path: root/scripts/interface/SBThread.i
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1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/interface/SBThread.i b/scripts/interface/SBThread.i
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index 000000000000..f2b27565d489
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/interface/SBThread.i
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+//===-- SWIG Interface for SBThread -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+namespace lldb {
+"Represents a thread of execution. SBProcess contains SBThread(s).
+SBThreads can be referred to by their ID, which maps to the system specific thread
+identifier, or by IndexID. The ID may or may not be unique depending on whether the
+system reuses its thread identifiers. The IndexID is a monotonically increasing identifier
+that will always uniquely reference a particular thread, and when that thread goes
+away it will not be reused.
+SBThread supports frame iteration. For example (from test/python_api/
+ from lldbutil import print_stacktrace
+ stopped_due_to_breakpoint = False
+ for thread in process:
+ if self.TraceOn():
+ print_stacktrace(thread)
+ ID = thread.GetThreadID()
+ if thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint:
+ stopped_due_to_breakpoint = True
+ for frame in thread:
+ self.assertTrue(frame.GetThread().GetThreadID() == ID)
+ if self.TraceOn():
+ print frame
+ self.assertTrue(stopped_due_to_breakpoint)
+See also SBProcess and SBFrame."
+) SBThread;
+class SBThread
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Broadcaster bits.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------
+ enum
+ {
+ eBroadcastBitStackChanged = (1 << 0),
+ eBroadcastBitThreadSuspended = (1 << 1),
+ eBroadcastBitThreadResumed = (1 << 2),
+ eBroadcastBitSelectedFrameChanged = (1 << 3),
+ eBroadcastBitThreadSelected = (1 << 4)
+ };
+ SBThread ();
+ SBThread (const lldb::SBThread &thread);
+ ~SBThread();
+ static const char *
+ GetBroadcasterClassName ();
+ static bool
+ EventIsThreadEvent (const SBEvent &event);
+ static SBFrame
+ GetStackFrameFromEvent (const SBEvent &event);
+ static SBThread
+ GetThreadFromEvent (const SBEvent &event);
+ bool
+ IsValid() const;
+ void
+ Clear ();
+ lldb::StopReason
+ GetStopReason();
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ /// Get the number of words associated with the stop reason.
+ /// See also GetStopReasonDataAtIndex().
+ ") GetStopReasonDataCount;
+ size_t
+ GetStopReasonDataCount();
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// Get information associated with a stop reason.
+ ///
+ /// Breakpoint stop reasons will have data that consists of pairs of
+ /// breakpoint IDs followed by the breakpoint location IDs (they always come
+ /// in pairs).
+ ///
+ /// Stop Reason Count Data Type
+ /// ======================== ===== =========================================
+ /// eStopReasonNone 0
+ /// eStopReasonTrace 0
+ /// eStopReasonBreakpoint N duple: {breakpoint id, location id}
+ /// eStopReasonWatchpoint 1 watchpoint id
+ /// eStopReasonSignal 1 unix signal number
+ /// eStopReasonException N exception data
+ /// eStopReasonExec 0
+ /// eStopReasonPlanComplete 0
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ") GetStopReasonDataAtIndex;
+ uint64_t
+ GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(uint32_t idx);
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Collects a thread's stop reason extended information dictionary and prints it
+ into the SBStream in a JSON format. The format of this JSON dictionary depends
+ on the stop reason and is currently used only for instrumentation plugins.
+ ") GetStopReasonExtendedInfoAsJSON;
+ bool
+ GetStopReasonExtendedInfoAsJSON (lldb::SBStream &stream);
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Pass only an (int)length and expect to get a Python string describing the
+ stop reason.
+ ") GetStopDescription;
+ size_t
+ GetStopDescription (char *dst, size_t dst_len);
+ SBValue
+ GetStopReturnValue ();
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Returns a unique thread identifier (type lldb::tid_t, typically a 64-bit type)
+ for the current SBThread that will remain constant throughout the thread's
+ lifetime in this process and will not be reused by another thread during this
+ process lifetime. On Mac OS X systems, this is a system-wide unique thread
+ identifier; this identifier is also used by other tools like sample which helps
+ to associate data from those tools with lldb. See related GetIndexID.
+ ")
+ GetThreadID;
+ lldb::tid_t
+ GetThreadID () const;
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Return the index number for this SBThread. The index number is the same thing
+ that a user gives as an argument to 'thread select' in the command line lldb.
+ These numbers start at 1 (for the first thread lldb sees in a debug session)
+ and increments up throughout the process lifetime. An index number will not be
+ reused for a different thread later in a process - thread 1 will always be
+ associated with the same thread. See related GetThreadID.
+ This method returns a uint32_t index number, takes no arguments.
+ ")
+ GetIndexID;
+ uint32_t
+ GetIndexID () const;
+ const char *
+ GetName () const;
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Return the queue name associated with this thread, if any, as a str.
+ For example, with a libdispatch (aka Grand Central Dispatch) queue.
+ ") GetQueueName;
+ const char *
+ GetQueueName() const;
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Return the dispatch_queue_id for this thread, if any, as a lldb::queue_id_t.
+ For example, with a libdispatch (aka Grand Central Dispatch) queue.
+ ") GetQueueID;
+ lldb::queue_id_t
+ GetQueueID() const;
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Takes a path string and a SBStream reference as parameters, returns a bool.
+ Collects the thread's 'info' dictionary from the remote system, uses the path
+ argument to descend into the dictionary to an item of interest, and prints
+ it into the SBStream in a natural format. Return bool is to indicate if
+ anything was printed into the stream (true) or not (false).
+ ") GetInfoItemByPathAsString;
+ bool
+ GetInfoItemByPathAsString (const char *path, lldb::SBStream &strm);
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Return the SBQueue for this thread. If this thread is not currently associated
+ with a libdispatch queue, the SBQueue object's IsValid() method will return false.
+ If this SBThread is actually a HistoryThread, we may be able to provide QueueID
+ and QueueName, but not provide an SBQueue. Those individual attributes may have
+ been saved for the HistoryThread without enough information to reconstitute the
+ entire SBQueue at that time.
+ This method takes no arguments, returns an SBQueue.
+ ") GetQueue;
+ lldb::SBQueue
+ GetQueue () const;
+ void
+ StepOver (lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
+ void
+ StepInto (lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
+ void
+ StepInto (const char *target_name, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping);
+ void
+ StepOut ();
+ void
+ StepOutOfFrame (lldb::SBFrame &frame);
+ void
+ StepInstruction(bool step_over);
+ SBError
+ StepOverUntil (lldb::SBFrame &frame,
+ lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec,
+ uint32_t line);
+ SBError
+ StepUsingScriptedThreadPlan (const char *script_class_name);
+ SBError
+ JumpToLine (lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line);
+ void
+ RunToAddress (lldb::addr_t addr);
+ %feature("autodoc", "
+ Force a return from the frame passed in (and any frames younger than it)
+ without executing any more code in those frames. If return_value contains
+ a valid SBValue, that will be set as the return value from frame. Note, at
+ present only scalar return values are supported.
+ ") ReturnFromFrame;
+ SBError
+ ReturnFromFrame (SBFrame &frame, SBValue &return_value);
+ %feature("docstring", "
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /// LLDB currently supports process centric debugging which means when any
+ /// thread in a process stops, all other threads are stopped. The Suspend()
+ /// call here tells our process to suspend a thread and not let it run when
+ /// the other threads in a process are allowed to run. So when
+ /// SBProcess::Continue() is called, any threads that aren't suspended will
+ /// be allowed to run. If any of the SBThread functions for stepping are
+ /// called (StepOver, StepInto, StepOut, StepInstruction, RunToAddres), the
+ /// thread will now be allowed to run and these functions will simply return.
+ ///
+ /// Eventually we plan to add support for thread centric debugging where
+ /// each thread is controlled individually and each thread would broadcast
+ /// its state, but we haven't implemented this yet.
+ ///
+ /// Likewise the SBThread::Resume() call will again allow the thread to run
+ /// when the process is continued.
+ ///
+ /// Suspend() and Resume() functions are not currently reference counted, if
+ /// anyone has the need for them to be reference counted, please let us
+ /// know.
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ") Suspend;
+ bool
+ Suspend();
+ bool
+ Resume ();
+ bool
+ IsSuspended();
+ bool
+ IsStopped();
+ uint32_t
+ GetNumFrames ();
+ lldb::SBFrame
+ GetFrameAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
+ lldb::SBFrame
+ GetSelectedFrame ();
+ lldb::SBFrame
+ SetSelectedFrame (uint32_t frame_idx);
+ lldb::SBProcess
+ GetProcess ();
+ bool
+ GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description) const;
+ bool
+ GetStatus (lldb::SBStream &status) const;
+ bool
+ operator == (const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const;
+ bool
+ operator != (const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const;
+ %feature("autodoc","
+ Given an argument of str to specify the type of thread-origin extended
+ backtrace to retrieve, query whether the origin of this thread is
+ available. An SBThread is retured; SBThread.IsValid will return true
+ if an extended backtrace was available. The returned SBThread is not
+ a part of the SBProcess' thread list and it cannot be manipulated like
+ normal threads -- you cannot step or resume it, for instance -- it is
+ intended to used primarily for generating a backtrace. You may request
+ the returned thread's own thread origin in turn.
+ ") GetExtendedBacktraceThread;
+ lldb::SBThread
+ GetExtendedBacktraceThread (const char *type);
+ %feature("autodoc","
+ Takes no arguments, returns a uint32_t.
+ If this SBThread is an ExtendedBacktrace thread, get the IndexID of the
+ original thread that this ExtendedBacktrace thread represents, if
+ available. The thread that was running this backtrace in the past may
+ not have been registered with lldb's thread index (if it was created,
+ did its work, and was destroyed without lldb ever stopping execution).
+ In that case, this ExtendedBacktrace thread's IndexID will be returned.
+ ") GetExtendedBacktraceOriginatingIndexID;
+ uint32_t
+ GetExtendedBacktraceOriginatingIndexID();
+ %feature("autodoc","
+ Takes no arguments, returns a bool.
+ lldb may be able to detect that function calls should not be executed
+ on a given thread at a particular point in time. It is recommended that
+ this is checked before performing an inferior function call on a given
+ thread.
+ ") SafeToCallFunctions;
+ bool
+ SafeToCallFunctions ();
+ %pythoncode %{
+ class frames_access(object):
+ '''A helper object that will lazily hand out frames for a thread when supplied an index.'''
+ def __init__(self, sbthread):
+ self.sbthread = sbthread
+ def __len__(self):
+ if self.sbthread:
+ return int(self.sbthread.GetNumFrames())
+ return 0
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if type(key) is int and key < self.sbthread.GetNumFrames():
+ return self.sbthread.GetFrameAtIndex(key)
+ return None
+ def get_frames_access_object(self):
+ '''An accessor function that returns a frames_access() object which allows lazy frame access from a lldb.SBThread object.'''
+ return self.frames_access (self)
+ def get_thread_frames(self):
+ '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all frames in a lldb.SBThread object.'''
+ frames = []
+ for frame in self:
+ frames.append(frame)
+ return frames
+ __swig_getmethods__["id"] = GetThreadID
+ if _newclass: id = property(GetThreadID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the thread ID as an integer.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["idx"] = GetIndexID
+ if _newclass: idx = property(GetIndexID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the thread index ID as an integer. Thread index ID values start at 1 and increment as threads come and go and can be used to uniquely identify threads.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["return_value"] = GetStopReturnValue
+ if _newclass: return_value = property(GetStopReturnValue, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the return value from the last stop (lldb.SBValue) if we just stopped due to stepping out of a function.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["process"] = GetProcess
+ if _newclass: process = property(GetProcess, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the process (lldb.SBProcess) that owns this thread.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["num_frames"] = GetNumFrames
+ if _newclass: num_frames = property(GetNumFrames, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of stack frames in this thread as an integer.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["frames"] = get_thread_frames
+ if _newclass: frames = property(get_thread_frames, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBFrame objects for all frames in this thread.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["frame"] = get_frames_access_object
+ if _newclass: frame = property(get_frames_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an object that can be used to access frames as an array ("frame_12 = lldb.thread.frame[12]").''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName
+ if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name of this thread as a string.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["queue"] = GetQueueName
+ if _newclass: queue = property(GetQueueName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the dispatch queue name of this thread as a string.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["queue_id"] = GetQueueID
+ if _newclass: queue_id = property(GetQueueID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the dispatch queue id of this thread as an integer.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["stop_reason"] = GetStopReason
+ if _newclass: stop_reason = property(GetStopReason, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eStopReason") that represents the reason this thread stopped.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["is_suspended"] = IsSuspended
+ if _newclass: is_suspended = property(IsSuspended, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this thread is suspended.''')
+ __swig_getmethods__["is_stopped"] = IsStopped
+ if _newclass: is_stopped = property(IsStopped, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this thread is stopped but not exited.''')
+ %}
+} // namespace lldb