path: root/lldb/bindings/interface/SBData.i
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1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lldb/bindings/interface/SBData.i b/lldb/bindings/interface/SBData.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3e74240329e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lldb/bindings/interface/SBData.i
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+//===-- SWIG Interface for SBData -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+namespace lldb {
+class SBData
+ SBData ();
+ SBData (const SBData &rhs);
+ ~SBData ();
+ uint8_t
+ GetAddressByteSize ();
+ void
+ SetAddressByteSize (uint8_t addr_byte_size);
+ void
+ Clear ();
+ bool
+ IsValid();
+ explicit operator bool() const;
+ size_t
+ GetByteSize ();
+ lldb::ByteOrder
+ GetByteOrder();
+ void
+ SetByteOrder (lldb::ByteOrder endian);
+ float
+ GetFloat (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ double
+ GetDouble (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ long double
+ GetLongDouble (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ lldb::addr_t
+ GetAddress (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ uint8_t
+ GetUnsignedInt8 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ uint16_t
+ GetUnsignedInt16 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ uint32_t
+ GetUnsignedInt32 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ uint64_t
+ GetUnsignedInt64 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ int8_t
+ GetSignedInt8 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ int16_t
+ GetSignedInt16 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ int32_t
+ GetSignedInt32 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ int64_t
+ GetSignedInt64 (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ const char*
+ GetString (lldb::SBError& error, lldb::offset_t offset);
+ bool
+ GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description, lldb::addr_t base_addr);
+ size_t
+ ReadRawData (lldb::SBError& error,
+ lldb::offset_t offset,
+ void *buf,
+ size_t size);
+ void
+ SetData (lldb::SBError& error, const void *buf, size_t size, lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint8_t addr_size);
+ bool
+ Append (const SBData& rhs);
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromCString (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, const char* data);
+ // in the following CreateData*() and SetData*() prototypes, the two parameters array and array_len
+ // should not be renamed or rearranged, because doing so will break the SWIG typemap
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromUInt64Array (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint64_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromUInt32Array (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint32_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromSInt64Array (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int64_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromSInt32Array (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int32_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ static lldb::SBData
+ CreateDataFromDoubleArray (lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, double* array, size_t array_len);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromCString (const char* data);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromUInt64Array (uint64_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromUInt32Array (uint32_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromSInt64Array (int64_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromSInt32Array (int32_t* array, size_t array_len);
+ bool
+ SetDataFromDoubleArray (double* array, size_t array_len);
+ %pythoncode %{
+ class read_data_helper:
+ def __init__(self, sbdata, readerfunc, item_size):
+ self.sbdata = sbdata
+ self.readerfunc = readerfunc
+ self.item_size = item_size
+ def __getitem__(self,key):
+ if isinstance(key,slice):
+ list = []
+ for x in range(*key.indices(self.__len__())):
+ list.append(self.__getitem__(x))
+ return list
+ if not (isinstance(key,six.integer_types)):
+ raise TypeError('must be int')
+ key = key * self.item_size # SBData uses byte-based indexes, but we want to use itemsize-based indexes here
+ error = SBError()
+ my_data = self.readerfunc(self.sbdata,error,key)
+ if error.Fail():
+ raise IndexError(error.GetCString())
+ else:
+ return my_data
+ def __len__(self):
+ return int(self.sbdata.GetByteSize()/self.item_size)
+ def all(self):
+ return self[0:len(self)]
+ @classmethod
+ def CreateDataFromInt (cls, value, size = None, target = None, ptr_size = None, endian = None):
+ import sys
+ lldbmodule = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
+ lldbdict = lldbmodule.__dict__
+ if 'target' in lldbdict:
+ lldbtarget = lldbdict['target']
+ else:
+ lldbtarget = None
+ if target == None and lldbtarget != None and lldbtarget.IsValid():
+ target = lldbtarget
+ if ptr_size == None:
+ if target and target.IsValid():
+ ptr_size = target.addr_size
+ else:
+ ptr_size = 8
+ if endian == None:
+ if target and target.IsValid():
+ endian = target.byte_order
+ else:
+ endian = lldbdict['eByteOrderLittle']
+ if size == None:
+ if value > 2147483647:
+ size = 8
+ elif value < -2147483648:
+ size = 8
+ elif value > 4294967295:
+ size = 8
+ else:
+ size = 4
+ if size == 4:
+ if value < 0:
+ return SBData().CreateDataFromSInt32Array(endian, ptr_size, [value])
+ return SBData().CreateDataFromUInt32Array(endian, ptr_size, [value])
+ if size == 8:
+ if value < 0:
+ return SBData().CreateDataFromSInt64Array(endian, ptr_size, [value])
+ return SBData().CreateDataFromUInt64Array(endian, ptr_size, [value])
+ return None
+ def _make_helper(self, sbdata, getfunc, itemsize):
+ return self.read_data_helper(sbdata, getfunc, itemsize)
+ def _make_helper_uint8(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt8, 1)
+ def _make_helper_uint16(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt16, 2)
+ def _make_helper_uint32(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt32, 4)
+ def _make_helper_uint64(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt64, 8)
+ def _make_helper_sint8(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt8, 1)
+ def _make_helper_sint16(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt16, 2)
+ def _make_helper_sint32(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt32, 4)
+ def _make_helper_sint64(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt64, 8)
+ def _make_helper_float(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetFloat, 4)
+ def _make_helper_double(self):
+ return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetDouble, 8)
+ def _read_all_uint8(self):
+ return self._make_helper_uint8().all()
+ def _read_all_uint16(self):
+ return self._make_helper_uint16().all()
+ def _read_all_uint32(self):
+ return self._make_helper_uint32().all()
+ def _read_all_uint64(self):
+ return self._make_helper_uint64().all()
+ def _read_all_sint8(self):
+ return self._make_helper_sint8().all()
+ def _read_all_sint16(self):
+ return self._make_helper_sint16().all()
+ def _read_all_sint32(self):
+ return self._make_helper_sint32().all()
+ def _read_all_sint64(self):
+ return self._make_helper_sint64().all()
+ def _read_all_float(self):
+ return self._make_helper_float().all()
+ def _read_all_double(self):
+ return self._make_helper_double().all()
+ uint8 = property(_make_helper_uint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint8 values.''')
+ uint16 = property(_make_helper_uint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint16 values.''')
+ uint32 = property(_make_helper_uint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint32 values.''')
+ uint64 = property(_make_helper_uint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint64 values.''')
+ sint8 = property(_make_helper_sint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint8 values.''')
+ sint16 = property(_make_helper_sint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint16 values.''')
+ sint32 = property(_make_helper_sint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint32 values.''')
+ sint64 = property(_make_helper_sint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint64 values.''')
+ float = property(_make_helper_float, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read float values.''')
+ double = property(_make_helper_double, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read double values.''')
+ uint8s = property(_read_all_uint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint8 values.''')
+ uint16s = property(_read_all_uint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint16 values.''')
+ uint32s = property(_read_all_uint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint32 values.''')
+ uint64s = property(_read_all_uint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint64 values.''')
+ sint8s = property(_read_all_sint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint8 values.''')
+ sint16s = property(_read_all_sint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint16 values.''')
+ sint32s = property(_read_all_sint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint32 values.''')
+ sint64s = property(_read_all_sint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint64 values.''')
+ floats = property(_read_all_float, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as float values.''')
+ doubles = property(_read_all_double, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as double values.''')
+ byte_order = property(GetByteOrder, SetByteOrder, doc='''A read/write property getting and setting the endianness of this SBData (data.byte_order = lldb.eByteOrderLittle).''')
+ size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size the same result as GetByteSize().''')
+ %}
+} // namespace lldb