path: root/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/LoopUnrolling.cpp
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1 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/LoopUnrolling.cpp b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/LoopUnrolling.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8c4b05cea13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/StaticAnalyzer/Core/LoopUnrolling.cpp
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+//===--- LoopUnrolling.cpp - Unroll loops -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+/// This file contains functions which are used to decide if a loop worth to be
+/// unrolled. Moreover, these functions manages the stack of loop which is
+/// tracked by the ProgramState.
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h"
+#include "clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchFinder.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CallEvent.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
+#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/LoopUnrolling.h"
+using namespace clang;
+using namespace ento;
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+static const int MAXIMUM_STEP_UNROLLED = 128;
+struct LoopState {
+ enum Kind { Normal, Unrolled } K;
+ const Stmt *LoopStmt;
+ const LocationContext *LCtx;
+ unsigned maxStep;
+ LoopState(Kind InK, const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L, unsigned N)
+ : K(InK), LoopStmt(S), LCtx(L), maxStep(N) {}
+ static LoopState getNormal(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L,
+ unsigned N) {
+ return LoopState(Normal, S, L, N);
+ }
+ static LoopState getUnrolled(const Stmt *S, const LocationContext *L,
+ unsigned N) {
+ return LoopState(Unrolled, S, L, N);
+ }
+ bool isUnrolled() const { return K == Unrolled; }
+ unsigned getMaxStep() const { return maxStep; }
+ const Stmt *getLoopStmt() const { return LoopStmt; }
+ const LocationContext *getLocationContext() const { return LCtx; }
+ bool operator==(const LoopState &X) const {
+ return K == X.K && LoopStmt == X.LoopStmt;
+ }
+ void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
+ ID.AddInteger(K);
+ ID.AddPointer(LoopStmt);
+ ID.AddPointer(LCtx);
+ ID.AddInteger(maxStep);
+ }
+// The tracked stack of loops. The stack indicates that which loops the
+// simulated element contained by. The loops are marked depending if we decided
+// to unroll them.
+// TODO: The loop stack should not need to be in the program state since it is
+// lexical in nature. Instead, the stack of loops should be tracked in the
+// LocationContext.
+namespace clang {
+namespace ento {
+static bool isLoopStmt(const Stmt *S) {
+ return S && (isa<ForStmt>(S) || isa<WhileStmt>(S) || isa<DoStmt>(S));
+ProgramStateRef processLoopEnd(const Stmt *LoopStmt, ProgramStateRef State) {
+ auto LS = State->get<LoopStack>();
+ if (!LS.isEmpty() && LS.getHead().getLoopStmt() == LoopStmt)
+ State = State->set<LoopStack>(LS.getTail());
+ return State;
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt> simpleCondition(StringRef BindName) {
+ return binaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("<"), hasOperatorName(">"),
+ hasOperatorName("<="), hasOperatorName(">="),
+ hasOperatorName("!=")),
+ hasEitherOperand(ignoringParenImpCasts(declRefExpr(
+ to(varDecl(hasType(isInteger())).bind(BindName))))),
+ hasEitherOperand(ignoringParenImpCasts(
+ integerLiteral().bind("boundNum"))))
+ .bind("conditionOperator");
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt>
+changeIntBoundNode(internal::Matcher<Decl> VarNodeMatcher) {
+ return anyOf(
+ unaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("--"), hasOperatorName("++")),
+ hasUnaryOperand(ignoringParenImpCasts(
+ declRefExpr(to(varDecl(VarNodeMatcher)))))),
+ binaryOperator(anyOf(hasOperatorName("="), hasOperatorName("+="),
+ hasOperatorName("/="), hasOperatorName("*="),
+ hasOperatorName("-=")),
+ hasLHS(ignoringParenImpCasts(
+ declRefExpr(to(varDecl(VarNodeMatcher)))))));
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt>
+callByRef(internal::Matcher<Decl> VarNodeMatcher) {
+ return callExpr(forEachArgumentWithParam(
+ declRefExpr(to(varDecl(VarNodeMatcher))),
+ parmVarDecl(hasType(references(qualType(unless(isConstQualified())))))));
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt>
+assignedToRef(internal::Matcher<Decl> VarNodeMatcher) {
+ return declStmt(hasDescendant(varDecl(
+ allOf(hasType(referenceType()),
+ hasInitializer(anyOf(
+ initListExpr(has(declRefExpr(to(varDecl(VarNodeMatcher))))),
+ declRefExpr(to(varDecl(VarNodeMatcher)))))))));
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt>
+getAddrTo(internal::Matcher<Decl> VarNodeMatcher) {
+ return unaryOperator(
+ hasOperatorName("&"),
+ hasUnaryOperand(declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(VarNodeMatcher))));
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt> hasSuspiciousStmt(StringRef NodeName) {
+ return hasDescendant(stmt(
+ anyOf(gotoStmt(), switchStmt(), returnStmt(),
+ // Escaping and not known mutation of the loop counter is handled
+ // by exclusion of assigning and address-of operators and
+ // pass-by-ref function calls on the loop counter from the body.
+ changeIntBoundNode(equalsBoundNode(NodeName)),
+ callByRef(equalsBoundNode(NodeName)),
+ getAddrTo(equalsBoundNode(NodeName)),
+ assignedToRef(equalsBoundNode(NodeName)))));
+static internal::Matcher<Stmt> forLoopMatcher() {
+ return forStmt(
+ hasCondition(simpleCondition("initVarName")),
+ // Initialization should match the form: 'int i = 6' or 'i = 42'.
+ hasLoopInit(anyOf(
+ declStmt(hasSingleDecl(varDecl(
+ allOf(hasInitializer(integerLiteral().bind("initNum")),
+ equalsBoundNode("initVarName"))))),
+ binaryOperator(hasLHS(declRefExpr(to(
+ varDecl(equalsBoundNode("initVarName"))))),
+ hasRHS(integerLiteral().bind("initNum"))))),
+ // Incrementation should be a simple increment or decrement
+ // operator call.
+ hasIncrement(unaryOperator(
+ anyOf(hasOperatorName("++"), hasOperatorName("--")),
+ hasUnaryOperand(declRefExpr(
+ to(varDecl(allOf(equalsBoundNode("initVarName"),
+ hasType(isInteger())))))))),
+ unless(hasBody(hasSuspiciousStmt("initVarName")))).bind("forLoop");
+static bool isPossiblyEscaped(const VarDecl *VD, ExplodedNode *N) {
+ // Global variables assumed as escaped variables.
+ if (VD->hasGlobalStorage())
+ return true;
+ while (!N->pred_empty()) {
+ const Stmt *S = PathDiagnosticLocation::getStmt(N);
+ if (!S) {
+ N = N->getFirstPred();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (const DeclStmt *DS = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(S)) {
+ for (const Decl *D : DS->decls()) {
+ // Once we reach the declaration of the VD we can return.
+ if (D->getCanonicalDecl() == VD)
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the usage of the pass-by-ref function calls and adress-of operator
+ // on VD and reference initialized by VD.
+ ASTContext &ASTCtx =
+ N->getLocationContext()->getAnalysisDeclContext()->getASTContext();
+ auto Match =
+ match(stmt(anyOf(callByRef(equalsNode(VD)), getAddrTo(equalsNode(VD)),
+ assignedToRef(equalsNode(VD)))),
+ *S, ASTCtx);
+ if (!Match.empty())
+ return true;
+ N = N->getFirstPred();
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("Reached root without finding the declaration of VD");
+bool shouldCompletelyUnroll(const Stmt *LoopStmt, ASTContext &ASTCtx,
+ ExplodedNode *Pred, unsigned &maxStep) {
+ if (!isLoopStmt(LoopStmt))
+ return false;
+ // TODO: Match the cases where the bound is not a concrete literal but an
+ // integer with known value
+ auto Matches = match(forLoopMatcher(), *LoopStmt, ASTCtx);
+ if (Matches.empty())
+ return false;
+ auto CounterVar = Matches[0].getNodeAs<VarDecl>("initVarName");
+ llvm::APInt BoundNum =
+ Matches[0].getNodeAs<IntegerLiteral>("boundNum")->getValue();
+ llvm::APInt InitNum =
+ Matches[0].getNodeAs<IntegerLiteral>("initNum")->getValue();
+ auto CondOp = Matches[0].getNodeAs<BinaryOperator>("conditionOperator");
+ if (InitNum.getBitWidth() != BoundNum.getBitWidth()) {
+ InitNum = InitNum.zextOrSelf(BoundNum.getBitWidth());
+ BoundNum = BoundNum.zextOrSelf(InitNum.getBitWidth());
+ }
+ if (CondOp->getOpcode() == BO_GE || CondOp->getOpcode() == BO_LE)
+ maxStep = (BoundNum - InitNum + 1).abs().getZExtValue();
+ else
+ maxStep = (BoundNum - InitNum).abs().getZExtValue();
+ // Check if the counter of the loop is not escaped before.
+ return !isPossiblyEscaped(CounterVar->getCanonicalDecl(), Pred);
+bool madeNewBranch(ExplodedNode *N, const Stmt *LoopStmt) {
+ const Stmt *S = nullptr;
+ while (!N->pred_empty()) {
+ if (N->succ_size() > 1)
+ return true;
+ ProgramPoint P = N->getLocation();
+ if (Optional<BlockEntrance> BE = P.getAs<BlockEntrance>())
+ S = BE->getBlock()->getTerminator();
+ if (S == LoopStmt)
+ return false;
+ N = N->getFirstPred();
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("Reached root without encountering the previous step");
+// updateLoopStack is called on every basic block, therefore it needs to be fast
+ProgramStateRef updateLoopStack(const Stmt *LoopStmt, ASTContext &ASTCtx,
+ ExplodedNode *Pred, unsigned maxVisitOnPath) {
+ auto State = Pred->getState();
+ auto LCtx = Pred->getLocationContext();
+ if (!isLoopStmt(LoopStmt))
+ return State;
+ auto LS = State->get<LoopStack>();
+ if (!LS.isEmpty() && LoopStmt == LS.getHead().getLoopStmt() &&
+ LCtx == LS.getHead().getLocationContext()) {
+ if (LS.getHead().isUnrolled() && madeNewBranch(Pred, LoopStmt)) {
+ State = State->set<LoopStack>(LS.getTail());
+ State = State->add<LoopStack>(
+ LoopState::getNormal(LoopStmt, LCtx, maxVisitOnPath));
+ }
+ return State;
+ }
+ unsigned maxStep;
+ if (!shouldCompletelyUnroll(LoopStmt, ASTCtx, Pred, maxStep)) {
+ State = State->add<LoopStack>(
+ LoopState::getNormal(LoopStmt, LCtx, maxVisitOnPath));
+ return State;
+ }
+ unsigned outerStep = (LS.isEmpty() ? 1 : LS.getHead().getMaxStep());
+ unsigned innerMaxStep = maxStep * outerStep;
+ if (innerMaxStep > MAXIMUM_STEP_UNROLLED)
+ State = State->add<LoopStack>(
+ LoopState::getNormal(LoopStmt, LCtx, maxVisitOnPath));
+ else
+ State = State->add<LoopStack>(
+ LoopState::getUnrolled(LoopStmt, LCtx, innerMaxStep));
+ return State;
+bool isUnrolledState(ProgramStateRef State) {
+ auto LS = State->get<LoopStack>();
+ if (LS.isEmpty() || !LS.getHead().isUnrolled())
+ return false;
+ return true;