path: root/release/picobsd/tinyware/msh/sh2.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'release/picobsd/tinyware/msh/sh2.c')
1 files changed, 801 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/release/picobsd/tinyware/msh/sh2.c b/release/picobsd/tinyware/msh/sh2.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7eaf017f5ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release/picobsd/tinyware/msh/sh2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+#define Extern extern
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#define _NSIG NSIG
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <setjmp.h>
+#include "sh.h"
+/* -------- csyn.c -------- */
+ * shell: syntax (C version)
+ */
+typedef union {
+ char *cp;
+ char **wp;
+ int i;
+ struct op *o;
+#define WORD 256
+#define LOGAND 257
+#define LOGOR 258
+#define BREAK 259
+#define IF 260
+#define THEN 261
+#define ELSE 262
+#define ELIF 263
+#define FI 264
+#define CASE 265
+#define ESAC 266
+#define FOR 267
+#define WHILE 268
+#define UNTIL 269
+#define DO 270
+#define DONE 271
+#define IN 272
+#define YYERRCODE 300
+/* flags to yylex */
+#define CONTIN 01 /* skip new lines to complete command */
+/* #include "sh.h" */
+#define SYNTAXERR zzerr()
+static int startl;
+static int peeksym;
+static int nlseen;
+static int iounit = IODEFAULT;
+static YYSTYPE yylval;
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *pipeline, (int cf ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *andor, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *c_list, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static int synio, (int cf ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static void musthave, (int c, int cf ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *simple, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *nested, (int type, int mark ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *command, (int cf ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *dogroup, (int onlydone ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *thenpart, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *elsepart, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *caselist, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *casepart, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static char **pattern, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static char **wordlist, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *list, (struct op *t1, struct op *t2 ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *block, (int type, struct op *t1, struct op *t2, char **wp ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *newtp, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct op *namelist, (struct op *t ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static char **copyw, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static void word, (char *cp ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct ioword **copyio, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(static struct ioword *io, (int u, int f, char *cp ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static void zzerr, (void));
+_PROTOTYPE(void yyerror, (char *s ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static int yylex, (int cf ));
+_PROTOTYPE(int collect, (int c, int c1 ));
+_PROTOTYPE(int dual, (int c ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static void diag, (int ec ));
+_PROTOTYPE(static char *tree, (unsigned size ));
+_PROTOTYPE(void printf, (char *s ));
+ startl = 1;
+ peeksym = 0;
+ yynerrs = 0;
+ outtree = c_list();
+ musthave('\n', 0);
+ return(yynerrs!=0);
+static struct op *
+int cf;
+ register struct op *t, *p;
+ register int c;
+ t = command(cf);
+ if (t != NULL) {
+ while ((c = yylex(0)) == '|') {
+ if ((p = command(CONTIN)) == NULL)
+ if (t->type != TPAREN && t->type != TCOM) {
+ /* shell statement */
+ t = block(TPAREN, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS);
+ }
+ t = block(TPIPE, t, p, NOWORDS);
+ }
+ peeksym = c;
+ }
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t, *p;
+ register int c;
+ t = pipeline(0);
+ if (t != NULL) {
+ while ((c = yylex(0)) == LOGAND || c == LOGOR) {
+ if ((p = pipeline(CONTIN)) == NULL)
+ t = block(c == LOGAND? TAND: TOR, t, p, NOWORDS);
+ }
+ peeksym = c;
+ }
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t, *p;
+ register int c;
+ t = andor();
+ if (t != NULL) {
+ if((peeksym = yylex(0)) == '&')
+ t = block(TASYNC, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS);
+ while ((c = yylex(0)) == ';' || c == '&' || (multiline && c == '\n')) {
+ if ((p = andor()) == NULL)
+ return(t);
+ if((peeksym = yylex(0)) == '&')
+ p = block(TASYNC, p, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS);
+ t = list(t, p);
+ }
+ peeksym = c;
+ }
+ return(t);
+static int
+int cf;
+ register struct ioword *iop;
+ register int i;
+ register int c;
+ if ((c = yylex(cf)) != '<' && c != '>') {
+ peeksym = c;
+ return(0);
+ }
+ i = yylval.i;
+ musthave(WORD, 0);
+ iop = io(iounit, i, yylval.cp);
+ iounit = IODEFAULT;
+ if (i & IOHERE)
+ markhere(yylval.cp, iop);
+ return(1);
+static void
+musthave(c, cf)
+int c, cf;
+ if ((peeksym = yylex(cf)) != c)
+ peeksym = 0;
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t;
+ t = NULL;
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (peeksym = yylex(0)) {
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ (void) synio(0);
+ break;
+ case WORD:
+ if (t == NULL) {
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TCOM;
+ }
+ peeksym = 0;
+ word(yylval.cp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return(t);
+ }
+ }
+static struct op *
+nested(type, mark)
+int type, mark;
+ register struct op *t;
+ multiline++;
+ t = c_list();
+ musthave(mark, 0);
+ multiline--;
+ return(block(type, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS));
+static struct op *
+int cf;
+ register struct op *t;
+ struct wdblock *iosave;
+ register int c;
+ iosave = iolist;
+ iolist = NULL;
+ if (multiline)
+ cf |= CONTIN;
+ while (synio(cf))
+ cf = 0;
+ switch (c = yylex(cf)) {
+ default:
+ peeksym = c;
+ if ((t = simple()) == NULL) {
+ if (iolist == NULL)
+ return((struct op *)NULL);
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TCOM;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ t = nested(TPAREN, ')');
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ t = nested(TBRACE, '}');
+ break;
+ case FOR:
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TFOR;
+ musthave(WORD, 0);
+ startl = 1;
+ t->str = yylval.cp;
+ multiline++;
+ t->words = wordlist();
+ if ((c = yylex(0)) != '\n' && c != ';')
+ peeksym = c;
+ t->left = dogroup(0);
+ multiline--;
+ break;
+ case WHILE:
+ case UNTIL:
+ multiline++;
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = c == WHILE? TWHILE: TUNTIL;
+ t->left = c_list();
+ t->right = dogroup(1);
+ t->words = NULL;
+ multiline--;
+ break;
+ case CASE:
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TCASE;
+ musthave(WORD, 0);
+ t->str = yylval.cp;
+ startl++;
+ multiline++;
+ musthave(IN, CONTIN);
+ startl++;
+ t->left = caselist();
+ musthave(ESAC, 0);
+ multiline--;
+ break;
+ case IF:
+ multiline++;
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TIF;
+ t->left = c_list();
+ t->right = thenpart();
+ musthave(FI, 0);
+ multiline--;
+ break;
+ }
+ while (synio(0))
+ ;
+ t = namelist(t);
+ iolist = iosave;
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+int onlydone;
+ register int c;
+ register struct op *list;
+ c = yylex(CONTIN);
+ if (c == DONE && onlydone)
+ return((struct op *)NULL);
+ if (c != DO)
+ list = c_list();
+ musthave(DONE, 0);
+ return(list);
+static struct op *
+ register int c;
+ register struct op *t;
+ if ((c = yylex(0)) != THEN) {
+ peeksym = c;
+ return((struct op *)NULL);
+ }
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = 0;
+ t->left = c_list();
+ if (t->left == NULL)
+ t->right = elsepart();
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+ register int c;
+ register struct op *t;
+ switch (c = yylex(0)) {
+ case ELSE:
+ if ((t = c_list()) == NULL)
+ return(t);
+ case ELIF:
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TELIF;
+ t->left = c_list();
+ t->right = thenpart();
+ return(t);
+ default:
+ peeksym = c;
+ return((struct op *)NULL);
+ }
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t;
+ t = NULL;
+ while ((peeksym = yylex(CONTIN)) != ESAC)
+ t = list(t, casepart());
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t;
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = TPAT;
+ t->words = pattern();
+ musthave(')', 0);
+ t->left = c_list();
+ if ((peeksym = yylex(CONTIN)) != ESAC)
+ musthave(BREAK, CONTIN);
+ return(t);
+static char **
+ register int c, cf;
+ cf = CONTIN;
+ do {
+ musthave(WORD, cf);
+ word(yylval.cp);
+ cf = 0;
+ } while ((c = yylex(0)) == '|');
+ peeksym = c;
+ word(NOWORD);
+ return(copyw());
+static char **
+ register int c;
+ if ((c = yylex(0)) != IN) {
+ peeksym = c;
+ return((char **)NULL);
+ }
+ startl = 0;
+ while ((c = yylex(0)) == WORD)
+ word(yylval.cp);
+ word(NOWORD);
+ peeksym = c;
+ return(copyw());
+ * supporting functions
+ */
+static struct op *
+list(t1, t2)
+register struct op *t1, *t2;
+ if (t1 == NULL)
+ return(t2);
+ if (t2 == NULL)
+ return(t1);
+ return(block(TLIST, t1, t2, NOWORDS));
+static struct op *
+block(type, t1, t2, wp)
+int type;
+struct op *t1, *t2;
+char **wp;
+ register struct op *t;
+ t = newtp();
+ t->type = type;
+ t->left = t1;
+ t->right = t2;
+ t->words = wp;
+ return(t);
+struct res {
+ char *r_name;
+ int r_val;
+} restab[] = {
+ "for", FOR,
+ "case", CASE,
+ "esac", ESAC,
+ "while", WHILE,
+ "do", DO,
+ "done", DONE,
+ "if", IF,
+ "in", IN,
+ "then", THEN,
+ "else", ELSE,
+ "elif", ELIF,
+ "until", UNTIL,
+ "fi", FI,
+ ";;", BREAK,
+ "||", LOGOR,
+ "&&", LOGAND,
+ "{", '{',
+ "}", '}',
+ 0,
+register char *n;
+ register struct res *rp;
+ for (rp = restab; rp->r_name; rp++)
+ if (strcmp(rp->r_name, n) == 0)
+ return(rp->r_val);
+ return(0);
+static struct op *
+ register struct op *t;
+ t = (struct op *)tree(sizeof(*t));
+ t->type = 0;
+ t->words = NULL;
+ t->ioact = NULL;
+ t->left = NULL;
+ t->right = NULL;
+ t->str = NULL;
+ return(t);
+static struct op *
+register struct op *t;
+ if (iolist) {
+ iolist = addword((char *)NULL, iolist);
+ t->ioact = copyio();
+ } else
+ t->ioact = NULL;
+ if (t->type != TCOM) {
+ if (t->type != TPAREN && t->ioact != NULL) {
+ t = block(TPAREN, t, NOBLOCK, NOWORDS);
+ t->ioact = t->left->ioact;
+ t->left->ioact = NULL;
+ }
+ return(t);
+ }
+ word(NOWORD);
+ t->words = copyw();
+ return(t);
+static char **
+ register char **wd;
+ wd = getwords(wdlist);
+ wdlist = 0;
+ return(wd);
+static void
+char *cp;
+ wdlist = addword(cp, wdlist);
+static struct ioword **
+ register struct ioword **iop;
+ iop = (struct ioword **) getwords(iolist);
+ iolist = 0;
+ return(iop);
+static struct ioword *
+io(u, f, cp)
+int u;
+int f;
+char *cp;
+ register struct ioword *iop;
+ iop = (struct ioword *) tree(sizeof(*iop));
+ iop->io_unit = u;
+ iop->io_flag = f;
+ iop->io_name = cp;
+ iolist = addword((char *)iop, iolist);
+ return(iop);
+static void
+ yyerror("syntax error");
+char *s;
+ yynerrs++;
+ if (talking && e.iop <= iostack) {
+ multiline = 0;
+ while (eofc() == 0 && yylex(0) != '\n')
+ ;
+ }
+ err(s);
+ fail();
+static int
+int cf;
+ register int c, c1;
+ int atstart;
+ if ((c = peeksym) > 0) {
+ peeksym = 0;
+ if (c == '\n')
+ startl = 1;
+ return(c);
+ }
+ nlseen = 0;
+ e.linep = line;
+ atstart = startl;
+ startl = 0;
+ yylval.i = 0;
+ while ((c = getc(0)) == ' ' || c == '\t')
+ ;
+ switch (c) {
+ default:
+ if (any(c, "0123456789")) {
+ unget(c1 = getc(0));
+ if (c1 == '<' || c1 == '>') {
+ iounit = c - '0';
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ c = c1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ while ((c = getc(0)) != 0 && c != '\n')
+ ;
+ unget(c);
+ goto loop;
+ case 0:
+ return(c);
+ case '$':
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ if ((c = getc(0)) == '{') {
+ if ((c = collect(c, '}')) != '\0')
+ return(c);
+ goto pack;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '`':
+ case '\'':
+ case '"':
+ if ((c = collect(c, c)) != '\0')
+ return(c);
+ goto pack;
+ case '|':
+ case '&':
+ case ';':
+ if ((c1 = dual(c)) != '\0') {
+ startl = 1;
+ return(c1);
+ }
+ startl = 1;
+ return(c);
+ case '^':
+ startl = 1;
+ return('|');
+ case '>':
+ case '<':
+ diag(c);
+ return(c);
+ case '\n':
+ nlseen++;
+ gethere();
+ startl = 1;
+ if (multiline || cf & CONTIN) {
+ if (talking && e.iop <= iostack)
+ prs(cprompt->value);
+ if (cf & CONTIN)
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ return(c);
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ startl = 1;
+ return(c);
+ }
+ unget(c);
+ while ((c = getc(0)) != 0 && !any(c, "`$ '\"\t;&<>()|^\n"))
+ if (e.linep >= elinep)
+ err("word too long");
+ else
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ unget(c);
+ if(any(c, "\"'`$"))
+ goto loop;
+ *e.linep++ = '\0';
+ if (atstart && (c = rlookup(line))!=0) {
+ startl = 1;
+ return(c);
+ }
+ yylval.cp = strsave(line, areanum);
+ return(WORD);
+collect(c, c1)
+register c, c1;
+ char s[2];
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ while ((c = getc(c1)) != c1) {
+ if (c == 0) {
+ unget(c);
+ s[0] = c1;
+ s[1] = 0;
+ prs("no closing "); yyerror(s);
+ return(YYERRCODE);
+ }
+ if (talking && c == '\n' && e.iop <= iostack)
+ prs(cprompt->value);
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ }
+ *e.linep++ = c;
+ return(0);
+register c;
+ char s[3];
+ register char *cp = s;
+ *cp++ = c;
+ *cp++ = getc(0);
+ *cp = 0;
+ if ((c = rlookup(s)) == 0)
+ unget(*--cp);
+ return(c);
+static void
+register int ec;
+ register int c;
+ c = getc(0);
+ if (c == '>' || c == '<') {
+ if (c != ec)
+ zzerr();
+ yylval.i = ec == '>'? IOWRITE|IOCAT: IOHERE;
+ c = getc(0);
+ } else
+ yylval.i = ec == '>'? IOWRITE: IOREAD;
+ if (c != '&' || yylval.i == IOHERE)
+ unget(c);
+ else
+ yylval.i |= IODUP;
+static char *
+unsigned size;
+ register char *t;
+ if ((t = getcell(size)) == NULL) {
+ prs("command line too complicated\n");
+ fail();
+ }
+ return(t);
+/* VARARGS1 */
+printf(s) /* yyparse calls it */
+char *s;