path: root/sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s
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Diffstat (limited to 'sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s b/sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2953f1d06e81
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/alpha/alpha/swtch.s
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+/* $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.47 1998/03/22 07:26:32 thorpej Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Author: Chris G. Demetriou
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and
+ * its documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright
+ * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the
+ * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions
+ * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation.
+ *
+ *
+ * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to
+ *
+ * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU
+ * School of Computer Science
+ * Carnegie Mellon University
+ * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890
+ *
+ * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie the
+ * rights to redistribute these changes.
+ */
+#include <machine/asm.h>
+#include "assym.s"
+ * Perform actions necessary to switch to a new context. The
+ * hwpcb should be in a0.
+ */
+ /* Make a note of the context we're running on. */ \
+ stq a0, curpcb; \
+ \
+ /* Swap in the new context. */ \
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpctx
+ * savectx: save process context, i.e. callee-saved registers
+ *
+ * Note that savectx() only works for processes other than curproc,
+ * since cpu_switch will copy over the info saved here. (It _can_
+ * sanely be used for curproc iff cpu_switch won't be called again, e.g.
+ * from if called from boot().)
+ *
+ * Arguments:
+ * a0 'struct user *' of the process that needs its context saved
+ *
+ * Return:
+ * v0 0. (note that for child processes, it seems
+ * like savectx() returns 1, because the return address
+ * in the PCB is set to the return address from savectx().)
+ */
+LEAF(savectx, 1)
+ br pv, Lsavectx1
+Lsavectx1: LDGP(pv)
+ stq sp, U_PCB_HWPCB_KSP(a0) /* store sp */
+ stq s0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(0 * 8)(a0) /* store s0 - s6 */
+ stq s1, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(1 * 8)(a0)
+ stq s2, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(2 * 8)(a0)
+ stq s3, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(3 * 8)(a0)
+ stq s4, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(4 * 8)(a0)
+ stq s5, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(5 * 8)(a0)
+ stq s6, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(6 * 8)(a0)
+ stq ra, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(7 * 8)(a0) /* store ra */
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdps /* NOTE: doesn't kill a0 */
+ stq v0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(8 * 8)(a0) /* store ps, for ipl */
+ mov zero, v0
+ END(savectx)
+IMPORT(whichqs, 4)
+IMPORT(want_resched, 8)
+IMPORT(Lev1map, 8)
+ * When no processes are on the runq, cpu_switch branches to idle
+ * to wait for something to come ready.
+ * Note: this is really a part of cpu_switch() but defined here for kernel
+ * profiling.
+ */
+LEAF(idle, 0)
+ br pv, Lidle1
+Lidle1: LDGP(pv)
+ stq zero, curproc /* curproc <- NULL for stats */
+ mov zero, a0 /* enable all interrupts */
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl
+ ldl t0, whichqs /* look for non-empty queue */
+ beq t0, Lidle2
+ ldiq a0, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_HIGH /* disable all interrupts */
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl
+ jmp zero, sw1 /* jump back into the fray */
+ END(idle)
+ * cpu_switch()
+ * Find the highest priority process and resume it.
+ */
+LEAF(cpu_switch, 1)
+ LDGP(pv)
+ /* do an inline savectx(), to save old context */
+ ldq a1, P_ADDR(a0)
+ /* NOTE: ksp is stored by the swpctx */
+ stq s0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(0 * 8)(a1) /* store s0 - s6 */
+ stq s1, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(1 * 8)(a1)
+ stq s2, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(2 * 8)(a1)
+ stq s3, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(3 * 8)(a1)
+ stq s4, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(4 * 8)(a1)
+ stq s5, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(5 * 8)(a1)
+ stq s6, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(6 * 8)(a1)
+ stq ra, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(7 * 8)(a1) /* store ra */
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_rdps /* NOTE: doesn't kill a0 */
+ stq v0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(8 * 8)(a1) /* store ps, for ipl */
+ mov a0, s0 /* save old curproc */
+ mov a1, s1 /* save old U-area */
+ ldl t0, whichqs /* look for non-empty queue */
+ beq t0, idle /* and if none, go idle */
+ ldiq a0, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_HIGH /* disable all interrupts */
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl
+ br pv, Lcs1
+Lcs1: LDGP(pv)
+ ldl t0, whichqs /* look for non-empty queue */
+ beq t0, idle /* and if none, go idle */
+ mov t0, t3 /* t3 = saved whichqs */
+ mov zero, t2 /* t2 = lowest bit set */
+ blbs t0, Lcs3 /* if low bit set, done! */
+Lcs2: srl t0, 1, t0 /* try next bit */
+ addq t2, 1, t2
+ blbc t0, Lcs2 /* if clear, try again */
+ /*
+ * Remove process from queue
+ */
+ lda t1, qs /* get queues */
+ sll t2, 4, t0 /* queue head is 16 bytes */
+ addq t1, t0, t0 /* t0 = qp = &qs[firstbit] */
+ ldq t4, PH_LINK(t0) /* t4 = p = highest pri proc */
+ ldq t5, P_FORW(t4) /* t5 = p->p_forw */
+ bne t4, Lcs4 /* make sure p != NULL */
+ PANIC("cpu_switch",Lcpu_switch_pmsg) /* nothing in queue! */
+ stq t5, PH_LINK(t0) /* qp->ph_link = p->p_forw */
+ stq t0, P_BACK(t5) /* p->p_forw->p_back = qp */
+ stq zero, P_BACK(t4) /* firewall: p->p_back = NULL */
+ cmpeq t0, t5, t0 /* see if queue is empty */
+ beq t0, Lcs5 /* nope, it's not! */
+ ldiq t0, 1 /* compute bit in whichqs */
+ sll t0, t2, t0
+ xor t3, t0, t3 /* clear bit in whichqs */
+ stl t3, whichqs
+ mov t4, s2 /* save new proc */
+ ldq s3, P_MD_PCBPADDR(s2) /* save new pcbpaddr */
+ /*
+ * Check to see if we're switching to ourself. If we are,
+ * don't bother loading the new context.
+ *
+ * Note that even if we re-enter cpu_switch() from idle(),
+ * s0 will still contain the old curproc value because any
+ * users of that register between then and now must have
+ * saved it. Also note that switch_exit() ensures that
+ * s0 is clear before jumping here to find a new process.
+ */
+ cmpeq s0, t4, t0 /* oldproc == newproc? */
+ bne t0, Lcs7 /* Yes! Skip! */
+ /*
+ * Deactivate the old address space before activating the
+ * new one. We need to do this before activating the
+ * new process's address space in the event that new
+ * process is using the same vmspace as the old. If we
+ * do this after we activate, then we might end up
+ * incorrectly marking the pmap inactive!
+ *
+ * We don't deactivate if we came here from switch_exit
+ * (old pmap no longer exists; vmspace has been freed).
+ * oldproc will be NULL in this case. We have actually
+ * taken care of calling pmap_deactivate() in cpu_exit(),
+ * before the vmspace went away.
+ */
+ beq s0, Lcs6
+ mov s0, a0 /* pmap_deactivate(oldproc) */
+ CALL(pmap_deactivate)
+ /*
+ * Activate the new process's address space and perform
+ * the actual context swap.
+ */
+ mov s2, a0 /* pmap_activate(p) */
+ CALL(pmap_activate)
+ mov s3, a0 /* swap the context */
+ /*
+ * Now that the switch is done, update curproc and other
+ * globals. We must do this even if switching to ourselves
+ * because we might have re-entered cpu_switch() from idle(),
+ * in which case curproc would be NULL.
+ */
+ stq s2, curproc /* curproc = p */
+ stq zero, want_resched /* we've rescheduled */
+ /*
+ * Now running on the new u struct.
+ * Restore registers and return.
+ */
+ ldq t0, P_ADDR(s2)
+ /* NOTE: ksp is restored by the swpctx */
+ ldq s0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(0 * 8)(t0) /* restore s0 - s6 */
+ ldq s1, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(1 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq s2, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(2 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq s3, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(3 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq s4, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(4 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq s5, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(5 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq s6, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(6 * 8)(t0)
+ ldq ra, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(7 * 8)(t0) /* restore ra */
+ ldq a0, U_PCB_CONTEXT+(8 * 8)(t0) /* restore ipl */
+ and a0, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_MASK, a0
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl
+ ldiq v0, 1 /* possible ret to savectx() */
+ END(cpu_switch)
+ * switch_trampoline()
+ *
+ * Arrange for a function to be invoked neatly, after a cpu_switch().
+ *
+ * Invokes the function specified by the s0 register with the return
+ * address specified by the s1 register and with one argument, a
+ * pointer to the executing process's proc structure.
+ */
+LEAF(switch_trampoline, 0)
+ mov s0, pv
+ mov s1, ra
+ mov s2, a0
+ jmp zero, (pv)
+ END(switch_trampoline)
+ * exception_return: return from trap, exception, or syscall
+ */
+BSS(ssir, 8)
+IMPORT(astpending, 8)
+LEAF(exception_return, 1) /* XXX should be NESTED */
+ br pv, Ler1
+Ler1: LDGP(pv)
+ ldq s1, (FRAME_PS * 8)(sp) /* get the saved PS */
+ and s1, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_MASK, t0 /* look at the saved IPL */
+ bne t0, Lrestoreregs /* != 0: can't do AST or SIR */
+ /* see if we can do an SIR */
+ ldq t1, ssir /* SIR pending? */
+ beq t1, Lchkast /* no, try an AST*/
+ /* We've got a SIR. */
+ CALL(do_sir) /* do the SIR; lowers IPL */
+ ldiq a0, ALPHA_PSL_IPL_0 /* drop IPL to zero*/
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_swpipl
+ and s1, ALPHA_PSL_USERMODE, t0 /* are we returning to user? */
+ beq t0, Lrestoreregs /* no: just return */
+ ldq t2, astpending /* AST pending? */
+ beq t2, Lsetfpenable /* no: return & deal with FP */
+ /* We've got an AST. Handle it. */
+ mov sp, a0 /* only arg is frame */
+ CALL(ast)
+ /* enable FPU based on whether the current proc is fpcurproc */
+ ldq t0, curproc
+ ldq t1, fpcurproc
+ cmpeq t0, t1, t0
+ mov zero, a0
+ cmovne t0, 1, a0
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_wrfen
+ /* restore the registers, and return */
+ bsr ra, exception_restore_regs /* jmp/CALL trashes pv/t12 */
+ ldq ra,(FRAME_RA*8)(sp)
+ .set noat
+ ldq at_reg,(FRAME_AT*8)(sp)
+ lda sp,(FRAME_SW_SIZE*8)(sp)
+ call_pal PAL_OSF1_rti
+ .set at
+ END(exception_return)
+LEAF(exception_save_regs, 0)
+ stq v0,(FRAME_V0*8)(sp)
+ stq a3,(FRAME_A3*8)(sp)
+ stq a4,(FRAME_A4*8)(sp)
+ stq a5,(FRAME_A5*8)(sp)
+ stq s0,(FRAME_S0*8)(sp)
+ stq s1,(FRAME_S1*8)(sp)
+ stq s2,(FRAME_S2*8)(sp)
+ stq s3,(FRAME_S3*8)(sp)
+ stq s4,(FRAME_S4*8)(sp)
+ stq s5,(FRAME_S5*8)(sp)
+ stq s6,(FRAME_S6*8)(sp)
+ stq t0,(FRAME_T0*8)(sp)
+ stq t1,(FRAME_T1*8)(sp)
+ stq t2,(FRAME_T2*8)(sp)
+ stq t3,(FRAME_T3*8)(sp)
+ stq t4,(FRAME_T4*8)(sp)
+ stq t5,(FRAME_T5*8)(sp)
+ stq t6,(FRAME_T6*8)(sp)
+ stq t7,(FRAME_T7*8)(sp)
+ stq t8,(FRAME_T8*8)(sp)
+ stq t9,(FRAME_T9*8)(sp)
+ stq t10,(FRAME_T10*8)(sp)
+ stq t11,(FRAME_T11*8)(sp)
+ stq t12,(FRAME_T12*8)(sp)
+ END(exception_save_regs)
+LEAF(exception_restore_regs, 0)
+ ldq v0,(FRAME_V0*8)(sp)
+ ldq a3,(FRAME_A3*8)(sp)
+ ldq a4,(FRAME_A4*8)(sp)
+ ldq a5,(FRAME_A5*8)(sp)
+ ldq s0,(FRAME_S0*8)(sp)
+ ldq s1,(FRAME_S1*8)(sp)
+ ldq s2,(FRAME_S2*8)(sp)
+ ldq s3,(FRAME_S3*8)(sp)
+ ldq s4,(FRAME_S4*8)(sp)
+ ldq s5,(FRAME_S5*8)(sp)
+ ldq s6,(FRAME_S6*8)(sp)
+ ldq t0,(FRAME_T0*8)(sp)
+ ldq t1,(FRAME_T1*8)(sp)
+ ldq t2,(FRAME_T2*8)(sp)
+ ldq t3,(FRAME_T3*8)(sp)
+ ldq t4,(FRAME_T4*8)(sp)
+ ldq t5,(FRAME_T5*8)(sp)
+ ldq t6,(FRAME_T6*8)(sp)
+ ldq t7,(FRAME_T7*8)(sp)
+ ldq t8,(FRAME_T8*8)(sp)
+ ldq t9,(FRAME_T9*8)(sp)
+ ldq t10,(FRAME_T10*8)(sp)
+ ldq t11,(FRAME_T11*8)(sp)
+ ldq t12,(FRAME_T12*8)(sp)
+ END(exception_restore_regs)