path: root/test/Analysis/nullability.mm
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/Analysis/nullability.mm')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/Analysis/nullability.mm b/test/Analysis/nullability.mm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2c29d0088e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Analysis/nullability.mm
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fobjc-arc -analyze -analyzer-checker=core,nullability -verify %s
+#define nil 0
+#define BOOL int
+@protocol NSObject
++ (id)alloc;
+- (id)init;
+@protocol NSCopying
+@interface NSString : NSObject<NSCopying>
+- (BOOL)isEqualToString : (NSString *_Nonnull)aString;
+- (NSString *)stringByAppendingString:(NSString *_Nonnull)aString;
+@interface TestObject : NSObject
+- (int *_Nonnull)returnsNonnull;
+- (int *_Nullable)returnsNullable;
+- (int *)returnsUnspecified;
+- (void)takesNonnull:(int *_Nonnull)p;
+- (void)takesNullable:(int *_Nullable)p;
+- (void)takesUnspecified:(int *)p;
+@property(readonly, strong) NSString *stuff;
+TestObject * getUnspecifiedTestObject();
+TestObject *_Nonnull getNonnullTestObject();
+TestObject *_Nullable getNullableTestObject();
+int getRandom();
+typedef struct Dummy { int val; } Dummy;
+void takesNullable(Dummy *_Nullable);
+void takesNonnull(Dummy *_Nonnull);
+void takesUnspecified(Dummy *);
+Dummy *_Nullable returnsNullable();
+Dummy *_Nonnull returnsNonnull();
+Dummy *returnsUnspecified();
+int *_Nullable returnsNullableInt();
+template <typename T> T *eraseNullab(T *p) { return p; }
+void takesAttrNonnull(Dummy *p) __attribute((nonnull(1)));
+void testBasicRules() {
+ Dummy *p = returnsNullable();
+ int *ptr = returnsNullableInt();
+ // Make every dereference a different path to avoid sinks after errors.
+ switch (getRandom()) {
+ case 0: {
+ Dummy &r = *p; // expected-warning {{}}
+ } break;
+ case 1: {
+ int b = p->val; // expected-warning {{}}
+ } break;
+ case 2: {
+ int stuff = *ptr; // expected-warning {{}}
+ } break;
+ case 3:
+ takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{}}
+ break;
+ case 4: {
+ Dummy d;
+ takesNullable(&d);
+ Dummy dd(d);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: takesAttrNonnull(p); break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is passed to}}
+ default: { Dummy d = *p; } break; // expected-warning {{Nullable pointer is dereferenced}}
+ }
+ if (p) {
+ takesNonnull(p);
+ if (getRandom()) {
+ Dummy &r = *p;
+ } else {
+ int b = p->val;
+ }
+ }
+ Dummy *q = 0;
+ if (getRandom()) {
+ takesNullable(q);
+ takesNonnull(q); // expected-warning {{}}
+ }
+ Dummy a;
+ Dummy *_Nonnull nonnull = &a;
+ nonnull = q; // expected-warning {{}}
+ q = &a;
+ takesNullable(q);
+ takesNonnull(q);
+void testMultiParamChecking(Dummy *_Nonnull a, Dummy *_Nullable b,
+ Dummy *_Nonnull c);
+void testArgumentTracking(Dummy *_Nonnull nonnull, Dummy *_Nullable nullable) {
+ Dummy *p = nullable;
+ Dummy *q = nonnull;
+ switch(getRandom()) {
+ case 1: nonnull = p; break; // expected-warning {{}}
+ case 2: p = 0; break;
+ case 3: q = p; break;
+ case 4: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nullable, nonnull); break;
+ case 5: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nonnull, nonnull); break;
+ case 6: testMultiParamChecking(nonnull, nullable, nullable); break; // expected-warning {{}}
+ case 7: testMultiParamChecking(nullable, nullable, nonnull); // expected-warning {{}}
+ case 8: testMultiParamChecking(nullable, nullable, nullable); // expected-warning {{}}
+ case 9: testMultiParamChecking((Dummy *_Nonnull)0, nullable, nonnull); break;
+ }
+Dummy *_Nonnull testNullableReturn(Dummy *_Nullable a) {
+ Dummy *p = a;
+ return p; // expected-warning {{}}
+Dummy *_Nonnull testNullReturn() {
+ Dummy *p = 0;
+ return p; // expected-warning {{}}
+void testObjCMessageResultNullability() {
+ // The expected result: the most nullable of self and method return type.
+ TestObject *o = getUnspecifiedTestObject();
+ int *shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNonnull];
+ switch (getRandom()) {
+ case 0:
+ // The core analyzer assumes that the receiver is non-null after a message
+ // send. This is to avoid some false positives, and increase performance
+ // but it also reduces the coverage and makes this checker unable to reason
+ // about the nullness of the receiver.
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // No warning expected.
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ shouldBeNullable =
+ [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsUnspecified];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // No warning expected.
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNullable];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{}}
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNonnullTestObject()) returnsNullable];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{}}
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ shouldBeNullable =
+ [eraseNullab(getUnspecifiedTestObject()) returnsNullable];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{}}
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ shouldBeNullable = [eraseNullab(getNullableTestObject()) returnsNullable];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNullable]; // expected-warning {{}}
+ break;
+ case 7: {
+ int *shouldBeNonnull = [eraseNullab(getNonnullTestObject()) returnsNonnull];
+ [o takesNonnull:shouldBeNonnull];
+ } break;
+ }
+Dummy * _Nonnull testDirectCastNullableToNonnull() {
+ Dummy *p = returnsNullable();
+ takesNonnull((Dummy * _Nonnull)p); // no-warning
+ return (Dummy * _Nonnull)p; // no-warning
+Dummy * _Nonnull testIndirectCastNullableToNonnull() {
+ Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)returnsNullable();
+ takesNonnull(p); // no-warning
+ return p; // no-warning
+Dummy * _Nonnull testDirectCastNilToNonnull() {
+ takesNonnull((Dummy * _Nonnull)0); // no-warning
+ return (Dummy * _Nonnull)0; // no-warning
+void testIndirectCastNilToNonnullAndPass() {
+ Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0;
+ // FIXME: Ideally the cast above would suppress this warning.
+ takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{Null passed to a callee that requires a non-null argument}}
+Dummy * _Nonnull testIndirectCastNilToNonnullAndReturn() {
+ Dummy *p = (Dummy * _Nonnull)0;
+ // FIXME: Ideally the cast above would suppress this warning.
+ return p; // expected-warning {{Null is returned from a function that is expected to return a non-null value}}
+void testInvalidPropagation() {
+ Dummy *p = returnsUnspecified();
+ takesNullable(p);
+ takesNonnull(p);
+void onlyReportFirstPreconditionViolationOnPath() {
+ Dummy *p = returnsNullable();
+ takesNonnull(p); // expected-warning {{}}
+ takesNonnull(p); // No warning.
+ // The first warning was not a sink. The analysis expected to continue.
+ int i = 0;
+ i = 5 / i; // expected-warning {{Division by zero}}
+ (void)i;
+Dummy *_Nonnull doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolatedInTopFunc(
+ Dummy *_Nonnull p) {
+ if (!p) {
+ Dummy *ret =
+ 0; // avoid compiler warning (which is not generated by the analyzer)
+ if (getRandom())
+ return ret; // no warning
+ else
+ return p; // no warning
+ } else {
+ return p;
+ }
+Dummy *_Nonnull doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolated(Dummy *_Nonnull p) {
+ if (!p) {
+ Dummy *ret =
+ 0; // avoid compiler warning (which is not generated by the analyzer)
+ if (getRandom())
+ return ret; // no warning
+ else
+ return p; // no warning
+ } else {
+ return p;
+ }
+void testPreconditionViolationInInlinedFunction(Dummy *p) {
+ doNotWarnWhenPreconditionIsViolated(p);
+void inlinedNullable(Dummy *_Nullable p) {
+ if (p) return;
+void inlinedNonnull(Dummy *_Nonnull p) {
+ if (p) return;
+void inlinedUnspecified(Dummy *p) {
+ if (p) return;
+Dummy *_Nonnull testDefensiveInlineChecks(Dummy * p) {
+ switch (getRandom()) {
+ case 1: inlinedNullable(p); break;
+ case 2: inlinedNonnull(p); break;
+ case 3: inlinedUnspecified(p); break;
+ }
+ if (getRandom())
+ takesNonnull(p); // no-warning
+ if (getRandom()) {
+ Dummy *_Nonnull varWithInitializer = p; // no-warning
+ Dummy *_Nonnull var1WithInitializer = p, // no-warning
+ *_Nonnull var2WithInitializer = p; // no-warning
+ }
+ if (getRandom()) {
+ Dummy *_Nonnull varWithoutInitializer;
+ varWithoutInitializer = p; // no-warning
+ }
+ return p;
+void testObjCARCImplicitZeroInitialization() {
+ TestObject * _Nonnull implicitlyZeroInitialized; // no-warning
+ implicitlyZeroInitialized = getNonnullTestObject();
+void testObjCARCExplicitZeroInitialization() {
+ TestObject * _Nonnull explicitlyZeroInitialized = nil; // expected-warning {{Null is assigned to a pointer which is expected to have non-null value}}