path: root/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm b/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm
index b9e06307a4aa..ab0039edd88f 100644
--- a/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm
+++ b/tools/debugserver/source/MacOSX/MachProcess.mm
@@ -12,8 +12,10 @@
#include "DNB.h"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
+#include <mach/task.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <spawn.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
@@ -417,8 +419,17 @@ MachProcess::MachProcess() :
m_sent_interrupt_signo (0),
m_auto_resume_signo (0),
- m_did_exec (false)
+ m_did_exec (false),
+ m_dyld_process_info_create (nullptr),
+ m_dyld_process_info_for_each_image (nullptr),
+ m_dyld_process_info_release (nullptr),
+ m_dyld_process_info_get_cache (nullptr)
+ m_dyld_process_info_create = (void * (*) (task_t task, uint64_t timestamp, kern_return_t* kernelError)) dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "_dyld_process_info_create");
+ m_dyld_process_info_for_each_image = (void (*)(void *info, void (^)(uint64_t machHeaderAddress, const uuid_t uuid, const char* path))) dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "_dyld_process_info_for_each_image");
+ m_dyld_process_info_release = (void (*) (void* info)) dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "_dyld_process_info_release");
+ m_dyld_process_info_get_cache = (void (*) (void* info, void* cacheInfo)) dlsym (RTLD_DEFAULT, "_dyld_process_info_get_cache");
@@ -520,8 +531,232 @@ MachProcess::GetTSDAddressForThread (nub_thread_t tid, uint64_t plo_pthread_tsd_
return m_thread_list.GetTSDAddressForThread (tid, plo_pthread_tsd_base_address_offset, plo_pthread_tsd_base_offset, plo_pthread_tsd_entry_size);
+// Given an address, read the mach-o header and load commands out of memory to fill in
+// the mach_o_information "inf" object.
+// Returns false if there was an error in reading this mach-o file header/load commands.
+MachProcess::GetMachOInformationFromMemory (nub_addr_t mach_o_header_addr, int wordsize, struct mach_o_information &inf)
+ uint64_t load_cmds_p;
+ if (wordsize == 4)
+ {
+ struct mach_header header;
+ if (ReadMemory (mach_o_header_addr, sizeof (struct mach_header), &header) != sizeof (struct mach_header))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ load_cmds_p = mach_o_header_addr + sizeof (struct mach_header);
+ inf.mach_header.magic = header.magic;
+ inf.mach_header.cputype = header.cputype;
+ // high byte of cpusubtype is used for "capability bits", v. CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK, CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64 in machine.h
+ inf.mach_header.cpusubtype = header.cpusubtype & 0x00ffffff;
+ inf.mach_header.filetype = header.filetype;
+ inf.mach_header.ncmds = header.ncmds;
+ inf.mach_header.sizeofcmds = header.sizeofcmds;
+ inf.mach_header.flags = header.flags;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ struct mach_header_64 header;
+ if (ReadMemory (mach_o_header_addr, sizeof (struct mach_header_64), &header) != sizeof (struct mach_header_64))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ load_cmds_p = mach_o_header_addr + sizeof (struct mach_header_64);
+ inf.mach_header.magic = header.magic;
+ inf.mach_header.cputype = header.cputype;
+ // high byte of cpusubtype is used for "capability bits", v. CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK, CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64 in machine.h
+ inf.mach_header.cpusubtype = header.cpusubtype & 0x00ffffff;
+ inf.mach_header.filetype = header.filetype;
+ inf.mach_header.ncmds = header.ncmds;
+ inf.mach_header.sizeofcmds = header.sizeofcmds;
+ inf.mach_header.flags = header.flags;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < inf.mach_header.ncmds; j++)
+ {
+ struct load_command lc;
+ if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct load_command), &lc) != sizeof (struct load_command))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (lc.cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
+ {
+ struct segment_command seg;
+ if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct segment_command), &seg) != sizeof (struct segment_command))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct mach_o_segment this_seg;
+ char name[17];
+ ::memset (name, 0, sizeof (name));
+ memcpy (name, seg.segname, sizeof (seg.segname));
+ this_seg.name = name;
+ this_seg.vmaddr = seg.vmaddr;
+ this_seg.vmsize = seg.vmsize;
+ this_seg.fileoff = seg.fileoff;
+ this_seg.filesize = seg.filesize;
+ this_seg.maxprot = seg.maxprot;
+ this_seg.initprot = seg.initprot;
+ this_seg.nsects = seg.nsects;
+ this_seg.flags = seg.flags;
+ inf.segments.push_back(this_seg);
+ }
+ if (lc.cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64)
+ {
+ struct segment_command_64 seg;
+ if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct segment_command_64), &seg) != sizeof (struct segment_command_64))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ struct mach_o_segment this_seg;
+ char name[17];
+ ::memset (name, 0, sizeof (name));
+ memcpy (name, seg.segname, sizeof (seg.segname));
+ this_seg.name = name;
+ this_seg.vmaddr = seg.vmaddr;
+ this_seg.vmsize = seg.vmsize;
+ this_seg.fileoff = seg.fileoff;
+ this_seg.filesize = seg.filesize;
+ this_seg.maxprot = seg.maxprot;
+ this_seg.initprot = seg.initprot;
+ this_seg.nsects = seg.nsects;
+ this_seg.flags = seg.flags;
+ inf.segments.push_back(this_seg);
+ }
+ if (lc.cmd == LC_UUID)
+ {
+ struct uuid_command uuidcmd;
+ if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct uuid_command), &uuidcmd) == sizeof (struct uuid_command))
+ uuid_copy (inf.uuid, uuidcmd.uuid);
+ }
+ bool lc_cmd_known = lc.cmd == LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS || lc.cmd == LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX;
+#if defined(LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS)
+ lc_cmd_known |= lc.cmd == LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS;
+ lc_cmd_known |= lc.cmd == LC_VERSION_MIN_WATCHOS;
+ if (lc_cmd_known)
+ {
+ struct version_min_command vers_cmd;
+ if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct version_min_command), &vers_cmd) != sizeof (struct version_min_command))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (lc.cmd)
+ {
+ inf.min_version_os_name = "iphoneos";
+ break;
+ inf.min_version_os_name = "macosx";
+ break;
+#if defined(LC_VERSION_MIN_TVOS)
+ inf.min_version_os_name = "tvos";
+ break;
+ inf.min_version_os_name = "watchos";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t xxxx = vers_cmd.sdk >> 16;
+ uint32_t yy = (vers_cmd.sdk >> 8) & 0xffu;
+ uint32_t zz = vers_cmd.sdk & 0xffu;
+ inf.min_version_os_version = "";
+ inf.min_version_os_version += std::to_string(xxxx);
+ inf.min_version_os_version += ".";
+ inf.min_version_os_version += std::to_string(yy);
+ if (zz != 0)
+ {
+ inf.min_version_os_version += ".";
+ inf.min_version_os_version += std::to_string(zz);
+ }
+ }
+ load_cmds_p += lc.cmdsize;
+ }
+ return true;
+// Given completely filled in array of binary_image_information structures, create a JSONGenerator object
+// with all the details we want to send to lldb.
+MachProcess::FormatDynamicLibrariesIntoJSON (const std::vector<struct binary_image_information> &image_infos)
+ JSONGenerator::ArraySP image_infos_array_sp (new JSONGenerator::Array());
+ const size_t image_count = image_infos.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < image_count; i++)
+ {
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP image_info_dict_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("load_address", image_infos[i].load_address);
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("mod_date", image_infos[i].mod_date);
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("pathname", image_infos[i].filename);
+ uuid_string_t uuidstr;
+ uuid_unparse_upper (image_infos[i].macho_info.uuid, uuidstr);
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("uuid", uuidstr);
+ if (image_infos[i].macho_info.min_version_os_name.empty() == false
+ && image_infos[i].macho_info.min_version_os_version.empty() == false)
+ {
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("min_version_os_name", image_infos[i].macho_info.min_version_os_name);
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("min_version_os_sdk", image_infos[i].macho_info.min_version_os_version);
+ }
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP mach_header_dict_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
+ mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("magic", image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.magic);
+ mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("cputype", (uint32_t) image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.cputype);
+ mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("cpusubtype", (uint32_t) image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.cpusubtype);
+ mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("filetype", image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.filetype);
+// DynamicLoaderMacOSX doesn't currently need these fields, so don't send them.
+// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("ncmds", image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.ncmds);
+// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("sizeofcmds", image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.sizeofcmds);
+// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("flags", image_infos[i].macho_info.mach_header.flags);
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddItem ("mach_header", mach_header_dict_sp);
+ JSONGenerator::ArraySP segments_sp (new JSONGenerator::Array());
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < image_infos[i].macho_info.segments.size(); j++)
+ {
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP segment_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
+ segment_sp->AddStringItem ("name", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].name);
+ segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("vmaddr", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].vmaddr);
+ segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("vmsize", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].vmsize);
+ segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("fileoff", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].fileoff);
+ segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("filesize", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].filesize);
+ segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("maxprot", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].maxprot);
+// DynamicLoaderMacOSX doesn't currently need these fields, so don't send them.
+// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("initprot", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].initprot);
+// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("nsects", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].nsects);
+// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("flags", image_infos[i].macho_info.segments[j].flags);
+ segments_sp->AddItem (segment_sp);
+ }
+ image_info_dict_sp->AddItem ("segments", segments_sp);
+ image_infos_array_sp->AddItem (image_info_dict_sp);
+ }
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP reply_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());;
+ reply_sp->AddItem ("images", image_infos_array_sp);
+ return reply_sp;
+// Get the shared library information using the old (pre-macOS 10.12, pre-iOS 10, pre-tvOS 10, pre-watchOS 3)
+// code path. We'll be given the address of an array of structures in the form
+// {void* load_addr, void* mod_date, void* pathname}
+// In macOS 10.12 etc and newer, we'll use SPI calls into dyld to gather this information.
MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image_list_address, nub_addr_t image_count)
@@ -536,29 +771,7 @@ MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image
if (processInfo.kp_proc.p_flag & P_LP64)
pointer_size = 8;
- struct segment
- {
- std::string name;
- uint64_t vmaddr;
- uint64_t vmsize;
- uint64_t fileoff;
- uint64_t filesize;
- uint64_t maxprot;
- uint64_t initprot;
- uint64_t nsects;
- uint64_t flags;
- };
- struct image_info
- {
- uint64_t load_address;
- std::string pathname;
- uint64_t mod_date;
- struct mach_header_64 mach_header;
- std::vector<struct segment> segments;
- uuid_t uuid;
- };
- std::vector<image_info> image_infos;
+ std::vector<struct binary_image_information> image_infos;
size_t image_infos_size = image_count * 3 * pointer_size;
uint8_t *image_info_buf = (uint8_t *) malloc (image_infos_size);
@@ -577,7 +790,7 @@ MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_count; i++)
- struct image_info info;
+ struct binary_image_information info;
nub_addr_t pathname_address;
if (pointer_size == 4)
@@ -604,13 +817,13 @@ MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image
pathname_address = pathname_address_64;
char strbuf[17];
- info.pathname = "";
+ info.filename = "";
uint64_t pathname_ptr = pathname_address;
bool still_reading = true;
while (still_reading && ReadMemory (pathname_ptr, sizeof (strbuf) - 1, strbuf) == sizeof (strbuf) - 1)
strbuf[sizeof(strbuf) - 1] = '\0';
- info.pathname += strbuf;
+ info.filename += strbuf;
pathname_ptr += sizeof (strbuf) - 1;
// Stop if we found nul byte indicating the end of the string
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(strbuf) - 1; i++)
@@ -622,7 +835,7 @@ MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image
- uuid_clear (info.uuid);
+ uuid_clear (info.macho_info.uuid);
image_infos.push_back (info);
if (image_infos.size() == 0)
@@ -630,157 +843,161 @@ MachProcess::GetLoadedDynamicLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid, nub_addr_t image
return reply_sp;
+ free (image_info_buf);
//// Second, read the mach header / load commands for all the dylibs
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_count; i++)
- uint64_t load_cmds_p;
- if (pointer_size == 4)
- {
- struct mach_header header;
- if (ReadMemory (image_infos[i].load_address, sizeof (struct mach_header), &header) != sizeof (struct mach_header))
- {
- return reply_sp;
- }
- load_cmds_p = image_infos[i].load_address + sizeof (struct mach_header);
- image_infos[i].mach_header.magic = header.magic;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.cputype = header.cputype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.cpusubtype = header.cpusubtype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.filetype = header.filetype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.ncmds = header.ncmds;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.sizeofcmds = header.sizeofcmds;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.flags = header.flags;
- }
- else
- {
- struct mach_header_64 header;
- if (ReadMemory (image_infos[i].load_address, sizeof (struct mach_header_64), &header) != sizeof (struct mach_header_64))
- {
- return reply_sp;
- }
- load_cmds_p = image_infos[i].load_address + sizeof (struct mach_header_64);
- image_infos[i].mach_header.magic = header.magic;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.cputype = header.cputype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.cpusubtype = header.cpusubtype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.filetype = header.filetype;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.ncmds = header.ncmds;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.sizeofcmds = header.sizeofcmds;
- image_infos[i].mach_header.flags = header.flags;
- }
- for (uint32_t j = 0; j < image_infos[i].mach_header.ncmds; j++)
+ if (!GetMachOInformationFromMemory (image_infos[i].load_address, pointer_size, image_infos[i].macho_info))
- struct load_command lc;
- if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct load_command), &lc) != sizeof (struct load_command))
- {
- return reply_sp;
- }
- if (lc.cmd == LC_SEGMENT)
- {
- struct segment_command seg;
- if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct segment_command), &seg) != sizeof (struct segment_command))
- {
- return reply_sp;
- }
- struct segment this_seg;
- char name[17];
- ::memset (name, 0, sizeof (name));
- memcpy (name, seg.segname, sizeof (seg.segname));
- this_seg.name = name;
- this_seg.vmaddr = seg.vmaddr;
- this_seg.vmsize = seg.vmsize;
- this_seg.fileoff = seg.fileoff;
- this_seg.filesize = seg.filesize;
- this_seg.maxprot = seg.maxprot;
- this_seg.initprot = seg.initprot;
- this_seg.nsects = seg.nsects;
- this_seg.flags = seg.flags;
- image_infos[i].segments.push_back(this_seg);
- }
- if (lc.cmd == LC_SEGMENT_64)
- {
- struct segment_command_64 seg;
- if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct segment_command_64), &seg) != sizeof (struct segment_command_64))
- {
- return reply_sp;
- }
- struct segment this_seg;
- char name[17];
- ::memset (name, 0, sizeof (name));
- memcpy (name, seg.segname, sizeof (seg.segname));
- this_seg.name = name;
- this_seg.vmaddr = seg.vmaddr;
- this_seg.vmsize = seg.vmsize;
- this_seg.fileoff = seg.fileoff;
- this_seg.filesize = seg.filesize;
- this_seg.maxprot = seg.maxprot;
- this_seg.initprot = seg.initprot;
- this_seg.nsects = seg.nsects;
- this_seg.flags = seg.flags;
- image_infos[i].segments.push_back(this_seg);
- }
- if (lc.cmd == LC_UUID)
- {
- struct uuid_command uuidcmd;
- if (ReadMemory (load_cmds_p, sizeof (struct uuid_command), &uuidcmd) == sizeof (struct uuid_command))
- uuid_copy (image_infos[i].uuid, uuidcmd.uuid);
- }
- load_cmds_p += lc.cmdsize;
+ return reply_sp;
- //// Thrid, format all of the above in the JSONGenerator object.
+ //// Third, format all of the above in the JSONGenerator object.
- JSONGenerator::ArraySP image_infos_array_sp (new JSONGenerator::Array());
+ return FormatDynamicLibrariesIntoJSON (image_infos);
+ }
+ return reply_sp;
+// From dyld SPI header dyld_process_info.h
+typedef void* dyld_process_info;
+struct dyld_process_cache_info
+ uuid_t cacheUUID; // UUID of cache used by process
+ uint64_t cacheBaseAddress; // load address of dyld shared cache
+ bool noCache; // process is running without a dyld cache
+ bool privateCache; // process is using a private copy of its dyld cache
+// Use the dyld SPI present in macOS 10.12, iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3 and newer to get
+// the load address, uuid, and filenames of all the libraries.
+// This only fills in those three fields in the 'struct binary_image_information' - call
+// GetMachOInformationFromMemory to fill in the mach-o header/load command details.
+MachProcess::GetAllLoadedBinariesViaDYLDSPI (std::vector<struct binary_image_information> &image_infos)
+ kern_return_t kern_ret;
+ if (m_dyld_process_info_create)
+ {
+ dyld_process_info info = m_dyld_process_info_create (m_task.TaskPort(), 0, &kern_ret);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ m_dyld_process_info_for_each_image (info, ^(uint64_t mach_header_addr, const uuid_t uuid, const char *path) {
+ struct binary_image_information image;
+ image.filename = path;
+ uuid_copy (image.macho_info.uuid, uuid);
+ image.load_address = mach_header_addr;
+ image_infos.push_back (image);
+ });
+ m_dyld_process_info_release (info);
+ }
+ }
+// Fetch information about all shared libraries using the dyld SPIs that exist in
+// macOS 10.12, iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3 and newer.
+MachProcess::GetAllLoadedLibrariesInfos (nub_process_t pid)
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP reply_sp;
+ int mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid };
+ struct kinfo_proc processInfo;
+ size_t bufsize = sizeof(processInfo);
+ if (sysctl(mib, (unsigned)(sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int)), &processInfo, &bufsize, NULL, 0) == 0 && bufsize > 0)
+ {
+ uint32_t pointer_size = 4;
+ if (processInfo.kp_proc.p_flag & P_LP64)
+ pointer_size = 8;
+ std::vector<struct binary_image_information> image_infos;
+ GetAllLoadedBinariesViaDYLDSPI (image_infos);
+ const size_t image_count = image_infos.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < image_count; i++)
- JSONGenerator::DictionarySP image_info_dict_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
- image_info_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("load_address", image_infos[i].load_address);
- image_info_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("mod_date", image_infos[i].mod_date);
- image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("pathname", image_infos[i].pathname);
+ GetMachOInformationFromMemory (image_infos[i].load_address, pointer_size, image_infos[i].macho_info);
+ }
+ return FormatDynamicLibrariesIntoJSON (image_infos);
+ }
+ return reply_sp;
- uuid_string_t uuidstr;
- uuid_unparse_upper (image_infos[i].uuid, uuidstr);
- image_info_dict_sp->AddStringItem ("uuid", uuidstr);
+// Fetch information about the shared libraries at the given load addresses using the
+// dyld SPIs that exist in macOS 10.12, iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3 and newer.
+MachProcess::GetLibrariesInfoForAddresses (nub_process_t pid, std::vector<uint64_t> &macho_addresses)
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP reply_sp;
- JSONGenerator::DictionarySP mach_header_dict_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
- mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("magic", image_infos[i].mach_header.magic);
- mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("cputype", image_infos[i].mach_header.cputype);
- mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("cpusubtype", image_infos[i].mach_header.cpusubtype);
- mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("filetype", image_infos[i].mach_header.filetype);
+ int mib[4] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid };
+ struct kinfo_proc processInfo;
+ size_t bufsize = sizeof(processInfo);
+ if (sysctl(mib, (unsigned)(sizeof(mib)/sizeof(int)), &processInfo, &bufsize, NULL, 0) == 0 && bufsize > 0)
+ {
+ uint32_t pointer_size = 4;
+ if (processInfo.kp_proc.p_flag & P_LP64)
+ pointer_size = 8;
-// DynamicLoaderMacOSX doesn't currently need these fields, so don't send them.
-// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("ncmds", image_infos[i].mach_header.ncmds);
-// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("sizeofcmds", image_infos[i].mach_header.sizeofcmds);
-// mach_header_dict_sp->AddIntegerItem ("flags", image_infos[i].mach_header.flags);
- image_info_dict_sp->AddItem ("mach_header", mach_header_dict_sp);
+ std::vector<struct binary_image_information> all_image_infos;
+ GetAllLoadedBinariesViaDYLDSPI (all_image_infos);
- JSONGenerator::ArraySP segments_sp (new JSONGenerator::Array());
- for (size_t j = 0; j < image_infos[i].segments.size(); j++)
+ std::vector<struct binary_image_information> image_infos;
+ const size_t macho_addresses_count = macho_addresses.size();
+ const size_t all_image_infos_count = all_image_infos.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < macho_addresses_count; i++)
+ {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < all_image_infos_count; j++)
- JSONGenerator::DictionarySP segment_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
- segment_sp->AddStringItem ("name", image_infos[i].segments[j].name);
- segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("vmaddr", image_infos[i].segments[j].vmaddr);
- segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("vmsize", image_infos[i].segments[j].vmsize);
- segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("fileoff", image_infos[i].segments[j].fileoff);
- segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("filesize", image_infos[i].segments[j].filesize);
- segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("maxprot", image_infos[i].segments[j].maxprot);
-// DynamicLoaderMacOSX doesn't currently need these fields, so don't send them.
-// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("initprot", image_infos[i].segments[j].initprot);
-// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("nsects", image_infos[i].segments[j].nsects);
-// segment_sp->AddIntegerItem ("flags", image_infos[i].segments[j].flags);
- segments_sp->AddItem (segment_sp);
+ if (all_image_infos[j].load_address == macho_addresses[i])
+ {
+ image_infos.push_back (all_image_infos[j]);
+ }
- image_info_dict_sp->AddItem ("segments", segments_sp);
+ }
- image_infos_array_sp->AddItem (image_info_dict_sp);
+ const size_t image_infos_count = image_infos.size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < image_infos_count; i++)
+ {
+ GetMachOInformationFromMemory (image_infos[i].load_address, pointer_size, image_infos[i].macho_info);
+ }
+ return FormatDynamicLibrariesIntoJSON (image_infos);
+ }
+ return reply_sp;
+// From dyld's internal podyld_process_info.h:
+MachProcess::GetSharedCacheInfo (nub_process_t pid)
+ JSONGenerator::DictionarySP reply_sp (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());;
+ kern_return_t kern_ret;
+ if (m_dyld_process_info_create && m_dyld_process_info_get_cache)
+ {
+ dyld_process_info info = m_dyld_process_info_create (m_task.TaskPort(), 0, &kern_ret);
+ if (info)
+ {
+ struct dyld_process_cache_info shared_cache_info;
+ m_dyld_process_info_get_cache (info, &shared_cache_info);
+ reply_sp->AddIntegerItem ("shared_cache_base_address", shared_cache_info.cacheBaseAddress);
+ uuid_string_t uuidstr;
+ uuid_unparse_upper (shared_cache_info.cacheUUID, uuidstr);
+ reply_sp->AddStringItem ("shared_cache_uuid", uuidstr);
+ reply_sp->AddBooleanItem ("no_shared_cache", shared_cache_info.noCache);
+ reply_sp->AddBooleanItem ("shared_cache_private_cache", shared_cache_info.privateCache);
+ m_dyld_process_info_release (info);
- reply_sp.reset (new JSONGenerator::Dictionary());
- reply_sp->AddItem ("images", image_infos_array_sp);
return reply_sp;
@@ -1048,6 +1265,7 @@ MachProcess::Interrupt()
if (Signal (m_sent_interrupt_signo))
DNBLogThreadedIf(LOG_PROCESS, "MachProcess::Interrupt() - sent %i signal to interrupt process", m_sent_interrupt_signo);
+ return true;
@@ -2274,9 +2492,9 @@ MachProcess::GetGenealogyImageInfo (size_t idx)
MachProcess::GetOSVersionNumbers (uint64_t *major, uint64_t *minor, uint64_t *patch)
- bool success = false;
+ return false;
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSOperatingSystemVersion vers = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] operatingSystemVersion];
@@ -2287,12 +2505,10 @@ MachProcess::GetOSVersionNumbers (uint64_t *major, uint64_t *minor, uint64_t *pa
if (patch)
*patch = vers.patchVersion;
- success = true;
[pool drain];
+ return true;
- return success;
// Do the process specific setup for attach. If this returns NULL, then there's no