path: root/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-mi/control/TestMiExec.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-mi/control/TestMiExec.py')
1 files changed, 457 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-mi/control/TestMiExec.py b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-mi/control/TestMiExec.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..742bbc8af6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-mi/control/TestMiExec.py
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+Test lldb-mi -exec-xxx commands.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import lldbmi_testcase
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+class MiExecTestCase(lldbmi_testcase.MiTestCaseBase):
+ mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ @expectedFailureLinux # llvm.org/pr25000: lldb-mi does not receive broadcasted notification from Core/Process about process stopped
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_run(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' can stop at entry."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Test that program is stopped at entry
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run --start")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"signal-received\",signal-name=\"SIGSTOP\",signal-meaning=\"Stop\",.*?thread-id=\"1\",stopped-threads=\"all\"")
+ # Test that lldb-mi is ready to execute next commands
+ self.expect(self.child_prompt, exactly = True)
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_abort(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for -exec-abort."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Test that -exec-abort fails on invalid process
+ self.runCmd("-exec-abort")
+ self.expect("\^error,msg=\"Command 'exec-abort'\. Invalid process during debug session\"")
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Set arguments
+ self.runCmd("-exec-arguments arg1")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that arguments were passed
+ self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argc")
+ self.expect("\^done,value=\"2\"")
+ # Test that program may be aborted
+ self.runCmd("-exec-abort")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"exited-normally\"")
+ # Test that program can be run again
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that arguments were passed again
+ self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argc")
+ self.expect("\^done,value=\"2\"")
+ # Test that program may be aborted again
+ self.runCmd("-exec-abort")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"exited-normally\"")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_arguments_set(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' can pass args using -exec-arguments."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Set arguments
+ self.runCmd("-exec-arguments --arg1 \"2nd arg\" third_arg fourth=\"4th arg\"")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Check argc and argv to see if arg passed
+ self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argc")
+ self.expect("\^done,value=\"5\"")
+ #self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argv[1]")
+ #self.expect("\^done,value=\"--arg1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-interpreter-exec command \"print argv[1]\"")
+ self.expect("\"--arg1\"")
+ #self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argv[2]")
+ #self.expect("\^done,value=\"2nd arg\"")
+ self.runCmd("-interpreter-exec command \"print argv[2]\"")
+ self.expect("\"2nd arg\"")
+ #self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argv[3]")
+ #self.expect("\^done,value=\"third_arg\"")
+ self.runCmd("-interpreter-exec command \"print argv[3]\"")
+ self.expect("\"third_arg\"")
+ #self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argv[4]")
+ #self.expect("\^done,value=\"fourth=\\\\\\\"4th arg\\\\\\\"\"")
+ self.runCmd("-interpreter-exec command \"print argv[4]\"")
+ self.expect("\"fourth=\\\\\\\"4th arg\\\\\\\"\"")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_arguments_reset(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' can reset previously set args using -exec-arguments."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Set arguments
+ self.runCmd("-exec-arguments arg1")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-arguments")
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Check argc to see if arg passed
+ self.runCmd("-data-evaluate-expression argc")
+ self.expect("\^done,value=\"1\"")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_next(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for stepping."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Warning: the following is sensitive to the lines in the source
+ # Test -exec-next
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"29\"")
+ # Test that --thread is optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"30\"")
+ # Test that --frame is optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --thread 1")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"31\"")
+ # Test that both --thread and --frame are optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"32\"")
+ # Test that an invalid --thread is handled
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --thread 0")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 0 is out of range")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --thread 10")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 10 is out of range")
+ # Test that an invalid --frame is handled
+ # FIXME: no error is returned
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --frame 10")
+ #self.expect("\^error: Frame index 10 is out of range")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ @expectedFailurei386 #xfail to get buildbot green, failing config: i386 binary running on ubuntu 14.04 x86_64
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_next_instruction(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for instruction stepping."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Warning: the following is sensitive to the lines in the
+ # source and optimizations
+ # Test -exec-next-instruction
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"28\"")
+ # Test that --thread is optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"28\"")
+ # Test that --frame is optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --thread 1")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"29\"")
+ # Test that both --thread and --frame are optional
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ # Depending on compiler, it can stop at different line
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"(29|30)\"")
+ # Test that an invalid --thread is handled
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --thread 0")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 0 is out of range")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --thread 10")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 10 is out of range")
+ # Test that an invalid --frame is handled
+ # FIXME: no error is returned
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next-instruction --frame 10")
+ #self.expect("\^error: Frame index 10 is out of range")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_step(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for stepping into."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Warning: the following is sensitive to the lines in the source
+ # Test that -exec-step steps into (or not) printf depending on debug info
+ # Note that message is different in Darwin and Linux:
+ # Darwin: "*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\",frame={addr=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\",func=\"main\",args=[{name=\"argc\",value=\"1\"},{name=\"argv\",value="0x[0-9a-f]+\"}],file=\"main.cpp\",fullname=\".+main.cpp\",line=\"\d\"},thread-id=\"1\",stopped-threads=\"all\"
+ # Linux: "*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\",frame={addr="0x[0-9a-f]+\",func=\"__printf\",args=[{name=\"format\",value=\"0x[0-9a-f]+\"}],file=\"printf.c\",fullname=\".+printf.c\",line="\d+"},thread-id=\"1\",stopped-threads=\"all\"
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ it = self.expect([ "\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"main\"",
+ "\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"(?!main).+?\"" ])
+ # Exit from printf if needed
+ if it == 1:
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"main\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step steps into g_MyFunction and back out
+ # (and that --thread is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"g_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Use -exec-finish here to make sure that control reaches the caller.
+ # -exec-step can keep us in the g_MyFunction for gcc
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"30\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step steps into s_MyFunction
+ # (and that --frame is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --thread 1")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\".*?s_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step steps into g_MyFunction from inside
+ # s_MyFunction (and that both --thread and --frame are optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"g_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that an invalid --thread is handled
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --thread 0")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 0 is out of range")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --thread 10")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 10 is out of range")
+ # Test that an invalid --frame is handled
+ # FIXME: no error is returned
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step --frame 10")
+ #self.expect("\^error: Frame index 10 is out of range")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_step_instruction(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for instruction stepping into."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Warning: the following is sensitive to the lines in the
+ # source and optimizations
+ # Run to main
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f main")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that -exec-next steps over printf
+ self.runCmd("-exec-next --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\",line=\"29\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step-instruction steps over non branching
+ # instruction
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?main\.cpp\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step-instruction steps into g_MyFunction
+ # instruction (and that --thread is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"g_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step-instruction steps over non branching
+ # (and that --frame is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --thread 1")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"g_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that -exec-step-instruction steps into g_MyFunction
+ # (and that both --thread and --frame are optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"g_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that an invalid --thread is handled
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --thread 0")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 0 is out of range")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --thread 10")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 10 is out of range")
+ # Test that an invalid --frame is handled
+ # FIXME: no error is returned
+ self.runCmd("-exec-step-instruction --frame 10")
+ #self.expect("\^error: Frame index 10 is out of range")
+ @skipIfWindows #llvm.org/pr24452: Get lldb-mi tests working on Windows
+ @skipIfFreeBSD # llvm.org/pr22411: Failure presumably due to known thread races
+ def test_lldbmi_exec_finish(self):
+ """Test that 'lldb-mi --interpreter' works for -exec-finish."""
+ self.spawnLldbMi(args = None)
+ # Load executable
+ self.runCmd("-file-exec-and-symbols %s" % self.myexe)
+ self.expect("\^done")
+ # Set BP at g_MyFunction and run to BP
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f g_MyFunction")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"1\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-run")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that -exec-finish returns from g_MyFunction
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"main\"")
+ # Run to BP inside s_MyFunction call
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert s_MyFunction")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"2\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-continue")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that -exec-finish hits BP at g_MyFunction call inside
+ # s_MyFunction (and that --thread is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ # Test that -exec-finish returns from g_MyFunction call inside
+ # s_MyFunction (and that --frame is optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --thread 1")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\".*?s_MyFunction.*?\"")
+ # Test that -exec-finish returns from s_MyFunction
+ # (and that both --thread and --frame are optional)
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"main\"")
+ # Test that an invalid --thread is handled
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --thread 0")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 0 is out of range")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --thread 10")
+ self.expect("\^error,message=\"error: Thread index 10 is out of range")
+ # Test that an invalid --frame is handled
+ # FIXME: no error is returned
+ #self.runCmd("-exec-finish --frame 10")
+ #self.expect("\^error: Frame index 10 is out of range")
+ # Set BP at printf and run to BP
+ self.runCmd("-break-insert -f printf")
+ self.expect("\^done,bkpt={number=\"3\"")
+ self.runCmd("-exec-continue")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"breakpoint-hit\"")
+ ## Test that -exec-finish returns from printf
+ self.runCmd("-exec-finish --thread 1 --frame 0")
+ self.expect("\^running")
+ self.expect("\*stopped,reason=\"end-stepping-range\".+?func=\"main\"")