path: root/docs/testsuite/a-detailed-walkthrough.txt
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+Let's pick test/settings/TestSettings.py as our example. First, notice the file
+name "TestSettings.py", the Test*.py pattern is the default mechanism that the
+test driver uses for discovery of tests. As to TestSettings.py, it defines a
+class SettingsCommandTestCase(TestBase):
+derived from TestBase, which is defined in test/lldbtest.py and is itself
+derived from Python's unittest framework's TestCase class. See also
+http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html for more details.
+To just run the TestSettings.py test, chdir to the lldb test directory, and then
+type the following command:
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $ ./dotest.py settings
+Collected 6 tests
+Ran 6 tests in 8.699s
+OK (expected failures=1)
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $
+Pass '-v' option to the test driver to also output verbose descriptions of the
+individual test cases and their test status:
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $ ./dotest.py -v settings
+Collected 6 tests
+test_set_auto_confirm (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that after 'set auto-confirm true', manual confirmation should not kick in. ... ok
+test_set_output_path (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that setting target.process.output-path for the launched process works. ... expected failure
+test_set_prompt (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that 'set prompt' actually changes the prompt. ... ok
+test_set_term_width (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that 'set term-width' actually changes the term-width. ... ok
+test_with_dsym (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that run-args and env-vars are passed to the launched process. ... ok
+test_with_dwarf (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that run-args and env-vars are passed to the launched process. ... ok
+Ran 6 tests in 5.735s
+OK (expected failures=1)
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $
+Underneath, the '-v' option passes keyword argument verbosity=2 to the
+Python's unittest.TextTestRunner (see also
+http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html#unittest.TextTestRunner). For very
+detailed descriptions about what's going on during the test, pass '-t' to the
+test driver, which asks the test driver to trace the commands executed and to
+display their output. For brevity, the '-t' output is not included here.
+Notice the 'expected failures=1' message at the end of the run. This is because
+of a bug currently in lldb such that setting target.process.output-path to
+'stdout.txt' does not have any effect on the redirection of the standard output
+of the subsequent launched process. We are using unittest2 (a backport of new
+unittest features for Python 2.4-2.6) to decorate (mark) the particular test
+method as such:
+ @unittest2.expectedFailure
+ # rdar://problem/8435794
+ # settings set target.process.output-path does not seem to work
+ def test_set_output_path(self):
+See http://pypi.python.org/pypi/unittest2 for more details.
+Now let's look inside the test method:
+ def test_set_output_path(self):
+ """Test that setting target.process.output-path for the launched process works."""
+ self.buildDefault()
+ exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
+ self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
+ # Set the output-path and verify it is set.
+ self.runCmd("settings set target.process.output-path 'stdout.txt'")
+ self.expect("settings show target.process.output-path",
+ startstr = "target.process.output-path (string) = 'stdout.txt'")
+ self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
+ # The 'stdout.txt' file should now exist.
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile("stdout.txt"),
+ "'stdout.txt' exists due to target.process.output-path.")
+ # Read the output file produced by running the program.
+ with open('stdout.txt', 'r') as f:
+ output = f.read()
+ self.expect(output, exe=False,
+ startstr = "This message should go to standard out.")
+The self.buildDefault() statement is used to build a default binary for this
+test instance. For this particular test case, since we don't really care what
+debugging format is used, we instruct the build subsystem to build the default
+binary for us. The base class TestBase has defined three instance methods:
+ def buildDefault(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None):
+ """Platform specific way to build the default binaries."""
+ module = __import__(sys.platform)
+ if not module.buildDefault(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary):
+ raise Exception("Don't know how to build default binary")
+ def buildDsym(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None):
+ """Platform specific way to build binaries with dsym info."""
+ module = __import__(sys.platform)
+ if not module.buildDsym(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary):
+ raise Exception("Don't know how to build binary with dsym")
+ def buildDwarf(self, architecture=None, compiler=None, dictionary=None):
+ """Platform specific way to build binaries with dwarf maps."""
+ module = __import__(sys.platform)
+ if not module.buildDwarf(self, architecture, compiler, dictionary):
+ raise Exception("Don't know how to build binary with dwarf")
+And the test/plugins/darwin.py provides the implementation for all three build
+methods using the makefile mechanism. We envision that linux plugin can use a
+similar approach to accomplish the task of building the binaries.
+Mac OS X provides an additional way to manipulate archived DWARF debug symbol
+files and produces dSYM files. The buildDsym() instance method is used by the
+test method to build the binary with dsym info. For an example of this,
+see test/array_types/TestArrayTypes.py:
+ @unittest2.skipUnless(sys.platform.startswith("darwin"), "requires Darwin")
+ def test_with_dsym_and_run_command(self):
+ """Test 'frame variable var_name' on some variables with array types."""
+ self.buildDsym()
+ self.array_types()
+This method is decorated with a skipUnless decorator so that it will only gets
+included into the test suite if the platform it is running on is 'darwin', aka
+Mac OS X.
+Type 'man dsymutil' for more details.
+After the binary is built, it is time to specify the file to be used as the main
+executable by lldb:
+ exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
+ self.runCmd("file " + exe, CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
+This is where the attribute assignment:
+class SettingsCommandTestCase(TestBase):
+ mydir = "settings"
+which happens right after the SettingsCommandTestCase class declaration comes
+into place. It specifies the relative directory to the top level 'test' so that
+the test harness can change its working directory in order to find the
+executable as well as the source code files. The runCmd() method is defined in
+the TestBase base class (within test/lldbtest.py) and its purpose is to pass the
+specified command to the lldb command interpreter. It's like you're typing the
+command within an interactive lldb session.
+The CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET is an assert message defined in the lldbtest module
+so that it can be reused from other test modules.
+By default, the runCmd() is going to check the return status of the command
+execution and fails the test if it is not a success. The assert message, in our
+case CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET, is used in the exception printout if this happens.
+There are cases when we don't care about the return status from the command
+execution. This can be accomplished by passing the keyword argument pair
+'check=False' to the method.
+After the current executable is set, we'll then execute two more commands:
+ # Set the output-path and verify it is set.
+ self.runCmd("settings set target.process.output-path 'stdout.txt'")
+ self.expect("settings show target.process.output-path",
+ SETTING_MSG("target.process.output-path"),
+ startstr = "target.process.output-path (string) = 'stdout.txt'")
+The first uses the 'settings set' command to set the static setting
+target.process.output-path to be 'stdout.txt', instead of the default
+'/dev/stdout'. We then immediately issue a 'settings show' command to check
+that, indeed, the setting did take place. Notice that we use a new method
+expect() to accomplish the task, which in effect issues a runCmd() behind the
+door and grabs the output from the command execution and expects to match the
+start string of the output against what we pass in as the value of the keyword
+argument pair:
+ startstr = "target.process.output-path (string) = 'stdout.txt'"
+Take a look at TestBase.expect() within lldbtest.py for more details. Among
+other things, it can also match against a list of regexp patterns as well as a
+list of sub strings. And it can also perform negative matching, i.e., instead
+of expecting something from the output of command execution, it can perform the
+action of 'not expecting' something.
+This will launch/run the program:
+ self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
+And this asserts that the file 'stdout.txt' should be present after running the
+ # The 'stdout.txt' file should now exist.
+ self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile("stdout.txt"),
+ "'stdout.txt' exists due to target.process.output-path.")
+Also take a look at main.cpp which emits some message to the stdout. Now, if we
+pass this assertion, it's time to examine the contents of the file to make sure
+it contains the same message as programmed in main.cpp:
+ # Read the output file produced by running the program.
+ with open('stdout.txt', 'r') as f:
+ output = f.read()
+ self.expect(output, exe=False,
+ startstr = "This message should go to standard out.")
+We open the file and read its contents into output, then issue an expect()
+method. The 'exe=False' keyword argument pair tells expect() that don't try to
+execute the first arg as a command at all. Instead, treat it as a string to
+match against whatever is thrown in as keyword argument pairs!
+There are also other test methods present in the TestSettings.py mode:
+test_set_prompt(), test_set_term_width(), test_set_auto_confirm(),
+test_with_dsym(), and test_with_dwarf(). We are using the default test loader
+from unittest framework, which uses the 'test' method name prefix to identify
+test methods automatically.
+This finishes the walkthrough of the test method test_set_output_path(self).
+Before we say goodbye, notice the little method definition at the top of the
+ @classmethod
+ def classCleanup(cls):
+ system(["/bin/sh", "-c", "rm -f output.txt"])
+ system(["/bin/sh", "-c", "rm -f stdout.txt"])
+This is a classmethod (as shown by the @classmethod decorator) which allows the
+individual test class to perform cleanup actions after the test harness finishes
+with the particular test class. This is part of the so-called test fixture in
+the unittest framework. From http://docs.python.org/library/unittest.html:
+A test fixture represents the preparation needed to perform one or more tests,
+and any associate cleanup actions. This may involve, for example, creating
+temporary or proxy databases, directories, or starting a server process.
+The TestBase class uses such fixture with setUp(self), tearDown(self),
+setUpClass(cls), and tearDownClass(cls). And within teraDownClass(cls), it
+checks whether the current class has an attribute named 'classCleanup', and
+executes as a method if present. In this particular case, the classCleanup()
+calls a utility function system() defined in lldbtest.py in order to remove the
+files created by running the program as the tests are executed.
+This system() function uses the Python subprocess module to spawn the process
+and to retrieve its results. If the test instance passes the keyword argument
+pair 'sender=self', the detailed command execution through the operating system
+also gets recorded in a session object. If the test instance fails or errors,
+the session info automatically gets dumped to a file grouped under a directory
+named after the timestamp of the particular test suite run.
+For simple cases, look for the timestamp directory in the same directory of the
+test driver program dotest.py. For example, if we comment out the
+@expectedFailure decorator for TestSettings.py, and then run the test module:
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $ ./dotest.py -v settings
+Collected 6 tests
+test_set_auto_confirm (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that after 'set auto-confirm true', manual confirmation should not kick in. ... ok
+test_set_output_path (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that setting target.process.output-path for the launched process works. ... FAIL
+test_set_prompt (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that 'set prompt' actually changes the prompt. ... ok
+test_set_term_width (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that 'set term-width' actually changes the term-width. ... ok
+test_with_dsym (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that run-args and env-vars are passed to the launched process. ... ok
+test_with_dwarf (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that run-args and env-vars are passed to the launched process. ... ok
+FAIL: test_set_output_path (TestSettings.SettingsCommandTestCase)
+Test that setting target.process.output-path for the launched process works.
+Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/settings/TestSettings.py", line 125, in test_set_output_path
+ "'stdout.txt' exists due to target.process.output-path.")
+AssertionError: False is not True : 'stdout.txt' exists due to target.process.output-path.
+Ran 6 tests in 8.219s
+FAILED (failures=1)
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $ ls 2010-10-19-14:10:49.059609
+NOTE: This directory name has been changed to not contain the ':' character
+ which is not allowed in windows platforms. We'll change the ':' to '_'
+ and get rid of the microsecond resolution by modifying the test driver.
+/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test $
+We get one failure and a timestamp directory 2010-10-19-14:10:49.059609.
+For education purposes, the directory and its contents are reproduced here in
+the same directory as the current file.