path: root/contrib/ipfilter/ip_fil.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/ipfilter/ip_fil.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 812 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/ipfilter/ip_fil.c b/contrib/ipfilter/ip_fil.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 327f90fc356c..000000000000
--- a/contrib/ipfilter/ip_fil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,812 +0,0 @@
-/* $FreeBSD$ */
- * Copyright (C) 2012 by Darren Reed.
- *
- * See the IPFILTER.LICENCE file for details on licencing.
- *
- * $Id$
- */
-#if !defined(lint)
-static const char sccsid[] = "@(#)ip_fil.c 2.41 6/5/96 (C) 1993-2000 Darren Reed";
-static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id$";
-#include "ipf.h"
-#include "md5.h"
-#include "ipt.h"
-ipf_main_softc_t ipfmain;
-static struct ifnet **ifneta = NULL;
-static int nifs = 0;
-struct rtentry;
-static void ipf_setifpaddr(struct ifnet *, char *);
-void init_ifp(void);
-static int no_output(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *,
- struct sockaddr *, struct rtentry *);
-static int write_output(struct ifnet *, struct mbuf *,
- struct sockaddr *, struct rtentry *);
-struct ifaddr {
- struct sockaddr_storage ifa_addr;
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc;
- return 0;
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc;
- return 0;
- * Filter ioctl interface.
- */
-ipfioctl(softc, dev, cmd, data, mode)
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc;
- int dev;
- ioctlcmd_t cmd;
- caddr_t data;
- int mode;
- int error = 0, unit = 0, uid;
- uid = getuid();
- unit = dev;
- SPL_NET(s);
- error = ipf_ioctlswitch(softc, unit, data, cmd, mode, uid, NULL);
- if (error != -1) {
- SPL_X(s);
- return error;
- }
- SPL_X(s);
- return error;
-ipf_forgetifp(softc, ifp)
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc;
- void *ifp;
- register frentry_t *f;
- WRITE_ENTER(&softc->ipf_mutex);
- for (f = softc->ipf_acct[0][softc->ipf_active]; (f != NULL);
- f = f->fr_next)
- if (f->fr_ifa == ifp)
- f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1;
- for (f = softc->ipf_acct[1][softc->ipf_active]; (f != NULL);
- f = f->fr_next)
- if (f->fr_ifa == ifp)
- f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1;
- for (f = softc->ipf_rules[0][softc->ipf_active]; (f != NULL);
- f = f->fr_next)
- if (f->fr_ifa == ifp)
- f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1;
- for (f = softc->ipf_rules[1][softc->ipf_active]; (f != NULL);
- f = f->fr_next)
- if (f->fr_ifa == ifp)
- f->fr_ifa = (void *)-1;
- RWLOCK_EXIT(&softc->ipf_mutex);
- ipf_nat_sync(softc, ifp);
- ipf_lookup_sync(softc, ifp);
-static int
-no_output(ifp, m, s, rt)
- struct rtentry *rt;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct sockaddr *s;
- return 0;
-static int
-write_output(ifp, m, s, rt)
- struct rtentry *rt;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- struct mbuf *m;
- struct sockaddr *s;
- char fname[32];
- mb_t *mb;
- ip_t *ip;
- int fd;
- mb = (mb_t *)m;
- ip = MTOD(mb, ip_t *);
-#if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \
- defined(__FreeBSD__)
- sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s", ifp->if_xname);
- sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND);
- if (fd == -1) {
- perror("open");
- return -1;
- }
- write(fd, (char *)ip, ntohs(ip->ip_len));
- close(fd);
- return 0;
-static void
-ipf_setifpaddr(ifp, addr)
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- char *addr;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- if (ifp->if_addrlist.tqh_first != NULL)
- if (ifp->if_addrlist != NULL)
- return;
- ifa = (struct ifaddr *)malloc(sizeof(*ifa));
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- ifp->if_addrlist.tqh_first = ifa;
- ifp->if_addrlist = ifa;
- if (ifa != NULL) {
- struct sockaddr_in *sin;
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifa->ifa_addr;
-#ifdef USE_INET6
- if (index(addr, ':') != NULL) {
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6;
- sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ifa->ifa_addr;
- sin6->sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- /* Abort if bad address. */
- switch (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &sin6->sin6_addr))
- {
- case 1:
- break;
- case -1:
- perror("inet_pton");
- abort();
- break;
- default:
- abort();
- break;
- }
- } else
- {
- sin->sin_family = AF_INET;
- sin->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addr);
- if (sin->sin_addr.s_addr == 0)
- abort();
- }
- }
-struct ifnet *
-get_unit(name, family)
- char *name;
- int family;
- struct ifnet *ifp, **ifpp, **old_ifneta;
- char *addr;
-#if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \
- defined(__FreeBSD__)
- if (!*name)
- return NULL;
- if (name == NULL)
- name = "anon0";
- addr = strchr(name, '=');
- if (addr != NULL)
- *addr++ = '\0';
- for (ifpp = ifneta; ifpp && (ifp = *ifpp); ifpp++) {
- if (!strcmp(name, ifp->if_xname)) {
- if (addr != NULL)
- ipf_setifpaddr(ifp, addr);
- return ifp;
- }
- }
- char *s, ifname[LIFNAMSIZ+1];
- if (name == NULL)
- name = "anon0";
- addr = strchr(name, '=');
- if (addr != NULL)
- *addr++ = '\0';
- for (ifpp = ifneta; ifpp && (ifp = *ifpp); ifpp++) {
- COPYIFNAME(family, ifp, ifname);
- if (!strcmp(name, ifname)) {
- if (addr != NULL)
- ipf_setifpaddr(ifp, addr);
- return ifp;
- }
- }
- if (!ifneta) {
- ifneta = (struct ifnet **)malloc(sizeof(ifp) * 2);
- if (!ifneta)
- return NULL;
- ifneta[1] = NULL;
- ifneta[0] = (struct ifnet *)calloc(1, sizeof(*ifp));
- if (!ifneta[0]) {
- free(ifneta);
- return NULL;
- }
- nifs = 1;
- } else {
- old_ifneta = ifneta;
- nifs++;
- ifneta = (struct ifnet **)reallocarray(ifneta, nifs + 1,
- sizeof(ifp));
- if (!ifneta) {
- free(old_ifneta);
- nifs = 0;
- return NULL;
- }
- ifneta[nifs] = NULL;
- ifneta[nifs - 1] = (struct ifnet *)malloc(sizeof(*ifp));
- if (!ifneta[nifs - 1]) {
- nifs--;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- ifp = ifneta[nifs - 1];
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- TAILQ_INIT(&ifp->if_addrlist);
-#if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \
- defined(__FreeBSD__)
- (void) strncpy(ifp->if_xname, name, sizeof(ifp->if_xname));
- s = name + strlen(name) - 1;
- for (; s > name; s--) {
- if (!ISDIGIT(*s)) {
- s++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ((s > name) && (*s != 0) && ISDIGIT(*s)) {
- ifp->if_unit = atoi(s);
- ifp->if_name = (char *)malloc(s - name + 1);
- (void) strncpy(ifp->if_name, name, s - name);
- ifp->if_name[s - name] = '\0';
- } else {
- ifp->if_name = strdup(name);
- ifp->if_unit = -1;
- }
- ifp->if_output = (void *)no_output;
- if (addr != NULL) {
- ipf_setifpaddr(ifp, addr);
- }
- return ifp;
-char *
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- static char ifname[LIFNAMSIZ];
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- sprintf(ifname, "%s", ifp->if_xname);
- if (ifp->if_unit != -1)
- sprintf(ifname, "%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- else
- strcpy(ifname, ifp->if_name);
- return ifname;
- struct ifnet *ifp, **ifpp;
- char fname[32];
- int fd;
-#if (defined(NetBSD) && (NetBSD <= 1991011) && (NetBSD >= 199606)) || \
- defined(__FreeBSD__)
- for (ifpp = ifneta; ifpp && (ifp = *ifpp); ifpp++) {
- ifp->if_output = (void *)write_output;
- sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s", ifp->if_xname);
- fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0600);
- if (fd == -1)
- perror("open");
- else
- close(fd);
- }
- for (ifpp = ifneta; ifpp && (ifp = *ifpp); ifpp++) {
- ifp->if_output = (void *)write_output;
- sprintf(fname, "/tmp/%s%d", ifp->if_name, ifp->if_unit);
- fd = open(fname, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_EXCL|O_TRUNC, 0600);
- if (fd == -1)
- perror("open");
- else
- close(fd);
- }
-ipf_fastroute(m, mpp, fin, fdp)
- mb_t *m, **mpp;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- frdest_t *fdp;
- struct ifnet *ifp;
- ip_t *ip = fin->fin_ip;
- frdest_t node;
- int error = 0;
- frentry_t *fr;
- void *sifp;
- int sout;
- sifp = fin->fin_ifp;
- sout = fin->fin_out;
- fr = fin->fin_fr;
- ip->ip_sum = 0;
- if (!(fr->fr_flags & FR_KEEPSTATE) && (fdp != NULL) &&
- (fdp->fd_type == FRD_DSTLIST)) {
- bzero(&node, sizeof(node));
- ipf_dstlist_select_node(fin, fdp->fd_ptr, NULL, &node);
- fdp = &node;
- }
- ifp = fdp->fd_ptr;
- if (ifp == NULL)
- return 0; /* no routing table out here */
- if (fin->fin_out == 0) {
- fin->fin_ifp = ifp;
- fin->fin_out = 1;
- (void) ipf_acctpkt(fin, NULL);
- fin->fin_fr = NULL;
- if (!fr || !(fr->fr_flags & FR_RETMASK)) {
- u_32_t pass;
- (void) ipf_state_check(fin, &pass);
- }
- switch (ipf_nat_checkout(fin, NULL))
- {
- case 0 :
- break;
- case 1 :
- ip->ip_sum = 0;
- break;
- case -1 :
- error = -1;
- goto done;
- break;
- }
- }
- m->mb_ifp = ifp;
- printpacket(fin->fin_out, m);
- (*ifp->if_output)(ifp, (void *)m, NULL, 0);
- fin->fin_ifp = sifp;
- fin->fin_out = sout;
- return error;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- ipfkverbose("- TCP RST sent\n");
- return 0;
-ipf_send_icmp_err(type, fin, dst)
- int type;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- int dst;
- ipfkverbose("- ICMP unreachable sent\n");
- return 0;
- mb_t *m;
- return;
-m_copydata(m, off, len, cp)
- mb_t *m;
- int off, len;
- caddr_t cp;
- bcopy((char *)m + off, cp, len);
-ipfuiomove(buf, len, rwflag, uio)
- caddr_t buf;
- int len, rwflag;
- struct uio *uio;
- int left, ioc, num, offset;
- struct iovec *io;
- char *start;
- if (rwflag == UIO_READ) {
- left = len;
- ioc = 0;
- offset = uio->uio_offset;
- while ((left > 0) && (ioc < uio->uio_iovcnt)) {
- io = uio->uio_iov + ioc;
- num = io->iov_len;
- if (num > left)
- num = left;
- start = (char *)io->iov_base + offset;
- if (start > (char *)io->iov_base + io->iov_len) {
- offset -= io->iov_len;
- ioc++;
- continue;
- }
- bcopy(buf, start, num);
- uio->uio_resid -= num;
- uio->uio_offset += num;
- left -= num;
- if (left > 0)
- ioc++;
- }
- if (left > 0)
- return EFAULT;
- }
- return 0;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- static int iss_seq_off = 0;
- u_char hash[16];
- u_32_t newiss;
- MD5_CTX ctx;
- /*
- * Compute the base value of the ISS. It is a hash
- * of (saddr, sport, daddr, dport, secret).
- */
- MD5Init(&ctx);
- MD5Update(&ctx, (u_char *) &fin->fin_fi.fi_src,
- sizeof(fin->fin_fi.fi_src));
- MD5Update(&ctx, (u_char *) &fin->fin_fi.fi_dst,
- sizeof(fin->fin_fi.fi_dst));
- MD5Update(&ctx, (u_char *) &fin->fin_dat, sizeof(fin->fin_dat));
- /* MD5Update(&ctx, ipf_iss_secret, sizeof(ipf_iss_secret)); */
- MD5Final(hash, &ctx);
- memcpy(&newiss, hash, sizeof(newiss));
- /*
- * Now increment our "timer", and add it in to
- * the computed value.
- *
- * XXX Use `addin'?
- * XXX TCP_ISSINCR too large to use?
- */
- iss_seq_off += 0x00010000;
- newiss += iss_seq_off;
- return newiss;
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-/* Function: ipf_nextipid */
-/* Returns: int - 0 == success, -1 == error (packet should be droppped) */
-/* Parameters: fin(I) - pointer to packet information */
-/* */
-/* Returns the next IPv4 ID to use for this packet. */
-/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-INLINE u_short
- fr_info_t *fin;
- static u_short ipid = 0;
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc = fin->fin_main_soft;
- u_short id;
- MUTEX_ENTER(&softc->ipf_rw);
- if (fin->fin_pktnum != 0) {
- /*
- * The -1 is for aligned test results.
- */
- id = (fin->fin_pktnum - 1) & 0xffff;
- } else {
- }
- id = ipid++;
- MUTEX_EXIT(&softc->ipf_rw);
- return id;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- if (fin->fin_flx & FI_SHORT)
- return 1;
- if (ipf_checkl4sum(fin) == -1) {
- fin->fin_flx |= FI_BAD;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-#ifdef USE_INET6
- fr_info_t *fin;
- if (fin->fin_flx & FI_SHORT)
- return 1;
- if (ipf_checkl4sum(fin) == -1) {
- fin->fin_flx |= FI_BAD;
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-#if 0
- * See above for description, except that all addressing is in user space.
- */
-copyoutptr(softc, src, dst, size)
- void *src, *dst;
- size_t size;
- caddr_t ca;
- bcopy(dst, (char *)&ca, sizeof(ca));
- bcopy(src, ca, size);
- return 0;
- * See above for description, except that all addressing is in user space.
- */
-copyinptr(src, dst, size)
- void *src, *dst;
- size_t size;
- caddr_t ca;
- bcopy(src, (char *)&ca, sizeof(ca));
- bcopy(ca, dst, size);
- return 0;
- * return the first IP Address associated with an interface
- */
-ipf_ifpaddr(softc, v, atype, ifptr, inp, inpmask)
- ipf_main_softc_t *softc;
- int v, atype;
- void *ifptr;
- i6addr_t *inp, *inpmask;
- struct ifnet *ifp = ifptr;
- struct ifaddr *ifa;
-#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
- ifa = ifp->if_addrlist.tqh_first;
- ifa = ifp->if_addrlist;
- if (ifa != NULL) {
- if (v == 4) {
- struct sockaddr_in *sin, mask;
- mask.sin_addr.s_addr = 0xffffffff;
- sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifa->ifa_addr;
- return ipf_ifpfillv4addr(atype, sin, &mask,
- &inp->in4, &inpmask->in4);
- }
-#ifdef USE_INET6
- if (v == 6) {
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sin6, mask;
- sin6 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)&ifa->ifa_addr;
- ((i6addr_t *)&mask.sin6_addr)->i6[0] = 0xffffffff;
- ((i6addr_t *)&mask.sin6_addr)->i6[1] = 0xffffffff;
- ((i6addr_t *)&mask.sin6_addr)->i6[2] = 0xffffffff;
- ((i6addr_t *)&mask.sin6_addr)->i6[3] = 0xffffffff;
- return ipf_ifpfillv6addr(atype, sin6, &mask,
- inp, inpmask);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * This function is not meant to be random, rather just produce a
- * sequence of numbers that isn't linear to show "randomness".
- */
- static unsigned int last = 0xa5a5a5a5;
- static int calls = 0;
- int number;
- calls++;
- /*
- * These are deliberately chosen to ensure that there is some
- * attempt to test whether the output covers the range in test n18.
- */
- switch (calls)
- {
- case 1 :
- number = 0;
- break;
- case 2 :
- number = 4;
- break;
- case 3 :
- number = 3999;
- break;
- case 4 :
- number = 4000;
- break;
- case 5 :
- number = 48999;
- break;
- case 6 :
- number = 49000;
- break;
- default :
- number = last;
- last *= calls;
- last++;
- number ^= last;
- break;
- }
- return number;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- return 1;
-ipf_inject(fin, m)
- fr_info_t *fin;
- mb_t *m;
- FREE_MB_T(m);
- return 0;
-ipf_pcksum(fin, hlen, sum)
- fr_info_t *fin;
- int hlen;
- u_int sum;
- u_short *sp;
- u_int sum2;
- int slen;
- slen = fin->fin_plen - hlen;
- sp = (u_short *)((u_char *)fin->fin_ip + hlen);
- for (; slen > 1; slen -= 2)
- sum += *sp++;
- if (slen)
- sum += ntohs(*(u_char *)sp << 8);
- while (sum > 0xffff)
- sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16);
- sum2 = (u_short)(~sum & 0xffff);
- return sum2;
-void *
-ipf_pullup(m, fin, plen)
- mb_t *m;
- fr_info_t *fin;
- int plen;
- if (M_LEN(m) >= plen)
- return fin->fin_ip;
- /*
- * Fake ipf_pullup failing
- */
- fin->fin_reason = FRB_PULLUP;
- *fin->fin_mp = NULL;
- fin->fin_m = NULL;
- fin->fin_ip = NULL;
- return NULL;