path: root/include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h b/include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h
index e61c5ee85017..145ef4868d2f 100644
--- a/include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h
+++ b/include/lldb/Utility/JSON.h
@@ -24,338 +24,263 @@
namespace lldb_private {
- class JSONValue
- {
- public:
- virtual void
- Write (Stream& s) = 0;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONValue> SP;
- enum class Kind
- {
- String,
- Number,
- True,
- False,
- Null,
- Object,
- Array
- };
- JSONValue (Kind k) :
- m_kind(k)
- {}
- Kind
- GetKind() const
- {
- return m_kind;
- }
- virtual
- ~JSONValue () = default;
- private:
- const Kind m_kind;
- };
- class JSONString : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONString ();
- JSONString (const char* s);
- JSONString (const std::string& s);
- JSONString (const JSONString& s) = delete;
- JSONString&
- operator = (const JSONString& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONString> SP;
- std::string
- GetData () { return m_data; }
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::String;
- }
- ~JSONString() override = default;
- private:
- static std::string
- json_string_quote_metachars (const std::string&);
- std::string m_data;
- };
- class JSONNumber : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONNumber> SP;
- // We cretae a constructor for all integer and floating point type with using templates and
- // SFINAE to avoid having ambiguous overloads because of the implicit type promotion. If we
- // would have constructors only with int64_t, uint64_t and double types then constructing a
- // JSONNumber from an int32_t (or any other similar type) would fail to compile.
- template <typename T,
- typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
- std::is_unsigned<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
- explicit JSONNumber (T u) :
- JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number),
- m_data_type(DataType::Unsigned)
- {
- m_data.m_unsigned = u;
- }
- template <typename T,
- typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
- std::is_signed<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
- explicit JSONNumber (T s) :
- JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number),
- m_data_type(DataType::Signed)
- {
- m_data.m_signed = s;
- }
- template <typename T,
- typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type* = nullptr>
- explicit JSONNumber (T d) :
- JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number),
- m_data_type(DataType::Double)
- {
- m_data.m_double = d;
- }
- ~JSONNumber() override = default;
- JSONNumber (const JSONNumber& s) = delete;
- JSONNumber&
- operator = (const JSONNumber& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- uint64_t
- GetAsUnsigned() const;
- int64_t
- GetAsSigned() const;
- double
- GetAsDouble() const;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Number;
- }
- private:
- enum class DataType : uint8_t
- {
- Unsigned,
- Signed,
- Double
- } m_data_type;
- union
- {
- uint64_t m_unsigned;
- int64_t m_signed;
- double m_double;
- } m_data;
- };
- class JSONTrue : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONTrue ();
- JSONTrue (const JSONTrue& s) = delete;
- JSONTrue&
- operator = (const JSONTrue& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONTrue> SP;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::True;
- }
- ~JSONTrue() override = default;
- };
- class JSONFalse : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONFalse ();
- JSONFalse (const JSONFalse& s) = delete;
- JSONFalse&
- operator = (const JSONFalse& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONFalse> SP;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::False;
- }
- ~JSONFalse() override = default;
- };
- class JSONNull : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONNull ();
- JSONNull (const JSONNull& s) = delete;
- JSONNull&
- operator = (const JSONNull& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONNull> SP;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Null;
- }
- ~JSONNull() override = default;
- };
- class JSONObject : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONObject ();
- JSONObject (const JSONObject& s) = delete;
- JSONObject&
- operator = (const JSONObject& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONObject> SP;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Object;
- }
- bool
- SetObject (const std::string& key,
- JSONValue::SP value);
- JSONValue::SP
- GetObject (const std::string& key);
- ~JSONObject() override = default;
- private:
- typedef std::map<std::string, JSONValue::SP> Map;
- typedef Map::iterator Iterator;
- Map m_elements;
- };
- class JSONArray : public JSONValue
- {
- public:
- JSONArray ();
- JSONArray (const JSONArray& s) = delete;
- JSONArray&
- operator = (const JSONArray& s) = delete;
- void
- Write(Stream& s) override;
- typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONArray> SP;
- static bool classof(const JSONValue *V)
- {
- return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Array;
- }
- private:
- typedef std::vector<JSONValue::SP> Vector;
- typedef Vector::iterator Iterator;
- typedef Vector::size_type Index;
- typedef Vector::size_type Size;
- public:
- bool
- SetObject (Index i,
- JSONValue::SP value);
- bool
- AppendObject (JSONValue::SP value);
- JSONValue::SP
- GetObject (Index i);
- Size
- GetNumElements ();
- ~JSONArray() override = default;
- Vector m_elements;
- };
- class JSONParser : public StringExtractor
- {
- public:
- enum Token
- {
- Invalid,
- Error,
- ObjectStart,
- ObjectEnd,
- ArrayStart,
- ArrayEnd,
- Comma,
- Colon,
- String,
- Integer,
- Float,
- True,
- False,
- Null,
- EndOfFile
- };
- JSONParser (const char *cstr);
- int
- GetEscapedChar (bool &was_escaped);
- Token
- GetToken (std::string &value);
- JSONValue::SP
- ParseJSONValue ();
- protected:
- JSONValue::SP
- ParseJSONObject ();
- JSONValue::SP
- ParseJSONArray ();
- };
+class JSONValue {
+ virtual void Write(Stream &s) = 0;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONValue> SP;
+ enum class Kind { String, Number, True, False, Null, Object, Array };
+ JSONValue(Kind k) : m_kind(k) {}
+ Kind GetKind() const { return m_kind; }
+ virtual ~JSONValue() = default;
+ const Kind m_kind;
+class JSONString : public JSONValue {
+ JSONString();
+ JSONString(const char *s);
+ JSONString(const std::string &s);
+ JSONString(const JSONString &s) = delete;
+ JSONString &operator=(const JSONString &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONString> SP;
+ std::string GetData() { return m_data; }
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::String;
+ }
+ ~JSONString() override = default;
+ static std::string json_string_quote_metachars(const std::string &);
+ std::string m_data;
+class JSONNumber : public JSONValue {
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONNumber> SP;
+ // We cretae a constructor for all integer and floating point type with using
+ // templates and
+ // SFINAE to avoid having ambiguous overloads because of the implicit type
+ // promotion. If we
+ // would have constructors only with int64_t, uint64_t and double types then
+ // constructing a
+ // JSONNumber from an int32_t (or any other similar type) would fail to
+ // compile.
+ template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_unsigned<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
+ explicit JSONNumber(T u)
+ : JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number), m_data_type(DataType::Unsigned) {
+ m_data.m_unsigned = u;
+ }
+ template <typename T,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<T>::value &&
+ std::is_signed<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
+ explicit JSONNumber(T s)
+ : JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number), m_data_type(DataType::Signed) {
+ m_data.m_signed = s;
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<
+ std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
+ explicit JSONNumber(T d)
+ : JSONValue(JSONValue::Kind::Number), m_data_type(DataType::Double) {
+ m_data.m_double = d;
+ }
+ ~JSONNumber() override = default;
+ JSONNumber(const JSONNumber &s) = delete;
+ JSONNumber &operator=(const JSONNumber &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ uint64_t GetAsUnsigned() const;
+ int64_t GetAsSigned() const;
+ double GetAsDouble() const;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Number;
+ }
+ enum class DataType : uint8_t { Unsigned, Signed, Double } m_data_type;
+ union {
+ uint64_t m_unsigned;
+ int64_t m_signed;
+ double m_double;
+ } m_data;
+class JSONTrue : public JSONValue {
+ JSONTrue();
+ JSONTrue(const JSONTrue &s) = delete;
+ JSONTrue &operator=(const JSONTrue &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONTrue> SP;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::True;
+ }
+ ~JSONTrue() override = default;
+class JSONFalse : public JSONValue {
+ JSONFalse();
+ JSONFalse(const JSONFalse &s) = delete;
+ JSONFalse &operator=(const JSONFalse &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONFalse> SP;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::False;
+ }
+ ~JSONFalse() override = default;
+class JSONNull : public JSONValue {
+ JSONNull();
+ JSONNull(const JSONNull &s) = delete;
+ JSONNull &operator=(const JSONNull &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONNull> SP;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Null;
+ }
+ ~JSONNull() override = default;
+class JSONObject : public JSONValue {
+ JSONObject();
+ JSONObject(const JSONObject &s) = delete;
+ JSONObject &operator=(const JSONObject &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONObject> SP;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Object;
+ }
+ bool SetObject(const std::string &key, JSONValue::SP value);
+ JSONValue::SP GetObject(const std::string &key);
+ ~JSONObject() override = default;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, JSONValue::SP> Map;
+ typedef Map::iterator Iterator;
+ Map m_elements;
+class JSONArray : public JSONValue {
+ JSONArray();
+ JSONArray(const JSONArray &s) = delete;
+ JSONArray &operator=(const JSONArray &s) = delete;
+ void Write(Stream &s) override;
+ typedef std::shared_ptr<JSONArray> SP;
+ static bool classof(const JSONValue *V) {
+ return V->GetKind() == JSONValue::Kind::Array;
+ }
+ typedef std::vector<JSONValue::SP> Vector;
+ typedef Vector::iterator Iterator;
+ typedef Vector::size_type Index;
+ typedef Vector::size_type Size;
+ bool SetObject(Index i, JSONValue::SP value);
+ bool AppendObject(JSONValue::SP value);
+ JSONValue::SP GetObject(Index i);
+ Size GetNumElements();
+ ~JSONArray() override = default;
+ Vector m_elements;
+class JSONParser : public StringExtractor {
+ enum Token {
+ Invalid,
+ Error,
+ ObjectStart,
+ ObjectEnd,
+ ArrayStart,
+ ArrayEnd,
+ Comma,
+ Colon,
+ String,
+ Integer,
+ Float,
+ True,
+ False,
+ Null,
+ EndOfFile
+ };
+ JSONParser(const char *cstr);
+ int GetEscapedChar(bool &was_escaped);
+ Token GetToken(std::string &value);
+ JSONValue::SP ParseJSONValue();
+ JSONValue::SP ParseJSONObject();
+ JSONValue::SP ParseJSONArray();
} // namespace lldb_private
#endif // utility_JSON_h_