path: root/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h
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diff --git a/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h b/lib/xray/xray_fdr_logging_impl.h
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-//===-- xray_fdr_logging_impl.h ---------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-// This file is a part of XRay, a dynamic runtime instrumentation system.
-// Here we implement the thread local state management and record i/o for Flight
-// Data Recorder mode for XRay, where we use compact structures to store records
-// in memory as well as when writing out the data to files.
-#include <cassert>
-#include <cstddef>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <limits>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <type_traits>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
-#include "xray/xray_log_interface.h"
-#include "xray_buffer_queue.h"
-#include "xray_defs.h"
-#include "xray_fdr_log_records.h"
-#include "xray_flags.h"
-#include "xray_tsc.h"
-namespace __xray {
-__sanitizer::atomic_sint32_t LoggingStatus = {
-/// We expose some of the state transitions when FDR logging mode is operating
-/// such that we can simulate a series of log events that may occur without
-/// and test with determinism without worrying about the real CPU time.
-/// Because the code uses thread_local allocation extensively as part of its
-/// design, callers that wish to test events occuring on different threads
-/// will actually have to run them on different threads.
-/// This also means that it is possible to break invariants maintained by
-/// cooperation with xray_fdr_logging class, so be careful and think twice.
-namespace __xray_fdr_internal {
-/// Writes the new buffer record and wallclock time that begin a buffer for the
-/// current thread.
-static void writeNewBufferPreamble(pid_t Tid, timespec TS);
-/// Writes a Function Record to the buffer associated with the current thread.
-static void writeFunctionRecord(int FuncId, uint32_t TSCDelta,
- XRayEntryType EntryType);
-/// Sets up a new buffer in thread_local storage and writes a preamble. The
-/// wall_clock_reader function is used to populate the WallTimeRecord entry.
-static void setupNewBuffer(int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t,
- struct timespec *));
-/// TSC Wrap records are written when a TSC delta encoding scheme overflows.
-static void writeTSCWrapMetadata(uint64_t TSC);
-// Group together thread-local-data in a struct, then hide it behind a function
-// call so that it can be initialized on first use instead of as a global. We
-// force the alignment to 64-bytes for x86 cache line alignment, as this
-// structure is used in the hot path of implementation.
-struct alignas(64) ThreadLocalData {
- BufferQueue::Buffer Buffer;
- char *RecordPtr = nullptr;
- // The number of FunctionEntry records immediately preceding RecordPtr.
- uint8_t NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- // The number of adjacent, consecutive pairs of FunctionEntry, Tail Exit
- // records preceding RecordPtr.
- uint8_t NumTailCalls = 0;
- // We use a thread_local variable to keep track of which CPUs we've already
- // run, and the TSC times for these CPUs. This allows us to stop repeating the
- // CPU field in the function records.
- //
- // We assume that we'll support only 65536 CPUs for x86_64.
- uint16_t CurrentCPU = std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max();
- uint64_t LastTSC = 0;
- uint64_t LastFunctionEntryTSC = 0;
- // Make sure a thread that's ever called handleArg0 has a thread-local
- // live reference to the buffer queue for this particular instance of
- // FDRLogging, and that we're going to clean it up when the thread exits.
- BufferQueue *BQ = nullptr;
- "ThreadLocalData must be trivially destructible");
-static constexpr auto MetadataRecSize = sizeof(MetadataRecord);
-static constexpr auto FunctionRecSize = sizeof(FunctionRecord);
-// Use a global pthread key to identify thread-local data for logging.
-static pthread_key_t Key;
-// This function will initialize the thread-local data structure used by the FDR
-// logging implementation and return a reference to it. The implementation
-// details require a bit of care to maintain.
-// First, some requirements on the implementation in general:
-// - XRay handlers should not call any memory allocation routines that may
-// delegate to an instrumented implementation. This means functions like
-// malloc() and free() should not be called while instrumenting.
-// - We would like to use some thread-local data initialized on first-use of
-// the XRay instrumentation. These allow us to implement unsynchronized
-// routines that access resources associated with the thread.
-// The implementation here uses a few mechanisms that allow us to provide both
-// the requirements listed above. We do this by:
-// 1. Using a thread-local aligned storage buffer for representing the
-// ThreadLocalData struct. This data will be uninitialized memory by
-// design.
-// 2. Not requiring a thread exit handler/implementation, keeping the
-// thread-local as purely a collection of references/data that do not
-// require cleanup.
-// We're doing this to avoid using a `thread_local` object that has a
-// non-trivial destructor, because the C++ runtime might call std::malloc(...)
-// to register calls to destructors. Deadlocks may arise when, for example, an
-// externally provided malloc implementation is XRay instrumented, and
-// initializing the thread-locals involves calling into malloc. A malloc
-// implementation that does global synchronization might be holding a lock for a
-// critical section, calling a function that might be XRay instrumented (and
-// thus in turn calling into malloc by virtue of registration of the
-// thread_local's destructor).
-static ThreadLocalData &getThreadLocalData() {
- static_assert(alignof(ThreadLocalData) >= 64,
- "ThreadLocalData must be cache line aligned.");
- thread_local ThreadLocalData TLD;
- thread_local bool UNUSED ThreadOnce = [] {
- pthread_setspecific(Key, &TLD);
- return false;
- }();
- return TLD;
-// The rest of the file is implementation. |
-// Functions are implemented in the header for inlining since we don't want |
-// to grow the stack when we've hijacked the binary for logging. |
-namespace {
-class RecursionGuard {
- volatile bool &Running;
- const bool Valid;
- explicit RecursionGuard(volatile bool &R) : Running(R), Valid(!R) {
- if (Valid)
- Running = true;
- }
- RecursionGuard(const RecursionGuard &) = delete;
- RecursionGuard(RecursionGuard &&) = delete;
- RecursionGuard &operator=(const RecursionGuard &) = delete;
- RecursionGuard &operator=(RecursionGuard &&) = delete;
- explicit operator bool() const { return Valid; }
- ~RecursionGuard() noexcept {
- if (Valid)
- Running = false;
- }
-} // namespace
-static void writeNewBufferPreamble(pid_t Tid,
- static constexpr int InitRecordsCount = 2;
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- MetadataRecord Metadata[InitRecordsCount];
- {
- // Write out a MetadataRecord to signify that this is the start of a new
- // buffer, associated with a particular thread, with a new CPU. For the
- // data, we have 15 bytes to squeeze as much information as we can. At this
- // point we only write down the following bytes:
- // - Thread ID (pid_t, 4 bytes)
- auto &NewBuffer = Metadata[0];
- NewBuffer.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
- NewBuffer.RecordKind = uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::NewBuffer);
- std::memcpy(&NewBuffer.Data, &Tid, sizeof(pid_t));
- }
- // Also write the WalltimeMarker record.
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(time_t) <= 8, "time_t needs to be at most 8 bytes");
- auto &WalltimeMarker = Metadata[1];
- WalltimeMarker.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
- WalltimeMarker.RecordKind =
- uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::WalltimeMarker);
- // We only really need microsecond precision here, and enforce across
- // platforms that we need 64-bit seconds and 32-bit microseconds encoded in
- // the Metadata record.
- int32_t Micros = TS.tv_nsec / 1000;
- int64_t Seconds = TS.tv_sec;
- std::memcpy(WalltimeMarker.Data, &Seconds, sizeof(Seconds));
- std::memcpy(WalltimeMarker.Data + sizeof(Seconds), &Micros, sizeof(Micros));
- }
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- if (TLD.BQ == nullptr || TLD.BQ->finalizing())
- return;
- std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, Metadata, sizeof(Metadata));
- TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(Metadata);
- // Since we write out the extents as the first metadata record of the
- // buffer, we need to write out the extents including the extents record.
- __sanitizer::atomic_store(&TLD.Buffer.Extents->Size, sizeof(Metadata),
- __sanitizer::memory_order_release);
-inline void setupNewBuffer(int (*wall_clock_reader)(
- clockid_t, struct timespec *)) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- auto &B = TLD.Buffer;
- TLD.RecordPtr = static_cast<char *>(B.Buffer);
- pid_t Tid = syscall(SYS_gettid);
- timespec TS{0, 0};
- // This is typically clock_gettime, but callers have injection ability.
- wall_clock_reader(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &TS);
- writeNewBufferPreamble(Tid, TS);
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
-static void incrementExtents(size_t Add) {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- __sanitizer::atomic_fetch_add(&TLD.Buffer.Extents->Size, Add,
- __sanitizer::memory_order_acq_rel);
-static void decrementExtents(size_t Subtract) {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- __sanitizer::atomic_fetch_sub(&TLD.Buffer.Extents->Size, Subtract,
- __sanitizer::memory_order_acq_rel);
-inline void writeNewCPUIdMetadata(uint16_t CPU,
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- MetadataRecord NewCPUId;
- NewCPUId.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
- NewCPUId.RecordKind = uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::NewCPUId);
- // The data for the New CPU will contain the following bytes:
- // - CPU ID (uint16_t, 2 bytes)
- // - Full TSC (uint64_t, 8 bytes)
- // Total = 10 bytes.
- std::memcpy(&NewCPUId.Data, &CPU, sizeof(CPU));
- std::memcpy(&NewCPUId.Data[sizeof(CPU)], &TSC, sizeof(TSC));
- std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, &NewCPUId, sizeof(MetadataRecord));
- TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(MetadataRecord);
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- incrementExtents(sizeof(MetadataRecord));
-inline void writeTSCWrapMetadata(uint64_t TSC) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- MetadataRecord TSCWrap;
- TSCWrap.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
- TSCWrap.RecordKind = uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::TSCWrap);
- // The data for the TSCWrap record contains the following bytes:
- // - Full TSC (uint64_t, 8 bytes)
- // Total = 8 bytes.
- std::memcpy(&TSCWrap.Data, &TSC, sizeof(TSC));
- std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, &TSCWrap, sizeof(MetadataRecord));
- TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(MetadataRecord);
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- incrementExtents(sizeof(MetadataRecord));
-// Call Argument metadata records store the arguments to a function in the
-// order of their appearance; holes are not supported by the buffer format.
-static inline void writeCallArgumentMetadata(uint64_t A) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- MetadataRecord CallArg;
- CallArg.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Metadata);
- CallArg.RecordKind = uint8_t(MetadataRecord::RecordKinds::CallArgument);
- std::memcpy(CallArg.Data, &A, sizeof(A));
- std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, &CallArg, sizeof(MetadataRecord));
- TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(MetadataRecord);
- incrementExtents(sizeof(MetadataRecord));
-static inline void
-writeFunctionRecord(int FuncId, uint32_t TSCDelta,
- XRayEntryType EntryType) XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
- FunctionRecord FuncRecord;
- FuncRecord.Type = uint8_t(RecordType::Function);
- // Only take 28 bits of the function id.
- FuncRecord.FuncId = FuncId & ~(0x0F << 28);
- FuncRecord.TSCDelta = TSCDelta;
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- switch (EntryType) {
- case XRayEntryType::ENTRY:
- ++TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters;
- FuncRecord.RecordKind = uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionEnter);
- break;
- case XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY:
- // We should not rewind functions with logged args.
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- FuncRecord.RecordKind = uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionEnter);
- break;
- case XRayEntryType::EXIT:
- // If we've decided to log the function exit, we will never erase the log
- // before it.
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- FuncRecord.RecordKind = uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionExit);
- break;
- case XRayEntryType::TAIL:
- // If we just entered the function we're tail exiting from or erased every
- // invocation since then, this function entry tail pair is a candidate to
- // be erased when the child function exits.
- if (TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters > 0) {
- ++TLD.NumTailCalls;
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- } else {
- // We will never be able to erase this tail call since we have logged
- // something in between the function entry and tail exit.
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters = 0;
- }
- FuncRecord.RecordKind =
- uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionTailExit);
- break;
- case XRayEntryType::CUSTOM_EVENT: {
- // This is a bug in patching, so we'll report it once and move on.
- static bool Once = [&] {
- Report("Internal error: patched an XRay custom event call as a function; "
- "func id = %d\n",
- FuncId);
- return true;
- }();
- (void)Once;
- return;
- }
- }
- std::memcpy(TLD.RecordPtr, &FuncRecord, sizeof(FunctionRecord));
- TLD.RecordPtr += sizeof(FunctionRecord);
- incrementExtents(sizeof(FunctionRecord));
-static uint64_t thresholdTicks() {
- static uint64_t TicksPerSec = probeRequiredCPUFeatures()
- ? getTSCFrequency()
- : __xray::NanosecondsPerSecond;
- static const uint64_t ThresholdTicks =
- TicksPerSec * flags()->xray_fdr_log_func_duration_threshold_us / 1000000;
- return ThresholdTicks;
-// Re-point the thread local pointer into this thread's Buffer before the recent
-// "Function Entry" record and any "Tail Call Exit" records after that.
-static void rewindRecentCall(uint64_t TSC, uint64_t &LastTSC,
- uint64_t &LastFunctionEntryTSC, int32_t FuncId) {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- TLD.RecordPtr -= FunctionRecSize;
- decrementExtents(FunctionRecSize);
- FunctionRecord FuncRecord;
- std::memcpy(&FuncRecord, TLD.RecordPtr, FunctionRecSize);
- assert(FuncRecord.RecordKind ==
- uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionEnter) &&
- "Expected to find function entry recording when rewinding.");
- assert(FuncRecord.FuncId == (FuncId & ~(0x0F << 28)) &&
- "Expected matching function id when rewinding Exit");
- --TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters;
- LastTSC -= FuncRecord.TSCDelta;
- // We unwound one call. Update the state and return without writing a log.
- if (TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters != 0) {
- LastFunctionEntryTSC -= FuncRecord.TSCDelta;
- return;
- }
- // Otherwise we've rewound the stack of all function entries, we might be
- // able to rewind further by erasing tail call functions that are being
- // exited from via this exit.
- LastFunctionEntryTSC = 0;
- auto RewindingTSC = LastTSC;
- auto RewindingRecordPtr = TLD.RecordPtr - FunctionRecSize;
- while (TLD.NumTailCalls > 0) {
- // Rewind the TSC back over the TAIL EXIT record.
- FunctionRecord ExpectedTailExit;
- std::memcpy(&ExpectedTailExit, RewindingRecordPtr, FunctionRecSize);
- assert(ExpectedTailExit.RecordKind ==
- uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionTailExit) &&
- "Expected to find tail exit when rewinding.");
- RewindingRecordPtr -= FunctionRecSize;
- RewindingTSC -= ExpectedTailExit.TSCDelta;
- FunctionRecord ExpectedFunctionEntry;
- std::memcpy(&ExpectedFunctionEntry, RewindingRecordPtr, FunctionRecSize);
- assert(ExpectedFunctionEntry.RecordKind ==
- uint8_t(FunctionRecord::RecordKinds::FunctionEnter) &&
- "Expected to find function entry when rewinding tail call.");
- assert(ExpectedFunctionEntry.FuncId == ExpectedTailExit.FuncId &&
- "Expected funcids to match when rewinding tail call.");
- // This tail call exceeded the threshold duration. It will not be erased.
- if ((TSC - RewindingTSC) >= thresholdTicks()) {
- TLD.NumTailCalls = 0;
- return;
- }
- // We can erase a tail exit pair that we're exiting through since
- // its duration is under threshold.
- --TLD.NumTailCalls;
- RewindingRecordPtr -= FunctionRecSize;
- RewindingTSC -= ExpectedFunctionEntry.TSCDelta;
- TLD.RecordPtr -= 2 * FunctionRecSize;
- LastTSC = RewindingTSC;
- decrementExtents(2 * FunctionRecSize);
- }
-inline bool releaseThreadLocalBuffer(BufferQueue &BQArg) {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- auto EC = BQArg.releaseBuffer(TLD.Buffer);
- if (EC != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok) {
- Report("Failed to release buffer at %p; error=%s\n", TLD.Buffer.Buffer,
- BufferQueue::getErrorString(EC));
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-inline bool prepareBuffer(uint64_t TSC, unsigned char CPU,
- int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t,
- struct timespec *),
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- char *BufferStart = static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer);
- if ((TLD.RecordPtr + MaxSize) > (BufferStart + TLD.Buffer.Size)) {
- if (!releaseThreadLocalBuffer(*TLD.BQ))
- return false;
- auto EC = TLD.BQ->getBuffer(TLD.Buffer);
- if (EC != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok) {
- Report("Failed to acquire a buffer; error=%s\n",
- BufferQueue::getErrorString(EC));
- return false;
- }
- setupNewBuffer(wall_clock_reader);
- // Always write the CPU metadata as the first record in the buffer.
- writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
- }
- return true;
-inline bool
-isLogInitializedAndReady(BufferQueue *LBQ, uint64_t TSC, unsigned char CPU,
- int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t, struct timespec *))
- // Bail out right away if logging is not initialized yet.
- // We should take the opportunity to release the buffer though.
- auto Status = __sanitizer::atomic_load(&LoggingStatus,
- __sanitizer::memory_order_acquire);
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- if (Status != XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_INITIALIZED) {
- if (TLD.RecordPtr != nullptr &&
- (Status == XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZING ||
- Status == XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED)) {
- if (!releaseThreadLocalBuffer(*LBQ))
- return false;
- TLD.RecordPtr = nullptr;
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (__sanitizer::atomic_load(&LoggingStatus,
- __sanitizer::memory_order_acquire) !=
- LBQ->finalizing()) {
- if (!releaseThreadLocalBuffer(*LBQ))
- return false;
- TLD.RecordPtr = nullptr;
- }
- if (TLD.Buffer.Buffer == nullptr) {
- auto EC = LBQ->getBuffer(TLD.Buffer);
- if (EC != BufferQueue::ErrorCode::Ok) {
- auto LS = __sanitizer::atomic_load(&LoggingStatus,
- __sanitizer::memory_order_acquire);
- if (LS != XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZING &&
- LS != XRayLogInitStatus::XRAY_LOG_FINALIZED)
- Report("Failed to acquire a buffer; error=%s\n",
- BufferQueue::getErrorString(EC));
- return false;
- }
- setupNewBuffer(wall_clock_reader);
- // Always write the CPU metadata as the first record in the buffer.
- writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
- }
- if (TLD.CurrentCPU == std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max()) {
- // This means this is the first CPU this thread has ever run on. We set
- // the current CPU and record this as the first TSC we've seen.
- TLD.CurrentCPU = CPU;
- writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace __xray_fdr_internal
-// Compute the TSC difference between the time of measurement and the previous
-// event. There are a few interesting situations we need to account for:
-// - The thread has migrated to a different CPU. If this is the case, then
-// we write down the following records:
-// 1. A 'NewCPUId' Metadata record.
-// 2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
-// - The TSC delta is greater than the 32 bits we can store in a
-// FunctionRecord. In this case we write down the following records:
-// 1. A 'TSCWrap' Metadata record.
-// 2. A FunctionRecord with a 0 for the TSCDelta field.
-// - The TSC delta is representable within the 32 bits we can store in a
-// FunctionRecord. In this case we write down just a FunctionRecord with
-// the correct TSC delta.
-inline uint32_t writeCurrentCPUTSC(ThreadLocalData &TLD, uint64_t TSC,
- uint8_t CPU) {
- if (CPU != TLD.CurrentCPU) {
- // We've moved to a new CPU.
- writeNewCPUIdMetadata(CPU, TSC);
- return 0;
- }
- // If the delta is greater than the range for a uint32_t, then we write out
- // the TSC wrap metadata entry with the full TSC, and the TSC for the
- // function record be 0.
- uint64_t Delta = TSC - TLD.LastTSC;
- if (Delta <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max())
- return Delta;
- writeTSCWrapMetadata(TSC);
- return 0;
-inline void endBufferIfFull() XRAY_NEVER_INSTRUMENT {
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- auto BufferStart = static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer);
- if ((TLD.RecordPtr + MetadataRecSize) - BufferStart <=
- ptrdiff_t{MetadataRecSize}) {
- if (!releaseThreadLocalBuffer(*TLD.BQ))
- return;
- TLD.RecordPtr = nullptr;
- }
-thread_local volatile bool Running = false;
-/// Here's where the meat of the processing happens. The writer captures
-/// function entry, exit and tail exit points with a time and will create
-/// TSCWrap, NewCPUId and Function records as necessary. The writer might
-/// walk backward through its buffer and erase trivial functions to avoid
-/// polluting the log and may use the buffer queue to obtain or release a
-/// buffer.
-inline void processFunctionHook(int32_t FuncId, XRayEntryType Entry,
- uint64_t TSC, unsigned char CPU, uint64_t Arg1,
- int (*wall_clock_reader)(clockid_t,
- struct timespec *),
- // Prevent signal handler recursion, so in case we're already in a log writing
- // mode and the signal handler comes in (and is also instrumented) then we
- // don't want to be clobbering potentially partial writes already happening in
- // the thread. We use a simple thread_local latch to only allow one on-going
- // handleArg0 to happen at any given time.
- RecursionGuard Guard{Running};
- if (!Guard) {
- assert(Running == true && "RecursionGuard is buggy!");
- return;
- }
- auto &TLD = getThreadLocalData();
- // In case the reference has been cleaned up before, we make sure we
- // initialize it to the provided BufferQueue.
- if (TLD.BQ == nullptr)
- TLD.BQ = BQ;
- if (!isLogInitializedAndReady(TLD.BQ, TSC, CPU, wall_clock_reader))
- return;
- // Before we go setting up writing new function entries, we need to be really
- // careful about the pointer math we're doing. This means we need to ensure
- // that the record we are about to write is going to fit into the buffer,
- // without overflowing the buffer.
- //
- // To do this properly, we use the following assumptions:
- //
- // - The least number of bytes we will ever write is 8
- // (sizeof(FunctionRecord)) only if the delta between the previous entry
- // and this entry is within 32 bits.
- // - The most number of bytes we will ever write is 8 + 16 + 16 = 40.
- // This is computed by:
- //
- // MaxSize = sizeof(FunctionRecord) + 2 * sizeof(MetadataRecord)
- //
- // These arise in the following cases:
- //
- // 1. When the delta between the TSC we get and the previous TSC for the
- // same CPU is outside of the uint32_t range, we end up having to
- // write a MetadataRecord to indicate a "tsc wrap" before the actual
- // FunctionRecord.
- // 2. When we learn that we've moved CPUs, we need to write a
- // MetadataRecord to indicate a "cpu change", and thus write out the
- // current TSC for that CPU before writing out the actual
- // FunctionRecord.
- // 3. When we learn about a new CPU ID, we need to write down a "new cpu
- // id" MetadataRecord before writing out the actual FunctionRecord.
- // 4. The second MetadataRecord is the optional function call argument.
- //
- // So the math we need to do is to determine whether writing 40 bytes past the
- // current pointer exceeds the buffer's maximum size. If we don't have enough
- // space to write 40 bytes in the buffer, we need get a new Buffer, set it up
- // properly before doing any further writing.
- size_t MaxSize = FunctionRecSize + 2 * MetadataRecSize;
- if (!prepareBuffer(TSC, CPU, wall_clock_reader, MaxSize)) {
- TLD.BQ = nullptr;
- return;
- }
- // By this point, we are now ready to write up to 40 bytes (explained above).
- assert((TLD.RecordPtr + MaxSize) - static_cast<char *>(TLD.Buffer.Buffer) >=
- static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(MetadataRecSize) &&
- "Misconfigured BufferQueue provided; Buffer size not large enough.");
- auto RecordTSCDelta = writeCurrentCPUTSC(TLD, TSC, CPU);
- TLD.LastTSC = TSC;
- TLD.CurrentCPU = CPU;
- switch (Entry) {
- case XRayEntryType::ENTRY:
- case XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY:
- // Update the thread local state for the next invocation.
- TLD.LastFunctionEntryTSC = TSC;
- break;
- case XRayEntryType::TAIL:
- case XRayEntryType::EXIT:
- // Break out and write the exit record if we can't erase any functions.
- if (TLD.NumConsecutiveFnEnters == 0 ||
- (TSC - TLD.LastFunctionEntryTSC) >= thresholdTicks())
- break;
- rewindRecentCall(TSC, TLD.LastTSC, TLD.LastFunctionEntryTSC, FuncId);
- return; // without writing log.
- case XRayEntryType::CUSTOM_EVENT: {
- // This is a bug in patching, so we'll report it once and move on.
- static bool Once = [&] {
- Report("Internal error: patched an XRay custom event call as a function; "
- "func id = %d",
- FuncId);
- return true;
- }();
- (void)Once;
- return;
- }
- }
- writeFunctionRecord(FuncId, RecordTSCDelta, Entry);
- if (Entry == XRayEntryType::LOG_ARGS_ENTRY)
- writeCallArgumentMetadata(Arg1);
- // If we've exhausted the buffer by this time, we then release the buffer to
- // make sure that other threads may start using this buffer.
- endBufferIfFull();
-} // namespace __xray_fdr_internal
-} // namespace __xray