path: root/sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h')
1 files changed, 287 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h b/sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h
index fbb08215b7b1..069db02fadff 100644
--- a/sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h
+++ b/sys/dev/mrsas/mrsas.h
@@ -165,14 +165,22 @@ do { \
device_printf(sc->mrsas_dev, msg, ##args); \
} while (0)
+#define le32_to_cpus(x) do { *((u_int32_t *)(x)) = le32toh((*(u_int32_t *)x)); } while (0)
+#define le16_to_cpus(x) do { *((u_int16_t *)(x)) = le16toh((*(u_int16_t *)x)); } while (0)
* Raid Context structure which describes MegaRAID specific IO Paramenters
* This resides at offset 0x60 where the SGL normally starts in MPT IO Frames
typedef struct _RAID_CONTEXT {
u_int8_t Type:4;
u_int8_t nseg:4;
+ u_int8_t nseg:4;
+ u_int8_t Type:4;
u_int8_t resvd0;
u_int16_t timeoutValue;
u_int8_t regLockFlags;
@@ -197,12 +205,19 @@ typedef struct _RAID_CONTEXT {
* This resides at offset 0x60 where the SGL normally starts in MPT IO Frames
typedef struct _RAID_CONTEXT_G35 {
u_int16_t Type:4;
u_int16_t nseg:4;
u_int16_t resvd0:8;
+ u_int16_t resvd0:8;
+ u_int16_t nseg:4;
+ u_int16_t Type:4;
u_int16_t timeoutValue;
union {
struct {
u_int16_t reserved:1;
u_int16_t sld:1;
u_int16_t c2f:1;
@@ -213,6 +228,18 @@ typedef struct _RAID_CONTEXT_G35 {
u_int16_t log:1;
u_int16_t cpuSel:4;
u_int16_t setDivert:4;
+ u_int16_t setDivert:4;
+ u_int16_t cpuSel:4;
+ u_int16_t log:1;
+ u_int16_t rw:1;
+ u_int16_t sbs:1;
+ u_int16_t sqn:1;
+ u_int16_t fwn:1;
+ u_int16_t c2f:1;
+ u_int16_t sld:1;
+ u_int16_t reserved:1;
} bits;
u_int16_t s;
} routingFlags;
@@ -228,9 +255,15 @@ typedef struct _RAID_CONTEXT_G35 {
u_int8_t RAIDFlags;
u_int8_t spanArm;
u_int16_t configSeqNum;
u_int16_t numSGE:12;
u_int16_t reserved:3;
u_int16_t streamDetected:1;
+ u_int16_t streamDetected:1;
+ u_int16_t reserved:3;
+ u_int16_t numSGE:12;
u_int8_t resvd2[2];
@@ -433,9 +466,15 @@ typedef struct _MR_TASK_MANAGE_REQUEST {
union {
struct {
u_int32_t isTMForLD:1;
u_int32_t isTMForPD:1;
u_int32_t reserved1:30;
+ u_int32_t reserved1:30;
+ u_int32_t isTMForPD:1;
+ u_int32_t isTMForLD:1;
u_int32_t reserved2;
} tmReqFlags;
@@ -808,6 +847,7 @@ typedef struct _MR_SPAN_BLOCK_INFO {
typedef struct _MR_LD_RAID {
struct {
u_int32_t fpCapable:1;
u_int32_t raCapable:1;
u_int32_t reserved5:2;
@@ -822,6 +862,22 @@ typedef struct _MR_LD_RAID {
u_int32_t tmCapable:1;
u_int32_t fpCacheBypassCapable:1;
u_int32_t reserved4:5;
+ u_int32_t reserved4:5;
+ u_int32_t fpCacheBypassCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t tmCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t fpNonRWCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t fpReadAcrossStripe:1;
+ u_int32_t fpWriteAcrossStripe:1;
+ u_int32_t fpReadCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t fpWriteCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t encryptionType:8;
+ u_int32_t pdPiMode:4;
+ u_int32_t ldPiMode:4;
+ u_int32_t reserved5:2;
+ u_int32_t raCapable:1;
+ u_int32_t fpCapable:1;
} capability;
u_int32_t reserved6;
u_int64_t size;
@@ -844,9 +900,15 @@ typedef struct _MR_LD_RAID {
u_int16_t seqNum;
struct {
+ u_int32_t reserved:30;
+ u_int32_t regTypeReqOnReadLsValid:1;
+ u_int32_t ldSyncRequired:1;
u_int32_t ldSyncRequired:1;
u_int32_t regTypeReqOnReadLsValid:1;
u_int32_t reserved:30;
} flags;
u_int8_t LUN[8];
@@ -854,9 +916,15 @@ typedef struct _MR_LD_RAID {
u_int8_t reserved2[3];
u_int32_t logicalBlockLength;
struct {
+ u_int32_t reserved1:24;
+ u_int32_t LdLogicalBlockExp:4;
+ u_int32_t LdPiExp:4;
u_int32_t LdPiExp:4;
u_int32_t LdLogicalBlockExp:4;
u_int32_t reserved1:24;
} exponent;
u_int8_t reserved3[0x80 - 0x38];
@@ -1039,8 +1107,13 @@ struct MR_PD_CFG_SEQ {
u_int16_t seqNum;
u_int16_t devHandle;
struct {
u_int8_t tmCapable:1;
u_int8_t reserved:7;
+ u_int8_t reserved:7;
+ u_int8_t tmCapable:1;
} capability;
u_int8_t reserved;
u_int16_t pdTargetId;
@@ -1868,6 +1941,7 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_prop {
* structure.
struct {
u_int32_t copyBackDisabled:1;
u_int32_t SMARTerEnabled:1;
u_int32_t prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas:1;
@@ -1899,6 +1973,39 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_prop {
u_int32_t enableSwZone:1;
u_int32_t limitMaxRateSATA3G:1;
u_int32_t reserved:2;
+ u_int32_t reserved:2;
+ u_int32_t limitMaxRateSATA3G:1;
+ u_int32_t enableSwZone:1;
+ u_int32_t ignore64ldRestriction:1;
+ u_int32_t disableT10RebuildAssist:1;
+ u_int32_t disableImmediateIO:1;
+ u_int32_t enableAutoLockRecovery:1;
+ u_int32_t enableVirtualCache:1;
+ u_int32_t enableConfigAutoBalance:1;
+ u_int32_t forceSGPIOForQuadOnly:1;
+ u_int32_t useEmergencySparesforSMARTer:1;
+ u_int32_t useUnconfGoodForEmergency:1;
+ u_int32_t useGlobalSparesForEmergency:1;
+ u_int32_t preventPIImport:1;
+ u_int32_t enablePI:1;
+ u_int32_t useDiskActivityForLocate:1;
+ u_int32_t disableCacheBypass:1;
+ u_int32_t enableJBOD:1;
+ u_int32_t disableSpinDownHS:1;
+ u_int32_t allowBootWithPinnedCache:1;
+ u_int32_t disableOnlineCtrlReset:1;
+ u_int32_t enableSecretKeyControl:1;
+ u_int32_t autoEnhancedImport:1;
+ u_int32_t enableSpinDownUnconfigured:1;
+ u_int32_t SSDPatrolReadEnabled:1;
+ u_int32_t SSDSMARTerEnabled:1;
+ u_int32_t disableNCQ:1;
+ u_int32_t useFdeOnly:1;
+ u_int32_t prCorrectUnconfiguredAreas:1;
+ u_int32_t SMARTerEnabled:1;
+ u_int32_t copyBackDisabled:1;
} OnOffProperties;
u_int8_t autoSnapVDSpace;
u_int8_t viewSpace;
@@ -2170,6 +2277,7 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int16_t cacheMemorySize; /* 0x7A2 */
struct { /* 0x7A4 */
u_int32_t supportPIcontroller:1;
u_int32_t supportLdPIType1:1;
u_int32_t supportLdPIType2:1;
@@ -2194,6 +2302,30 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int32_t supportUnevenSpans:1;
u_int32_t reserved:11;
+ u_int32_t reserved:11;
+ u_int32_t supportUnevenSpans:1;
+ u_int32_t dedicatedHotSparesLimited:1;
+ u_int32_t headlessMode:1;
+ u_int32_t supportEmulatedDrives:1;
+ u_int32_t supportResetNow:1;
+ u_int32_t realTimeScheduler:1;
+ u_int32_t supportSSDPatrolRead:1;
+ u_int32_t supportPerfTuning:1;
+ u_int32_t disableOnlinePFKChange:1;
+ u_int32_t supportJBOD:1;
+ u_int32_t supportBootTimePFKChange:1;
+ u_int32_t supportSetLinkSpeed:1;
+ u_int32_t supportEmergencySpares:1;
+ u_int32_t supportSuspendResumeBGops:1;
+ u_int32_t blockSSDWriteCacheChange:1;
+ u_int32_t supportShieldState:1;
+ u_int32_t supportLdBBMInfo:1;
+ u_int32_t supportLdPIType3:1;
+ u_int32_t supportLdPIType2:1;
+ u_int32_t supportLdPIType1:1;
+ u_int32_t supportPIcontroller:1;
} adapterOperations2;
u_int8_t driverVersion[32]; /* 0x7A8 */
@@ -2206,6 +2338,7 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int8_t reserved5[2]; /* 0x7CD reserved */
struct {
u_int32_t peerIsPresent:1;
u_int32_t peerIsIncompatible:1;
@@ -2214,6 +2347,15 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int32_t ctrlPropIncompatible:1;
u_int32_t premiumFeatureMismatch:1;
u_int32_t reserved:26;
+ u_int32_t reserved:26;
+ u_int32_t premiumFeatureMismatch:1;
+ u_int32_t ctrlPropIncompatible:1;
+ u_int32_t fwVersionMismatch:1;
+ u_int32_t hwIncompatible:1;
+ u_int32_t peerIsIncompatible:1;
+ u_int32_t peerIsPresent:1;
} cluster;
char clusterId[16]; /* 0x7D4 */
@@ -2221,6 +2363,7 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
char reserved6[4]; /* 0x7E4 RESERVED FOR IOV */
struct { /* 0x7E8 */
u_int32_t supportPersonalityChange:2;
u_int32_t supportThermalPollInterval:1;
u_int32_t supportDisableImmediateIO:1;
@@ -2246,11 +2389,39 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int32_t supportExtendedSSCSize:1;
u_int32_t useSeqNumJbodFP:1;
u_int32_t reserved:7;
+ u_int32_t reserved:7;
+ u_int32_t useSeqNumJbodFP:1;
+ u_int32_t supportExtendedSSCSize:1;
+ u_int32_t supportDiskCacheSettingForSysPDs:1;
+ u_int32_t supportCPLDUpdate:1;
+ u_int32_t supportTTYLogCompression:1;
+ u_int32_t discardCacheDuringLDDelete:1;
+ u_int32_t supportSecurityonJBOD:1;
+ u_int32_t supportCacheBypassModes:1;
+ u_int32_t supportDisableSESMonitoring:1;
+ u_int32_t supportForceFlash:1;
+ u_int32_t supportNVDRAM:1;
+ u_int32_t supportDrvActivityLEDSetting:1;
+ u_int32_t supportAllowedOpsforDrvRemoval:1;
+ u_int32_t supportHOQRebuild:1;
+ u_int32_t supportForceTo512e:1;
+ u_int32_t supportNVCacheErase:1;
+ u_int32_t supportDebugQueue:1;
+ u_int32_t supportSwZone:1;
+ u_int32_t supportCrashDump:1;
+ u_int32_t supportMaxExtLDs:1;
+ u_int32_t supportT10RebuildAssist:1;
+ u_int32_t supportDisableImmediateIO:1;
+ u_int32_t supportThermalPollInterval:1;
+ u_int32_t supportPersonalityChange:2;
} adapterOperations3;
u_int8_t pad_cpld[16];
struct {
u_int16_t ctrlInfoExtSupported:1;
u_int16_t supportIbuttonLess:1;
u_int16_t supportedEncAlgo:1;
@@ -2260,6 +2431,17 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
u_int16_t supportPdMapTargetId:1;
u_int16_t FWSwapsBBUVPDInfo:1;
u_int16_t reserved:8;
+ u_int16_t reserved:8;
+ u_int16_t FWSwapsBBUVPDInfo:1;
+ u_int16_t supportPdMapTargetId:1;
+ u_int16_t supportSESCtrlInMultipathCfg:1;
+ u_int16_t imageUploadSupported:1;
+ u_int16_t supportEncryptedMfc:1;
+ u_int16_t supportedEncAlgo:1;
+ u_int16_t supportIbuttonLess:1;
+ u_int16_t ctrlInfoExtSupported:1;
} adapterOperations4;
u_int8_t pad[0x800 - 0x7FE]; /* 0x7FE */
@@ -2332,6 +2514,7 @@ struct mrsas_ctrl_info {
typedef union _MFI_CAPABILITIES {
struct {
u_int32_t support_fp_remote_lun:1;
u_int32_t support_additional_msix:1;
u_int32_t support_fastpath_wb:1;
@@ -2342,6 +2525,18 @@ typedef union _MFI_CAPABILITIES {
u_int32_t support_ext_queue_depth:1;
u_int32_t support_ext_io_size:1;
u_int32_t reserved:23;
+ u_int32_t reserved:23;
+ u_int32_t support_ext_io_size:1;
+ u_int32_t support_ext_queue_depth:1;
+ u_int32_t security_protocol_cmds_fw:1;
+ u_int32_t support_core_affinity:1;
+ u_int32_t support_ndrive_r1_lb:1;
+ u_int32_t support_max_255lds:1;
+ u_int32_t support_fastpath_wb:1;
+ u_int32_t support_additional_msix:1;
+ u_int32_t support_fp_remote_lun:1;
} mfi_capabilities;
u_int32_t reg;
@@ -2602,9 +2797,15 @@ union mrsas_frame {
#pragma pack(1)
union mrsas_evt_class_locale {
struct {
u_int16_t locale;
u_int8_t reserved;
int8_t class;
+ int8_t class;
+ u_int8_t reserved;
+ u_int16_t locale;
} __packed members;
u_int32_t word;
@@ -2890,6 +3091,7 @@ typedef struct _MRSAS_DRV_PCI_COMMON_HEADER {
union {
struct {
u_int32_t linkSpeed:4;
u_int32_t linkWidth:6;
u_int32_t aspmSupport:2;
@@ -2897,6 +3099,15 @@ typedef struct _MRSAS_DRV_PCI_LINK_CAPABILITY {
u_int32_t l1ExitLatency:3;
u_int32_t rsvdp:6;
u_int32_t portNumber:8;
+ u_int32_t portNumber:8;
+ u_int32_t rsvdp:6;
+ u_int32_t l1ExitLatency:3;
+ u_int32_t losExitLatency:3;
+ u_int32_t aspmSupport:2;
+ u_int32_t linkWidth:6;
+ u_int32_t linkSpeed:4;
} bits;
u_int32_t asUlong;
@@ -2908,12 +3119,21 @@ typedef struct _MRSAS_DRV_PCI_LINK_CAPABILITY {
union {
struct {
u_int16_t linkSpeed:4;
u_int16_t negotiatedLinkWidth:6;
u_int16_t linkTrainingError:1;
u_int16_t linkTraning:1;
u_int16_t slotClockConfig:1;
u_int16_t rsvdZ:3;
+ u_int16_t rsvdZ:3;
+ u_int16_t slotClockConfig:1;
+ u_int16_t linkTraning:1;
+ u_int16_t linkTrainingError:1;
+ u_int16_t negotiatedLinkWidth:6;
+ u_int16_t linkSpeed:4;
} bits;
u_int16_t asUshort;
@@ -2967,6 +3187,7 @@ union MR_PD_DDF_TYPE {
struct {
union {
struct {
u_int16_t forcedPDGUID:1;
u_int16_t inVD:1;
u_int16_t isGlobalSpare:1;
@@ -2974,6 +3195,15 @@ union MR_PD_DDF_TYPE {
u_int16_t isForeign:1;
u_int16_t reserved:7;
u_int16_t intf:4;
+ u_int16_t intf:4;
+ u_int16_t reserved:7;
+ u_int16_t isForeign:1;
+ u_int16_t isSpare:1;
+ u_int16_t isGlobalSpare:1;
+ u_int16_t inVD:1;
+ u_int16_t forcedPDGUID:1;
} pdType;
u_int16_t type;
@@ -3004,6 +3234,7 @@ union MR_PROGRESS {
struct {
u_int32_t rbld:1;
u_int32_t patrol:1;
u_int32_t clear:1;
@@ -3011,6 +3242,15 @@ struct MR_PD_PROGRESS {
u_int32_t erase:1;
u_int32_t locate:1;
u_int32_t reserved:26;
+ u_int32_t reserved:26;
+ u_int32_t locate:1;
+ u_int32_t erase:1;
+ u_int32_t copyBack:1;
+ u_int32_t clear:1;
+ u_int32_t patrol:1;
+ u_int32_t rbld:1;
} active;
union MR_PROGRESS rbld;
union MR_PROGRESS patrol;
@@ -3020,12 +3260,21 @@ struct MR_PD_PROGRESS {
struct {
u_int32_t rbld:1;
u_int32_t patrol:1;
u_int32_t clear:1;
u_int32_t copyBack:1;
u_int32_t erase:1;
u_int32_t reserved:27;
+ u_int32_t reserved:27;
+ u_int32_t erase:1;
+ u_int32_t copyBack:1;
+ u_int32_t clear:1;
+ u_int32_t patrol:1;
+ u_int32_t rbld:1;
} pause;
union MR_PROGRESS reserved[3];
@@ -3057,13 +3306,18 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
struct {
u_int8_t count;
u_int8_t isPathBroken:4;
u_int8_t reserved3:3;
u_int8_t widePortCapable:1;
+ u_int8_t widePortCapable:1;
+ u_int8_t reserved3:3;
+ u_int8_t isPathBroken:4;
u_int8_t connectorIndex[2];
u_int8_t reserved[4];
- u_int64_t sasAddr[2];
+ u_int64_t sasAddr[2];
u_int8_t reserved2[16];
} pathInfo;
@@ -3088,6 +3342,7 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
u_int16_t copyBackPartnerId;
u_int16_t enclPartnerDeviceId;
struct {
u_int16_t fdeCapable:1;
u_int16_t fdeEnabled:1;
u_int16_t secured:1;
@@ -3095,6 +3350,15 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
u_int16_t foreign:1;
u_int16_t needsEKM:1;
u_int16_t reserved:10;
+ u_int16_t reserved:10;
+ u_int16_t needsEKM:1;
+ u_int16_t foreign:1;
+ u_int16_t locked:1;
+ u_int16_t secured:1;
+ u_int16_t fdeEnabled:1;
+ u_int16_t fdeCapable:1;
} security;
u_int8_t mediaType;
u_int8_t notCertified;
@@ -3110,6 +3374,7 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
u_int16_t reserved2;
struct {
u_int32_t piType:3;
u_int32_t piFormatted:1;
u_int32_t piEligible:1;
@@ -3123,6 +3388,21 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
u_int32_t wceUnchanged:1;
u_int32_t supportScsiUnmap:1;
u_int32_t reserved:18;
+ u_int32_t reserved:18;
+ u_int32_t supportScsiUnmap:1;
+ u_int32_t wceUnchanged:1;
+ u_int32_t useSSEraseType:1;
+ u_int32_t ineligibleForLd:1;
+ u_int32_t ineligibleForSSCD:1;
+ u_int32_t emergencySpare:1;
+ u_int32_t commissionedSpare:1;
+ u_int32_t WCE:1;
+ u_int32_t NCQ:1;
+ u_int32_t piEligible:1;
+ u_int32_t piFormatted:1;
+ u_int32_t piType:3;
} properties;
u_int64_t shieldDiagCompletionTime;
@@ -3132,8 +3412,13 @@ struct mrsas_pd_info {
u_int8_t reserved4[2];
struct {
u_int32_t bbmErrCountSupported:1;
u_int32_t bbmErrCount:31;
+ u_int32_t bbmErrCount:31;
+ u_int32_t bbmErrCountSupported:1;
} bbmErr;
u_int8_t reserved1[512-428];