path: root/utils/vim-lldb/plugin/lldb.vim
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Diffstat (limited to 'utils/vim-lldb/plugin/lldb.vim')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/vim-lldb/plugin/lldb.vim b/utils/vim-lldb/plugin/lldb.vim
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac5cfe3fbb43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/vim-lldb/plugin/lldb.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+" Vim script glue code for LLDB integration
+function! s:FindPythonScriptDir()
+ for dir in pathogen#split(&runtimepath)
+ let searchstr = "python-vim-lldb"
+ let candidates = pathogen#glob_directories(dir . "/" . searchstr)
+ if len(candidates) > 0
+ return candidates[0]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return
+function! s:InitLldbPlugin()
+ if has('python') == 0
+ call confirm('ERROR: This Vim installation does not have python support. lldb.vim will not work.')
+ return
+ endif
+ " Key-Bindings
+ " FIXME: choose sensible keybindings for:
+ " - process: start, interrupt, continue, continue-to-cursor
+ " - step: instruction, in, over, out
+ "
+ if has('gui_macvim')
+ " Apple-B toggles breakpoint on cursor
+ map <D-B> :Lbreakpoint<CR>
+ endif
+ "
+ " Setup the python interpreter path
+ "
+ let vim_lldb_pydir = s:FindPythonScriptDir()
+ execute 'python import sys; sys.path.append("' . vim_lldb_pydir . '")'
+ "
+ " Register :L<Command>
+ " The LLDB CommandInterpreter provides tab-completion in Vim's command mode.
+ " FIXME: this list of commands, at least partially should be auto-generated
+ "
+ " Window show/hide commands
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteWindow -nargs=1 Lhide python ctrl.doHide('<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteWindow -nargs=0 Lshow python ctrl.doShow('<args>')
+ " Launching convenience commands (no autocompletion)
+ command -nargs=* Lstart python ctrl.doLaunch(True, '<args>')
+ command -nargs=* Lrun python ctrl.doLaunch(False, '<args>')
+ command -nargs=1 Lattach python ctrl.doAttach('<args>')
+ command -nargs=0 Ldetach python ctrl.doDetach()
+ " Regexp-commands: because vim's command mode does not support '_' or '-'
+ " characters in command names, we omit them when creating the :L<cmd>
+ " equivalents.
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpattach python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-attach', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpbreak python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-break', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpbt python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-bt', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpdown python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-down', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexptbreak python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-tbreak', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpdisplay python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-display', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpundisplay python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-undisplay', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregexpup python ctrl.doCommand('_regexp-up', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lapropos python ctrl.doCommand('apropos', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbacktrace python ctrl.doCommand('bt', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbreakpoint python ctrl.doBreakpoint('<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lcommand python ctrl.doCommand('command', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ldisassemble python ctrl.doCommand('disassemble', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lexpression python ctrl.doCommand('expression', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lhelp python ctrl.doCommand('help', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Llog python ctrl.doCommand('log', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lplatform python ctrl.doCommand('platform','<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lplugin python ctrl.doCommand('plugin', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lprocess python ctrl.doProcess('<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lregister python ctrl.doCommand('register', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lscript python ctrl.doCommand('script', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lsettings python ctrl.doCommand('settings','<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lsource python ctrl.doCommand('source', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ltype python ctrl.doCommand('type', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lversion python ctrl.doCommand('version', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lwatchpoint python ctrl.doCommand('watchpoint', '<args>')
+ " Convenience (shortcut) LLDB commands
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lprint python ctrl.doCommand('print', vim.eval("s:CursorWord('<args>')"))
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lpo python ctrl.doCommand('po', vim.eval("s:CursorWord('<args>')"))
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* LpO python ctrl.doCommand('po', vim.eval("s:CursorWORD('<args>')"))
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lbt python ctrl.doCommand('bt', '<args>')
+ " Frame/Thread-Selection (commands that also do an Uupdate but do not
+ " generate events in LLDB)
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lframe python ctrl.doSelect('frame', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=? Lup python ctrl.doCommand('up', '<args>', print_on_success=False, goto_file=True)
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=? Ldown python ctrl.doCommand('down', '<args>', print_on_success=False, goto_file=True)
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lthread python ctrl.doSelect('thread', '<args>')
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Ltarget python ctrl.doTarget('<args>')
+ " Continue
+ command -complete=custom,s:CompleteCommand -nargs=* Lcontinue python ctrl.doContinue()
+ " Thread-Stepping (no autocompletion)
+ command -nargs=0 Lstepinst python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INSTRUCTION)
+ command -nargs=0 Lstepinstover python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INSTRUCTION_OVER)
+ command -nargs=0 Lstepin python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INTO)
+ command -nargs=0 Lstep python ctrl.doStep(StepType.INTO)
+ command -nargs=0 Lnext python ctrl.doStep(StepType.OVER)
+ command -nargs=0 Lfinish python ctrl.doStep(StepType.OUT)
+ " hack: service the LLDB event-queue when the cursor moves
+ " FIXME: some threaded solution would be better...but it
+ " would have to be designed carefully because Vim's APIs are non threadsafe;
+ " use of the vim module **MUST** be restricted to the main thread.
+ command -nargs=0 Lrefresh python ctrl.doRefresh()
+ autocmd CursorMoved * :Lrefresh
+ autocmd CursorHold * :Lrefresh
+ autocmd VimLeavePre * python ctrl.doExit()
+ execute 'pyfile ' . vim_lldb_pydir . '/plugin.py'
+function! s:CompleteCommand(A, L, P)
+ python << EOF
+a = vim.eval("a:A")
+l = vim.eval("a:L")
+p = vim.eval("a:P")
+returnCompleteCommand(a, l, p)
+function! s:CompleteWindow(A, L, P)
+ python << EOF
+a = vim.eval("a:A")
+l = vim.eval("a:L")
+p = vim.eval("a:P")
+returnCompleteWindow(a, l, p)
+" Returns cword if search term is empty
+function! s:CursorWord(term)
+ return empty(a:term) ? expand('<cword>') : a:term
+" Returns cleaned cWORD if search term is empty
+function! s:CursorWORD(term)
+ " Will strip all non-alphabetic characters from both sides
+ return empty(a:term) ? substitute(expand('<cWORD>'), '^\A*\(.\{-}\)\A*$', '\1', '') : a:term
+call s:InitLldbPlugin()