path: root/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net')
12 files changed, 3682 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/Readme b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/Readme
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a53744ebe27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/Readme
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Net - Network based analysis
+ These scripts analyse activity of the network interfaces, the TCP/IP
+ stack, socket activity, etc.
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/connections b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/connections
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..523b880b14ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/connections
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# connections - print inbound TCP connections by process.
+# Written in DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
+# This displays the PID and command name of the processes accepting
+# connections, along with the source IP address and destination port number.
+# $Id: connections 3 2007-08-01 10:50:08Z brendan $
+# USAGE: connections [-htvZ]
+# -t # print timestamps, us
+# -v # print timestamps, string
+# -Z # print zonename
+# eg,
+# connections -v # snoop connections with times
+# UID user ID of the server
+# PID process ID for the server
+# CMD server command name
+# TIME timestamp, us
+# TIMESTR timestamp, string
+# PORT server port
+# IP_SOURCE source IP of the client, written in IPv4 style
+# ZONE zonename
+# SEE ALSO: snoop 'tcp[13:1] = 0x02' # snoop new connections
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# TODO: IPv6
+# 10-Apr-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+# 23-May-2004 " " Fixed issues on SPARC.
+# 08-May-2005 " " Updated for newer Solaris 10.
+# 17-Jun-2005 " " Rewrote, changed probes, wrapped in sh.
+# 04-Dec-2005 " " Changed tcp_accept_finish -> sotpi_accept
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### Default variables
+opt_time=0; opt_timestr=0; opt_zone=0
+### Process options
+while getopts htvZ name
+ case $name in
+ t) opt_time=1 ;;
+ v) opt_timestr=1 ;;
+ Z) opt_zone=1 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: connections [-htvZ]
+ -t # print timestamps, us
+ -v # print timestamps, string
+ -Z # print zonename
+ eg,
+ connections -v # snoop connections with times
+ exit 1
+ esac
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -C -s <( print -r '
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+ #pragma D option quiet
+ #pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+ inline int OPT_time = '$opt_time';
+ inline int OPT_timestr = '$opt_timestr';
+ inline int OPT_zone = '$opt_zone';
+ /*
+ * Print header
+ */
+ dtrace:::BEGIN
+ {
+ /* print optional headers */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14s ", "TIME") : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20s ", "TIMESTR") : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%-10s ", "ZONE") : 1;
+ /* print header */
+ printf("%5s %5s %-12s %4s %5s %s\n",
+ "UID", "PID", "CMD", "TYPE", "PORT", "IP_SOURCE");
+ }
+ /*
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+ fbt:sockfs:sotpi_accept:entry
+ /(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ {
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ }
+ fbt:sockfs:sotpi_create:return
+ /self->sop/
+ {
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Probe TCP connections
+ */
+ fbt:sockfs:sotpi_accept:return
+ /self->nsop/
+ {
+ /* fetch connection details */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ this->port0 = this->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ this->port0 = BSWAP_16(this->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ this->rem12 =
+ (uint8_t)this->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->rem13 =
+ (uint8_t)this->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->rem14 =
+ (uint8_t)this->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->rem15 =
+ (uint8_t)this->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* print optional fields */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%-10s ", zonename) : 1;
+ /* print output line */
+ printf("%5d %5d %-12s %4s %5d %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
+ uid, pid, execname, "tcp", this->port0,
+ this->rem12, this->rem13, this->rem14, this->rem15);
+ }
+ fbt:sockfs:sotpi_accept:return
+ {
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/icmpstat.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/icmpstat.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..3df519999e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/icmpstat.d
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
+ * icmpstat.d - print ICMP statistics. Uses DTrace.
+ *
+ * This prints ICMP statistics every second, retrieved from the MIB provider.
+ * This is a simple script to demonstrate the ability to trace ICMP events.
+ *
+ * $Id: icmpstat.d 3 2007-08-01 10:50:08Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: icmpstat.d
+ *
+ * STATISTIC ICMP statistic name
+ * VALUE total of statistic during sample
+ *
+ * The above ICMP statistics are documented in the mib2_icmp struct
+ * in the /usr/include/inet/mib2.h file; and also in the mib provider
+ * chapter of the DTrace Guide, http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/817-6223.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 25-Jul-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 25-Jul-2005 " " Last update.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ * Save Data
+ */
+ @icmp[probename] = sum(arg0);
+ * Print Output
+ */
+ printf("%Y,\n\n", walltimestamp);
+ printf("%32s %8s\n", "STATISTIC", "VALUE");
+ printa("%32s %@8d\n", @icmp);
+ printf("\n");
+ trunc(@icmp);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e06912de015c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# tcpsnoop - snoop TCP network packets by process.
+# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05)
+# This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+# plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+# of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+# was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+# WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris 10 3/05, since it uses the
+# fbt provider to trace the raw operation of a specific version of the kernel.
+# In the future, a 'stable' network provider should exist which will allow
+# this to be written for that and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the
+# meantime, check for other versions of this script in the /Net directory,
+# and read the Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+# $Id: tcpsnoop 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+# USAGE: tcpsnoop [-a|hjsvZ] [-n name] [-p pid]
+# -a # print all data
+# -j # print project ID
+# -s # print time, us
+# -v # print time, string
+# -Z # print zone ID
+# -n name # command name to snoop
+# -p pid # PID to snoop
+# eg,
+# tcpsnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+# tcpsnoop -Z # print zonename
+# tcpsnoop -n sshd # snoop sshd traffic only
+# UID user ID
+# PID process ID
+# CMD command
+# LADDR local IP address
+# RADDR remote IP address
+# LPORT local port number
+# RPORT remote port number
+# DR direction
+# SIZE packet size, bytes
+# TIME timestamp, us
+# STRTIME human readable timestamp, string
+# ZONE zone ID
+# PROJ project ID
+# SEE ALSO: snoop -rS
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+# TODO: IPv6
+# CODE:
+# The FILTER syntax matches on packets rather than initial
+# connections, so that it can follow inetd connections properly.
+# 09-Jul-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+# 12-Mar-2005 " " Changed probes, size info now printed.
+# 02-Jul-2005 " " Many more probes. Renamed "tcpsnoop.d".
+# 04-Jul-2005 " " Now wrapped in shell, called "tcpsnoop".
+# 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+# execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### default variables
+opt_name=0; opt_time=0; opt_timestr=0; filter=0; pname=.
+opt_zone=0; opt_proj=0; opt_pid=0; pid=0
+### process options
+while getopts ahjsvZn:p: name
+ case $name in
+ a) opt_time=1; opt_timestr=1; opt_zone=1; opt_proj=1 ;;
+ n) opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
+ p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
+ j) opt_proj=1 ;;
+ s) opt_time=1 ;;
+ v) opt_timestr=1 ;;
+ Z) opt_zone=1 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: tcpsnoop [-a|hjsvZ] [-n name] [-p pid]
+ tcpsnoop # default output
+ -a # print all data
+ -j # print project ID
+ -s # print start time, us
+ -v # print start time, string
+ -Z # print zonename
+ -n name # command name to snoop
+ -p pid # PID to snoop
+ eg,
+ tcpsnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+ tcpsnoop -Z # print zonename
+ tcpsnoop -n sshd # snoop sshd traffic only
+ exit 1
+ esac
+### option logic
+if (( opt_name || opt_pid )); then
+ filter=1
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs <( print -r '
+ /*
+ * Command line arguments
+ */
+ inline int OPT_name = '$opt_name';
+ inline int OPT_pid = '$opt_pid';
+ inline int OPT_time = '$opt_time';
+ inline int OPT_timestr = '$opt_timestr';
+ inline int OPT_zone = '$opt_zone';
+ inline int OPT_proj = '$opt_proj';
+ inline int PID = '$pid';
+ inline int FILTER = '$filter';
+ inline string NAME = "'$pname'";
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* print optional headers */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14s ", "TIME") : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20s ", "STRTIME") : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4s ", "ZONE") : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4s ", "PROJ") : 1;
+ /* print main headers */
+ printf("%5s %6s %-15s %5s %2s %-15s %5s %5s %s\n",
+ "UID", "PID", "LADDR", "LPORT", "DR", "RADDR", "RPORT",
+ "SIZE", "CMD");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ OPT_proj ? tproj[(int)self->connp] = curpsinfo->pr_projid : 1;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tproj[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+/FILTER == 0/
+ this->queuep = (queue_t *)`tcp_g_q; /* ` */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ self->zoneid = this->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+/FILTER == 0/
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->dir = "->";
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "->";
+/(self->connp) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+/(self->connp) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * Print output
+ */
+/(self->ok == 2) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* print optional fields */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ /* print output line */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->dir = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..ca01864522aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop.d
@@ -0,0 +1,424 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs
+ * tcpsnoop.d - snoop TCP network packets by process.
+ * Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05)
+ *
+ * This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+ * plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+ * of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+ * was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris 10 3/05, since it uses the
+ * fbt provider to trace the raw operation of a specific version of the kernel.
+ * In the future, a 'stable' network provider should exist which will allow
+ * this to be written for that and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the
+ * meantime, check for other versions of this script in the /Net directory,
+ * and read the Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+ *
+ * $Id: tcpsnoop.d 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: tcpsnoop.d
+ *
+ * UID user ID
+ * PID process ID
+ * CMD command
+ * LADDR local IP address
+ * RADDR remote IP address
+ * LPORT local port number
+ * RPORT remote port number
+ * DR direction
+ * SIZE packet size, bytes
+ *
+ * SEE ALSO: snoop -rS
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+ *
+ * TODO: IPv6
+ *
+ * 09-Jul-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 12-Mar-2005 " " Changed probes, size info now printed.
+ * 02-Jul-2005 " " Many more probes. Renamed "tcpsnoop.d".
+ * 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+ * execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+ * 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+ * 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* print main headers */
+ printf("%5s %6s %-15s %5s %2s %-15s %5s %5s %s\n",
+ "UID", "PID", "LADDR", "LPORT", "DR", "RADDR", "RPORT",
+ "SIZE", "CMD");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+ this->queuep = (queue_t *)`tcp_g_q; /* ` */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->dir = "->";
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "->";
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * Print output
+ */
+/self->ok == 2/
+ /* print output line */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->dir = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..85ebb6c898e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+# tcpsnoop_snv - snoop TCP network packets by process.
+# Written using DTrace (Solaris Nevada)
+# This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+# plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+# of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+# was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+# WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris Nevada and OpenSolaris
+# of the late 2007 vintage, since it uses the fbt provider to trace the raw
+# operation of a specific version of the kernel. In the future, a 'stable'
+# network provider should exist which will allow this to be written for that
+# and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the meantime, check for other
+# versions of this script in the /Net directory, and read the
+# Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+# $Id: tcpsnoop_snv 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+# USAGE: tcpsnoop [-a|hjsvZ] [-n name] [-p pid]
+# -a # print all data
+# -j # print project ID
+# -s # print time, us
+# -v # print time, string
+# -Z # print zone ID
+# -n name # command name to snoop
+# -p pid # PID to snoop
+# eg,
+# tcpsnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+# tcpsnoop -Z # print zonename
+# tcpsnoop -n sshd # snoop sshd traffic only
+# UID user ID
+# PID process ID
+# CMD command
+# LADDR local IP address
+# RADDR remote IP address
+# LPORT local port number
+# RPORT remote port number
+# DR direction
+# SIZE packet size, bytes
+# TIME timestamp, us
+# STRTIME human readable timestamp, string
+# ZONE zone ID
+# PROJ project ID
+# SEE ALSO: snoop -rS
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+# TODO: IPv6
+# CODE:
+# The FILTER syntax matches on packets rather than initial
+# connections, so that it can follow inetd connections properly.
+# 09-Jul-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+# 12-Mar-2005 " " Changed probes, size info now printed.
+# 02-Jul-2005 " " Many more probes. Renamed "tcpsnoop.d".
+# 04-Jul-2005 " " Now wrapped in shell, called "tcpsnoop".
+# 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+# execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+# 30-Sep-2007 " " Bumped this for recent OpenSolaris/Nevada.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### default variables
+opt_name=0; opt_time=0; opt_timestr=0; filter=0; pname=.
+opt_zone=0; opt_proj=0; opt_pid=0; pid=0
+### process options
+while getopts ahjsvZn:p: name
+ case $name in
+ a) opt_time=1; opt_timestr=1; opt_zone=1; opt_proj=1 ;;
+ n) opt_name=1; pname=$OPTARG ;;
+ p) opt_pid=1; pid=$OPTARG ;;
+ j) opt_proj=1 ;;
+ s) opt_time=1 ;;
+ v) opt_timestr=1 ;;
+ Z) opt_zone=1 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: tcpsnoop [-a|hjsvZ] [-n name] [-p pid]
+ tcpsnoop # default output
+ -a # print all data
+ -j # print project ID
+ -s # print start time, us
+ -v # print start time, string
+ -Z # print zonename
+ -n name # command name to snoop
+ -p pid # PID to snoop
+ eg,
+ tcpsnoop -v # human readable timestamps
+ tcpsnoop -Z # print zonename
+ tcpsnoop -n sshd # snoop sshd traffic only
+ exit 1
+ esac
+### option logic
+if (( opt_name || opt_pid )); then
+ filter=1
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs <( print -r '
+ /*
+ * Command line arguments
+ */
+ inline int OPT_name = '$opt_name';
+ inline int OPT_pid = '$opt_pid';
+ inline int OPT_time = '$opt_time';
+ inline int OPT_timestr = '$opt_timestr';
+ inline int OPT_zone = '$opt_zone';
+ inline int OPT_proj = '$opt_proj';
+ inline int PID = '$pid';
+ inline int FILTER = '$filter';
+ inline string NAME = "'$pname'";
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* print optional headers */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14s ", "TIME") : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20s ", "STRTIME") : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4s ", "ZONE") : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4s ", "PROJ") : 1;
+ /* print main headers */
+ printf("%5s %6s %-15s %5s %2s %-15s %5s %5s %s\n",
+ "UID", "PID", "LADDR", "LPORT", "DR", "RADDR", "RPORT",
+ "SIZE", "CMD");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ OPT_proj ? tproj[(int)self->connp] = curpsinfo->pr_projid : 1;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tproj[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+/FILTER == 0/
+ this->queuep = args[7]->tcps_g_q;
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ self->zoneid = this->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+/FILTER == 0/
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->dir = "->";
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "->";
+/(self->connp) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+/(self->connp) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * Print output
+ */
+/(self->ok == 2) &&
+ ((FILTER == 0) ||
+ (OPT_pid && self->pid == PID) ||
+ (OPT_name && self->name == NAME))/
+ /* print optional fields */
+ OPT_time ? printf("%-14d ", timestamp/1000) : 1;
+ OPT_timestr ? printf("%-20Y ", walltimestamp) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("%4d ", self->zoneid) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("%4d ", self->proj) : 1;
+ /* print output line */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->dir = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b696f0e46619
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpsnoop_snv.d
@@ -0,0 +1,426 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs
+ * tcpsnoop_snv.d - snoop TCP network packets by process.
+ * Written using DTrace (Solaris Nevada)
+ *
+ * This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+ * plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+ * of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+ * was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+ *
+ * WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris Nevada and OpenSolaris
+ * of the late 2007 vintage, since it uses the fbt provider to trace the raw
+ * operation of a specific version of the kernel. In the future, a 'stable'
+ * network provider should exist which will allow this to be written for that
+ * and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the meantime, check for other
+ * versions of this script in the /Net directory, and read the
+ * Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+ *
+ * $Id: tcpsnoop_snv.d 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: tcpsnoop.d
+ *
+ * UID user ID
+ * PID process ID
+ * CMD command
+ * LADDR local IP address
+ * RADDR remote IP address
+ * LPORT local port number
+ * RPORT remote port number
+ * DR direction
+ * SIZE packet size, bytes
+ *
+ * SEE ALSO: snoop -rS
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+ *
+ * TODO: IPv6
+ *
+ * 09-Jul-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 12-Mar-2005 " " Changed probes, size info now printed.
+ * 02-Jul-2005 " " Many more probes. Renamed "tcpsnoop.d".
+ * 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+ * execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+ * 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+ * 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+ * 30-Sep-2007 " " Bumped this for recent OpenSolaris/Nevada.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* print main headers */
+ printf("%5s %6s %-15s %5s %2s %-15s %5s %5s %s\n",
+ "UID", "PID", "LADDR", "LPORT", "DR", "RADDR", "RPORT",
+ "SIZE", "CMD");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+ this->queuep = args[7]->tcps_g_q;
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->dir = "->";
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ self->dir = "->";
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "->";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ self->dir = "<-";
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * Print output
+ */
+/self->ok == 2/
+ /* print output line */
+ printf("%5d %6d %-15s %5d %2s %-15s %5d %5d %s\n",
+ self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport, self->dir,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->size, self->name);
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->dir = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpstat.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpstat.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..1fe40040c6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpstat.d
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
+ * tcpstat.d - print TCP statistics. Uses DTrace.
+ *
+ * This prints TCP statistics every second, retrieved from the MIB provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: tcpstat.d 3 2007-08-01 10:50:08Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: tcpstat.d
+ *
+ * TCP_out TCP bytes sent
+ * TCP_outRe TCP bytes retransmitted
+ * TCP_in TCP bytes received
+ * TCP_inDup TCP bytes received duplicated
+ * TCP_inUn TCP bytes received out of order
+ *
+ * The above TCP statistics are documented in the mib2_tcp struct
+ * in the /usr/include/inet/mib2.h file; and also in the mib provider
+ * chapter of the DTrace Guide, http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/817-6223.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 15-May-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 15-May-2005 " " Last update.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ * Declare Globals
+ */
+ TCP_out = 0; TCP_outRe = 0;
+ TCP_in = 0; TCP_inDup = 0; TCP_inUn = 0;
+ LINES = 20; line = 0;
+ * Print Header
+ */
+profile:::tick-1sec { line--; }
+/line <= 0 /
+ printf("%11s %11s %11s %11s %11s\n",
+ "TCP_out", "TCP_outRe", "TCP_in", "TCP_inDup", "TCP_inUn");
+ line = LINES;
+ * Save Data
+ */
+mib:::tcpOutDataBytes { TCP_out += arg0; }
+mib:::tcpRetransBytes { TCP_outRe += arg0; }
+mib:::tcpInDataInorderBytes { TCP_in += arg0; }
+mib:::tcpInDataDupBytes { TCP_inDup += arg0; }
+mib:::tcpInDataUnorderBytes { TCP_inUn += arg0; }
+ * Print Output
+ */
+ printf("%11d %11d %11d %11d %11d\n",
+ TCP_out, TCP_outRe, TCP_in, TCP_inDup, TCP_inUn);
+ /* clear values */
+ TCP_out = 0;
+ TCP_outRe = 0;
+ TCP_in = 0;
+ TCP_inDup = 0;
+ TCP_inUn = 0;
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..70b6e6f3176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# tcptop - display top TCP network packets by process.
+# Written using DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05)
+# This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+# plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+# of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+# was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+# WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris 10 3/05, since it uses the
+# fbt provider to trace the raw operation of a specific version of the kernel.
+# In the future, a 'stable' network provider should exist which will allow
+# this to be written for that and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the
+# meantime, check for other versions of this script in the /Net directory,
+# and read the Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+# $Id: tcptop 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+# USAGE: tcptop [-Ch] [-j|-Z] [interval [count]]
+# -C # don't clear the screen
+# -j # print project IDs
+# -Z # print zone IDs
+# UID user ID
+# PID process ID
+# CMD command
+# LADDR local IP address
+# RADDR remote IP address
+# LPORT local port number
+# RPORT remote port number
+# SIZE packet size, bytes
+# load 1 min load average
+# TCPin TCP inbound payload data
+# TCPout TCP outbound payload data
+# ZONE zone ID
+# PROJ project ID
+# SEE ALSO: tcpsnoop
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+# ToDo: IPv6
+# 05-Jul-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+# 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+# execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### default variables
+opt_def=1; opt_clear=1; opt_zone=0; opt_proj=0; interval=5; count=-1
+### process options
+while getopts ChjZ name
+ case $name in
+ C) opt_clear=0 ;;
+ j) opt_proj=1; opt_def=0 ;;
+ Z) opt_zone=1; opt_def=0 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: tcptop [-h] [-j|-Z] [interval [count]]
+ tcptop # default output
+ -C # don't clear the screen
+ -j # print project ID
+ -Z # print zonename
+ eg,
+ tcptop # default is 5 sec interval
+ tcptop 2 # 2 second interval
+ tcptop -C 1 10 # 10 x 1 sec samples, no clear
+ exit 1
+ esac
+shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
+### option logic
+if [[ "$1" > 0 ]]; then
+ interval=$1; shift
+if [[ "$1" > 0 ]]; then
+ count=$1; shift
+if (( opt_proj && opt_zone )); then
+ opt_proj=0
+if (( opt_clear )); then
+ clearstr=`clear`
+ clearstr=.
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs <( print -r '
+ /*
+ * Command line arguments
+ */
+ inline int OPT_def = '$opt_def';
+ inline int OPT_zone = '$opt_zone';
+ inline int OPT_proj = '$opt_proj';
+ inline int OPT_clear = '$opt_clear';
+ inline int INTERVAL = '$interval';
+ inline int COUNTER = '$count';
+ inline string CLEAR = "'$clearstr'";
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* starting values */
+ counts = COUNTER;
+ secs = INTERVAL;
+ TCP_out = 0;
+ TCP_in = 0;
+ printf("Tracing... Please wait.\n");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ OPT_proj ? tproj[(int)self->connp] = curpsinfo->pr_projid : 1;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tproj[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+ this->queuep = (queue_t *)`tcp_g_q; /* ` */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ self->zoneid = this->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ self->size = 54 * 2; /* should check trailers */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54 * 3; /* should check trailers */
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Save data
+ */
+/self->ok == 2/
+ /* save r+w data*/
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ * TCP Systemwide Stats
+ */
+mib:::tcpOutDataBytes { TCP_out += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpRetransBytes { TCP_out += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataInorderBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataDupBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataUnorderBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+ * Timer
+ */
+ secs--;
+ * Print Report
+ */
+/secs == 0/
+ /* fetch 1 min load average */
+ this->load1a = `hp_avenrun[0] / 65536;
+ this->load1b = ((`hp_avenrun[0] % 65536) * 100) / 65536;
+ /* convert TCP counters to Kbytes */
+ TCP_out /= 1024;
+ TCP_in /= 1024;
+ /* print status */
+ OPT_clear ? printf("%s", CLEAR) : 1;
+ printf("%Y, load: %d.%02d, TCPin: %6d KB, TCPout: %6d KB\n\n",
+ walltimestamp, this->load1a, this->load1b, TCP_in, TCP_out);
+ /* print headers */
+ OPT_def ? printf(" UID ") : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("PROJ ") : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("ZONE ") : 1;
+ printf("%6s %-15s %5s %-15s %5s %9s %s\n",
+ /* print data */
+ printa("%4d %6d %-15s %5d %-15s %5d %@9d %s\n", @out);
+ printf("\n");
+ /* clear data */
+ trunc(@out);
+ TCP_in = 0;
+ TCP_out = 0;
+ secs = INTERVAL;
+ counts--;
+ * End of program
+ */
+/counts == 0/
+ exit(0);
+ * Cleanup for Ctrl-C
+ */
+ trunc(@out);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop_snv b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop_snv
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..56714e3c01f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcptop_snv
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# tcptop_snv - display top TCP network packets by process.
+# Written using DTrace (Solaris Nevada)
+# This analyses TCP network packets and prints the responsible PID and UID,
+# plus standard details such as IP address and port. This captures traffic
+# of newly created TCP connections that were established while this program
+# was running. It can help identify which processes is causing TCP traffic.
+# WARNING: This script may only work on Solaris Nevada and OpenSolaris
+# of the late 2007 vintage, since it uses the fbt provider to trace the raw
+# operation of a specific version of the kernel. In the future, a 'stable'
+# network provider should exist which will allow this to be written for that
+# and subsequent versions of the kernel. In the meantime, check for other
+# versions of this script in the /Net directory, and read the
+# Notes/ALLfbt_notes.txt for more background on fbt.
+# $Id: tcptop_snv 69 2007-10-04 13:40:00Z brendan $
+# USAGE: tcptop [-Ch] [-j|-Z] [interval [count]]
+# -C # don't clear the screen
+# -j # print project IDs
+# -Z # print zone IDs
+# UID user ID
+# PID process ID
+# CMD command
+# LADDR local IP address
+# RADDR remote IP address
+# LPORT local port number
+# RPORT remote port number
+# SIZE packet size, bytes
+# load 1 min load average
+# TCPin TCP inbound payload data
+# TCPout TCP outbound payload data
+# ZONE zone ID
+# PROJ project ID
+# SEE ALSO: tcpsnoop
+# COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+# (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# Author: Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia]
+# ToDo: IPv6
+# 05-Jul-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+# 03-Dec-2005 " " Fixed tcp_accept_finish bug, now 100% correct
+# execname. Thanks Kias Belgaied for expertise.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Fixed SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT bug in build 31+.
+# 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+# 30-Sep-2007 " " Bumped this for recent OpenSolaris/Nevada.
+# --- Process Arguments ---
+### default variables
+opt_def=1; opt_clear=1; opt_zone=0; opt_proj=0; interval=5; count=-1
+### process options
+while getopts ChjZ name
+ case $name in
+ C) opt_clear=0 ;;
+ j) opt_proj=1; opt_def=0 ;;
+ Z) opt_zone=1; opt_def=0 ;;
+ h|?) cat <<-END >&2
+ USAGE: tcptop [-h] [-j|-Z] [interval [count]]
+ tcptop # default output
+ -C # don't clear the screen
+ -j # print project ID
+ -Z # print zonename
+ eg,
+ tcptop # default is 5 sec interval
+ tcptop 2 # 2 second interval
+ tcptop -C 1 10 # 10 x 1 sec samples, no clear
+ exit 1
+ esac
+shift $(( $OPTIND - 1 ))
+### option logic
+if [[ "$1" > 0 ]]; then
+ interval=$1; shift
+if [[ "$1" > 0 ]]; then
+ count=$1; shift
+if (( opt_proj && opt_zone )); then
+ opt_proj=0
+if (( opt_clear )); then
+ clearstr=`clear`
+ clearstr=.
+# --- Main Program, DTrace ---
+/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs <( print -r '
+ /*
+ * Command line arguments
+ */
+ inline int OPT_def = '$opt_def';
+ inline int OPT_zone = '$opt_zone';
+ inline int OPT_proj = '$opt_proj';
+ inline int OPT_clear = '$opt_clear';
+ inline int INTERVAL = '$interval';
+ inline int COUNTER = '$count';
+ inline string CLEAR = "'$clearstr'";
+#pragma D option quiet
+#pragma D option switchrate=10hz
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <inet/common.h>
+#include <sys/byteorder.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/socketvar.h>
+ * Print header
+ */
+ /* starting values */
+ counts = COUNTER;
+ secs = INTERVAL;
+ TCP_out = 0;
+ TCP_in = 0;
+ printf("Tracing... Please wait.\n");
+ * TCP Process inbound connections
+ *
+ * 0x00200000 has been hardcoded. It was SS_TCP_FAST_ACCEPT, but was
+ * renamed to SS_DIRECT around build 31.
+ */
+/(arg1 & FREAD) && (arg1 & FWRITE) && (args[0]->so_state & 0x00200000)/
+ self->sop = args[0];
+ self->nsop = (struct sonode *)arg1;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)self->nsop->so_priv;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ self->nsop = 0;
+ self->sop = 0;
+ * TCP Process outbound connections
+ */
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)arg0;
+ self->connp = (conn_t *)this->tcpp->tcp_connp;
+ tname[(int)self->connp] = execname;
+ tpid[(int)self->connp] = pid;
+ tuid[(int)self->connp] = uid;
+ OPT_proj ? tproj[(int)self->connp] = curpsinfo->pr_projid : 1;
+ * TCP Data translations
+ */
+ /* fetch ports */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport;
+ self->fport = self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_lport);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16(self->connp->u_port.tcpu_ports.tcpu_fport);
+ /* fetch IPv4 addresses */
+ this->fad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->fad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->fad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->fad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_faddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ this->lad12 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[12];
+ this->lad13 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[13];
+ this->lad14 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[14];
+ this->lad15 =
+ (int)self->connp->connua_v6addr.connua_laddr._S6_un._S6_u8[15];
+ /* convert type for use with lltostr() */
+ this->fad12 = this->fad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad12 : this->fad12;
+ this->fad13 = this->fad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad13 : this->fad13;
+ this->fad14 = this->fad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad14 : this->fad14;
+ this->fad15 = this->fad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->fad15 : this->fad15;
+ this->lad12 = this->lad12 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad12 : this->lad12;
+ this->lad13 = this->lad13 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad13 : this->lad13;
+ this->lad14 = this->lad14 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad14 : this->lad14;
+ this->lad15 = this->lad15 < 0 ? 256 + this->lad15 : this->lad15;
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ /* fix direction and save values */
+ tladdr[(int)self->connp] = self->laddr;
+ tfaddr[(int)self->connp] = self->faddr;
+ tlport[(int)self->connp] = self->lport;
+ tfport[(int)self->connp] = self->fport;
+ /* all systems go */
+ tok[(int)self->connp] = 1;
+ * TCP Clear connp
+ */
+ /* Q_TO_CONN */
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)arg1;
+ tok[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tpid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tuid[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tname[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ tproj[(int)this->connp] = 0;
+ * TCP Process "port closed"
+ */
+ this->queuep = args[7]->tcps_g_q;
+ this->connp = (conn_t *)this->queuep->q_ptr;
+ this->tcpp = (tcp_t *)this->connp->conn_tcp;
+ self->zoneid = this->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ /* split addresses */
+ this->ipha = (ipha_t *)args[1]->b_rptr;
+ this->fad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->fad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->fad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->fad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_src & 0x000000ff);
+ this->lad15 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0xff000000) >> 24;
+ this->lad14 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
+ this->lad13 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
+ this->lad12 = (this->ipha->ipha_dst & 0x000000ff);
+ /* stringify addresses */
+ self->faddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->fad12), ".");
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad13), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->fad14), "."));
+ self->faddr = strjoin(self->faddr, lltostr(this->fad15 + 0));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(lltostr(this->lad12), ".");
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad13), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, strjoin(lltostr(this->lad14), "."));
+ self->laddr = strjoin(self->laddr, lltostr(this->lad15 + 0));
+ self->reset = 1;
+ * TCP Fetch "port closed" ports
+ */
+#if defined(_BIG_ENDIAN)
+ self->lport = (uint16_t)arg0;
+ self->fport = (uint16_t)arg1;
+ self->lport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg0);
+ self->fport = BSWAP_16((uint16_t)arg1);
+ self->lport = BE16_TO_U16(arg0);
+ self->fport = BE16_TO_U16(arg1);
+ * TCP Print "port closed"
+ */
+ self->name = "<closed>";
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ self->size = 54 * 2; /* should check trailers */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ self->reset = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ * TCP Process Write
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)args[0]->tcp_connp;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[2]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Process Read
+ */
+ self->conn_p = (conn_t *)arg0;
+ self->size = msgdsize(args[1]) + 14; /* should check trailers */
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->laddr = tladdr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->faddr = tfaddr[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->lport = tlport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->fport = tfport[(int)self->conn_p];
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->conn_p] : 1;
+ self->zoneid = self->conn_p->conn_zoneid;
+ self->ok = 2;
+ /* follow inetd -> in.* transitions */
+ self->name = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ execname : tname[(int)self->conn_p];
+ self->pid = pid && (tname[(int)self->conn_p] == "inetd") ?
+ pid : tpid[(int)self->conn_p];
+ tname[(int)self->conn_p] = self->name;
+ tpid[(int)self->conn_p] = self->pid;
+ * TCP Complete printing outbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54; /* should check trailers */
+ /* this packet occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Complete printing inbound handshake
+ */
+ self->name = tname[(int)self->connp];
+ self->pid = tpid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->uid = tuid[(int)self->connp];
+ self->zoneid = self->connp->conn_zoneid;
+ OPT_proj ? self->proj = tproj[(int)self->connp] : 1;
+ self->size = 54 * 3; /* should check trailers */
+ /* these packets occured before connp was fully established */
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Save data
+ */
+/self->ok == 2/
+ /* save r+w data*/
+ OPT_def ? @out[self->uid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? @out[self->zoneid, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? @out[self->proj, self->pid, self->laddr, self->lport,
+ self->faddr, self->fport, self->name] = sum(self->size) : 1;
+ * TCP Clear connect variables
+ */
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->connp = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ * TCP Clear r/w variables
+ */
+ self->ok = 0;
+ self->uid = 0;
+ self->pid = 0;
+ self->size = 0;
+ self->name = 0;
+ self->lport = 0;
+ self->fport = 0;
+ self->laddr = 0;
+ self->faddr = 0;
+ self->conn_p = 0;
+ self->zoneid = 0;
+ self->proj = 0;
+ * TCP Systemwide Stats
+ */
+mib:::tcpOutDataBytes { TCP_out += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpRetransBytes { TCP_out += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataInorderBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataDupBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+mib:::tcpInDataUnorderBytes { TCP_in += args[0]; }
+ * Timer
+ */
+ secs--;
+ * Print Report
+ */
+/secs == 0/
+ /* fetch 1 min load average */
+ this->load1a = `hp_avenrun[0] / 65536;
+ this->load1b = ((`hp_avenrun[0] % 65536) * 100) / 65536;
+ /* convert TCP counters to Kbytes */
+ TCP_out /= 1024;
+ TCP_in /= 1024;
+ /* print status */
+ OPT_clear ? printf("%s", CLEAR) : 1;
+ printf("%Y, load: %d.%02d, TCPin: %6d KB, TCPout: %6d KB\n\n",
+ walltimestamp, this->load1a, this->load1b, TCP_in, TCP_out);
+ /* print headers */
+ OPT_def ? printf(" UID ") : 1;
+ OPT_proj ? printf("PROJ ") : 1;
+ OPT_zone ? printf("ZONE ") : 1;
+ printf("%6s %-15s %5s %-15s %5s %9s %s\n",
+ /* print data */
+ printa("%4d %6d %-15s %5d %-15s %5d %@9d %s\n", @out);
+ printf("\n");
+ /* clear data */
+ trunc(@out);
+ TCP_in = 0;
+ TCP_out = 0;
+ secs = INTERVAL;
+ counts--;
+ * End of program
+ */
+/counts == 0/
+ exit(0);
+ * Cleanup for Ctrl-C
+ */
+ trunc(@out);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpwdist.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpwdist.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..20753c182f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/tcpwdist.d
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
+ * tcpwdist.d - simple TCP write distribution by process.
+ * Written in DTrace (Solaris 10 3/05).
+ *
+ * This measures the size of writes from applications to the TCP level, which
+ * may well be much larger than the MTU size (this is application writes not
+ * packet writes). It can help identify which process is creating network
+ * traffic, and the size of the writes by that application. It uses a simple
+ * probe that produces meaningful output for most protocols.
+ *
+ * Tracking TCP activity by process is complex for a number of reasons,
+ * the greatest is that inbound TCP traffic is asynchronous to the process.
+ * The easiest TCP traffic to match is writes, which this script demonstrates.
+ * However there are still issues - for an inbound telnet connection the
+ * writes are associated with the command, for example "ls -l", not something
+ * meaningful such as "in.telnetd".
+ *
+ * Scripts that match TCP traffic properly include tcpsnoop and tcptop.
+ *
+ * $Id: tcpwdist.d 3 2007-08-01 10:50:08Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: tcpwdist.d # wait several seconds, then hit Ctrl-C
+ *
+ * PID process ID
+ * CMD command and argument list
+ * value TCP write payload size in bytes
+ * count number of writes
+ *
+ * SEE ALSO: tcpsnoop, tcptop
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 09-Jul-2004 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 14-Jun-2005 " " Rewrote this as tcpwdist.d.
+ * 20-Apr-2006 " " Last update.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ * Print header
+ */
+ printf("Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.\n");
+ * Process TCP Write
+ */
+ /* fetch details */
+ this->size = msgdsize(args[1]);
+ /* store details */
+ @Size[pid, curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = quantize(this->size);
+ * Print final report
+ */
+ printa(" PID: %-6d CMD: %S\n%@d\n", @Size);
diff --git a/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/udpstat.d b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/udpstat.d
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..7b27e4ec0b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cddl/contrib/dtracetoolkit/Net/udpstat.d
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
+ * udpstat.d - print UDP statistics. Uses DTrace.
+ *
+ * This prints UDP statistics every second, retrieved from the MIB provider.
+ *
+ * $Id: udpstat.d 59 2007-10-03 08:21:58Z brendan $
+ *
+ * USAGE: udpstat.d
+ *
+ * UDP_out UDP datagrams sent
+ * UDP_outErr UDP datagrams errored on send
+ * UDP_in UDP datagrams received
+ * UDP_inErr UDP datagrams undeliverable
+ * UDP_noPort UDP datagrams received to closed ports
+ *
+ * The above UDP statistics are documented in the mib2_udp struct
+ * in the /usr/include/inet/mib2.h file; and also in the mib provider
+ * chapter of the DTrace Guide, http://docs.sun.com/db/doc/817-6223.
+ *
+ * COPYRIGHT: Copyright (c) 2005 Brendan Gregg.
+ *
+ *
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+ * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
+ * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.
+ *
+ * You can obtain a copy of the license at Docs/cddl1.txt
+ * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+ * and limitations under the License.
+ *
+ *
+ * 25-Jul-2005 Brendan Gregg Created this.
+ * 25-Jul-2005 " " Last update.
+ */
+#pragma D option quiet
+ * Declare Globals
+ */
+ UDP_in = 0; UDP_out = 0;
+ UDP_inErr = 0; UDP_outErr = 0; UDP_noPort = 0;
+ LINES = 20; line = 0;
+ * Print Header
+ */
+profile:::tick-1sec { line--; }
+/line <= 0 /
+ printf("%11s %11s %11s %11s %11s\n",
+ "UDP_out", "UDP_outErr", "UDP_in", "UDP_inErr", "UDP_noPort");
+ line = LINES;
+ * Save Data
+ */
+mib:::udp*InDatagrams { UDP_in += arg0; }
+mib:::udp*OutDatagrams { UDP_out += arg0; }
+mib:::udpInErrors { UDP_inErr += arg0; }
+mib:::udpInCksumErrs { UDP_inErr += arg0; }
+mib:::udpOutErrors { UDP_outErr += arg0; }
+mib:::udpNoPorts { UDP_noPort += arg0; }
+ * Print Output
+ */
+ printf("%11d %11d %11d %11d %11d\n",
+ UDP_out, UDP_outErr, UDP_in, UDP_inErr, UDP_noPort);
+ /* clear values */
+ UDP_out = 0;
+ UDP_outErr = 0;
+ UDP_in = 0;
+ UDP_inErr = 0;
+ UDP_noPort = 0;