------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT ncurses Binding Samples -- -- -- -- ncurses -- -- -- -- B O D Y -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2000-2014,2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- -- distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell -- -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -- -- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -- -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -- -- DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR -- -- THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- -- -- -- Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright -- -- holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the -- -- sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written -- -- authorization. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Author: Eugene V. Melaragno 2000 -- Version Control -- $Revision: 1.10 $ -- $Date: 2020/01/18 17:02:13 $ -- Binding Version 01.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with ncurses2.util; use ncurses2.util; with Terminal_Interface.Curses; use Terminal_Interface.Curses; with Interfaces.C; with System.Storage_Elements; with System.Address_To_Access_Conversions; with Ada.Text_IO; -- with Ada.Real_Time; use Ada.Real_Time; -- TODO is there a way to use Real_Time or Ada.Calendar in place of -- gettimeofday? -- Demonstrate pads. procedure ncurses2.demo_pad is type timestruct is record seconds : Integer; microseconds : Integer; end record; type myfunc is access function (w : Window) return Key_Code; function gettime return timestruct; procedure do_h_line (y : Line_Position; x : Column_Position; c : Attributed_Character; to : Column_Position); procedure do_v_line (y : Line_Position; x : Column_Position; c : Attributed_Character; to : Line_Position); function padgetch (win : Window) return Key_Code; function panner_legend (line : Line_Position) return Boolean; procedure panner_legend (line : Line_Position); procedure panner_h_cleanup (from_y : Line_Position; from_x : Column_Position; to_x : Column_Position); procedure panner_v_cleanup (from_y : Line_Position; from_x : Column_Position; to_y : Line_Position); procedure panner (pad : Window; top_xp : Column_Position; top_yp : Line_Position; portyp : Line_Position; portxp : Column_Position; pgetc : myfunc); function gettime return timestruct is retval : timestruct; use Interfaces.C; type timeval is record tv_sec : long; tv_usec : long; end record; pragma Convention (C, timeval); -- TODO function from_timeval is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion( -- timeval_a, System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address); -- should Interfaces.C.Pointers be used here? package myP is new System.Address_To_Access_Conversions (timeval); use myP; t : constant Object_Pointer := new timeval; function gettimeofday (TP : System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address; TZP : System.Storage_Elements.Integer_Address) return int; pragma Import (C, gettimeofday, "gettimeofday"); tmp : int; begin tmp := gettimeofday (System.Storage_Elements.To_Integer (myP.To_Address (t)), System.Storage_Elements.To_Integer (myP.To_Address (null))); if tmp < 0 then retval.seconds := 0; retval.microseconds := 0; else retval.seconds := Integer (t.all.tv_sec); retval.microseconds := Integer (t.all.tv_usec); end if; return retval; end gettime; -- in C, The behavior of mvhline, mvvline for negative/zero length is -- unspecified, though we can rely on negative x/y values to stop the -- macro. Except Ada makes Line_Position(-1) = Natural - 1 so forget it. procedure do_h_line (y : Line_Position; x : Column_Position; c : Attributed_Character; to : Column_Position) is begin if to > x then Move_Cursor (Line => y, Column => x); Horizontal_Line (Line_Size => Natural (to - x), Line_Symbol => c); end if; end do_h_line; procedure do_v_line (y : Line_Position; x : Column_Position; c : Attributed_Character; to : Line_Position) is begin if to > y then Move_Cursor (Line => y, Column => x); Vertical_Line (Line_Size => Natural (to - y), Line_Symbol => c); end if; end do_v_line; function padgetch (win : Window) return Key_Code is c : Key_Code; c2 : Character; begin c := Getchar (win); c2 := Code_To_Char (c); case c2 is when '!' => ShellOut (False); return Key_Refresh; when Character'Val (Character'Pos ('r') mod 16#20#) => -- CTRL('r') End_Windows; Refresh; return Key_Refresh; when Character'Val (Character'Pos ('l') mod 16#20#) => -- CTRL('l') return Key_Refresh; when 'U' => return Key_Cursor_Up; when 'D' => return Key_Cursor_Down; when 'R' => return Key_Cursor_Right; when 'L' => return Key_Cursor_Left; when '+' => return Key_Insert_Line; when '-' => return Key_Delete_Line; when '>' => return Key_Insert_Char; when '<' => return Key_Delete_Char; -- when ERR=> /* FALLTHRU */ when 'q' => return (Key_Exit); when others => return (c); end case; end padgetch; show_panner_legend : Boolean := True; function panner_legend (line : Line_Position) return Boolean is legend : constant array (0 .. 3) of String (1 .. 61) := ( "Use arrow keys (or U,D,L,R) to pan, q to quit (?,t,s flags) ", "Use ! to shell-out. Toggle legend:?, timer:t, scroll mark:s.", "Use +,- (or j,k) to grow/shrink the panner vertically. ", "Use <,> (or h,l) to grow/shrink the panner horizontally. "); legendsize : constant := 4; n : constant Integer := legendsize - Integer (Lines - line); begin if line < Lines and n >= 0 then Move_Cursor (Line => line, Column => 0); if show_panner_legend then Add (Str => legend (n)); end if; Clear_To_End_Of_Line; return show_panner_legend; end if; return False; end panner_legend; procedure panner_legend (line : Line_Position) is begin if not panner_legend (line) then Beep; end if; end panner_legend; procedure panner_h_cleanup (from_y : Line_Position; from_x : Column_Position; to_x : Column_Position) is begin if not panner_legend (from_y) then do_h_line (from_y, from_x, Blank2, to_x); end if; end panner_h_cleanup; procedure panner_v_cleanup (from_y : Line_Position; from_x : Column_Position; to_y : Line_Position) is begin if not panner_legend (from_y) then do_v_line (from_y, from_x, Blank2, to_y); end if; end panner_v_cleanup; procedure panner (pad : Window; top_xp : Column_Position; top_yp : Line_Position; portyp : Line_Position; portxp : Column_Position; pgetc : myfunc) is function f (y : Line_Position) return Line_Position; function f (x : Column_Position) return Column_Position; function greater (y1, y2 : Line_Position) return Integer; function greater (x1, x2 : Column_Position) return Integer; top_x : Column_Position := top_xp; top_y : Line_Position := top_yp; porty : Line_Position := portyp; portx : Column_Position := portxp; -- f[x] returns max[x - 1, 0] function f (y : Line_Position) return Line_Position is begin if y > 0 then return y - 1; else return y; -- 0 end if; end f; function f (x : Column_Position) return Column_Position is begin if x > 0 then return x - 1; else return x; -- 0 end if; end f; function greater (y1, y2 : Line_Position) return Integer is begin if y1 > y2 then return 1; else return 0; end if; end greater; function greater (x1, x2 : Column_Position) return Integer is begin if x1 > x2 then return 1; else return 0; end if; end greater; pymax : Line_Position; basey : Line_Position := 0; pxmax : Column_Position; basex : Column_Position := 0; c : Key_Code; scrollers : Boolean := True; before, after : timestruct; timing : Boolean := True; package floatio is new Ada.Text_IO.Float_IO (Long_Float); begin Get_Size (pad, pymax, pxmax); Allow_Scrolling (Mode => False); -- we don't want stdscr to scroll! c := Key_Refresh; loop -- During shell-out, the user may have resized the window. Adjust -- the port size of the pad to accommodate this. Ncurses -- automatically resizes all of the normal windows to fit on the -- new screen. if top_x > Columns then top_x := Columns; end if; if portx > Columns then portx := Columns; end if; if top_y > Lines then top_y := Lines; end if; if porty > Lines then porty := Lines; end if; case c is when Key_Refresh | Character'Pos ('?') => if c = Key_Refresh then Erase; else -- '?' show_panner_legend := not show_panner_legend; end if; panner_legend (Lines - 4); panner_legend (Lines - 3); panner_legend (Lines - 2); panner_legend (Lines - 1); when Character'Pos ('t') => timing := not timing; if not timing then panner_legend (Lines - 1); end if; when Character'Pos ('s') => scrollers := not scrollers; -- Move the top-left corner of the pad, keeping the -- bottom-right corner fixed. when Character'Pos ('h') => -- increase-columns: move left edge to left if top_x = 0 then Beep; else panner_v_cleanup (top_y, top_x, porty); top_x := top_x - 1; end if; when Character'Pos ('j') => -- decrease-lines: move top-edge down if top_y >= porty then Beep; else if top_y /= 0 then panner_h_cleanup (top_y - 1, f (top_x), portx); end if; top_y := top_y + 1; end if; when Character'Pos ('k') => -- increase-lines: move top-edge up if top_y = 0 then Beep; else top_y := top_y - 1; panner_h_cleanup (top_y, top_x, portx); end if; when Character'Pos ('l') => -- decrease-columns: move left-edge to right if top_x >= portx then Beep; else if top_x /= 0 then panner_v_cleanup (f (top_y), top_x - 1, porty); end if; top_x := top_x + 1; end if; -- Move the bottom-right corner of the pad, keeping the -- top-left corner fixed. when Key_Insert_Char => -- increase-columns: move right-edge to right if portx >= pxmax or portx >= Columns then Beep; else panner_v_cleanup (f (top_y), portx - 1, porty); portx := portx + 1; -- C had ++portx instead of portx++, weird. end if; when Key_Insert_Line => -- increase-lines: move bottom-edge down if porty >= pymax or porty >= Lines then Beep; else panner_h_cleanup (porty - 1, f (top_x), portx); porty := porty + 1; end if; when Key_Delete_Char => -- decrease-columns: move bottom edge up if portx <= top_x then Beep; else portx := portx - 1; panner_v_cleanup (f (top_y), portx, porty); end if; when Key_Delete_Line => -- decrease-lines if porty <= top_y then Beep; else porty := porty - 1; panner_h_cleanup (porty, f (top_x), portx); end if; when Key_Cursor_Left => -- pan leftwards if basex > 0 then basex := basex - 1; else Beep; end if; when Key_Cursor_Right => -- pan rightwards -- if (basex + portx - (pymax > porty) < pxmax) if basex + portx - Column_Position (greater (pymax, porty)) < pxmax then -- if basex + portx < pxmax or -- (pymax > porty and basex + portx - 1 < pxmax) then basex := basex + 1; else Beep; end if; when Key_Cursor_Up => -- pan upwards if basey > 0 then basey := basey - 1; else Beep; end if; when Key_Cursor_Down => -- pan downwards -- same as if (basey + porty - (pxmax > portx) < pymax) if basey + porty - Line_Position (greater (pxmax, portx)) < pymax then -- if (basey + porty < pymax) or -- (pxmax > portx and basey + porty - 1 < pymax) then basey := basey + 1; else Beep; end if; when Character'Pos ('H') | Key_Home | Key_Find => basey := 0; when Character'Pos ('E') | Key_End | Key_Select => if pymax < porty then basey := 0; else basey := pymax - porty; end if; when others => Beep; end case; -- more writing off the screen. -- Interestingly, the exception is not handled if -- we put a block around this. -- declare --begin if top_y /= 0 and top_x /= 0 then Add (Line => top_y - 1, Column => top_x - 1, Ch => ACS_Map (ACS_Upper_Left_Corner)); end if; if top_x /= 0 then do_v_line (top_y, top_x - 1, ACS_Map (ACS_Vertical_Line), porty); end if; if top_y /= 0 then do_h_line (top_y - 1, top_x, ACS_Map (ACS_Horizontal_Line), portx); end if; -- exception when Curses_Exception => null; end; -- in C was ... pxmax > portx - 1 if scrollers and pxmax >= portx then declare length : constant Column_Position := portx - top_x - 1; lowend, highend : Column_Position; begin -- Instead of using floats, I'll use integers only. lowend := top_x + (basex * length) / pxmax; highend := top_x + ((basex + length) * length) / pxmax; do_h_line (porty - 1, top_x, ACS_Map (ACS_Horizontal_Line), lowend); if highend < portx then Switch_Character_Attribute (Attr => (Reverse_Video => True, others => False), On => True); do_h_line (porty - 1, lowend, Blank2, highend + 1); Switch_Character_Attribute (Attr => (Reverse_Video => True, others => False), On => False); do_h_line (porty - 1, highend + 1, ACS_Map (ACS_Horizontal_Line), portx); end if; end; else do_h_line (porty - 1, top_x, ACS_Map (ACS_Horizontal_Line), portx); end if; if scrollers and pymax >= porty then declare length : constant Line_Position := porty - top_y - 1; lowend, highend : Line_Position; begin lowend := top_y + (basey * length) / pymax; highend := top_y + ((basey + length) * length) / pymax; do_v_line (top_y, portx - 1, ACS_Map (ACS_Vertical_Line), lowend); if highend < porty then Switch_Character_Attribute (Attr => (Reverse_Video => True, others => False), On => True); do_v_line (lowend, portx - 1, Blank2, highend + 1); Switch_Character_Attribute (Attr => (Reverse_Video => True, others => False), On => False); do_v_line (highend + 1, portx - 1, ACS_Map (ACS_Vertical_Line), porty); end if; end; else do_v_line (top_y, portx - 1, ACS_Map (ACS_Vertical_Line), porty); end if; if top_y /= 0 then Add (Line => top_y - 1, Column => portx - 1, Ch => ACS_Map (ACS_Upper_Right_Corner)); end if; if top_x /= 0 then Add (Line => porty - 1, Column => top_x - 1, Ch => ACS_Map (ACS_Lower_Left_Corner)); end if; declare begin -- Here is another place where it is possible -- to write to the corner of the screen. Add (Line => porty - 1, Column => portx - 1, Ch => ACS_Map (ACS_Lower_Right_Corner)); exception when Curses_Exception => null; end; before := gettime; Refresh_Without_Update; declare -- the C version allows the panel to have a zero height -- which raise the exception begin Refresh_Without_Update ( pad, basey, basex, top_y, top_x, porty - Line_Position (greater (pxmax, portx)) - 1, portx - Column_Position (greater (pymax, porty)) - 1); exception when Curses_Exception => null; end; Update_Screen; if timing then declare s : String (1 .. 7); elapsed : Long_Float; begin after := gettime; elapsed := (Long_Float (after.seconds - before.seconds) + Long_Float (after.microseconds - before.microseconds) / 1.0e6); Move_Cursor (Line => Lines - 1, Column => Columns - 20); floatio.Put (s, elapsed, Aft => 3, Exp => 0); Add (Str => s); Refresh; end; end if; c := pgetc (pad); exit when c = Key_Exit; end loop; Allow_Scrolling (Mode => True); end panner; Gridsize : constant := 3; Gridcount : Integer := 0; Pad_High : constant Line_Count := 200; Pad_Wide : constant Column_Count := 200; panpad : Window := New_Pad (Pad_High, Pad_Wide); begin if panpad = Null_Window then Cannot ("cannot create requested pad"); return; end if; for i in 0 .. Pad_High - 1 loop for j in 0 .. Pad_Wide - 1 loop if i mod Gridsize = 0 and j mod Gridsize = 0 then if i = 0 or j = 0 then Add (panpad, '+'); else -- depends on ASCII? Add (panpad, Ch => Character'Val (Character'Pos ('A') + Gridcount mod 26)); Gridcount := Gridcount + 1; end if; elsif i mod Gridsize = 0 then Add (panpad, '-'); elsif j mod Gridsize = 0 then Add (panpad, '|'); else declare -- handle the write to the lower right corner error begin Add (panpad, ' '); exception when Curses_Exception => null; end; end if; end loop; end loop; panner_legend (Lines - 4); panner_legend (Lines - 3); panner_legend (Lines - 2); panner_legend (Lines - 1); Set_KeyPad_Mode (panpad, True); -- Make the pad (initially) narrow enough that a trace file won't wrap. -- We'll still be able to widen it during a test, since that's required -- for testing boundaries. panner (panpad, 2, 2, Lines - 5, Columns - 15, padgetch'Access); Delete (panpad); End_Windows; -- Hmm, Erase after End_Windows Erase; end ncurses2.demo_pad;