path: root/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h')
1 files changed, 1375 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h b/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d965d6ccc01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/lldb/Core/ValueObject.h
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+//===-- ValueObject.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#ifndef liblldb_ValueObject_h_
+#define liblldb_ValueObject_h_
+// C Includes
+// C++ Includes
+#include <initializer_list>
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+// Other libraries and framework includes
+// Project includes
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Flags.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/UserID.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Value.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContext.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/ExecutionContextScope.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/StackID.h"
+#include "lldb/Utility/SharedCluster.h"
+namespace lldb_private {
+/// ValueObject:
+/// This abstract class provides an interface to a particular value, be it a register, a local or global variable,
+/// that is evaluated in some particular scope. The ValueObject also has the capibility of being the "child" of
+/// some other variable object, and in turn of having children.
+/// If a ValueObject is a root variable object - having no parent - then it must be constructed with respect to some
+/// particular ExecutionContextScope. If it is a child, it inherits the ExecutionContextScope from its parent.
+/// The ValueObject will update itself if necessary before fetching its value, summary, object description, etc.
+/// But it will always update itself in the ExecutionContextScope with which it was originally created.
+/// A brief note on life cycle management for ValueObjects. This is a little tricky because a ValueObject can contain
+/// various other ValueObjects - the Dynamic Value, its children, the dereference value, etc. Any one of these can be
+/// handed out as a shared pointer, but for that contained value object to be valid, the root object and potentially other
+/// of the value objects need to stay around.
+/// We solve this problem by handing out shared pointers to the Value Object and any of its dependents using a shared
+/// ClusterManager. This treats each shared pointer handed out for the entire cluster as a reference to the whole
+/// cluster. The whole cluster will stay around until the last reference is released.
+/// The ValueObject mostly handle this automatically, if a value object is made with a Parent ValueObject, then it adds
+/// itself to the ClusterManager of the parent.
+/// It does mean that external to the ValueObjects we should only ever make available ValueObjectSP's, never ValueObjects
+/// or pointers to them. So all the "Root level" ValueObject derived constructors should be private, and
+/// should implement a Create function that new's up object and returns a Shared Pointer that it gets from the GetSP() method.
+/// However, if you are making an derived ValueObject that will be contained in a parent value object, you should just
+/// hold onto a pointer to it internally, and by virtue of passing the parent ValueObject into its constructor, it will
+/// be added to the ClusterManager for the parent. Then if you ever hand out a Shared Pointer to the contained ValueObject,
+/// just do so by calling GetSP() on the contained object.
+class ValueObject : public UserID
+ enum GetExpressionPathFormat
+ {
+ eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers = 1,
+ eGetExpressionPathFormatHonorPointers
+ };
+ enum ValueObjectRepresentationStyle
+ {
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleValue = 1,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLanguageSpecific,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleLocation,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleChildrenCount,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleType,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleName,
+ eValueObjectRepresentationStyleExpressionPath
+ };
+ enum ExpressionPathScanEndReason
+ {
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEndOfString = 1, // out of data to parse
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonNoSuchChild, // child element not found
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonEmptyRangeNotAllowed, // [] only allowed for arrays
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDotInsteadOfArrow, // . used when -> should be used
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrowInsteadOfDot, // -> used when . should be used
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonFragileIVarNotAllowed, // ObjC ivar expansion not allowed
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorNotAllowed, // [] not allowed by options
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorInvalid, // [] not valid on objects other than scalars, pointers or arrays
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonArrayRangeOperatorMet, // [] is good for arrays, but I cannot parse it
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonBitfieldRangeOperatorMet, // [] is good for bitfields, but I cannot parse after it
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnexpectedSymbol, // something is malformed in the expression
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonTakingAddressFailed, // impossible to apply & operator
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonDereferencingFailed, // impossible to apply * operator
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonRangeOperatorExpanded, // [] was expanded into a VOList
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonSyntheticValueMissing, // getting the synthetic children failed
+ eExpressionPathScanEndReasonUnknown = 0xFFFF
+ };
+ enum ExpressionPathEndResultType
+ {
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypePlain = 1, // anything but...
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBitfield, // a bitfield
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypeBoundedRange, // a range [low-high]
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypeUnboundedRange, // a range []
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypeValueObjectList, // several items in a VOList
+ eExpressionPathEndResultTypeInvalid = 0xFFFF
+ };
+ enum ExpressionPathAftermath
+ {
+ eExpressionPathAftermathNothing = 1, // just return it
+ eExpressionPathAftermathDereference, // dereference the target
+ eExpressionPathAftermathTakeAddress // take target's address
+ };
+ enum ClearUserVisibleDataItems
+ {
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsNothing = 1u << 0,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue = 1u << 1,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary = 1u << 2,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation = 1u << 3,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription = 1u << 4,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren = 1u << 5,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings = eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsLocation | eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription,
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAll = 0xFFFF
+ };
+ struct GetValueForExpressionPathOptions
+ {
+ bool m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax;
+ bool m_no_fragile_ivar;
+ bool m_allow_bitfields_syntax;
+ bool m_no_synthetic_children;
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions(bool dot = false,
+ bool no_ivar = false,
+ bool bitfield = true,
+ bool no_synth = false) :
+ m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax(dot),
+ m_no_fragile_ivar(no_ivar),
+ m_allow_bitfields_syntax(bitfield),
+ m_no_synthetic_children(no_synth)
+ {
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DoCheckDotVsArrowSyntax()
+ {
+ m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DontCheckDotVsArrowSyntax()
+ {
+ m_check_dot_vs_arrow_syntax = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DoAllowFragileIVar()
+ {
+ m_no_fragile_ivar = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DontAllowFragileIVar()
+ {
+ m_no_fragile_ivar = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DoAllowBitfieldSyntax()
+ {
+ m_allow_bitfields_syntax = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DontAllowBitfieldSyntax()
+ {
+ m_allow_bitfields_syntax = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DoAllowSyntheticChildren()
+ {
+ m_no_synthetic_children = false;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ GetValueForExpressionPathOptions&
+ DontAllowSyntheticChildren()
+ {
+ m_no_synthetic_children = true;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ static const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions
+ DefaultOptions()
+ {
+ static GetValueForExpressionPathOptions g_default_options;
+ return g_default_options;
+ }
+ };
+ struct DumpValueObjectOptions
+ {
+ uint32_t m_max_ptr_depth;
+ uint32_t m_max_depth;
+ bool m_show_types;
+ bool m_show_location;
+ bool m_use_objc;
+ lldb::DynamicValueType m_use_dynamic;
+ bool m_use_synthetic;
+ bool m_scope_already_checked;
+ bool m_flat_output;
+ uint32_t m_omit_summary_depth;
+ bool m_ignore_cap;
+ lldb::Format m_format;
+ lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_summary_sp;
+ std::string m_root_valobj_name;
+ bool m_hide_root_type;
+ bool m_hide_name;
+ bool m_hide_value;
+ DumpValueObjectOptions() :
+ m_max_ptr_depth(0),
+ m_max_depth(UINT32_MAX),
+ m_show_types(false),
+ m_show_location(false),
+ m_use_objc(false),
+ m_use_dynamic(lldb::eNoDynamicValues),
+ m_use_synthetic(true),
+ m_scope_already_checked(false),
+ m_flat_output(false),
+ m_omit_summary_depth(0),
+ m_ignore_cap(false),
+ m_format (lldb::eFormatDefault),
+ m_summary_sp(),
+ m_root_valobj_name(),
+ m_hide_root_type(false), // provide a special compact display for "po"
+ m_hide_name(false), // provide a special compact display for "po"
+ m_hide_value(false) // provide a special compact display for "po"
+ {}
+ static const DumpValueObjectOptions
+ DefaultOptions()
+ {
+ static DumpValueObjectOptions g_default_options;
+ return g_default_options;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions (const DumpValueObjectOptions& rhs) :
+ m_max_ptr_depth(rhs.m_max_ptr_depth),
+ m_max_depth(rhs.m_max_depth),
+ m_show_types(rhs.m_show_types),
+ m_show_location(rhs.m_show_location),
+ m_use_objc(rhs.m_use_objc),
+ m_use_dynamic(rhs.m_use_dynamic),
+ m_use_synthetic(rhs.m_use_synthetic),
+ m_scope_already_checked(rhs.m_scope_already_checked),
+ m_flat_output(rhs.m_flat_output),
+ m_omit_summary_depth(rhs.m_omit_summary_depth),
+ m_ignore_cap(rhs.m_ignore_cap),
+ m_format(rhs.m_format),
+ m_summary_sp(rhs.m_summary_sp),
+ m_root_valobj_name(rhs.m_root_valobj_name),
+ m_hide_root_type(rhs.m_hide_root_type),
+ m_hide_name(rhs.m_hide_name),
+ m_hide_value(rhs.m_hide_value)
+ {}
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetMaximumPointerDepth(uint32_t depth = 0)
+ {
+ m_max_ptr_depth = depth;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetMaximumDepth(uint32_t depth = 0)
+ {
+ m_max_depth = depth;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetShowTypes(bool show = false)
+ {
+ m_show_types = show;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetShowLocation(bool show = false)
+ {
+ m_show_location = show;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetUseObjectiveC(bool use = false)
+ {
+ m_use_objc = use;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetShowSummary(bool show = true)
+ {
+ if (show == false)
+ SetOmitSummaryDepth(UINT32_MAX);
+ else
+ SetOmitSummaryDepth(0);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetUseDynamicType(lldb::DynamicValueType dyn = lldb::eNoDynamicValues)
+ {
+ m_use_dynamic = dyn;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetUseSyntheticValue(bool use_synthetic = true)
+ {
+ m_use_synthetic = use_synthetic;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetScopeChecked(bool check = true)
+ {
+ m_scope_already_checked = check;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetFlatOutput(bool flat = false)
+ {
+ m_flat_output = flat;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetOmitSummaryDepth(uint32_t depth = 0)
+ {
+ m_omit_summary_depth = depth;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetIgnoreCap(bool ignore = false)
+ {
+ m_ignore_cap = ignore;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetRawDisplay(bool raw = false)
+ {
+ if (raw)
+ {
+ SetUseSyntheticValue(false);
+ SetOmitSummaryDepth(UINT32_MAX);
+ SetIgnoreCap(true);
+ SetHideName(false);
+ SetHideValue(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SetUseSyntheticValue(true);
+ SetOmitSummaryDepth(0);
+ SetIgnoreCap(false);
+ SetHideName(false);
+ SetHideValue(false);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetFormat (lldb::Format format = lldb::eFormatDefault)
+ {
+ m_format = format;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetSummary (lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP summary = lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP())
+ {
+ m_summary_sp = summary;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetRootValueObjectName (const char* name = NULL)
+ {
+ if (name)
+ m_root_valobj_name.assign(name);
+ else
+ m_root_valobj_name.clear();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetHideRootType (bool hide_root_type = false)
+ {
+ m_hide_root_type = hide_root_type;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetHideName (bool hide_name = false)
+ {
+ m_hide_name = hide_name;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ DumpValueObjectOptions&
+ SetHideValue (bool hide_value = false)
+ {
+ m_hide_value = hide_value;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ class EvaluationPoint
+ {
+ public:
+ EvaluationPoint ();
+ EvaluationPoint (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope, bool use_selected = false);
+ EvaluationPoint (const EvaluationPoint &rhs);
+ ~EvaluationPoint ();
+ const ExecutionContextRef &
+ GetExecutionContextRef() const
+ {
+ return m_exe_ctx_ref;
+ }
+ // Set the EvaluationPoint to the values in exe_scope,
+ // Return true if the Evaluation Point changed.
+ // Since the ExecutionContextScope is always going to be valid currently,
+ // the Updated Context will also always be valid.
+// bool
+// SetContext (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope);
+ void
+ SetIsConstant ()
+ {
+ SetUpdated();
+ m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
+ }
+ bool
+ IsConstant () const
+ {
+ return !m_mod_id.IsValid();
+ }
+ ProcessModID
+ GetModID () const
+ {
+ return m_mod_id;
+ }
+ void
+ SetUpdateID (ProcessModID new_id)
+ {
+ m_mod_id = new_id;
+ }
+ bool
+ IsFirstEvaluation () const
+ {
+ return m_first_update;
+ }
+ void
+ SetNeedsUpdate ()
+ {
+ m_needs_update = true;
+ }
+ void
+ SetUpdated ();
+ bool
+ NeedsUpdating()
+ {
+ SyncWithProcessState();
+ return m_needs_update;
+ }
+ bool
+ IsValid ()
+ {
+ if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
+ return false;
+ else if (SyncWithProcessState ())
+ {
+ if (!m_mod_id.IsValid())
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void
+ SetInvalid ()
+ {
+ // Use the stop id to mark us as invalid, leave the thread id and the stack id around for logging and
+ // history purposes.
+ m_mod_id.SetInvalid();
+ // Can't update an invalid state.
+ m_needs_update = false;
+ }
+ private:
+ bool
+ SyncWithProcessState ();
+ ProcessModID m_mod_id; // This is the stop id when this ValueObject was last evaluated.
+ ExecutionContextRef m_exe_ctx_ref;
+ bool m_needs_update;
+ bool m_first_update;
+ };
+ const EvaluationPoint &
+ GetUpdatePoint () const
+ {
+ return m_update_point;
+ }
+ EvaluationPoint &
+ GetUpdatePoint ()
+ {
+ return m_update_point;
+ }
+ const ExecutionContextRef &
+ GetExecutionContextRef() const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef();
+ }
+ lldb::TargetSP
+ GetTargetSP() const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetTargetSP();
+ }
+ lldb::ProcessSP
+ GetProcessSP() const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetProcessSP();
+ }
+ lldb::ThreadSP
+ GetThreadSP() const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetThreadSP();
+ }
+ lldb::StackFrameSP
+ GetFrameSP() const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.GetExecutionContextRef().GetFrameSP();
+ }
+ void
+ SetNeedsUpdate ();
+ virtual ~ValueObject();
+ ClangASTType
+ GetClangType ();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sublasses must implement the functions below.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual uint64_t
+ GetByteSize() = 0;
+ virtual lldb::ValueType
+ GetValueType() const = 0;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sublasses can implement the functions below.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ConstString
+ GetTypeName();
+ virtual ConstString
+ GetQualifiedTypeName();
+ virtual lldb::LanguageType
+ GetObjectRuntimeLanguage();
+ virtual uint32_t
+ GetTypeInfo (ClangASTType *pointee_or_element_clang_type = NULL);
+ virtual bool
+ IsPointerType ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsArrayType ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsScalarType ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsPointerOrReferenceType ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsPossibleDynamicType ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsObjCNil ();
+ virtual bool
+ IsBaseClass ()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ IsDereferenceOfParent ()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool
+ IsIntegerType (bool &is_signed);
+ virtual bool
+ GetBaseClassPath (Stream &s);
+ virtual void
+ GetExpressionPath (Stream &s, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes, GetExpressionPathFormat = eGetExpressionPathFormatDereferencePointers);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetValueForExpressionPath(const char* expression,
+ const char** first_unparsed = NULL,
+ ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop = NULL,
+ ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type = NULL,
+ const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options = GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
+ ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target = NULL);
+ int
+ GetValuesForExpressionPath(const char* expression,
+ lldb::ValueObjectListSP& list,
+ const char** first_unparsed = NULL,
+ ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop = NULL,
+ ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type = NULL,
+ const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options = GetValueForExpressionPathOptions::DefaultOptions(),
+ ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target = NULL);
+ virtual bool
+ IsInScope ()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual off_t
+ GetByteOffset()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual uint32_t
+ GetBitfieldBitSize ()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual uint32_t
+ GetBitfieldBitOffset ()
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool
+ IsBitfield ()
+ {
+ return (GetBitfieldBitSize() != 0) || (GetBitfieldBitOffset() != 0);
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ IsArrayItemForPointer()
+ {
+ return m_is_array_item_for_pointer;
+ }
+ virtual const char *
+ GetValueAsCString ();
+ virtual bool
+ GetValueAsCString (lldb::Format format,
+ std::string& destination);
+ virtual uint64_t
+ GetValueAsUnsigned (uint64_t fail_value, bool *success = NULL);
+ virtual bool
+ SetValueFromCString (const char *value_str, Error& error);
+ // Return the module associated with this value object in case the
+ // value is from an executable file and might have its data in
+ // sections of the file. This can be used for variables.
+ virtual lldb::ModuleSP
+ GetModule();
+ virtual ValueObject*
+ GetRoot ();
+ virtual bool
+ GetDeclaration (Declaration &decl);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // The functions below should NOT be modified by sublasses
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Error &
+ GetError();
+ const ConstString &
+ GetName() const;
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildAtIndex (size_t idx, bool can_create);
+ // this will always create the children if necessary
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildAtIndexPath (const std::initializer_list<size_t> &idxs,
+ size_t* index_of_error = NULL);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildAtIndexPath (const std::vector<size_t> &idxs,
+ size_t* index_of_error = NULL);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildAtIndexPath (const std::initializer_list< std::pair<size_t, bool> > &idxs,
+ size_t* index_of_error = NULL);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildAtIndexPath (const std::vector< std::pair<size_t, bool> > &idxs,
+ size_t* index_of_error = NULL);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetChildMemberWithName (const ConstString &name, bool can_create);
+ virtual size_t
+ GetIndexOfChildWithName (const ConstString &name);
+ size_t
+ GetNumChildren ();
+ const Value &
+ GetValue() const;
+ Value &
+ GetValue();
+ virtual bool
+ ResolveValue (Scalar &scalar);
+ virtual const char *
+ GetLocationAsCString ();
+ const char *
+ GetSummaryAsCString ();
+ bool
+ GetSummaryAsCString (TypeSummaryImpl* summary_ptr,
+ std::string& destination);
+ const char *
+ GetObjectDescription ();
+ bool
+ HasSpecialPrintableRepresentation (ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display,
+ lldb::Format custom_format);
+ enum PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases
+ {
+ ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesDisable = 0,
+ ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow = 1,
+ ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesOnly = 3
+ };
+ bool
+ DumpPrintableRepresentation (Stream& s,
+ ValueObjectRepresentationStyle val_obj_display = eValueObjectRepresentationStyleSummary,
+ lldb::Format custom_format = lldb::eFormatInvalid,
+ PrintableRepresentationSpecialCases special = ePrintableRepresentationSpecialCasesAllow);
+ bool
+ GetValueIsValid () const;
+ bool
+ GetValueDidChange ();
+ bool
+ UpdateValueIfNeeded (bool update_format = true);
+ bool
+ UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSP ()
+ {
+ return m_manager->GetSharedPointer(this);
+ }
+ void
+ SetName (const ConstString &name);
+ virtual lldb::addr_t
+ GetAddressOf (bool scalar_is_load_address = true,
+ AddressType *address_type = NULL);
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetPointerValue (AddressType *address_type = NULL);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticChild (const ConstString &key) const;
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticArrayMember (size_t index, bool can_create);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticArrayMemberFromPointer (size_t index, bool can_create);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticArrayMemberFromArray (size_t index, bool can_create);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticBitFieldChild (uint32_t from, uint32_t to, bool can_create);
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticExpressionPathChild(const char* expression, bool can_create);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticChildAtOffset(uint32_t offset, const ClangASTType& type, bool can_create);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetDynamicValue (lldb::DynamicValueType valueType);
+ lldb::DynamicValueType
+ GetDynamicValueType ();
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetStaticValue ();
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetNonSyntheticValue ();
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetSyntheticValue (bool use_synthetic = true);
+ virtual bool
+ HasSyntheticValue();
+ virtual bool
+ IsSynthetic() { return false; }
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CreateConstantValue (const ConstString &name);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ Dereference (Error &error);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ AddressOf (Error &error);
+ virtual lldb::addr_t
+ GetLiveAddress()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void
+ SetLiveAddress(lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS,
+ AddressType address_type = eAddressTypeLoad)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ Cast (const ClangASTType &clang_ast_type);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CastPointerType (const char *name,
+ ClangASTType &ast_type);
+ virtual lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CastPointerType (const char *name,
+ lldb::TypeSP &type_sp);
+ // The backing bits of this value object were updated, clear any
+ // descriptive string, so we know we have to refetch them
+ virtual void
+ ValueUpdated ()
+ {
+ ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue |
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary |
+ eClearUserVisibleDataItemsDescription);
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ IsDynamic ()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual SymbolContextScope *
+ GetSymbolContextScope();
+ static void
+ DumpValueObject (Stream &s,
+ ValueObject *valobj);
+ static void
+ DumpValueObject (Stream &s,
+ ValueObject *valobj,
+ const DumpValueObjectOptions& options);
+ static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CreateValueObjectFromExpression (const char* name,
+ const char* expression,
+ const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx);
+ static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CreateValueObjectFromAddress (const char* name,
+ uint64_t address,
+ const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx,
+ ClangASTType type);
+ static lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ CreateValueObjectFromData (const char* name,
+ DataExtractor& data,
+ const ExecutionContext& exe_ctx,
+ ClangASTType type);
+ static void
+ LogValueObject (Log *log,
+ ValueObject *valobj);
+ static void
+ LogValueObject (Log *log,
+ ValueObject *valobj,
+ const DumpValueObjectOptions& options);
+ // returns true if this is a char* or a char[]
+ // if it is a char* and check_pointer is true,
+ // it also checks that the pointer is valid
+ bool
+ IsCStringContainer (bool check_pointer = false);
+ size_t
+ ReadPointedString (Stream& s,
+ Error& error,
+ uint32_t max_length = 0,
+ bool honor_array = true,
+ lldb::Format item_format = lldb::eFormatCharArray);
+ virtual size_t
+ GetPointeeData (DataExtractor& data,
+ uint32_t item_idx = 0,
+ uint32_t item_count = 1);
+ virtual uint64_t
+ GetData (DataExtractor& data);
+ virtual bool
+ SetData (DataExtractor &data, Error &error);
+ bool
+ GetIsConstant () const
+ {
+ return m_update_point.IsConstant();
+ }
+ void
+ SetIsConstant ()
+ {
+ m_update_point.SetIsConstant();
+ }
+ lldb::Format
+ GetFormat () const;
+ void
+ SetFormat (lldb::Format format)
+ {
+ if (format != m_format)
+ ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
+ m_format = format;
+ }
+ lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP
+ GetSummaryFormat()
+ {
+ UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+ return m_type_summary_sp;
+ }
+ void
+ SetSummaryFormat(lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP format)
+ {
+ m_type_summary_sp = format;
+ ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSummary);
+ }
+ void
+ SetValueFormat(lldb::TypeFormatImplSP format)
+ {
+ m_type_format_sp = format;
+ ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsValue);
+ }
+ lldb::TypeFormatImplSP
+ GetValueFormat()
+ {
+ UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+ return m_type_format_sp;
+ }
+ void
+ SetSyntheticChildren(const lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP &synth_sp)
+ {
+ if (synth_sp.get() == m_synthetic_children_sp.get())
+ return;
+ ClearUserVisibleData(eClearUserVisibleDataItemsSyntheticChildren);
+ m_synthetic_children_sp = synth_sp;
+ }
+ lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP
+ GetSyntheticChildren()
+ {
+ UpdateFormatsIfNeeded();
+ return m_synthetic_children_sp;
+ }
+ // Use GetParent for display purposes, but if you want to tell the parent to update itself
+ // then use m_parent. The ValueObjectDynamicValue's parent is not the correct parent for
+ // displaying, they are really siblings, so for display it needs to route through to its grandparent.
+ virtual ValueObject *
+ GetParent()
+ {
+ return m_parent;
+ }
+ virtual const ValueObject *
+ GetParent() const
+ {
+ return m_parent;
+ }
+ ValueObject *
+ GetNonBaseClassParent();
+ void
+ SetAddressTypeOfChildren(AddressType at)
+ {
+ m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children = at;
+ }
+ AddressType
+ GetAddressTypeOfChildren();
+ void
+ SetHasCompleteType()
+ {
+ m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type = true;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Find out if a ValueObject might have children.
+ ///
+ /// This call is much more efficient than CalculateNumChildren() as
+ /// it doesn't need to complete the underlying type. This is designed
+ /// to be used in a UI environment in order to detect if the
+ /// disclosure triangle should be displayed or not.
+ ///
+ /// This function returns true for class, union, structure,
+ /// pointers, references, arrays and more. Again, it does so without
+ /// doing any expensive type completion.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns \b true if the ValueObject might have children, or \b
+ /// false otherwise.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual bool
+ MightHaveChildren();
+ typedef ClusterManager<ValueObject> ValueObjectManager;
+ class ChildrenManager
+ {
+ public:
+ ChildrenManager() :
+ m_mutex(Mutex::eMutexTypeRecursive),
+ m_children(),
+ m_children_count(0)
+ {}
+ bool
+ HasChildAtIndex (size_t idx)
+ {
+ Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
+ ChildrenIterator iter = m_children.find(idx);
+ ChildrenIterator end = m_children.end();
+ return (iter != end);
+ }
+ ValueObject*
+ GetChildAtIndex (size_t idx)
+ {
+ Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
+ ChildrenIterator iter = m_children.find(idx);
+ ChildrenIterator end = m_children.end();
+ if (iter == end)
+ return NULL;
+ else
+ return iter->second;
+ }
+ void
+ SetChildAtIndex (size_t idx, ValueObject* valobj)
+ {
+ ChildrenPair pair(idx,valobj); // we do not need to be mutex-protected to make a pair
+ Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
+ m_children.insert(pair);
+ }
+ void
+ SetChildrenCount (size_t count)
+ {
+ m_children_count = count;
+ }
+ size_t
+ GetChildrenCount ()
+ {
+ return m_children_count;
+ }
+ void
+ Clear()
+ {
+ m_children_count = 0;
+ Mutex::Locker locker(m_mutex);
+ m_children.clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ typedef std::map<size_t, ValueObject*> ChildrenMap;
+ typedef ChildrenMap::iterator ChildrenIterator;
+ typedef ChildrenMap::value_type ChildrenPair;
+ Mutex m_mutex;
+ ChildrenMap m_children;
+ size_t m_children_count;
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Classes that inherit from ValueObject can see and modify these
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ValueObject * m_parent; // The parent value object, or NULL if this has no parent
+ ValueObject * m_root; // The root of the hierarchy for this ValueObject (or NULL if never calculated)
+ EvaluationPoint m_update_point; // Stores both the stop id and the full context at which this value was last
+ // updated. When we are asked to update the value object, we check whether
+ // the context & stop id are the same before updating.
+ ConstString m_name; // The name of this object
+ DataExtractor m_data; // A data extractor that can be used to extract the value.
+ Value m_value;
+ Error m_error; // An error object that can describe any errors that occur when updating values.
+ std::string m_value_str; // Cached value string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
+ std::string m_old_value_str;// Cached old value string from the last time the value was gotten
+ std::string m_location_str; // Cached location string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
+ std::string m_summary_str; // Cached summary string that will get cleared if/when the value is updated.
+ std::string m_object_desc_str; // Cached result of the "object printer". This differs from the summary
+ // in that the summary is consed up by us, the object_desc_string is builtin.
+ ClangASTType m_override_type;// If the type of the value object should be overridden, the type to impose.
+ ValueObjectManager *m_manager; // This object is managed by the root object (any ValueObject that gets created
+ // without a parent.) The manager gets passed through all the generations of
+ // dependent objects, and will keep the whole cluster of objects alive as long
+ // as a shared pointer to any of them has been handed out. Shared pointers to
+ // value objects must always be made with the GetSP method.
+ ChildrenManager m_children;
+ std::map<ConstString, ValueObject *> m_synthetic_children;
+ ValueObject* m_dynamic_value;
+ ValueObject* m_synthetic_value;
+ ValueObject* m_deref_valobj;
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP m_addr_of_valobj_sp; // We have to hold onto a shared pointer to this one because it is created
+ // as an independent ValueObjectConstResult, which isn't managed by us.
+ lldb::Format m_format;
+ lldb::Format m_last_format;
+ uint32_t m_last_format_mgr_revision;
+ lldb::TypeSummaryImplSP m_type_summary_sp;
+ lldb::TypeFormatImplSP m_type_format_sp;
+ lldb::SyntheticChildrenSP m_synthetic_children_sp;
+ ProcessModID m_user_id_of_forced_summary;
+ AddressType m_address_type_of_ptr_or_ref_children;
+ bool m_value_is_valid:1,
+ m_value_did_change:1,
+ m_children_count_valid:1,
+ m_old_value_valid:1,
+ m_is_deref_of_parent:1,
+ m_is_array_item_for_pointer:1,
+ m_is_bitfield_for_scalar:1,
+ m_is_child_at_offset:1,
+ m_is_getting_summary:1,
+ m_did_calculate_complete_objc_class_type:1;
+ friend class ClangExpressionDeclMap; // For GetValue
+ friend class ClangExpressionVariable; // For SetName
+ friend class Target; // For SetName
+ friend class ValueObjectConstResultImpl;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Constructors and Destructors
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Use the no-argument constructor to make a constant variable object (with no ExecutionContextScope.)
+ ValueObject();
+ // Use this constructor to create a "root variable object". The ValueObject will be locked to this context
+ // through-out its lifespan.
+ ValueObject (ExecutionContextScope *exe_scope,
+ AddressType child_ptr_or_ref_addr_type = eAddressTypeLoad);
+ // Use this constructor to create a ValueObject owned by another ValueObject. It will inherit the ExecutionContext
+ // of its parent.
+ ValueObject (ValueObject &parent);
+ ValueObjectManager *
+ GetManager()
+ {
+ return m_manager;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ UpdateValue () = 0;
+ virtual void
+ CalculateDynamicValue (lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ virtual lldb::DynamicValueType
+ GetDynamicValueTypeImpl ()
+ {
+ return lldb::eNoDynamicValues;
+ }
+ virtual bool
+ HasDynamicValueTypeInfo ()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual void
+ CalculateSyntheticValue (bool use_synthetic = true);
+ // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetChildAtIndex()
+ // Returns a ValueObject managed by this ValueObject's manager.
+ virtual ValueObject *
+ CreateChildAtIndex (size_t idx, bool synthetic_array_member, int32_t synthetic_index);
+ // Should only be called by ValueObject::GetNumChildren()
+ virtual size_t
+ CalculateNumChildren() = 0;
+ void
+ SetNumChildren (size_t num_children);
+ void
+ SetValueDidChange (bool value_changed);
+ void
+ SetValueIsValid (bool valid);
+ void
+ ClearUserVisibleData(uint32_t items = ValueObject::eClearUserVisibleDataItemsAllStrings);
+ void
+ AddSyntheticChild (const ConstString &key,
+ ValueObject *valobj);
+ DataExtractor &
+ GetDataExtractor ();
+ void
+ ClearDynamicTypeInformation ();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Sublasses must implement the functions below.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ClangASTType
+ GetClangTypeImpl () = 0;
+ const char *
+ GetLocationAsCStringImpl (const Value& value,
+ const DataExtractor& data);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // For ValueObject only
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ virtual ClangASTType
+ MaybeCalculateCompleteType ();
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetValueForExpressionPath_Impl(const char* expression_cstr,
+ const char** first_unparsed,
+ ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop,
+ ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type,
+ const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options,
+ ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target);
+ // this method will ONLY expand [] expressions into a VOList and return
+ // the number of elements it added to the VOList
+ // it will NOT loop through expanding the follow-up of the expression_cstr
+ // for all objects in the list
+ int
+ ExpandArraySliceExpression(const char* expression_cstr,
+ const char** first_unparsed,
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP root,
+ lldb::ValueObjectListSP& list,
+ ExpressionPathScanEndReason* reason_to_stop,
+ ExpressionPathEndResultType* final_value_type,
+ const GetValueForExpressionPathOptions& options,
+ ExpressionPathAftermath* final_task_on_target);
+} // namespace lldb_private
+#endif // liblldb_ValueObject_h_