path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value')
3 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/Makefile b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cb03eabfc274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+LEVEL = ../../make
+C_SOURCES := call-func.c
+include $(LEVEL)/Makefile.rules
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/TestReturnValue.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/TestReturnValue.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..246eb5c3fdbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/TestReturnValue.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+Test getting return-values correctly when stepping out
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os, time
+import re
+import lldb
+import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+class ReturnValueTestCase(TestBase):
+ mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+ @expectedFailureAll(oslist=["macosx","freebsd"], archs=["i386"])
+ @expectedFailureAll(oslist=["linux"], compiler="clang", compiler_version=["<=", "3.6"], archs=["i386"])
+ @expectedFailureAll(bugnumber="llvm.org/pr25785", hostoslist=["windows"], compiler="gcc", archs=["i386"], triple='.*-android')
+ @expectedFailureWindows("llvm.org/pr24778")
+ @add_test_categories(['pyapi'])
+ def test_with_python(self):
+ """Test getting return values from stepping out."""
+ self.build()
+ exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "a.out")
+ error = lldb.SBError()
+ self.target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
+ self.assertTrue(self.target, VALID_TARGET)
+ inner_sint_bkpt = self.target.BreakpointCreateByName("inner_sint", exe)
+ self.assertTrue(inner_sint_bkpt, VALID_BREAKPOINT)
+ # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point.
+ self.process = self.target.LaunchSimple (None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())
+ self.assertTrue(self.process, PROCESS_IS_VALID)
+ # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint.
+ self.assertTrue(self.process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped,
+ # Now finish, and make sure the return value is correct.
+ thread = lldbutil.get_stopped_thread (self.process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
+ # inner_sint returns the variable value, so capture that here:
+ in_int = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0).FindVariable ("value").GetValueAsSigned(error)
+ self.assertTrue (error.Success())
+ thread.StepOut();
+ self.assertTrue (self.process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped)
+ self.assertTrue (thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonPlanComplete)
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ fun_name = frame.GetFunctionName()
+ self.assertTrue (fun_name == "outer_sint")
+ return_value = thread.GetStopReturnValue()
+ self.assertTrue (return_value.IsValid())
+ ret_int = return_value.GetValueAsSigned(error)
+ self.assertTrue (error.Success())
+ self.assertTrue (in_int == ret_int)
+ # Run again and we will stop in inner_sint the second time outer_sint is called.
+ #Then test stepping out two frames at once:
+ self.process.Continue()
+ thread_list = lldbutil.get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint (self.process, inner_sint_bkpt)
+ self.assertTrue(len(thread_list) == 1)
+ thread = thread_list[0]
+ # We are done with the inner_sint breakpoint:
+ self.target.BreakpointDelete (inner_sint_bkpt.GetID())
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(1)
+ fun_name = frame.GetFunctionName ()
+ self.assertTrue (fun_name == "outer_sint")
+ in_int = frame.FindVariable ("value").GetValueAsSigned(error)
+ self.assertTrue (error.Success())
+ thread.StepOutOfFrame (frame)
+ self.assertTrue (self.process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped)
+ self.assertTrue (thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonPlanComplete)
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ fun_name = frame.GetFunctionName()
+ self.assertTrue (fun_name == "main")
+ ret_value = thread.GetStopReturnValue()
+ self.assertTrue (return_value.IsValid())
+ ret_int = ret_value.GetValueAsSigned (error)
+ self.assertTrue (error.Success())
+ self.assertTrue (2 * in_int == ret_int)
+ # Now try some simple returns that have different types:
+ inner_float_bkpt = self.target.BreakpointCreateByName("inner_float", exe)
+ self.assertTrue(inner_float_bkpt, VALID_BREAKPOINT)
+ self.process.Continue()
+ thread_list = lldbutil.get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint (self.process, inner_float_bkpt)
+ self.assertTrue (len(thread_list) == 1)
+ thread = thread_list[0]
+ self.target.BreakpointDelete (inner_float_bkpt.GetID())
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ in_value = frame.FindVariable ("value")
+ in_float = float (in_value.GetValue())
+ thread.StepOut()
+ self.assertTrue (self.process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped)
+ self.assertTrue (thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonPlanComplete)
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ fun_name = frame.GetFunctionName()
+ self.assertTrue (fun_name == "outer_float")
+ return_value = thread.GetStopReturnValue()
+ self.assertTrue (return_value.IsValid())
+ return_float = float (return_value.GetValue())
+ self.assertTrue(in_float == return_float)
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_two_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_three_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_four_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_five_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_two_double")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_double_two_float")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_float_one_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_pointer")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_two_pointer")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_float_one_pointer")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_pointer")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_three_short_one_float")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_double")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_double_one_int")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_short_one_double_one_short")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_float_one_int_one_float")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_two_float")
+ # I am leaving out the packed test until we have a way to tell CLANG
+ # about alignment when reading DWARF for packed types.
+ #self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_double_packed")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_one_int_one_long")
+ # icc and gcc don't support this extension.
+ if self.getCompiler().endswith('clang'):
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_vector_size_float32_8")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_vector_size_float32_16")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_vector_size_float32_32")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_ext_vector_size_float32_2")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_ext_vector_size_float32_4")
+ self.return_and_test_struct_value ("return_ext_vector_size_float32_8")
+ def return_and_test_struct_value (self, func_name):
+ """Pass in the name of the function to return from - takes in value, returns value."""
+ # Set the breakpoint, run to it, finish out.
+ bkpt = self.target.BreakpointCreateByName (func_name)
+ self.assertTrue (bkpt.GetNumResolvedLocations() > 0)
+ self.process.Continue ()
+ thread_list = lldbutil.get_threads_stopped_at_breakpoint (self.process, bkpt)
+ self.assertTrue (len(thread_list) == 1)
+ thread = thread_list[0]
+ self.target.BreakpointDelete (bkpt.GetID())
+ in_value = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0).FindVariable ("value")
+ self.assertTrue (in_value.IsValid())
+ num_in_children = in_value.GetNumChildren()
+ # This is a little hokey, but if we don't get all the children now, then
+ # once we've stepped we won't be able to get them?
+ for idx in range(0, num_in_children):
+ in_child = in_value.GetChildAtIndex (idx)
+ in_child_str = in_child.GetValue()
+ thread.StepOut()
+ self.assertTrue (self.process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped)
+ self.assertTrue (thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonPlanComplete)
+ # Assuming all these functions step out to main. Could figure out the caller dynamically
+ # if that would add something to the test.
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ fun_name = frame.GetFunctionName()
+ self.assertTrue (fun_name == "main")
+ frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0)
+ ret_value = thread.GetStopReturnValue()
+ self.assertTrue (ret_value.IsValid())
+ num_ret_children = ret_value.GetNumChildren()
+ self.assertTrue (num_in_children == num_ret_children)
+ for idx in range(0, num_ret_children):
+ in_child = in_value.GetChildAtIndex(idx)
+ ret_child = ret_value.GetChildAtIndex(idx)
+ in_child_str = in_child.GetValue()
+ ret_child_str = ret_child.GetValue()
+ self.assertEqual(in_child_str, ret_child_str)
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/call-func.c b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/call-func.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0c026ffcca17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/functionalities/return-value/call-func.c
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+// Some convenient things to return:
+static char *g_first_pointer = "I am the first";
+static char *g_second_pointer = "I am the second";
+// First we have some simple functions that return standard types, ints, floats and doubles.
+// We have a function calling a function in a few cases to test that if you stop in the
+// inner function then do "up/fin" you get the return value from the outer-most frame.
+inner_sint (int value)
+ return value;
+outer_sint (int value)
+ int outer_value = 2 * inner_sint (value);
+ return outer_value;
+inner_float (float value)
+ return value;
+outer_float (float value)
+ float outer_value = 2 * inner_float(value);
+ return outer_value;
+return_double (double value)
+ return value;
+long double
+return_long_double (long double value)
+ return value;
+char *
+return_pointer (char *value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int
+ int one_field;
+struct one_int
+return_one_int (struct one_int value)
+ return value;
+struct two_int
+ int first_field;
+ int second_field;
+struct two_int
+return_two_int (struct two_int value)
+ return value;
+struct three_int
+ int first_field;
+ int second_field;
+ int third_field;
+struct three_int
+return_three_int (struct three_int value)
+ return value;
+struct four_int
+ int first_field;
+ int second_field;
+ int third_field;
+ int fourth_field;
+struct four_int
+return_four_int (struct four_int value)
+ return value;
+struct five_int
+ int first_field;
+ int second_field;
+ int third_field;
+ int fourth_field;
+ int fifth_field;
+struct five_int
+return_five_int (struct five_int value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_double
+ int first_field;
+ double second_field;
+struct one_int_one_double
+return_one_int_one_double (struct one_int_one_double value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_double_one_int
+ int one_field;
+ double second_field;
+ int third_field;
+struct one_int_one_double_one_int
+return_one_int_one_double_one_int (struct one_int_one_double_one_int value)
+ return value;
+struct one_short_one_double_one_short
+ int one_field;
+ double second_field;
+ int third_field;
+struct one_short_one_double_one_short
+return_one_short_one_double_one_short (struct one_short_one_double_one_short value)
+ return value;
+struct three_short_one_float
+ short one_field;
+ short second_field;
+ short third_field;
+ float fourth_field;
+struct three_short_one_float
+return_three_short_one_float (struct three_short_one_float value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_float_one_int
+ int one_field;
+ float second_field;
+ int third_field;
+struct one_int_one_float_one_int
+return_one_int_one_float_one_int (struct one_int_one_float_one_int value)
+ return value;
+struct one_float_one_int_one_float
+ float one_field;
+ int second_field;
+ float third_field;
+struct one_float_one_int_one_float
+return_one_float_one_int_one_float (struct one_float_one_int_one_float value)
+ return value;
+struct one_double_two_float
+ double one_field;
+ float second_field;
+ float third_field;
+struct one_double_two_float
+return_one_double_two_float (struct one_double_two_float value)
+ return value;
+struct two_double
+ double first_field;
+ double second_field;
+struct two_double
+return_two_double (struct two_double value)
+ return value;
+struct two_float
+ float first_field;
+ float second_field;
+struct two_float
+return_two_float (struct two_float value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_double_packed
+ int first_field;
+ double second_field;
+} __attribute__((__packed__));
+struct one_int_one_double_packed
+return_one_int_one_double_packed (struct one_int_one_double_packed value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_long
+ int first_field;
+ long second_field;
+struct one_int_one_long
+return_one_int_one_long (struct one_int_one_long value)
+ return value;
+struct one_pointer
+ char *first_field;
+struct one_pointer
+return_one_pointer (struct one_pointer value)
+ return value;
+struct two_pointer
+ char *first_field;
+ char *second_field;
+struct two_pointer
+return_two_pointer (struct two_pointer value)
+ return value;
+struct one_float_one_pointer
+ float first_field;
+ char *second_field;
+struct one_float_one_pointer
+return_one_float_one_pointer (struct one_float_one_pointer value)
+ return value;
+struct one_int_one_pointer
+ int first_field;
+ char *second_field;
+struct one_int_one_pointer
+return_one_int_one_pointer (struct one_int_one_pointer value)
+ return value;
+typedef float vector_size_float32_8 __attribute__((__vector_size__(8)));
+typedef float vector_size_float32_16 __attribute__((__vector_size__(16)));
+typedef float vector_size_float32_32 __attribute__((__vector_size__(32)));
+typedef float ext_vector_size_float32_2 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(2)));
+typedef float ext_vector_size_float32_4 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(4)));
+typedef float ext_vector_size_float32_8 __attribute__((ext_vector_type(8)));
+return_vector_size_float32_8 (vector_size_float32_8 value)
+ return value;
+return_vector_size_float32_16 (vector_size_float32_16 value)
+ return value;
+return_vector_size_float32_32 (vector_size_float32_32 value)
+ return value;
+return_ext_vector_size_float32_2 (ext_vector_size_float32_2 value)
+ return value;
+return_ext_vector_size_float32_4 (ext_vector_size_float32_4 value)
+ return value;
+return_ext_vector_size_float32_8 (ext_vector_size_float32_8 value)
+ return value;
+main ()
+ int first_int = 123456;
+ int second_int = 234567;
+ outer_sint (first_int);
+ outer_sint (second_int);
+ float first_float_value = 12.34;
+ float second_float_value = 23.45;
+ outer_float (first_float_value);
+ outer_float (second_float_value);
+ double double_value = -23.45;
+ return_double (double_value);
+ return_pointer(g_first_pointer);
+ long double long_double_value = -3456789.987654321;
+ return_long_double (long_double_value);
+ // Okay, now the structures:
+ return_one_int ((struct one_int) {10});
+ return_two_int ((struct two_int) {10, 20});
+ return_three_int ((struct three_int) {10, 20, 30});
+ return_four_int ((struct four_int) {10, 20, 30, 40});
+ return_five_int ((struct five_int) {10, 20, 30, 40, 50});
+ return_two_double ((struct two_double) {10.0, 20.0});
+ return_one_double_two_float ((struct one_double_two_float) {10.0, 20.0, 30.0});
+ return_one_int_one_float_one_int ((struct one_int_one_float_one_int) {10, 20.0, 30});
+ return_one_pointer ((struct one_pointer) {g_first_pointer});
+ return_two_pointer ((struct two_pointer) {g_first_pointer, g_second_pointer});
+ return_one_float_one_pointer ((struct one_float_one_pointer) {10.0, g_first_pointer});
+ return_one_int_one_pointer ((struct one_int_one_pointer) {10, g_first_pointer});
+ return_three_short_one_float ((struct three_short_one_float) {10, 20, 30, 40.0});
+ return_one_int_one_double ((struct one_int_one_double) {10, 20.0});
+ return_one_int_one_double_one_int ((struct one_int_one_double_one_int) {10, 20.0, 30});
+ return_one_short_one_double_one_short ((struct one_short_one_double_one_short) {10, 20.0, 30});
+ return_one_float_one_int_one_float ((struct one_float_one_int_one_float) {10.0, 20, 30.0});
+ return_two_float ((struct two_float) { 10.0, 20.0});
+ return_one_int_one_double_packed ((struct one_int_one_double_packed) {10, 20.0});
+ return_one_int_one_long ((struct one_int_one_long) {10, 20});
+ return_vector_size_float32_8 (( vector_size_float32_8 ){1.5, 2.25});
+ return_vector_size_float32_16 (( vector_size_float32_16 ){1.5, 2.25, 4.125, 8.0625});
+ return_vector_size_float32_32 (( vector_size_float32_32 ){1.5, 2.25, 4.125, 8.0625, 7.89, 8.52, 6.31, 9.12});
+ return_ext_vector_size_float32_2 ((ext_vector_size_float32_2){ 16.5, 32.25});
+ return_ext_vector_size_float32_4 ((ext_vector_size_float32_4){ 16.5, 32.25, 64.125, 128.0625});
+ return_ext_vector_size_float32_8 ((ext_vector_size_float32_8){ 16.5, 32.25, 64.125, 128.0625, 1.59, 3.57, 8.63, 9.12 });
+ return 0;