path: root/contrib/opie/opie.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 179 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/opie/opie.h b/contrib/opie/opie.h
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index 8e88135a55e1..000000000000
--- a/contrib/opie/opie.h
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-/* opie.h: Data structures and values for the OPIE authentication
- system that a program might need.
-%%% portions-copyright-cmetz-96
-Portions of this software are Copyright 1996-1999 by Craig Metz, All Rights
-Reserved. The Inner Net License Version 2 applies to these portions of
-the software.
-You should have received a copy of the license with this software. If
-you didn't get a copy, you may request one from <license@inner.net>.
-Portions of this software are Copyright 1995 by Randall Atkinson and Dan
-McDonald, All Rights Reserved. All Rights under this copyright are assigned
-to the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). The NRL Copyright Notice and
-License Agreement applies to this software.
- History:
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.4. Added sequence number limits. Added
- struct opie_otpkey and made many functions use it. Added
- opiestrncpy(). Include header with libmissing prototypes.
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.32. Added symbolic flag names for
- opiepasswd(). Added __opieparsechallenge() prototype.
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.31. Removed active attack protection.
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.3. Renamed PTR to VOIDPTR. Added
- re-init key and extension file fields to struct opie. Added
- opie_ prefix on struct opie members. Added opie_flags field
- and definitions. Added more prototypes. Changed opiehash()
- prototype.
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.22. Define __P correctly if this file
- is included in a third-party program.
- Modified by cmetz for OPIE 2.2. Re-did prototypes. Added FUNCTION
- definition et al. Multiple-include protection. Added struct
- utsname fake. Got rid of gethostname() cruft. Moved UINT4
- here. Provide for *seek whence values. Move MDx context here
- and unify. Re-did prototypes.
- Modified at NRL for OPIE 2.0.
- Written at Bellcore for the S/Key Version 1 software distribution
- (skey.h).
-#ifndef _OPIE_H
-#define _OPIE_H 1
-struct opie {
- int opie_flags;
- char opie_buf[256];
- char *opie_principal;
- int opie_n;
- char *opie_seed;
- char *opie_val;
- long opie_recstart;
-#define __OPIE_FLAGS_RW 1
-#define __OPIE_FLAGS_READ 2
-/* Minimum length of a secret password */
-#define OPIE_SECRET_MIN 10
-#endif /* OPIE_SECRET_MIN */
-/* Maximum length of a secret password */
-#define OPIE_SECRET_MAX 127
-/* Minimum length of a seed */
-#define OPIE_SEED_MIN 5
-/* Maximum length of a seed */
-#define OPIE_SEED_MAX 16
-/* Max length of hash algorithm name (md4/md5/sha1) */
-/* Maximum length of a challenge (otp-md? 9999 seed ext) */
-/* Maximum length of a response that we allow */
-#define OPIE_RESPONSE_MAX (9+1+19+1+9+OPIE_SEED_MAX+1+19+1+19+1+19)
-/* Maximum length of a principal (read: user name) */
-/* Maximum sequence number */
-#define OPIE_SEQUENCE_MAX 9999
-#endif /* OPIE_SEQUENCE_MAX */
-/* Restricted sequence number */
-#define UINT4 u_int32_t
-struct opie_otpkey {
- UINT4 words[2];
-#ifndef SEEK_SET
-#define SEEK_SET 0
-#endif /* SEEK_SET */
-#ifndef SEEK_END
-#define SEEK_END 2
-#endif /* SEEK_END */
-int opieaccessfile __P((char *));
-int rdnets __P((long));
-int isaddr __P((register char *));
-int opiealways __P((char *));
-char *opieatob8 __P((struct opie_otpkey *, char *));
-void opiebackspace __P((char *));
-char *opiebtoa8 __P((char *, struct opie_otpkey *));
-char *opiebtoe __P((char *, struct opie_otpkey *));
-char *opiebtoh __P((char *, struct opie_otpkey *));
-int opieetob __P((struct opie_otpkey *, char *));
-int opiechallenge __P((struct opie *,char *,char *));
-int opiegenerator __P((char *,char *,char *));
-int opiegetsequence __P((struct opie *));
-void opiehash __P((struct opie_otpkey *, unsigned));
-int opiehtoi __P((register char));
-int opiekeycrunch __P((int, struct opie_otpkey *, char *, char *));
-int opielock __P((char *));
-int opieunlock __P((void));
-void opieunlockaeh __P((void));
-void opiedisableaeh __P((void));
-int opielookup __P((struct opie *,char *));
-int opiepasscheck __P((char *));
-int opienewseed __P((char *));
-void opierandomchallenge __P((char *));
-char * opieskipspace __P((register char *));
-void opiestripcrlf __P((char *));
-int opieverify __P((struct opie *,char *));
-int opiepasswd __P((struct opie *, int, char *, int, char *, char *));
-char *opiereadpass __P((char *, int, int));
-int opielogin __P((char *line, char *name, char *host));
-const char *opie_get_algorithm __P((void));
-int opie_haskey __P((char *username));
-char *opie_keyinfo __P((char *));
-int opie_passverify __P((char *username, char *passwd));
-int opieinsecure __P((void));
-void opieversion __P((void));
-#if _OPIE
-#define VOIDPTR void *
-#define VOIDRET void
-#define NOARGS void
-#define FUNCTION(arglist, args) (args)
-#define AND ,
-struct utmp;
-int __opiegetutmpentry __P((char *, struct utmp *));
-#ifdef EOF
-FILE *__opieopen __P((char *, int, int));
-#endif /* EOF */
-int __opiereadrec __P((struct opie *));
-int __opiewriterec __P((struct opie *));
-int __opieparsechallenge __P((char *buffer, int *algorithm, int *sequence, char **seed, int *exts));
-VOIDRET opiehashlen __P((int algorithm, VOIDPTR in, struct opie_otpkey *out, int n));
-#define opiestrncpy(dst, src, n) \
- do { \
- strncpy(dst, src, n-1); \
- dst[n-1] = 0; \
- } while(0)
-/* #include "missing.h" */
-#endif /* _OPIE */
-#endif /* _OPIE_H */