path: root/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc b/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc
index d6c7f56dc143..d67f4636ef4f 100644
--- a/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc
+++ b/lib/sanitizer_common/tests/sanitizer_allocator_test.cc
@@ -8,13 +8,465 @@
// This file is a part of ThreadSanitizer/AddressSanitizer runtime.
+// Tests for sanitizer_allocator.h.
+#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_allocator.h"
#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
+#include "sanitizer_test_utils.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <vector>
+// Too slow for debug build
+#if TSAN_DEBUG == 0
+static const uptr kAllocatorSpace = 0x700000000000ULL;
+static const uptr kAllocatorSize = 0x010000000000ULL; // 1T.
+static const u64 kAddressSpaceSize = 1ULL << 47;
+typedef SizeClassAllocator64<
+ kAllocatorSpace, kAllocatorSize, 16, DefaultSizeClassMap> Allocator64;
+typedef SizeClassAllocator64<
+ kAllocatorSpace, kAllocatorSize, 16, CompactSizeClassMap> Allocator64Compact;
+static const u64 kAddressSpaceSize = 1ULL << 32;
+typedef SizeClassAllocator32<
+ 0, kAddressSpaceSize, 16, CompactSizeClassMap> Allocator32Compact;
+template <class SizeClassMap>
+void TestSizeClassMap() {
+ typedef SizeClassMap SCMap;
+ // SCMap::Print();
+ SCMap::Validate();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, DefaultSizeClassMap) {
+ TestSizeClassMap<DefaultSizeClassMap>();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, CompactSizeClassMap) {
+ TestSizeClassMap<CompactSizeClassMap>();
-namespace __sanitizer {
+template <class Allocator>
+void TestSizeClassAllocator() {
+ Allocator *a = new Allocator;
+ a->Init();
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator> cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ static const uptr sizes[] = {1, 16, 30, 40, 100, 1000, 10000,
+ 50000, 60000, 100000, 120000, 300000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000};
+ std::vector<void *> allocated;
+ uptr last_total_allocated = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ // Allocate a bunch of chunks.
+ for (uptr s = 0; s < ARRAY_SIZE(sizes); s++) {
+ uptr size = sizes[s];
+ if (!a->CanAllocate(size, 1)) continue;
+ // printf("s = %ld\n", size);
+ uptr n_iter = std::max((uptr)6, 10000000 / size);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "size: %ld iter: %ld\n", size, n_iter);
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < n_iter; i++) {
+ uptr class_id0 = Allocator::SizeClassMapT::ClassID(size);
+ char *x = (char*)cache.Allocate(a, class_id0);
+ x[0] = 0;
+ x[size - 1] = 0;
+ x[size / 2] = 0;
+ allocated.push_back(x);
+ CHECK_EQ(x, a->GetBlockBegin(x));
+ CHECK_EQ(x, a->GetBlockBegin(x + size - 1));
+ CHECK(a->PointerIsMine(x));
+ CHECK(a->PointerIsMine(x + size - 1));
+ CHECK(a->PointerIsMine(x + size / 2));
+ CHECK_GE(a->GetActuallyAllocatedSize(x), size);
+ uptr class_id = a->GetSizeClass(x);
+ CHECK_EQ(class_id, Allocator::SizeClassMapT::ClassID(size));
+ uptr *metadata = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a->GetMetaData(x));
+ metadata[0] = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(x) + 1;
+ metadata[1] = 0xABCD;
+ }
+ }
+ // Deallocate all.
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < allocated.size(); i++) {
+ void *x = allocated[i];
+ uptr *metadata = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a->GetMetaData(x));
+ CHECK_EQ(metadata[0], reinterpret_cast<uptr>(x) + 1);
+ CHECK_EQ(metadata[1], 0xABCD);
+ cache.Deallocate(a, a->GetSizeClass(x), x);
+ }
+ allocated.clear();
+ uptr total_allocated = a->TotalMemoryUsed();
+ if (last_total_allocated == 0)
+ last_total_allocated = total_allocated;
+ CHECK_EQ(last_total_allocated, total_allocated);
+ }
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+ delete a;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocator<Allocator64>();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64Compact) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocator<Allocator64Compact>();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator32Compact) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocator<Allocator32Compact>();
+template <class Allocator>
+void SizeClassAllocatorMetadataStress() {
+ Allocator *a = new Allocator;
+ a->Init();
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator> cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ static volatile void *sink;
+ const uptr kNumAllocs = 10000;
+ void *allocated[kNumAllocs];
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ void *x = cache.Allocate(a, 1 + i % 50);
+ allocated[i] = x;
+ }
+ // Get Metadata kNumAllocs^2 times.
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs * kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ sink = a->GetMetaData(allocated[i % kNumAllocs]);
+ }
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ cache.Deallocate(a, 1 + i % 50, allocated[i]);
+ }
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+ (void)sink;
+ delete a;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64MetadataStress) {
+ SizeClassAllocatorMetadataStress<Allocator64>();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64CompactMetadataStress) {
+ SizeClassAllocatorMetadataStress<Allocator64Compact>();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator32CompactMetadataStress) {
+ SizeClassAllocatorMetadataStress<Allocator32Compact>();
+struct TestMapUnmapCallback {
+ static int map_count, unmap_count;
+ void OnMap(uptr p, uptr size) const { map_count++; }
+ void OnUnmap(uptr p, uptr size) const { unmap_count++; }
+int TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count;
+int TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64MapUnmapCallback) {
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count = 0;
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count = 0;
+ typedef SizeClassAllocator64<
+ kAllocatorSpace, kAllocatorSize, 16, DefaultSizeClassMap,
+ TestMapUnmapCallback> Allocator64WithCallBack;
+ Allocator64WithCallBack *a = new Allocator64WithCallBack;
+ a->Init();
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count, 1); // Allocator state.
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64WithCallBack> cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ a->AllocateBatch(&cache, 64);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count, 3); // State + alloc + metadata.
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count, 1); // The whole thing.
+ delete a;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator32MapUnmapCallback) {
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count = 0;
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count = 0;
+ typedef SizeClassAllocator32<
+ 0, kAddressSpaceSize, 16, CompactSizeClassMap,
+ TestMapUnmapCallback> Allocator32WithCallBack;
+ Allocator32WithCallBack *a = new Allocator32WithCallBack;
+ a->Init();
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count, 1); // Allocator state.
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator32WithCallBack> cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ a->AllocateBatch(&cache, 64);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count, 2); // alloc.
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count, 2); // The whole thing + alloc.
+ delete a;
+ // fprintf(stderr, "Map: %d Unmap: %d\n",
+ // TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count,
+ // TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count);
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, LargeMmapAllocatorMapUnmapCallback) {
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count = 0;
+ TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count = 0;
+ LargeMmapAllocator<TestMapUnmapCallback> a;
+ a.Init();
+ void *x = a.Allocate(1 << 20, 1);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::map_count, 1);
+ a.Deallocate(x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(TestMapUnmapCallback::unmap_count, 1);
+template<class Allocator>
+void FailInAssertionOnOOM() {
+ Allocator a;
+ a.Init();
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator> cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
+ a.AllocateBatch(&cache, 64);
+ }
+ a.TestOnlyUnmap();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64Overflow) {
+ EXPECT_DEATH(FailInAssertionOnOOM<Allocator64>(), "Out of memory");
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, LargeMmapAllocator) {
+ LargeMmapAllocator<> a;
+ a.Init();
+ static const int kNumAllocs = 1000;
+ char *allocated[kNumAllocs];
+ static const uptr size = 4000;
+ // Allocate some.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ allocated[i] = (char *)a.Allocate(size, 1);
+ CHECK(a.PointerIsMine(allocated[i]));
+ }
+ // Deallocate all.
+ CHECK_GT(a.TotalMemoryUsed(), size * kNumAllocs);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ char *p = allocated[i];
+ CHECK(a.PointerIsMine(p));
+ a.Deallocate(p);
+ }
+ // Check that non left.
+ CHECK_EQ(a.TotalMemoryUsed(), 0);
+ // Allocate some more, also add metadata.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ char *x = (char *)a.Allocate(size, 1);
+ CHECK_GE(a.GetActuallyAllocatedSize(x), size);
+ uptr *meta = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a.GetMetaData(x));
+ *meta = i;
+ allocated[i] = x;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumAllocs * kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ char *p = allocated[i % kNumAllocs];
+ CHECK(a.PointerIsMine(p));
+ CHECK(a.PointerIsMine(p + 2000));
+ }
+ CHECK_GT(a.TotalMemoryUsed(), size * kNumAllocs);
+ // Deallocate all in reverse order.
+ for (int i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ int idx = kNumAllocs - i - 1;
+ char *p = allocated[idx];
+ uptr *meta = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a.GetMetaData(p));
+ CHECK_EQ(*meta, idx);
+ CHECK(a.PointerIsMine(p));
+ a.Deallocate(p);
+ }
+ CHECK_EQ(a.TotalMemoryUsed(), 0);
+ // Test alignments.
+ uptr max_alignment = SANITIZER_WORDSIZE == 64 ? (1 << 28) : (1 << 24);
+ for (uptr alignment = 8; alignment <= max_alignment; alignment *= 2) {
+ const uptr kNumAlignedAllocs = 100;
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAlignedAllocs; i++) {
+ uptr size = ((i % 10) + 1) * 4096;
+ char *p = allocated[i] = (char *)a.Allocate(size, alignment);
+ CHECK_EQ(p, a.GetBlockBegin(p));
+ CHECK_EQ(p, a.GetBlockBegin(p + size - 1));
+ CHECK_EQ(p, a.GetBlockBegin(p + size / 2));
+ CHECK_EQ(0, (uptr)allocated[i] % alignment);
+ p[0] = p[size - 1] = 0;
+ }
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAlignedAllocs; i++) {
+ a.Deallocate(allocated[i]);
+ }
+ }
+<class PrimaryAllocator, class SecondaryAllocator, class AllocatorCache>
+void TestCombinedAllocator() {
+ typedef
+ CombinedAllocator<PrimaryAllocator, AllocatorCache, SecondaryAllocator>
+ Allocator;
+ Allocator *a = new Allocator;
+ a->Init();
+ AllocatorCache cache;
+ cache.Init();
+ EXPECT_EQ(a->Allocate(&cache, -1, 1), (void*)0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a->Allocate(&cache, -1, 1024), (void*)0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a->Allocate(&cache, (uptr)-1 - 1024, 1), (void*)0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a->Allocate(&cache, (uptr)-1 - 1024, 1024), (void*)0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a->Allocate(&cache, (uptr)-1 - 1023, 1024), (void*)0);
+ const uptr kNumAllocs = 100000;
+ const uptr kNumIter = 10;
+ for (uptr iter = 0; iter < kNumIter; iter++) {
+ std::vector<void*> allocated;
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ uptr size = (i % (1 << 14)) + 1;
+ if ((i % 1024) == 0)
+ size = 1 << (10 + (i % 14));
+ void *x = a->Allocate(&cache, size, 1);
+ uptr *meta = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a->GetMetaData(x));
+ CHECK_EQ(*meta, 0);
+ *meta = size;
+ allocated.push_back(x);
+ }
+ random_shuffle(allocated.begin(), allocated.end());
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ void *x = allocated[i];
+ uptr *meta = reinterpret_cast<uptr*>(a->GetMetaData(x));
+ CHECK_NE(*meta, 0);
+ CHECK(a->PointerIsMine(x));
+ *meta = 0;
+ a->Deallocate(&cache, x);
+ }
+ allocated.clear();
+ a->SwallowCache(&cache);
+ }
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, CombinedAllocator64) {
+ TestCombinedAllocator<Allocator64,
+ LargeMmapAllocator<>,
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64> > ();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, CombinedAllocator64Compact) {
+ TestCombinedAllocator<Allocator64Compact,
+ LargeMmapAllocator<>,
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64Compact> > ();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, CombinedAllocator32Compact) {
+ TestCombinedAllocator<Allocator32Compact,
+ LargeMmapAllocator<>,
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator32Compact> > ();
+template <class AllocatorCache>
+void TestSizeClassAllocatorLocalCache() {
+ static AllocatorCache static_allocator_cache;
+ static_allocator_cache.Init();
+ AllocatorCache cache;
+ typedef typename AllocatorCache::Allocator Allocator;
+ Allocator *a = new Allocator();
+ a->Init();
+ cache.Init();
+ const uptr kNumAllocs = 10000;
+ const int kNumIter = 100;
+ uptr saved_total = 0;
+ for (int class_id = 1; class_id <= 5; class_id++) {
+ for (int it = 0; it < kNumIter; it++) {
+ void *allocated[kNumAllocs];
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ allocated[i] = cache.Allocate(a, class_id);
+ }
+ for (uptr i = 0; i < kNumAllocs; i++) {
+ cache.Deallocate(a, class_id, allocated[i]);
+ }
+ cache.Drain(a);
+ uptr total_allocated = a->TotalMemoryUsed();
+ if (it)
+ CHECK_EQ(saved_total, total_allocated);
+ saved_total = total_allocated;
+ }
+ }
+ a->TestOnlyUnmap();
+ delete a;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64LocalCache) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64> >();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator64CompactLocalCache) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64Compact> >();
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, SizeClassAllocator32CompactLocalCache) {
+ TestSizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<
+ SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator32Compact> >();
+typedef SizeClassAllocatorLocalCache<Allocator64> AllocatorCache;
+static AllocatorCache static_allocator_cache;
+void *AllocatorLeakTestWorker(void *arg) {
+ typedef AllocatorCache::Allocator Allocator;
+ Allocator *a = (Allocator*)(arg);
+ static_allocator_cache.Allocate(a, 10);
+ static_allocator_cache.Drain(a);
+ return 0;
+TEST(SanitizerCommon, AllocatorLeakTest) {
+ typedef AllocatorCache::Allocator Allocator;
+ Allocator a;
+ a.Init();
+ uptr total_used_memory = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
+ pthread_t t;
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pthread_create(&t, 0, AllocatorLeakTestWorker, &a));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, pthread_join(t, 0));
+ if (i == 0)
+ total_used_memory = a.TotalMemoryUsed();
+ EXPECT_EQ(a.TotalMemoryUsed(), total_used_memory);
+ }
+ a.TestOnlyUnmap();
TEST(Allocator, Basic) {
char *p = (char*)InternalAlloc(10);
@@ -22,14 +474,6 @@ TEST(Allocator, Basic) {
char *p2 = (char*)InternalAlloc(20);
EXPECT_NE(p2, (char*)0);
EXPECT_NE(p2, p);
- for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- p[i] = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ(p, InternalAllocBlock(p + i));
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
- ((char*)p2)[i] = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ(p2, InternalAllocBlock(p2 + i));
- }
@@ -39,13 +483,9 @@ TEST(Allocator, Stress) {
char *ptrs[kCount];
unsigned rnd = 42;
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
- uptr sz = rand_r(&rnd) % 1000;
+ uptr sz = my_rand_r(&rnd) % 1000;
char *p = (char*)InternalAlloc(sz);
EXPECT_NE(p, (char*)0);
- for (uptr j = 0; j < sz; j++) {
- p[j] = 42;
- EXPECT_EQ(p, InternalAllocBlock(p + j));
- }
ptrs[i] = p;
for (int i = 0; i < kCount; i++) {
@@ -53,4 +493,18 @@ TEST(Allocator, Stress) {
-} // namespace __sanitizer
+TEST(Allocator, ScopedBuffer) {
+ const int kSize = 512;
+ {
+ InternalScopedBuffer<int> int_buf(kSize);
+ EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int) * kSize, int_buf.size()); // NOLINT
+ }
+ InternalScopedBuffer<char> char_buf(kSize);
+ EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(char) * kSize, char_buf.size()); // NOLINT
+ internal_memset(char_buf.data(), 'c', kSize);
+ for (int i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
+ EXPECT_EQ('c', char_buf[i]);
+ }
+#endif // #if TSAN_DEBUG==0