path: root/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/__algorithm/stable_partition.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/__algorithm/stable_partition.h')
1 files changed, 303 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/__algorithm/stable_partition.h b/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/__algorithm/stable_partition.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..969ac7a6173e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/llvm-project/libcxx/include/__algorithm/stable_partition.h
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+#include <__algorithm/rotate.h>
+#include <__config>
+#include <__iterator/advance.h>
+#include <__iterator/distance.h>
+#include <__iterator/iterator_traits.h>
+#include <__utility/swap.h>
+#include <memory>
+# pragma GCC system_header
+template <class _Predicate, class _ForwardIterator, class _Distance, class _Pair>
+__stable_partition(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+ _Distance __len, _Pair __p, forward_iterator_tag __fit)
+ // *__first is known to be false
+ // __len >= 1
+ if (__len == 1)
+ return __first;
+ if (__len == 2)
+ {
+ _ForwardIterator __m = __first;
+ if (__pred(*++__m))
+ {
+ swap(*__first, *__m);
+ return __m;
+ }
+ return __first;
+ }
+ if (__len <= __p.second)
+ { // The buffer is big enough to use
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+ __destruct_n __d(0);
+ unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(__p.first, __d);
+ // Move the falses into the temporary buffer, and the trues to the front of the line
+ // Update __first to always point to the end of the trues
+ value_type* __t = __p.first;
+ ::new ((void*)__t) value_type(_VSTD::move(*__first));
+ __d.template __incr<value_type>();
+ ++__t;
+ _ForwardIterator __i = __first;
+ while (++__i != __last)
+ {
+ if (__pred(*__i))
+ {
+ *__first = _VSTD::move(*__i);
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::new ((void*)__t) value_type(_VSTD::move(*__i));
+ __d.template __incr<value_type>();
+ ++__t;
+ }
+ }
+ // All trues now at start of range, all falses in buffer
+ // Move falses back into range, but don't mess up __first which points to first false
+ __i = __first;
+ for (value_type* __t2 = __p.first; __t2 < __t; ++__t2, (void) ++__i)
+ *__i = _VSTD::move(*__t2);
+ // __h destructs moved-from values out of the temp buffer, but doesn't deallocate buffer
+ return __first;
+ }
+ // Else not enough buffer, do in place
+ // __len >= 3
+ _ForwardIterator __m = __first;
+ _Distance __len2 = __len / 2; // __len2 >= 2
+ _VSTD::advance(__m, __len2);
+ // recurse on [__first, __m), *__first know to be false
+ // F?????????????????
+ // f m l
+ _ForwardIterator __first_false = _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__first, __m, __pred, __len2, __p, __fit);
+ // TTTFFFFF??????????
+ // f ff m l
+ // recurse on [__m, __last], except increase __m until *(__m) is false, *__last know to be true
+ _ForwardIterator __m1 = __m;
+ _ForwardIterator __second_false = __last;
+ _Distance __len_half = __len - __len2;
+ while (__pred(*__m1))
+ {
+ if (++__m1 == __last)
+ goto __second_half_done;
+ --__len_half;
+ }
+ // f ff m m1 l
+ __second_false = _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__m1, __last, __pred, __len_half, __p, __fit);
+ // f ff m sf l
+ return _VSTD::rotate(__first_false, __m, __second_false);
+ // |
+template <class _Predicate, class _ForwardIterator>
+__stable_partition(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+ forward_iterator_tag)
+ const unsigned __alloc_limit = 3; // might want to make this a function of trivial assignment
+ // Either prove all true and return __first or point to first false
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (__first == __last)
+ return __first;
+ if (!__pred(*__first))
+ break;
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ // We now have a reduced range [__first, __last)
+ // *__first is known to be false
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::value_type value_type;
+ difference_type __len = _VSTD::distance(__first, __last);
+ pair<value_type*, ptrdiff_t> __p(0, 0);
+ unique_ptr<value_type, __return_temporary_buffer> __h;
+ if (__len >= __alloc_limit)
+ {
+// TODO: Remove the use of std::get_temporary_buffer
+ __p = _VSTD::get_temporary_buffer<value_type>(__len);
+ __h.reset(__p.first);
+ }
+ return _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__first, __last, __pred, __len, __p, forward_iterator_tag());
+template <class _Predicate, class _BidirectionalIterator, class _Distance, class _Pair>
+__stable_partition(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+ _Distance __len, _Pair __p, bidirectional_iterator_tag __bit)
+ // *__first is known to be false
+ // *__last is known to be true
+ // __len >= 2
+ if (__len == 2)
+ {
+ swap(*__first, *__last);
+ return __last;
+ }
+ if (__len == 3)
+ {
+ _BidirectionalIterator __m = __first;
+ if (__pred(*++__m))
+ {
+ swap(*__first, *__m);
+ swap(*__m, *__last);
+ return __last;
+ }
+ swap(*__m, *__last);
+ swap(*__first, *__m);
+ return __m;
+ }
+ if (__len <= __p.second)
+ { // The buffer is big enough to use
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::value_type value_type;
+ __destruct_n __d(0);
+ unique_ptr<value_type, __destruct_n&> __h(__p.first, __d);
+ // Move the falses into the temporary buffer, and the trues to the front of the line
+ // Update __first to always point to the end of the trues
+ value_type* __t = __p.first;
+ ::new ((void*)__t) value_type(_VSTD::move(*__first));
+ __d.template __incr<value_type>();
+ ++__t;
+ _BidirectionalIterator __i = __first;
+ while (++__i != __last)
+ {
+ if (__pred(*__i))
+ {
+ *__first = _VSTD::move(*__i);
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ::new ((void*)__t) value_type(_VSTD::move(*__i));
+ __d.template __incr<value_type>();
+ ++__t;
+ }
+ }
+ // move *__last, known to be true
+ *__first = _VSTD::move(*__i);
+ __i = ++__first;
+ // All trues now at start of range, all falses in buffer
+ // Move falses back into range, but don't mess up __first which points to first false
+ for (value_type* __t2 = __p.first; __t2 < __t; ++__t2, (void) ++__i)
+ *__i = _VSTD::move(*__t2);
+ // __h destructs moved-from values out of the temp buffer, but doesn't deallocate buffer
+ return __first;
+ }
+ // Else not enough buffer, do in place
+ // __len >= 4
+ _BidirectionalIterator __m = __first;
+ _Distance __len2 = __len / 2; // __len2 >= 2
+ _VSTD::advance(__m, __len2);
+ // recurse on [__first, __m-1], except reduce __m-1 until *(__m-1) is true, *__first know to be false
+ // F????????????????T
+ // f m l
+ _BidirectionalIterator __m1 = __m;
+ _BidirectionalIterator __first_false = __first;
+ _Distance __len_half = __len2;
+ while (!__pred(*--__m1))
+ {
+ if (__m1 == __first)
+ goto __first_half_done;
+ --__len_half;
+ }
+ // F???TFFF?????????T
+ // f m1 m l
+ __first_false = _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__first, __m1, __pred, __len_half, __p, __bit);
+ // TTTFFFFF?????????T
+ // f ff m l
+ // recurse on [__m, __last], except increase __m until *(__m) is false, *__last know to be true
+ __m1 = __m;
+ _BidirectionalIterator __second_false = __last;
+ ++__second_false;
+ __len_half = __len - __len2;
+ while (__pred(*__m1))
+ {
+ if (++__m1 == __last)
+ goto __second_half_done;
+ --__len_half;
+ }
+ // f ff m m1 l
+ __second_false = _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__m1, __last, __pred, __len_half, __p, __bit);
+ // f ff m sf l
+ return _VSTD::rotate(__first_false, __m, __second_false);
+ // |
+template <class _Predicate, class _BidirectionalIterator>
+__stable_partition(_BidirectionalIterator __first, _BidirectionalIterator __last, _Predicate __pred,
+ bidirectional_iterator_tag)
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename iterator_traits<_BidirectionalIterator>::value_type value_type;
+ const difference_type __alloc_limit = 4; // might want to make this a function of trivial assignment
+ // Either prove all true and return __first or point to first false
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (__first == __last)
+ return __first;
+ if (!__pred(*__first))
+ break;
+ ++__first;
+ }
+ // __first points to first false, everything prior to __first is already set.
+ // Either prove [__first, __last) is all false and return __first, or point __last to last true
+ do
+ {
+ if (__first == --__last)
+ return __first;
+ } while (!__pred(*__last));
+ // We now have a reduced range [__first, __last]
+ // *__first is known to be false
+ // *__last is known to be true
+ // __len >= 2
+ difference_type __len = _VSTD::distance(__first, __last) + 1;
+ pair<value_type*, ptrdiff_t> __p(0, 0);
+ unique_ptr<value_type, __return_temporary_buffer> __h;
+ if (__len >= __alloc_limit)
+ {
+// TODO: Remove the use of std::get_temporary_buffer
+ __p = _VSTD::get_temporary_buffer<value_type>(__len);
+ __h.reset(__p.first);
+ }
+ return _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__first, __last, __pred, __len, __p, bidirectional_iterator_tag());
+template <class _ForwardIterator, class _Predicate>
+stable_partition(_ForwardIterator __first, _ForwardIterator __last, _Predicate __pred)
+ return _VSTD::__stable_partition<_Predicate&>(__first, __last, __pred, typename iterator_traits<_ForwardIterator>::iterator_category());