path: root/source/Plugins/LanguageRuntime/RenderScript/RenderScriptRuntime/RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/Plugins/LanguageRuntime/RenderScript/RenderScriptRuntime/RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/Plugins/LanguageRuntime/RenderScript/RenderScriptRuntime/RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp b/source/Plugins/LanguageRuntime/RenderScript/RenderScriptRuntime/RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ba531b2e3f2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Plugins/LanguageRuntime/RenderScript/RenderScriptRuntime/RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+//===-- RenderScriptx86ABIFixups.cpp ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// C Includes
+// C++ Includes
+#include <set>
+// Other libraries and framework includes
+#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/BasicBlock.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/CallSite.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Instruction.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
+#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"
+#include "llvm/IRReader/IRReader.h"
+#include "llvm/Pass.h"
+// Project includes
+#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
+#include "lldb/Target/Process.h"
+using namespace lldb_private;
+namespace {
+bool isRSAPICall(llvm::Module &module, llvm::CallInst *call_inst) {
+ // TODO get the list of renderscript modules from lldb and check if
+ // this llvm::Module calls into any of them.
+ (void)module;
+ const auto func_name = call_inst->getCalledFunction()->getName();
+ if (func_name.startswith("llvm") || func_name.startswith("lldb"))
+ return false;
+ if (call_inst->getCalledFunction()->isIntrinsic())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool isRSLargeReturnCall(llvm::Module &module, llvm::CallInst *call_inst) {
+ // i686 and x86_64 returns for large vectors in the RenderScript API are not
+ // handled as normal
+ // register pairs, but as a hidden sret type. This is not reflected in the
+ // debug info or mangled
+ // symbol name, and the android ABI for x86 and x86_64, (as well as the
+ // emulators) specifies there is
+ // no AVX, so bcc generates an sret function because we cannot natively return
+ // 256 bit vectors.
+ // This function simply checks whether a function has a > 128bit return type.
+ // It is perhaps an
+ // unreliable heuristic, and relies on bcc not generating AVX code, so if the
+ // android ABI one day
+ // provides for AVX, this function may go out of fashion.
+ (void)module;
+ if (!call_inst || !call_inst->getCalledFunction())
+ return false;
+ return call_inst->getCalledFunction()
+ ->getReturnType()
+ ->getPrimitiveSizeInBits() > 128;
+bool isRSAllocationPtrTy(const llvm::Type *type) {
+ if (!type->isPointerTy())
+ return false;
+ auto ptr_type = type->getPointerElementType();
+ return ptr_type->isStructTy() &&
+ ptr_type->getStructName().startswith("struct.rs_allocation");
+bool isRSAllocationTyCallSite(llvm::Module &module, llvm::CallInst *call_inst) {
+ (void)module;
+ if (!call_inst->hasByValArgument())
+ return false;
+ for (const auto &param : call_inst->operand_values())
+ if (isRSAllocationPtrTy(param->getType()))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+llvm::FunctionType *cloneToStructRetFnTy(llvm::CallInst *call_inst) {
+ // on x86 StructReturn functions return a pointer to the return value, rather
+ // than the return
+ // value itself [ref](http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf
+ // section 6).
+ // We create a return type by getting the pointer type of the old return type,
+ // and inserting a new
+ // initial argument of pointer type of the original return type.
+ Log *log(
+ assert(call_inst && "no CallInst");
+ llvm::Function *orig = call_inst->getCalledFunction();
+ assert(orig && "CallInst has no called function");
+ llvm::FunctionType *orig_type = orig->getFunctionType();
+ auto name = orig->getName();
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("%s - cloning to StructRet function for '%s'", __FUNCTION__,
+ name.str().c_str());
+ unsigned num_params = orig_type->getNumParams();
+ std::vector<llvm::Type *> new_params{num_params + 1, nullptr};
+ std::vector<llvm::Type *> params{orig_type->param_begin(),
+ orig_type->param_end()};
+ // This may not work if the function is somehow declared void as llvm is
+ // strongly typed
+ // and represents void* with i8*
+ assert(!orig_type->getReturnType()->isVoidTy() &&
+ "Cannot add StructRet attribute to void function");
+ llvm::PointerType *return_type_ptr_type =
+ llvm::PointerType::getUnqual(orig->getReturnType());
+ assert(return_type_ptr_type &&
+ "failed to get function return type PointerType");
+ if (!return_type_ptr_type)
+ return nullptr;
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("%s - return type pointer type for StructRet clone @ '0x%p':\n",
+ __FUNCTION__, (void *)return_type_ptr_type);
+ // put the the sret pointer argument in place at the beginning of the argument
+ // list.
+ params.emplace(params.begin(), return_type_ptr_type);
+ assert(params.size() == num_params + 1);
+ return llvm::FunctionType::get(return_type_ptr_type, params,
+ orig->isVarArg());
+bool findRSCallSites(llvm::Module &module,
+ std::set<llvm::CallInst *> &rs_callsites,
+ bool (*predicate)(llvm::Module &, llvm::CallInst *)) {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (auto &func : module.getFunctionList())
+ for (auto &block : func.getBasicBlockList())
+ for (auto &inst : block) {
+ llvm::CallInst *call_inst =
+ llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<llvm::CallInst>(&inst);
+ if (!call_inst || !call_inst->getCalledFunction())
+ // This is not the call-site you are looking for...
+ continue;
+ if (isRSAPICall(module, call_inst) && predicate(module, call_inst)) {
+ rs_callsites.insert(call_inst);
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+bool fixupX86StructRetCalls(llvm::Module &module) {
+ bool changed = false;
+ // changing a basic block while iterating over it seems to have some undefined
+ // behaviour
+ // going on so we find all RS callsites first, then fix them up after
+ // consuming
+ // the iterator.
+ std::set<llvm::CallInst *> rs_callsites;
+ if (!findRSCallSites(module, rs_callsites, isRSLargeReturnCall))
+ return false;
+ for (auto call_inst : rs_callsites) {
+ llvm::FunctionType *new_func_type = cloneToStructRetFnTy(call_inst);
+ assert(new_func_type &&
+ "failed to clone functionType for Renderscript ABI fixup");
+ llvm::CallSite call_site(call_inst);
+ llvm::Function *func = call_inst->getCalledFunction();
+ assert(func && "cannot resolve function in RenderScriptRuntime");
+ // Copy the original call arguments
+ std::vector<llvm::Value *> new_call_args(call_site.arg_begin(),
+ call_site.arg_end());
+ // Allocate enough space to store the return value of the original function
+ // we pass a pointer to this allocation as the StructRet param, and then
+ // copy its
+ // value into the lldb return value
+ llvm::AllocaInst *return_value_alloc = new llvm::AllocaInst(
+ func->getReturnType(), "var_vector_return_alloc", call_inst);
+ // use the new allocation as the new first argument
+ new_call_args.emplace(new_call_args.begin(),
+ llvm::cast<llvm::Value>(return_value_alloc));
+ llvm::PointerType *new_func_ptr_type =
+ llvm::PointerType::get(new_func_type, 0);
+ // Create the type cast from the old function type to the new one
+ llvm::Constant *new_func_cast = llvm::ConstantExpr::getCast(
+ llvm::Instruction::BitCast, func, new_func_ptr_type);
+ // create an allocation for a new function pointer
+ llvm::AllocaInst *new_func_ptr =
+ new llvm::AllocaInst(new_func_ptr_type, "new_func_ptr", call_inst);
+ // store the new_func_cast to the newly allocated space
+ (void)new llvm::StoreInst(new_func_cast, new_func_ptr,
+ "new_func_ptr_load_cast", call_inst);
+ // load the new function address ready for a jump
+ llvm::LoadInst *new_func_addr_load =
+ new llvm::LoadInst(new_func_ptr, "load_func_pointer", call_inst);
+ // and create a callinstruction from it
+ llvm::CallInst *new_call_inst = llvm::CallInst::Create(
+ new_func_addr_load, new_call_args, "new_func_call", call_inst);
+ new_call_inst->setCallingConv(call_inst->getCallingConv());
+ new_call_inst->setTailCall(call_inst->isTailCall());
+ llvm::LoadInst *lldb_save_result_address =
+ new llvm::LoadInst(return_value_alloc, "save_return_val", call_inst);
+ // Now remove the old broken call
+ call_inst->replaceAllUsesWith(lldb_save_result_address);
+ call_inst->eraseFromParent();
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ return changed;
+bool fixupRSAllocationStructByValCalls(llvm::Module &module) {
+ // On x86_64, calls to functions in the RS runtime that take an
+ // `rs_allocation` type argument
+ // are actually handled as by-ref params by bcc, but appear to be passed by
+ // value by lldb (the callsite all use
+ // `struct byval`).
+ // On x86_64 Linux, struct arguments are transferred in registers if the
+ // struct size is no bigger than
+ // 128bits [ref](http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf)
+ // section 7.1 "Passing and returning objects"
+ // otherwise passed on the stack.
+ // an object of type `rs_allocation` is actually 256bits, so should be passed
+ // on the stack. However, code generated
+ // by bcc actually treats formal params of type `rs_allocation` as
+ // `rs_allocation *` so we need to convert the
+ // calling convention to pass by reference, and remove any hint of byval from
+ // formal parameters.
+ bool changed = false;
+ std::set<llvm::CallInst *> rs_callsites;
+ if (!findRSCallSites(module, rs_callsites, isRSAllocationTyCallSite))
+ return false;
+ std::set<llvm::Function *> rs_functions;
+ // for all call instructions
+ for (auto call_inst : rs_callsites) {
+ // add the called function to a set so that we can strip its byval
+ // attributes in another pass
+ rs_functions.insert(call_inst->getCalledFunction());
+ // get the function attributes
+ llvm::AttributeSet call_attribs = call_inst->getAttributes();
+ // iterate over the argument attributes
+ for (size_t i = 1; i <= call_attribs.getNumSlots(); ++i) {
+ // if this argument is passed by val
+ if (call_attribs.hasAttribute(i, llvm::Attribute::ByVal)) {
+ // strip away the byval attribute
+ call_inst->removeAttribute(i, llvm::Attribute::ByVal);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ llvm::AttributeSet attr_byval =
+ llvm::AttributeSet::get(module.getContext(), 1u, llvm::Attribute::ByVal);
+ // for all called function decls
+ for (auto func : rs_functions) {
+ // inspect all of the arguments in the call
+ llvm::SymbolTableList<llvm::Argument> &arg_list = func->getArgumentList();
+ for (auto &arg : arg_list) {
+ if (arg.hasByValAttr()) {
+ arg.removeAttr(attr_byval);
+ changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+} // end anonymous namespace
+namespace lldb_private {
+namespace lldb_renderscript {
+bool fixupX86FunctionCalls(llvm::Module &module) {
+ return fixupX86StructRetCalls(module);
+bool fixupX86_64FunctionCalls(llvm::Module &module) {
+ bool changed = false;
+ changed |= fixupX86StructRetCalls(module);
+ changed |= fixupRSAllocationStructByValCalls(module);
+ return changed;
+} // end namespace lldb_renderscript
+} // end namespace lldb_private