path: root/lib/Makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Makefile')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Makefile b/lib/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e2388e05833e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+##===- source/Makefile -------------------------------------*- Makefile -*-===##
+# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+LEVEL := ../../..
+#EXPORTED_SYMBOL_FILE = $(PROJ_SRC_DIR)/$(LLDB_LEVEL)/resources/lldb-framework-exports
+ifeq (,$(findstring -DLLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON,$(CXXFLAGS)))
+PYTHON_CONFIG?= python-config
+PYTHON_BUILD_FLAGS = $(shell $(PYTHON_CONFIG) --ldflags)
+# Include all archives in liblldb.so file
+USEDLIBS = lldbAPI.a \
+ lldbBreakpoint.a \
+ lldbCommands.a \
+ lldbCore.a \
+ lldbDataFormatters.a \
+ lldbExpression.a \
+ lldbInitialization.a \
+ lldbHost.a \
+ lldbBase.a \
+ lldbInterpreter.a \
+ lldbPluginABIMacOSX_arm.a \
+ lldbPluginABIMacOSX_arm64.a \
+ lldbPluginABIMacOSX_i386.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_arm.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_arm64.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_ppc.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_ppc64.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_mips.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_mips64.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_i386.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_x86_64.a \
+ lldbPluginABISysV_hexagon.a \
+ lldbPluginDisassemblerLLVM.a \
+ lldbPluginDynamicLoaderStatic.a \
+ lldbPluginDynamicLoaderPosixDYLD.a \
+ lldbPluginDynamicLoaderHexagon.a \
+ lldbPluginDynamicLoaderMacOSXDYLD.a \
+ lldbPluginDynamicLoaderWindowsDYLD.a \
+ lldbPluginExpressionParserClang.a \
+ lldbPluginExpressionParserGo.a \
+ lldbPluginInstructionARM.a \
+ lldbPluginInstructionARM64.a \
+ lldbPluginInstructionMIPS.a \
+ lldbPluginInstructionMIPS64.a \
+ lldbPluginInstrumentationRuntimeAddressSanitizer.a \
+ lldbPluginCXXItaniumABI.a \
+ lldbPluginAppleObjCRuntime.a \
+ lldbPluginRenderScriptRuntime.a \
+ lldbPluginMemoryHistoryASan.a \
+ lldbPluginCPlusPlusLanguage.a \
+ lldbPluginLanguageRuntimeGo.a \
+ lldbPluginObjCLanguage.a \
+ lldbPluginObjCPlusPlusLanguage.a \
+ lldbPluginGoLanguage.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectContainerBSDArchive.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectContainerMachOArchive.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectFileELF.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectFileJIT.a \
+ lldbPluginSymbolVendorELF.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectFilePECOFF.a \
+ lldbPluginOSGo.a \
+ lldbPluginOSPython.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformGDB.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessElfCore.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessGDBRemote.a \
+ lldbPluginSymbolFileDWARF.a \
+ lldbPluginSymbolFileSymtab.a \
+ lldbPluginSystemRuntimeMacOSX.a \
+ lldbPluginUnwindAssemblyInstEmulation.a \
+ lldbPluginUnwindAssemblyX86.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessUtility.a \
+ lldbSymbol.a \
+ lldbTarget.a \
+ lldbUtility.a \
+ clangAnalysis.a \
+ clangAST.a \
+ clangBasic.a \
+ clangCodeGen.a \
+ clangFrontend.a \
+ clangDriver.a \
+ clangEdit.a \
+ clangLex.a \
+ clangParse.a \
+ clangSema.a \
+ clangSerialization.a \
+ LLVMMCDisassembler.a \
+ LLVMProfileData.a \
+ LLVMObjCARCOpts.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformMacOSX.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformLinux.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformWindows.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformFreeBSD.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformNetBSD.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformPOSIX.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformKalimba.a \
+ lldbPluginPlatformAndroid.a \
+ lldbPluginJITLoaderGDB.a \
+ lldbPluginScriptInterpreterNone.a \
+ lldbPluginScriptInterpreterPython.a
+# Because GCC requires RTTI enabled for lldbCore (see source/Core/Makefile) it is
+# necessary to also link the clang rewriter libraries so vtable references can
+# be resolved correctly, if we are building with GCC.
+ifeq (g++,$(shell basename $(CXX) | cut -c 1-4))
+ USEDLIBS += clangRewrite.a \
+ clangRewriteFrontend.a
+include $(LLDB_LEVEL)/../../Makefile.config
+LINK_COMPONENTS := $(TARGETS_TO_BUILD) asmparser bitreader bitwriter codegen \
+ instrumentation ipo irreader selectiondag mc mcjit \
+ linker option
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
+ USEDLIBS += lldbPluginDynamicLoaderDarwinKernel.a \
+ lldbPluginObjectFileMachO.a \
+ lldbPluginSymbolVendorMacOSX.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessDarwin.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessMachCore.a
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Linux)
+ USEDLIBS += lldbPluginProcessLinux.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessPOSIX.a
+ifneq (,$(filter $(HOST_OS), FreeBSD GNU/kFreeBSD))
+ USEDLIBS += lldbPluginProcessPOSIX.a \
+ lldbPluginProcessFreeBSD.a
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),NetBSD)
+ USEDLIBS += lldbPluginProcessPOSIX.a
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.common
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),MingW)
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -lws2_32
+ # Include everything from the .a's into the shared library.
+ ProjLibsOptions := -Wl,--whole-archive $(ProjLibsOptions) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),Darwin)
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-all_load
+ # set dylib internal version number to llvmCore submission number
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-current_version \
+ -Wl,-compatibility_version -Wl,1
+ endif
+ # extra options to override libtool defaults
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -F/System/Library/Frameworks -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -framework Foundation -framework CoreFoundation
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -framework CoreServices -framework Carbon -framework Security
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -framework DebugSymbols $(PYTHON_BUILD_FLAGS) -lobjc
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -lxml2 -ledit -lpanel -lcurses
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-exported_symbols_list -Wl,"$(EXPORTED_SYMBOL_FILE)"
+ endif
+ # Mac OS X 10.4 and earlier tools do not allow a second -install_name on command line
+ DARWIN_VERS := $(shell echo $(TARGET_TRIPLE) | sed 's/.*darwin\([0-9]*\).*/\1/')
+ ifneq ($(DARWIN_VERS),8)
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,-install_name \
+ -Wl,"@executable_path/../lib/lib$(LIBRARYNAME)$(SHLIBEXT)"
+ endif
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS), $(filter $(HOST_OS), Linux GNU GNU/kFreeBSD))
+ # Include everything from the .a's into the shared library.
+ ProjLibsOptions := -Wl,--whole-archive $(ProjLibsOptions) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+ # Don't allow unresolved symbols.
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,--no-undefined
+ # Link in python
+ LLVMLibsOptions += $(PYTHON_BUILD_FLAGS) -lrt -ledit -lncurses -lpanel -lpthread
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,--soname,lib$(LIBRARYNAME)$(SHLIBEXT)
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),FreeBSD)
+ # Include everything from the .a's into the shared library.
+ ProjLibsOptions := -Wl,--whole-archive $(ProjLibsOptions) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+ # Allow unresolved symbols.
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined
+ # Link in python
+ LLVMLibsOptions += $(PYTHON_BUILD_FLAGS) -lrt -L/usr/local/lib -lexecinfo \
+ -ledit -lncurses -lpanel -lpthread
+ifeq ($(HOST_OS),NetBSD)
+ # Include everything from the .a's into the shared library.
+ ProjLibsOptions := -Wl,--whole-archive $(ProjLibsOptions) \
+ -Wl,--no-whole-archive
+ # Allow unresolved symbols.
+ LLVMLibsOptions += -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined
+ # Link in python
+ LLVMLibsOptions += $(PYTHON_BUILD_FLAGS) -lrt -L/usr/pkg/lib -lexecinfo \
+ -ledit -lcurses -lpthread -lkvm -Wl,-rpath,/usr/pkg/lib