path: root/contrib/libcbor/doc/source/development.rst
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libcbor/doc/source/development.rst')
1 files changed, 143 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libcbor/doc/source/development.rst b/contrib/libcbor/doc/source/development.rst
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index 000000000000..13e91ef25762
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+Vision and principles
+Consistency and coherence are one of the key characteristics of good software.
+While the reality is never black and white, it is important libcbor
+contributors are working towards the same high-level goal. This document
+attempts to set out the basic principles of libcbor and the rationale behind
+them. If you are contributing to libcbor or looking to evaluate whether libcbor
+is the right choice for your project, it might be worthwhile to skim through the
+section below.
+Mission statement
+*libcbor* is the compact, full-featured, and safe CBOR library that works
+RFC-conformance and full feature support
+Anything the standard allows, libcbor can do.
+**Why?** Because conformance and interoperability is the point of defining
+standards. Clients expect the support to be feature-complete and
+there is no significant complexity reduction that can be achieved by slightly
+cutting corners, which means that the incremental cost of full RFC support is
+comparatively small over "almost-conformance" seen in many alternatives.
+Untrusted bytes from the network are the typical input.
+**Why?** Because it is the client expectation. Vast majority of security
+vulnerabilities are violations of contracts -- in other words, bugs -- anyway.
+libcbor has no runtime dependencies.
+**Why?** Because any constraint imposed on libcbor has to be enforced
+transitively, which is difficult and leads to incompatibilities and
+distribution issues, especially in IoT applications.
+If you can compile C for it, libcbor will work there.
+**Why?** Lowest-common-denominator solution for system-level and IoT software
+was the original niche of libcbor. Users who rely on libcbor expect future
+updates to work on their target platform.
+Stable and predictable API
+libcbor will not break without a warning.
+**Why?** `Industry-standard <https://semver.org/>`_ versioning is a basic
+requirement for production-quality software. This is especially relevant in IoT
+environments where updates may be costly.
+libcbor is fast and resource-efficient by design
+**Why?** Because the main maintainer is an avid hater of slow bloated software.
+Who wouldn't want more bang per their electricity buck?
+ - Convenience -- libcbor only provides the minimum surface to make it usable
+ - FFI/SWIG/interop support -- libcbor is primarily a C library for C clients
+ - One-off usecases support -- although there are primitives to reuse, the
+ basic
+ assumption is that most clients want most of CBOR features
+Development dependencies
+- `CMocka <http://cmocka.org/>`_ (testing)
+- `Python <https://www.python.org/>`_ and `pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip>`_ (Sphinx platform)
+- `Doxygen <http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/>`_
+- `Sphinx <http://sphinx-doc.org/>`_ (documentation)
+- There are some `Ruby <https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/>`_ scripts in ``misc``
+- `Valgrind <http://valgrind.org/>`_ (memory correctness & profiling)
+- `GCOV/LCOV <http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php>`_ (test coverage)
+- `clang-format`
+Installing *sphinx*
+.. code-block:: bash
+ pip install sphinx
+ pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
+ pip install breathe
+ pip install https://github.com/lepture/python-livereload/archive/master.zip
+ pip install sphinx-autobuild
+Further instructions on configuring advanced features can be found at `<http://read-the-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html>`_.
+Live preview of docs
+.. code-block:: bash
+ cd doc
+ make livehtml
+Set up git hooks
+A catch-all git hook that runs clang-format and automatically refreshes the `GH
+pages <https://pages.github.com/>`_ contents located in ``docs`` can be
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ln -sf $(pwd)/misc/hooks/pre-commit .git/hooks
+Testing and code coverage
+Please refer to :doc:`tests`