path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py')
1 files changed, 1128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..723f26a417e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/dotest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+A simple testing framework for lldb using python's unit testing framework.
+Tests for lldb are written as python scripts which take advantage of the script
+bridging provided by LLDB.framework to interact with lldb core.
+A specific naming pattern is followed by the .py script to be recognized as
+a module which implements a test scenario, namely, Test*.py.
+To specify the directories where "Test*.py" python test scripts are located,
+you need to pass in a list of directory names. By default, the current
+working directory is searched if nothing is specified on the command line.
+./dotest.py -h
+for available options.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import print_function
+# System modules
+import atexit
+import importlib
+import os
+import errno
+import platform
+import signal
+import socket
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import inspect
+# Third-party modules
+import six
+import unittest2
+# LLDB Modules
+import lldbsuite
+from . import configuration
+from . import dotest_args
+from . import lldbtest_config
+from . import test_categories
+from . import result_formatter
+from . import test_result
+from .result_formatter import EventBuilder
+from ..support import seven
+def is_exe(fpath):
+ """Returns true if fpath is an executable."""
+ return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
+def which(program):
+ """Returns the full path to a program; None otherwise."""
+ fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
+ if fpath:
+ if is_exe(program):
+ return program
+ else:
+ for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+ exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
+ if is_exe(exe_file):
+ return exe_file
+ return None
+class _WritelnDecorator(object):
+ """Used to decorate file-like objects with a handy 'writeln' method"""
+ def __init__(self,stream):
+ self.stream = stream
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if attr in ('stream', '__getstate__'):
+ raise AttributeError(attr)
+ return getattr(self.stream,attr)
+ def writeln(self, arg=None):
+ if arg:
+ self.write(arg)
+ self.write('\n') # text-mode streams translate to \r\n if needed
+# Global variables:
+def usage(parser):
+ parser.print_help()
+ if configuration.verbose > 0:
+ print("""
+This is an example of using the -f option to pinpoint to a specific test class
+and test method to be run:
+$ ./dotest.py -f ClassTypesTestCase.test_with_dsym_and_run_command
+Collected 1 test
+test_with_dsym_and_run_command (TestClassTypes.ClassTypesTestCase)
+Test 'frame variable this' when stopped on a class constructor. ... ok
+Ran 1 test in 1.396s
+And this is an example of using the -p option to run a single file (the filename
+matches the pattern 'ObjC' and it happens to be 'TestObjCMethods.py'):
+$ ./dotest.py -v -p ObjC
+Collected 4 tests
+test_break_with_dsym (TestObjCMethods.FoundationTestCase)
+Test setting objc breakpoints using '_regexp-break' and 'breakpoint set'. ... ok
+test_break_with_dwarf (TestObjCMethods.FoundationTestCase)
+Test setting objc breakpoints using '_regexp-break' and 'breakpoint set'. ... ok
+test_data_type_and_expr_with_dsym (TestObjCMethods.FoundationTestCase)
+Lookup objective-c data types and evaluate expressions. ... ok
+test_data_type_and_expr_with_dwarf (TestObjCMethods.FoundationTestCase)
+Lookup objective-c data types and evaluate expressions. ... ok
+Ran 4 tests in 16.661s
+Running of this script also sets up the LLDB_TEST environment variable so that
+individual test cases can locate their supporting files correctly. The script
+tries to set up Python's search paths for modules by looking at the build tree
+relative to this script. See also the '-i' option in the following example.
+Finally, this is an example of using the lldb.py module distributed/installed by
+Xcode4 to run against the tests under the 'forward' directory, and with the '-w'
+option to add some delay between two tests. It uses ARCH=x86_64 to specify that
+as the architecture and CC=clang to specify the compiler used for the test run:
+$ PYTHONPATH=/Xcode4/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Versions/A/Resources/Python ARCH=x86_64 CC=clang ./dotest.py -v -w -i forward
+Session logs for test failures/errors will go into directory '2010-11-11-13_56_16'
+Collected 2 tests
+test_with_dsym_and_run_command (TestForwardDeclaration.ForwardDeclarationTestCase)
+Display *bar_ptr when stopped on a function with forward declaration of struct bar. ... ok
+test_with_dwarf_and_run_command (TestForwardDeclaration.ForwardDeclarationTestCase)
+Display *bar_ptr when stopped on a function with forward declaration of struct bar. ... ok
+Ran 2 tests in 5.659s
+The 'Session ...' verbiage is recently introduced (see also the '-s' option) to
+notify the directory containing the session logs for test failures or errors.
+In case there is any test failure/error, a similar message is appended at the
+end of the stderr output for your convenience.
+Option 1:
+Writing logs into different files per test case::
+This option is particularly useful when multiple dotest instances are created
+by dosep.py
+$ ./dotest.py --channel "lldb all"
+$ ./dotest.py --channel "lldb all" --channel "gdb-remote packets"
+These log files are written to:
+<session-dir>/<test-id>-host.log (logs from lldb host process)
+<session-dir>/<test-id>-server.log (logs from debugserver/lldb-server)
+<session-dir>/<test-id>-<test-result>.log (console logs)
+By default, logs from successful runs are deleted. Use the --log-success flag
+to create reference logs for debugging.
+$ ./dotest.py --log-success
+Option 2: (DEPRECATED)
+The following options can only enable logs from the host lldb process.
+Only categories from the "lldb" or "gdb-remote" channels can be enabled
+They also do not automatically enable logs in locally running debug servers.
+Also, logs from all test case are written into each log file
+o LLDB_LOG: if defined, specifies the log file pathname for the 'lldb' subsystem
+ with a default option of 'event process' if LLDB_LOG_OPTION is not defined.
+o GDB_REMOTE_LOG: if defined, specifies the log file pathname for the
+ 'process.gdb-remote' subsystem with a default option of 'packets' if
+ GDB_REMOTE_LOG_OPTION is not defined.
+ sys.exit(0)
+def parseOptionsAndInitTestdirs():
+ """Initialize the list of directories containing our unittest scripts.
+ '-h/--help as the first option prints out usage info and exit the program.
+ """
+ do_help = False
+ platform_system = platform.system()
+ platform_machine = platform.machine()
+ parser = dotest_args.create_parser()
+ args = dotest_args.parse_args(parser, sys.argv[1:])
+ if args.unset_env_varnames:
+ for env_var in args.unset_env_varnames:
+ if env_var in os.environ:
+ # From Python Doc: When unsetenv() is supported, deletion of items in os.environ
+ # is automatically translated into a corresponding call to unsetenv().
+ del os.environ[env_var]
+ #os.unsetenv(env_var)
+ if args.set_env_vars:
+ for env_var in args.set_env_vars:
+ parts = env_var.split('=', 1)
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ os.environ[parts[0]] = ""
+ else:
+ os.environ[parts[0]] = parts[1]
+ # only print the args if being verbose (and parsable is off)
+ if args.v and not args.q:
+ print(sys.argv)
+ if args.h:
+ do_help = True
+ if args.compilers:
+ configuration.compilers = args.compilers
+ else:
+ # Use a compiler appropriate appropriate for the Apple SDK if one was specified
+ if platform_system == 'Darwin' and args.apple_sdk:
+ configuration.compilers = [seven.get_command_output('xcrun -sdk "%s" -find clang 2> /dev/null' % (args.apple_sdk))]
+ else:
+ # 'clang' on ubuntu 14.04 is 3.4 so we try clang-3.5 first
+ candidateCompilers = ['clang-3.5', 'clang', 'gcc']
+ for candidate in candidateCompilers:
+ if which(candidate):
+ configuration.compilers = [candidate]
+ break
+ if args.channels:
+ lldbtest_config.channels = args.channels
+ if args.log_success:
+ lldbtest_config.log_success = args.log_success
+ # Set SDKROOT if we are using an Apple SDK
+ if platform_system == 'Darwin' and args.apple_sdk:
+ os.environ['SDKROOT'] = seven.get_command_output('xcrun --sdk "%s" --show-sdk-path 2> /dev/null' % (args.apple_sdk))
+ if args.archs:
+ configuration.archs = args.archs
+ for arch in configuration.archs:
+ if arch.startswith('arm') and platform_system == 'Darwin' and not args.apple_sdk:
+ os.environ['SDKROOT'] = seven.get_command_output('xcrun --sdk iphoneos.internal --show-sdk-path 2> /dev/null')
+ if not os.path.exists(os.environ['SDKROOT']):
+ os.environ['SDKROOT'] = seven.get_command_output('xcrun --sdk iphoneos --show-sdk-path 2> /dev/null')
+ else:
+ configuration.archs = [platform_machine]
+ if args.categoriesList:
+ configuration.categoriesList = set(test_categories.validate(args.categoriesList, False))
+ configuration.useCategories = True
+ else:
+ configuration.categoriesList = []
+ if args.skipCategories:
+ configuration.skipCategories = test_categories.validate(args.skipCategories, False)
+ if args.E:
+ cflags_extras = args.E
+ os.environ['CFLAGS_EXTRAS'] = cflags_extras
+ if args.d:
+ sys.stdout.write("Suspending the process %d to wait for debugger to attach...\n" % os.getpid())
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGSTOP)
+ if args.f:
+ if any([x.startswith('-') for x in args.f]):
+ usage(parser)
+ configuration.filters.extend(args.f)
+ # Shut off multiprocessing mode when additional filters are specified.
+ # The rational is that the user is probably going after a very specific
+ # test and doesn't need a bunch of parallel test runners all looking for
+ # it in a frenzy. Also, '-v' now spits out all test run output even
+ # on success, so the standard recipe for redoing a failing test (with -v
+ # and a -f to filter to the specific test) now causes all test scanning
+ # (in parallel) to print results for do-nothing runs in a very distracting
+ # manner. If we really need filtered parallel runs in the future, consider
+ # adding a --no-output-on-success that prevents -v from setting
+ # output-on-success.
+ configuration.no_multiprocess_test_runner = True
+ if args.l:
+ configuration.skip_long_running_test = False
+ if args.framework:
+ configuration.lldbFrameworkPath = args.framework
+ if args.executable:
+ lldbtest_config.lldbExec = args.executable
+ if args.p:
+ if args.p.startswith('-'):
+ usage(parser)
+ configuration.regexp = args.p
+ if args.q:
+ configuration.parsable = True
+ if args.s:
+ if args.s.startswith('-'):
+ usage(parser)
+ configuration.sdir_name = args.s
+ if args.t:
+ os.environ['LLDB_COMMAND_TRACE'] = 'YES'
+ if args.v:
+ configuration.verbose = 2
+ # argparse makes sure we have a number
+ if args.sharp:
+ configuration.count = args.sharp
+ if sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
+ os.environ['LLDB_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG'] = str(args.disable_crash_dialog)
+ if do_help == True:
+ usage(parser)
+ if args.no_multiprocess:
+ configuration.no_multiprocess_test_runner = True
+ if args.inferior:
+ configuration.is_inferior_test_runner = True
+ if args.num_threads:
+ configuration.num_threads = args.num_threads
+ if args.test_subdir:
+ configuration.multiprocess_test_subdir = args.test_subdir
+ if args.test_runner_name:
+ configuration.test_runner_name = args.test_runner_name
+ # Capture test results-related args.
+ if args.curses and not args.inferior:
+ # Act as if the following args were set.
+ args.results_formatter = "lldbsuite.test.curses_results.Curses"
+ args.results_file = "stdout"
+ if args.results_file:
+ configuration.results_filename = args.results_file
+ if args.results_port:
+ configuration.results_port = args.results_port
+ if args.results_file and args.results_port:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "only one of --results-file and --results-port should "
+ "be specified\n")
+ usage(args)
+ if args.results_formatter:
+ configuration.results_formatter_name = args.results_formatter
+ if args.results_formatter_options:
+ configuration.results_formatter_options = args.results_formatter_options
+ # Default to using the BasicResultsFormatter if no formatter is specified
+ # and we're not a test inferior.
+ if not args.inferior and configuration.results_formatter_name is None:
+ configuration.results_formatter_name = (
+ "lldbsuite.test.result_formatter.ResultsFormatter")
+ # rerun-related arguments
+ configuration.rerun_all_issues = args.rerun_all_issues
+ configuration.rerun_max_file_threshold = args.rerun_max_file_threshold
+ if args.lldb_platform_name:
+ configuration.lldb_platform_name = args.lldb_platform_name
+ if args.lldb_platform_url:
+ configuration.lldb_platform_url = args.lldb_platform_url
+ if args.lldb_platform_working_dir:
+ configuration.lldb_platform_working_dir = args.lldb_platform_working_dir
+ if args.event_add_entries and len(args.event_add_entries) > 0:
+ entries = {}
+ # Parse out key=val pairs, separated by comma
+ for keyval in args.event_add_entries.split(","):
+ key_val_entry = keyval.split("=")
+ if len(key_val_entry) == 2:
+ (key, val) = key_val_entry
+ val_parts = val.split(':')
+ if len(val_parts) > 1:
+ (val, val_type) = val_parts
+ if val_type == 'int':
+ val = int(val)
+ entries[key] = val
+ # Tell the event builder to create all events with these
+ # key/val pairs in them.
+ if len(entries) > 0:
+ result_formatter.EventBuilder.add_entries_to_all_events(entries)
+ # Gather all the dirs passed on the command line.
+ if len(args.args) > 0:
+ configuration.testdirs = list(map(lambda x: os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(x)), args.args))
+ # Shut off multiprocessing mode when test directories are specified.
+ configuration.no_multiprocess_test_runner = True
+ #print("testdirs:", testdirs)
+def getXcodeOutputPaths(lldbRootDirectory):
+ result = []
+ # These are for xcode build directories.
+ xcode3_build_dir = ['build']
+ xcode4_build_dir = ['build', 'lldb', 'Build', 'Products']
+ configurations = [['Debug'], ['DebugClang'], ['Release'], ['BuildAndIntegration']]
+ xcode_build_dirs = [xcode3_build_dir, xcode4_build_dir]
+ for configuration in configurations:
+ for xcode_build_dir in xcode_build_dirs:
+ outputPath = os.path.join(lldbRootDirectory, *(xcode_build_dir+configuration) )
+ result.append(outputPath)
+ return result
+def createSocketToLocalPort(port):
+ def socket_closer(s):
+ """Close down an opened socket properly."""
+ s.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
+ s.close()
+ sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ sock.connect(("localhost", port))
+ return (sock, lambda: socket_closer(sock))
+def setupTestResults():
+ """Sets up test results-related objects based on arg settings."""
+ # Setup the results formatter configuration.
+ formatter_config = result_formatter.FormatterConfig()
+ formatter_config.filename = configuration.results_filename
+ formatter_config.formatter_name = configuration.results_formatter_name
+ formatter_config.formatter_options = (
+ configuration.results_formatter_options)
+ formatter_config.port = configuration.results_port
+ # Create the results formatter.
+ formatter_spec = result_formatter.create_results_formatter(
+ formatter_config)
+ if formatter_spec is not None and formatter_spec.formatter is not None:
+ configuration.results_formatter_object = formatter_spec.formatter
+ # Send an intialize message to the formatter.
+ initialize_event = EventBuilder.bare_event("initialize")
+ if isMultiprocessTestRunner():
+ if (configuration.test_runner_name is not None and
+ configuration.test_runner_name == "serial"):
+ # Only one worker queue here.
+ worker_count = 1
+ else:
+ # Workers will be the number of threads specified.
+ worker_count = configuration.num_threads
+ else:
+ worker_count = 1
+ initialize_event["worker_count"] = worker_count
+ formatter_spec.formatter.handle_event(initialize_event)
+ # Make sure we clean up the formatter on shutdown.
+ if formatter_spec.cleanup_func is not None:
+ atexit.register(formatter_spec.cleanup_func)
+def getOutputPaths(lldbRootDirectory):
+ """
+ Returns typical build output paths for the lldb executable
+ lldbDirectory - path to the root of the lldb svn/git repo
+ """
+ result = []
+ if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ result.extend(getXcodeOutputPaths(lldbRootDirectory))
+ # cmake builds? look for build or build/host folder next to llvm directory
+ # lldb is located in llvm/tools/lldb so we need to go up three levels
+ llvmParentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(lldbRootDirectory, os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
+ result.append(os.path.join(llvmParentDir, 'build', 'bin'))
+ result.append(os.path.join(llvmParentDir, 'build', 'host', 'bin'))
+ # some cmake developers keep their build directory beside their lldb directory
+ lldbParentDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(lldbRootDirectory, os.pardir))
+ result.append(os.path.join(lldbParentDir, 'build', 'bin'))
+ result.append(os.path.join(lldbParentDir, 'build', 'host', 'bin'))
+ return result
+def setupSysPath():
+ """
+ Add LLDB.framework/Resources/Python to the search paths for modules.
+ As a side effect, we also discover the 'lldb' executable and export it here.
+ """
+ # Get the directory containing the current script.
+ if "DOTEST_PROFILE" in os.environ and "DOTEST_SCRIPT_DIR" in os.environ:
+ scriptPath = os.environ["DOTEST_SCRIPT_DIR"]
+ else:
+ scriptPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+ if not scriptPath.endswith('test'):
+ print("This script expects to reside in lldb's test directory.")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ os.environ["LLDB_TEST"] = scriptPath
+ # Set up the LLDB_SRC environment variable, so that the tests can locate
+ # the LLDB source code.
+ os.environ["LLDB_SRC"] = lldbsuite.lldb_root
+ pluginPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'plugins')
+ toolsLLDBMIPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'tools', 'lldb-mi')
+ toolsLLDBServerPath = os.path.join(scriptPath, 'tools', 'lldb-server')
+ # Insert script dir, plugin dir, lldb-mi dir and lldb-server dir to the sys.path.
+ sys.path.insert(0, pluginPath)
+ sys.path.insert(0, toolsLLDBMIPath) # Adding test/tools/lldb-mi to the path makes it easy
+ # to "import lldbmi_testcase" from the MI tests
+ sys.path.insert(0, toolsLLDBServerPath) # Adding test/tools/lldb-server to the path makes it easy
+ # to "import lldbgdbserverutils" from the lldb-server tests
+ # This is the root of the lldb git/svn checkout
+ # When this changes over to a package instead of a standalone script, this
+ # will be `lldbsuite.lldb_root`
+ lldbRootDirectory = lldbsuite.lldb_root
+ # Some of the tests can invoke the 'lldb' command directly.
+ # We'll try to locate the appropriate executable right here.
+ # The lldb executable can be set from the command line
+ # if it's not set, we try to find it now
+ # first, we try the environment
+ if not lldbtest_config.lldbExec:
+ # First, you can define an environment variable LLDB_EXEC specifying the
+ # full pathname of the lldb executable.
+ if "LLDB_EXEC" in os.environ:
+ lldbtest_config.lldbExec = os.environ["LLDB_EXEC"]
+ if not lldbtest_config.lldbExec:
+ outputPaths = getOutputPaths(lldbRootDirectory)
+ for outputPath in outputPaths:
+ candidatePath = os.path.join(outputPath, 'lldb')
+ if is_exe(candidatePath):
+ lldbtest_config.lldbExec = candidatePath
+ break
+ if not lldbtest_config.lldbExec:
+ # Last, check the path
+ lldbtest_config.lldbExec = which('lldb')
+ if lldbtest_config.lldbExec and not is_exe(lldbtest_config.lldbExec):
+ print("'{}' is not a path to a valid executable".format(lldbtest_config.lldbExec))
+ lldbtest_config.lldbExec = None
+ if not lldbtest_config.lldbExec:
+ print("The 'lldb' executable cannot be located. Some of the tests may not be run as a result.")
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ lldbLibDir = os.path.dirname(lldbtest_config.lldbExec) # confusingly, this is the "bin" directory
+ os.environ["LLDB_LIB_DIR"] = lldbLibDir
+ lldbImpLibDir = os.path.join(lldbLibDir, '..', 'lib') if sys.platform.startswith('win32') else lldbLibDir
+ os.environ["LLDB_IMPLIB_DIR"] = lldbImpLibDir
+ print("LLDB library dir:", os.environ["LLDB_LIB_DIR"])
+ print("LLDB import library dir:", os.environ["LLDB_IMPLIB_DIR"])
+ os.system('%s -v' % lldbtest_config.lldbExec)
+ # Assume lldb-mi is in same place as lldb
+ # If not found, disable the lldb-mi tests
+ lldbMiExec = None
+ if lldbtest_config.lldbExec and is_exe(lldbtest_config.lldbExec + "-mi"):
+ lldbMiExec = lldbtest_config.lldbExec + "-mi"
+ if not lldbMiExec:
+ if not configuration.shouldSkipBecauseOfCategories(["lldb-mi"]):
+ print("The 'lldb-mi' executable cannot be located. The lldb-mi tests can not be run as a result.")
+ configuration.skipCategories.append("lldb-mi")
+ else:
+ os.environ["LLDBMI_EXEC"] = lldbMiExec
+ lldbPythonDir = None # The directory that contains 'lldb/__init__.py'
+ if configuration.lldbFrameworkPath:
+ candidatePath = os.path.join(configuration.lldbFrameworkPath, 'Resources', 'Python')
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(candidatePath, 'lldb/__init__.py')):
+ lldbPythonDir = candidatePath
+ if not lldbPythonDir:
+ print('Resources/Python/lldb/__init__.py was not found in ' + configuration.lldbFrameworkPath)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ else:
+ # If our lldb supports the -P option, use it to find the python path:
+ init_in_python_dir = os.path.join('lldb', '__init__.py')
+ lldb_dash_p_result = subprocess.check_output([lldbtest_config.lldbExec, "-P"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
+ if lldb_dash_p_result and not lldb_dash_p_result.startswith(("<", "lldb: invalid option:")) \
+ and not lldb_dash_p_result.startswith("Traceback"):
+ lines = lldb_dash_p_result.splitlines()
+ # Workaround for readline vs libedit issue on FreeBSD. If stdout
+ # is not a terminal Python executes
+ # rl_variable_bind ("enable-meta-key", "off");
+ # This produces a warning with FreeBSD's libedit because the
+ # enable-meta-key variable is unknown. Not an issue on Apple
+ # because cpython commit f0ab6f9f0603 added a #ifndef __APPLE__
+ # around the call. See http://bugs.python.org/issue19884 for more
+ # information. For now we just discard the warning output.
+ if len(lines) >= 1 and lines[0].startswith("bind: Invalid command"):
+ lines.pop(0)
+ # Taking the last line because lldb outputs
+ # 'Cannot read termcap database;\nusing dumb terminal settings.\n'
+ # before the path
+ if len(lines) >= 1 and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(lines[-1], init_in_python_dir)):
+ lldbPythonDir = lines[-1]
+ if "freebsd" in sys.platform or "linux" in sys.platform:
+ os.environ['LLDB_LIB_DIR'] = os.path.join(lldbPythonDir, '..', '..')
+ if not lldbPythonDir:
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ python_resource_dir = ['LLDB.framework', 'Resources', 'Python']
+ outputPaths = getXcodeOutputPaths()
+ for outputPath in outputPaths:
+ candidatePath = os.path.join(outputPath, python_resource_dir)
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(candidatePath, init_in_python_dir)):
+ lldbPythonDir = candidatePath
+ break
+ if not lldbPythonDir:
+ print('This script requires lldb.py to be in either ' + dbgPath + ',', end=' ')
+ print(relPath + ', or ' + baiPath + '. Some tests might fail.')
+ else:
+ print("Unable to load lldb extension module. Possible reasons for this include:")
+ print(" 1) LLDB was built with LLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON=1")
+ print(" 2) PYTHONPATH and PYTHONHOME are not set correctly. PYTHONHOME should refer to")
+ print(" the version of Python that LLDB built and linked against, and PYTHONPATH")
+ print(" should contain the Lib directory for the same python distro, as well as the")
+ print(" location of LLDB\'s site-packages folder.")
+ print(" 3) A different version of Python than that which was built against is exported in")
+ print(" the system\'s PATH environment variable, causing conflicts.")
+ print(" 4) The executable '%s' could not be found. Please check " % lldbExecutable)
+ print(" that it exists and is executable.")
+ if lldbPythonDir:
+ lldbPythonDir = os.path.normpath(lldbPythonDir)
+ # Some of the code that uses this path assumes it hasn't resolved the Versions... link.
+ # If the path we've constructed looks like that, then we'll strip out the Versions/A part.
+ (before, frameWithVersion, after) = lldbPythonDir.rpartition("LLDB.framework/Versions/A")
+ if frameWithVersion != "" :
+ lldbPythonDir = before + "LLDB.framework" + after
+ lldbPythonDir = os.path.abspath(lldbPythonDir)
+ # If tests need to find LLDB_FRAMEWORK, now they can do it
+ os.environ["LLDB_FRAMEWORK"] = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(lldbPythonDir))
+ # This is to locate the lldb.py module. Insert it right after sys.path[0].
+ sys.path[1:1] = [lldbPythonDir]
+def visit(prefix, dir, names):
+ """Visitor function for os.path.walk(path, visit, arg)."""
+ dir_components = set(dir.split(os.sep))
+ excluded_components = set(['.svn', '.git'])
+ if dir_components.intersection(excluded_components):
+ #print("Detected an excluded dir component: %s" % dir)
+ return
+ for name in names:
+ if '.py' == os.path.splitext(name)[1] and name.startswith(prefix):
+ if name in configuration.all_tests:
+ raise Exception("Found multiple tests with the name %s" % name)
+ configuration.all_tests.add(name)
+ # Try to match the regexp pattern, if specified.
+ if configuration.regexp:
+ import re
+ if re.search(configuration.regexp, name):
+ #print("Filename: '%s' matches pattern: '%s'" % (name, regexp))
+ pass
+ else:
+ #print("Filename: '%s' does not match pattern: '%s'" % (name, regexp))
+ continue
+ # We found a match for our test. Add it to the suite.
+ # Update the sys.path first.
+ if not sys.path.count(dir):
+ sys.path.insert(0, dir)
+ base = os.path.splitext(name)[0]
+ # Thoroughly check the filterspec against the base module and admit
+ # the (base, filterspec) combination only when it makes sense.
+ filterspec = None
+ for filterspec in configuration.filters:
+ # Optimistically set the flag to True.
+ filtered = True
+ module = __import__(base)
+ parts = filterspec.split('.')
+ obj = module
+ for part in parts:
+ try:
+ parent, obj = obj, getattr(obj, part)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # The filterspec has failed.
+ filtered = False
+ break
+ # If filtered, we have a good filterspec. Add it.
+ if filtered:
+ #print("adding filter spec %s to module %s" % (filterspec, module))
+ configuration.suite.addTests(
+ unittest2.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(filterspec, module))
+ continue
+ # Forgo this module if the (base, filterspec) combo is invalid
+ if configuration.filters and not filtered:
+ continue
+ # Add either the filtered test case(s) (which is done before) or the entire test class.
+ if not filterspec or not filtered:
+ # A simple case of just the module name. Also the failover case
+ # from the filterspec branch when the (base, filterspec) combo
+ # doesn't make sense.
+ configuration.suite.addTests(unittest2.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName(base))
+def disabledynamics():
+ import lldb
+ ci = lldb.DBG.GetCommandInterpreter()
+ res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
+ ci.HandleCommand("setting set target.prefer-dynamic-value no-dynamic-values", res, False)
+ if not res.Succeeded():
+ raise Exception('disabling dynamic type support failed')
+def lldbLoggings():
+ import lldb
+ """Check and do lldb loggings if necessary."""
+ # Turn on logging for debugging purposes if ${LLDB_LOG} environment variable is
+ # defined. Use ${LLDB_LOG} to specify the log file.
+ ci = lldb.DBG.GetCommandInterpreter()
+ res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject()
+ if ("LLDB_LOG" in os.environ):
+ open(os.environ["LLDB_LOG"], 'w').close()
+ if ("LLDB_LOG_OPTION" in os.environ):
+ lldb_log_option = os.environ["LLDB_LOG_OPTION"]
+ else:
+ lldb_log_option = "event process expr state api"
+ ci.HandleCommand(
+ "log enable -n -f " + os.environ["LLDB_LOG"] + " lldb " + lldb_log_option,
+ res)
+ if not res.Succeeded():
+ raise Exception('log enable failed (check LLDB_LOG env variable)')
+ if ("LLDB_LINUX_LOG" in os.environ):
+ open(os.environ["LLDB_LINUX_LOG"], 'w').close()
+ if ("LLDB_LINUX_LOG_OPTION" in os.environ):
+ lldb_log_option = os.environ["LLDB_LINUX_LOG_OPTION"]
+ else:
+ lldb_log_option = "event process expr state api"
+ ci.HandleCommand(
+ "log enable -n -f " + os.environ["LLDB_LINUX_LOG"] + " linux " + lldb_log_option,
+ res)
+ if not res.Succeeded():
+ raise Exception('log enable failed (check LLDB_LINUX_LOG env variable)')
+ # Ditto for gdb-remote logging if ${GDB_REMOTE_LOG} environment variable is defined.
+ # Use ${GDB_REMOTE_LOG} to specify the log file.
+ if ("GDB_REMOTE_LOG" in os.environ):
+ if ("GDB_REMOTE_LOG_OPTION" in os.environ):
+ gdb_remote_log_option = os.environ["GDB_REMOTE_LOG_OPTION"]
+ else:
+ gdb_remote_log_option = "packets process"
+ ci.HandleCommand(
+ "log enable -n -f " + os.environ["GDB_REMOTE_LOG"] + " gdb-remote "
+ + gdb_remote_log_option,
+ res)
+ if not res.Succeeded():
+ raise Exception('log enable failed (check GDB_REMOTE_LOG env variable)')
+def getMyCommandLine():
+ return ' '.join(sys.argv)
+# ======================================== #
+# #
+# Execution of the test driver starts here #
+# #
+# ======================================== #
+def checkDsymForUUIDIsNotOn():
+ cmd = ["defaults", "read", "com.apple.DebugSymbols"]
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
+ cmd_output = pipe.stdout.read()
+ if cmd_output and "DBGFileMappedPaths = " in cmd_output:
+ print("%s =>" % ' '.join(cmd))
+ print(cmd_output)
+ print("Disable automatic lookup and caching of dSYMs before running the test suite!")
+ print("Exiting...")
+ sys.exit(0)
+def exitTestSuite(exitCode = None):
+ import lldb
+ lldb.SBDebugger.Terminate()
+ if exitCode:
+ sys.exit(exitCode)
+def isMultiprocessTestRunner():
+ # We're not multiprocess when we're either explicitly
+ # the inferior (as specified by the multiprocess test
+ # runner) OR we've been told to skip using the multiprocess
+ # test runner
+ return not (configuration.is_inferior_test_runner or configuration.no_multiprocess_test_runner)
+def getVersionForSDK(sdk):
+ sdk = str.lower(sdk)
+ full_path = seven.get_command_output('xcrun -sdk %s --show-sdk-path' % sdk)
+ basename = os.path.basename(full_path)
+ basename = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
+ basename = str.lower(basename)
+ ver = basename.replace(sdk, '')
+ return ver
+def getPathForSDK(sdk):
+ sdk = str.lower(sdk)
+ full_path = seven.get_command_output('xcrun -sdk %s --show-sdk-path' % sdk)
+ if os.path.exists(full_path): return full_path
+ return None
+def setDefaultTripleForPlatform():
+ if configuration.lldb_platform_name == 'ios-simulator':
+ triple_str = 'x86_64-apple-ios%s' % (getVersionForSDK('iphonesimulator'))
+ os.environ['TRIPLE'] = triple_str
+ return {'TRIPLE':triple_str}
+ return {}
+def run_suite():
+ # On MacOS X, check to make sure that domain for com.apple.DebugSymbols defaults
+ # does not exist before proceeding to running the test suite.
+ if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
+ checkDsymForUUIDIsNotOn()
+ #
+ # Start the actions by first parsing the options while setting up the test
+ # directories, followed by setting up the search paths for lldb utilities;
+ # then, we walk the directory trees and collect the tests into our test suite.
+ #
+ parseOptionsAndInitTestdirs()
+ # Setup test results (test results formatter and output handling).
+ setupTestResults()
+ # If we are running as the multiprocess test runner, kick off the
+ # multiprocess test runner here.
+ if isMultiprocessTestRunner():
+ from . import dosep
+ dosep.main(configuration.num_threads, configuration.multiprocess_test_subdir,
+ configuration.test_runner_name, configuration.results_formatter_object)
+ raise Exception("should never get here")
+ elif configuration.is_inferior_test_runner:
+ # Shut off Ctrl-C processing in inferiors. The parallel
+ # test runner handles this more holistically.
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ setupSysPath()
+ configuration.setupCrashInfoHook()
+ #
+ # If '-l' is specified, do not skip the long running tests.
+ if not configuration.skip_long_running_test:
+ os.environ["LLDB_SKIP_LONG_RUNNING_TEST"] = "NO"
+ # For the time being, let's bracket the test runner within the
+ # lldb.SBDebugger.Initialize()/Terminate() pair.
+ import lldb
+ # Create a singleton SBDebugger in the lldb namespace.
+ lldb.DBG = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
+ if configuration.lldb_platform_name:
+ print("Setting up remote platform '%s'" % (configuration.lldb_platform_name))
+ lldb.remote_platform = lldb.SBPlatform(configuration.lldb_platform_name)
+ if not lldb.remote_platform.IsValid():
+ print("error: unable to create the LLDB platform named '%s'." % (configuration.lldb_platform_name))
+ exitTestSuite(1)
+ if configuration.lldb_platform_url:
+ # We must connect to a remote platform if a LLDB platform URL was specified
+ print("Connecting to remote platform '%s' at '%s'..." % (configuration.lldb_platform_name, configuration.lldb_platform_url))
+ platform_connect_options = lldb.SBPlatformConnectOptions(configuration.lldb_platform_url)
+ err = lldb.remote_platform.ConnectRemote(platform_connect_options)
+ if err.Success():
+ print("Connected.")
+ else:
+ print("error: failed to connect to remote platform using URL '%s': %s" % (configuration.lldb_platform_url, err))
+ exitTestSuite(1)
+ else:
+ configuration.lldb_platform_url = None
+ platform_changes = setDefaultTripleForPlatform()
+ first = True
+ for key in platform_changes:
+ if first:
+ print("Environment variables setup for platform support:")
+ first = False
+ print("%s = %s" % (key,platform_changes[key]))
+ if configuration.lldb_platform_working_dir:
+ print("Setting remote platform working directory to '%s'..." % (configuration.lldb_platform_working_dir))
+ lldb.remote_platform.SetWorkingDirectory(configuration.lldb_platform_working_dir)
+ lldb.DBG.SetSelectedPlatform(lldb.remote_platform)
+ else:
+ lldb.remote_platform = None
+ configuration.lldb_platform_working_dir = None
+ configuration.lldb_platform_url = None
+ target_platform = lldb.DBG.GetSelectedPlatform().GetTriple().split('-')[2]
+ # Don't do debugserver tests on everything except OS X.
+ configuration.dont_do_debugserver_test = "linux" in target_platform or "freebsd" in target_platform or "windows" in target_platform
+ # Don't do lldb-server (llgs) tests on anything except Linux.
+ configuration.dont_do_llgs_test = not ("linux" in target_platform)
+ #
+ # Walk through the testdirs while collecting tests.
+ #
+ for testdir in configuration.testdirs:
+ for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(testdir):
+ visit('Test', dirpath, filenames)
+ #
+ # Now that we have loaded all the test cases, run the whole test suite.
+ #
+ # Turn on lldb loggings if necessary.
+ lldbLoggings()
+ # Disable default dynamic types for testing purposes
+ disabledynamics()
+ # Install the control-c handler.
+ unittest2.signals.installHandler()
+ # If sdir_name is not specified through the '-s sdir_name' option, get a
+ # timestamp string and export it as LLDB_SESSION_DIR environment var. This will
+ # be used when/if we want to dump the session info of individual test cases
+ # later on.
+ #
+ # See also TestBase.dumpSessionInfo() in lldbtest.py.
+ import datetime
+ # The windows platforms don't like ':' in the pathname.
+ timestamp_started = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S")
+ if not configuration.sdir_name:
+ configuration.sdir_name = timestamp_started
+ os.environ["LLDB_SESSION_DIRNAME"] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), configuration.sdir_name)
+ sys.stderr.write("\nSession logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes"
+ " will go into directory '%s'\n" % configuration.sdir_name)
+ sys.stderr.write("Command invoked: %s\n" % getMyCommandLine())
+ if not os.path.isdir(configuration.sdir_name):
+ try:
+ os.mkdir(configuration.sdir_name)
+ except OSError as exception:
+ if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+ raise
+ where_to_save_session = os.getcwd()
+ fname = os.path.join(configuration.sdir_name, "TestStarted-%d" % os.getpid())
+ with open(fname, "w") as f:
+ print("Test started at: %s\n" % timestamp_started, file=f)
+ print(configuration.svn_info, file=f)
+ print("Command invoked: %s\n" % getMyCommandLine(), file=f)
+ #
+ # Invoke the default TextTestRunner to run the test suite, possibly iterating
+ # over different configurations.
+ #
+ iterArchs = False
+ iterCompilers = False
+ if isinstance(configuration.archs, list) and len(configuration.archs) >= 1:
+ iterArchs = True
+ #
+ # Add some intervention here to sanity check that the compilers requested are sane.
+ # If found not to be an executable program, the invalid one is dropped from the list.
+ for i in range(len(configuration.compilers)):
+ c = configuration.compilers[i]
+ if which(c):
+ continue
+ else:
+ if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
+ pipe = subprocess.Popen(['xcrun', '-find', c], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT)
+ cmd_output = pipe.stdout.read()
+ if cmd_output:
+ if "not found" in cmd_output:
+ print("dropping %s from the compilers used" % c)
+ configuration.compilers.remove(i)
+ else:
+ configuration.compilers[i] = cmd_output.split('\n')[0]
+ print("'xcrun -find %s' returning %s" % (c, configuration.compilers[i]))
+ if not configuration.parsable:
+ print("compilers=%s" % str(configuration.compilers))
+ if not configuration.compilers or len(configuration.compilers) == 0:
+ print("No eligible compiler found, exiting.")
+ exitTestSuite(1)
+ if isinstance(configuration.compilers, list) and len(configuration.compilers) >= 1:
+ iterCompilers = True
+ # If we iterate on archs or compilers, there is a chance we want to split stderr/stdout.
+ if iterArchs or iterCompilers:
+ old_stderr = sys.stderr
+ old_stdout = sys.stdout
+ new_stderr = None
+ new_stdout = None
+ # Iterating over all possible architecture and compiler combinations.
+ for ia in range(len(configuration.archs) if iterArchs else 1):
+ archConfig = ""
+ if iterArchs:
+ os.environ["ARCH"] = configuration.archs[ia]
+ archConfig = "arch=%s" % configuration.archs[ia]
+ for ic in range(len(configuration.compilers) if iterCompilers else 1):
+ if iterCompilers:
+ os.environ["CC"] = configuration.compilers[ic]
+ configString = "%s compiler=%s" % (archConfig, configuration.compilers[ic])
+ else:
+ configString = archConfig
+ if iterArchs or iterCompilers:
+ # Translate ' ' to '-' for pathname component.
+ if six.PY2:
+ import string
+ tbl = string.maketrans(' ', '-')
+ else:
+ tbl = str.maketrans(' ', '-')
+ configPostfix = configString.translate(tbl)
+ # Output the configuration.
+ if not configuration.parsable:
+ sys.stderr.write("\nConfiguration: " + configString + "\n")
+ #print("sys.stderr name is", sys.stderr.name)
+ #print("sys.stdout name is", sys.stdout.name)
+ # First, write out the number of collected test cases.
+ if not configuration.parsable:
+ sys.stderr.write(configuration.separator + "\n")
+ sys.stderr.write("Collected %d test%s\n\n"
+ % (configuration.suite.countTestCases(),
+ configuration.suite.countTestCases() != 1 and "s" or ""))
+ if configuration.parsable:
+ v = 0
+ else:
+ v = configuration.verbose
+ # Invoke the test runner.
+ if configuration.count == 1:
+ result = unittest2.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stderr,
+ verbosity=v,
+ resultclass=test_result.LLDBTestResult).run(configuration.suite)
+ else:
+ # We are invoking the same test suite more than once. In this case,
+ # mark __ignore_singleton__ flag as True so the signleton pattern is
+ # not enforced.
+ test_result.LLDBTestResult.__ignore_singleton__ = True
+ for i in range(count):
+ result = unittest2.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stderr,
+ verbosity=v,
+ resultclass=test_result.LLDBTestResult).run(configuration.suite)
+ configuration.failed = configuration.failed or not result.wasSuccessful()
+ if configuration.sdir_has_content and not configuration.parsable:
+ sys.stderr.write("Session logs for test failures/errors/unexpected successes"
+ " can be found in directory '%s'\n" % configuration.sdir_name)
+ if configuration.useCategories and len(configuration.failuresPerCategory) > 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Failures per category:\n")
+ for category in configuration.failuresPerCategory:
+ sys.stderr.write("%s - %d\n" % (category, configuration.failuresPerCategory[category]))
+ os.chdir(where_to_save_session)
+ fname = os.path.join(configuration.sdir_name, "TestFinished-%d" % os.getpid())
+ with open(fname, "w") as f:
+ print("Test finished at: %s\n" % datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S"), file=f)
+ # Terminate the test suite if ${LLDB_TESTSUITE_FORCE_FINISH} is defined.
+ # This should not be necessary now.
+ if ("LLDB_TESTSUITE_FORCE_FINISH" in os.environ):
+ print("Terminating Test suite...")
+ subprocess.Popen(["/bin/sh", "-c", "kill %s; exit 0" % (os.getpid())])
+ # Exiting.
+ exitTestSuite(configuration.failed)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ print(__file__ + " is for use as a module only. It should not be run as a standalone script.")
+ sys.exit(-1)