path: root/source/Plugins/Platform/POSIX/PlatformPOSIX.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/Plugins/Platform/POSIX/PlatformPOSIX.cpp')
1 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/Plugins/Platform/POSIX/PlatformPOSIX.cpp b/source/Plugins/Platform/POSIX/PlatformPOSIX.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..34316c484276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/Plugins/Platform/POSIX/PlatformPOSIX.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+//===-- PlatformPOSIX.cpp ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
+// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "PlatformPOSIX.h"
+// C Includes
+// C++ Includes
+// Other libraries and framework includes
+// Project includes
+#include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/Log.h"
+#include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/File.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
+#include "lldb/Host/Host.h"
+using namespace lldb;
+using namespace lldb_private;
+/// Default Constructor
+PlatformPOSIX::PlatformPOSIX (bool is_host) :
+Platform(is_host), // This is the local host platform
+m_remote_platform_sp ()
+/// Destructor.
+/// The destructor is virtual since this class is designed to be
+/// inherited from by the plug-in instance.
+PlatformPOSIX::GetConnectionOptions (lldb_private::CommandInterpreter& interpreter)
+ if (m_options.get() == NULL)
+ {
+ m_options.reset(new OptionGroupOptions(interpreter));
+ m_options->Append(new OptionGroupPlatformRSync());
+ m_options->Append(new OptionGroupPlatformSSH());
+ m_options->Append(new OptionGroupPlatformCaching());
+ }
+ return m_options.get();
+PlatformPOSIX::RunShellCommand (const char *command, // Shouldn't be NULL
+ const char *working_dir, // Pass NULL to use the current working directory
+ int *status_ptr, // Pass NULL if you don't want the process exit status
+ int *signo_ptr, // Pass NULL if you don't want the signal that caused the process to exit
+ std::string *command_output, // Pass NULL if you don't want the command output
+ uint32_t timeout_sec) // Timeout in seconds to wait for shell program to finish
+ if (IsHost())
+ return Host::RunShellCommand(command, working_dir, status_ptr, signo_ptr, command_output, timeout_sec);
+ else
+ {
+ if (m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->RunShellCommand(command, working_dir, status_ptr, signo_ptr, command_output, timeout_sec);
+ else
+ return Error("unable to run a remote command without a platform");
+ }
+PlatformPOSIX::MakeDirectory (const std::string &path,
+ mode_t mode)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::MakeDirectory (path.c_str(), mode);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->MakeDirectory(path, mode);
+ return Platform::MakeDirectory(path,mode);
+PlatformPOSIX::OpenFile (const FileSpec& file_spec,
+ uint32_t flags,
+ mode_t mode,
+ Error &error)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::OpenFile(file_spec, flags, mode, error);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->OpenFile(file_spec, flags, mode, error);
+ return Platform::OpenFile(file_spec, flags, mode, error);
+PlatformPOSIX::CloseFile (lldb::user_id_t fd, Error &error)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::CloseFile(fd, error);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->CloseFile(fd, error);
+ return Platform::CloseFile(fd, error);
+PlatformPOSIX::ReadFile (lldb::user_id_t fd,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ void *dst,
+ uint64_t dst_len,
+ Error &error)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::ReadFile(fd, offset, dst, dst_len, error);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->ReadFile(fd, offset, dst, dst_len, error);
+ return Platform::ReadFile(fd, offset, dst, dst_len, error);
+PlatformPOSIX::WriteFile (lldb::user_id_t fd,
+ uint64_t offset,
+ const void* src,
+ uint64_t src_len,
+ Error &error)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::WriteFile(fd, offset, src, src_len, error);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->WriteFile(fd, offset, src, src_len, error);
+ return Platform::WriteFile(fd, offset, src, src_len, error);
+static uint32_t
+chown_file(Platform *platform,
+ const char* path,
+ uint32_t uid = UINT32_MAX,
+ uint32_t gid = UINT32_MAX)
+ if (!platform || !path || *path == 0)
+ return UINT32_MAX;
+ if (uid == UINT32_MAX && gid == UINT32_MAX)
+ return 0; // pretend I did chown correctly - actually I just didn't care
+ StreamString command;
+ command.PutCString("chown ");
+ if (uid != UINT32_MAX)
+ command.Printf("%d",uid);
+ if (gid != UINT32_MAX)
+ command.Printf(":%d",gid);
+ command.Printf("%s",path);
+ int status;
+ platform->RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+ &status,
+ 10);
+ return status;
+PlatformPOSIX::PutFile (const lldb_private::FileSpec& source,
+ const lldb_private::FileSpec& destination,
+ uint32_t uid,
+ uint32_t gid)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ if (FileSpec::Equal(source, destination, true))
+ return Error();
+ // cp src dst
+ // chown uid:gid dst
+ std::string src_path (source.GetPath());
+ if (src_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for source");
+ std::string dst_path (destination.GetPath());
+ if (dst_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for destination");
+ StreamString command;
+ command.Printf("cp %s %s", src_path.c_str(), dst_path.c_str());
+ int status;
+ RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+ &status,
+ 10);
+ if (status != 0)
+ return Error("unable to perform copy");
+ if (uid == UINT32_MAX && gid == UINT32_MAX)
+ return Error();
+ if (chown_file(this,dst_path.c_str(),uid,gid) != 0)
+ return Error("unable to perform chown");
+ return Error();
+ }
+ else if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ {
+ if (GetSupportsRSync())
+ {
+ std::string src_path (source.GetPath());
+ if (src_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for source");
+ std::string dst_path (destination.GetPath());
+ if (dst_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for destination");
+ StreamString command;
+ if (GetIgnoresRemoteHostname())
+ {
+ if (!GetRSyncPrefix())
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ else
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s%s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ GetRSyncPrefix(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s:%s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ GetHostname(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("[PutFile] Running command: %s\n", command.GetData());
+ int retcode;
+ Host::RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+ &retcode,
+ 60);
+ if (retcode == 0)
+ {
+ // Don't chown a local file for a remote system
+// if (chown_file(this,dst_path.c_str(),uid,gid) != 0)
+// return Error("unable to perform chown");
+ return Error();
+ }
+ // if we are still here rsync has failed - let's try the slow way before giving up
+ }
+ // open
+ // read, write, read, write, ...
+ // close
+ // chown uid:gid dst
+ Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("[PutFile] Using block by block transfer....\n");
+ File source_file(source, File::eOpenOptionRead, File::ePermissionsUserRW);
+ if (!source_file.IsValid())
+ return Error("unable to open source file");
+ Error error;
+ lldb::user_id_t dest_file = OpenFile (destination,
+ File::eOpenOptionCanCreate | File::eOpenOptionWrite | File::eOpenOptionTruncate,
+ File::ePermissionsUserRWX | File::ePermissionsGroupRX | File::ePermissionsWorldRX,
+ error);
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf ("dest_file = %" PRIu64 "\n", dest_file);
+ if (error.Fail())
+ return error;
+ if (dest_file == UINT64_MAX)
+ return Error("unable to open target file");
+ lldb::DataBufferSP buffer_sp(new DataBufferHeap(1024, 0));
+ uint64_t offset = 0;
+ while (error.Success())
+ {
+ size_t bytes_read = buffer_sp->GetByteSize();
+ error = source_file.Read(buffer_sp->GetBytes(), bytes_read);
+ if (bytes_read)
+ {
+ WriteFile(dest_file, offset, buffer_sp->GetBytes(), bytes_read, error);
+ offset += bytes_read;
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ CloseFile(dest_file, error);
+ if (uid == UINT32_MAX && gid == UINT32_MAX)
+ return error;
+ // This is remopve, don't chown a local file...
+// std::string dst_path (destination.GetPath());
+// if (chown_file(this,dst_path.c_str(),uid,gid) != 0)
+// return Error("unable to perform chown");
+ return error;
+ }
+ return Platform::PutFile(source,destination,uid,gid);
+PlatformPOSIX::GetFileSize (const FileSpec& file_spec)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return Host::GetFileSize(file_spec);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->GetFileSize(file_spec);
+ return Platform::GetFileSize(file_spec);
+PlatformPOSIX::GetFileExists (const FileSpec& file_spec)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return file_spec.Exists();
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->GetFileExists(file_spec);
+ return Platform::GetFileExists(file_spec);
+PlatformPOSIX::GetFilePermissions (const lldb_private::FileSpec &file_spec,
+ lldb_private::Error &error)
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ return File::GetPermissions(file_spec.GetPath().c_str(), error);
+ }
+ if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->GetFilePermissions(file_spec, error);
+ return Platform::GetFilePermissions(file_spec, error);
+PlatformPOSIX::GetFile (const lldb_private::FileSpec& source /* remote file path */,
+ const lldb_private::FileSpec& destination /* local file path */)
+ // Check the args, first.
+ std::string src_path (source.GetPath());
+ if (src_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for source");
+ std::string dst_path (destination.GetPath());
+ if (dst_path.empty())
+ return Error("unable to get file path for destination");
+ if (IsHost())
+ {
+ if (FileSpec::Equal(source, destination, true))
+ return Error("local scenario->source and destination are the same file path: no operation performed");
+ // cp src dst
+ StreamString cp_command;
+ cp_command.Printf("cp %s %s", src_path.c_str(), dst_path.c_str());
+ int status;
+ RunShellCommand(cp_command.GetData(),
+ &status,
+ 10);
+ if (status != 0)
+ return Error("unable to perform copy");
+ return Error();
+ }
+ else if (IsRemote() && m_remote_platform_sp)
+ {
+ if (GetSupportsRSync())
+ {
+ StreamString command;
+ if (GetIgnoresRemoteHostname())
+ {
+ if (!GetRSyncPrefix())
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s %s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ else
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s%s %s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ GetRSyncPrefix(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ command.Printf("rsync %s %s:%s %s",
+ GetRSyncOpts(),
+ m_remote_platform_sp->GetHostname(),
+ src_path.c_str(),
+ dst_path.c_str());
+ Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("[GetFile] Running command: %s\n", command.GetData());
+ int retcode;
+ Host::RunShellCommand(command.GetData(),
+ &retcode,
+ 60);
+ if (retcode == 0)
+ return Error();
+ // If we are here, rsync has failed - let's try the slow way before giving up
+ }
+ // open src and dst
+ // read/write, read/write, read/write, ...
+ // close src
+ // close dst
+ Log *log(GetLogIfAnyCategoriesSet(LIBLLDB_LOG_PLATFORM));
+ if (log)
+ log->Printf("[GetFile] Using block by block transfer....\n");
+ Error error;
+ user_id_t fd_src = OpenFile (source,
+ File::eOpenOptionRead,
+ File::ePermissionsDefault,
+ error);
+ if (fd_src == UINT64_MAX)
+ return Error("unable to open source file");
+ uint32_t permissions = GetFilePermissions(source, error);
+ if (permissions == 0)
+ permissions = File::ePermissionsDefault;
+ user_id_t fd_dst = Host::OpenFile(destination,
+ File::eOpenOptionCanCreate | File::eOpenOptionWrite | File::eOpenOptionTruncate,
+ permissions,
+ error);
+ if (fd_dst == UINT64_MAX)
+ {
+ if (error.Success())
+ error.SetErrorString("unable to open destination file");
+ }
+ if (error.Success())
+ {
+ lldb::DataBufferSP buffer_sp(new DataBufferHeap(1024, 0));
+ uint64_t offset = 0;
+ error.Clear();
+ while (error.Success())
+ {
+ const uint64_t n_read = ReadFile (fd_src,
+ offset,
+ buffer_sp->GetBytes(),
+ buffer_sp->GetByteSize(),
+ error);
+ if (error.Fail())
+ break;
+ if (n_read == 0)
+ break;
+ if (Host::WriteFile(fd_dst,
+ offset,
+ buffer_sp->GetBytes(),
+ n_read,
+ error) != n_read)
+ {
+ if (!error.Fail())
+ error.SetErrorString("unable to write to destination file");
+ break;
+ }
+ offset += n_read;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ignore the close error of src.
+ if (fd_src != UINT64_MAX)
+ CloseFile(fd_src, error);
+ // And close the dst file descriptot.
+ if (fd_dst != UINT64_MAX && !Host::CloseFile(fd_dst, error))
+ {
+ if (!error.Fail())
+ error.SetErrorString("unable to close destination file");
+ }
+ return error;
+ }
+ return Platform::GetFile(source,destination);
+ StreamString stream;
+ if (GetSupportsRSync())
+ {
+ stream.PutCString("rsync");
+ if ( (GetRSyncOpts() && *GetRSyncOpts()) ||
+ (GetRSyncPrefix() && *GetRSyncPrefix()) ||
+ GetIgnoresRemoteHostname())
+ {
+ stream.Printf(", options: ");
+ if (GetRSyncOpts() && *GetRSyncOpts())
+ stream.Printf("'%s' ",GetRSyncOpts());
+ stream.Printf(", prefix: ");
+ if (GetRSyncPrefix() && *GetRSyncPrefix())
+ stream.Printf("'%s' ",GetRSyncPrefix());
+ if (GetIgnoresRemoteHostname())
+ stream.Printf("ignore remote-hostname ");
+ }
+ }
+ if (GetSupportsSSH())
+ {
+ stream.PutCString("ssh");
+ if (GetSSHOpts() && *GetSSHOpts())
+ stream.Printf(", options: '%s' ",GetSSHOpts());
+ }
+ if (GetLocalCacheDirectory() && *GetLocalCacheDirectory())
+ stream.Printf("cache dir: %s",GetLocalCacheDirectory());
+ if (stream.GetSize())
+ return stream.GetData();
+ else
+ return "";
+PlatformPOSIX::CalculateMD5 (const FileSpec& file_spec,
+ uint64_t &low,
+ uint64_t &high)
+ if (IsHost())
+ return Platform::CalculateMD5 (file_spec, low, high);
+ if (m_remote_platform_sp)
+ return m_remote_platform_sp->CalculateMD5(file_spec, low, high);
+ return false;