" \
+ --default-item \"\$defaultitem\" \
+ --menu \"\$prompt\" \
+ $height $width $rows \
+ $menu_list \
+ ) || return $FAILURE
+ f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+ case "$menu_choice" in
+ "> $msg_save_exit") # Save list to rc.conf(5) `wlans_$wlandev'
+ f_eval_catch $funcname f_sysrc_set \
+ 'f_sysrc_set "wlans_%s" "%s"' \
+ "$wlandev" "$list_to_save" || continue
+ break # to success
+ ;;
+ "> $msg_create_new") # Create new wlan interface for wlandev
+ local wlan
+ f_eval_catch -k wlan $funcname ifconfig \
+ 'ifconfig wlan create wlandev "%s"' \
+ "$wlandev" || continue
+ local _wlanmark_$wlan="X"
+ list_to_save="$list_to_save${list_to_save:+ }$wlan"
+ ;;
+ "> $msg_destroy") # Display a menu to pick one item to destroy
+ [ "$wlanlist" ] || continue # Nothing to destroy
+ menu_list=
+ for if in $wlanlist; do
+ menu_list="$menu_list '$if' ''"
+ done
+ local msg="$msg_pick_an_interface_to_destroy"
+ eval f_dialog_menu_size height width rows \
+ \"\$title\" \"$btitle\" \"\$msg\" \"\" $menu_list
+ menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+ --title \"\$title\" \
+ --backtitle \"\$btitle\" \
+ --ok-label \"\$msg_destroy\" \
+ --cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\" \
+ --menu \"\$msg\" \
+ $height $width $rows \
+ $menu_list \
+ ) || continue
+ f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+ f_eval_catch $funcname ifconfig \
+ 'ifconfig "%s" destroy' "$menu_choice"
+ ;;
+ "[ ] wlan"[0-9]*) # Unmarked; Mark
+ if="${menu_choice#??? }"
+ local _wlanmark_$if="X"
+ list_to_save="$list_to_save${list_to_save:+ }$if"
+ ;;
+ "[X] wlan"[0-9]*) # Marked; Unmark
+ menu_choice="${menu_choice#??? }"
+ local _wlanmark_$menu_choice=" "
+ local new_list_to_save=
+ for if in $list_to_save; do
+ [ "$if" = "$menu_choice" ] && continue
+ new_list_to_save="$new_list_to_save $if"
+ done
+ list_to_save="${new_list_to_save# }"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ return $SUCCESS
+# f_dialog_scan_wireless
+# Initiate a scan for wireless networks. If wpa_supplicant(8) is not running
+# but a wlan interface has been created, start an instance of wpa_supplicant(8)
+# with the first wlan(4) interface we find. After initiating the scan, displays
+# a message for 5 seconds (with option to dismiss). Returns failure if an error
+# occurs, otherwise success.
+ local funcname=f_dialog_scan_wireless
+ #
+ # Try to communicate with a running wpa_supplicant(8)
+ #
+ if ! f_eval_catch -d $funcname wpa_cli 'wpa_cli ping'; then
+ # If there is indeed one running, bail!
+ if ps axo ucomm= | grep -qw wpa_supplicant; then
+ f_show_msg "$msg_failed_to_reach_wpa_supplicant" \
+ "$msg_wpa_cli_ping_failed"
+ return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ # Try and find a wlan device so we can start wpa_supplicant
+ local dev devs if wlan=
+ f_device_rescan_network
+ f_device_find "" $DEVICE_TYPE_NETWORK devs
+ for dev in $devs; do
+ f_struct "$dev" get name if || continue
+ case "$if" in wlan[0-9]*)
+ wlan=$if
+ break
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ ! "$wlan" ]; then
+ # We can't start wpa_supplicant without wlan interface
+ # Tell the user they have to create one by navigating
+ # to a Wireless device to create a wlan interface. But
+ # let's go one step further and find an interface that
+ # we can provide in the prompt text.
+ local wlandev=
+ for if in $devs; do
+ case "$if" in wlan[0-9]*) next; esac
+ if f_device_is_wireless $if; then
+ wlandev=$if
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$wlandev" ]; then
+ f_show_msg "$msg_cant_start_wpa_supplicant" \
+ "$wlandev"
+ else
+ # Warn user, appears no wireless available
+ f_show_msg "$msg_warning_no_wireless_devices"
+ fi
+ return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ # NB: Before we can proceed to fire up wpa_supplicant(8), let's
+ # make sure there is a bare-bones wpa_supplicant.conf(5) for it
+ local conf_file
+ conf_file=$( f_sysrc_get wpa_supplicant_conf_file )
+ if [ ! -e "$conf_file" ]; then
+ f_wpa_supplicant_init "$conf_file" || return $FAILURE
+ f_eval_catch -d $funcname wpa_cli 'wpa_cli reconfigure'
+ fi
+ # Try and start wpa_supplicant(8)
+ f_eval_catch $funcname wpa_supplicant \
+ '/etc/rc.d/wpa_supplicant start "%s"' "$wlan" ||
+ return $FAILURE
+ # Try to reach this new wpa_supplicant(8)
+ if ! f_eval_catch -d $funcname wpa_cli 'wpa_cli ping'; then
+ f_show_msg "$msg_failed_to_reach_wpa_supplicant" \
+ "$msg_wpa_cli_ping_failed"
+ return $FAILURE
+ fi
+ fi # ! f_quietly wpa_cli ping
+ # If we reach hear, then it should be OK to scan the airwaves
+ f_eval_catch -d $funcname wpa_cli 'wpa_cli scan' || return $FAILURE
+ # Return immediately if a duration is: null or not a number >= 1
+ f_isinteger "$duration" || return $SUCCESS
+ [ $duration -gt 0 ] || return $SUCCESS
+ # Display a message that times-out if not dismissed manually
+ local prompt
+ f_sprintf prompt "$msg_scanning_wireless_pausing" "$duration"
+ f_dialog_pause "$prompt" "$duration"
+# f_dialog_wireless_edit $ssid
+# Display a menu to allow the user to either create a new entry for the
+# wpa_supplicants.conf(5) file, or to edit values for an existing entry.
+# If more than one wireless network is found to match $ssid, a sub-menu is
+# presented, allowing the user to select the desired network.
+ local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+ local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+ local prompt1="$msg_select_the_configuration_you_would_like"
+ local prompt2 # Calculated below
+ local hline="$hline_alnum_arrows_punc_tab_enter"
+ local ssid="$1" bssid="$2"
+ f_sprintf prompt2 "$msg_wireless_network_configuration_for" "$ssid"
+ #
+ # Find one or more configurations that match the SSID selection
+ #
+ local height1 width1 rows1 menu_list1=
+ local n=0 nmatches=0 tag wssid wbssid help matches=
+ while [ $n -lt $NWIRELESS_CONFIGS ]; do
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ debug= f_struct WIRELESS_$n get ssid wssid
+ [ "$ssid" = "$wssid" ] || continue
+ debug= f_struct WIRELESS_$n get bssid wbssid
+ [ "${bssid:-$wbssid}" = "$wbssid" ] || continue
+ nmatches=$(( $nmatches + 1 ))
+ [ $nmatches -le ${#DIALOG_MENU_TAGS} ] || break
+ f_substr -v tag "$DIALOG_MENU_TAGS" $nmatches 1
+ f_wireless_describe WIRELESS_$n help
+ menu_list1="$menu_list1
+ '$tag $wssid' '$wbssid' '$help'
+ matches="$matches WIRELESS_$n"
+ done
+ if [ $nmatches -eq 0 ]; then
+ f_show_msg "$msg_cannot_edit_wireless_ssid" "$ssid"
+ return $FAILURE
+ elif [ $nmatches -eq 1 ]; then
+ struct=${matches# }
+ else
+ eval f_dialog_menu_with_help_size height1 width1 rows1 \
+ \"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt1\" \"\$hline\" \
+ $menu_list1
+ fi
+ #
+ # Operate in a loop; for the case of $nmatches > 1, we can cycle back
+ # to allow the user to make another choice after inspecting each one.
+ #
+ local menu_choice index struct defaultitem1=
+ while :; do
+ if [ $nmatches -gt 1 ]; then
+ menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+ --title \"\$title\" \
+ --backtitle \"\$btitle\" \
+ --hline \"\$hline\" \
+ --ok-label \"\$msg_select\" \
+ --cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\" \
+ --item-help \
+ --default-item \"\$defaultitem1\" \
+ --menu \"\$prompt1\" \
+ $height1 $width1 $rows1 \
+ $menu_list1 \
+ ) || return $FAILURE
+ f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+ defaultitem1="$menu_choice"
+ index=$( eval f_dialog_menutag2index_with_help \
+ \"\$menu_choice\" $menu_list1 )
+ struct=$( set -- $matches; eval echo \${$index} )
+ fi
+ #
+ # Operate within another loop to allow editing multiple values
+ #
+ local menu_list2 height2 width2 rows2 member
+ while :; do
+ menu_list2="
+ '> $msg_save_exit'
+ '$msg_return_to_previous_menu'
+ n=0
+ for member in $_struct_typedef_WPA_NETWORK; do
+ [ "$member" = "ssid" ] && continue
+ debug= $struct get $member value || continue
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ [ $n -le ${#DIALOG_MENU_TAGS} ] || break
+ f_substr -v tag "$DIALOG_MENU_TAGS" $n 1
+ if [ ${#value} -gt 32 ]; then
+ f_snprintf value 29 "%s" "$value"
+ value="$value..."
+ fi
+ case "$member" in
+ password|pin|private_key_passwd|psk|wep_key*)
+ f_replaceall "$value" "?" "*" value ;;
+ esac
+ f_shell_escape "$value" value
+ menu_list2="$menu_list2
+ '$tag $member' '$value'
+ done
+ eval f_dialog_menu_size height2 width2 rows2 \
+ \"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt2\" \
+ \"\$hline\" $menu_list2
+ menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+ --title \"\$title\" \
+ --backtitle \"\$btitle\" \
+ --hline \"\$hline\" \
+ --ok-label \"\$msg_select\" \
+ --cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\" \
+ --default-item \"\$defaultitem2\" \
+ --menu \"\$prompt2\" \
+ $height2 $width2 $rows2 \
+ $menu_list2 \
+ ) || break
+ f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+ defaultitem2="$menu_choice"
+ # XXXDT Unfinished
+ done
+ [ $nmatches -eq 1 ] && break
+ done
+ #
+ # XXXDT Unfinished
+ # This is where we display a menu that edits the entry
+ # And then we modify the wpa_supplicants.conf(5) config file
+ # XXXDT Unfinished
+ #
+ return $FAILURE # XXXDT Simulating DIALOG_CANCEL to mean ``no changes''
+# f_wireless_describe WPA_NETWORK [$var_to_set]
+# Provide a description of the WPA_NETWORK struct. If $var_to_set is missing or
+# NULL, the description is provided on standard output (which is less preferred
+# due to performance; e.g., if called in a loop).
+ local __struct="$1" __var_to_set="$2" debug=
+ [ "$__var_to_set" ] && setvar "$__var_to_set" ""
+ f_struct "$__struct" || return $FAILURE
+ #
+ # Basic description is `proto key_mgmt group eap'
+ #
+ local __member __cp __desc=
+ for __member in proto key_mgmt group eap; do
+ $__struct get $__member __cp && [ "$__cp" ] &&
+ __desc="$__desc${__desc:+ }$__cp"
+ done
+ local __check __kk
+ #
+ # Make sure we add WEP40/WEP140 even if omitted from the key_mgmt
+ # section of entry
+ #
+ local __wep_keyN __f_wireless_describe_first_char __length
+ for __wep_keyN in wep_key0 wep_key1 wep_key2 wep_key3; do
+ $__struct get $__wep_keyN __kk
+ [ "$__kk" ] || continue
+ # What type is it? ASCII or HEX?
+ __check=WEP
+ f_substr -v __f_wireless_describe_first_char "$__kk" 1 1
+ case "$__f_wireless_describe_first_char" in
+ \") # ASCII
+ __length=$(( ${#__kk} - 2 ))
+ if [ $__length -le 5 ]; then
+ __check=WEP40
+ elif [ $__length -le 13 ]; then
+ __check=WEP104
+ fi ;;
+ *) # HEX
+ __length=${#__kk}
+ if [ $__length -eq 10 ]; then
+ __check=WEP40
+ elif [ $__length -le 26 ]; then
+ __check=WEP104
+ fi
+ esac
+ __kk="" # sensitive info
+ case "$__desc" in
+ *"$__check"*) : already there ;;
+ *) __desc="$__desc${__desc:+ }$__check"
+ esac
+ done
+ #
+ # Make sure we display PSK even if omitted
+ # from the key_mgmt section of the entry
+ #
+ $__struct get psk __kk
+ if [ "$__kk" ]; then
+ __kk="" # sensitive info
+ __check=PSK
+ case "$__desc" in
+ *"$__check"*) : already there ;;
+ *) __desc="$__desc${__desc:+ }$__check"
+ esac
+ fi
+ #
+ # Produce results
+ #
+ if [ "$__var_to_set" ]; then
+ setvar "$__var_to_set" "${__desc:-NONE}"
+ else
+ echo "$__desc"
+ fi
+# f_menu_wireless_configs
+# Generates the tag/item/help triplets for wireless network menu (`--item-help'
+# required) from wpa_supplicant.conf(5) [WPA_NETWORK] structs.
+ echo "' - $msg_configured_ssids -' ' - $msg_details -' ''"
+ local n=0 nunique=0 debug=
+ local ssid ussid matches nmatches nconfigs nfound help desc w
+ while [ $n -lt $NWIRELESS_CONFIGS ]; do
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ f_struct WIRELESS_$n get ssid ssid
+ [ ! "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_ALL" -a ! "$ssid" ] && continue
+ local u=0 unique=1
+ while [ $u -lt $nunique ]; do
+ u=$(( $u + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$u get ssid ussid
+ [ "$ssid" != "$ussid" ] || unique= break
+ done
+ if [ "$unique" ]; then
+ nunique=$(( $nunique + 1 ))
+ u=$nunique
+ # Set SSID and initialize number of configs found (1)
+ f_struct_new WLAN_MENU_ITEM menuitem_$u
+ menuitem_$u set ssid "$ssid"
+ menuitem_$u set nconfigs 1
+ # Set number of wireless networks that match config
+ WIRELESS_$n get matches matches
+ f_count nmatches $matches
+ menuitem_$u set nfound $nmatches
+ # Set help to description of the wireless config
+ f_wireless_describe WIRELESS_$n desc
+ menuitem_$u set help "$desc"
+ else
+ # Increment number of configs found with this SSID
+ menuitem_$u get nconfigs nconfigs
+ nconfigs=$(( $nconfigs + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$u set nconfigs $nconfigs
+ # Add number of matched networks to existing count
+ WIRELESS_$n get matches matches
+ f_count nmatches $matches
+ menuitem_$u get nfound nfound
+ nfound=$(( $nfound + $nmatches ))
+ menuitem_$u set nfound $nfound
+ # Combine description with existing help
+ menuitem_$u get help help
+ f_wireless_describe WIRELESS_$n desc
+ for w in $desc; do
+ case "$help" in
+ "$w"|"$w "*|*" $w"|*" $w "*) : already there ;;
+ *) help="$help $w"
+ esac
+ done
+ menuitem_$u set help "${help# }"
+ fi
+ done
+ n=0
+ while [ $n -lt $nunique ]; do
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$n get ssid ssid
+ menuitem_$n get nconfigs nconfigs
+ desc="$nconfigs $msg_configured_lc"
+ [ $nconfigs -lt 10 ] && desc=" $desc"
+ menuitem_$n get nfound nfound
+ [ $nfound -gt 0 ] && desc="$desc $nfound $msg_found"
+ menuitem_$n get help help
+ echo "'[X] $ssid' '$desc' '$help'"
+ done | sort -bf | awk 'BEGIN { prefix = "" }
+ {
+ cur_prefix = toupper(substr($0, 6, 1))
+ if (cur_prefix != "'\''" && prefix != cur_prefix ) {
+ prefix = cur_prefix
+ printf "'\''%c%s\n", prefix, substr($0, 2)
+ } else
+ printf "'\'' %s\n", substr($0, 2)
+ }'
+# f_menu_wpa_scan_results
+# Generates the tag/item/help triplets for wireless network menu (`--item-help'
+# required) from wpa_cli(8) `scan_results' [WPA_SCAN_RESULT] structs.
+ if [ "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_ALL" ]; then
+ echo "' - $msg_discovered_ssids -' ' - $msg_details -' ''"
+ else
+ echo "' - $msg_discovered_ssids -' '' ''"
+ fi
+ local n=0 nunique=0 debug=
+ local ssid ussid matched nfound help flags f
+ while [ $n -lt $NWSCAN_RESULTS ]; do
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ WSCANS_$n get ssid ssid
+ [ ! "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_ALL" -a ! "$ssid" ] && continue
+ WSCANS_$n get matched matched
+ [ "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_CONFIGURED" -a "$matched" ] &&
+ continue
+ local u=0 unique=1
+ while [ $u -lt $nunique ]; do
+ u=$(( $u + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$u get ssid ussid
+ [ "$ssid" != "$ussid" ] || unique= break
+ done
+ if [ "$unique" ]; then
+ nunique=$(( $nunique + 1 ))
+ u=$nunique
+ # Set SSID and initialize number of networks found (1)
+ f_struct_new WLAN_MENU_ITEM menuitem_$u
+ menuitem_$u set ssid "$ssid"
+ menuitem_$u set nfound 1
+ # Set help to flags
+ WSCANS_$n get flags flags
+ f_replaceall "$flags" "[" " " flags
+ f_replaceall "$flags" "]" "" flags
+ flags="${flags# }"
+ case "$flags" in
+ "") flags="NONE" ;;
+ ESS) flags="NONE ESS" ;;
+ esac
+ menuitem_$u set help "$flags"
+ else
+ # Increment number of networks found with this SSID
+ menuitem_$u get nfound nfound
+ nfound=$(( $nfound + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$u set nfound $nfound
+ # Combine flags into existing help
+ WSCANS_$n get flags flags
+ f_replaceall "$flags" "[" " " flags
+ f_replaceall "$flags" "]" "" flags
+ local flags_ess=
+ case "$flags" in *" ESS")
+ flags_ess=1
+ flags="${flags% ESS}"
+ esac
+ local help_ess=
+ menuitem_$u get help help
+ case "$help" in *" ESS")
+ help_ess=1
+ help="${help% ESS}"
+ esac
+ for f in ${flags:-NONE}; do
+ case "$help" in
+ "$f"|"$f "*|*" $f"|*" $f "*) : already there ;;
+ *) help="$help $f"
+ esac
+ done
+ [ "$flags_ess" -a ! "$help_ess" ] && help="$help ESS"
+ menuitem_$u set help "${help# }"
+ fi
+ done
+ local desc n=0
+ while [ $n -lt $nunique ]; do
+ n=$(( $n + 1 ))
+ menuitem_$n get ssid ssid
+ desc=
+ if [ "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_ALL" ]; then
+ menuitem_$n get nfound nfound
+ desc="$nfound $msg_found"
+ [ $nfound -lt 10 ] && desc=" $desc"
+ fi
+ menuitem_$n get help help
+ echo "'[ ] $ssid' '$desc' '$help'"
+ done | sort -bf | awk 'BEGIN { prefix = "" }
+ {
+ cur_prefix = toupper(substr($0, 6, 1))
+ if (cur_prefix != "'\''" && prefix != cur_prefix ) {
+ prefix = cur_prefix
+ printf "'\''%c%s\n", prefix, substr($0, 2)
+ } else
+ printf "'\'' %s\n", substr($0, 2)
+ }'
+# f_dialog_menu_wireless_edit
+# Display a list of wireless networks configured in wpa_supplicants.conf(5) and
+# (if wpa_supplicant(8) is running) also displays scan results for unconfigured
+# wireless networks.
+ local funcname=f_dialog_menu_wireless_edit
+ local title="$DIALOG_TITLE"
+ local btitle="$DIALOG_BACKTITLE"
+ local prompt="$msg_wireless_networks_text"
+ local menu_list # Calculated below
+ local defaultitem= # Calculated below
+ local hline="$hline_alnum_arrows_punc_tab_enter"
+ f_show_info "$msg_loading_wireless_menu"
+ local conf_file
+ conf_file=$( f_sysrc_get wpa_supplicant_conf_file )
+ #
+ # Operate in a loop so we can edit wpa_supplicant.conf(5) and rescan
+ # for new wireless networks from here.
+ #
+ local do_parse=1 remake_menu=1 item
+ while :; do
+ #
+ # If this is the first time here, parse wpa_supplicant.conf(5),
+ # scan the airwaves, and compare to find matches.
+ #
+ if [ "$do_parse" -a "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_SCAN_RESULTS" ]
+ then
+ f_dprintf "$funcname: Parsing wireless scan results"
+ f_dialog_scan_wireless &&
+ f_wpa_scan_results_parse WSCANS_ NWSCAN_RESULTS
+ f_dprintf "$funcname: Parsed %i scanned networks" \
+ fi
+ if [ "$do_parse" -a "$DIALOG_MENU_WLAN_SHOW_CONFIGURED" ]
+ then
+ f_dprintf "$funcname: Parsing wpa_supplicants.conf(5)"
+ f_wpa_supplicant_parse "$conf_file" \
+ f_dprintf "%s: Parsed %i wireless configurations" \
+ f_wpa_scan_find_matches WSCANS_ $NWSCAN_RESULTS \
+ fi
+ do_parse=
+ if [ "$remake_menu" ]; then
+ remake_menu=
+ #
+ # Add both items scanned from the airwaves and networks
+ # parsed from wpa_supplicants.conf(5). Latter items are
+ # marked, sorted, and added to top of list above the
+ # former (which are unmarked and sorted separately).
+ #
+ f_dprintf "$funcname: Building menu list..."
+ menu_list=$(
+ # Process wpa_supplicant.conf(5) structs
+ f_menu_wireless_configs
+ # Process wpa_cli(8) `scan_results' structs
+ f_menu_wpa_scan_results
+ )
+ f_dprintf "$funcname: menu list built."
+ #
+ # Add static top-level menu items
+ #
+ local XA=" " XC=" " XS=" "
+ menu_list="
+ '> $msg_exit' '$msg_return_to_previous_menu'
+ ''
+ '> $msg_rescan_wireless' '*'
+ '$msg_rescan_wireless_help'
+ '> $msg_forget_all' '*'
+ '$msg_forget_all_help'
+ '> $msg_show_configured' '[$XC]'
+ '$msg_show_configured_help'
+ '> $msg_show_scan_results' '[$XS]'
+ '$msg_show_scan_results_help'
+ '> $msg_show_all' '[$XA]'
+ '$msg_show_all_help'
+ '> $msg_manually_connect' '...'
+ '$msg_manually_connect_help'
+ $menu_list" # END-QUOTE
+ fi
+ local height width rows
+ eval f_dialog_menu_with_help_size height width rows \
+ \"\$title\" \"\$btitle\" \"\$prompt\" \"\$hline\" \
+ $menu_list
+ local menu_choice
+ menu_choice=$( eval $DIALOG \
+ --title \"\$title\" \
+ --backtitle \"\$btitle\" \
+ --hline \"\$hline\" \
+ --ok-label \"\$msg_select\" \
+ --cancel-label \"\$msg_cancel\" \
+ --item-help \
+ --default-item \"\$defaultitem\" \
+ --menu \"\$prompt\" \
+ $height $width $rows \
+ $menu_list \
+ ) || break
+ f_dialog_data_sanitize menu_choice
+ defaultitem="$menu_choice"
+ case "$menu_choice" in
+ "> $msg_exit") break ;;
+ "> $msg_rescan_wireless") do_parse=1 remake_menu=1 ;;
+ "> $msg_forget_all")
+ if f_noyes "$msg_forget_all_confirm"; then
+ f_eval_catch $funcname rm \
+ 'rm -f "%s"' "$conf_file" || continue
+ f_wpa_supplicant_init "$conf_file" || continue
+ f_eval_catch -d $funcname wpa_cli \
+ 'wpa_cli reconfigure'
+ f_wpa_supplicant_parse "$conf_file" \
+ f_wpa_scan_find_matches \
+ do_parse=1 remake_menu=1
+ fi ;;
+ "> $msg_show_configured")
+ item=$( eval f_dialog_menutag2item_with_help \
+ \"\$menu_choice\" $menu_list )
+ if [ "$item" = "[ ]" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ remake_menu=1 ;;
+ "> $msg_show_scan_results")
+ item=$( eval f_dialog_menutag2item_with_help \
+ \"\$menu_choice\" $menu_list )
+ if [ "$item" = "[ ]" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ remake_menu=1 ;;
+ "> $msg_show_all")
+ item=$( eval f_dialog_menutag2item_with_help \
+ \"\$menu_choice\" $menu_list )
+ if [ "$item" = "[ ]" ]; then
+ else
+ fi
+ remake_menu=1 ;;
+ "> $msg_manually_connect")
+ f_dialog_wireless_edit && remake_menu=1 ;;
+ ?"[X] "*)
+ ssid="${menu_choice#??X? }"
+ f_dialog_wireless_edit "$ssid" || continue
+ do_parse=1 remake_menu=1 ;;
+ "[ ] "*)
+ :
+ : XXXDT Unfinished
+ :
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ #
+ # XXXDT Unfinished
+ #
+############################################################ MAIN
+f_dprintf "%s: Successfully loaded." media/wlan.subr