path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lang/objc/print-obj/TestPrintObj.py
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1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lang/objc/print-obj/TestPrintObj.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lang/objc/print-obj/TestPrintObj.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c52cc0e0697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/lang/objc/print-obj/TestPrintObj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+Test "print object" where another thread blocks the print object from making progress.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os, time
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+class PrintObjTestCase(TestBase):
+ mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Call super's setUp().
+ TestBase.setUp(self)
+ # My source program.
+ self.source = "blocked.m"
+ # Find the line numbers to break at.
+ self.line = line_number(self.source, '// Set a breakpoint here.')
+ def test_print_obj(self):
+ """
+ Test "print object" where another thread blocks the print object from making progress.
+ Set a breakpoint on the line in my_pthread_routine. Then switch threads
+ to the main thread, and do print the lock_me object. Since that will
+ try to get the lock already gotten by my_pthread_routime thread, it will
+ have to switch to running all threads, and that should then succeed.
+ """
+ d = {'EXE': 'b.out'}
+ self.build(dictionary=d)
+ self.setTearDownCleanup(dictionary=d)
+ exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'b.out')
+ target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe)
+ self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET)
+ breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByLocation(self.source, self.line)
+ self.assertTrue(breakpoint, VALID_BREAKPOINT)
+ self.runCmd("breakpoint list")
+ # Launch the process, and do not stop at the entry point.
+ process = target.LaunchSimple (None, None, self.get_process_working_directory())
+ self.runCmd("thread backtrace all")
+ # Let's get the current stopped thread. We'd like to switch to the
+ # other thread to issue our 'po lock_me' command.
+ import lldbsuite.test.lldbutil as lldbutil
+ this_thread = lldbutil.get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint)
+ self.assertTrue(this_thread)
+ # Find the other thread. The iteration protocol of SBProcess and the
+ # rich comparison methods (__eq__/__ne__) of SBThread come in handy.
+ other_thread = None
+ for t in process:
+ if t != this_thread:
+ other_thread = t
+ break
+ # Set the other thread as the selected thread to issue our 'po' command.other
+ self.assertTrue(other_thread)
+ process.SetSelectedThread(other_thread)
+ if self.TraceOn():
+ print("selected thread:" + lldbutil.get_description(other_thread))
+ self.runCmd("thread backtrace")
+ # We want to traverse the frame to the one corresponding to blocked.m to
+ # issue our 'po lock_me' command.
+ depth = other_thread.GetNumFrames()
+ for i in range(depth):
+ frame = other_thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i)
+ name = frame.GetFunctionName()
+ if name == 'main':
+ other_thread.SetSelectedFrame(i)
+ if self.TraceOn():
+ print("selected frame:" + lldbutil.get_description(frame))
+ break
+ self.expect("po lock_me", OBJECT_PRINTED_CORRECTLY,
+ substrs = ['I am pretty special.'])