path: root/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoAST.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoAST.h')
1 files changed, 3225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoAST.h b/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoAST.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d51240eab5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoAST.h
@@ -0,0 +1,3225 @@
+//===-- GoAST.h -------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Generated by gen_go_ast.py
+#ifndef liblldb_GoAST_h
+#define liblldb_GoAST_h
+#include "lldb/lldb-forward.h"
+#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
+#include "Plugins/ExpressionParser/Go/GoLexer.h"
+namespace lldb_private
+class GoASTNode
+ public:
+ typedef GoLexer::TokenType TokenType;
+ typedef GoLexer::Token Token;
+ enum ChanDir
+ {
+ eChanBidir,
+ eChanSend,
+ eChanRecv,
+ };
+ enum NodeKind
+ {
+ eBadDecl,
+ eFuncDecl,
+ eGenDecl,
+ eArrayType,
+ eBadExpr,
+ eBasicLit,
+ eBinaryExpr,
+ eIdent,
+ eCallExpr,
+ eChanType,
+ eCompositeLit,
+ eEllipsis,
+ eFuncType,
+ eFuncLit,
+ eIndexExpr,
+ eInterfaceType,
+ eKeyValueExpr,
+ eMapType,
+ eParenExpr,
+ eSelectorExpr,
+ eSliceExpr,
+ eStarExpr,
+ eStructType,
+ eTypeAssertExpr,
+ eUnaryExpr,
+ eImportSpec,
+ eTypeSpec,
+ eValueSpec,
+ eAssignStmt,
+ eBadStmt,
+ eBlockStmt,
+ eBranchStmt,
+ eCaseClause,
+ eCommClause,
+ eDeclStmt,
+ eDeferStmt,
+ eEmptyStmt,
+ eExprStmt,
+ eForStmt,
+ eGoStmt,
+ eIfStmt,
+ eIncDecStmt,
+ eLabeledStmt,
+ eRangeStmt,
+ eReturnStmt,
+ eSelectStmt,
+ eSendStmt,
+ eSwitchStmt,
+ eTypeSwitchStmt,
+ eField,
+ eFieldList,
+ };
+ virtual ~GoASTNode() = default;
+ NodeKind
+ GetKind() const
+ {
+ return m_kind;
+ }
+ virtual const char *GetKindName() const = 0;
+ template <typename V> void WalkChildren(V &v);
+ protected:
+ explicit GoASTNode(NodeKind kind) : m_kind(kind) { }
+ private:
+ const NodeKind m_kind;
+ GoASTNode(const GoASTNode &) = delete;
+ const GoASTNode &operator=(const GoASTNode &) = delete;
+class GoASTDecl : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ template <typename R, typename V> R Visit(V *v) const;
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() >= eBadDecl && n->GetKind() <= eGenDecl;
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit GoASTDecl(NodeKind kind) : GoASTNode(kind) { }
+ private:
+ GoASTDecl(const GoASTDecl &) = delete;
+ const GoASTDecl &operator=(const GoASTDecl &) = delete;
+class GoASTExpr : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ template <typename R, typename V> R Visit(V *v) const;
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() >= eArrayType && n->GetKind() <= eUnaryExpr;
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit GoASTExpr(NodeKind kind) : GoASTNode(kind) { }
+ private:
+ GoASTExpr(const GoASTExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTExpr &operator=(const GoASTExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTSpec : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ template <typename R, typename V> R Visit(V *v) const;
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() >= eImportSpec && n->GetKind() <= eValueSpec;
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit GoASTSpec(NodeKind kind) : GoASTNode(kind) { }
+ private:
+ GoASTSpec(const GoASTSpec &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSpec &operator=(const GoASTSpec &) = delete;
+class GoASTStmt : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ template <typename R, typename V> R Visit(V *v) const;
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() >= eAssignStmt && n->GetKind() <= eTypeSwitchStmt;
+ }
+ protected:
+ explicit GoASTStmt(NodeKind kind) : GoASTNode(kind) { }
+ private:
+ GoASTStmt(const GoASTStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTStmt &operator=(const GoASTStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTArrayType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTArrayType(GoASTExpr *len, GoASTExpr *elt) : GoASTExpr(eArrayType), m_len_up(len), m_elt_up(elt) {}
+ ~GoASTArrayType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ArrayType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eArrayType;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetLen() const
+ {
+ return m_len_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetLen(GoASTExpr *len)
+ {
+ m_len_up.reset(len);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetElt() const
+ {
+ return m_elt_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetElt(GoASTExpr *elt)
+ {
+ m_elt_up.reset(elt);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_len_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_elt_up;
+ GoASTArrayType(const GoASTArrayType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTArrayType &operator=(const GoASTArrayType &) = delete;
+class GoASTAssignStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTAssignStmt(bool define) : GoASTStmt(eAssignStmt), m_define(define) {}
+ ~GoASTAssignStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "AssignStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eAssignStmt;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumLhs() const
+ {
+ return m_lhs.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetLhs(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_lhs[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddLhs(GoASTExpr *lhs)
+ {
+ m_lhs.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(lhs));
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumRhs() const
+ {
+ return m_rhs.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetRhs(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_rhs[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddRhs(GoASTExpr *rhs)
+ {
+ m_rhs.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(rhs));
+ }
+ bool
+ GetDefine() const
+ {
+ return m_define;
+ }
+ void
+ SetDefine(bool define)
+ {
+ m_define = define;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_lhs;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_rhs;
+ bool m_define;
+ GoASTAssignStmt(const GoASTAssignStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTAssignStmt &operator=(const GoASTAssignStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTBadDecl : public GoASTDecl
+ public:
+ GoASTBadDecl() : GoASTDecl(eBadDecl) {}
+ ~GoASTBadDecl() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BadDecl";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBadDecl;
+ }
+ GoASTBadDecl(const GoASTBadDecl &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBadDecl &operator=(const GoASTBadDecl &) = delete;
+class GoASTBadExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTBadExpr() : GoASTExpr(eBadExpr) {}
+ ~GoASTBadExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BadExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBadExpr;
+ }
+ GoASTBadExpr(const GoASTBadExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBadExpr &operator=(const GoASTBadExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTBadStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTBadStmt() : GoASTStmt(eBadStmt) {}
+ ~GoASTBadStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BadStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBadStmt;
+ }
+ GoASTBadStmt(const GoASTBadStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBadStmt &operator=(const GoASTBadStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTBasicLit : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTBasicLit(Token value) : GoASTExpr(eBasicLit), m_value(value) {}
+ ~GoASTBasicLit() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BasicLit";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBasicLit;
+ }
+ Token
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value;
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(Token value)
+ {
+ m_value = value;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ Token m_value;
+ GoASTBasicLit(const GoASTBasicLit &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBasicLit &operator=(const GoASTBasicLit &) = delete;
+class GoASTBinaryExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTBinaryExpr(GoASTExpr *x, GoASTExpr *y, TokenType op) : GoASTExpr(eBinaryExpr), m_x_up(x), m_y_up(y), m_op(op) {}
+ ~GoASTBinaryExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BinaryExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBinaryExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetY() const
+ {
+ return m_y_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetY(GoASTExpr *y)
+ {
+ m_y_up.reset(y);
+ }
+ TokenType
+ GetOp() const
+ {
+ return m_op;
+ }
+ void
+ SetOp(TokenType op)
+ {
+ m_op = op;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_y_up;
+ TokenType m_op;
+ GoASTBinaryExpr(const GoASTBinaryExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBinaryExpr &operator=(const GoASTBinaryExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTBlockStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTBlockStmt() : GoASTStmt(eBlockStmt) {}
+ ~GoASTBlockStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BlockStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBlockStmt;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumList() const
+ {
+ return m_list.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetList(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_list[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddList(GoASTStmt *list)
+ {
+ m_list.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt>(list));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> > m_list;
+ GoASTBlockStmt(const GoASTBlockStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBlockStmt &operator=(const GoASTBlockStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTIdent : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTIdent(Token name) : GoASTExpr(eIdent), m_name(name) {}
+ ~GoASTIdent() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "Ident";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eIdent;
+ }
+ Token
+ GetName() const
+ {
+ return m_name;
+ }
+ void
+ SetName(Token name)
+ {
+ m_name = name;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ Token m_name;
+ GoASTIdent(const GoASTIdent &) = delete;
+ const GoASTIdent &operator=(const GoASTIdent &) = delete;
+class GoASTBranchStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTBranchStmt(GoASTIdent *label, TokenType tok) : GoASTStmt(eBranchStmt), m_label_up(label), m_tok(tok) {}
+ ~GoASTBranchStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "BranchStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eBranchStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetLabel() const
+ {
+ return m_label_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetLabel(GoASTIdent *label)
+ {
+ m_label_up.reset(label);
+ }
+ TokenType
+ GetTok() const
+ {
+ return m_tok;
+ }
+ void
+ SetTok(TokenType tok)
+ {
+ m_tok = tok;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_label_up;
+ TokenType m_tok;
+ GoASTBranchStmt(const GoASTBranchStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTBranchStmt &operator=(const GoASTBranchStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTCallExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTCallExpr(bool ellipsis) : GoASTExpr(eCallExpr), m_ellipsis(ellipsis) {}
+ ~GoASTCallExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "CallExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eCallExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetFun() const
+ {
+ return m_fun_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetFun(GoASTExpr *fun)
+ {
+ m_fun_up.reset(fun);
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumArgs() const
+ {
+ return m_args.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetArgs(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_args[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddArgs(GoASTExpr *args)
+ {
+ m_args.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(args));
+ }
+ bool
+ GetEllipsis() const
+ {
+ return m_ellipsis;
+ }
+ void
+ SetEllipsis(bool ellipsis)
+ {
+ m_ellipsis = ellipsis;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_fun_up;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_args;
+ bool m_ellipsis;
+ GoASTCallExpr(const GoASTCallExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTCallExpr &operator=(const GoASTCallExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTCaseClause : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTCaseClause() : GoASTStmt(eCaseClause) {}
+ ~GoASTCaseClause() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "CaseClause";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eCaseClause;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumList() const
+ {
+ return m_list.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetList(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_list[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddList(GoASTExpr *list)
+ {
+ m_list.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(list));
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetBody(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_body[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddBody(GoASTStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt>(body));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_list;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> > m_body;
+ GoASTCaseClause(const GoASTCaseClause &) = delete;
+ const GoASTCaseClause &operator=(const GoASTCaseClause &) = delete;
+class GoASTChanType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTChanType(ChanDir dir, GoASTExpr *value) : GoASTExpr(eChanType), m_dir(dir), m_value_up(value) {}
+ ~GoASTChanType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ChanType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eChanType;
+ }
+ ChanDir
+ GetDir() const
+ {
+ return m_dir;
+ }
+ void
+ SetDir(ChanDir dir)
+ {
+ m_dir = dir;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(GoASTExpr *value)
+ {
+ m_value_up.reset(value);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ ChanDir m_dir;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_value_up;
+ GoASTChanType(const GoASTChanType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTChanType &operator=(const GoASTChanType &) = delete;
+class GoASTCommClause : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTCommClause() : GoASTStmt(eCommClause) {}
+ ~GoASTCommClause() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "CommClause";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eCommClause;
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetComm() const
+ {
+ return m_comm_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetComm(GoASTStmt *comm)
+ {
+ m_comm_up.reset(comm);
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetBody(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_body[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddBody(GoASTStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt>(body));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_comm_up;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> > m_body;
+ GoASTCommClause(const GoASTCommClause &) = delete;
+ const GoASTCommClause &operator=(const GoASTCommClause &) = delete;
+class GoASTCompositeLit : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTCompositeLit() : GoASTExpr(eCompositeLit) {}
+ ~GoASTCompositeLit() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "CompositeLit";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eCompositeLit;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTExpr *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumElts() const
+ {
+ return m_elts.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetElts(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_elts[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddElts(GoASTExpr *elts)
+ {
+ m_elts.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(elts));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_type_up;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_elts;
+ GoASTCompositeLit(const GoASTCompositeLit &) = delete;
+ const GoASTCompositeLit &operator=(const GoASTCompositeLit &) = delete;
+class GoASTDeclStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTDeclStmt(GoASTDecl *decl) : GoASTStmt(eDeclStmt), m_decl_up(decl) {}
+ ~GoASTDeclStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "DeclStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eDeclStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTDecl *
+ GetDecl() const
+ {
+ return m_decl_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetDecl(GoASTDecl *decl)
+ {
+ m_decl_up.reset(decl);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTDecl> m_decl_up;
+ GoASTDeclStmt(const GoASTDeclStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTDeclStmt &operator=(const GoASTDeclStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTDeferStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTDeferStmt(GoASTCallExpr *call) : GoASTStmt(eDeferStmt), m_call_up(call) {}
+ ~GoASTDeferStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "DeferStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eDeferStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTCallExpr *
+ GetCall() const
+ {
+ return m_call_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetCall(GoASTCallExpr *call)
+ {
+ m_call_up.reset(call);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTCallExpr> m_call_up;
+ GoASTDeferStmt(const GoASTDeferStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTDeferStmt &operator=(const GoASTDeferStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTEllipsis : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTEllipsis(GoASTExpr *elt) : GoASTExpr(eEllipsis), m_elt_up(elt) {}
+ ~GoASTEllipsis() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "Ellipsis";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eEllipsis;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetElt() const
+ {
+ return m_elt_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetElt(GoASTExpr *elt)
+ {
+ m_elt_up.reset(elt);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_elt_up;
+ GoASTEllipsis(const GoASTEllipsis &) = delete;
+ const GoASTEllipsis &operator=(const GoASTEllipsis &) = delete;
+class GoASTEmptyStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTEmptyStmt() : GoASTStmt(eEmptyStmt) {}
+ ~GoASTEmptyStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "EmptyStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eEmptyStmt;
+ }
+ GoASTEmptyStmt(const GoASTEmptyStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTEmptyStmt &operator=(const GoASTEmptyStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTExprStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTExprStmt(GoASTExpr *x) : GoASTStmt(eExprStmt), m_x_up(x) {}
+ ~GoASTExprStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ExprStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eExprStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ GoASTExprStmt(const GoASTExprStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTExprStmt &operator=(const GoASTExprStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTField : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ GoASTField() : GoASTNode(eField) {}
+ ~GoASTField() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "Field";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eField;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumNames() const
+ {
+ return m_names.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetNames(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_names[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddNames(GoASTIdent *names)
+ {
+ m_names.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent>(names));
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTExpr *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ const GoASTBasicLit *
+ GetTag() const
+ {
+ return m_tag_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetTag(GoASTBasicLit *tag)
+ {
+ m_tag_up.reset(tag);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> > m_names;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_type_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBasicLit> m_tag_up;
+ GoASTField(const GoASTField &) = delete;
+ const GoASTField &operator=(const GoASTField &) = delete;
+class GoASTFieldList : public GoASTNode
+ public:
+ GoASTFieldList() : GoASTNode(eFieldList) {}
+ ~GoASTFieldList() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "FieldList";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eFieldList;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumList() const
+ {
+ return m_list.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTField *
+ GetList(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_list[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddList(GoASTField *list)
+ {
+ m_list.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTField>(list));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTField> > m_list;
+ GoASTFieldList(const GoASTFieldList &) = delete;
+ const GoASTFieldList &operator=(const GoASTFieldList &) = delete;
+class GoASTForStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTForStmt(GoASTStmt *init, GoASTExpr *cond, GoASTStmt *post, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTStmt(eForStmt), m_init_up(init), m_cond_up(cond), m_post_up(post), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTForStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ForStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eForStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetInit() const
+ {
+ return m_init_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetInit(GoASTStmt *init)
+ {
+ m_init_up.reset(init);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetCond() const
+ {
+ return m_cond_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetCond(GoASTExpr *cond)
+ {
+ m_cond_up.reset(cond);
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetPost() const
+ {
+ return m_post_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetPost(GoASTStmt *post)
+ {
+ m_post_up.reset(post);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_init_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_cond_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_post_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTForStmt(const GoASTForStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTForStmt &operator=(const GoASTForStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTFuncType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTFuncType(GoASTFieldList *params, GoASTFieldList *results) : GoASTExpr(eFuncType), m_params_up(params), m_results_up(results) {}
+ ~GoASTFuncType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "FuncType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eFuncType;
+ }
+ const GoASTFieldList *
+ GetParams() const
+ {
+ return m_params_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetParams(GoASTFieldList *params)
+ {
+ m_params_up.reset(params);
+ }
+ const GoASTFieldList *
+ GetResults() const
+ {
+ return m_results_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetResults(GoASTFieldList *results)
+ {
+ m_results_up.reset(results);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFieldList> m_params_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFieldList> m_results_up;
+ GoASTFuncType(const GoASTFuncType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTFuncType &operator=(const GoASTFuncType &) = delete;
+class GoASTFuncDecl : public GoASTDecl
+ public:
+ GoASTFuncDecl(GoASTFieldList *recv, GoASTIdent *name, GoASTFuncType *type, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTDecl(eFuncDecl), m_recv_up(recv), m_name_up(name), m_type_up(type), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTFuncDecl() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "FuncDecl";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eFuncDecl;
+ }
+ const GoASTFieldList *
+ GetRecv() const
+ {
+ return m_recv_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetRecv(GoASTFieldList *recv)
+ {
+ m_recv_up.reset(recv);
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetName() const
+ {
+ return m_name_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetName(GoASTIdent *name)
+ {
+ m_name_up.reset(name);
+ }
+ const GoASTFuncType *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTFuncType *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFieldList> m_recv_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_name_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFuncType> m_type_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTFuncDecl(const GoASTFuncDecl &) = delete;
+ const GoASTFuncDecl &operator=(const GoASTFuncDecl &) = delete;
+class GoASTFuncLit : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTFuncLit(GoASTFuncType *type, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTExpr(eFuncLit), m_type_up(type), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTFuncLit() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "FuncLit";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eFuncLit;
+ }
+ const GoASTFuncType *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTFuncType *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFuncType> m_type_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTFuncLit(const GoASTFuncLit &) = delete;
+ const GoASTFuncLit &operator=(const GoASTFuncLit &) = delete;
+class GoASTGenDecl : public GoASTDecl
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTGenDecl(TokenType tok) : GoASTDecl(eGenDecl), m_tok(tok) {}
+ ~GoASTGenDecl() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "GenDecl";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eGenDecl;
+ }
+ TokenType
+ GetTok() const
+ {
+ return m_tok;
+ }
+ void
+ SetTok(TokenType tok)
+ {
+ m_tok = tok;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumSpecs() const
+ {
+ return m_specs.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTSpec *
+ GetSpecs(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_specs[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddSpecs(GoASTSpec *specs)
+ {
+ m_specs.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTSpec>(specs));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ TokenType m_tok;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTSpec> > m_specs;
+ GoASTGenDecl(const GoASTGenDecl &) = delete;
+ const GoASTGenDecl &operator=(const GoASTGenDecl &) = delete;
+class GoASTGoStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTGoStmt(GoASTCallExpr *call) : GoASTStmt(eGoStmt), m_call_up(call) {}
+ ~GoASTGoStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "GoStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eGoStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTCallExpr *
+ GetCall() const
+ {
+ return m_call_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetCall(GoASTCallExpr *call)
+ {
+ m_call_up.reset(call);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTCallExpr> m_call_up;
+ GoASTGoStmt(const GoASTGoStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTGoStmt &operator=(const GoASTGoStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTIfStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTIfStmt(GoASTStmt *init, GoASTExpr *cond, GoASTBlockStmt *body, GoASTStmt *els) : GoASTStmt(eIfStmt), m_init_up(init), m_cond_up(cond), m_body_up(body), m_els_up(els) {}
+ ~GoASTIfStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "IfStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eIfStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetInit() const
+ {
+ return m_init_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetInit(GoASTStmt *init)
+ {
+ m_init_up.reset(init);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetCond() const
+ {
+ return m_cond_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetCond(GoASTExpr *cond)
+ {
+ m_cond_up.reset(cond);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetEls() const
+ {
+ return m_els_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetEls(GoASTStmt *els)
+ {
+ m_els_up.reset(els);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_init_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_cond_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_els_up;
+ GoASTIfStmt(const GoASTIfStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTIfStmt &operator=(const GoASTIfStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTImportSpec : public GoASTSpec
+ public:
+ GoASTImportSpec(GoASTIdent *name, GoASTBasicLit *path) : GoASTSpec(eImportSpec), m_name_up(name), m_path_up(path) {}
+ ~GoASTImportSpec() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ImportSpec";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eImportSpec;
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetName() const
+ {
+ return m_name_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetName(GoASTIdent *name)
+ {
+ m_name_up.reset(name);
+ }
+ const GoASTBasicLit *
+ GetPath() const
+ {
+ return m_path_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetPath(GoASTBasicLit *path)
+ {
+ m_path_up.reset(path);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_name_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBasicLit> m_path_up;
+ GoASTImportSpec(const GoASTImportSpec &) = delete;
+ const GoASTImportSpec &operator=(const GoASTImportSpec &) = delete;
+class GoASTIncDecStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTIncDecStmt(GoASTExpr *x, TokenType tok) : GoASTStmt(eIncDecStmt), m_x_up(x), m_tok(tok) {}
+ ~GoASTIncDecStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "IncDecStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eIncDecStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ TokenType
+ GetTok() const
+ {
+ return m_tok;
+ }
+ void
+ SetTok(TokenType tok)
+ {
+ m_tok = tok;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ TokenType m_tok;
+ GoASTIncDecStmt(const GoASTIncDecStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTIncDecStmt &operator=(const GoASTIncDecStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTIndexExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTIndexExpr(GoASTExpr *x, GoASTExpr *index) : GoASTExpr(eIndexExpr), m_x_up(x), m_index_up(index) {}
+ ~GoASTIndexExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "IndexExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eIndexExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetIndex() const
+ {
+ return m_index_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetIndex(GoASTExpr *index)
+ {
+ m_index_up.reset(index);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_index_up;
+ GoASTIndexExpr(const GoASTIndexExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTIndexExpr &operator=(const GoASTIndexExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTInterfaceType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTInterfaceType(GoASTFieldList *methods) : GoASTExpr(eInterfaceType), m_methods_up(methods) {}
+ ~GoASTInterfaceType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "InterfaceType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eInterfaceType;
+ }
+ const GoASTFieldList *
+ GetMethods() const
+ {
+ return m_methods_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetMethods(GoASTFieldList *methods)
+ {
+ m_methods_up.reset(methods);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFieldList> m_methods_up;
+ GoASTInterfaceType(const GoASTInterfaceType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTInterfaceType &operator=(const GoASTInterfaceType &) = delete;
+class GoASTKeyValueExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTKeyValueExpr(GoASTExpr *key, GoASTExpr *value) : GoASTExpr(eKeyValueExpr), m_key_up(key), m_value_up(value) {}
+ ~GoASTKeyValueExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "KeyValueExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eKeyValueExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetKey() const
+ {
+ return m_key_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetKey(GoASTExpr *key)
+ {
+ m_key_up.reset(key);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(GoASTExpr *value)
+ {
+ m_value_up.reset(value);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_key_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_value_up;
+ GoASTKeyValueExpr(const GoASTKeyValueExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTKeyValueExpr &operator=(const GoASTKeyValueExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTLabeledStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTLabeledStmt(GoASTIdent *label, GoASTStmt *stmt) : GoASTStmt(eLabeledStmt), m_label_up(label), m_stmt_up(stmt) {}
+ ~GoASTLabeledStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "LabeledStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eLabeledStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetLabel() const
+ {
+ return m_label_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetLabel(GoASTIdent *label)
+ {
+ m_label_up.reset(label);
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetStmt() const
+ {
+ return m_stmt_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetStmt(GoASTStmt *stmt)
+ {
+ m_stmt_up.reset(stmt);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_label_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_stmt_up;
+ GoASTLabeledStmt(const GoASTLabeledStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTLabeledStmt &operator=(const GoASTLabeledStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTMapType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTMapType(GoASTExpr *key, GoASTExpr *value) : GoASTExpr(eMapType), m_key_up(key), m_value_up(value) {}
+ ~GoASTMapType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "MapType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eMapType;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetKey() const
+ {
+ return m_key_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetKey(GoASTExpr *key)
+ {
+ m_key_up.reset(key);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(GoASTExpr *value)
+ {
+ m_value_up.reset(value);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_key_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_value_up;
+ GoASTMapType(const GoASTMapType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTMapType &operator=(const GoASTMapType &) = delete;
+class GoASTParenExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTParenExpr(GoASTExpr *x) : GoASTExpr(eParenExpr), m_x_up(x) {}
+ ~GoASTParenExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ParenExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eParenExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ GoASTParenExpr(const GoASTParenExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTParenExpr &operator=(const GoASTParenExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTRangeStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTRangeStmt(GoASTExpr *key, GoASTExpr *value, bool define, GoASTExpr *x, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTStmt(eRangeStmt), m_key_up(key), m_value_up(value), m_define(define), m_x_up(x), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTRangeStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "RangeStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eRangeStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetKey() const
+ {
+ return m_key_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetKey(GoASTExpr *key)
+ {
+ m_key_up.reset(key);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(GoASTExpr *value)
+ {
+ m_value_up.reset(value);
+ }
+ bool
+ GetDefine() const
+ {
+ return m_define;
+ }
+ void
+ SetDefine(bool define)
+ {
+ m_define = define;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_key_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_value_up;
+ bool m_define;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTRangeStmt(const GoASTRangeStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTRangeStmt &operator=(const GoASTRangeStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTReturnStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTReturnStmt() : GoASTStmt(eReturnStmt) {}
+ ~GoASTReturnStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ReturnStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eReturnStmt;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumResults() const
+ {
+ return m_results.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetResults(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_results[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddResults(GoASTExpr *results)
+ {
+ m_results.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(results));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_results;
+ GoASTReturnStmt(const GoASTReturnStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTReturnStmt &operator=(const GoASTReturnStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTSelectStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTSelectStmt(GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTStmt(eSelectStmt), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTSelectStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "SelectStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eSelectStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTSelectStmt(const GoASTSelectStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSelectStmt &operator=(const GoASTSelectStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTSelectorExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTSelectorExpr(GoASTExpr *x, GoASTIdent *sel) : GoASTExpr(eSelectorExpr), m_x_up(x), m_sel_up(sel) {}
+ ~GoASTSelectorExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "SelectorExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eSelectorExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetSel() const
+ {
+ return m_sel_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetSel(GoASTIdent *sel)
+ {
+ m_sel_up.reset(sel);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_sel_up;
+ GoASTSelectorExpr(const GoASTSelectorExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSelectorExpr &operator=(const GoASTSelectorExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTSendStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTSendStmt(GoASTExpr *chan, GoASTExpr *value) : GoASTStmt(eSendStmt), m_chan_up(chan), m_value_up(value) {}
+ ~GoASTSendStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "SendStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eSendStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetChan() const
+ {
+ return m_chan_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetChan(GoASTExpr *chan)
+ {
+ m_chan_up.reset(chan);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetValue(GoASTExpr *value)
+ {
+ m_value_up.reset(value);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_chan_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_value_up;
+ GoASTSendStmt(const GoASTSendStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSendStmt &operator=(const GoASTSendStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTSliceExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTSliceExpr(GoASTExpr *x, GoASTExpr *low, GoASTExpr *high, GoASTExpr *max, bool slice3) : GoASTExpr(eSliceExpr), m_x_up(x), m_low_up(low), m_high_up(high), m_max_up(max), m_slice3(slice3) {}
+ ~GoASTSliceExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "SliceExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eSliceExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetLow() const
+ {
+ return m_low_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetLow(GoASTExpr *low)
+ {
+ m_low_up.reset(low);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetHigh() const
+ {
+ return m_high_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetHigh(GoASTExpr *high)
+ {
+ m_high_up.reset(high);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetMax() const
+ {
+ return m_max_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetMax(GoASTExpr *max)
+ {
+ m_max_up.reset(max);
+ }
+ bool
+ GetSlice3() const
+ {
+ return m_slice3;
+ }
+ void
+ SetSlice3(bool slice3)
+ {
+ m_slice3 = slice3;
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_low_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_high_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_max_up;
+ bool m_slice3;
+ GoASTSliceExpr(const GoASTSliceExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSliceExpr &operator=(const GoASTSliceExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTStarExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTStarExpr(GoASTExpr *x) : GoASTExpr(eStarExpr), m_x_up(x) {}
+ ~GoASTStarExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "StarExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eStarExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ GoASTStarExpr(const GoASTStarExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTStarExpr &operator=(const GoASTStarExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTStructType : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ explicit GoASTStructType(GoASTFieldList *fields) : GoASTExpr(eStructType), m_fields_up(fields) {}
+ ~GoASTStructType() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "StructType";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eStructType;
+ }
+ const GoASTFieldList *
+ GetFields() const
+ {
+ return m_fields_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetFields(GoASTFieldList *fields)
+ {
+ m_fields_up.reset(fields);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTFieldList> m_fields_up;
+ GoASTStructType(const GoASTStructType &) = delete;
+ const GoASTStructType &operator=(const GoASTStructType &) = delete;
+class GoASTSwitchStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTSwitchStmt(GoASTStmt *init, GoASTExpr *tag, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTStmt(eSwitchStmt), m_init_up(init), m_tag_up(tag), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTSwitchStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "SwitchStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eSwitchStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetInit() const
+ {
+ return m_init_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetInit(GoASTStmt *init)
+ {
+ m_init_up.reset(init);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetTag() const
+ {
+ return m_tag_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetTag(GoASTExpr *tag)
+ {
+ m_tag_up.reset(tag);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_init_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_tag_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTSwitchStmt(const GoASTSwitchStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTSwitchStmt &operator=(const GoASTSwitchStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTTypeAssertExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTTypeAssertExpr(GoASTExpr *x, GoASTExpr *type) : GoASTExpr(eTypeAssertExpr), m_x_up(x), m_type_up(type) {}
+ ~GoASTTypeAssertExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "TypeAssertExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eTypeAssertExpr;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTExpr *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_type_up;
+ GoASTTypeAssertExpr(const GoASTTypeAssertExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTTypeAssertExpr &operator=(const GoASTTypeAssertExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTTypeSpec : public GoASTSpec
+ public:
+ GoASTTypeSpec(GoASTIdent *name, GoASTExpr *type) : GoASTSpec(eTypeSpec), m_name_up(name), m_type_up(type) {}
+ ~GoASTTypeSpec() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "TypeSpec";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eTypeSpec;
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetName() const
+ {
+ return m_name_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetName(GoASTIdent *name)
+ {
+ m_name_up.reset(name);
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTExpr *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> m_name_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_type_up;
+ GoASTTypeSpec(const GoASTTypeSpec &) = delete;
+ const GoASTTypeSpec &operator=(const GoASTTypeSpec &) = delete;
+class GoASTTypeSwitchStmt : public GoASTStmt
+ public:
+ GoASTTypeSwitchStmt(GoASTStmt *init, GoASTStmt *assign, GoASTBlockStmt *body) : GoASTStmt(eTypeSwitchStmt), m_init_up(init), m_assign_up(assign), m_body_up(body) {}
+ ~GoASTTypeSwitchStmt() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "TypeSwitchStmt";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eTypeSwitchStmt;
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetInit() const
+ {
+ return m_init_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetInit(GoASTStmt *init)
+ {
+ m_init_up.reset(init);
+ }
+ const GoASTStmt *
+ GetAssign() const
+ {
+ return m_assign_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetAssign(GoASTStmt *assign)
+ {
+ m_assign_up.reset(assign);
+ }
+ const GoASTBlockStmt *
+ GetBody() const
+ {
+ return m_body_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetBody(GoASTBlockStmt *body)
+ {
+ m_body_up.reset(body);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_init_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTStmt> m_assign_up;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTBlockStmt> m_body_up;
+ GoASTTypeSwitchStmt(const GoASTTypeSwitchStmt &) = delete;
+ const GoASTTypeSwitchStmt &operator=(const GoASTTypeSwitchStmt &) = delete;
+class GoASTUnaryExpr : public GoASTExpr
+ public:
+ GoASTUnaryExpr(TokenType op, GoASTExpr *x) : GoASTExpr(eUnaryExpr), m_op(op), m_x_up(x) {}
+ ~GoASTUnaryExpr() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "UnaryExpr";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eUnaryExpr;
+ }
+ TokenType
+ GetOp() const
+ {
+ return m_op;
+ }
+ void
+ SetOp(TokenType op)
+ {
+ m_op = op;
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetX() const
+ {
+ return m_x_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetX(GoASTExpr *x)
+ {
+ m_x_up.reset(x);
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ TokenType m_op;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_x_up;
+ GoASTUnaryExpr(const GoASTUnaryExpr &) = delete;
+ const GoASTUnaryExpr &operator=(const GoASTUnaryExpr &) = delete;
+class GoASTValueSpec : public GoASTSpec
+ public:
+ GoASTValueSpec() : GoASTSpec(eValueSpec) {}
+ ~GoASTValueSpec() override = default;
+ const char *
+ GetKindName() const override
+ {
+ return "ValueSpec";
+ }
+ static bool
+ classof(const GoASTNode *n)
+ {
+ return n->GetKind() == eValueSpec;
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumNames() const
+ {
+ return m_names.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTIdent *
+ GetNames(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_names[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddNames(GoASTIdent *names)
+ {
+ m_names.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent>(names));
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetType() const
+ {
+ return m_type_up.get();
+ }
+ void
+ SetType(GoASTExpr *type)
+ {
+ m_type_up.reset(type);
+ }
+ size_t
+ NumValues() const
+ {
+ return m_values.size();
+ }
+ const GoASTExpr *
+ GetValues(int i) const
+ {
+ return m_values[i].get();
+ }
+ void
+ AddValues(GoASTExpr *values)
+ {
+ m_values.push_back(std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr>(values));
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class GoASTNode;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTIdent> > m_names;
+ std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> m_type_up;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GoASTExpr> > m_values;
+ GoASTValueSpec(const GoASTValueSpec &) = delete;
+ const GoASTValueSpec &operator=(const GoASTValueSpec &) = delete;
+template <typename R, typename V>
+R GoASTDecl::Visit(V* v) const
+ switch(GetKind())
+ {
+ case eBadDecl:
+ return v->VisitBadDecl(llvm::cast<const GoASTBadDecl>(this));
+ case eFuncDecl:
+ return v->VisitFuncDecl(llvm::cast<const GoASTFuncDecl>(this));
+ case eGenDecl:
+ return v->VisitGenDecl(llvm::cast<const GoASTGenDecl>(this));
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Invalid kind");
+ }
+template <typename R, typename V>
+R GoASTExpr::Visit(V* v) const
+ switch(GetKind())
+ {
+ case eArrayType:
+ return v->VisitArrayType(llvm::cast<const GoASTArrayType>(this));
+ case eBadExpr:
+ return v->VisitBadExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTBadExpr>(this));
+ case eBasicLit:
+ return v->VisitBasicLit(llvm::cast<const GoASTBasicLit>(this));
+ case eBinaryExpr:
+ return v->VisitBinaryExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTBinaryExpr>(this));
+ case eIdent:
+ return v->VisitIdent(llvm::cast<const GoASTIdent>(this));
+ case eCallExpr:
+ return v->VisitCallExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTCallExpr>(this));
+ case eChanType:
+ return v->VisitChanType(llvm::cast<const GoASTChanType>(this));
+ case eCompositeLit:
+ return v->VisitCompositeLit(llvm::cast<const GoASTCompositeLit>(this));
+ case eEllipsis:
+ return v->VisitEllipsis(llvm::cast<const GoASTEllipsis>(this));
+ case eFuncType:
+ return v->VisitFuncType(llvm::cast<const GoASTFuncType>(this));
+ case eFuncLit:
+ return v->VisitFuncLit(llvm::cast<const GoASTFuncLit>(this));
+ case eIndexExpr:
+ return v->VisitIndexExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTIndexExpr>(this));
+ case eInterfaceType:
+ return v->VisitInterfaceType(llvm::cast<const GoASTInterfaceType>(this));
+ case eKeyValueExpr:
+ return v->VisitKeyValueExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTKeyValueExpr>(this));
+ case eMapType:
+ return v->VisitMapType(llvm::cast<const GoASTMapType>(this));
+ case eParenExpr:
+ return v->VisitParenExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTParenExpr>(this));
+ case eSelectorExpr:
+ return v->VisitSelectorExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTSelectorExpr>(this));
+ case eSliceExpr:
+ return v->VisitSliceExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTSliceExpr>(this));
+ case eStarExpr:
+ return v->VisitStarExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTStarExpr>(this));
+ case eStructType:
+ return v->VisitStructType(llvm::cast<const GoASTStructType>(this));
+ case eTypeAssertExpr:
+ return v->VisitTypeAssertExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTTypeAssertExpr>(this));
+ case eUnaryExpr:
+ return v->VisitUnaryExpr(llvm::cast<const GoASTUnaryExpr>(this));
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Invalid kind");
+ }
+template <typename R, typename V>
+R GoASTSpec::Visit(V* v) const
+ switch(GetKind())
+ {
+ case eImportSpec:
+ return v->VisitImportSpec(llvm::cast<const GoASTImportSpec>(this));
+ case eTypeSpec:
+ return v->VisitTypeSpec(llvm::cast<const GoASTTypeSpec>(this));
+ case eValueSpec:
+ return v->VisitValueSpec(llvm::cast<const GoASTValueSpec>(this));
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Invalid kind");
+ }
+template <typename R, typename V>
+R GoASTStmt::Visit(V* v) const
+ switch(GetKind())
+ {
+ case eAssignStmt:
+ return v->VisitAssignStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTAssignStmt>(this));
+ case eBadStmt:
+ return v->VisitBadStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTBadStmt>(this));
+ case eBlockStmt:
+ return v->VisitBlockStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTBlockStmt>(this));
+ case eBranchStmt:
+ return v->VisitBranchStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTBranchStmt>(this));
+ case eCaseClause:
+ return v->VisitCaseClause(llvm::cast<const GoASTCaseClause>(this));
+ case eCommClause:
+ return v->VisitCommClause(llvm::cast<const GoASTCommClause>(this));
+ case eDeclStmt:
+ return v->VisitDeclStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTDeclStmt>(this));
+ case eDeferStmt:
+ return v->VisitDeferStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTDeferStmt>(this));
+ case eEmptyStmt:
+ return v->VisitEmptyStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTEmptyStmt>(this));
+ case eExprStmt:
+ return v->VisitExprStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTExprStmt>(this));
+ case eForStmt:
+ return v->VisitForStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTForStmt>(this));
+ case eGoStmt:
+ return v->VisitGoStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTGoStmt>(this));
+ case eIfStmt:
+ return v->VisitIfStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTIfStmt>(this));
+ case eIncDecStmt:
+ return v->VisitIncDecStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTIncDecStmt>(this));
+ case eLabeledStmt:
+ return v->VisitLabeledStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTLabeledStmt>(this));
+ case eRangeStmt:
+ return v->VisitRangeStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTRangeStmt>(this));
+ case eReturnStmt:
+ return v->VisitReturnStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTReturnStmt>(this));
+ case eSelectStmt:
+ return v->VisitSelectStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTSelectStmt>(this));
+ case eSendStmt:
+ return v->VisitSendStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTSendStmt>(this));
+ case eSwitchStmt:
+ return v->VisitSwitchStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTSwitchStmt>(this));
+ case eTypeSwitchStmt:
+ return v->VisitTypeSwitchStmt(llvm::cast<const GoASTTypeSwitchStmt>(this));
+ default:
+ assert(false && "Invalid kind");
+ }
+template <typename V>
+void GoASTNode::WalkChildren(V &v)
+ switch (m_kind)
+ {
+ case eArrayType:
+ {
+ GoASTArrayType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTArrayType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_len_up.get());
+ v(n->m_elt_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eAssignStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTAssignStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTAssignStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_lhs) { v(e.get()); }
+ for (auto& e : n->m_rhs) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eBasicLit:
+ {
+ GoASTBasicLit *n = llvm::cast<GoASTBasicLit>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ return;
+ }
+ case eBinaryExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTBinaryExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTBinaryExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_y_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eBlockStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTBlockStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTBlockStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_list) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eIdent:
+ {
+ GoASTIdent *n = llvm::cast<GoASTIdent>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ return;
+ }
+ case eBranchStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTBranchStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTBranchStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_label_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eCallExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTCallExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTCallExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_fun_up.get());
+ for (auto& e : n->m_args) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eCaseClause:
+ {
+ GoASTCaseClause *n = llvm::cast<GoASTCaseClause>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_list) { v(e.get()); }
+ for (auto& e : n->m_body) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eChanType:
+ {
+ GoASTChanType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTChanType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_value_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eCommClause:
+ {
+ GoASTCommClause *n = llvm::cast<GoASTCommClause>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_comm_up.get());
+ for (auto& e : n->m_body) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eCompositeLit:
+ {
+ GoASTCompositeLit *n = llvm::cast<GoASTCompositeLit>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ for (auto& e : n->m_elts) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eDeclStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTDeclStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTDeclStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_decl_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eDeferStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTDeferStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTDeferStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_call_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eEllipsis:
+ {
+ GoASTEllipsis *n = llvm::cast<GoASTEllipsis>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_elt_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eExprStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTExprStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTExprStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eField:
+ {
+ GoASTField *n = llvm::cast<GoASTField>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_names) { v(e.get()); }
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ v(n->m_tag_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eFieldList:
+ {
+ GoASTFieldList *n = llvm::cast<GoASTFieldList>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_list) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eForStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTForStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTForStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_init_up.get());
+ v(n->m_cond_up.get());
+ v(n->m_post_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eFuncType:
+ {
+ GoASTFuncType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTFuncType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_params_up.get());
+ v(n->m_results_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eFuncDecl:
+ {
+ GoASTFuncDecl *n = llvm::cast<GoASTFuncDecl>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_recv_up.get());
+ v(n->m_name_up.get());
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eFuncLit:
+ {
+ GoASTFuncLit *n = llvm::cast<GoASTFuncLit>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eGenDecl:
+ {
+ GoASTGenDecl *n = llvm::cast<GoASTGenDecl>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_specs) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eGoStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTGoStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTGoStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_call_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eIfStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTIfStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTIfStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_init_up.get());
+ v(n->m_cond_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ v(n->m_els_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eImportSpec:
+ {
+ GoASTImportSpec *n = llvm::cast<GoASTImportSpec>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_name_up.get());
+ v(n->m_path_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eIncDecStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTIncDecStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTIncDecStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eIndexExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTIndexExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTIndexExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_index_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eInterfaceType:
+ {
+ GoASTInterfaceType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTInterfaceType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_methods_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eKeyValueExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTKeyValueExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTKeyValueExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_key_up.get());
+ v(n->m_value_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eLabeledStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTLabeledStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTLabeledStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_label_up.get());
+ v(n->m_stmt_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eMapType:
+ {
+ GoASTMapType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTMapType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_key_up.get());
+ v(n->m_value_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eParenExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTParenExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTParenExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eRangeStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTRangeStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTRangeStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_key_up.get());
+ v(n->m_value_up.get());
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eReturnStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTReturnStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTReturnStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_results) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eSelectStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTSelectStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTSelectStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eSelectorExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTSelectorExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTSelectorExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_sel_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eSendStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTSendStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTSendStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_chan_up.get());
+ v(n->m_value_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eSliceExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTSliceExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTSliceExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_low_up.get());
+ v(n->m_high_up.get());
+ v(n->m_max_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eStarExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTStarExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTStarExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eStructType:
+ {
+ GoASTStructType *n = llvm::cast<GoASTStructType>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_fields_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eSwitchStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTSwitchStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTSwitchStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_init_up.get());
+ v(n->m_tag_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eTypeAssertExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTTypeAssertExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTTypeAssertExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eTypeSpec:
+ {
+ GoASTTypeSpec *n = llvm::cast<GoASTTypeSpec>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_name_up.get());
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eTypeSwitchStmt:
+ {
+ GoASTTypeSwitchStmt *n = llvm::cast<GoASTTypeSwitchStmt>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_init_up.get());
+ v(n->m_assign_up.get());
+ v(n->m_body_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eUnaryExpr:
+ {
+ GoASTUnaryExpr *n = llvm::cast<GoASTUnaryExpr>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ v(n->m_x_up.get());
+ return;
+ }
+ case eValueSpec:
+ {
+ GoASTValueSpec *n = llvm::cast<GoASTValueSpec>(this);
+ (void)n;
+ for (auto& e : n->m_names) { v(e.get()); }
+ v(n->m_type_up.get());
+ for (auto& e : n->m_values) { v(e.get()); }
+ return;
+ }
+ case eEmptyStmt:
+ case eBadDecl:
+ case eBadExpr:
+ case eBadStmt:
+ break;
+ }
+} // namespace lldb_private