path: root/test/Analysis/inner-pointer.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Analysis/inner-pointer.cpp')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Analysis/inner-pointer.cpp b/test/Analysis/inner-pointer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db9bf43109b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Analysis/inner-pointer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+//RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=alpha.cplusplus.InnerPointer %s -analyzer-output=text -verify
+namespace std {
+typedef int size_type;
+template <typename CharT>
+class basic_string {
+ basic_string();
+ basic_string(const CharT *s);
+ ~basic_string();
+ void clear();
+ basic_string &operator=(const basic_string &str);
+ basic_string &operator+=(const basic_string &str);
+ const CharT *c_str() const;
+ const CharT *data() const;
+ CharT *data();
+ basic_string &append(size_type count, CharT ch);
+ basic_string &assign(size_type count, CharT ch);
+ basic_string &erase(size_type index, size_type count);
+ basic_string &insert(size_type index, size_type count, CharT ch);
+ basic_string &replace(size_type pos, size_type count, const basic_string &str);
+ void pop_back();
+ void push_back(CharT ch);
+ void reserve(size_type new_cap);
+ void resize(size_type count);
+ void shrink_to_fit();
+ void swap(basic_string &other);
+typedef basic_string<char> string;
+typedef basic_string<wchar_t> wstring;
+typedef basic_string<char16_t> u16string;
+typedef basic_string<char32_t> u32string;
+} // end namespace std
+void consume(const char *) {}
+void consume(const wchar_t *) {}
+void consume(const char16_t *) {}
+void consume(const char32_t *) {}
+void deref_after_scope_char(bool cond) {
+ const char *c, *d;
+ {
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ d = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::string s;
+ const char *c2 = s.c_str();
+ if (cond) {
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Assuming 'cond' is not equal to 0}}
+ // expected-note@-2 {{Taking true branch}}
+ // expected-note@-3 {{Assuming 'cond' is 0}}
+ // expected-note@-4 {{Taking false branch}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ } else {
+ consume(d); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ }
+void deref_after_scope_char_data_non_const() {
+ char *c;
+ {
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::string s;
+ char *c2 = s.data();
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_scope_wchar_t(bool cond) {
+ const wchar_t *c, *d;
+ {
+ std::wstring s;
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ d = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::wstring s;
+ const wchar_t *c2 = s.c_str();
+ if (cond) {
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Assuming 'cond' is not equal to 0}}
+ // expected-note@-2 {{Taking true branch}}
+ // expected-note@-3 {{Assuming 'cond' is 0}}
+ // expected-note@-4 {{Taking false branch}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ } else {
+ consume(d); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ }
+void deref_after_scope_char16_t_cstr() {
+ const char16_t *c16;
+ {
+ std::u16string s16;
+ c16 = s16.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::u16string s16;
+ const char16_t *c16_2 = s16.c_str();
+ consume(c16); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_scope_char32_t_data() {
+ const char32_t *c32;
+ {
+ std::u32string s32;
+ c32 = s32.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::u32string s32;
+ const char32_t *c32_2 = s32.data();
+ consume(c32); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void multiple_symbols(bool cond) {
+ const char *c1, *d1;
+ {
+ std::string s1;
+ c1 = s1.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ d1 = s1.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ const char *local = s1.c_str();
+ consume(local); // no-warning
+ } // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to destructor}}
+ std::string s2;
+ const char *c2 = s2.c_str();
+ if (cond) {
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Assuming 'cond' is not equal to 0}}
+ // expected-note@-2 {{Taking true branch}}
+ // expected-note@-3 {{Assuming 'cond' is 0}}
+ // expected-note@-4 {{Taking false branch}}
+ consume(c1); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ } else {
+ consume(d1); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ } // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_equals() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "hello";
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s = "world"; // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'operator='}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_plus_equals() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "hello";
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s += " world"; // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'operator+='}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_clear() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.clear(); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'clear'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_append() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "hello";
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.append(2, 'x'); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'append'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_assign() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.assign(4, 'a'); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'assign'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_erase() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "hello";
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.erase(0, 2); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'erase'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_insert() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "ello";
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.insert(0, 1, 'h'); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'insert'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_replace() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s = "hello world";
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.replace(6, 5, "string"); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'replace'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_pop_back() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.pop_back(); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'pop_back'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_push_back() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.push_back('c'); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'push_back'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_reserve() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.c_str(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.reserve(5); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'reserve'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_resize() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.resize(5); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'resize'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_shrink_to_fit() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s;
+ c = s.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s.shrink_to_fit(); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'shrink_to_fit'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_swap() {
+ const char *c;
+ std::string s1, s2;
+ c = s1.data(); // expected-note {{Dangling inner pointer obtained here}}
+ s1.swap(s2); // expected-note {{Inner pointer invalidated by call to 'swap'}}
+ consume(c); // expected-warning {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+ // expected-note@-1 {{Use of memory after it is freed}}
+void deref_after_scope_ok(bool cond) {
+ const char *c, *d;
+ std::string s;
+ {
+ c = s.c_str();
+ d = s.data();
+ }
+ if (cond)
+ consume(c); // no-warning
+ else
+ consume(d); // no-warning