path: root/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h')
1 files changed, 503 insertions, 495 deletions
diff --git a/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h b/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h
index b3cc57f176ca..34bd187b776c 100644
--- a/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h
+++ b/include/lldb/Target/StackFrame.h
@@ -33,514 +33,522 @@ namespace lldb_private {
/// @brief This base class provides an interface to stack frames.
-/// StackFrames may have a Canonical Frame Address (CFA) or not.
-/// A frame may have a plain pc value or it may have a pc value + stop_id
-/// to indicate a specific point in the debug session so the correct section
+/// StackFrames may have a Canonical Frame Address (CFA) or not.
+/// A frame may have a plain pc value or it may have a pc value + stop_id
+/// to indicate a specific point in the debug session so the correct section
/// load list is used for symbolication.
/// Local variables may be available, or not. A register context may be
/// available, or not.
-class StackFrame :
- public ExecutionContextScope,
- public std::enable_shared_from_this<StackFrame>
+class StackFrame : public ExecutionContextScope,
+ public std::enable_shared_from_this<StackFrame> {
- enum ExpressionPathOption
- {
- eExpressionPathOptionCheckPtrVsMember = (1u << 0),
- eExpressionPathOptionsNoFragileObjcIvar = (1u << 1),
- eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticChildren = (1u << 2),
- eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticArrayRange = (1u << 3),
- eExpressionPathOptionsAllowDirectIVarAccess = (1u << 4),
- eExpressionPathOptionsInspectAnonymousUnions = (1u << 5)
- };
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Construct a StackFrame object without supplying a RegisterContextSP.
- ///
- /// This is the one constructor that doesn't take a RegisterContext
- /// parameter. This ctor may be called when creating a history StackFrame;
- /// these are used if we've collected a stack trace of pc addresses at
- /// some point in the past. We may only have pc values. We may have pc
- /// values and the stop_id when the stack trace was recorded. We may have a
- /// CFA, or more likely, we won't.
- ///
- /// @param [in] thread_sp
- /// The Thread that this frame belongs to.
- ///
- /// @param [in] frame_idx
- /// This StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread. If inlined stack
- /// frames are being created, this may differ from the concrete_frame_idx
- /// which is the frame index without any inlined stack frames.
- ///
- /// @param [in] concrete_frame_idx
- /// The StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread without any inlined
- /// stack frames being included in the index.
- ///
- /// @param [in] cfa
- /// The Canonical Frame Address (this terminology from DWARF) for this
- /// stack frame. The CFA for a stack frame does not change over the
- /// span of the stack frame's existence. It is often the value of the
- /// caller's stack pointer before the call instruction into this frame's
- /// function. It is usually not the same as the frame pointer register's
- /// value.
- ///
- /// @param [in] cfa_is_valid
- /// A history stack frame may not have a CFA value collected. We want to
- /// distinguish between "no CFA available" and a CFA of
- ///
- /// @param [in] pc
- /// The current pc value of this stack frame.
- ///
- /// @param [in] stop_id
- /// The stop_id which should be used when looking up symbols for the pc value,
- /// if appropriate. This argument is ignored if stop_id_is_valid is false.
- ///
- /// @param [in] stop_id_is_valid
- /// If the stop_id argument provided is not needed for this StackFrame, this
- /// should be false. If this is a history stack frame and we know the stop_id
- /// when the pc value was collected, that stop_id should be provided and this
- /// will be true.
- ///
- /// @param [in] is_history_frame
- /// If this is a historical stack frame -- possibly without CFA or registers or
- /// local variables -- then this should be set to true.
- ///
- /// @param [in] sc_ptr
- /// Optionally seed the StackFrame with the SymbolContext information that has
- /// already been discovered.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- StackFrame (const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp,
- lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
- lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
- lldb::addr_t cfa,
- bool cfa_is_valid,
- lldb::addr_t pc,
- uint32_t stop_id,
- bool stop_id_is_valid,
- bool is_history_frame,
- const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
- StackFrame (const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp,
- lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
- lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
- const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp,
- lldb::addr_t cfa,
- lldb::addr_t pc,
- const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
- StackFrame (const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp,
- lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
- lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
- const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp,
- lldb::addr_t cfa,
- const Address& pc,
- const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
- ~StackFrame() override;
- lldb::ThreadSP
- GetThread () const
- {
- return m_thread_wp.lock();
- }
- StackID&
- GetStackID();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Get an Address for the current pc value in this StackFrame.
- ///
- /// May not be the same as the actual PC value for inlined stack frames.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// The Address object set to the current PC value.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- const Address&
- GetFrameCodeAddress();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Change the pc value for a given thread.
- ///
- /// Change the current pc value for the frame on this thread.
- ///
- /// @param[in] pc
- /// The load address that the pc will be set to.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// true if the pc was changed. false if this failed -- possibly
- /// because this frame is not a live StackFrame.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- ChangePC (lldb::addr_t pc);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Provide a SymbolContext for this StackFrame's current pc value.
- ///
- /// The StackFrame maintains this SymbolContext and adds additional information
- /// to it on an as-needed basis. This helps to avoid different functions
- /// looking up symbolic information for a given pc value multiple times.
- ///
- /// @params [in] resolve_scope
- /// Flags from the SymbolContextItem enumerated type which specify what
- /// type of symbol context is needed by this caller.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// A SymbolContext reference which includes the types of information
- /// requested by resolve_scope, if they are available.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- const SymbolContext&
- GetSymbolContext (uint32_t resolve_scope);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Return the Canonical Frame Address (DWARF term) for this frame.
- ///
- /// The CFA is typically the value of the stack pointer register before
- /// the call invocation is made. It will not change during the lifetime
- /// of a stack frame. It is often not the same thing as the frame pointer
- /// register value.
- ///
- /// Live StackFrames will always have a CFA but other types of frames may
- /// not be able to supply one.
- ///
- /// @param [out] value
- /// The address of the CFA for this frame, if available.
- ///
- /// @param [out] error_ptr
- /// If there is an error determining the CFA address, this may contain a
- /// string explaining the failure.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// Returns true if the CFA value was successfully set in value. Some
- /// frames may be unable to provide this value; they will return false.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetFrameBaseValue(Scalar &value, Error *error_ptr);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Get the current lexical scope block for this StackFrame, if possible.
- ///
- /// If debug information is available for this stack frame, return a
- /// pointer to the innermost lexical Block that the frame is currently
- /// executing.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// A pointer to the current Block. nullptr is returned if this can
- /// not be provided.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- Block *
- GetFrameBlock ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Get the RegisterContext for this frame, if possible.
- ///
- /// Returns a shared pointer to the RegisterContext for this stack frame.
- /// Only a live StackFrame object will be able to return a RegisterContext -
- /// callers must be prepared for an empty shared pointer being returned.
- ///
- /// Even a live StackFrame RegisterContext may not be able to provide all
- /// registers. Only the currently executing frame (frame 0) can reliably
- /// provide every register in the register context.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// The RegisterContext shared point for this frame.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::RegisterContextSP
- GetRegisterContext ();
- const lldb::RegisterContextSP &
- GetRegisterContextSP () const
- {
- return m_reg_context_sp;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's pc.
- ///
- /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableList for a given
- /// pc value even though variables would be available at this point if
- /// it were a live stack frame.
- ///
- /// @param[in] get_file_globals
- /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
- /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
- /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
- ///
- /// @return
- /// A pointer to a list of variables.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- VariableList *
- GetVariableList (bool get_file_globals);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's pc.
- ///
- /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableListSP for a
- /// given pc value even though variables would be available at this point
- /// if it were a live stack frame.
- ///
- /// @param[in] get_file_globals
- /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
- /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
- /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
- ///
- /// @return
- /// A pointer to a list of variables.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::VariableListSP
- GetInScopeVariableList (bool get_file_globals, bool must_have_valid_location = false);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Create a ValueObject for a variable name / pathname, possibly
- /// including simple dereference/child selection syntax.
- ///
- /// @param[in] var_expr
- /// The string specifying a variable to base the VariableObject off
- /// of.
- ///
- /// @param[in] use_dynamic
- /// Whether the correct dynamic type of an object pointer should be
- /// determined before creating the object, or if the static type is
- /// sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
- ///
- /// @param[in] options
- /// An unsigned integer of flags, values from StackFrame::ExpressionPathOption
- /// enum.
- /// @param[in] var_sp
- /// A VariableSP that will be set to the variable described in the
- /// var_expr path.
- ///
- /// @param[in] error
- /// Record any errors encountered while evaluating var_expr.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// A shared pointer to the ValueObject described by var_expr.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::ValueObjectSP
- GetValueForVariableExpressionPath (const char *var_expr,
- lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
- uint32_t options,
- lldb::VariableSP &var_sp,
- Error &error);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Determine whether this StackFrame has debug information available or not
- ///
- /// @return
- // true if debug information is available for this frame (function,
- // compilation unit, block, etc.)
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- HasDebugInformation ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Return the disassembly for the instructions of this StackFrame's function
- /// as a single C string.
- ///
- /// @return
- // C string with the assembly instructions for this function.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- const char *
- Disassemble ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Print a description for this frame using the frame-format formatter settings.
- ///
- /// @param [in] strm
- /// The Stream to print the description to.
- ///
- /// @param [in] frame_marker
- /// Optional string that will be prepended to the frame output description.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- DumpUsingSettingsFormat(Stream *strm, const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Print a description for this frame using a default format.
- ///
- /// @param [in] strm
- /// The Stream to print the description to.
- ///
- /// @param [in] show_frame_index
- /// Whether to print the frame number or not.
- ///
- /// @param [in] show_fullpaths
- /// Whether to print the full source paths or just the file base name.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- void
- Dump (Stream *strm, bool show_frame_index, bool show_fullpaths);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Print a description of this stack frame and/or the source context/assembly
- /// for this stack frame.
- ///
- /// @param[in] strm
- /// The Stream to send the output to.
- ///
- /// @param[in] show_frame_info
- /// If true, print the frame info by calling DumpUsingSettingsFormat().
- ///
- /// @param[in] show_source
- /// If true, print source or disassembly as per the user's settings.
- ///
- /// @param[in] frame_marker
- /// Passed to DumpUsingSettingsFormat() for the frame info printing.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// Returns true if successful.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- GetStatus(Stream &strm,
- bool show_frame_info,
- bool show_source,
- const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Query whether this frame is a concrete frame on the call stack,
- /// or if it is an inlined frame derived from the debug information
- /// and presented by the debugger.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// true if this is an inlined frame.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool
- IsInlined ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's StackFrameList.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
- /// frames are included in this frame index count.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- uint32_t
- GetFrameIndex () const;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's StackFrameList,
- /// not counting inlined frames.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
- /// frames are not included in this frame index count; their concrete
- /// frame index will be the same as the concrete frame that they are
- /// derived from.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- uint32_t
- GetConcreteFrameIndex () const
- {
- return m_concrete_frame_index;
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Create a ValueObject for a given Variable in this StackFrame.
- ///
- /// @params [in] variable_sp
- /// The Variable to base this ValueObject on
- ///
- /// @params [in] use_dynamic
- /// Whether the correct dynamic type of the variable should be
- /// determined before creating the ValueObject, or if the static type
- /// is sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
- ///
- /// @return
- // A ValueObject for this variable.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::ValueObjectSP
- GetValueObjectForFrameVariable (const lldb::VariableSP &variable_sp, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Add an arbitrary Variable object (e.g. one that specifics a global or static)
- /// to a StackFrame's list of ValueObjects.
- ///
- /// @params [in] variable_sp
- /// The Variable to base this ValueObject on
- ///
- /// @params [in] use_dynamic
- /// Whether the correct dynamic type of the variable should be
- /// determined before creating the ValueObject, or if the static type
- /// is sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
- ///
- /// @return
- // A ValueObject for this variable.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::ValueObjectSP
- TrackGlobalVariable (const lldb::VariableSP &variable_sp, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- /// Query this frame to determine what the default language should be
- /// when parsing expressions given the execution context.
- ///
- /// @return
- /// The language of the frame if known, else lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown.
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::LanguageType
- GetLanguage ();
- // similar to GetLanguage(), but is allowed to take a potentially incorrect guess
- // if exact information is not available
- lldb::LanguageType
- GuessLanguage ();
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // lldb::ExecutionContextScope pure virtual functions
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::TargetSP
- CalculateTarget() override;
- lldb::ProcessSP
- CalculateProcess() override;
- lldb::ThreadSP
- CalculateThread() override;
- lldb::StackFrameSP
- CalculateStackFrame() override;
- void
- CalculateExecutionContext(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) override;
+ enum ExpressionPathOption {
+ eExpressionPathOptionCheckPtrVsMember = (1u << 0),
+ eExpressionPathOptionsNoFragileObjcIvar = (1u << 1),
+ eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticChildren = (1u << 2),
+ eExpressionPathOptionsNoSyntheticArrayRange = (1u << 3),
+ eExpressionPathOptionsAllowDirectIVarAccess = (1u << 4),
+ eExpressionPathOptionsInspectAnonymousUnions = (1u << 5)
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Construct a StackFrame object without supplying a RegisterContextSP.
+ ///
+ /// This is the one constructor that doesn't take a RegisterContext
+ /// parameter. This ctor may be called when creating a history StackFrame;
+ /// these are used if we've collected a stack trace of pc addresses at
+ /// some point in the past. We may only have pc values. We may have pc
+ /// values and the stop_id when the stack trace was recorded. We may have a
+ /// CFA, or more likely, we won't.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] thread_sp
+ /// The Thread that this frame belongs to.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] frame_idx
+ /// This StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread. If inlined stack
+ /// frames are being created, this may differ from the concrete_frame_idx
+ /// which is the frame index without any inlined stack frames.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] concrete_frame_idx
+ /// The StackFrame's frame index number in the Thread without any inlined
+ /// stack frames being included in the index.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] cfa
+ /// The Canonical Frame Address (this terminology from DWARF) for this
+ /// stack frame. The CFA for a stack frame does not change over the
+ /// span of the stack frame's existence. It is often the value of the
+ /// caller's stack pointer before the call instruction into this frame's
+ /// function. It is usually not the same as the frame pointer register's
+ /// value.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] cfa_is_valid
+ /// A history stack frame may not have a CFA value collected. We want to
+ /// distinguish between "no CFA available" and a CFA of
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] pc
+ /// The current pc value of this stack frame.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] stop_id
+ /// The stop_id which should be used when looking up symbols for the pc
+ /// value,
+ /// if appropriate. This argument is ignored if stop_id_is_valid is false.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] stop_id_is_valid
+ /// If the stop_id argument provided is not needed for this StackFrame, this
+ /// should be false. If this is a history stack frame and we know the
+ /// stop_id
+ /// when the pc value was collected, that stop_id should be provided and
+ /// this
+ /// will be true.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] is_history_frame
+ /// If this is a historical stack frame -- possibly without CFA or registers
+ /// or
+ /// local variables -- then this should be set to true.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] sc_ptr
+ /// Optionally seed the StackFrame with the SymbolContext information that
+ /// has
+ /// already been discovered.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
+ lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx, lldb::addr_t cfa,
+ bool cfa_is_valid, lldb::addr_t pc, uint32_t stop_id,
+ bool stop_id_is_valid, bool is_history_frame,
+ const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
+ StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
+ lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
+ const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, lldb::addr_t cfa,
+ lldb::addr_t pc, const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
+ StackFrame(const lldb::ThreadSP &thread_sp, lldb::user_id_t frame_idx,
+ lldb::user_id_t concrete_frame_idx,
+ const lldb::RegisterContextSP &reg_context_sp, lldb::addr_t cfa,
+ const Address &pc, const SymbolContext *sc_ptr);
+ ~StackFrame() override;
+ lldb::ThreadSP GetThread() const { return m_thread_wp.lock(); }
+ StackID &GetStackID();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Get an Address for the current pc value in this StackFrame.
+ ///
+ /// May not be the same as the actual PC value for inlined stack frames.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// The Address object set to the current PC value.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Address &GetFrameCodeAddress();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Change the pc value for a given thread.
+ ///
+ /// Change the current pc value for the frame on this thread.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] pc
+ /// The load address that the pc will be set to.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// true if the pc was changed. false if this failed -- possibly
+ /// because this frame is not a live StackFrame.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool ChangePC(lldb::addr_t pc);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Provide a SymbolContext for this StackFrame's current pc value.
+ ///
+ /// The StackFrame maintains this SymbolContext and adds additional
+ /// information
+ /// to it on an as-needed basis. This helps to avoid different functions
+ /// looking up symbolic information for a given pc value multiple times.
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] resolve_scope
+ /// Flags from the SymbolContextItem enumerated type which specify what
+ /// type of symbol context is needed by this caller.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// A SymbolContext reference which includes the types of information
+ /// requested by resolve_scope, if they are available.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const SymbolContext &GetSymbolContext(uint32_t resolve_scope);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Return the Canonical Frame Address (DWARF term) for this frame.
+ ///
+ /// The CFA is typically the value of the stack pointer register before
+ /// the call invocation is made. It will not change during the lifetime
+ /// of a stack frame. It is often not the same thing as the frame pointer
+ /// register value.
+ ///
+ /// Live StackFrames will always have a CFA but other types of frames may
+ /// not be able to supply one.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] value
+ /// The address of the CFA for this frame, if available.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] error_ptr
+ /// If there is an error determining the CFA address, this may contain a
+ /// string explaining the failure.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns true if the CFA value was successfully set in value. Some
+ /// frames may be unable to provide this value; they will return false.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool GetFrameBaseValue(Scalar &value, Error *error_ptr);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Get the DWARFExpression corresponding to the Canonical Frame Address.
+ ///
+ /// Often a register (bp), but sometimes a register + offset.
+ ///
+ /// @param [out] error_ptr
+ /// If there is an error determining the CFA address, this may contain a
+ /// string explaining the failure.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns the corresponding DWARF expression, or NULL.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ DWARFExpression *GetFrameBaseExpression(Error *error_ptr);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Get the current lexical scope block for this StackFrame, if possible.
+ ///
+ /// If debug information is available for this stack frame, return a
+ /// pointer to the innermost lexical Block that the frame is currently
+ /// executing.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// A pointer to the current Block. nullptr is returned if this can
+ /// not be provided.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Block *GetFrameBlock();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Get the RegisterContext for this frame, if possible.
+ ///
+ /// Returns a shared pointer to the RegisterContext for this stack frame.
+ /// Only a live StackFrame object will be able to return a RegisterContext -
+ /// callers must be prepared for an empty shared pointer being returned.
+ ///
+ /// Even a live StackFrame RegisterContext may not be able to provide all
+ /// registers. Only the currently executing frame (frame 0) can reliably
+ /// provide every register in the register context.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// The RegisterContext shared point for this frame.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::RegisterContextSP GetRegisterContext();
+ const lldb::RegisterContextSP &GetRegisterContextSP() const {
+ return m_reg_context_sp;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's pc.
+ ///
+ /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableList for a given
+ /// pc value even though variables would be available at this point if
+ /// it were a live stack frame.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] get_file_globals
+ /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
+ /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
+ /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// A pointer to a list of variables.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ VariableList *GetVariableList(bool get_file_globals);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Retrieve the list of variables that are in scope at this StackFrame's pc.
+ ///
+ /// A frame that is not live may return an empty VariableListSP for a
+ /// given pc value even though variables would be available at this point
+ /// if it were a live stack frame.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] get_file_globals
+ /// Whether to also retrieve compilation-unit scoped variables
+ /// that are visible to the entire compilation unit (e.g. file
+ /// static in C, globals that are homed in this CU).
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// A pointer to a list of variables.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::VariableListSP
+ GetInScopeVariableList(bool get_file_globals,
+ bool must_have_valid_location = false);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Create a ValueObject for a variable name / pathname, possibly
+ /// including simple dereference/child selection syntax.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] var_expr
+ /// The string specifying a variable to base the VariableObject off
+ /// of.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] use_dynamic
+ /// Whether the correct dynamic type of an object pointer should be
+ /// determined before creating the object, or if the static type is
+ /// sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] options
+ /// An unsigned integer of flags, values from
+ /// StackFrame::ExpressionPathOption
+ /// enum.
+ /// @param[in] var_sp
+ /// A VariableSP that will be set to the variable described in the
+ /// var_expr path.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] error
+ /// Record any errors encountered while evaluating var_expr.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// A shared pointer to the ValueObject described by var_expr.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP GetValueForVariableExpressionPath(
+ llvm::StringRef var_expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic,
+ uint32_t options, lldb::VariableSP &var_sp, Error &error);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Determine whether this StackFrame has debug information available or not
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ // true if debug information is available for this frame (function,
+ // compilation unit, block, etc.)
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool HasDebugInformation();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Return the disassembly for the instructions of this StackFrame's function
+ /// as a single C string.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ // C string with the assembly instructions for this function.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const char *Disassemble();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Print a description for this frame using the frame-format formatter
+ /// settings.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] strm
+ /// The Stream to print the description to.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] frame_marker
+ /// Optional string that will be prepended to the frame output description.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void DumpUsingSettingsFormat(Stream *strm,
+ const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Print a description for this frame using a default format.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] strm
+ /// The Stream to print the description to.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] show_frame_index
+ /// Whether to print the frame number or not.
+ ///
+ /// @param [in] show_fullpaths
+ /// Whether to print the full source paths or just the file base name.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Dump(Stream *strm, bool show_frame_index, bool show_fullpaths);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Print a description of this stack frame and/or the source context/assembly
+ /// for this stack frame.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] strm
+ /// The Stream to send the output to.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] show_frame_info
+ /// If true, print the frame info by calling DumpUsingSettingsFormat().
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] show_source
+ /// If true, print source or disassembly as per the user's settings.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] frame_marker
+ /// Passed to DumpUsingSettingsFormat() for the frame info printing.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// Returns true if successful.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool GetStatus(Stream &strm, bool show_frame_info, bool show_source,
+ const char *frame_marker = nullptr);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Query whether this frame is a concrete frame on the call stack,
+ /// or if it is an inlined frame derived from the debug information
+ /// and presented by the debugger.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// true if this is an inlined frame.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool IsInlined();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's StackFrameList.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
+ /// frames are included in this frame index count.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t GetFrameIndex() const;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Query this frame to find what frame it is in this Thread's StackFrameList,
+ /// not counting inlined frames.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// StackFrame index 0 indicates the currently-executing function. Inline
+ /// frames are not included in this frame index count; their concrete
+ /// frame index will be the same as the concrete frame that they are
+ /// derived from.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ uint32_t GetConcreteFrameIndex() const { return m_concrete_frame_index; }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Create a ValueObject for a given Variable in this StackFrame.
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] variable_sp
+ /// The Variable to base this ValueObject on
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] use_dynamic
+ /// Whether the correct dynamic type of the variable should be
+ /// determined before creating the ValueObject, or if the static type
+ /// is sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ // A ValueObject for this variable.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP
+ GetValueObjectForFrameVariable(const lldb::VariableSP &variable_sp,
+ lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Add an arbitrary Variable object (e.g. one that specifics a global or
+ /// static)
+ /// to a StackFrame's list of ValueObjects.
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] variable_sp
+ /// The Variable to base this ValueObject on
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] use_dynamic
+ /// Whether the correct dynamic type of the variable should be
+ /// determined before creating the ValueObject, or if the static type
+ /// is sufficient. One of the DynamicValueType enumerated values.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ // A ValueObject for this variable.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP TrackGlobalVariable(const lldb::VariableSP &variable_sp,
+ lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Query this frame to determine what the default language should be
+ /// when parsing expressions given the execution context.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// The language of the frame if known, else lldb::eLanguageTypeUnknown.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::LanguageType GetLanguage();
+ // similar to GetLanguage(), but is allowed to take a potentially incorrect
+ // guess
+ // if exact information is not available
+ lldb::LanguageType GuessLanguage();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Attempt to econstruct the ValueObject for a given raw address touched by
+ /// the current instruction. The ExpressionPath should indicate how to get
+ /// to this value using "frame variable."
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] addr
+ /// The raw address.
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// The ValueObject if found. If valid, it has a valid ExpressionPath.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP GuessValueForAddress(lldb::addr_t addr);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Attempt to reconstruct the ValueObject for the address contained in a
+ /// given register plus an offset. The ExpressionPath should indicate how to
+ /// get to this value using "frame variable."
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] reg
+ /// The name of the register.
+ ///
+ /// @params [in] offset
+ /// The offset from the register. Particularly important for sp...
+ ///
+ /// @return
+ /// The ValueObject if found. If valid, it has a valid ExpressionPath.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP GuessValueForRegisterAndOffset(ConstString reg,
+ int64_t offset);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // lldb::ExecutionContextScope pure virtual functions
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::TargetSP CalculateTarget() override;
+ lldb::ProcessSP CalculateProcess() override;
+ lldb::ThreadSP CalculateThread() override;
+ lldb::StackFrameSP CalculateStackFrame() override;
+ void CalculateExecutionContext(ExecutionContext &exe_ctx) override;
- friend class StackFrameList;
+ friend class StackFrameList;
- void
- SetSymbolContextScope (SymbolContextScope *symbol_scope);
+ void SetSymbolContextScope(SymbolContextScope *symbol_scope);
- void
- UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame (StackFrame &prev_frame);
+ void UpdateCurrentFrameFromPreviousFrame(StackFrame &prev_frame);
- void
- UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame (StackFrame &curr_frame);
+ void UpdatePreviousFrameFromCurrentFrame(StackFrame &curr_frame);
+ bool HasCachedData() const;
- bool
- HasCachedData () const;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For StackFrame only
- //------------------------------------------------------------------
- lldb::ThreadWP m_thread_wp;
- uint32_t m_frame_index;
- uint32_t m_concrete_frame_index;
- lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_context_sp;
- StackID m_id;
- Address m_frame_code_addr; // The frame code address (might not be the same as the actual PC for inlined frames) as a section/offset address
- SymbolContext m_sc;
- Flags m_flags;
- Scalar m_frame_base;
- Error m_frame_base_error;
- bool m_cfa_is_valid; // Does this frame have a CFA? Different from CFA == LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS
- uint32_t m_stop_id;
- bool m_stop_id_is_valid; // Does this frame have a stop_id? Use it when referring to the m_frame_code_addr.
- bool m_is_history_frame;
- lldb::VariableListSP m_variable_list_sp;
- ValueObjectList m_variable_list_value_objects; // Value objects for each variable in m_variable_list_sp
- StreamString m_disassembly;
- std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // For StackFrame only
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ lldb::ThreadWP m_thread_wp;
+ uint32_t m_frame_index;
+ uint32_t m_concrete_frame_index;
+ lldb::RegisterContextSP m_reg_context_sp;
+ StackID m_id;
+ Address m_frame_code_addr; // The frame code address (might not be the same as
+ // the actual PC for inlined frames) as a
+ // section/offset address
+ SymbolContext m_sc;
+ Flags m_flags;
+ Scalar m_frame_base;
+ Error m_frame_base_error;
+ bool m_cfa_is_valid; // Does this frame have a CFA? Different from CFA ==
+ uint32_t m_stop_id;
+ bool m_stop_id_is_valid; // Does this frame have a stop_id? Use it when
+ // referring to the m_frame_code_addr.
+ bool m_is_history_frame;
+ lldb::VariableListSP m_variable_list_sp;
+ ValueObjectList m_variable_list_value_objects; // Value objects for each
+ // variable in
+ // m_variable_list_sp
+ StreamString m_disassembly;
+ std::recursive_mutex m_mutex;
} // namespace lldb_private