path: root/tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/cli_root/zpool_add/zpool_add_dryrun_output.ksh
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/cli_root/zpool_add/zpool_add_dryrun_output.ksh')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/cli_root/zpool_add/zpool_add_dryrun_output.ksh b/tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/cli_root/zpool_add/zpool_add_dryrun_output.ksh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dbf81262ee1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/zfs-tests/tests/functional/cli_root/zpool_add/zpool_add_dryrun_output.ksh
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+#!/bin/ksh -p
+# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
+# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
+# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
+# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
+# and limitations under the License.
+# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
+# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
+# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
+# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
+# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+# Copyright 2020 Attila Fülöp <attila@fueloep.org>
+. $STF_SUITE/include/libtest.shlib
+typeset STR_DRYRUN="would update '$TESTPOOL' to the following configuration:"
+typeset VDEV_PREFIX="$TEST_BASE_DIR/filedev"
+# 'zpool add -n <pool> <vdev> ...' can display the correct configuration
+# 1. Create different storage pools, use -n to add devices to the pool and
+# verify the output is as expected.
+# 2. Create a pool whith a hole vdev and verify it's not listed with add -n.
+typeset -a dev=(
+typeset -a tests=(
+ (
+ tree="'${dev[0]}' log '${dev[1]}' special '${dev[2]}' dedup '${dev[3]}'"
+ add="spare '${dev[4]}' cache '${dev[5]}'"
+ want="$STR_DRYRUN
+ ${dev[0]}
+ dedup
+ ${dev[3]}
+ special
+ ${dev[2]}
+ logs
+ ${dev[1]}
+ cache
+ ${dev[5]}
+ spares
+ ${dev[4]}"
+ )
+ (
+ tree="'${dev[0]}' log '${dev[1]}' special '${dev[2]}' dedup '${dev[3]}' \
+ spare '${dev[4]}' cache '${dev[5]}'"
+ add="'${dev[6]}' log '${dev[7]}' special '${dev[8]}' dedup '${dev[9]}' \
+ spare '${dev[10]}' cache '${dev[11]}'"
+ want="$STR_DRYRUN
+ ${dev[0]}
+ ${dev[6]}
+ dedup
+ ${dev[3]}
+ ${dev[9]}
+ special
+ ${dev[2]}
+ ${dev[8]}
+ logs
+ ${dev[1]}
+ ${dev[7]}
+ cache
+ ${dev[5]}
+ ${dev[11]}
+ spares
+ ${dev[4]}
+ ${dev[10]}"
+ )
+ (
+ tree="mirror '${dev[0]}' '${dev[1]}' \
+ log mirror '${dev[2]}' '${dev[3]}' \
+ dedup mirror '${dev[6]}' '${dev[7]}' \
+ spare '${dev[8]}'"
+ add="special mirror '${dev[4]}' '${dev[5]}' \
+ spare '${dev[9]}' cache '${dev[10]}' '${dev[11]}'"
+ want="$STR_DRYRUN
+ mirror-0
+ ${dev[0]}
+ ${dev[1]}
+ dedup
+ mirror
+ ${dev[6]}
+ ${dev[7]}
+ special
+ mirror
+ ${dev[4]}
+ ${dev[5]}
+ logs
+ mirror
+ ${dev[2]}
+ ${dev[3]}
+ cache
+ ${dev[10]}
+ ${dev[11]}
+ spares
+ ${dev[8]}
+ ${dev[9]}"
+ )
+verify_runnable "global"
+function cleanup
+ destroy_pool "$TESTPOOL"
+ rm -f "$VDEV_PREFIX"*
+log_assert "'zpool add -n <pool> <vdev> ...' can display the configuration"
+log_onexit cleanup
+# Create needed file vdevs.
+for (( i=0; i < ${#dev[@]}; i+=1 )); do
+ log_must truncate -s $SPA_MINDEVSIZE "${dev[$i]}"
+# Foreach test create pool, add -n devices and check output.
+for (( i=0; i < ${#tests[@]}; i+=1 )); do
+ typeset tree="${tests[$i].tree}"
+ typeset add="${tests[$i].add}"
+ typeset want="${tests[$i].want}"
+ log_must eval zpool create "$TESTPOOL" $tree
+ log_must poolexists "$TESTPOOL"
+ typeset out="$(log_must eval "zpool add -n '$TESTPOOL' $add" | \
+ sed /^SUCCESS/d)"
+ if [[ "$out" != "$want" ]]; then
+ log_fail "Got:\n" "$out" "\nbut expected:\n" "$want"
+ fi
+ log_must destroy_pool "$TESTPOOL"
+# Make sure hole vdevs are skiped in output.
+log_must eval "zpool create '$TESTPOOL' '${dev[0]}' log '${dev[1]}' \
+ cache '${dev[2]}'"
+# Create a hole vdev.
+log_must eval "zpool remove '$TESTPOOL' '${dev[1]}'"
+log_mustnot eval "zpool add -n '$TESTPOOL' '${dev[1]}' | \
+ grep -qE '[[:space:]]+hole'"
+log_pass "'zpool add -n <pool> <vdev> ...' displays config correctly."