path: root/ports/winnt/vs2008/ntpd/ntpd.vcproj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ports/winnt/vs2008/ntpd/ntpd.vcproj')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1126 deletions
diff --git a/ports/winnt/vs2008/ntpd/ntpd.vcproj b/ports/winnt/vs2008/ntpd/ntpd.vcproj
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index 3dfcfe4aa0f0..000000000000
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+++ /dev/null
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- CommandLine=".\gen-ntp_keyword $(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)-tmp\$(ConfigurationName)&#x0D;&#x0A;"
- AdditionalDependencies="..\..\..\..\ntpd\ntp_parser.h"
- Outputs="..\..\..\..\ntpd\ntp_keyword.h ..\..\..\..\ntpd\keyword-gen-utd"
- />
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- >
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- Description="invoking keyword-gen on ntp_parser.h to produce ntp_keyword.h"
- CommandLine=".\gen-ntp_keyword $(SolutionDir)$(PlatformName)-tmp\$(ConfigurationName)&#x0D;&#x0A;"
- AdditionalDependencies="..\..\..\..\ntpd\ntp_parser.h"
- Outputs="..\..\..\..\ntpd\ntp_keyword.h ..\..\..\..\ntpd\keyword-gen-utd"
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- >
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- >
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