path: root/lib/asan/asan_posix.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/asan/asan_posix.cc')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/lib/asan/asan_posix.cc b/lib/asan/asan_posix.cc
index bcc6b381a785..ad31458df28d 100644
--- a/lib/asan/asan_posix.cc
+++ b/lib/asan/asan_posix.cc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_platform.h"
#include "asan_internal.h"
#include "asan_interceptors.h"
@@ -30,70 +30,59 @@
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <unistd.h>
-static const uptr kAltStackSize = SIGSTKSZ * 4; // SIGSTKSZ is not enough.
namespace __asan {
-static void MaybeInstallSigaction(int signum,
- void (*handler)(int, siginfo_t *, void *)) {
- if (!AsanInterceptsSignal(signum))
- return;
- struct sigaction sigact;
- REAL(memset)(&sigact, 0, sizeof(sigact));
- sigact.sa_sigaction = handler;
- sigact.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
- if (flags()->use_sigaltstack) sigact.sa_flags |= SA_ONSTACK;
- CHECK_EQ(0, REAL(sigaction)(signum, &sigact, 0));
- if (common_flags()->verbosity >= 1) {
- Report("Installed the sigaction for signal %d\n", signum);
- }
-static void ASAN_OnSIGSEGV(int, siginfo_t *siginfo, void *context) {
- uptr addr = (uptr)siginfo->si_addr;
- // Write the first message using the bullet-proof write.
- if (13 != internal_write(2, "ASAN:SIGSEGV\n", 13)) Die();
+SignalContext SignalContext::Create(void *siginfo, void *context) {
+ uptr addr = (uptr)((siginfo_t*)siginfo)->si_addr;
uptr pc, sp, bp;
GetPcSpBp(context, &pc, &sp, &bp);
- ReportSIGSEGV(pc, sp, bp, addr);
+ return SignalContext(context, addr, pc, sp, bp);
-void SetAlternateSignalStack() {
- stack_t altstack, oldstack;
- CHECK_EQ(0, sigaltstack(0, &oldstack));
- // If the alternate stack is already in place, do nothing.
- if ((oldstack.ss_flags & SS_DISABLE) == 0) return;
- // TODO(glider): the mapped stack should have the MAP_STACK flag in the
- // future. It is not required by man 2 sigaltstack now (they're using
- // malloc()).
- void* base = MmapOrDie(kAltStackSize, __FUNCTION__);
- altstack.ss_sp = base;
- altstack.ss_flags = 0;
- altstack.ss_size = kAltStackSize;
- CHECK_EQ(0, sigaltstack(&altstack, 0));
- if (common_flags()->verbosity > 0) {
- Report("Alternative stack for T%d set: [%p,%p)\n",
- GetCurrentTidOrInvalid(),
- altstack.ss_sp, (char*)altstack.ss_sp + altstack.ss_size);
+void AsanOnSIGSEGV(int, void *siginfo, void *context) {
+ ScopedDeadlySignal signal_scope(GetCurrentThread());
+ int code = (int)((siginfo_t*)siginfo)->si_code;
+ // Write the first message using the bullet-proof write.
+ if (13 != internal_write(2, "ASAN:SIGSEGV\n", 13)) Die();
+ SignalContext sig = SignalContext::Create(siginfo, context);
+ // Access at a reasonable offset above SP, or slightly below it (to account
+ // for x86_64 or PowerPC redzone, ARM push of multiple registers, etc) is
+ // probably a stack overflow.
+ bool IsStackAccess = sig.addr + 512 > sig.sp && sig.addr < sig.sp + 0xFFFF;
+#if __powerpc__
+ // Large stack frames can be allocated with e.g.
+ // lis r0,-10000
+ // stdux r1,r1,r0 # store sp to [sp-10000] and update sp by -10000
+ // If the store faults then sp will not have been updated, so test above
+ // will not work, becase the fault address will be more than just "slightly"
+ // below sp.
+ if (!IsStackAccess && IsAccessibleMemoryRange(sig.pc, 4)) {
+ u32 inst = *(unsigned *)sig.pc;
+ u32 ra = (inst >> 16) & 0x1F;
+ u32 opcd = inst >> 26;
+ u32 xo = (inst >> 1) & 0x3FF;
+ // Check for store-with-update to sp. The instructions we accept are:
+ // stbu rs,d(ra) stbux rs,ra,rb
+ // sthu rs,d(ra) sthux rs,ra,rb
+ // stwu rs,d(ra) stwux rs,ra,rb
+ // stdu rs,ds(ra) stdux rs,ra,rb
+ // where ra is r1 (the stack pointer).
+ if (ra == 1 &&
+ (opcd == 39 || opcd == 45 || opcd == 37 || opcd == 62 ||
+ (opcd == 31 && (xo == 247 || xo == 439 || xo == 183 || xo == 181))))
+ IsStackAccess = true;
-void UnsetAlternateSignalStack() {
- stack_t altstack, oldstack;
- altstack.ss_sp = 0;
- altstack.ss_flags = SS_DISABLE;
- altstack.ss_size = 0;
- CHECK_EQ(0, sigaltstack(&altstack, &oldstack));
- UnmapOrDie(oldstack.ss_sp, oldstack.ss_size);
-void InstallSignalHandlers() {
- // Set the alternate signal stack for the main thread.
- // This will cause SetAlternateSignalStack to be called twice, but the stack
- // will be actually set only once.
- if (flags()->use_sigaltstack) SetAlternateSignalStack();
- MaybeInstallSigaction(SIGSEGV, ASAN_OnSIGSEGV);
- MaybeInstallSigaction(SIGBUS, ASAN_OnSIGSEGV);
+#endif // __powerpc__
+ // We also check si_code to filter out SEGV caused by something else other
+ // then hitting the guard page or unmapped memory, like, for example,
+ // unaligned memory access.
+ if (IsStackAccess && (code == si_SEGV_MAPERR || code == si_SEGV_ACCERR))
+ ReportStackOverflow(sig);
+ else
+ ReportSIGSEGV("SEGV", sig);
// ---------------------- TSD ---------------- {{{1
@@ -127,4 +116,4 @@ void PlatformTSDDtor(void *tsd) {
} // namespace __asan