path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_runner/test/process_control_tests.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_runner/test/process_control_tests.py')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_runner/test/process_control_tests.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_runner/test/process_control_tests.py
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..354506d65812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/test_runner/test/process_control_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+Provides classes used by the test results reporting infrastructure
+within the LLDB test suite.
+Tests the process_control module.
+# System imports.
+import os
+import platform
+import unittest
+import sys
+import threading
+# Add lib dir to pythonpath
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'lib'))
+# Our imports.
+import process_control
+class TestInferiorDriver(process_control.ProcessDriver):
+ def __init__(self, soft_terminate_timeout=None):
+ super(TestInferiorDriver, self).__init__(
+ soft_terminate_timeout=soft_terminate_timeout)
+ self.started_event = threading.Event()
+ self.started_event.clear()
+ self.completed_event = threading.Event()
+ self.completed_event.clear()
+ self.was_timeout = False
+ self.returncode = None
+ self.output = None
+ def write(self, content):
+ # We'll swallow this to keep tests non-noisy.
+ # Uncomment the following line if you want to see it.
+ # sys.stdout.write(content)
+ pass
+ def on_process_started(self):
+ self.started_event.set()
+ def on_process_exited(self, command, output, was_timeout, exit_status):
+ self.returncode = exit_status
+ self.was_timeout = was_timeout
+ self.output = output
+ self.returncode = exit_status
+ self.completed_event.set()
+class ProcessControlTests(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def _suppress_soft_terminate(cls, command):
+ # Do the right thing for your platform here.
+ # Right now only POSIX-y systems are reporting
+ # soft terminate support, so this is set up for
+ # those.
+ helper = process_control.ProcessHelper.process_helper()
+ signals = helper.soft_terminate_signals()
+ if signals is not None:
+ for signum in helper.soft_terminate_signals():
+ command.extend(["--ignore-signal", str(signum)])
+ @classmethod
+ def inferior_command(
+ cls,
+ ignore_soft_terminate=False,
+ options=None):
+ # Base command.
+ command = ([sys.executable, "inferior.py"])
+ if ignore_soft_terminate:
+ cls._suppress_soft_terminate(command)
+ # Handle options as string or list.
+ if isinstance(options, str):
+ command.extend(options.split())
+ elif isinstance(options, list):
+ command.extend(options)
+ # Return full command.
+ return command
+class ProcessControlNoTimeoutTests(ProcessControlTests):
+ """Tests the process_control module."""
+ def test_run_completes(self):
+ """Test that running completes and gets expected stdout/stderr."""
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver()
+ driver.run_command(self.inferior_command())
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(5), "process failed to complete")
+ self.assertEqual(driver.returncode, 0, "return code does not match")
+ def test_run_completes_with_code(self):
+ """Test that running completes and gets expected stdout/stderr."""
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver()
+ driver.run_command(self.inferior_command(options="-r10"))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(5), "process failed to complete")
+ self.assertEqual(driver.returncode, 10, "return code does not match")
+class ProcessControlTimeoutTests(ProcessControlTests):
+ def test_run_completes(self):
+ """Test that running completes and gets expected return code."""
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver()
+ timeout_seconds = 5
+ driver.run_command_with_timeout(
+ self.inferior_command(),
+ "{}s".format(timeout_seconds),
+ False)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(2*timeout_seconds),
+ "process failed to complete")
+ self.assertEqual(driver.returncode, 0)
+ def _soft_terminate_works(self, with_core):
+ # Skip this test if the platform doesn't support soft ti
+ helper = process_control.ProcessHelper.process_helper()
+ if not helper.supports_soft_terminate():
+ self.skipTest("soft terminate not supported by platform")
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver()
+ timeout_seconds = 5
+ driver.run_command_with_timeout(
+ # Sleep twice as long as the timeout interval. This
+ # should force a timeout.
+ self.inferior_command(
+ options="--sleep {}".format(timeout_seconds*2)),
+ "{}s".format(timeout_seconds),
+ with_core)
+ # We should complete, albeit with a timeout.
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(2*timeout_seconds),
+ "process failed to complete")
+ # Ensure we received a timeout.
+ self.assertTrue(driver.was_timeout, "expected to end with a timeout")
+ self.assertTrue(
+ helper.was_soft_terminate(driver.returncode, with_core),
+ ("timeout didn't return expected returncode "
+ "for soft terminate with core: {}").format(driver.returncode))
+ def test_soft_terminate_works_core(self):
+ """Driver uses soft terminate (with core request) when process times out.
+ """
+ self._soft_terminate_works(True)
+ def test_soft_terminate_works_no_core(self):
+ """Driver uses soft terminate (no core request) when process times out.
+ """
+ self._soft_terminate_works(False)
+ def test_hard_terminate_works(self):
+ """Driver falls back to hard terminate when soft terminate is ignored.
+ """
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver(soft_terminate_timeout=2.0)
+ timeout_seconds = 1
+ driver.run_command_with_timeout(
+ # Sleep much longer than the timeout interval,forcing a
+ # timeout. Do whatever is needed to have the inferior
+ # ignore soft terminate calls.
+ self.inferior_command(
+ ignore_soft_terminate=True,
+ options="--never-return"),
+ "{}s".format(timeout_seconds),
+ True)
+ # We should complete, albeit with a timeout.
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(60),
+ "process failed to complete")
+ # Ensure we received a timeout.
+ self.assertTrue(driver.was_timeout, "expected to end with a timeout")
+ helper = process_control.ProcessHelper.process_helper()
+ self.assertTrue(
+ helper.was_hard_terminate(driver.returncode),
+ ("timeout didn't return expected returncode "
+ "for hard teriminate: {} ({})").format(
+ driver.returncode,
+ driver.output))
+ def test_inferior_exits_with_live_child_shared_handles(self):
+ """inferior exit detected when inferior children are live with shared
+ stdout/stderr handles.
+ """
+ # Requires review D13362 or equivalent to be implemented.
+ self.skipTest("http://reviews.llvm.org/D13362")
+ driver = TestInferiorDriver()
+ # Create the inferior (I1), and instruct it to create a child (C1)
+ # that shares the stdout/stderr handles with the inferior.
+ # C1 will then loop forever.
+ driver.run_command_with_timeout(
+ self.inferior_command(
+ options="--launch-child-share-handles --return-code 3"),
+ "5s",
+ False)
+ # We should complete without a timetout. I1 should end
+ # immediately after launching C1.
+ self.assertTrue(
+ driver.completed_event.wait(5),
+ "process failed to complete")
+ # Ensure we didn't receive a timeout.
+ self.assertFalse(
+ driver.was_timeout, "inferior should have completed normally")
+ self.assertEqual(
+ driver.returncode, 3,
+ "expected inferior process to end with expected returncode")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()