path: root/tools/scan-build-py/libscanbuild/runner.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/scan-build-py/libscanbuild/runner.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 302 deletions
diff --git a/tools/scan-build-py/libscanbuild/runner.py b/tools/scan-build-py/libscanbuild/runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d02c85fed1..000000000000
--- a/tools/scan-build-py/libscanbuild/runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
-# This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
-# License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
-""" This module is responsible to run the analyzer commands. """
-import re
-import os
-import os.path
-import tempfile
-import functools
-import subprocess
-import logging
-from libscanbuild.compilation import classify_source, compiler_language
-from libscanbuild.clang import get_version, get_arguments
-from libscanbuild.shell import decode
-__all__ = ['run']
-# To have good results from static analyzer certain compiler options shall be
-# omitted. The compiler flag filtering only affects the static analyzer run.
-# Keys are the option name, value number of options to skip
- '-c': 0, # compile option will be overwritten
- '-fsyntax-only': 0, # static analyzer option will be overwritten
- '-o': 1, # will set up own output file
- # flags below are inherited from the perl implementation.
- '-g': 0,
- '-save-temps': 0,
- '-install_name': 1,
- '-exported_symbols_list': 1,
- '-current_version': 1,
- '-compatibility_version': 1,
- '-init': 1,
- '-e': 1,
- '-seg1addr': 1,
- '-bundle_loader': 1,
- '-multiply_defined': 1,
- '-sectorder': 3,
- '--param': 1,
- '--serialize-diagnostics': 1
-def require(required):
- """ Decorator for checking the required values in state.
- It checks the required attributes in the passed state and stop when
- any of those is missing. """
- def decorator(function):
- @functools.wraps(function)
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- for key in required:
- if key not in args[0]:
- raise KeyError('{0} not passed to {1}'.format(
- key, function.__name__))
- return function(*args, **kwargs)
- return wrapper
- return decorator
-@require(['command', # entry from compilation database
- 'directory', # entry from compilation database
- 'file', # entry from compilation database
- 'clang', # clang executable name (and path)
- 'direct_args', # arguments from command line
- 'force_debug', # kill non debug macros
- 'output_dir', # where generated report files shall go
- 'output_format', # it's 'plist' or 'html' or both
- 'output_failures']) # generate crash reports or not
-def run(opts):
- """ Entry point to run (or not) static analyzer against a single entry
- of the compilation database.
- This complex task is decomposed into smaller methods which are calling
- each other in chain. If the analyzis is not possibe the given method
- just return and break the chain.
- The passed parameter is a python dictionary. Each method first check
- that the needed parameters received. (This is done by the 'require'
- decorator. It's like an 'assert' to check the contract between the
- caller and the called method.) """
- try:
- command = opts.pop('command')
- command = command if isinstance(command, list) else decode(command)
- logging.debug("Run analyzer against '%s'", command)
- opts.update(classify_parameters(command))
- return arch_check(opts)
- except Exception:
- logging.error("Problem occured during analyzis.", exc_info=1)
- return None
-@require(['clang', 'directory', 'flags', 'file', 'output_dir', 'language',
- 'error_type', 'error_output', 'exit_code'])
-def report_failure(opts):
- """ Create report when analyzer failed.
- The major report is the preprocessor output. The output filename generated
- randomly. The compiler output also captured into '.stderr.txt' file.
- And some more execution context also saved into '.info.txt' file. """
- def extension(opts):
- """ Generate preprocessor file extension. """
- mapping = {'objective-c++': '.mii', 'objective-c': '.mi', 'c++': '.ii'}
- return mapping.get(opts['language'], '.i')
- def destination(opts):
- """ Creates failures directory if not exits yet. """
- name = os.path.join(opts['output_dir'], 'failures')
- if not os.path.isdir(name):
- os.makedirs(name)
- return name
- error = opts['error_type']
- (handle, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=extension(opts),
- prefix='clang_' + error + '_',
- dir=destination(opts))
- os.close(handle)
- cwd = opts['directory']
- cmd = get_arguments([opts['clang'], '-fsyntax-only', '-E'] +
- opts['flags'] + [opts['file'], '-o', name], cwd)
- logging.debug('exec command in %s: %s', cwd, ' '.join(cmd))
- subprocess.call(cmd, cwd=cwd)
- # write general information about the crash
- with open(name + '.info.txt', 'w') as handle:
- handle.write(opts['file'] + os.linesep)
- handle.write(error.title().replace('_', ' ') + os.linesep)
- handle.write(' '.join(cmd) + os.linesep)
- handle.write(' '.join(os.uname()) + os.linesep)
- handle.write(get_version(opts['clang']))
- handle.close()
- # write the captured output too
- with open(name + '.stderr.txt', 'w') as handle:
- handle.writelines(opts['error_output'])
- handle.close()
- # return with the previous step exit code and output
- return {
- 'error_output': opts['error_output'],
- 'exit_code': opts['exit_code']
- }
-@require(['clang', 'directory', 'flags', 'direct_args', 'file', 'output_dir',
- 'output_format'])
-def run_analyzer(opts, continuation=report_failure):
- """ It assembles the analysis command line and executes it. Capture the
- output of the analysis and returns with it. If failure reports are
- requested, it calls the continuation to generate it. """
- def output():
- """ Creates output file name for reports. """
- if opts['output_format'] in {'plist', 'plist-html'}:
- (handle, name) = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix='report-',
- suffix='.plist',
- dir=opts['output_dir'])
- os.close(handle)
- return name
- return opts['output_dir']
- cwd = opts['directory']
- cmd = get_arguments([opts['clang'], '--analyze'] + opts['direct_args'] +
- opts['flags'] + [opts['file'], '-o', output()],
- cwd)
- logging.debug('exec command in %s: %s', cwd, ' '.join(cmd))
- child = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
- cwd=cwd,
- universal_newlines=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- output = child.stdout.readlines()
- child.stdout.close()
- # do report details if it were asked
- child.wait()
- if opts.get('output_failures', False) and child.returncode:
- error_type = 'crash' if child.returncode & 127 else 'other_error'
- opts.update({
- 'error_type': error_type,
- 'error_output': output,
- 'exit_code': child.returncode
- })
- return continuation(opts)
- # return the output for logging and exit code for testing
- return {'error_output': output, 'exit_code': child.returncode}
-@require(['flags', 'force_debug'])
-def filter_debug_flags(opts, continuation=run_analyzer):
- """ Filter out nondebug macros when requested. """
- if opts.pop('force_debug'):
- # lazy implementation just append an undefine macro at the end
- opts.update({'flags': opts['flags'] + ['-UNDEBUG']})
- return continuation(opts)
-@require(['language', 'compiler', 'file', 'flags'])
-def language_check(opts, continuation=filter_debug_flags):
- """ Find out the language from command line parameters or file name
- extension. The decision also influenced by the compiler invocation. """
- accepted = frozenset({
- 'c', 'c++', 'objective-c', 'objective-c++', 'c-cpp-output',
- 'c++-cpp-output', 'objective-c-cpp-output'
- })
- # language can be given as a parameter...
- language = opts.pop('language')
- compiler = opts.pop('compiler')
- # ... or find out from source file extension
- if language is None and compiler is not None:
- language = classify_source(opts['file'], compiler == 'c')
- if language is None:
- logging.debug('skip analysis, language not known')
- return None
- elif language not in accepted:
- logging.debug('skip analysis, language not supported')
- return None
- else:
- logging.debug('analysis, language: %s', language)
- opts.update({'language': language,
- 'flags': ['-x', language] + opts['flags']})
- return continuation(opts)
-@require(['arch_list', 'flags'])
-def arch_check(opts, continuation=language_check):
- """ Do run analyzer through one of the given architectures. """
- disabled = frozenset({'ppc', 'ppc64'})
- received_list = opts.pop('arch_list')
- if received_list:
- # filter out disabled architectures and -arch switches
- filtered_list = [a for a in received_list if a not in disabled]
- if filtered_list:
- # There should be only one arch given (or the same multiple
- # times). If there are multiple arch are given and are not
- # the same, those should not change the pre-processing step.
- # But that's the only pass we have before run the analyzer.
- current = filtered_list.pop()
- logging.debug('analysis, on arch: %s', current)
- opts.update({'flags': ['-arch', current] + opts['flags']})
- return continuation(opts)
- else:
- logging.debug('skip analysis, found not supported arch')
- return None
- else:
- logging.debug('analysis, on default arch')
- return continuation(opts)
-def classify_parameters(command):
- """ Prepare compiler flags (filters some and add others) and take out
- language (-x) and architecture (-arch) flags for future processing. """
- result = {
- 'flags': [], # the filtered compiler flags
- 'arch_list': [], # list of architecture flags
- 'language': None, # compilation language, None, if not specified
- 'compiler': compiler_language(command) # 'c' or 'c++'
- }
- # iterate on the compile options
- args = iter(command[1:])
- for arg in args:
- # take arch flags into a separate basket
- if arg == '-arch':
- result['arch_list'].append(next(args))
- # take language
- elif arg == '-x':
- result['language'] = next(args)
- # parameters which looks source file are not flags
- elif re.match(r'^[^-].+', arg) and classify_source(arg):
- pass
- # ignore some flags
- elif arg in IGNORED_FLAGS:
- count = IGNORED_FLAGS[arg]
- for _ in range(count):
- next(args)
- # we don't care about extra warnings, but we should suppress ones
- # that we don't want to see.
- elif re.match(r'^-W.+', arg) and not re.match(r'^-Wno-.+', arg):
- pass
- # and consider everything else as compilation flag.
- else:
- result['flags'].append(arg)
- return result