path: root/contrib/bmake/unit-tests/directive-for-empty.mk
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diff --git a/contrib/bmake/unit-tests/directive-for-empty.mk b/contrib/bmake/unit-tests/directive-for-empty.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1c4cb0f1ad27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/bmake/unit-tests/directive-for-empty.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+# $NetBSD: directive-for-empty.mk,v 1.3 2023/11/19 21:47:52 rillig Exp $
+# Tests for .for loops containing conditions of the form 'empty(var:...)'.
+# When a .for loop is expanded, expressions in the body of the loop
+# are replaced with expressions containing the variable values. This
+# replacement is a bit naive but covers most of the practical cases. The one
+# popular exception is the condition 'empty(var:Modifiers)', which does not
+# look like an expression and is thus not replaced.
+# See also:
+# https://gnats.netbsd.org/43821
+# In the body of the .for loop, the expression '${i:M*2*}' is replaced with
+# '${:U11:M*2*}', '${:U12:M*2*}', '${:U13:M*2*}', one after another. This
+# replacement creates the impression that .for variables were real variables,
+# when in fact they aren't.
+.for i in 11 12 13
+. if ${i:M*2*}
+# expect+1: 2
+.info 2
+. endif
+# In conditions, the function call to 'empty' does not look like an
+# expression, therefore it is not replaced. Since there is no global variable
+# named 'i', this expression makes for a leaky abstraction. If the .for
+# variables were real variables, calling 'empty' would work on them as well.
+.for i in 11 12 13
+# Asking for an empty iteration variable does not make sense as the .for loop
+# splits the iteration items into words, and such a word cannot be empty.
+. if empty(i)
+# expect+3: Missing argument for ".error"
+# expect+2: Missing argument for ".error"
+# expect+1: Missing argument for ".error"
+. error # due to the leaky abstraction
+. endif
+# The typical way of using 'empty' with variables from .for loops is pattern
+# matching using the modifiers ':M' or ':N'.
+. if !empty(i:M*2*)
+. if ${i} != "12"
+. error
+. endif
+. endif
+# The idea of replacing every occurrences of 'empty(i' in the body of a .for
+# loop would be naive and require many special cases, as there are many cases
+# that need to be considered when deciding whether the token 'empty' is a
+# function call or not, as demonstrated by the following examples. For
+# expressions like '${i:Modifiers}', this is simpler as a single
+# dollar almost always starts an expression. For counterexamples and
+# edge cases, see directive-for-escape.mk. Adding another such tricky detail
+# is out of the question.
+.for i in value
+# The identifier 'empty' can only be used in conditions such as .if, .ifdef or
+# .elif. In other lines the string 'empty(' must be preserved.
+CPPFLAGS+= -Dmessage="empty(i)"
+# There may be whitespace between 'empty' and '('.
+.if ! empty (i)
+. error
+# Even in conditions, the string 'empty(' is not always a function call, it
+# can occur in a string literal as well.
+.if "empty\(i)" != "empty(i)"
+. error
+# In comments like 'empty(i)', the text must be preserved as well.
+# Conditions, including function calls to 'empty', can not only occur in
+# condition directives, they can also occur in the modifier ':?', see
+# varmod-ifelse.mk.
+CPPFLAGS+= -Dmacro="${empty(i):?empty:not-empty}"
+# An idea to work around the above problems is to collect the variables from
+# the .for loops in a separate scope. To match the current behavior, there
+# has to be one scope per included file. There may be .for loops using the
+# same variable name in files that include each other:
+# outer.mk: .for i in outer
+# . info $i # outer
+# . include "inner.mk"
+# inner.mk: . info $i # (undefined)
+# . for i in inner
+# . info $i # inner
+# . endfor
+# . info $i # (undefined)
+# outer.mk: . info $i # outer
+# .endfor
+# This might be regarded another leaky abstraction, but it is in fact useful
+# that variables from .for loops can only affect expressions in the current
+# file. If variables from .for loops were implemented as global variables,
+# they might interact between files.
+# To emulate this exact behavior for the function 'empty', each file in the
+# stack of included files needs its own scope that is independent from the
+# other files.
+# Another tricky detail are nested .for loops in a single file that use the
+# same variable name. These are generally avoided by developers, as they
+# would be difficult to understand for humans as well. Technically, they are
+# possible though. Assuming there are two nested .for loops, both using the
+# variable 'i'. When the inner .for loop ends, the inner 'i' needs to be
+# removed from the scope, which would need to make the outer 'i' visible
+# again. This would suggest to use one variable scope per .for loop.
+# Using a separate scope has the benefit that Var_Parse already allows for
+# a custom scope to be passed as parameter. This would have another side
+# effect though. There are several modifiers that actually modify variables,
+# and these modifications happen in the scope that is passed to Var_Parse.
+# This would mean that the combination of a .for variable and the modifiers
+# '::=', '::+=', '::?=', '::!=' and ':_' would lead to different behavior than
+# before.
+# TODO: Add code that demonstrates the current interaction between variables
+# from .for loops and the modifiers mentioned above.