path: root/lib/msun/Symbol.map
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* msun: add ld80/ld128 powl, cpow, cpowf, cpowl from openbsdMatt Macy2018-07-151-1/+4
* Add implementations for clog(3), clogf(3), and clog(3).Konstantin Belousov2018-05-131-0/+3
* Implement sincos, sincosf, and sincosl.Michal Meloun2017-05-281-0/+3
* Add casinl() cacosl() catanl() casinhl() cacoshl() catanhl() APIs to msunMahdi Mokhtari2017-02-151-0/+10
* * Makefile:Steve Kargl2014-09-151-1/+6
* * Makefile:Steve Kargl2014-07-131-2/+2
* * Makefile:Steve Kargl2013-12-301-3/+3
* After r255294, building lib/msun's symbol map (using clang as theDimitry Andric2013-09-121-1/+1
* Add stub implementations of the missing C++11 math functions.David Chisnall2013-09-061-0/+9
* Add implementations of acoshl(), asinhl(), and atanhl(). This is aDavid Schultz2013-06-101-0/+3
* ld80 and ld128 implementations of expm1l(). This code started lifeSteve Kargl2013-06-031-0/+1
* Add logl, log2l, log10l, and log1pl.David Schultz2013-06-031-0/+4
* I'm happy to finally commit stephen@'s implementations of cacos,David Schultz2013-05-301-0/+12
* Compute the exponential of x for Intel 80-bit format and IEEE 128-bitSteve Kargl2012-07-231-0/+1
* Add c{cos,sin,tan}{,h}{,f} functions. This is joint work withDavid Schultz2011-10-171-0/+12
* Provide external definitions of all of the standardized functions inDavid Schultz2011-10-101-0/+10
* Take two. Add the missing file that should have been committedSteve Kargl2011-03-121-0/+1
* Temporary disable the building of cbrtl until ISteve Kargl2011-03-121-1/+0
* Implement the long double version for the cube root function, cbrtl.Steve Kargl2011-03-121-0/+1
* Remove part of an uncommitted change that snuck into the last commit.David Schultz2011-03-071-1/+0
* Add cexp() and cexpf().David Schultz2011-03-071-0/+3
* Add log2() and log2f().David Schultz2010-12-051-0/+2
* Introduce __isnanf() as an alias for isnanf(), and make the isnan()David Schultz2010-06-121-0/+5
* Implement cproj{,f,l}().David Schultz2008-08-071-0/+3
* Add implementations of acosl(), asinl(), atanl(), atan2l(),David Schultz2008-07-311-0/+5
* Implement fmodl.David Schultz2008-06-191-0/+1
* Hook remquol() and remainderl() up to the build.David Schultz2008-03-301-0/+2
* Implement csqrtl().David Schultz2008-03-301-0/+1
* Hook hypotl() and cabsl() up to the build.David Schultz2008-03-301-0/+2
* Hook up sqrtl() to the build.David Schultz2008-03-021-0/+1
* Add tgammaf() as a simple wrapper around tgamma().David Schultz2008-02-181-0/+1
* Hook up sinl(), cosl(), and tanl() to the build.David Schultz2008-02-171-0/+3
* Hook up exp2l() and related docs to the build.David Schultz2008-01-181-0/+1
* Implement rintl(), nearbyintl(), lrintl(), and llrintl().David Schultz2008-01-141-0/+4
* Remove z_abs(). The z_*() functions were in libf77, and for some reasonDavid Schultz2007-12-181-1/+0
* Add logbl(3) to libm.David Schultz2007-12-171-0/+1
* Implement and document nan(), nanf(), and nanl(). This commitDavid Schultz2007-12-161-0/+3
* 1. Add csqrt{,f}(3).David Schultz2007-12-151-2/+10
* Typo in previous commitDavid Schultz2007-12-141-2/+2
* Symbol.map additions for carg and cargf. (They're in C99, so I didn'tDavid Schultz2007-12-141-0/+2
* Use C comments since we now preprocess these files with CPP.Daniel Eischen2007-04-291-1/+3
* Implement modfl().David Schultz2007-01-071-0/+1
* Remove modf from libm's symbol map. It's actually in libc forDavid Schultz2007-01-061-1/+0
* Add symbol versioning to libm.Daniel Eischen2006-03-271-0/+181