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+ <div class="section" id="replay-cache">
+<span id="rcache-definition"></span><h1>replay cache<a class="headerlink" href="#replay-cache" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
+<p>A replay cache (or &#8220;rcache&#8221;) keeps track of all authenticators
+recently presented to a service. If a duplicate authentication
+request is detected in the replay cache, an error message is sent to
+the application program.</p>
+<p>The replay cache interface, like the credential cache and
+<a class="reference internal" href="keytab_def.html#keytab-definition"><em>keytab</em></a> interfaces, uses <cite>type:value</cite> strings to
+indicate the type of replay cache and any associated cache naming
+data to use.</p>
+<div class="section" id="background-information">
+<h2>Background information<a class="headerlink" href="#background-information" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Some Kerberos or GSSAPI services use a simple authentication mechanism
+where a message is sent containing an authenticator, which establishes
+the encryption key that the client will use for talking to the
+service. But nothing about that prevents an eavesdropper from
+recording the messages sent by the client, establishing a new
+connection, and re-sending or &#8220;replaying&#8221; the same messages; the
+replayed authenticator will establish the same encryption key for the
+new session, and the following messages will be decrypted and
+processed. The attacker may not know what the messages say, and can&#8217;t
+generate new messages under the same encryption key, but in some
+instances it may be harmful to the user (or helpful to the attacker)
+to cause the server to see the same messages again a second time. For
+example, if the legitimate client sends &#8220;delete first message in
+mailbox&#8221;, a replay from an attacker may delete another, different
+&#8220;first&#8221; message. (Protocol design to guard against such problems has
+been discussed in <span class="target" id="index-0"></span><a class="rfc reference external" href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4120.html#section-10"><strong>RFC 4120</strong></a>.)</p>
+<p>Even if one protocol uses further protection to verify that the client
+side of the connection actually knows the encryption keys (and thus is
+presumably a legitimate user), if another service uses the same
+service principal name, it may be possible to record an authenticator
+used with the first protocol and &#8220;replay&#8221; it against the second.</p>
+<p>The replay cache mitigates these attacks somewhat, by keeping track of
+authenticators that have been seen until their five-minute window
+expires. Different authenticators generated by multiple connections
+from the same legitimate client will generally have different
+timestamps, and thus will not be considered the same.</p>
+<p>This mechanism isn&#8217;t perfect. If a message is sent to one application
+server but a man-in-the-middle attacker can prevent it from actually
+arriving at that server, the attacker could then use the authenticator
+(once!) against a different service on the same host. This could be a
+problem if the message from the client included something more than
+authentication in the first message that could be useful to the
+attacker (which is uncommon; in most protocols the server has to
+indicate a successful authentication before the client sends
+additional messages), or if the simple act of presenting the
+authenticator triggers some interesting action in the service being
+<div class="section" id="default-rcache-type">
+<h2>Default rcache type<a class="headerlink" href="#default-rcache-type" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>There is currently only one implemented kind of replay cache, called
+<strong>dfl</strong>. It stores replay data in one file, occasionally rewriting it
+to purge old, expired entries.</p>
+<p>The default type can be overridden by the <strong>KRB5RCACHETYPE</strong>
+environment variable.</p>
+<p>The placement of the replay cache file is determined by the following:</p>
+<ol class="arabic simple">
+<li>The <strong>KRB5RCACHEDIR</strong> environment variable;</li>
+<li>If KRB5RCACHEDIR is unspecified, on UNIX, the library
+will fall back to the environment variable <strong>TMPDIR</strong>, and then to
+a temporary directory determined at configuration time such as
+<em>/tmp</em> or <em>/var/tmp</em>; on Windows, it will check the environment
+variables <em>TEMP</em> and <em>TMP</em>, and fall back to the directory C:\.</li>
+<div class="section" id="performance-issues">
+<h2>Performance issues<a class="headerlink" href="#performance-issues" title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
+<p>Several known minor performance issues that may occur when replay
+cache is enabled on the Kerberos system include: delays due to writing
+the authenticator data to disk slowing down response time for very
+heavily loaded servers, and delays during the rewrite that may be
+unacceptable to high-performance services.</p>
+<p>For use cases where replays are adequately defended against for all
+protocols using a given service principal name, or where performance
+or other considerations outweigh the risk of replays, the special
+replay cache type &#8220;none&#8221; can be specified:</p>
+<div class="highlight-python"><div class="highlight"><pre><span class="n">KRB5RCACHETYPE</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="n">none</span>
+<p>It doesn&#8217;t record any information about authenticators, and reports
+that any authenticator seen is not a replay.</p>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
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+ <h2>On this page</h2>
+ <ul>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#">replay cache</a><ul>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#background-information">Background information</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#default-rcache-type">Default rcache type</a></li>
+<li><a class="reference internal" href="#performance-issues">Performance issues</a></li>
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