path: root/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h')
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h b/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h
index 9ecc0464dec1..91b12fd2277a 100644
--- a/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h
+++ b/contrib/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/CompileOnDemandLayer.h
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITSymbol.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/IndirectionUtils.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/LambdaResolver.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Layer.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/LazyReexports.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Legacy.h"
-#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/OrcError.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Speculation.h"
+#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/OrcError.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Attributes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constant.h"
@@ -96,7 +94,8 @@ public:
/// Emits the given module. This should not be called by clients: it will be
/// called by the JIT when a definition added via the add method is requested.
- void emit(MaterializationResponsibility R, ThreadSafeModule TSM) override;
+ void emit(std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> R,
+ ThreadSafeModule TSM) override;
struct PerDylibResources {
@@ -120,7 +119,8 @@ private:
void expandPartition(GlobalValueSet &Partition);
- void emitPartition(MaterializationResponsibility R, ThreadSafeModule TSM,
+ void emitPartition(std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> R,
+ ThreadSafeModule TSM,
IRMaterializationUnit::SymbolNameToDefinitionMap Defs);
mutable std::mutex CODLayerMutex;
@@ -134,635 +134,6 @@ private:
ImplSymbolMap *AliaseeImpls = nullptr;
-/// Compile-on-demand layer.
-/// When a module is added to this layer a stub is created for each of its
-/// function definitions. The stubs and other global values are immediately
-/// added to the layer below. When a stub is called it triggers the extraction
-/// of the function body from the original module. The extracted body is then
-/// compiled and executed.
-template <typename BaseLayerT,
- typename CompileCallbackMgrT = JITCompileCallbackManager,
- typename IndirectStubsMgrT = IndirectStubsManager>
-class LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer {
- template <typename MaterializerFtor>
- class LambdaMaterializer final : public ValueMaterializer {
- public:
- LambdaMaterializer(MaterializerFtor M) : M(std::move(M)) {}
- Value *materialize(Value *V) final { return M(V); }
- private:
- MaterializerFtor M;
- };
- template <typename MaterializerFtor>
- LambdaMaterializer<MaterializerFtor>
- createLambdaMaterializer(MaterializerFtor M) {
- return LambdaMaterializer<MaterializerFtor>(std::move(M));
- }
- // Provide type-erasure for the Modules and MemoryManagers.
- template <typename ResourceT>
- class ResourceOwner {
- public:
- ResourceOwner() = default;
- ResourceOwner(const ResourceOwner &) = delete;
- ResourceOwner &operator=(const ResourceOwner &) = delete;
- virtual ~ResourceOwner() = default;
- virtual ResourceT& getResource() const = 0;
- };
- template <typename ResourceT, typename ResourcePtrT>
- class ResourceOwnerImpl : public ResourceOwner<ResourceT> {
- public:
- ResourceOwnerImpl(ResourcePtrT ResourcePtr)
- : ResourcePtr(std::move(ResourcePtr)) {}
- ResourceT& getResource() const override { return *ResourcePtr; }
- private:
- ResourcePtrT ResourcePtr;
- };
- template <typename ResourceT, typename ResourcePtrT>
- std::unique_ptr<ResourceOwner<ResourceT>>
- wrapOwnership(ResourcePtrT ResourcePtr) {
- using RO = ResourceOwnerImpl<ResourceT, ResourcePtrT>;
- return std::make_unique<RO>(std::move(ResourcePtr));
- }
- struct LogicalDylib {
- struct SourceModuleEntry {
- std::unique_ptr<Module> SourceMod;
- std::set<Function*> StubsToClone;
- };
- using SourceModulesList = std::vector<SourceModuleEntry>;
- using SourceModuleHandle = typename SourceModulesList::size_type;
- LogicalDylib() = default;
- LogicalDylib(VModuleKey K, std::shared_ptr<SymbolResolver> BackingResolver,
- std::unique_ptr<IndirectStubsMgrT> StubsMgr)
- : K(std::move(K)), BackingResolver(std::move(BackingResolver)),
- StubsMgr(std::move(StubsMgr)) {}
- SourceModuleHandle addSourceModule(std::unique_ptr<Module> M) {
- SourceModuleHandle H = SourceModules.size();
- SourceModules.push_back(SourceModuleEntry());
- SourceModules.back().SourceMod = std::move(M);
- return H;
- }
- Module& getSourceModule(SourceModuleHandle H) {
- return *SourceModules[H].SourceMod;
- }
- std::set<Function*>& getStubsToClone(SourceModuleHandle H) {
- return SourceModules[H].StubsToClone;
- }
- JITSymbol findSymbol(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer, const std::string &Name,
- bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
- if (auto Sym = StubsMgr->findStub(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
- return Sym;
- for (auto BLK : BaseLayerVModuleKeys)
- if (auto Sym = BaseLayer.findSymbolIn(BLK, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
- return Sym;
- else if (auto Err = Sym.takeError())
- return std::move(Err);
- return nullptr;
- }
- Error removeModulesFromBaseLayer(BaseLayerT &BaseLayer) {
- for (auto &BLK : BaseLayerVModuleKeys)
- if (auto Err = BaseLayer.removeModule(BLK))
- return Err;
- return Error::success();
- }
- VModuleKey K;
- std::shared_ptr<SymbolResolver> BackingResolver;
- std::unique_ptr<IndirectStubsMgrT> StubsMgr;
- SymbolLinkagePromoter PromoteSymbols;
- SourceModulesList SourceModules;
- std::vector<VModuleKey> BaseLayerVModuleKeys;
- };
- /// Module partitioning functor.
- using PartitioningFtor = std::function<std::set<Function*>(Function&)>;
- /// Builder for IndirectStubsManagers.
- using IndirectStubsManagerBuilderT =
- std::function<std::unique_ptr<IndirectStubsMgrT>()>;
- using SymbolResolverGetter =
- std::function<std::shared_ptr<SymbolResolver>(VModuleKey K)>;
- using SymbolResolverSetter =
- std::function<void(VModuleKey K, std::shared_ptr<SymbolResolver> R)>;
- /// Construct a compile-on-demand layer instance.
- LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer(
- ExecutionSession &ES, BaseLayerT &BaseLayer,
- SymbolResolverGetter GetSymbolResolver,
- SymbolResolverSetter SetSymbolResolver, PartitioningFtor Partition,
- CompileCallbackMgrT &CallbackMgr,
- IndirectStubsManagerBuilderT CreateIndirectStubsManager,
- bool CloneStubsIntoPartitions = true),
- "ORCv1 layers (layers with the 'Legacy' prefix) are deprecated. Please "
- "use "
- "the ORCv2 LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer instead");
- /// Legacy layer constructor with deprecation acknowledgement.
- LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer(
- ORCv1DeprecationAcknowledgement, ExecutionSession &ES,
- BaseLayerT &BaseLayer, SymbolResolverGetter GetSymbolResolver,
- SymbolResolverSetter SetSymbolResolver, PartitioningFtor Partition,
- CompileCallbackMgrT &CallbackMgr,
- IndirectStubsManagerBuilderT CreateIndirectStubsManager,
- bool CloneStubsIntoPartitions = true)
- : ES(ES), BaseLayer(BaseLayer),
- GetSymbolResolver(std::move(GetSymbolResolver)),
- SetSymbolResolver(std::move(SetSymbolResolver)),
- Partition(std::move(Partition)), CompileCallbackMgr(CallbackMgr),
- CreateIndirectStubsManager(std::move(CreateIndirectStubsManager)),
- CloneStubsIntoPartitions(CloneStubsIntoPartitions) {}
- ~LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer() {
- // FIXME: Report error on log.
- while (!LogicalDylibs.empty())
- consumeError(removeModule(LogicalDylibs.begin()->first));
- }
- /// Add a module to the compile-on-demand layer.
- Error addModule(VModuleKey K, std::unique_ptr<Module> M) {
- assert(!LogicalDylibs.count(K) && "VModuleKey K already in use");
- auto I = LogicalDylibs.insert(
- LogicalDylibs.end(),
- std::make_pair(K, LogicalDylib(K, GetSymbolResolver(K),
- CreateIndirectStubsManager())));
- return addLogicalModule(I->second, std::move(M));
- }
- /// Add extra modules to an existing logical module.
- Error addExtraModule(VModuleKey K, std::unique_ptr<Module> M) {
- return addLogicalModule(LogicalDylibs[K], std::move(M));
- }
- /// Remove the module represented by the given key.
- ///
- /// This will remove all modules in the layers below that were derived from
- /// the module represented by K.
- Error removeModule(VModuleKey K) {
- auto I = LogicalDylibs.find(K);
- assert(I != LogicalDylibs.end() && "VModuleKey K not valid here");
- auto Err = I->second.removeModulesFromBaseLayer(BaseLayer);
- LogicalDylibs.erase(I);
- return Err;
- }
- /// Search for the given named symbol.
- /// @param Name The name of the symbol to search for.
- /// @param ExportedSymbolsOnly If true, search only for exported symbols.
- /// @return A handle for the given named symbol, if it exists.
- JITSymbol findSymbol(StringRef Name, bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
- for (auto &KV : LogicalDylibs) {
- if (auto Sym = KV.second.StubsMgr->findStub(Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly))
- return Sym;
- if (auto Sym =
- findSymbolIn(KV.first, std::string(Name), ExportedSymbolsOnly))
- return Sym;
- else if (auto Err = Sym.takeError())
- return std::move(Err);
- }
- return BaseLayer.findSymbol(std::string(Name), ExportedSymbolsOnly);
- }
- /// Get the address of a symbol provided by this layer, or some layer
- /// below this one.
- JITSymbol findSymbolIn(VModuleKey K, const std::string &Name,
- bool ExportedSymbolsOnly) {
- assert(LogicalDylibs.count(K) && "VModuleKey K is not valid here");
- return LogicalDylibs[K].findSymbol(BaseLayer, Name, ExportedSymbolsOnly);
- }
- /// Update the stub for the given function to point at FnBodyAddr.
- /// This can be used to support re-optimization.
- /// @return true if the function exists and the stub is updated, false
- /// otherwise.
- //
- // FIXME: We should track and free associated resources (unused compile
- // callbacks, uncompiled IR, and no-longer-needed/reachable function
- // implementations).
- Error updatePointer(std::string FuncName, JITTargetAddress FnBodyAddr) {
- //Find out which logical dylib contains our symbol
- auto LDI = LogicalDylibs.begin();
- for (auto LDE = LogicalDylibs.end(); LDI != LDE; ++LDI) {
- if (auto LMResources =
- LDI->getLogicalModuleResourcesForSymbol(FuncName, false)) {
- Module &SrcM = LMResources->SourceModule->getResource();
- std::string CalledFnName = mangle(FuncName, SrcM.getDataLayout());
- if (auto Err = LMResources->StubsMgr->updatePointer(CalledFnName,
- FnBodyAddr))
- return Err;
- return Error::success();
- }
- }
- return make_error<JITSymbolNotFound>(FuncName);
- }
- Error addLogicalModule(LogicalDylib &LD, std::unique_ptr<Module> SrcMPtr) {
- // Rename anonymous globals and promote linkage to ensure that everything
- // will resolve properly after we partition SrcM.
- LD.PromoteSymbols(*SrcMPtr);
- // Create a logical module handle for SrcM within the logical dylib.
- Module &SrcM = *SrcMPtr;
- auto LMId = LD.addSourceModule(std::move(SrcMPtr));
- // Create stub functions.
- const DataLayout &DL = SrcM.getDataLayout();
- typename IndirectStubsMgrT::StubInitsMap StubInits;
- for (auto &F : SrcM) {
- // Skip declarations.
- if (F.isDeclaration())
- continue;
- // Skip weak functions for which we already have definitions.
- auto MangledName = mangle(F.getName(), DL);
- if (F.hasWeakLinkage() || F.hasLinkOnceLinkage()) {
- if (auto Sym = LD.findSymbol(BaseLayer, MangledName, false))
- continue;
- else if (auto Err = Sym.takeError())
- return Err;
- }
- // Record all functions defined by this module.
- if (CloneStubsIntoPartitions)
- LD.getStubsToClone(LMId).insert(&F);
- // Create a callback, associate it with the stub for the function,
- // and set the compile action to compile the partition containing the
- // function.
- auto CompileAction = [this, &LD, LMId, &F]() -> JITTargetAddress {
- if (auto FnImplAddrOrErr = this->extractAndCompile(LD, LMId, F))
- return *FnImplAddrOrErr;
- else {
- // FIXME: Report error, return to 'abort' or something similar.
- consumeError(FnImplAddrOrErr.takeError());
- return 0;
- }
- };
- if (auto CCAddr =
- CompileCallbackMgr.getCompileCallback(std::move(CompileAction)))
- StubInits[MangledName] =
- std::make_pair(*CCAddr, JITSymbolFlags::fromGlobalValue(F));
- else
- return CCAddr.takeError();
- }
- if (auto Err = LD.StubsMgr->createStubs(StubInits))
- return Err;
- // If this module doesn't contain any globals, aliases, or module flags then
- // we can bail out early and avoid the overhead of creating and managing an
- // empty globals module.
- if (SrcM.global_empty() && SrcM.alias_empty() &&
- !SrcM.getModuleFlagsMetadata())
- return Error::success();
- // Create the GlobalValues module.
- auto GVsM = std::make_unique<Module>((SrcM.getName() + ".globals").str(),
- SrcM.getContext());
- GVsM->setDataLayout(DL);
- ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
- // Clone global variable decls.
- for (auto &GV : SrcM.globals())
- if (!GV.isDeclaration() && !VMap.count(&GV))
- cloneGlobalVariableDecl(*GVsM, GV, &VMap);
- // And the aliases.
- for (auto &A : SrcM.aliases())
- if (!VMap.count(&A))
- cloneGlobalAliasDecl(*GVsM, A, VMap);
- // Clone the module flags.
- cloneModuleFlagsMetadata(*GVsM, SrcM, VMap);
- // Now we need to clone the GV and alias initializers.
- // Initializers may refer to functions declared (but not defined) in this
- // module. Build a materializer to clone decls on demand.
- auto Materializer = createLambdaMaterializer(
- [&LD, &GVsM](Value *V) -> Value* {
- if (auto *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
- // Decls in the original module just get cloned.
- if (F->isDeclaration())
- return cloneFunctionDecl(*GVsM, *F);
- // Definitions in the original module (which we have emitted stubs
- // for at this point) get turned into a constant alias to the stub
- // instead.
- const DataLayout &DL = GVsM->getDataLayout();
- std::string FName = mangle(F->getName(), DL);
- unsigned PtrBitWidth = DL.getPointerTypeSizeInBits(F->getType());
- JITTargetAddress StubAddr =
- LD.StubsMgr->findStub(FName, false).getAddress();
- ConstantInt *StubAddrCI =
- ConstantInt::get(GVsM->getContext(), APInt(PtrBitWidth, StubAddr));
- Constant *Init = ConstantExpr::getCast(Instruction::IntToPtr,
- StubAddrCI, F->getType());
- return GlobalAlias::create(F->getFunctionType(),
- F->getType()->getAddressSpace(),
- F->getLinkage(), F->getName(),
- Init, GVsM.get());
- }
- // else....
- return nullptr;
- });
- // Clone the global variable initializers.
- for (auto &GV : SrcM.globals())
- if (!GV.isDeclaration())
- moveGlobalVariableInitializer(GV, VMap, &Materializer);
- // Clone the global alias initializers.
- for (auto &A : SrcM.aliases()) {
- auto *NewA = cast<GlobalAlias>(VMap[&A]);
- assert(NewA && "Alias not cloned?");
- Value *Init = MapValue(A.getAliasee(), VMap, RF_None, nullptr,
- &Materializer);
- NewA->setAliasee(cast<Constant>(Init));
- }
- // Build a resolver for the globals module and add it to the base layer.
- auto LegacyLookup = [this, &LD](StringRef Name) -> JITSymbol {
- if (auto Sym = LD.StubsMgr->findStub(Name, false))
- return Sym;
- if (auto Sym = LD.findSymbol(BaseLayer, std::string(Name), false))
- return Sym;
- else if (auto Err = Sym.takeError())
- return std::move(Err);
- return nullptr;
- };
- auto GVsResolver = createSymbolResolver(
- [&LD, LegacyLookup](const SymbolNameSet &Symbols) {
- auto RS = getResponsibilitySetWithLegacyFn(Symbols, LegacyLookup);
- if (!RS) {
- logAllUnhandledErrors(
- RS.takeError(), errs(),
- "CODLayer/GVsResolver responsibility set lookup failed: ");
- return SymbolNameSet();
- }
- if (RS->size() == Symbols.size())
- return *RS;
- SymbolNameSet NotFoundViaLegacyLookup;
- for (auto &S : Symbols)
- if (!RS->count(S))
- NotFoundViaLegacyLookup.insert(S);
- auto RS2 =
- LD.BackingResolver->getResponsibilitySet(NotFoundViaLegacyLookup);
- for (auto &S : RS2)
- (*RS).insert(S);
- return *RS;
- },
- [this, &LD,
- LegacyLookup](std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Query,
- SymbolNameSet Symbols) {
- auto NotFoundViaLegacyLookup =
- lookupWithLegacyFn(ES, *Query, Symbols, LegacyLookup);
- return LD.BackingResolver->lookup(Query, NotFoundViaLegacyLookup);
- });
- SetSymbolResolver(LD.K, std::move(GVsResolver));
- if (auto Err = BaseLayer.addModule(LD.K, std::move(GVsM)))
- return Err;
- LD.BaseLayerVModuleKeys.push_back(LD.K);
- return Error::success();
- }
- static std::string mangle(StringRef Name, const DataLayout &DL) {
- std::string MangledName;
- {
- raw_string_ostream MangledNameStream(MangledName);
- Mangler::getNameWithPrefix(MangledNameStream, Name, DL);
- }
- return MangledName;
- }
- Expected<JITTargetAddress>
- extractAndCompile(LogicalDylib &LD,
- typename LogicalDylib::SourceModuleHandle LMId,
- Function &F) {
- Module &SrcM = LD.getSourceModule(LMId);
- // If F is a declaration we must already have compiled it.
- if (F.isDeclaration())
- return 0;
- // Grab the name of the function being called here.
- std::string CalledFnName = mangle(F.getName(), SrcM.getDataLayout());
- JITTargetAddress CalledAddr = 0;
- auto Part = Partition(F);
- if (auto PartKeyOrErr = emitPartition(LD, LMId, Part)) {
- auto &PartKey = *PartKeyOrErr;
- for (auto *SubF : Part) {
- std::string FnName = mangle(SubF->getName(), SrcM.getDataLayout());
- if (auto FnBodySym = BaseLayer.findSymbolIn(PartKey, FnName, false)) {
- if (auto FnBodyAddrOrErr = FnBodySym.getAddress()) {
- JITTargetAddress FnBodyAddr = *FnBodyAddrOrErr;
- // If this is the function we're calling record the address so we can
- // return it from this function.
- if (SubF == &F)
- CalledAddr = FnBodyAddr;
- // Update the function body pointer for the stub.
- if (auto EC = LD.StubsMgr->updatePointer(FnName, FnBodyAddr))
- return 0;
- } else
- return FnBodyAddrOrErr.takeError();
- } else if (auto Err = FnBodySym.takeError())
- return std::move(Err);
- else
- llvm_unreachable("Function not emitted for partition");
- }
- LD.BaseLayerVModuleKeys.push_back(PartKey);
- } else
- return PartKeyOrErr.takeError();
- return CalledAddr;
- }
- template <typename PartitionT>
- Expected<VModuleKey>
- emitPartition(LogicalDylib &LD,
- typename LogicalDylib::SourceModuleHandle LMId,
- const PartitionT &Part) {
- Module &SrcM = LD.getSourceModule(LMId);
- // Create the module.
- std::string NewName(SrcM.getName());
- for (auto *F : Part) {
- NewName += ".";
- NewName += F->getName();
- }
- auto M = std::make_unique<Module>(NewName, SrcM.getContext());
- M->setDataLayout(SrcM.getDataLayout());
- ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
- auto Materializer = createLambdaMaterializer([&LD, &LMId,
- &M](Value *V) -> Value * {
- if (auto *GV = dyn_cast<GlobalVariable>(V))
- return cloneGlobalVariableDecl(*M, *GV);
- if (auto *F = dyn_cast<Function>(V)) {
- // Check whether we want to clone an available_externally definition.
- if (!LD.getStubsToClone(LMId).count(F))
- return cloneFunctionDecl(*M, *F);
- // Ok - we want an inlinable stub. For that to work we need a decl
- // for the stub pointer.
- auto *StubPtr = createImplPointer(*F->getType(), *M,
- F->getName() + "$stub_ptr", nullptr);
- auto *ClonedF = cloneFunctionDecl(*M, *F);
- makeStub(*ClonedF, *StubPtr);
- ClonedF->setLinkage(GlobalValue::AvailableExternallyLinkage);
- ClonedF->addFnAttr(Attribute::AlwaysInline);
- return ClonedF;
- }
- if (auto *A = dyn_cast<GlobalAlias>(V)) {
- auto *Ty = A->getValueType();
- if (Ty->isFunctionTy())
- return Function::Create(cast<FunctionType>(Ty),
- GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage, A->getName(),
- M.get());
- return new GlobalVariable(*M, Ty, false, GlobalValue::ExternalLinkage,
- nullptr, A->getName(), nullptr,
- GlobalValue::NotThreadLocal,
- A->getType()->getAddressSpace());
- }
- return nullptr;
- });
- // Create decls in the new module.
- for (auto *F : Part)
- cloneFunctionDecl(*M, *F, &VMap);
- // Move the function bodies.
- for (auto *F : Part)
- moveFunctionBody(*F, VMap, &Materializer);
- auto K = ES.allocateVModule();
- auto LegacyLookup = [this, &LD](StringRef Name) -> JITSymbol {
- return LD.findSymbol(BaseLayer, std::string(Name), false);
- };
- // Create memory manager and symbol resolver.
- auto Resolver = createSymbolResolver(
- [&LD, LegacyLookup](const SymbolNameSet &Symbols) {
- auto RS = getResponsibilitySetWithLegacyFn(Symbols, LegacyLookup);
- if (!RS) {
- logAllUnhandledErrors(
- RS.takeError(), errs(),
- "CODLayer/SubResolver responsibility set lookup failed: ");
- return SymbolNameSet();
- }
- if (RS->size() == Symbols.size())
- return *RS;
- SymbolNameSet NotFoundViaLegacyLookup;
- for (auto &S : Symbols)
- if (!RS->count(S))
- NotFoundViaLegacyLookup.insert(S);
- auto RS2 =
- LD.BackingResolver->getResponsibilitySet(NotFoundViaLegacyLookup);
- for (auto &S : RS2)
- (*RS).insert(S);
- return *RS;
- },
- [this, &LD, LegacyLookup](std::shared_ptr<AsynchronousSymbolQuery> Q,
- SymbolNameSet Symbols) {
- auto NotFoundViaLegacyLookup =
- lookupWithLegacyFn(ES, *Q, Symbols, LegacyLookup);
- return LD.BackingResolver->lookup(Q,
- std::move(NotFoundViaLegacyLookup));
- });
- SetSymbolResolver(K, std::move(Resolver));
- if (auto Err = BaseLayer.addModule(std::move(K), std::move(M)))
- return std::move(Err);
- return K;
- }
- ExecutionSession &ES;
- BaseLayerT &BaseLayer;
- SymbolResolverGetter GetSymbolResolver;
- SymbolResolverSetter SetSymbolResolver;
- PartitioningFtor Partition;
- CompileCallbackMgrT &CompileCallbackMgr;
- IndirectStubsManagerBuilderT CreateIndirectStubsManager;
- std::map<VModuleKey, LogicalDylib> LogicalDylibs;
- bool CloneStubsIntoPartitions;
-template <typename BaseLayerT, typename CompileCallbackMgrT,
- typename IndirectStubsMgrT>
-LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer<BaseLayerT, CompileCallbackMgrT, IndirectStubsMgrT>::
- LegacyCompileOnDemandLayer(
- ExecutionSession &ES, BaseLayerT &BaseLayer,
- SymbolResolverGetter GetSymbolResolver,
- SymbolResolverSetter SetSymbolResolver, PartitioningFtor Partition,
- CompileCallbackMgrT &CallbackMgr,
- IndirectStubsManagerBuilderT CreateIndirectStubsManager,
- bool CloneStubsIntoPartitions)
- : ES(ES), BaseLayer(BaseLayer),
- GetSymbolResolver(std::move(GetSymbolResolver)),
- SetSymbolResolver(std::move(SetSymbolResolver)),
- Partition(std::move(Partition)), CompileCallbackMgr(CallbackMgr),
- CreateIndirectStubsManager(std::move(CreateIndirectStubsManager)),
- CloneStubsIntoPartitions(CloneStubsIntoPartitions) {}
} // end namespace orc
} // end namespace llvm