path: root/source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/Interpreter/Args.cpp')
1 files changed, 1318 insertions, 1593 deletions
diff --git a/source/Interpreter/Args.cpp b/source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
index d90ef1d256a4..698432885d9b 100644
--- a/source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
+++ b/source/Interpreter/Args.cpp
@@ -12,1764 +12,1489 @@
// C++ Includes
// Other libraries and framework includes
// Project includes
-#include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h"
#include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
#include "lldb/DataFormatters/FormatManager.h"
#include "lldb/Host/StringConvert.h"
-#include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h"
#include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h"
+#include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
#include "lldb/Target/StackFrame.h"
#include "lldb/Target/Target.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
using namespace lldb;
using namespace lldb_private;
-// Args constructor
-Args::Args (llvm::StringRef command) :
- m_args(),
- m_argv(),
- m_args_quote_char()
- SetCommandString (command);
-// We have to be very careful on the copy constructor of this class
-// to make sure we copy all of the string values, but we can't copy the
-// rhs.m_argv into m_argv since it will point to the "const char *" c
-// strings in rhs.m_args. We need to copy the string list and update our
-// own m_argv appropriately.
-Args::Args (const Args &rhs) :
- m_args (rhs.m_args),
- m_argv (),
- m_args_quote_char(rhs.m_args_quote_char)
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
-// We have to be very careful on the copy constructor of this class
-// to make sure we copy all of the string values, but we can't copy the
-// rhs.m_argv into m_argv since it will point to the "const char *" c
-// strings in rhs.m_args. We need to copy the string list and update our
-// own m_argv appropriately.
-const Args &
-Args::operator= (const Args &rhs)
- // Make sure we aren't assigning to self
- if (this != &rhs)
- {
- m_args = rhs.m_args;
- m_args_quote_char = rhs.m_args_quote_char;
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
+// A helper function for argument parsing.
+// Parses the initial part of the first argument using normal double quote
+// rules:
+// backslash escapes the double quote and itself. The parsed string is appended
+// to the second
+// argument. The function returns the unparsed portion of the string, starting
+// at the closing
+// quote.
+static llvm::StringRef ParseDoubleQuotes(llvm::StringRef quoted,
+ std::string &result) {
+ // Inside double quotes, '\' and '"' are special.
+ static const char *k_escapable_characters = "\"\\";
+ while (true) {
+ // Skip over over regular characters and append them.
+ size_t regular = quoted.find_first_of(k_escapable_characters);
+ result += quoted.substr(0, regular);
+ quoted = quoted.substr(regular);
+ // If we have reached the end of string or the closing quote, we're done.
+ if (quoted.empty() || quoted.front() == '"')
+ break;
+ // We have found a backslash.
+ quoted = quoted.drop_front();
+ if (quoted.empty()) {
+ // A lone backslash at the end of string, let's just append it.
+ result += '\\';
+ break;
- return *this;
-// Destructor
-Args::~Args ()
+ // If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable
+ // character, we
+ // leave the character sequence untouched.
+ if (strchr(k_escapable_characters, quoted.front()) == nullptr)
+ result += '\\';
-Args::Dump (Stream &s, const char *label_name) const
- if (!label_name)
- return;
- const size_t argc = m_argv.size();
- for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
- {
- s.Indent();
- const char *arg_cstr = m_argv[i];
- if (arg_cstr)
- s.Printf("%s[%zi]=\"%s\"\n", label_name, i, arg_cstr);
- else
- s.Printf("%s[%zi]=NULL\n", label_name, i);
- }
- s.EOL();
+ result += quoted.front();
+ quoted = quoted.drop_front();
+ }
-Args::GetCommandString (std::string &command) const
- command.clear();
- const size_t argc = GetArgumentCount();
- for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- command += ' ';
- command += m_argv[i];
- }
- return argc > 0;
+ return quoted;
-Args::GetQuotedCommandString (std::string &command) const
- command.clear ();
- const size_t argc = GetArgumentCount();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
- {
- if (i > 0)
- command.append (1, ' ');
- char quote_char = GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex(i);
- if (quote_char)
- {
- command.append (1, quote_char);
- command.append (m_argv[i]);
- command.append (1, quote_char);
- }
- else
- command.append (m_argv[i]);
- }
- return argc > 0;
+static size_t ArgvToArgc(const char **argv) {
+ if (!argv)
+ return 0;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ while (*argv++)
+ ++count;
+ return count;
-// A helper function for argument parsing.
-// Parses the initial part of the first argument using normal double quote rules:
-// backslash escapes the double quote and itself. The parsed string is appended to the second
-// argument. The function returns the unparsed portion of the string, starting at the closing
-// quote.
-static llvm::StringRef
-ParseDoubleQuotes(llvm::StringRef quoted, std::string &result)
- // Inside double quotes, '\' and '"' are special.
- static const char *k_escapable_characters = "\"\\";
- while (true)
- {
- // Skip over over regular characters and append them.
- size_t regular = quoted.find_first_of(k_escapable_characters);
- result += quoted.substr(0, regular);
- quoted = quoted.substr(regular);
- // If we have reached the end of string or the closing quote, we're done.
- if (quoted.empty() || quoted.front() == '"')
- break;
- // We have found a backslash.
- quoted = quoted.drop_front();
- if (quoted.empty())
- {
- // A lone backslash at the end of string, let's just append it.
- result += '\\';
- break;
- }
- // If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable character, we
- // leave the character sequence untouched.
- if (strchr(k_escapable_characters, quoted.front()) == nullptr)
- result += '\\';
+// A helper function for SetCommandString. Parses a single argument from the
+// command string, processing quotes and backslashes in a shell-like manner.
+// The function returns a tuple consisting of the parsed argument, the quote
+// char used, and the unparsed portion of the string starting at the first
+// unqouted, unescaped whitespace character.
+static std::tuple<std::string, char, llvm::StringRef>
+ParseSingleArgument(llvm::StringRef command) {
+ // Argument can be split into multiple discontiguous pieces, for example:
+ // "Hello ""World"
+ // this would result in a single argument "Hello World" (without the quotes)
+ // since the quotes would be removed and there is not space between the
+ // strings.
+ std::string arg;
+ // Since we can have multiple quotes that form a single command
+ // in a command like: "Hello "world'!' (which will make a single
+ // argument "Hello world!") we remember the first quote character
+ // we encounter and use that for the quote character.
+ char first_quote_char = '\0';
+ bool arg_complete = false;
+ do {
+ // Skip over over regular characters and append them.
+ size_t regular = command.find_first_of(" \t\"'`\\");
+ arg += command.substr(0, regular);
+ command = command.substr(regular);
+ if (command.empty())
+ break;
+ char special = command.front();
+ command = command.drop_front();
+ switch (special) {
+ case '\\':
+ if (command.empty()) {
+ arg += '\\';
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable
+ // character, we
+ // leave the character sequence untouched.
+ if (strchr(" \t\\'\"`", command.front()) == nullptr)
+ arg += '\\';
+ arg += command.front();
+ command = command.drop_front();
+ break;
+ case ' ':
+ case '\t':
+ // We are not inside any quotes, we just found a space after an
+ // argument. We are done.
+ arg_complete = true;
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ case '\'':
+ case '`':
+ // We found the start of a quote scope.
+ if (first_quote_char == '\0')
+ first_quote_char = special;
+ if (special == '"')
+ command = ParseDoubleQuotes(command, arg);
+ else {
+ // For single quotes, we simply skip ahead to the matching quote
+ // character
+ // (or the end of the string).
+ size_t quoted = command.find(special);
+ arg += command.substr(0, quoted);
+ command = command.substr(quoted);
+ }
+ // If we found a closing quote, skip it.
+ if (!command.empty())
+ command = command.drop_front();
- result += quoted.front();
- quoted = quoted.drop_front();
+ break;
+ } while (!arg_complete);
- return quoted;
+ return std::make_tuple(arg, first_quote_char, command);
-// A helper function for SetCommandString.
-// Parses a single argument from the command string, processing quotes and backslashes in a
-// shell-like manner. The parsed argument is appended to the m_args array. The function returns
-// the unparsed portion of the string, starting at the first unqouted, unescaped whitespace
-// character.
-Args::ParseSingleArgument(llvm::StringRef command)
- // Argument can be split into multiple discontiguous pieces,
- // for example:
- // "Hello ""World"
- // this would result in a single argument "Hello World" (without/
- // the quotes) since the quotes would be removed and there is
- // not space between the strings.
- std::string arg;
- // Since we can have multiple quotes that form a single command
- // in a command like: "Hello "world'!' (which will make a single
- // argument "Hello world!") we remember the first quote character
- // we encounter and use that for the quote character.
- char first_quote_char = '\0';
- bool arg_complete = false;
- do
- {
- // Skip over over regular characters and append them.
- size_t regular = command.find_first_of(" \t\"'`\\");
- arg += command.substr(0, regular);
- command = command.substr(regular);
- if (command.empty())
- break;
- char special = command.front();
- command = command.drop_front();
- switch (special)
- {
- case '\\':
- if (command.empty())
- {
- arg += '\\';
- break;
- }
+Args::ArgEntry::ArgEntry(llvm::StringRef str, char quote) : quote(quote) {
+ size_t size = str.size();
+ ptr.reset(new char[size + 1]);
- // If the character after the backslash is not a whitelisted escapable character, we
- // leave the character sequence untouched.
- if (strchr(" \t\\'\"`", command.front()) == nullptr)
- arg += '\\';
+ ::memcpy(data(), str.data() ? str.data() : "", size);
+ ptr[size] = 0;
+ ref = llvm::StringRef(c_str(), size);
- arg += command.front();
- command = command.drop_front();
+// Args constructor
+Args::Args(llvm::StringRef command) { SetCommandString(command); }
- break;
+Args::Args(const Args &rhs) { *this = rhs; }
- case ' ':
- case '\t':
- // We are not inside any quotes, we just found a space after an
- // argument. We are done.
- arg_complete = true;
- break;
+Args &Args::operator=(const Args &rhs) {
+ Clear();
- case '"':
- case '\'':
- case '`':
- // We found the start of a quote scope.
- if (first_quote_char == '\0')
- first_quote_char = special;
- if (special == '"')
- command = ParseDoubleQuotes(command, arg);
- else
- {
- // For single quotes, we simply skip ahead to the matching quote character
- // (or the end of the string).
- size_t quoted = command.find(special);
- arg += command.substr(0, quoted);
- command = command.substr(quoted);
- }
- // If we found a closing quote, skip it.
- if (! command.empty())
- command = command.drop_front();
- break;
- }
- } while (!arg_complete);
+ m_argv.clear();
+ m_entries.clear();
+ for (auto &entry : rhs.m_entries) {
+ m_entries.emplace_back(entry.ref, entry.quote);
+ m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data());
+ }
+ m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
+ return *this;
- m_args.push_back(arg);
- m_args_quote_char.push_back (first_quote_char);
- return command;
+// Destructor
+Args::~Args() {}
+void Args::Dump(Stream &s, const char *label_name) const {
+ if (!label_name)
+ return;
+ int i = 0;
+ for (auto &entry : m_entries) {
+ s.Indent();
+ s.Format("{0}[{1}]=\"{2}\"\n", label_name, i++, entry.ref);
+ }
+ s.Format("{0}[{1}]=NULL\n", label_name, i);
+ s.EOL();
-Args::SetCommandString (llvm::StringRef command)
- m_args.clear();
- m_argv.clear();
- m_args_quote_char.clear();
+bool Args::GetCommandString(std::string &command) const {
+ command.clear();
- static const char *k_space_separators = " \t";
- command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);
- while (!command.empty())
- {
- command = ParseSingleArgument(command);
- command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);
- }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_entries.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ command += ' ';
+ command += m_entries[i].ref;
+ }
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
+ return !m_entries.empty();
- // Now m_argv might be out of date with m_args, so we need to fix that
- arg_cstr_collection::const_iterator argv_pos, argv_end = m_argv.end();
- arg_sstr_collection::iterator args_pos;
- arg_quote_char_collection::iterator quotes_pos;
- for (argv_pos = m_argv.begin(), args_pos = m_args.begin(), quotes_pos = m_args_quote_char.begin();
- argv_pos != argv_end && args_pos != m_args.end();
- ++argv_pos)
- {
- const char *argv_cstr = *argv_pos;
- if (argv_cstr == nullptr)
- break;
- while (args_pos != m_args.end())
- {
- const char *args_cstr = args_pos->c_str();
- if (args_cstr == argv_cstr)
- {
- // We found the argument that matches the C string in the
- // vector, so we can now look for the next one
- ++args_pos;
- ++quotes_pos;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- quotes_pos = m_args_quote_char.erase (quotes_pos);
- args_pos = m_args.erase (args_pos);
- }
- }
- }
+bool Args::GetQuotedCommandString(std::string &command) const {
+ command.clear();
- if (args_pos != m_args.end())
- m_args.erase (args_pos, m_args.end());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_entries.size(); ++i) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ command += ' ';
- if (quotes_pos != m_args_quote_char.end())
- m_args_quote_char.erase (quotes_pos, m_args_quote_char.end());
+ if (m_entries[i].quote) {
+ command += m_entries[i].quote;
+ command += m_entries[i].ref;
+ command += m_entries[i].quote;
+ } else {
+ command += m_entries[i].ref;
+ }
+ }
- m_argv.clear();
- arg_sstr_collection::const_iterator pos, end = m_args.end();
- for (pos = m_args.begin(); pos != end; ++pos)
- m_argv.push_back(pos->c_str());
- m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
- // Make sure we have enough arg quote chars in the array
- if (m_args_quote_char.size() < m_args.size())
- m_args_quote_char.resize (m_argv.size());
+ return !m_entries.empty();
-Args::GetArgumentCount() const
- if (m_argv.empty())
- return 0;
- return m_argv.size() - 1;
+void Args::SetCommandString(llvm::StringRef command) {
+ Clear();
+ m_argv.clear();
+ static const char *k_space_separators = " \t";
+ command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);
+ std::string arg;
+ char quote;
+ while (!command.empty()) {
+ std::tie(arg, quote, command) = ParseSingleArgument(command);
+ m_entries.emplace_back(arg, quote);
+ m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data());
+ command = command.ltrim(k_space_separators);
+ }
+ m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
-const char *
-Args::GetArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx) const
- if (idx < m_argv.size())
- return m_argv[idx];
- return nullptr;
+void Args::UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing() {
+ assert(!m_argv.empty());
+ assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
+ // Now m_argv might be out of date with m_entries, so we need to fix that.
+ // This happens because getopt_long_only may permute the order of the
+ // arguments in argv, so we need to re-order the quotes and the refs array
+ // to match.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_argv.size() - 1; ++i) {
+ const char *argv = m_argv[i];
+ auto pos =
+ std::find_if(m_entries.begin() + i, m_entries.end(),
+ [argv](const ArgEntry &D) { return D.c_str() == argv; });
+ assert(pos != m_entries.end());
+ size_t distance = std::distance(m_entries.begin(), pos);
+ if (i == distance)
+ continue;
+ assert(distance > i);
+ std::swap(m_entries[i], m_entries[distance]);
+ assert(m_entries[i].ref.data() == m_argv[i]);
+ }
+ m_entries.resize(m_argv.size() - 1);
-Args::GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex (size_t idx) const
- if (idx < m_args_quote_char.size())
- return m_args_quote_char[idx];
- return '\0';
+size_t Args::GetArgumentCount() const { return m_entries.size(); }
+const char *Args::GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
+ if (idx < m_argv.size())
+ return m_argv[idx];
+ return nullptr;
-char **
- if (!m_argv.empty())
- return const_cast<char **>(&m_argv[0]);
- return nullptr;
+char Args::GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex(size_t idx) const {
+ if (idx < m_entries.size())
+ return m_entries[idx].quote;
+ return '\0';
-const char **
-Args::GetConstArgumentVector() const
- if (!m_argv.empty())
- return const_cast<const char **>(&m_argv[0]);
- return nullptr;
+char **Args::GetArgumentVector() {
+ assert(!m_argv.empty());
+ // TODO: functions like execve and posix_spawnp exhibit undefined behavior
+ // when argv or envp is null. So the code below is actually wrong. However,
+ // other code in LLDB depends on it being null. The code has been acting this
+ // way for some time, so it makes sense to leave it this way until someone
+ // has the time to come along and fix it.
+ return (m_argv.size() > 1) ? m_argv.data() : nullptr;
-Args::Shift ()
- // Don't pop the last NULL terminator from the argv array
- if (m_argv.size() > 1)
- {
- m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin());
- m_args.pop_front();
- if (!m_args_quote_char.empty())
- m_args_quote_char.erase(m_args_quote_char.begin());
- }
+const char **Args::GetConstArgumentVector() const {
+ assert(!m_argv.empty());
+ return (m_argv.size() > 1) ? const_cast<const char **>(m_argv.data())
+ : nullptr;
-const char *
-Args::Unshift (const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char)
- m_args.push_front(arg_cstr);
- m_argv.insert(m_argv.begin(), m_args.front().c_str());
- m_args_quote_char.insert(m_args_quote_char.begin(), quote_char);
- return GetArgumentAtIndex (0);
+void Args::Shift() {
+ // Don't pop the last NULL terminator from the argv array
+ if (m_entries.empty())
+ return;
+ m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin());
+ m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin());
-Args::AppendArguments (const Args &rhs)
- const size_t rhs_argc = rhs.GetArgumentCount();
- for (size_t i=0; i<rhs_argc; ++i)
- AppendArgument(rhs.GetArgumentAtIndex(i),
- rhs.GetArgumentQuoteCharAtIndex(i));
+void Args::Unshift(llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) {
+ InsertArgumentAtIndex(0, arg_str, quote_char);
-Args::AppendArguments (const char **argv)
- if (argv)
- {
- for (uint32_t i=0; argv[i]; ++i)
- AppendArgument(argv[i]);
- }
+void Args::AppendArguments(const Args &rhs) {
+ assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1);
+ assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
+ m_argv.pop_back();
+ for (auto &entry : rhs.m_entries) {
+ m_entries.emplace_back(entry.ref, entry.quote);
+ m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data());
+ }
+ m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
-const char *
-Args::AppendArgument (const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char)
- return InsertArgumentAtIndex (GetArgumentCount(), arg_cstr, quote_char);
+void Args::AppendArguments(const char **argv) {
+ size_t argc = ArgvToArgc(argv);
+ assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1);
+ assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
+ m_argv.pop_back();
+ for (auto arg : llvm::makeArrayRef(argv, argc)) {
+ m_entries.emplace_back(arg, '\0');
+ m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data());
+ }
+ m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
-const char *
-Args::InsertArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx, const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char)
- // Since we are using a std::list to hold onto the copied C string and
- // we don't have direct access to the elements, we have to iterate to
- // find the value.
- arg_sstr_collection::iterator pos, end = m_args.end();
- size_t i = idx;
- for (pos = m_args.begin(); i > 0 && pos != end; ++pos)
- --i;
- pos = m_args.insert(pos, arg_cstr);
- if (idx >= m_args_quote_char.size())
- {
- m_args_quote_char.resize(idx + 1);
- m_args_quote_char[idx] = quote_char;
- }
- else
- m_args_quote_char.insert(m_args_quote_char.begin() + idx, quote_char);
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
- return GetArgumentAtIndex(idx);
+void Args::AppendArgument(llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) {
+ InsertArgumentAtIndex(GetArgumentCount(), arg_str, quote_char);
-const char *
-Args::ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx, const char *arg_cstr, char quote_char)
- // Since we are using a std::list to hold onto the copied C string and
- // we don't have direct access to the elements, we have to iterate to
- // find the value.
- arg_sstr_collection::iterator pos, end = m_args.end();
- size_t i = idx;
- for (pos = m_args.begin(); i > 0 && pos != end; ++pos)
- --i;
- if (pos != end)
- {
- pos->assign(arg_cstr);
- assert(idx < m_argv.size() - 1);
- m_argv[idx] = pos->c_str();
- if (idx >= m_args_quote_char.size())
- m_args_quote_char.resize(idx + 1);
- m_args_quote_char[idx] = quote_char;
- return GetArgumentAtIndex(idx);
- }
- return nullptr;
+void Args::InsertArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx, llvm::StringRef arg_str,
+ char quote_char) {
+ assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1);
+ assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
+ if (idx > m_entries.size())
+ return;
+ m_entries.emplace(m_entries.begin() + idx, arg_str, quote_char);
+ m_argv.insert(m_argv.begin() + idx, m_entries[idx].data());
-Args::DeleteArgumentAtIndex (size_t idx)
- // Since we are using a std::list to hold onto the copied C string and
- // we don't have direct access to the elements, we have to iterate to
- // find the value.
- arg_sstr_collection::iterator pos, end = m_args.end();
- size_t i = idx;
- for (pos = m_args.begin(); i > 0 && pos != end; ++pos)
- --i;
- if (pos != end)
- {
- m_args.erase (pos);
- assert(idx < m_argv.size() - 1);
- m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin() + idx);
- if (idx < m_args_quote_char.size())
- m_args_quote_char.erase(m_args_quote_char.begin() + idx);
- }
+void Args::ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx, llvm::StringRef arg_str,
+ char quote_char) {
+ assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1);
+ assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr);
+ if (idx >= m_entries.size())
+ return;
+ if (arg_str.size() > m_entries[idx].ref.size()) {
+ m_entries[idx] = ArgEntry(arg_str, quote_char);
+ m_argv[idx] = m_entries[idx].data();
+ } else {
+ const char *src_data = arg_str.data() ? arg_str.data() : "";
+ ::memcpy(m_entries[idx].data(), src_data, arg_str.size());
+ m_entries[idx].ptr[arg_str.size()] = 0;
+ m_entries[idx].ref = m_entries[idx].ref.take_front(arg_str.size());
+ }
-Args::SetArguments (size_t argc, const char **argv)
- // m_argv will be rebuilt in UpdateArgvFromArgs() below, so there is
- // no need to clear it here.
- m_args.clear();
- m_args_quote_char.clear();
- // First copy each string
- for (size_t i=0; i<argc; ++i)
- {
- m_args.push_back (argv[i]);
- if ((argv[i][0] == '\'') || (argv[i][0] == '"') || (argv[i][0] == '`'))
- m_args_quote_char.push_back (argv[i][0]);
- else
- m_args_quote_char.push_back ('\0');
- }
+void Args::DeleteArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) {
+ if (idx >= m_entries.size())
+ return;
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
+ m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin() + idx);
+ m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin() + idx);
-Args::SetArguments (const char **argv)
- // m_argv will be rebuilt in UpdateArgvFromArgs() below, so there is
- // no need to clear it here.
- m_args.clear();
- m_args_quote_char.clear();
- if (argv)
- {
- // First copy each string
- for (size_t i=0; argv[i]; ++i)
- {
- m_args.push_back (argv[i]);
- if ((argv[i][0] == '\'') || (argv[i][0] == '"') || (argv[i][0] == '`'))
- m_args_quote_char.push_back (argv[i][0]);
- else
- m_args_quote_char.push_back ('\0');
- }
- }
- UpdateArgvFromArgs();
+void Args::SetArguments(size_t argc, const char **argv) {
+ Clear();
+ auto args = llvm::makeArrayRef(argv, argc);
+ m_entries.resize(argc);
+ m_argv.resize(argc + 1);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
+ char quote =
+ ((args[i][0] == '\'') || (args[i][0] == '"') || (args[i][0] == '`'))
+ ? args[i][0]
+ : '\0';
+ m_entries[i] = ArgEntry(args[i], quote);
+ m_argv[i] = m_entries[i].data();
+ }
+void Args::SetArguments(const char **argv) {
+ SetArguments(ArgvToArgc(argv), argv);
-Args::ParseOptions (Options &options)
- StreamString sstr;
- Error error;
- Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
- if (long_options == nullptr)
- {
- error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid long options");
- return error;
- }
+Error Args::ParseOptions(Options &options, ExecutionContext *execution_context,
+ PlatformSP platform_sp, bool require_validation) {
+ StreamString sstr;
+ Error error;
+ Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
+ if (long_options == nullptr) {
+ error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid long options");
+ return error;
+ }
- for (int i=0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i)
- {
- if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr)
- {
- if (isprint8(long_options[i].val))
- {
- sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
- switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg)
- {
- default:
- case OptionParser::eNoArgument: break;
- case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument: sstr << ':'; break;
- case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument: sstr << "::"; break;
- }
- }
+ for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+ if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+ if (isprint8(long_options[i].val)) {
+ sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+ switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+ default:
+ case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+ sstr << ':';
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+ sstr << "::";
+ break;
+ }
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
- OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
- int val;
- while (1)
- {
- int long_options_index = -1;
- val = OptionParser::Parse(GetArgumentCount(),
- GetArgumentVector(),
- sstr.GetData(),
- long_options,
- &long_options_index);
- if (val == -1)
- break;
- // Did we get an error?
- if (val == '?')
- {
- error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unknown or ambiguous option");
- break;
- }
- // The option auto-set itself
- if (val == 0)
- continue;
- ((Options *) &options)->OptionSeen (val);
- // Lookup the long option index
- if (long_options_index == -1)
- {
- for (int i=0;
- long_options[i].definition || long_options[i].flag || long_options[i].val;
- ++i)
- {
- if (long_options[i].val == val)
- {
- long_options_index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Call the callback with the option
- if (long_options_index >= 0 && long_options[long_options_index].definition)
- {
- const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
- CommandInterpreter &interpreter = options.GetInterpreter();
- OptionValidator *validator = def->validator;
- if (validator && !validator->IsValid(*interpreter.GetPlatform(true), interpreter.GetExecutionContext()))
- {
- error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Option \"%s\" invalid. %s", def->long_option, def->validator->LongConditionString());
- }
- else
- {
- error = options.SetOptionValue(long_options_index,
- (def->option_has_arg == OptionParser::eNoArgument) ? nullptr : OptionParser::GetOptionArgument());
- }
+ }
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+ OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+ int val;
+ while (1) {
+ int long_options_index = -1;
+ val = OptionParser::Parse(GetArgumentCount(), GetArgumentVector(),
+ sstr.GetString(), long_options,
+ &long_options_index);
+ if (val == -1)
+ break;
+ // Did we get an error?
+ if (val == '?') {
+ error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("unknown or ambiguous option");
+ break;
+ }
+ // The option auto-set itself
+ if (val == 0)
+ continue;
+ ((Options *)&options)->OptionSeen(val);
+ // Lookup the long option index
+ if (long_options_index == -1) {
+ for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition || long_options[i].flag ||
+ long_options[i].val;
+ ++i) {
+ if (long_options[i].val == val) {
+ long_options_index = i;
+ break;
- else
- {
- error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid option with value '%i'", val);
+ }
+ }
+ // Call the callback with the option
+ if (long_options_index >= 0 &&
+ long_options[long_options_index].definition) {
+ const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+ if (!platform_sp) {
+ // User did not pass in an explicit platform. Try to grab
+ // from the execution context.
+ TargetSP target_sp =
+ execution_context ? execution_context->GetTargetSP() : TargetSP();
+ platform_sp = target_sp ? target_sp->GetPlatform() : PlatformSP();
+ }
+ OptionValidator *validator = def->validator;
+ if (!platform_sp && require_validation) {
+ // Caller requires validation but we cannot validate as we
+ // don't have the mandatory platform against which to
+ // validate.
+ error.SetErrorString("cannot validate options: "
+ "no platform available");
+ return error;
+ }
+ bool validation_failed = false;
+ if (platform_sp) {
+ // Ensure we have an execution context, empty or not.
+ ExecutionContext dummy_context;
+ ExecutionContext *exe_ctx_p =
+ execution_context ? execution_context : &dummy_context;
+ if (validator && !validator->IsValid(*platform_sp, *exe_ctx_p)) {
+ validation_failed = true;
+ error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Option \"%s\" invalid. %s",
+ def->long_option,
+ def->validator->LongConditionString());
- if (error.Fail())
- break;
+ }
+ // As long as validation didn't fail, we set the option value.
+ if (!validation_failed)
+ error = options.SetOptionValue(
+ long_options_index,
+ (def->option_has_arg == OptionParser::eNoArgument)
+ ? nullptr
+ : OptionParser::GetOptionArgument(),
+ execution_context);
+ } else {
+ error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid option with value '%i'", val);
- // Update our ARGV now that get options has consumed all the options
- m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin(), m_argv.begin() + OptionParser::GetOptionIndex());
- UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing ();
- return error;
+ if (error.Fail())
+ break;
+ }
+ // Update our ARGV now that get options has consumed all the options
+ m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin(), m_argv.begin() + OptionParser::GetOptionIndex());
+ UpdateArgsAfterOptionParsing();
+ return error;
-Args::Clear ()
- m_args.clear ();
- m_argv.clear ();
- m_args_quote_char.clear();
+void Args::Clear() {
+ m_entries.clear();
+ m_argv.clear();
+ m_argv.push_back(nullptr);
-Args::StringToAddress (const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx, const char *s, lldb::addr_t fail_value, Error *error_ptr)
- bool error_set = false;
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- char *end = nullptr;
- lldb::addr_t addr = ::strtoull (s, &end, 0);
- if (*end == '\0')
- {
- if (error_ptr)
- error_ptr->Clear();
- return addr; // All characters were used, return the result
- }
- // Try base 16 with no prefix...
- addr = ::strtoull (s, &end, 16);
- if (*end == '\0')
- {
- if (error_ptr)
- error_ptr->Clear();
- return addr; // All characters were used, return the result
- }
- if (exe_ctx)
- {
- Target *target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr();
- if (target)
- {
- lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp;
- EvaluateExpressionOptions options;
- options.SetCoerceToId(false);
- options.SetUnwindOnError(true);
- options.SetKeepInMemory(false);
- options.SetTryAllThreads(true);
- ExpressionResults expr_result = target->EvaluateExpression(s,
- exe_ctx->GetFramePtr(),
- valobj_sp,
- options);
- bool success = false;
- if (expr_result == eExpressionCompleted)
- {
- if (valobj_sp)
- valobj_sp = valobj_sp->GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(valobj_sp->GetDynamicValueType(), true);
- // Get the address to watch.
- if (valobj_sp)
- addr = valobj_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(fail_value, &success);
- if (success)
- {
- if (error_ptr)
- error_ptr->Clear();
- return addr;
- }
- else
- {
- if (error_ptr)
- {
- error_set = true;
- error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("address expression \"%s\" resulted in a value whose type can't be converted to an address: %s", s, valobj_sp->GetTypeName().GetCString());
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Since the compiler can't handle things like "main + 12" we should
- // try to do this for now. The compiler doesn't like adding offsets
- // to function pointer types.
- static RegularExpression g_symbol_plus_offset_regex("^(.*)([-\\+])[[:space:]]*(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$");
- RegularExpression::Match regex_match(3);
- if (g_symbol_plus_offset_regex.Execute(s, &regex_match))
- {
- uint64_t offset = 0;
- bool add = true;
- std::string name;
- std::string str;
- if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 1, name))
- {
- if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 2, str))
- {
- add = str[0] == '+';
- if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 3, str))
- {
- offset = StringConvert::ToUInt64(str.c_str(), 0, 0, &success);
- if (success)
- {
- Error error;
- addr = StringToAddress (exe_ctx, name.c_str(), LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS, &error);
- {
- if (add)
- return addr + offset;
- else
- return addr - offset;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (error_ptr)
- {
- error_set = true;
- error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("address expression \"%s\" evaluation failed", s);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+lldb::addr_t Args::StringToAddress(const ExecutionContext *exe_ctx,
+ llvm::StringRef s, lldb::addr_t fail_value,
+ Error *error_ptr) {
+ bool error_set = false;
+ if (s.empty()) {
if (error_ptr)
- {
- if (!error_set)
- error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"", s);
- }
+ error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
+ s.str().c_str());
return fail_value;
+ }
-const char *
-Args::StripSpaces (std::string &s, bool leading, bool trailing, bool return_null_if_empty)
- static const char *k_white_space = " \t\v";
- if (!s.empty())
- {
- if (leading)
- {
- size_t pos = s.find_first_not_of (k_white_space);
- if (pos == std::string::npos)
- s.clear();
- else if (pos > 0)
- s.erase(0, pos);
- }
- if (trailing)
- {
- size_t rpos = s.find_last_not_of(k_white_space);
- if (rpos != std::string::npos && rpos + 1 < s.size())
- s.erase(rpos + 1);
- }
- }
- if (return_null_if_empty && s.empty())
- return nullptr;
- return s.c_str();
+ llvm::StringRef sref = s;
-Args::StringToBoolean (const char *s, bool fail_value, bool *success_ptr)
- llvm::StringRef ref = llvm::StringRef(s).trim();
- if (ref.equals_lower("false") ||
- ref.equals_lower("off") ||
- ref.equals_lower("no") ||
- ref.equals_lower("0"))
- {
- if (success_ptr)
- *success_ptr = true;
- return false;
- }
- else
- if (ref.equals_lower("true") ||
- ref.equals_lower("on") ||
- ref.equals_lower("yes") ||
- ref.equals_lower("1"))
- {
- if (success_ptr) *success_ptr = true;
- return true;
- }
- if (success_ptr) *success_ptr = false;
- return fail_value;
+ lldb::addr_t addr = LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS;
+ if (!s.getAsInteger(0, addr)) {
+ if (error_ptr)
+ error_ptr->Clear();
+ return addr;
+ }
-Args::StringToChar(const char *s, char fail_value, bool *success_ptr)
- bool success = false;
- char result = fail_value;
- if (s)
- {
- size_t length = strlen(s);
- if (length == 1)
- {
- success = true;
- result = s[0];
- }
+ // Try base 16 with no prefix...
+ if (!s.getAsInteger(16, addr)) {
+ if (error_ptr)
+ error_ptr->Clear();
+ return addr;
+ }
+ Target *target = nullptr;
+ if (!exe_ctx || !(target = exe_ctx->GetTargetPtr())) {
+ if (error_ptr)
+ error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
+ s.str().c_str());
+ return fail_value;
+ }
+ lldb::ValueObjectSP valobj_sp;
+ EvaluateExpressionOptions options;
+ options.SetCoerceToId(false);
+ options.SetUnwindOnError(true);
+ options.SetKeepInMemory(false);
+ options.SetTryAllThreads(true);
+ ExpressionResults expr_result =
+ target->EvaluateExpression(s, exe_ctx->GetFramePtr(), valobj_sp, options);
+ bool success = false;
+ if (expr_result == eExpressionCompleted) {
+ if (valobj_sp)
+ valobj_sp = valobj_sp->GetQualifiedRepresentationIfAvailable(
+ valobj_sp->GetDynamicValueType(), true);
+ // Get the address to watch.
+ if (valobj_sp)
+ addr = valobj_sp->GetValueAsUnsigned(fail_value, &success);
+ if (success) {
+ if (error_ptr)
+ error_ptr->Clear();
+ return addr;
+ } else {
+ if (error_ptr) {
+ error_set = true;
+ error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat(
+ "address expression \"%s\" resulted in a value whose type "
+ "can't be converted to an address: %s",
+ s.str().c_str(), valobj_sp->GetTypeName().GetCString());
+ }
- if (success_ptr)
- *success_ptr = success;
- return result;
-const char *
-Args::StringToVersion (const char *s, uint32_t &major, uint32_t &minor, uint32_t &update)
- major = UINT32_MAX;
- minor = UINT32_MAX;
- update = UINT32_MAX;
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- char *pos = nullptr;
- unsigned long uval32 = ::strtoul (s, &pos, 0);
- if (pos == s)
- return s;
- major = uval32;
- if (*pos == '\0')
- {
- return pos; // Decoded major and got end of string
- }
- else if (*pos == '.')
- {
- const char *minor_cstr = pos + 1;
- uval32 = ::strtoul (minor_cstr, &pos, 0);
- if (pos == minor_cstr)
- return pos; // Didn't get any digits for the minor version...
- minor = uval32;
- if (*pos == '.')
- {
- const char *update_cstr = pos + 1;
- uval32 = ::strtoul (update_cstr, &pos, 0);
- if (pos == update_cstr)
- return pos;
- update = uval32;
+ } else {
+ // Since the compiler can't handle things like "main + 12" we should
+ // try to do this for now. The compiler doesn't like adding offsets
+ // to function pointer types.
+ static RegularExpression g_symbol_plus_offset_regex(
+ "^(.*)([-\\+])[[:space:]]*(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+|[0-9]+)[[:space:]]*$");
+ RegularExpression::Match regex_match(3);
+ if (g_symbol_plus_offset_regex.Execute(sref, &regex_match)) {
+ uint64_t offset = 0;
+ bool add = true;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string str;
+ if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 1, name)) {
+ if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 2, str)) {
+ add = str[0] == '+';
+ if (regex_match.GetMatchAtIndex(s, 3, str)) {
+ offset = StringConvert::ToUInt64(str.c_str(), 0, 0, &success);
+ if (success) {
+ Error error;
+ addr = StringToAddress(exe_ctx, name.c_str(),
+ if (addr != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS) {
+ if (add)
+ return addr + offset;
+ else
+ return addr - offset;
+ }
- return pos;
+ }
+ }
- return nullptr;
+ if (error_ptr) {
+ error_set = true;
+ error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat(
+ "address expression \"%s\" evaluation failed", s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if (error_ptr) {
+ if (!error_set)
+ error_ptr->SetErrorStringWithFormat("invalid address expression \"%s\"",
+ s.str().c_str());
+ }
+ return fail_value;
-const char *
-Args::GetShellSafeArgument (const FileSpec& shell,
- const char *unsafe_arg,
- std::string &safe_arg)
- struct ShellDescriptor
- {
- ConstString m_basename;
- const char* m_escapables;
- };
- static ShellDescriptor g_Shells[] = {
- {ConstString("bash")," '\"<>()&"},
- {ConstString("tcsh")," '\"<>()&$"},
- {ConstString("sh")," '\"<>()&"}
- };
- // safe minimal set
- const char* escapables = " '\"";
- if (auto basename = shell.GetFilename())
- {
- for (const auto& Shell : g_Shells)
- {
- if (Shell.m_basename == basename)
- {
- escapables = Shell.m_escapables;
- break;
- }
- }
+const char *Args::StripSpaces(std::string &s, bool leading, bool trailing,
+ bool return_null_if_empty) {
+ static const char *k_white_space = " \t\v";
+ if (!s.empty()) {
+ if (leading) {
+ size_t pos = s.find_first_not_of(k_white_space);
+ if (pos == std::string::npos)
+ s.clear();
+ else if (pos > 0)
+ s.erase(0, pos);
- safe_arg.assign (unsafe_arg);
- size_t prev_pos = 0;
- while (prev_pos < safe_arg.size())
- {
- // Escape spaces and quotes
- size_t pos = safe_arg.find_first_of(escapables, prev_pos);
- if (pos != std::string::npos)
- {
- safe_arg.insert (pos, 1, '\\');
- prev_pos = pos + 2;
- }
- else
- break;
+ if (trailing) {
+ size_t rpos = s.find_last_not_of(k_white_space);
+ if (rpos != std::string::npos && rpos + 1 < s.size())
+ s.erase(rpos + 1);
- return safe_arg.c_str();
+ }
+ if (return_null_if_empty && s.empty())
+ return nullptr;
+ return s.c_str();
-Args::StringToOptionEnum (const char *s, OptionEnumValueElement *enum_values, int32_t fail_value, Error &error)
- if (enum_values)
- {
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr ; i++)
- {
- if (strstr(enum_values[i].string_value, s) == enum_values[i].string_value)
- {
- error.Clear();
- return enum_values[i].value;
- }
- }
- }
+bool Args::StringToBoolean(llvm::StringRef ref, bool fail_value,
+ bool *success_ptr) {
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = true;
+ ref = ref.trim();
+ if (ref.equals_lower("false") || ref.equals_lower("off") ||
+ ref.equals_lower("no") || ref.equals_lower("0")) {
+ return false;
+ } else if (ref.equals_lower("true") || ref.equals_lower("on") ||
+ ref.equals_lower("yes") || ref.equals_lower("1")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = false;
+ return fail_value;
- StreamString strm;
- strm.PutCString ("invalid enumeration value, valid values are: ");
- for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr; i++)
- {
- strm.Printf ("%s\"%s\"",
- i > 0 ? ", " : "",
- enum_values[i].string_value);
- }
- error.SetErrorString(strm.GetData());
- }
- else
- {
- error.SetErrorString ("invalid enumeration argument");
- }
+char Args::StringToChar(llvm::StringRef s, char fail_value, bool *success_ptr) {
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = false;
+ if (s.size() != 1)
return fail_value;
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = true;
+ return s[0];
-Args::StringToScriptLanguage (const char *s, ScriptLanguage fail_value, bool *success_ptr)
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- if ((::strcasecmp (s, "python") == 0) ||
- (::strcasecmp (s, "default") == 0 && eScriptLanguagePython == eScriptLanguageDefault))
- {
- if (success_ptr) *success_ptr = true;
- return eScriptLanguagePython;
- }
- if (::strcasecmp (s, "none"))
- {
- if (success_ptr) *success_ptr = true;
- return eScriptLanguageNone;
- }
+bool Args::StringToVersion(llvm::StringRef string, uint32_t &major,
+ uint32_t &minor, uint32_t &update) {
+ major = UINT32_MAX;
+ minor = UINT32_MAX;
+ update = UINT32_MAX;
+ if (string.empty())
+ return false;
+ llvm::StringRef major_str, minor_str, update_str;
+ std::tie(major_str, minor_str) = string.split('.');
+ std::tie(minor_str, update_str) = minor_str.split('.');
+ if (major_str.getAsInteger(10, major))
+ return false;
+ if (!minor_str.empty() && minor_str.getAsInteger(10, minor))
+ return false;
+ if (!update_str.empty() && update_str.getAsInteger(10, update))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+const char *Args::GetShellSafeArgument(const FileSpec &shell,
+ const char *unsafe_arg,
+ std::string &safe_arg) {
+ struct ShellDescriptor {
+ ConstString m_basename;
+ const char *m_escapables;
+ };
+ static ShellDescriptor g_Shells[] = {{ConstString("bash"), " '\"<>()&"},
+ {ConstString("tcsh"), " '\"<>()&$"},
+ {ConstString("sh"), " '\"<>()&"}};
+ // safe minimal set
+ const char *escapables = " '\"";
+ if (auto basename = shell.GetFilename()) {
+ for (const auto &Shell : g_Shells) {
+ if (Shell.m_basename == basename) {
+ escapables = Shell.m_escapables;
+ break;
+ }
- if (success_ptr) *success_ptr = false;
- return fail_value;
+ }
+ safe_arg.assign(unsafe_arg);
+ size_t prev_pos = 0;
+ while (prev_pos < safe_arg.size()) {
+ // Escape spaces and quotes
+ size_t pos = safe_arg.find_first_of(escapables, prev_pos);
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) {
+ safe_arg.insert(pos, 1, '\\');
+ prev_pos = pos + 2;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ return safe_arg.c_str();
- const char *s,
- lldb::Format &format,
- size_t *byte_size_ptr
- format = eFormatInvalid;
- Error error;
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- if (byte_size_ptr)
- {
- if (isdigit (s[0]))
- {
- char *format_char = nullptr;
- unsigned long byte_size = ::strtoul (s, &format_char, 0);
- if (byte_size != ULONG_MAX)
- *byte_size_ptr = byte_size;
- s = format_char;
- }
- else
- *byte_size_ptr = 0;
- }
+int64_t Args::StringToOptionEnum(llvm::StringRef s,
+ OptionEnumValueElement *enum_values,
+ int32_t fail_value, Error &error) {
+ error.Clear();
+ if (!enum_values) {
+ error.SetErrorString("invalid enumeration argument");
+ return fail_value;
+ }
- const bool partial_match_ok = true;
- if (!FormatManager::GetFormatFromCString (s, partial_match_ok, format))
- {
- StreamString error_strm;
- error_strm.Printf ("Invalid format character or name '%s'. Valid values are:\n", s);
- for (Format f = eFormatDefault; f < kNumFormats; f = Format(f+1))
- {
- char format_char = FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(f);
- if (format_char)
- error_strm.Printf ("'%c' or ", format_char);
- error_strm.Printf ("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
- error_strm.EOL();
- }
- if (byte_size_ptr)
- error_strm.PutCString ("An optional byte size can precede the format character.\n");
- error.SetErrorString(error_strm.GetString().c_str());
- }
+ if (s.empty()) {
+ error.SetErrorString("empty enumeration string");
+ return fail_value;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr; i++) {
+ llvm::StringRef this_enum(enum_values[i].string_value);
+ if (this_enum.startswith(s))
+ return enum_values[i].value;
+ }
+ StreamString strm;
+ strm.PutCString("invalid enumeration value, valid values are: ");
+ for (int i = 0; enum_values[i].string_value != nullptr; i++) {
+ strm.Printf("%s\"%s\"", i > 0 ? ", " : "", enum_values[i].string_value);
+ }
+ error.SetErrorString(strm.GetString());
+ return fail_value;
- if (error.Fail())
- return error;
+Args::StringToScriptLanguage(llvm::StringRef s, lldb::ScriptLanguage fail_value,
+ bool *success_ptr) {
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = true;
+ if (s.equals_lower("python"))
+ return eScriptLanguagePython;
+ if (s.equals_lower("default"))
+ return eScriptLanguageDefault;
+ if (s.equals_lower("none"))
+ return eScriptLanguageNone;
+ if (success_ptr)
+ *success_ptr = false;
+ return fail_value;
+Error Args::StringToFormat(const char *s, lldb::Format &format,
+ size_t *byte_size_ptr) {
+ format = eFormatInvalid;
+ Error error;
+ if (s && s[0]) {
+ if (byte_size_ptr) {
+ if (isdigit(s[0])) {
+ char *format_char = nullptr;
+ unsigned long byte_size = ::strtoul(s, &format_char, 0);
+ if (byte_size != ULONG_MAX)
+ *byte_size_ptr = byte_size;
+ s = format_char;
+ } else
+ *byte_size_ptr = 0;
- else
- {
- error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("%s option string", s ? "empty" : "invalid");
+ const bool partial_match_ok = true;
+ if (!FormatManager::GetFormatFromCString(s, partial_match_ok, format)) {
+ StreamString error_strm;
+ error_strm.Printf(
+ "Invalid format character or name '%s'. Valid values are:\n", s);
+ for (Format f = eFormatDefault; f < kNumFormats; f = Format(f + 1)) {
+ char format_char = FormatManager::GetFormatAsFormatChar(f);
+ if (format_char)
+ error_strm.Printf("'%c' or ", format_char);
+ error_strm.Printf("\"%s\"", FormatManager::GetFormatAsCString(f));
+ error_strm.EOL();
+ }
+ if (byte_size_ptr)
+ error_strm.PutCString(
+ "An optional byte size can precede the format character.\n");
+ error.SetErrorString(error_strm.GetString());
- return error;
+ if (error.Fail())
+ return error;
+ } else {
+ error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("%s option string", s ? "empty" : "invalid");
+ }
+ return error;
-Args::StringToEncoding (const char *s, lldb::Encoding fail_value)
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- if (strcmp(s, "uint") == 0)
- return eEncodingUint;
- else if (strcmp(s, "sint") == 0)
- return eEncodingSint;
- else if (strcmp(s, "ieee754") == 0)
- return eEncodingIEEE754;
- else if (strcmp(s, "vector") == 0)
- return eEncodingVector;
- }
- return fail_value;
+lldb::Encoding Args::StringToEncoding(llvm::StringRef s,
+ lldb::Encoding fail_value) {
+ return llvm::StringSwitch<lldb::Encoding>(s)
+ .Case("uint", eEncodingUint)
+ .Case("sint", eEncodingSint)
+ .Case("ieee754", eEncodingIEEE754)
+ .Case("vector", eEncodingVector)
+ .Default(fail_value);
-Args::StringToGenericRegister (const char *s)
- if (s && s[0])
- {
- if (strcmp(s, "pc") == 0)
- else if (strcmp(s, "sp") == 0)
- else if (strcmp(s, "fp") == 0)
- else if (strcmp(s, "ra") == 0 || strcmp(s, "lr") == 0)
- else if (strcmp(s, "flags") == 0)
- else if (strncmp(s, "arg", 3) == 0)
- {
- if (s[3] && s[4] == '\0')
- {
- switch (s[3])
- {
- case '1': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1;
- case '2': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG2;
- case '3': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG3;
- case '4': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG4;
- case '5': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG5;
- case '6': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG6;
- case '7': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG7;
- case '8': return LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG8;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+uint32_t Args::StringToGenericRegister(llvm::StringRef s) {
+ if (s.empty())
+ uint32_t result = llvm::StringSwitch<uint32_t>(s)
+ .Cases("ra", "lr", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_RA)
+ return result;
+void Args::AddOrReplaceEnvironmentVariable(llvm::StringRef env_var_name,
+ llvm::StringRef new_value) {
+ if (env_var_name.empty())
+ return;
+ // Build the new entry.
+ std::string var_string(env_var_name);
+ if (!new_value.empty()) {
+ var_string += "=";
+ var_string += new_value;
+ }
+ size_t index = 0;
+ if (ContainsEnvironmentVariable(env_var_name, &index)) {
+ ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(index, var_string);
+ return;
+ }
+ // We didn't find it. Append it instead.
+ AppendArgument(var_string);
-Args::LongestCommonPrefix (std::string &common_prefix)
- arg_sstr_collection::iterator pos, end = m_args.end();
- pos = m_args.begin();
- if (pos == end)
- common_prefix.clear();
- else
- common_prefix = (*pos);
- for (++pos; pos != end; ++pos)
- {
- size_t new_size = (*pos).size();
- // First trim common_prefix if it is longer than the current element:
- if (common_prefix.size() > new_size)
- common_prefix.erase (new_size);
- // Then trim it at the first disparity:
- for (size_t i = 0; i < common_prefix.size(); i++)
- {
- if ((*pos)[i] != common_prefix[i])
- {
- common_prefix.erase(i);
- break;
- }
- }
+bool Args::ContainsEnvironmentVariable(llvm::StringRef env_var_name,
+ size_t *argument_index) const {
+ // Validate args.
+ if (env_var_name.empty())
+ return false;
- // If we've emptied the common prefix, we're done.
- if (common_prefix.empty())
- break;
- }
+ // Check each arg to see if it matches the env var name.
+ for (auto arg : llvm::enumerate(m_entries)) {
+ llvm::StringRef name, value;
+ std::tie(name, value) = arg.Value.ref.split('=');
+ if (name != env_var_name)
+ continue;
-Args::ContainsEnvironmentVariable(const char *env_var_name) const
- // Validate args.
- if (!env_var_name)
- return false;
- // Check each arg to see if it matches the env var name.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < GetArgumentCount(); ++i)
- {
- // Get the arg value.
- const char *argument_value = GetArgumentAtIndex(i);
- if (!argument_value)
- continue;
- // Check if we are the "{env_var_name}={env_var_value}" style.
- const char *equal_p = strchr(argument_value, '=');
- if (equal_p)
- {
- if (strncmp(env_var_name, argument_value,
- equal_p - argument_value) == 0)
- {
- // We matched.
- return true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We're a simple {env_var_name}-style entry.
- if (strcmp(argument_value, env_var_name) == 0)
- {
- // We matched.
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
+ if (argument_index)
+ *argument_index = arg.Index;
+ return true;
+ }
- // We didn't find a match.
- return false;
+ // We didn't find a match.
+ return false;
-Args::FindArgumentIndexForOption (Option *long_options, int long_options_index)
- char short_buffer[3];
- char long_buffer[255];
- ::snprintf (short_buffer, sizeof (short_buffer), "-%c", long_options[long_options_index].val);
- ::snprintf (long_buffer, sizeof (long_buffer), "--%s", long_options[long_options_index].definition->long_option);
- size_t end = GetArgumentCount ();
- size_t idx = 0;
- while (idx < end)
- {
- if ((::strncmp (GetArgumentAtIndex (idx), short_buffer, strlen (short_buffer)) == 0)
- || (::strncmp (GetArgumentAtIndex (idx), long_buffer, strlen (long_buffer)) == 0))
- {
- return idx;
- }
- ++idx;
- }
- return end;
+size_t Args::FindArgumentIndexForOption(Option *long_options,
+ int long_options_index) const {
+ char short_buffer[3];
+ char long_buffer[255];
+ ::snprintf(short_buffer, sizeof(short_buffer), "-%c",
+ long_options[long_options_index].val);
+ ::snprintf(long_buffer, sizeof(long_buffer), "--%s",
+ long_options[long_options_index].definition->long_option);
+ for (auto entry : llvm::enumerate(m_entries)) {
+ if (entry.Value.ref.startswith(short_buffer) ||
+ entry.Value.ref.startswith(long_buffer))
+ return entry.Index;
+ }
+ return size_t(-1);
-Args::IsPositionalArgument (const char *arg)
- if (arg == nullptr)
- return false;
- bool is_positional = true;
- const char *cptr = arg;
- if (cptr[0] == '%')
- {
- ++cptr;
- while (isdigit (cptr[0]))
- ++cptr;
- if (cptr[0] != '\0')
- is_positional = false;
- }
- else
- is_positional = false;
+bool Args::IsPositionalArgument(const char *arg) {
+ if (arg == nullptr)
+ return false;
+ bool is_positional = true;
+ const char *cptr = arg;
+ if (cptr[0] == '%') {
+ ++cptr;
+ while (isdigit(cptr[0]))
+ ++cptr;
+ if (cptr[0] != '\0')
+ is_positional = false;
+ } else
+ is_positional = false;
- return is_positional;
+ return is_positional;
-Args::ParseAliasOptions (Options &options,
- CommandReturnObject &result,
- OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
- std::string &raw_input_string)
- StreamString sstr;
- int i;
- Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
- if (long_options == nullptr)
- {
- result.AppendError ("invalid long options");
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
- return;
+std::string Args::ParseAliasOptions(Options &options,
+ CommandReturnObject &result,
+ OptionArgVector *option_arg_vector,
+ llvm::StringRef raw_input_string) {
+ std::string result_string(raw_input_string);
+ StreamString sstr;
+ int i;
+ Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
+ if (long_options == nullptr) {
+ result.AppendError("invalid long options");
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+ return result_string;
+ }
+ for (i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+ if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+ sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+ switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+ default:
+ case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+ sstr << ":";
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+ sstr << "::";
+ break;
+ }
- for (i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i)
- {
- if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr)
- {
- sstr << (char) long_options[i].val;
- switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg)
- {
- default:
- case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
- break;
- case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
- sstr << ":";
- break;
- case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
- sstr << "::";
- break;
- }
- }
+ }
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+ OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
+ int val;
+ while (1) {
+ int long_options_index = -1;
+ val = OptionParser::Parse(GetArgumentCount(), GetArgumentVector(),
+ sstr.GetString(), long_options,
+ &long_options_index);
+ if (val == -1)
+ break;
+ if (val == '?') {
+ result.AppendError("unknown or ambiguous option");
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+ break;
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
- OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
- int val;
- while (1)
- {
- int long_options_index = -1;
- val = OptionParser::Parse (GetArgumentCount(),
- GetArgumentVector(),
- sstr.GetData(),
- long_options,
- &long_options_index);
- if (val == -1)
- break;
- if (val == '?')
- {
- result.AppendError ("unknown or ambiguous option");
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
- break;
- }
+ if (val == 0)
+ continue;
- if (val == 0)
- continue;
- options.OptionSeen (val);
- // Look up the long option index
- if (long_options_index == -1)
- {
- for (int j = 0;
- long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag || long_options[j].val;
- ++j)
- {
- if (long_options[j].val == val)
- {
- long_options_index = j;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+ options.OptionSeen(val);
- // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
- if (long_options_index >= 0)
- {
- StreamString option_str;
- option_str.Printf ("-%c", val);
- const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
- int has_arg = (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
- switch (has_arg)
- {
- case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
- option_arg_vector->push_back (OptionArgPair (std::string (option_str.GetData()),
- OptionArgValue (OptionParser::eNoArgument, "<no-argument>")));
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
- break;
- case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
- if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr)
- {
- option_arg_vector->push_back (OptionArgPair (std::string (option_str.GetData()),
- OptionArgValue (OptionParser::eRequiredArgument,
- std::string (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument()))));
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
- }
- else
- {
- result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Option '%s' is missing argument specifier.\n",
- option_str.GetData());
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
- }
- break;
- case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
- if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr)
- {
- option_arg_vector->push_back (OptionArgPair (std::string (option_str.GetData()),
- OptionArgValue (OptionParser::eOptionalArgument,
- std::string (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument()))));
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
- }
- else
- {
- option_arg_vector->push_back (OptionArgPair (std::string (option_str.GetData()),
- OptionArgValue (OptionParser::eOptionalArgument, "<no-argument>")));
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult);
- }
- break;
- default:
- result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("error with options table; invalid value in has_arg field for option '%c'.\n", val);
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid option with value '%c'.\n", val);
- result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed);
+ // Look up the long option index
+ if (long_options_index == -1) {
+ for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
+ long_options[j].val;
+ ++j) {
+ if (long_options[j].val == val) {
+ long_options_index = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- if (long_options_index >= 0)
- {
- // Find option in the argument list; also see if it was supposed to take an argument and if one was
- // supplied. Remove option (and argument, if given) from the argument list. Also remove them from
- // the raw_input_string, if one was passed in.
- size_t idx = FindArgumentIndexForOption (long_options, long_options_index);
- if (idx < GetArgumentCount())
- {
- if (raw_input_string.size() > 0)
- {
- const char *tmp_arg = GetArgumentAtIndex (idx);
- size_t pos = raw_input_string.find (tmp_arg);
- if (pos != std::string::npos)
- raw_input_string.erase (pos, strlen (tmp_arg));
- }
- ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (idx, "");
- if ((long_options[long_options_index].definition->option_has_arg != OptionParser::eNoArgument)
- && (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr)
- && (idx+1 < GetArgumentCount())
- && (strcmp (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument(), GetArgumentAtIndex(idx+1)) == 0))
- {
- if (raw_input_string.size() > 0)
- {
- const char *tmp_arg = GetArgumentAtIndex (idx+1);
- size_t pos = raw_input_string.find (tmp_arg);
- if (pos != std::string::npos)
- raw_input_string.erase (pos, strlen (tmp_arg));
- }
- ReplaceArgumentAtIndex (idx+1, "");
- }
- }
- }
+ // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
+ if (long_options_index == -1) {
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid option with value '%c'.\n", val);
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+ return result_string;
+ }
- if (!result.Succeeded())
- break;
+ StreamString option_str;
+ option_str.Printf("-%c", val);
+ const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+ int has_arg =
+ (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
+ const char *option_arg = nullptr;
+ switch (has_arg) {
+ case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+ if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() == nullptr) {
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat(
+ "Option '%s' is missing argument specifier.\n",
+ option_str.GetData());
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+ return result_string;
+ }
+ case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+ option_arg = OptionParser::GetOptionArgument();
+ case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+ break;
+ default:
+ result.AppendErrorWithFormat("error with options table; invalid value "
+ "in has_arg field for option '%c'.\n",
+ val);
+ result.SetStatus(eReturnStatusFailed);
+ return result_string;
+ if (!option_arg)
+ option_arg = "<no-argument>";
+ option_arg_vector->emplace_back(option_str.GetString(), has_arg,
+ option_arg);
+ // Find option in the argument list; also see if it was supposed to take
+ // an argument and if one was supplied. Remove option (and argument, if
+ // given) from the argument list. Also remove them from the
+ // raw_input_string, if one was passed in.
+ size_t idx = FindArgumentIndexForOption(long_options, long_options_index);
+ if (idx == size_t(-1))
+ continue;
+ if (!result_string.empty()) {
+ auto tmp_arg = m_entries[idx].ref;
+ size_t pos = result_string.find(tmp_arg);
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ result_string.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
+ }
+ ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(idx, llvm::StringRef());
+ if ((long_options[long_options_index].definition->option_has_arg !=
+ OptionParser::eNoArgument) &&
+ (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) &&
+ (idx + 1 < GetArgumentCount()) &&
+ (m_entries[idx + 1].ref == OptionParser::GetOptionArgument())) {
+ if (result_string.size() > 0) {
+ auto tmp_arg = m_entries[idx + 1].ref;
+ size_t pos = result_string.find(tmp_arg);
+ if (pos != std::string::npos)
+ result_string.erase(pos, tmp_arg.size());
+ }
+ ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(idx + 1, llvm::StringRef());
+ }
+ }
+ return result_string;
- Options &options,
- OptionElementVector &option_element_vector,
- uint32_t cursor_index
- StreamString sstr;
- Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
- option_element_vector.clear();
- if (long_options == nullptr)
- {
- return;
+void Args::ParseArgsForCompletion(Options &options,
+ OptionElementVector &option_element_vector,
+ uint32_t cursor_index) {
+ StreamString sstr;
+ Option *long_options = options.GetLongOptions();
+ option_element_vector.clear();
+ if (long_options == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Leading : tells getopt to return a : for a missing option argument AND
+ // to suppress error messages.
+ sstr << ":";
+ for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i) {
+ if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr) {
+ sstr << (char)long_options[i].val;
+ switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg) {
+ default:
+ case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+ sstr << ":";
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+ sstr << "::";
+ break;
+ }
- // Leading : tells getopt to return a : for a missing option argument AND
- // to suppress error messages.
- sstr << ":";
- for (int i = 0; long_options[i].definition != nullptr; ++i)
- {
- if (long_options[i].flag == nullptr)
- {
- sstr << (char) long_options[i].val;
- switch (long_options[i].definition->option_has_arg)
- {
- default:
- case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
- break;
- case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
- sstr << ":";
- break;
- case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
- sstr << "::";
- break;
- }
- }
+ }
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
+ OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
+ OptionParser::EnableError(false);
+ int val;
+ auto opt_defs = options.GetDefinitions();
+ // Fooey... OptionParser::Parse permutes the GetArgumentVector to move the
+ // options to the front. So we have to build another Arg and pass that to
+ // OptionParser::Parse so it doesn't change the one we have.
+ std::vector<char *> dummy_vec = m_argv;
+ bool failed_once = false;
+ uint32_t dash_dash_pos = -1;
+ while (1) {
+ bool missing_argument = false;
+ int long_options_index = -1;
+ val = OptionParser::Parse(dummy_vec.size() - 1, &dummy_vec[0],
+ sstr.GetString(), long_options,
+ &long_options_index);
+ if (val == -1) {
+ // When we're completing a "--" which is the last option on line,
+ if (failed_once)
+ break;
+ failed_once = true;
+ // If this is a bare "--" we mark it as such so we can complete it
+ // successfully later.
+ // Handling the "--" is a little tricky, since that may mean end of
+ // options or arguments, or the
+ // user might want to complete options by long name. I make this work by
+ // checking whether the
+ // cursor is in the "--" argument, and if so I assume we're completing the
+ // long option, otherwise
+ // I let it pass to OptionParser::Parse which will terminate the option
+ // parsing.
+ // Note, in either case we continue parsing the line so we can figure out
+ // what other options
+ // were passed. This will be useful when we come to restricting
+ // completions based on what other
+ // options we've seen on the line.
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex()) <
+ dummy_vec.size() - 1 &&
+ (strcmp(dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1], "--") == 0)) {
+ dash_dash_pos = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
+ if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1) ==
+ cursor_index) {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(
+ OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
+ OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash));
+ continue;
+ } else
+ break;
+ } else
+ break;
+ } else if (val == '?') {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(
+ OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
+ OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+ continue;
+ } else if (val == 0) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (val == ':') {
+ // This is a missing argument.
+ val = OptionParser::GetOptionErrorCause();
+ missing_argument = true;
- std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock;
- OptionParser::Prepare(lock);
- OptionParser::EnableError(false);
- int val;
- const OptionDefinition *opt_defs = options.GetDefinitions();
- // Fooey... OptionParser::Parse permutes the GetArgumentVector to move the options to the front.
- // So we have to build another Arg and pass that to OptionParser::Parse so it doesn't
- // change the one we have.
- std::vector<const char *> dummy_vec (GetArgumentVector(), GetArgumentVector() + GetArgumentCount() + 1);
- bool failed_once = false;
- uint32_t dash_dash_pos = -1;
- while (1)
- {
- bool missing_argument = false;
- int long_options_index = -1;
- val = OptionParser::Parse (dummy_vec.size() - 1,
- const_cast<char *const *>(&dummy_vec.front()),
- sstr.GetData(),
- long_options,
- &long_options_index);
- if (val == -1)
- {
- // When we're completing a "--" which is the last option on line,
- if (failed_once)
- break;
- failed_once = true;
- // If this is a bare "--" we mark it as such so we can complete it successfully later.
- // Handling the "--" is a little tricky, since that may mean end of options or arguments, or the
- // user might want to complete options by long name. I make this work by checking whether the
- // cursor is in the "--" argument, and if so I assume we're completing the long option, otherwise
- // I let it pass to OptionParser::Parse which will terminate the option parsing.
- // Note, in either case we continue parsing the line so we can figure out what other options
- // were passed. This will be useful when we come to restricting completions based on what other
- // options we've seen on the line.
- if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex()) < dummy_vec.size() - 1
- && (strcmp (dummy_vec[OptionParser::GetOptionIndex()-1], "--") == 0))
- {
- dash_dash_pos = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
- if (static_cast<size_t>(OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1) == cursor_index)
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
- OptionArgElement::eBareDoubleDash));
- continue;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- else if (val == '?')
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
- OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
- continue;
- }
- else if (val == 0)
- {
- continue;
- }
- else if (val == ':')
- {
- // This is a missing argument.
- val = OptionParser::GetOptionErrorCause();
- missing_argument = true;
- }
+ ((Options *)&options)->OptionSeen(val);
- ((Options *) &options)->OptionSeen (val);
- // Look up the long option index
- if (long_options_index == -1)
- {
- for (int j = 0;
- long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag || long_options[j].val;
- ++j)
- {
- if (long_options[j].val == val)
- {
- long_options_index = j;
- break;
- }
- }
+ // Look up the long option index
+ if (long_options_index == -1) {
+ for (int j = 0; long_options[j].definition || long_options[j].flag ||
+ long_options[j].val;
+ ++j) {
+ if (long_options[j].val == val) {
+ long_options_index = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
- if (long_options_index >= 0)
- {
- int opt_defs_index = -1;
- for (int i = 0; ; i++)
- {
- if (opt_defs[i].short_option == 0)
- break;
- else if (opt_defs[i].short_option == val)
- {
- opt_defs_index = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
- int has_arg = (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
- switch (has_arg)
- {
- case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, 0));
- break;
- case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
- if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr)
- {
- int arg_index;
- if (missing_argument)
- arg_index = -1;
- else
- arg_index = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2, arg_index));
- }
- else
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, -1));
- }
- break;
- case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
- if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr)
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
- }
- else
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
- }
- break;
- default:
- // The options table is messed up. Here we'll just continue
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
- OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
- break;
- }
+ // See if the option takes an argument, and see if one was supplied.
+ if (long_options_index >= 0) {
+ int opt_defs_index = -1;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < opt_defs.size(); i++) {
+ if (opt_defs[i].short_option != val)
+ continue;
+ opt_defs_index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ const OptionDefinition *def = long_options[long_options_index].definition;
+ int has_arg =
+ (def == nullptr) ? OptionParser::eNoArgument : def->option_has_arg;
+ switch (has_arg) {
+ case OptionParser::eNoArgument:
+ option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+ opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, 0));
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eRequiredArgument:
+ if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
+ int arg_index;
+ if (missing_argument)
+ arg_index = -1;
+ else
+ arg_index = OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1;
+ option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+ opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2, arg_index));
+ } else {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+ opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1, -1));
- else
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
- OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+ break;
+ case OptionParser::eOptionalArgument:
+ if (OptionParser::GetOptionArgument() != nullptr) {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+ opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
+ } else {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(OptionArgElement(
+ opt_defs_index, OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 2,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1));
+ break;
+ default:
+ // The options table is messed up. Here we'll just continue
+ option_element_vector.push_back(
+ OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
+ OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(
+ OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg,
+ OptionParser::GetOptionIndex() - 1,
+ OptionArgElement::eUnrecognizedArg));
- // Finally we have to handle the case where the cursor index points at a single "-". We want to mark that in
- // the option_element_vector, but only if it is not after the "--". But it turns out that OptionParser::Parse just ignores
- // an isolated "-". So we have to look it up by hand here. We only care if it is AT the cursor position.
- // Note, a single quoted dash is not the same as a single dash...
- if ((static_cast<int32_t>(dash_dash_pos) == -1 || cursor_index < dash_dash_pos)
- && m_args_quote_char[cursor_index] == '\0'
- && strcmp (GetArgumentAtIndex(cursor_index), "-") == 0)
- {
- option_element_vector.push_back (OptionArgElement (OptionArgElement::eBareDash, cursor_index,
- OptionArgElement::eBareDash));
- }
+ }
+ // Finally we have to handle the case where the cursor index points at a
+ // single "-". We want to mark that in
+ // the option_element_vector, but only if it is not after the "--". But it
+ // turns out that OptionParser::Parse just ignores
+ // an isolated "-". So we have to look it up by hand here. We only care if
+ // it is AT the cursor position.
+ // Note, a single quoted dash is not the same as a single dash...
+ const ArgEntry &cursor = m_entries[cursor_index];
+ if ((static_cast<int32_t>(dash_dash_pos) == -1 ||
+ cursor_index < dash_dash_pos) &&
+ cursor.quote == '\0' && cursor.ref == "-") {
+ option_element_vector.push_back(
+ OptionArgElement(OptionArgElement::eBareDash, cursor_index,
+ OptionArgElement::eBareDash));
+ }
-Args::EncodeEscapeSequences (const char *src, std::string &dst)
- dst.clear();
- if (src)
- {
- for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p)
- {
- size_t non_special_chars = ::strcspn (p, "\\");
- if (non_special_chars > 0)
- {
- dst.append(p, non_special_chars);
- p += non_special_chars;
- if (*p == '\0')
- break;
+void Args::EncodeEscapeSequences(const char *src, std::string &dst) {
+ dst.clear();
+ if (src) {
+ for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
+ size_t non_special_chars = ::strcspn(p, "\\");
+ if (non_special_chars > 0) {
+ dst.append(p, non_special_chars);
+ p += non_special_chars;
+ if (*p == '\0')
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\\') {
+ ++p; // skip the slash
+ switch (*p) {
+ case 'a':
+ dst.append(1, '\a');
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ dst.append(1, '\b');
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ dst.append(1, '\f');
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ dst.append(1, '\n');
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ dst.append(1, '\r');
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ dst.append(1, '\t');
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ dst.append(1, '\v');
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ dst.append(1, '\\');
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ dst.append(1, '\'');
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ dst.append(1, '"');
+ break;
+ case '0':
+ // 1 to 3 octal chars
+ {
+ // Make a string that can hold onto the initial zero char,
+ // up to 3 octal digits, and a terminating NULL.
+ char oct_str[5] = {'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0'};
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; (p[i] >= '0' && p[i] <= '7') && i < 4; ++i)
+ oct_str[i] = p[i];
+ // We don't want to consume the last octal character since
+ // the main for loop will do this for us, so we advance p by
+ // one less than i (even if i is zero)
+ p += i - 1;
+ unsigned long octal_value = ::strtoul(oct_str, nullptr, 8);
+ if (octal_value <= UINT8_MAX) {
+ dst.append(1, (char)octal_value);
- if (*p == '\\')
- {
- ++p; // skip the slash
- switch (*p)
- {
- case 'a' : dst.append(1, '\a'); break;
- case 'b' : dst.append(1, '\b'); break;
- case 'f' : dst.append(1, '\f'); break;
- case 'n' : dst.append(1, '\n'); break;
- case 'r' : dst.append(1, '\r'); break;
- case 't' : dst.append(1, '\t'); break;
- case 'v' : dst.append(1, '\v'); break;
- case '\\': dst.append(1, '\\'); break;
- case '\'': dst.append(1, '\''); break;
- case '"' : dst.append(1, '"'); break;
- case '0' :
- // 1 to 3 octal chars
- {
- // Make a string that can hold onto the initial zero char,
- // up to 3 octal digits, and a terminating NULL.
- char oct_str[5] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' };
- int i;
- for (i=0; (p[i] >= '0' && p[i] <= '7') && i<4; ++i)
- oct_str[i] = p[i];
- // We don't want to consume the last octal character since
- // the main for loop will do this for us, so we advance p by
- // one less than i (even if i is zero)
- p += i - 1;
- unsigned long octal_value = ::strtoul (oct_str, nullptr, 8);
- if (octal_value <= UINT8_MAX)
- {
- dst.append(1, (char)octal_value);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'x':
- // hex number in the format
- if (isxdigit(p[1]))
- {
- ++p; // Skip the 'x'
- // Make a string that can hold onto two hex chars plus a
- // NULL terminator
- char hex_str[3] = { *p, '\0', '\0' };
- if (isxdigit(p[1]))
- {
- ++p; // Skip the first of the two hex chars
- hex_str[1] = *p;
- }
- unsigned long hex_value = strtoul (hex_str, nullptr, 16);
- if (hex_value <= UINT8_MAX)
- dst.append (1, (char)hex_value);
- }
- else
- {
- dst.append(1, 'x');
- }
- break;
- default:
- // Just desensitize any other character by just printing what
- // came after the '\'
- dst.append(1, *p);
- break;
- }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ // hex number in the format
+ if (isxdigit(p[1])) {
+ ++p; // Skip the 'x'
+ // Make a string that can hold onto two hex chars plus a
+ // NULL terminator
+ char hex_str[3] = {*p, '\0', '\0'};
+ if (isxdigit(p[1])) {
+ ++p; // Skip the first of the two hex chars
+ hex_str[1] = *p;
- }
- }
+ unsigned long hex_value = strtoul(hex_str, nullptr, 16);
+ if (hex_value <= UINT8_MAX)
+ dst.append(1, (char)hex_value);
+ } else {
+ dst.append(1, 'x');
+ }
+ break;
-Args::ExpandEscapedCharacters (const char *src, std::string &dst)
- dst.clear();
- if (src)
- {
- for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p)
- {
- if (isprint8(*p))
- dst.append(1, *p);
- else
- {
- switch (*p)
- {
- case '\a': dst.append("\\a"); break;
- case '\b': dst.append("\\b"); break;
- case '\f': dst.append("\\f"); break;
- case '\n': dst.append("\\n"); break;
- case '\r': dst.append("\\r"); break;
- case '\t': dst.append("\\t"); break;
- case '\v': dst.append("\\v"); break;
- case '\'': dst.append("\\'"); break;
- case '"': dst.append("\\\""); break;
- case '\\': dst.append("\\\\"); break;
- default:
- {
- // Just encode as octal
- dst.append("\\0");
- char octal_str[32];
- snprintf(octal_str, sizeof(octal_str), "%o", *p);
- dst.append(octal_str);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ default:
+ // Just desensitize any other character by just printing what
+ // came after the '\'
+ dst.append(1, *p);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-Args::EscapeLLDBCommandArgument (const std::string& arg, char quote_char)
- const char* chars_to_escape = nullptr;
- switch (quote_char)
- {
- case '\0':
- chars_to_escape = " \t\\'\"`";
- break;
+void Args::ExpandEscapedCharacters(const char *src, std::string &dst) {
+ dst.clear();
+ if (src) {
+ for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p) {
+ if (isprint8(*p))
+ dst.append(1, *p);
+ else {
+ switch (*p) {
+ case '\a':
+ dst.append("\\a");
+ break;
+ case '\b':
+ dst.append("\\b");
+ break;
+ case '\f':
+ dst.append("\\f");
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ dst.append("\\n");
+ break;
+ case '\r':
+ dst.append("\\r");
+ break;
+ case '\t':
+ dst.append("\\t");
+ break;
+ case '\v':
+ dst.append("\\v");
+ break;
case '\'':
- chars_to_escape = "";
- break;
+ dst.append("\\'");
+ break;
case '"':
- chars_to_escape = "$\"`\\";
- break;
- default:
- assert(false && "Unhandled quote character");
- }
- std::string res;
- res.reserve(arg.size());
- for (char c : arg)
- {
- if (::strchr(chars_to_escape, c))
- res.push_back('\\');
- res.push_back(c);
+ dst.append("\\\"");
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ dst.append("\\\\");
+ break;
+ default: {
+ // Just encode as octal
+ dst.append("\\0");
+ char octal_str[32];
+ snprintf(octal_str, sizeof(octal_str), "%o", *p);
+ dst.append(octal_str);
+ } break;
+ }
+ }
- return res;
+ }
+std::string Args::EscapeLLDBCommandArgument(const std::string &arg,
+ char quote_char) {
+ const char *chars_to_escape = nullptr;
+ switch (quote_char) {
+ case '\0':
+ chars_to_escape = " \t\\'\"`";
+ break;
+ case '\'':
+ chars_to_escape = "";
+ break;
+ case '"':
+ chars_to_escape = "$\"`\\";
+ break;
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Unhandled quote character");
+ }
+ std::string res;
+ res.reserve(arg.size());
+ for (char c : arg) {
+ if (::strchr(chars_to_escape, c))
+ res.push_back('\\');
+ res.push_back(c);
+ }
+ return res;