path: root/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp')
1 files changed, 657 insertions, 693 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp b/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp
index a21da9c81c6f..fd9441dfcb53 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp
+++ b/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/tsan/rtl/tsan_rtl.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_atomic.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_file.h"
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_interface_internal.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_libc.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_placement_new.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_stackdepot.h"
@@ -28,29 +29,28 @@
#include "tsan_symbolize.h"
#include "ubsan/ubsan_init.h"
-#ifdef __SSE3__
-// <emmintrin.h> transitively includes <stdlib.h>,
-// and it's prohibited to include std headers into tsan runtime.
-// So we do this dirty trick.
-#define __MM_MALLOC_H
-#include <emmintrin.h>
-typedef __m128i m128;
volatile int __tsan_resumed = 0;
extern "C" void __tsan_resume() {
__tsan_resumed = 1;
+void __tsan_test_only_on_fork() {}
namespace __tsan {
+void (*on_initialize)(void);
+int (*on_finalize)(int);
-THREADLOCAL char cur_thread_placeholder[sizeof(ThreadState)] ALIGNED(64);
+THREADLOCAL char cur_thread_placeholder[sizeof(ThreadState)] ALIGNED(
-static char ctx_placeholder[sizeof(Context)] ALIGNED(64);
+static char ctx_placeholder[sizeof(Context)] ALIGNED(SANITIZER_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
Context *ctx;
// Can be overriden by a front-end.
@@ -58,113 +58,404 @@ Context *ctx;
bool OnFinalize(bool failed);
void OnInitialize();
-#include <dlfcn.h>
bool OnFinalize(bool failed) {
- if (auto *ptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "__tsan_on_finalize"))
- return reinterpret_cast<decltype(&__tsan_on_finalize)>(ptr)(failed);
+ if (on_finalize)
+ return on_finalize(failed);
+# endif
return failed;
void OnInitialize() {
- if (auto *ptr = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "__tsan_on_initialize")) {
- return reinterpret_cast<decltype(&__tsan_on_initialize)>(ptr)();
- }
+ if (on_initialize)
+ on_initialize();
+# endif
+static TracePart* TracePartAlloc(ThreadState* thr) {
+ TracePart* part = nullptr;
+ {
+ Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ uptr max_parts = Trace::kMinParts + flags()->history_size;
+ Trace* trace = &thr->tctx->trace;
+ if (trace->parts_allocated == max_parts ||
+ ctx->trace_part_finished_excess) {
+ part = ctx->trace_part_recycle.PopFront();
+ DPrintf("#%d: TracePartAlloc: part=%p\n", thr->tid, part);
+ if (part && part->trace) {
+ Trace* trace1 = part->trace;
+ Lock trace_lock(&trace1->mtx);
+ part->trace = nullptr;
+ TracePart* part1 = trace1->parts.PopFront();
+ CHECK_EQ(part, part1);
+ if (trace1->parts_allocated > trace1->parts.Size()) {
+ ctx->trace_part_finished_excess +=
+ trace1->parts_allocated - trace1->parts.Size();
+ trace1->parts_allocated = trace1->parts.Size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (trace->parts_allocated < max_parts) {
+ trace->parts_allocated++;
+ if (ctx->trace_part_finished_excess)
+ ctx->trace_part_finished_excess--;
+ }
+ if (!part)
+ ctx->trace_part_total_allocated++;
+ else if (ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished)
+ ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished--;
+ }
+ if (!part)
+ part = new (MmapOrDie(sizeof(*part), "TracePart")) TracePart();
+ return part;
+static void TracePartFree(TracePart* part) SANITIZER_REQUIRES(ctx->slot_mtx) {
+ DCHECK(part->trace);
+ part->trace = nullptr;
+ ctx->trace_part_recycle.PushFront(part);
+void TraceResetForTesting() {
+ Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ while (auto* part = ctx->trace_part_recycle.PopFront()) {
+ if (auto trace = part->trace)
+ CHECK_EQ(trace->parts.PopFront(), part);
+ UnmapOrDie(part, sizeof(*part));
+ }
+ ctx->trace_part_total_allocated = 0;
+ ctx->trace_part_recycle_finished = 0;
+ ctx->trace_part_finished_excess = 0;
+static void DoResetImpl(uptr epoch) {
+ ThreadRegistryLock lock0(&ctx->thread_registry);
+ Lock lock1(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ CHECK_EQ(ctx->global_epoch, epoch);
+ ctx->global_epoch++;
+ CHECK(!ctx->resetting);
+ ctx->resetting = true;
+ for (u32 i = ctx->thread_registry.NumThreadsLocked(); i--;) {
+ ThreadContext* tctx = (ThreadContext*)ctx->thread_registry.GetThreadLocked(
+ static_cast<Tid>(i));
+ // Potentially we could purge all ThreadStatusDead threads from the
+ // registry. Since we reset all shadow, they can't race with anything
+ // anymore. However, their tid's can still be stored in some aux places
+ // (e.g. tid of thread that created something).
+ auto trace = &tctx->trace;
+ Lock lock(&trace->mtx);
+ bool attached = tctx->thr && tctx->thr->slot;
+ auto parts = &trace->parts;
+ bool local = false;
+ while (!parts->Empty()) {
+ auto part = parts->Front();
+ local = local || part == trace->local_head;
+ if (local)
+ CHECK(!ctx->trace_part_recycle.Queued(part));
+ else
+ ctx->trace_part_recycle.Remove(part);
+ if (attached && parts->Size() == 1) {
+ // The thread is running and this is the last/current part.
+ // Set the trace position to the end of the current part
+ // to force the thread to call SwitchTracePart and re-attach
+ // to a new slot and allocate a new trace part.
+ // Note: the thread is concurrently modifying the position as well,
+ // so this is only best-effort. The thread can only modify position
+ // within this part, because switching parts is protected by
+ // slot/trace mutexes that we hold here.
+ atomic_store_relaxed(
+ &tctx->thr->trace_pos,
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr>(&part->events[TracePart::kSize]));
+ break;
+ }
+ parts->Remove(part);
+ TracePartFree(part);
+ }
+ CHECK_LE(parts->Size(), 1);
+ trace->local_head = parts->Front();
+ if (tctx->thr && !tctx->thr->slot) {
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&tctx->thr->trace_pos, 0);
+ tctx->thr->trace_prev_pc = 0;
+ }
+ if (trace->parts_allocated > trace->parts.Size()) {
+ ctx->trace_part_finished_excess +=
+ trace->parts_allocated - trace->parts.Size();
+ trace->parts_allocated = trace->parts.Size();
+ }
+ }
+ while (ctx->slot_queue.PopFront()) {
+ }
+ for (auto& slot : ctx->slots) {
+ slot.SetEpoch(kEpochZero);
+ slot.journal.Reset();
+ slot.thr = nullptr;
+ ctx->slot_queue.PushBack(&slot);
+ }
+ DPrintf("Resetting shadow...\n");
+ auto shadow_begin = ShadowBeg();
+ auto shadow_end = ShadowEnd();
+ CHECK_NE(0, ctx->mapped_shadow_begin);
+ shadow_begin = ctx->mapped_shadow_begin;
+ shadow_end = ctx->mapped_shadow_end;
+ VPrintf(2, "shadow_begin-shadow_end: (0x%zx-0x%zx)\n",
+ shadow_begin, shadow_end);
-static ALIGNED(64) char thread_registry_placeholder[sizeof(ThreadRegistry)];
-static ThreadContextBase *CreateThreadContext(u32 tid) {
- // Map thread trace when context is created.
- char name[50];
- internal_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "trace %u", tid);
- MapThreadTrace(GetThreadTrace(tid), TraceSize() * sizeof(Event), name);
- const uptr hdr = GetThreadTraceHeader(tid);
- internal_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "trace header %u", tid);
- MapThreadTrace(hdr, sizeof(Trace), name);
- new((void*)hdr) Trace();
- // We are going to use only a small part of the trace with the default
- // value of history_size. However, the constructor writes to the whole trace.
- // Release the unused part.
- uptr hdr_end = hdr + sizeof(Trace);
- hdr_end -= sizeof(TraceHeader) * (kTraceParts - TraceParts());
- hdr_end = RoundUp(hdr_end, GetPageSizeCached());
- if (hdr_end < hdr + sizeof(Trace)) {
- ReleaseMemoryPagesToOS(hdr_end, hdr + sizeof(Trace));
- uptr unused = hdr + sizeof(Trace) - hdr_end;
- if (hdr_end != (uptr)MmapFixedNoAccess(hdr_end, unused)) {
- Report("ThreadSanitizer: failed to mprotect(%p, %p)\n",
- hdr_end, unused);
- CHECK("unable to mprotect" && 0);
+ auto resetFailed =
+ !ZeroMmapFixedRegion(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin);
+ auto resetFailed =
+ !MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(shadow_begin, shadow_end-shadow_begin, "shadow");
+ DontDumpShadow(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin);
+# endif
+ if (resetFailed) {
+ Printf("failed to reset shadow memory\n");
+ Die();
+ }
+ DPrintf("Resetting meta shadow...\n");
+ ctx->metamap.ResetClocks();
+ StoreShadow(&ctx->last_spurious_race, Shadow::kEmpty);
+ ctx->resetting = false;
+// Clang does not understand locking all slots in the loop:
+// error: expecting mutex 'slot.mtx' to be held at start of each loop
+void DoReset(ThreadState* thr, uptr epoch) SANITIZER_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+ for (auto& slot : ctx->slots) {
+ slot.mtx.Lock();
+ if (UNLIKELY(epoch == 0))
+ epoch = ctx->global_epoch;
+ if (UNLIKELY(epoch != ctx->global_epoch)) {
+ // Epoch can't change once we've locked the first slot.
+ CHECK_EQ(slot.sid, 0);
+ slot.mtx.Unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ DPrintf("#%d: DoReset epoch=%lu\n", thr ? thr->tid : -1, epoch);
+ DoResetImpl(epoch);
+ for (auto& slot : ctx->slots) slot.mtx.Unlock();
+void FlushShadowMemory() { DoReset(nullptr, 0); }
+static TidSlot* FindSlotAndLock(ThreadState* thr)
+ CHECK(!thr->slot);
+ TidSlot* slot = nullptr;
+ for (;;) {
+ uptr epoch;
+ {
+ Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ epoch = ctx->global_epoch;
+ if (slot) {
+ // This is an exhausted slot from the previous iteration.
+ if (ctx->slot_queue.Queued(slot))
+ ctx->slot_queue.Remove(slot);
+ thr->slot_locked = false;
+ slot->mtx.Unlock();
+ }
+ for (;;) {
+ slot = ctx->slot_queue.PopFront();
+ if (!slot)
+ break;
+ if (slot->epoch() != kEpochLast) {
+ ctx->slot_queue.PushBack(slot);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!slot) {
+ DoReset(thr, epoch);
+ continue;
+ slot->mtx.Lock();
+ CHECK(!thr->slot_locked);
+ thr->slot_locked = true;
+ if (slot->thr) {
+ DPrintf("#%d: preempting sid=%d tid=%d\n", thr->tid, (u32)slot->sid,
+ slot->thr->tid);
+ slot->SetEpoch(slot->thr->fast_state.epoch());
+ slot->thr = nullptr;
+ }
+ if (slot->epoch() != kEpochLast)
+ return slot;
- void *mem = internal_alloc(MBlockThreadContex, sizeof(ThreadContext));
- return new(mem) ThreadContext(tid);
+void SlotAttachAndLock(ThreadState* thr) {
+ TidSlot* slot = FindSlotAndLock(thr);
+ DPrintf("#%d: SlotAttach: slot=%u\n", thr->tid, static_cast<int>(slot->sid));
+ CHECK(!slot->thr);
+ CHECK(!thr->slot);
+ slot->thr = thr;
+ thr->slot = slot;
+ Epoch epoch = EpochInc(slot->epoch());
+ CHECK(!EpochOverflow(epoch));
+ slot->SetEpoch(epoch);
+ thr->fast_state.SetSid(slot->sid);
+ thr->fast_state.SetEpoch(epoch);
+ if (thr->slot_epoch != ctx->global_epoch) {
+ thr->slot_epoch = ctx->global_epoch;
+ thr->clock.Reset();
-static const u32 kThreadQuarantineSize = 16;
-static const u32 kThreadQuarantineSize = 64;
+ thr->last_sleep_stack_id = kInvalidStackID;
+ thr->last_sleep_clock.Reset();
+ }
+ thr->clock.Set(slot->sid, epoch);
+ slot->journal.PushBack({thr->tid, epoch});
+static void SlotDetachImpl(ThreadState* thr, bool exiting) {
+ TidSlot* slot = thr->slot;
+ thr->slot = nullptr;
+ if (thr != slot->thr) {
+ slot = nullptr; // we don't own the slot anymore
+ if (thr->slot_epoch != ctx->global_epoch) {
+ TracePart* part = nullptr;
+ auto* trace = &thr->tctx->trace;
+ {
+ Lock l(&trace->mtx);
+ auto* parts = &trace->parts;
+ // The trace can be completely empty in an unlikely event
+ // the thread is preempted right after it acquired the slot
+ // in ThreadStart and did not trace any events yet.
+ CHECK_LE(parts->Size(), 1);
+ part = parts->PopFront();
+ thr->tctx->trace.local_head = nullptr;
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos, 0);
+ thr->trace_prev_pc = 0;
+ }
+ if (part) {
+ Lock l(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ TracePartFree(part);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ CHECK(exiting || thr->fast_state.epoch() == kEpochLast);
+ slot->SetEpoch(thr->fast_state.epoch());
+ slot->thr = nullptr;
+void SlotDetach(ThreadState* thr) {
+ Lock lock(&thr->slot->mtx);
+ SlotDetachImpl(thr, true);
+void SlotLock(ThreadState* thr) SANITIZER_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+ DCHECK(!thr->slot_locked);
+ // Check these mutexes are not locked.
+ // We can call DoReset from SlotAttachAndLock, which will lock
+ // these mutexes, but it happens only every once in a while.
+ { ThreadRegistryLock lock(&ctx->thread_registry); }
+ { Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx); }
+ TidSlot* slot = thr->slot;
+ slot->mtx.Lock();
+ thr->slot_locked = true;
+ if (LIKELY(thr == slot->thr && thr->fast_state.epoch() != kEpochLast))
+ return;
+ SlotDetachImpl(thr, false);
+ thr->slot_locked = false;
+ slot->mtx.Unlock();
+ SlotAttachAndLock(thr);
+void SlotUnlock(ThreadState* thr) {
+ DCHECK(thr->slot_locked);
+ thr->slot_locked = false;
+ thr->slot->mtx.Unlock();
: initialized(),
- nmissed_expected(),
- thread_registry(new (thread_registry_placeholder) ThreadRegistry(
- CreateThreadContext, kMaxTid, kThreadQuarantineSize, kMaxTidReuse)),
+ thread_registry([](Tid tid) -> ThreadContextBase* {
+ return new (Alloc(sizeof(ThreadContext))) ThreadContext(tid);
+ }),
- racy_addresses(),
- clock_alloc(LINKER_INITIALIZED, "clock allocator") {
+ slot_mtx(MutexTypeSlots),
+ resetting() {
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(slots); i++) {
+ TidSlot* slot = &slots[i];
+ slot->sid = static_cast<Sid>(i);
+ slot_queue.PushBack(slot);
+ }
+ global_epoch = 1;
+TidSlot::TidSlot() : mtx(MutexTypeSlot) {}
// The objects are allocated in TLS, so one may rely on zero-initialization.
-ThreadState::ThreadState(Context *ctx, u32 tid, int unique_id, u64 epoch,
- unsigned reuse_count, uptr stk_addr, uptr stk_size,
- uptr tls_addr, uptr tls_size)
- : fast_state(tid, epoch)
- // Do not touch these, rely on zero initialization,
- // they may be accessed before the ctor.
- // , ignore_reads_and_writes()
- // , ignore_interceptors()
- ,
- clock(tid, reuse_count)
- ,
- jmp_bufs()
- ,
- tid(tid),
- unique_id(unique_id),
- stk_addr(stk_addr),
- stk_size(stk_size),
- tls_addr(tls_addr),
- tls_size(tls_size)
+ThreadState::ThreadState(Tid tid)
+ // Do not touch these, rely on zero initialization,
+ // they may be accessed before the ctor.
+ // ignore_reads_and_writes()
+ // ignore_interceptors()
+ : tid(tid) {
+ CHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this) % SANITIZER_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, 0);
- ,
- last_sleep_clock(tid)
+ // C/C++ uses fixed size shadow stack.
+ const int kInitStackSize = kShadowStackSize;
+ shadow_stack = static_cast<uptr*>(
+ MmapNoReserveOrDie(kInitStackSize * sizeof(uptr), "shadow stack"));
+ SetShadowRegionHugePageMode(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(shadow_stack),
+ kInitStackSize * sizeof(uptr));
+ // Go uses malloc-allocated shadow stack with dynamic size.
+ const int kInitStackSize = 8;
+ shadow_stack = static_cast<uptr*>(Alloc(kInitStackSize * sizeof(uptr)));
+ shadow_stack_pos = shadow_stack;
+ shadow_stack_end = shadow_stack + kInitStackSize;
-static void MemoryProfiler(Context *ctx, fd_t fd, int i) {
- uptr n_threads;
- uptr n_running_threads;
- ctx->thread_registry->GetNumberOfThreads(&n_threads, &n_running_threads);
+void MemoryProfiler(u64 uptime) {
+ if (ctx->memprof_fd == kInvalidFd)
+ return;
InternalMmapVector<char> buf(4096);
- WriteMemoryProfile(buf.data(), buf.size(), n_threads, n_running_threads);
- WriteToFile(fd, buf.data(), internal_strlen(buf.data()));
+ WriteMemoryProfile(buf.data(), buf.size(), uptime);
+ WriteToFile(ctx->memprof_fd, buf.data(), internal_strlen(buf.data()));
+static bool InitializeMemoryProfiler() {
+ ctx->memprof_fd = kInvalidFd;
+ const char *fname = flags()->profile_memory;
+ if (!fname || !fname[0])
+ return false;
+ if (internal_strcmp(fname, "stdout") == 0) {
+ ctx->memprof_fd = 1;
+ } else if (internal_strcmp(fname, "stderr") == 0) {
+ ctx->memprof_fd = 2;
+ } else {
+ InternalScopedString filename;
+ filename.AppendF("%s.%d", fname, (int)internal_getpid());
+ ctx->memprof_fd = OpenFile(filename.data(), WrOnly);
+ if (ctx->memprof_fd == kInvalidFd) {
+ Printf("ThreadSanitizer: failed to open memory profile file '%s'\n",
+ filename.data());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ MemoryProfiler(0);
+ return true;
static void *BackgroundThread(void *arg) {
@@ -172,64 +463,43 @@ static void *BackgroundThread(void *arg) {
// We don't use ScopedIgnoreInterceptors, because we want ignores to be
// enabled even when the thread function exits (e.g. during pthread thread
// shutdown code).
- cur_thread_init();
- cur_thread()->ignore_interceptors++;
+ cur_thread_init()->ignore_interceptors++;
const u64 kMs2Ns = 1000 * 1000;
+ const u64 start = NanoTime();
- fd_t mprof_fd = kInvalidFd;
- if (flags()->profile_memory && flags()->profile_memory[0]) {
- if (internal_strcmp(flags()->profile_memory, "stdout") == 0) {
- mprof_fd = 1;
- } else if (internal_strcmp(flags()->profile_memory, "stderr") == 0) {
- mprof_fd = 2;
- } else {
- InternalScopedString filename;
- filename.append("%s.%d", flags()->profile_memory, (int)internal_getpid());
- fd_t fd = OpenFile(filename.data(), WrOnly);
- if (fd == kInvalidFd) {
- Printf("ThreadSanitizer: failed to open memory profile file '%s'\n",
- filename.data());
- } else {
- mprof_fd = fd;
- }
- }
- }
- u64 last_flush = NanoTime();
+ u64 last_flush = start;
uptr last_rss = 0;
- for (int i = 0;
- atomic_load(&ctx->stop_background_thread, memory_order_relaxed) == 0;
- i++) {
+ while (!atomic_load_relaxed(&ctx->stop_background_thread)) {
u64 now = NanoTime();
// Flush memory if requested.
if (flags()->flush_memory_ms > 0) {
if (last_flush + flags()->flush_memory_ms * kMs2Ns < now) {
- VPrintf(1, "ThreadSanitizer: periodic memory flush\n");
+ VReport(1, "ThreadSanitizer: periodic memory flush\n");
- last_flush = NanoTime();
+ now = last_flush = NanoTime();
- // GetRSS can be expensive on huge programs, so don't do it every 100ms.
if (flags()->memory_limit_mb > 0) {
uptr rss = GetRSS();
uptr limit = uptr(flags()->memory_limit_mb) << 20;
- VPrintf(1, "ThreadSanitizer: memory flush check"
- " RSS=%llu LAST=%llu LIMIT=%llu\n",
+ VReport(1,
+ "ThreadSanitizer: memory flush check"
+ " RSS=%llu LAST=%llu LIMIT=%llu\n",
(u64)rss >> 20, (u64)last_rss >> 20, (u64)limit >> 20);
if (2 * rss > limit + last_rss) {
- VPrintf(1, "ThreadSanitizer: flushing memory due to RSS\n");
+ VReport(1, "ThreadSanitizer: flushing memory due to RSS\n");
rss = GetRSS();
- VPrintf(1, "ThreadSanitizer: memory flushed RSS=%llu\n", (u64)rss>>20);
+ now = NanoTime();
+ VReport(1, "ThreadSanitizer: memory flushed RSS=%llu\n",
+ (u64)rss >> 20);
last_rss = rss;
- // Write memory profile if requested.
- if (mprof_fd != kInvalidFd)
- MemoryProfiler(ctx, mprof_fd, i);
+ MemoryProfiler(now - start);
// Flush symbolizer cache if requested.
if (flags()->flush_symbolizer_ms > 0) {
@@ -260,31 +530,96 @@ static void StopBackgroundThread() {
void DontNeedShadowFor(uptr addr, uptr size) {
- ReleaseMemoryPagesToOS(MemToShadow(addr), MemToShadow(addr + size));
+ ReleaseMemoryPagesToOS(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(MemToShadow(addr)),
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr>(MemToShadow(addr + size)));
+// We call UnmapShadow before the actual munmap, at that point we don't yet
+// know if the provided address/size are sane. We can't call UnmapShadow
+// after the actual munmap becuase at that point the memory range can
+// already be reused for something else, so we can't rely on the munmap
+// return value to understand is the values are sane.
+// While calling munmap with insane values (non-canonical address, negative
+// size, etc) is an error, the kernel won't crash. We must also try to not
+// crash as the failure mode is very confusing (paging fault inside of the
+// runtime on some derived shadow address).
+static bool IsValidMmapRange(uptr addr, uptr size) {
+ if (size == 0)
+ return true;
+ if (static_cast<sptr>(size) < 0)
+ return false;
+ if (!IsAppMem(addr) || !IsAppMem(addr + size - 1))
+ return false;
+ // Check that if the start of the region belongs to one of app ranges,
+ // end of the region belongs to the same region.
+ const uptr ranges[][2] = {
+ {LoAppMemBeg(), LoAppMemEnd()},
+ {MidAppMemBeg(), MidAppMemEnd()},
+ {HiAppMemBeg(), HiAppMemEnd()},
+ };
+ for (auto range : ranges) {
+ if (addr >= range[0] && addr < range[1])
+ return addr + size <= range[1];
+ }
+ return false;
void UnmapShadow(ThreadState *thr, uptr addr, uptr size) {
- if (size == 0) return;
+ if (size == 0 || !IsValidMmapRange(addr, size))
+ return;
DontNeedShadowFor(addr, size);
ScopedGlobalProcessor sgp;
- ctx->metamap.ResetRange(thr->proc(), addr, size);
+ SlotLocker locker(thr, true);
+ ctx->metamap.ResetRange(thr->proc(), addr, size, true);
void MapShadow(uptr addr, uptr size) {
+ // Ensure thead registry lock held, so as to synchronize
+ // with DoReset, which also access the mapped_shadow_* ctxt fields.
+ ThreadRegistryLock lock0(&ctx->thread_registry);
+ static bool data_mapped = false;
// Global data is not 64K aligned, but there are no adjacent mappings,
// so we can get away with unaligned mapping.
// CHECK_EQ(addr, addr & ~((64 << 10) - 1)); // windows wants 64K alignment
const uptr kPageSize = GetPageSizeCached();
uptr shadow_begin = RoundDownTo((uptr)MemToShadow(addr), kPageSize);
uptr shadow_end = RoundUpTo((uptr)MemToShadow(addr + size), kPageSize);
- if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin,
- "shadow"))
+ if (!MmapFixedNoReserve(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin, "shadow"))
+ uptr shadow_begin = RoundDownTo((uptr)MemToShadow(addr), (64 << 10));
+ uptr shadow_end = RoundUpTo((uptr)MemToShadow(addr + size), (64 << 10));
+ VPrintf(2, "MapShadow for (0x%zx-0x%zx), begin/end: (0x%zx-0x%zx)\n",
+ addr, addr + size, shadow_begin, shadow_end);
+ if (!data_mapped) {
+ // First call maps data+bss.
+ if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin, "shadow"))
+ Die();
+ } else {
+ VPrintf(2, "ctx->mapped_shadow_{begin,end} = (0x%zx-0x%zx)\n",
+ ctx->mapped_shadow_begin, ctx->mapped_shadow_end);
+ // Second and subsequent calls map heap.
+ if (shadow_end <= ctx->mapped_shadow_end)
+ return;
+ if (!ctx->mapped_shadow_begin || ctx->mapped_shadow_begin > shadow_begin)
+ ctx->mapped_shadow_begin = shadow_begin;
+ if (shadow_begin < ctx->mapped_shadow_end)
+ shadow_begin = ctx->mapped_shadow_end;
+ VPrintf(2, "MapShadow begin/end = (0x%zx-0x%zx)\n",
+ shadow_begin, shadow_end);
+ if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(shadow_begin, shadow_end - shadow_begin,
+ "shadow"))
+ Die();
+ ctx->mapped_shadow_end = shadow_end;
+ }
// Meta shadow is 2:1, so tread carefully.
- static bool data_mapped = false;
static uptr mapped_meta_end = 0;
uptr meta_begin = (uptr)MemToMeta(addr);
uptr meta_end = (uptr)MemToMeta(addr + size);
@@ -297,12 +632,11 @@ void MapShadow(uptr addr, uptr size) {
"meta shadow"))
} else {
- // Mapping continous heap.
+ // Mapping continuous heap.
// Windows wants 64K alignment.
meta_begin = RoundDownTo(meta_begin, 64 << 10);
meta_end = RoundUpTo(meta_end, 64 << 10);
- if (meta_end <= mapped_meta_end)
- return;
+ CHECK_GT(meta_end, mapped_meta_end);
if (meta_begin < mapped_meta_end)
meta_begin = mapped_meta_end;
if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(meta_begin, meta_end - meta_begin,
@@ -310,56 +644,8 @@ void MapShadow(uptr addr, uptr size) {
mapped_meta_end = meta_end;
- VPrintf(2, "mapped meta shadow for (%p-%p) at (%p-%p)\n",
- addr, addr+size, meta_begin, meta_end);
-void MapThreadTrace(uptr addr, uptr size, const char *name) {
- DPrintf("#0: Mapping trace at %p-%p(0x%zx)\n", addr, addr + size, size);
- CHECK_GE(addr, TraceMemBeg());
- CHECK_LE(addr + size, TraceMemEnd());
- CHECK_EQ(addr, addr & ~((64 << 10) - 1)); // windows wants 64K alignment
- if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve(addr, size, name)) {
- Printf("FATAL: ThreadSanitizer can not mmap thread trace (%p/%p)\n",
- addr, size);
- Die();
- }
-static void CheckShadowMapping() {
- uptr beg, end;
- for (int i = 0; GetUserRegion(i, &beg, &end); i++) {
- // Skip cases for empty regions (heap definition for architectures that
- // do not use 64-bit allocator).
- if (beg == end)
- continue;
- VPrintf(3, "checking shadow region %p-%p\n", beg, end);
- uptr prev = 0;
- for (uptr p0 = beg; p0 <= end; p0 += (end - beg) / 4) {
- for (int x = -(int)kShadowCell; x <= (int)kShadowCell; x += kShadowCell) {
- const uptr p = RoundDown(p0 + x, kShadowCell);
- if (p < beg || p >= end)
- continue;
- const uptr s = MemToShadow(p);
- const uptr m = (uptr)MemToMeta(p);
- VPrintf(3, " checking pointer %p: shadow=%p meta=%p\n", p, s, m);
- CHECK(IsAppMem(p));
- CHECK(IsShadowMem(s));
- CHECK_EQ(p, ShadowToMem(s));
- CHECK(IsMetaMem(m));
- if (prev) {
- // Ensure that shadow and meta mappings are linear within a single
- // user range. Lots of code that processes memory ranges assumes it.
- const uptr prev_s = MemToShadow(prev);
- const uptr prev_m = (uptr)MemToMeta(prev);
- CHECK_EQ(s - prev_s, (p - prev) * kShadowMultiplier);
- CHECK_EQ((m - prev_m) / kMetaShadowSize,
- (p - prev) / kMetaShadowCell);
- }
- prev = p;
- }
- }
- }
+ VPrintf(2, "mapped meta shadow for (0x%zx-0x%zx) at (0x%zx-0x%zx)\n", addr,
+ addr + size, meta_begin, meta_end);
@@ -380,15 +666,19 @@ void CheckUnwind() {
// since we are going to die soon.
ScopedIgnoreInterceptors ignore;
- cur_thread()->ignore_sync++;
- cur_thread()->ignore_reads_and_writes++;
+ ThreadState* thr = cur_thread();
+ thr->nomalloc = false;
+ thr->ignore_sync++;
+ thr->ignore_reads_and_writes++;
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->in_signal_handler, 0);
+bool is_initialized;
void Initialize(ThreadState *thr) {
// Thread safe because done before all threads exist.
- static bool is_initialized = false;
if (is_initialized)
is_initialized = true;
@@ -409,9 +699,6 @@ void Initialize(ThreadState *thr) {
- // Re-exec ourselves if we need to set additional env or command line args.
- MaybeReexec();
@@ -420,7 +707,6 @@ void Initialize(ThreadState *thr) {
Processor *proc = ProcCreate();
ProcWire(proc, thr);
- CheckShadowMapping();
@@ -436,21 +722,23 @@ void Initialize(ThreadState *thr) {
Symbolizer::GetOrInit()->AddHooks(EnterSymbolizer, ExitSymbolizer);
- VPrintf(1, "***** Running under ThreadSanitizer v2 (pid %d) *****\n",
+ VPrintf(1, "***** Running under ThreadSanitizer v3 (pid %d) *****\n",
// Initialize thread 0.
- int tid = ThreadCreate(thr, 0, 0, true);
- CHECK_EQ(tid, 0);
+ Tid tid = ThreadCreate(nullptr, 0, 0, true);
+ CHECK_EQ(tid, kMainTid);
ThreadStart(thr, tid, GetTid(), ThreadType::Regular);
- ctx->initialized = true;
+ if (InitializeMemoryProfiler() || flags()->force_background_thread)
+ MaybeSpawnBackgroundThread();
+ ctx->initialized = true;
if (flags()->stop_on_start) {
Printf("ThreadSanitizer is suspended at startup (pid %d)."
@@ -476,20 +764,21 @@ void MaybeSpawnBackgroundThread() {
int Finalize(ThreadState *thr) {
bool failed = false;
if (common_flags()->print_module_map == 1)
if (flags()->atexit_sleep_ms > 0 && ThreadCount(thr) > 1)
- SleepForMillis(flags()->atexit_sleep_ms);
+ internal_usleep(u64(flags()->atexit_sleep_ms) * 1000);
- // Wait for pending reports.
- ctx->report_mtx.Lock();
- { ScopedErrorReportLock l; }
- ctx->report_mtx.Unlock();
+ {
+ // Wait for pending reports.
+ ScopedErrorReportLock lock;
+ }
if (Verbosity()) AllocatorPrintStats();
@@ -506,18 +795,8 @@ int Finalize(ThreadState *thr) {
- if (ctx->nmissed_expected) {
- failed = true;
- Printf("ThreadSanitizer: missed %d expected races\n",
- ctx->nmissed_expected);
- }
if (common_flags()->print_suppressions)
- if (flags()->print_benign)
- PrintMatchedBenignRaces();
failed = OnFinalize(failed);
@@ -525,10 +804,16 @@ int Finalize(ThreadState *thr) {
-void ForkBefore(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
- ctx->thread_registry->Lock();
- ctx->report_mtx.Lock();
+void ForkBefore(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc) SANITIZER_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+ GlobalProcessorLock();
+ // Detaching from the slot makes OnUserFree skip writing to the shadow.
+ // The slot will be locked so any attempts to use it will deadlock anyway.
+ SlotDetach(thr);
+ for (auto& slot : ctx->slots) slot.mtx.Lock();
+ ctx->thread_registry.Lock();
+ ctx->slot_mtx.Lock();
+ AllocatorLock();
// Suppress all reports in the pthread_atfork callbacks.
// Reports will deadlock on the report_mtx.
// We could ignore sync operations as well,
@@ -537,36 +822,48 @@ void ForkBefore(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// On OS X, REAL(fork) can call intercepted functions (OSSpinLockLock), and
// we'll assert in CheckNoLocks() unless we ignore interceptors.
+ // On OS X libSystem_atfork_prepare/parent/child callbacks are called
+ // after/before our callbacks and they call free.
+ // Disables memory write in OnUserAlloc/Free.
+ thr->ignore_reads_and_writes++;
+ __tsan_test_only_on_fork();
-void ForkParentAfter(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
+static void ForkAfter(ThreadState* thr) SANITIZER_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
thr->suppress_reports--; // Enabled in ForkBefore.
+ thr->ignore_reads_and_writes--;
+ AllocatorUnlock();
- ctx->report_mtx.Unlock();
- ctx->thread_registry->Unlock();
+ ctx->slot_mtx.Unlock();
+ ctx->thread_registry.Unlock();
+ for (auto& slot : ctx->slots) slot.mtx.Unlock();
+ SlotAttachAndLock(thr);
+ SlotUnlock(thr);
+ GlobalProcessorUnlock();
-void ForkChildAfter(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
- thr->suppress_reports--; // Enabled in ForkBefore.
- thr->ignore_interceptors--;
- ScopedErrorReportLock::Unlock();
- ctx->report_mtx.Unlock();
- ctx->thread_registry->Unlock();
+void ForkParentAfter(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc) { ForkAfter(thr); }
- uptr nthread = 0;
- ctx->thread_registry->GetNumberOfThreads(0, 0, &nthread /* alive threads */);
- VPrintf(1, "ThreadSanitizer: forked new process with pid %d,"
- " parent had %d threads\n", (int)internal_getpid(), (int)nthread);
+void ForkChildAfter(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc, bool start_thread) {
+ ForkAfter(thr);
+ u32 nthread = ctx->thread_registry.OnFork(thr->tid);
+ VPrintf(1,
+ "ThreadSanitizer: forked new process with pid %d,"
+ " parent had %d threads\n",
+ (int)internal_getpid(), (int)nthread);
if (nthread == 1) {
- StartBackgroundThread();
+ if (start_thread)
+ StartBackgroundThread();
} else {
// We've just forked a multi-threaded process. We cannot reasonably function
// after that (some mutexes may be locked before fork). So just enable
// ignores for everything in the hope that we will exec soon.
ctx->after_multithreaded_fork = true;
+ thr->suppress_reports++;
ThreadIgnoreBegin(thr, pc);
ThreadIgnoreSyncBegin(thr, pc);
@@ -578,19 +875,20 @@ NOINLINE
void GrowShadowStack(ThreadState *thr) {
const int sz = thr->shadow_stack_end - thr->shadow_stack;
const int newsz = 2 * sz;
- uptr *newstack = (uptr*)internal_alloc(MBlockShadowStack,
- newsz * sizeof(uptr));
+ auto *newstack = (uptr *)Alloc(newsz * sizeof(uptr));
internal_memcpy(newstack, thr->shadow_stack, sz * sizeof(uptr));
- internal_free(thr->shadow_stack);
+ Free(thr->shadow_stack);
thr->shadow_stack = newstack;
thr->shadow_stack_pos = newstack + sz;
thr->shadow_stack_end = newstack + newsz;
-u32 CurrentStackId(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
+StackID CurrentStackId(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
if (!thr->is_inited) // May happen during bootstrap.
- return 0;
+ return kInvalidStackID;
if (pc != 0) {
DCHECK_LT(thr->shadow_stack_pos, thr->shadow_stack_end);
@@ -601,486 +899,149 @@ u32 CurrentStackId(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
thr->shadow_stack_pos[0] = pc;
- u32 id = StackDepotPut(
+ StackID id = StackDepotPut(
StackTrace(thr->shadow_stack, thr->shadow_stack_pos - thr->shadow_stack));
if (pc != 0)
return id;
-void TraceSwitch(ThreadState *thr) {
- if (ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
- return;
- thr->nomalloc++;
- Trace *thr_trace = ThreadTrace(thr->tid);
- Lock l(&thr_trace->mtx);
- unsigned trace = (thr->fast_state.epoch() / kTracePartSize) % TraceParts();
- TraceHeader *hdr = &thr_trace->headers[trace];
- hdr->epoch0 = thr->fast_state.epoch();
- ObtainCurrentStack(thr, 0, &hdr->stack0);
- hdr->mset0 = thr->mset;
- thr->nomalloc--;
-Trace *ThreadTrace(int tid) {
- return (Trace*)GetThreadTraceHeader(tid);
-uptr TraceTopPC(ThreadState *thr) {
- Event *events = (Event*)GetThreadTrace(thr->tid);
- uptr pc = events[thr->fast_state.GetTracePos()];
- return pc;
-uptr TraceSize() {
- return (uptr)(1ull << (kTracePartSizeBits + flags()->history_size + 1));
-uptr TraceParts() {
- return TraceSize() / kTracePartSize;
-extern "C" void __tsan_trace_switch() {
- TraceSwitch(cur_thread());
-extern "C" void __tsan_report_race() {
- ReportRace(cur_thread());
-Shadow LoadShadow(u64 *p) {
- u64 raw = atomic_load((atomic_uint64_t*)p, memory_order_relaxed);
- return Shadow(raw);
-void StoreShadow(u64 *sp, u64 s) {
- atomic_store((atomic_uint64_t*)sp, s, memory_order_relaxed);
-void StoreIfNotYetStored(u64 *sp, u64 *s) {
- StoreShadow(sp, *s);
- *s = 0;
-void HandleRace(ThreadState *thr, u64 *shadow_mem,
- Shadow cur, Shadow old) {
- thr->racy_state[0] = cur.raw();
- thr->racy_state[1] = old.raw();
- thr->racy_shadow_addr = shadow_mem;
- HACKY_CALL(__tsan_report_race);
- ReportRace(thr);
-static inline bool HappensBefore(Shadow old, ThreadState *thr) {
- return thr->clock.get(old.TidWithIgnore()) >= old.epoch();
-void MemoryAccessImpl1(ThreadState *thr, uptr addr,
- int kAccessSizeLog, bool kAccessIsWrite, bool kIsAtomic,
- u64 *shadow_mem, Shadow cur) {
- // This potentially can live in an MMX/SSE scratch register.
- // The required intrinsics are:
- // __m128i _mm_move_epi64(__m128i*);
- // _mm_storel_epi64(u64*, __m128i);
- u64 store_word = cur.raw();
- bool stored = false;
- // scan all the shadow values and dispatch to 4 categories:
- // same, replace, candidate and race (see comments below).
- // we consider only 3 cases regarding access sizes:
- // equal, intersect and not intersect. initially I considered
- // larger and smaller as well, it allowed to replace some
- // 'candidates' with 'same' or 'replace', but I think
- // it's just not worth it (performance- and complexity-wise).
- Shadow old(0);
- // It release mode we manually unroll the loop,
- // because empirically gcc generates better code this way.
- // However, we can't afford unrolling in debug mode, because the function
- // consumes almost 4K of stack. Gtest gives only 4K of stack to death test
- // threads, which is not enough for the unrolled loop.
- for (int idx = 0; idx < 4; idx++) {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- }
- int idx = 0;
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- idx = 1;
- if (stored) {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- } else {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- }
- idx = 2;
- if (stored) {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- } else {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- }
- idx = 3;
- if (stored) {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- } else {
-#include "tsan_update_shadow_word_inl.h"
- }
- // we did not find any races and had already stored
- // the current access info, so we are done
- if (LIKELY(stored))
- return;
- // choose a random candidate slot and replace it
- StoreShadow(shadow_mem + (cur.epoch() % kShadowCnt), store_word);
- return;
- HandleRace(thr, shadow_mem, cur, old);
- return;
-void UnalignedMemoryAccess(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr,
- int size, bool kAccessIsWrite, bool kIsAtomic) {
- while (size) {
- int size1 = 1;
- int kAccessSizeLog = kSizeLog1;
- if (size >= 8 && (addr & ~7) == ((addr + 7) & ~7)) {
- size1 = 8;
- kAccessSizeLog = kSizeLog8;
- } else if (size >= 4 && (addr & ~7) == ((addr + 3) & ~7)) {
- size1 = 4;
- kAccessSizeLog = kSizeLog4;
- } else if (size >= 2 && (addr & ~7) == ((addr + 1) & ~7)) {
- size1 = 2;
- kAccessSizeLog = kSizeLog2;
- }
- MemoryAccess(thr, pc, addr, kAccessSizeLog, kAccessIsWrite, kIsAtomic);
- addr += size1;
- size -= size1;
- }
-bool ContainsSameAccessSlow(u64 *s, u64 a, u64 sync_epoch, bool is_write) {
- Shadow cur(a);
- for (uptr i = 0; i < kShadowCnt; i++) {
- Shadow old(LoadShadow(&s[i]));
- if (Shadow::Addr0AndSizeAreEqual(cur, old) &&
- old.TidWithIgnore() == cur.TidWithIgnore() &&
- old.epoch() > sync_epoch &&
- old.IsAtomic() == cur.IsAtomic() &&
- old.IsRead() <= cur.IsRead())
- return true;
+static bool TraceSkipGap(ThreadState* thr) {
+ Trace *trace = &thr->tctx->trace;
+ Event *pos = reinterpret_cast<Event *>(atomic_load_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos));
+ DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(pos + 1) & TracePart::kAlignment, 0);
+ auto *part = trace->parts.Back();
+ DPrintf("#%d: TraceSwitchPart enter trace=%p parts=%p-%p pos=%p\n", thr->tid,
+ trace, trace->parts.Front(), part, pos);
+ if (!part)
+ return false;
+ // We can get here when we still have space in the current trace part.
+ // The fast-path check in TraceAcquire has false positives in the middle of
+ // the part. Check if we are indeed at the end of the current part or not,
+ // and fill any gaps with NopEvent's.
+ Event* end = &part->events[TracePart::kSize];
+ DCHECK_GE(pos, &part->events[0]);
+ DCHECK_LE(pos, end);
+ if (pos + 1 < end) {
+ if ((reinterpret_cast<uptr>(pos) & TracePart::kAlignment) ==
+ TracePart::kAlignment)
+ *pos++ = NopEvent;
+ *pos++ = NopEvent;
+ DCHECK_LE(pos + 2, end);
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(pos));
+ return true;
+ // We are indeed at the end.
+ for (; pos < end; pos++) *pos = NopEvent;
return false;
-#if defined(__SSE3__)
-#define SHUF(v0, v1, i0, i1, i2, i3) _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps( \
- _mm_castsi128_ps(v0), _mm_castsi128_ps(v1), \
- (i0)*1 + (i1)*4 + (i2)*16 + (i3)*64))
-bool ContainsSameAccessFast(u64 *s, u64 a, u64 sync_epoch, bool is_write) {
- // This is an optimized version of ContainsSameAccessSlow.
- // load current access into access[0:63]
- const m128 access = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(a);
- // duplicate high part of access in addr0:
- // addr0[0:31] = access[32:63]
- // addr0[32:63] = access[32:63]
- // addr0[64:95] = access[32:63]
- // addr0[96:127] = access[32:63]
- const m128 addr0 = SHUF(access, access, 1, 1, 1, 1);
- // load 4 shadow slots
- const m128 shadow0 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)s);
- const m128 shadow1 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)s + 1);
- // load high parts of 4 shadow slots into addr_vect:
- // addr_vect[0:31] = shadow0[32:63]
- // addr_vect[32:63] = shadow0[96:127]
- // addr_vect[64:95] = shadow1[32:63]
- // addr_vect[96:127] = shadow1[96:127]
- m128 addr_vect = SHUF(shadow0, shadow1, 1, 3, 1, 3);
- if (!is_write) {
- // set IsRead bit in addr_vect
- const m128 rw_mask1 = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(1<<15);
- const m128 rw_mask = SHUF(rw_mask1, rw_mask1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- addr_vect = _mm_or_si128(addr_vect, rw_mask);
- }
- // addr0 == addr_vect?
- const m128 addr_res = _mm_cmpeq_epi32(addr0, addr_vect);
- // epoch1[0:63] = sync_epoch
- const m128 epoch1 = _mm_cvtsi64_si128(sync_epoch);
- // epoch[0:31] = sync_epoch[0:31]
- // epoch[32:63] = sync_epoch[0:31]
- // epoch[64:95] = sync_epoch[0:31]
- // epoch[96:127] = sync_epoch[0:31]
- const m128 epoch = SHUF(epoch1, epoch1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- // load low parts of shadow cell epochs into epoch_vect:
- // epoch_vect[0:31] = shadow0[0:31]
- // epoch_vect[32:63] = shadow0[64:95]
- // epoch_vect[64:95] = shadow1[0:31]
- // epoch_vect[96:127] = shadow1[64:95]
- const m128 epoch_vect = SHUF(shadow0, shadow1, 0, 2, 0, 2);
- // epoch_vect >= sync_epoch?
- const m128 epoch_res = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(epoch_vect, epoch);
- // addr_res & epoch_res
- const m128 res = _mm_and_si128(addr_res, epoch_res);
- // mask[0] = res[7]
- // mask[1] = res[15]
- // ...
- // mask[15] = res[127]
- const int mask = _mm_movemask_epi8(res);
- return mask != 0;
-bool ContainsSameAccess(u64 *s, u64 a, u64 sync_epoch, bool is_write) {
-#if defined(__SSE3__)
- bool res = ContainsSameAccessFast(s, a, sync_epoch, is_write);
- // NOTE: this check can fail if the shadow is concurrently mutated
- // by other threads. But it still can be useful if you modify
- // ContainsSameAccessFast and want to ensure that it's not completely broken.
- // DCHECK_EQ(res, ContainsSameAccessSlow(s, a, sync_epoch, is_write));
- return res;
- return ContainsSameAccessSlow(s, a, sync_epoch, is_write);
-void MemoryAccess(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr,
- int kAccessSizeLog, bool kAccessIsWrite, bool kIsAtomic) {
- u64 *shadow_mem = (u64*)MemToShadow(addr);
- DPrintf2("#%d: MemoryAccess: @%p %p size=%d"
- " is_write=%d shadow_mem=%p {%zx, %zx, %zx, %zx}\n",
- (int)thr->fast_state.tid(), (void*)pc, (void*)addr,
- (int)(1 << kAccessSizeLog), kAccessIsWrite, shadow_mem,
- (uptr)shadow_mem[0], (uptr)shadow_mem[1],
- (uptr)shadow_mem[2], (uptr)shadow_mem[3]);
- if (!IsAppMem(addr)) {
- Printf("Access to non app mem %zx\n", addr);
- DCHECK(IsAppMem(addr));
- }
- if (!IsShadowMem((uptr)shadow_mem)) {
- Printf("Bad shadow addr %p (%zx)\n", shadow_mem, addr);
- DCHECK(IsShadowMem((uptr)shadow_mem));
- }
- if (!SANITIZER_GO && !kAccessIsWrite && *shadow_mem == kShadowRodata) {
- // Access to .rodata section, no races here.
- // Measurements show that it can be 10-20% of all memory accesses.
- return;
- }
- FastState fast_state = thr->fast_state;
- if (UNLIKELY(fast_state.GetIgnoreBit())) {
- return;
- }
- Shadow cur(fast_state);
- cur.SetAddr0AndSizeLog(addr & 7, kAccessSizeLog);
- cur.SetWrite(kAccessIsWrite);
- cur.SetAtomic(kIsAtomic);
- if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur.raw(),
- thr->fast_synch_epoch, kAccessIsWrite))) {
- return;
- }
- if (kCollectHistory) {
- fast_state.IncrementEpoch();
- thr->fast_state = fast_state;
- TraceAddEvent(thr, fast_state, EventTypeMop, pc);
- cur.IncrementEpoch();
- }
- MemoryAccessImpl1(thr, addr, kAccessSizeLog, kAccessIsWrite, kIsAtomic,
- shadow_mem, cur);
-// Called by MemoryAccessRange in tsan_rtl_thread.cpp
-void MemoryAccessImpl(ThreadState *thr, uptr addr,
- int kAccessSizeLog, bool kAccessIsWrite, bool kIsAtomic,
- u64 *shadow_mem, Shadow cur) {
- if (LIKELY(ContainsSameAccess(shadow_mem, cur.raw(),
- thr->fast_synch_epoch, kAccessIsWrite))) {
- return;
- }
- MemoryAccessImpl1(thr, addr, kAccessSizeLog, kAccessIsWrite, kIsAtomic,
- shadow_mem, cur);
-static void MemoryRangeSet(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size,
- u64 val) {
- (void)thr;
- (void)pc;
- if (size == 0)
+void TraceSwitchPart(ThreadState* thr) {
+ if (TraceSkipGap(thr))
- // FIXME: fix me.
- uptr offset = addr % kShadowCell;
- if (offset) {
- offset = kShadowCell - offset;
- if (size <= offset)
+ if (ctx->after_multithreaded_fork) {
+ // We just need to survive till exec.
+ TracePart* part = thr->tctx->trace.parts.Back();
+ if (part) {
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos,
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr>(&part->events[0]));
- addr += offset;
- size -= offset;
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(addr % 8, 0);
- // If a user passes some insane arguments (memset(0)),
- // let it just crash as usual.
- if (!IsAppMem(addr) || !IsAppMem(addr + size - 1))
- return;
- // Don't want to touch lots of shadow memory.
- // If a program maps 10MB stack, there is no need reset the whole range.
- size = (size + (kShadowCell - 1)) & ~(kShadowCell - 1);
- // UnmapOrDie/MmapFixedNoReserve does not work on Windows.
- if (SANITIZER_WINDOWS || size < common_flags()->clear_shadow_mmap_threshold) {
- u64 *p = (u64*)MemToShadow(addr);
- CHECK(IsShadowMem((uptr)p));
- CHECK(IsShadowMem((uptr)(p + size * kShadowCnt / kShadowCell - 1)));
- // FIXME: may overwrite a part outside the region
- for (uptr i = 0; i < size / kShadowCell * kShadowCnt;) {
- p[i++] = val;
- for (uptr j = 1; j < kShadowCnt; j++)
- p[i++] = 0;
- }
- } else {
- // The region is big, reset only beginning and end.
- const uptr kPageSize = GetPageSizeCached();
- u64 *begin = (u64*)MemToShadow(addr);
- u64 *end = begin + size / kShadowCell * kShadowCnt;
- u64 *p = begin;
- // Set at least first kPageSize/2 to page boundary.
- while ((p < begin + kPageSize / kShadowSize / 2) || ((uptr)p % kPageSize)) {
- *p++ = val;
- for (uptr j = 1; j < kShadowCnt; j++)
- *p++ = 0;
- }
- // Reset middle part.
- u64 *p1 = p;
- p = RoundDown(end, kPageSize);
- if (!MmapFixedSuperNoReserve((uptr)p1, (uptr)p - (uptr)p1))
- Die();
- // Set the ending.
- while (p < end) {
- *p++ = val;
- for (uptr j = 1; j < kShadowCnt; j++)
- *p++ = 0;
+ TraceSwitchPartImpl(thr);
-void MemoryResetRange(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) {
- MemoryRangeSet(thr, pc, addr, size, 0);
-void MemoryRangeFreed(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) {
- // Processing more than 1k (4k of shadow) is expensive,
- // can cause excessive memory consumption (user does not necessary touch
- // the whole range) and most likely unnecessary.
- if (size > 1024)
- size = 1024;
- CHECK_EQ(thr->is_freeing, false);
- thr->is_freeing = true;
- MemoryAccessRange(thr, pc, addr, size, true);
- thr->is_freeing = false;
- if (kCollectHistory) {
- thr->fast_state.IncrementEpoch();
- TraceAddEvent(thr, thr->fast_state, EventTypeMop, pc);
+void TraceSwitchPartImpl(ThreadState* thr) {
+ SlotLocker locker(thr, true);
+ Trace* trace = &thr->tctx->trace;
+ TracePart* part = TracePartAlloc(thr);
+ part->trace = trace;
+ thr->trace_prev_pc = 0;
+ TracePart* recycle = nullptr;
+ // Keep roughly half of parts local to the thread
+ // (not queued into the recycle queue).
+ uptr local_parts = (Trace::kMinParts + flags()->history_size + 1) / 2;
+ {
+ Lock lock(&trace->mtx);
+ if (trace->parts.Empty())
+ trace->local_head = part;
+ if (trace->parts.Size() >= local_parts) {
+ recycle = trace->local_head;
+ trace->local_head = trace->parts.Next(recycle);
+ }
+ trace->parts.PushBack(part);
+ atomic_store_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos,
+ reinterpret_cast<uptr>(&part->events[0]));
- Shadow s(thr->fast_state);
- s.ClearIgnoreBit();
- s.MarkAsFreed();
- s.SetWrite(true);
- s.SetAddr0AndSizeLog(0, 3);
- MemoryRangeSet(thr, pc, addr, size, s.raw());
-void MemoryRangeImitateWrite(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr, uptr size) {
- if (kCollectHistory) {
- thr->fast_state.IncrementEpoch();
- TraceAddEvent(thr, thr->fast_state, EventTypeMop, pc);
+ // Make this part self-sufficient by restoring the current stack
+ // and mutex set in the beginning of the trace.
+ TraceTime(thr);
+ {
+ // Pathologically large stacks may not fit into the part.
+ // In these cases we log only fixed number of top frames.
+ const uptr kMaxFrames = 1000;
+ // Check that kMaxFrames won't consume the whole part.
+ static_assert(kMaxFrames < TracePart::kSize / 2, "kMaxFrames is too big");
+ uptr* pos = Max(&thr->shadow_stack[0], thr->shadow_stack_pos - kMaxFrames);
+ for (; pos < thr->shadow_stack_pos; pos++) {
+ if (TryTraceFunc(thr, *pos))
+ continue;
+ CHECK(TraceSkipGap(thr));
+ CHECK(TryTraceFunc(thr, *pos));
+ }
- Shadow s(thr->fast_state);
- s.ClearIgnoreBit();
- s.SetWrite(true);
- s.SetAddr0AndSizeLog(0, 3);
- MemoryRangeSet(thr, pc, addr, size, s.raw());
-void MemoryRangeImitateWriteOrResetRange(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, uptr addr,
- uptr size) {
- if (thr->ignore_reads_and_writes == 0)
- MemoryRangeImitateWrite(thr, pc, addr, size);
- else
- MemoryResetRange(thr, pc, addr, size);
-void FuncEntry(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
- DPrintf2("#%d: FuncEntry %p\n", (int)thr->fast_state.tid(), (void*)pc);
- if (kCollectHistory) {
- thr->fast_state.IncrementEpoch();
- TraceAddEvent(thr, thr->fast_state, EventTypeFuncEnter, pc);
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < thr->mset.Size(); i++) {
+ MutexSet::Desc d = thr->mset.Get(i);
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < d.count; i++)
+ TraceMutexLock(thr, d.write ? EventType::kLock : EventType::kRLock, 0,
+ d.addr, d.stack_id);
- // Shadow stack maintenance can be replaced with
- // stack unwinding during trace switch (which presumably must be faster).
- DCHECK_GE(thr->shadow_stack_pos, thr->shadow_stack);
- DCHECK_LT(thr->shadow_stack_pos, thr->shadow_stack_end);
- if (thr->shadow_stack_pos == thr->shadow_stack_end)
- GrowShadowStack(thr);
- thr->shadow_stack_pos[0] = pc;
- thr->shadow_stack_pos++;
-void FuncExit(ThreadState *thr) {
- DPrintf2("#%d: FuncExit\n", (int)thr->fast_state.tid());
- if (kCollectHistory) {
- thr->fast_state.IncrementEpoch();
- TraceAddEvent(thr, thr->fast_state, EventTypeFuncExit, 0);
+ // Callers of TraceSwitchPart expect that TraceAcquire will always succeed
+ // after the call. It's possible that TryTraceFunc/TraceMutexLock above
+ // filled the trace part exactly up to the TracePart::kAlignment gap
+ // and the next TraceAcquire won't succeed. Skip the gap to avoid that.
+ EventFunc *ev;
+ if (!TraceAcquire(thr, &ev)) {
+ CHECK(TraceSkipGap(thr));
+ CHECK(TraceAcquire(thr, &ev));
- DCHECK_GT(thr->shadow_stack_pos, thr->shadow_stack);
- DCHECK_LT(thr->shadow_stack_pos, thr->shadow_stack_end);
- thr->shadow_stack_pos--;
+ {
+ Lock lock(&ctx->slot_mtx);
+ // There is a small chance that the slot may be not queued at this point.
+ // This can happen if the slot has kEpochLast epoch and another thread
+ // in FindSlotAndLock discovered that it's exhausted and removed it from
+ // the slot queue. kEpochLast can happen in 2 cases: (1) if TraceSwitchPart
+ // was called with the slot locked and epoch already at kEpochLast,
+ // or (2) if we've acquired a new slot in SlotLock in the beginning
+ // of the function and the slot was at kEpochLast - 1, so after increment
+ // in SlotAttachAndLock it become kEpochLast.
+ if (ctx->slot_queue.Queued(thr->slot)) {
+ ctx->slot_queue.Remove(thr->slot);
+ ctx->slot_queue.PushBack(thr->slot);
+ }
+ if (recycle)
+ ctx->trace_part_recycle.PushBack(recycle);
+ }
+ DPrintf("#%d: TraceSwitchPart exit parts=%p-%p pos=0x%zx\n", thr->tid,
+ trace->parts.Front(), trace->parts.Back(),
+ atomic_load_relaxed(&thr->trace_pos));
-void ThreadIgnoreBegin(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, bool save_stack) {
+void ThreadIgnoreBegin(ThreadState* thr, uptr pc) {
DPrintf("#%d: ThreadIgnoreBegin\n", thr->tid);
CHECK_GT(thr->ignore_reads_and_writes, 0);
- if (save_stack && !ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
+ if (pc && !ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
thr->mop_ignore_set.Add(CurrentStackId(thr, pc));
-void ThreadIgnoreEnd(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
+void ThreadIgnoreEnd(ThreadState *thr) {
DPrintf("#%d: ThreadIgnoreEnd\n", thr->tid);
CHECK_GT(thr->ignore_reads_and_writes, 0);
@@ -1100,17 +1061,17 @@ uptr __tsan_testonly_shadow_stack_current_size() {
-void ThreadIgnoreSyncBegin(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc, bool save_stack) {
+void ThreadIgnoreSyncBegin(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
DPrintf("#%d: ThreadIgnoreSyncBegin\n", thr->tid);
CHECK_GT(thr->ignore_sync, 0);
- if (save_stack && !ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
+ if (pc && !ctx->after_multithreaded_fork)
thr->sync_ignore_set.Add(CurrentStackId(thr, pc));
-void ThreadIgnoreSyncEnd(ThreadState *thr, uptr pc) {
+void ThreadIgnoreSyncEnd(ThreadState *thr) {
DPrintf("#%d: ThreadIgnoreSyncEnd\n", thr->tid);
CHECK_GT(thr->ignore_sync, 0);
@@ -1129,7 +1090,6 @@ void build_consistency_debug() {}
void build_consistency_release() {}
} // namespace __tsan
@@ -1137,23 +1097,27 @@ namespace __sanitizer {
using namespace __tsan;
MutexMeta mutex_meta[] = {
{MutexInvalid, "Invalid", {}},
- {MutexThreadRegistry, "ThreadRegistry", {}},
- {MutexTypeTrace, "Trace", {MutexLeaf}},
- {MutexTypeReport, "Report", {MutexTypeSyncVar}},
- {MutexTypeSyncVar, "SyncVar", {}},
+ {MutexThreadRegistry,
+ "ThreadRegistry",
+ {MutexTypeSlots, MutexTypeTrace, MutexTypeReport}},
+ {MutexTypeReport, "Report", {MutexTypeTrace}},
+ {MutexTypeSyncVar, "SyncVar", {MutexTypeReport, MutexTypeTrace}},
{MutexTypeAnnotations, "Annotations", {}},
- {MutexTypeAtExit, "AtExit", {MutexTypeSyncVar}},
+ {MutexTypeAtExit, "AtExit", {}},
{MutexTypeFired, "Fired", {MutexLeaf}},
{MutexTypeRacy, "Racy", {MutexLeaf}},
- {MutexTypeGlobalProc, "GlobalProc", {}},
+ {MutexTypeGlobalProc, "GlobalProc", {MutexTypeSlot, MutexTypeSlots}},
+ {MutexTypeInternalAlloc, "InternalAlloc", {MutexLeaf}},
+ {MutexTypeTrace, "Trace", {}},
+ {MutexTypeSlot,
+ "Slot",
+ {MutexMulti, MutexTypeTrace, MutexTypeSyncVar, MutexThreadRegistry,
+ MutexTypeSlots}},
+ {MutexTypeSlots, "Slots", {MutexTypeTrace, MutexTypeReport}},
void PrintMutexPC(uptr pc) { StackTrace(&pc, 1).Print(); }
-} // namespace __sanitizer
-// Must be included in this file to make sure everything is inlined.
-# include "tsan_interface_inl.h"
+} // namespace __sanitizer