path: root/lib/AST/InheritViz.cpp
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1 files changed, 168 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/AST/InheritViz.cpp b/lib/AST/InheritViz.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dd2fc14ab2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/AST/InheritViz.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+//===- InheritViz.cpp - Graphviz visualization for inheritance --*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// This file implements CXXRecordDecl::viewInheritance, which
+// generates a GraphViz DOT file that depicts the class inheritance
+// diagram and then calls Graphviz/dot+gv on it.
+#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
+#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
+#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
+#include "clang/AST/TypeOrdering.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/GraphWriter.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <map>
+using namespace llvm;
+namespace clang {
+/// InheritanceHierarchyWriter - Helper class that writes out a
+/// GraphViz file that diagrams the inheritance hierarchy starting at
+/// a given C++ class type. Note that we do not use LLVM's
+/// GraphWriter, because the interface does not permit us to properly
+/// differentiate between uses of types as virtual bases
+/// vs. non-virtual bases.
+class InheritanceHierarchyWriter {
+ ASTContext& Context;
+ llvm::raw_ostream &Out;
+ std::map<QualType, int, QualTypeOrdering> DirectBaseCount;
+ std::set<QualType, QualTypeOrdering> KnownVirtualBases;
+ InheritanceHierarchyWriter(ASTContext& Context, llvm::raw_ostream& Out)
+ : Context(Context), Out(Out) { }
+ void WriteGraph(QualType Type) {
+ Out << "digraph \"" << DOT::EscapeString(Type.getAsString()) << "\" {\n";
+ WriteNode(Type, false);
+ Out << "}\n";
+ }
+ /// WriteNode - Write out the description of node in the inheritance
+ /// diagram, which may be a base class or it may be the root node.
+ void WriteNode(QualType Type, bool FromVirtual);
+ /// WriteNodeReference - Write out a reference to the given node,
+ /// using a unique identifier for each direct base and for the
+ /// (only) virtual base.
+ llvm::raw_ostream& WriteNodeReference(QualType Type, bool FromVirtual);
+void InheritanceHierarchyWriter::WriteNode(QualType Type, bool FromVirtual) {
+ QualType CanonType = Context.getCanonicalType(Type);
+ if (FromVirtual) {
+ if (KnownVirtualBases.find(CanonType) != KnownVirtualBases.end())
+ return;
+ // We haven't seen this virtual base before, so display it and
+ // its bases.
+ KnownVirtualBases.insert(CanonType);
+ }
+ // Declare the node itself.
+ Out << " ";
+ WriteNodeReference(Type, FromVirtual);
+ // Give the node a label based on the name of the class.
+ std::string TypeName = Type.getAsString();
+ Out << " [ shape=\"box\", label=\"" << DOT::EscapeString(TypeName);
+ // If the name of the class was a typedef or something different
+ // from the "real" class name, show the real class name in
+ // parentheses so we don't confuse ourselves.
+ if (TypeName != CanonType.getAsString()) {
+ Out << "\\n(" << CanonType.getAsString() << ")";
+ }
+ // Finished describing the node.
+ Out << " \"];\n";
+ // Display the base classes.
+ const CXXRecordDecl *Decl
+ = static_cast<const CXXRecordDecl *>(Type->getAsRecordType()->getDecl());
+ for (CXXRecordDecl::base_class_const_iterator Base = Decl->bases_begin();
+ Base != Decl->bases_end(); ++Base) {
+ QualType CanonBaseType = Context.getCanonicalType(Base->getType());
+ // If this is not virtual inheritance, bump the direct base
+ // count for the type.
+ if (!Base->isVirtual())
+ ++DirectBaseCount[CanonBaseType];
+ // Write out the node (if we need to).
+ WriteNode(Base->getType(), Base->isVirtual());
+ // Write out the edge.
+ Out << " ";
+ WriteNodeReference(Type, FromVirtual);
+ Out << " -> ";
+ WriteNodeReference(Base->getType(), Base->isVirtual());
+ // Write out edge attributes to show the kind of inheritance.
+ if (Base->isVirtual()) {
+ Out << " [ style=\"dashed\" ]";
+ }
+ Out << ";";
+ }
+/// WriteNodeReference - Write out a reference to the given node,
+/// using a unique identifier for each direct base and for the
+/// (only) virtual base.
+InheritanceHierarchyWriter::WriteNodeReference(QualType Type,
+ bool FromVirtual) {
+ QualType CanonType = Context.getCanonicalType(Type);
+ Out << "Class_" << CanonType.getAsOpaquePtr();
+ if (!FromVirtual)
+ Out << "_" << DirectBaseCount[CanonType];
+ return Out;
+/// viewInheritance - Display the inheritance hierarchy of this C++
+/// class using GraphViz.
+void CXXRecordDecl::viewInheritance(ASTContext& Context) const {
+ QualType Self = Context.getTypeDeclType(const_cast<CXXRecordDecl *>(this));
+ std::string ErrMsg;
+ sys::Path Filename = sys::Path::GetTemporaryDirectory(&ErrMsg);
+ if (Filename.isEmpty()) {
+ llvm::errs() << "Error: " << ErrMsg << "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ Filename.appendComponent(Self.getAsString() + ".dot");
+ if (Filename.makeUnique(true,&ErrMsg)) {
+ llvm::errs() << "Error: " << ErrMsg << "\n";
+ return;
+ }
+ llvm::errs() << "Writing '" << Filename.c_str() << "'... ";
+ llvm::raw_fd_ostream O(Filename.c_str(), false, ErrMsg);
+ if (ErrMsg.empty()) {
+ InheritanceHierarchyWriter Writer(Context, O);
+ Writer.WriteGraph(Self);
+ llvm::errs() << " done. \n";
+ O.close();
+ // Display the graph
+ DisplayGraph(Filename);
+ } else {
+ llvm::errs() << "error opening file for writing!\n";
+ }