//===-- Args.cpp ----------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/Utility/Args.h" #include "lldb/Utility/ConstString.h" #include "lldb/Utility/FileSpec.h" #include "lldb/Utility/Stream.h" #include "lldb/Utility/StringList.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; // A helper function for argument parsing. // Parses the initial part of the first argument using normal double quote // rules: backslash escapes the double quote and itself. The parsed string is // appended to the second argument. The function returns the unparsed portion // of the string, starting at the closing quote. static llvm::StringRef ParseDoubleQuotes(llvm::StringRef quoted, std::string &result) { // Inside double quotes, '\' and '"' are special. static const char *k_escapable_characters = "\"\\"; while (true) { // Skip over over regular characters and append them. size_t regular = quoted.find_first_of(k_escapable_characters); result += quoted.substr(0, regular); quoted = quoted.substr(regular); // If we have reached the end of string or the closing quote, we're done. if (quoted.empty() || quoted.front() == '"') break; // We have found a backslash. quoted = quoted.drop_front(); if (quoted.empty()) { // A lone backslash at the end of string, let's just append it. result += '\\'; break; } // If the character after the backslash is not an allowed escapable // character, we leave the character sequence untouched. if (strchr(k_escapable_characters, quoted.front()) == nullptr) result += '\\'; result += quoted.front(); quoted = quoted.drop_front(); } return quoted; } static size_t ArgvToArgc(const char **argv) { if (!argv) return 0; size_t count = 0; while (*argv++) ++count; return count; } // Trims all whitespace that can separate command line arguments from the left // side of the string. static llvm::StringRef ltrimForArgs(llvm::StringRef str) { static const char *k_space_separators = " \t"; return str.ltrim(k_space_separators); } // A helper function for SetCommandString. Parses a single argument from the // command string, processing quotes and backslashes in a shell-like manner. // The function returns a tuple consisting of the parsed argument, the quote // char used, and the unparsed portion of the string starting at the first // unqouted, unescaped whitespace character. static std::tuple ParseSingleArgument(llvm::StringRef command) { // Argument can be split into multiple discontiguous pieces, for example: // "Hello ""World" // this would result in a single argument "Hello World" (without the quotes) // since the quotes would be removed and there is not space between the // strings. std::string arg; // Since we can have multiple quotes that form a single command in a command // like: "Hello "world'!' (which will make a single argument "Hello world!") // we remember the first quote character we encounter and use that for the // quote character. char first_quote_char = '\0'; bool arg_complete = false; do { // Skip over over regular characters and append them. size_t regular = command.find_first_of(" \t\r\"'`\\"); arg += command.substr(0, regular); command = command.substr(regular); if (command.empty()) break; char special = command.front(); command = command.drop_front(); switch (special) { case '\\': if (command.empty()) { arg += '\\'; break; } // If the character after the backslash is not an allowed escapable // character, we leave the character sequence untouched. if (strchr(" \t\\'\"`", command.front()) == nullptr) arg += '\\'; arg += command.front(); command = command.drop_front(); break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': // We are not inside any quotes, we just found a space after an argument. // We are done. arg_complete = true; break; case '"': case '\'': case '`': // We found the start of a quote scope. if (first_quote_char == '\0') first_quote_char = special; if (special == '"') command = ParseDoubleQuotes(command, arg); else { // For single quotes, we simply skip ahead to the matching quote // character (or the end of the string). size_t quoted = command.find(special); arg += command.substr(0, quoted); command = command.substr(quoted); } // If we found a closing quote, skip it. if (!command.empty()) command = command.drop_front(); break; } } while (!arg_complete); return std::make_tuple(arg, first_quote_char, command); } Args::ArgEntry::ArgEntry(llvm::StringRef str, char quote) : quote(quote) { size_t size = str.size(); ptr.reset(new char[size + 1]); ::memcpy(data(), str.data() ? str.data() : "", size); ptr[size] = 0; } // Args constructor Args::Args(llvm::StringRef command) { SetCommandString(command); } Args::Args(const Args &rhs) { *this = rhs; } Args::Args(const StringList &list) : Args() { for (const std::string &arg : list) AppendArgument(arg); } Args::Args(llvm::ArrayRef args) : Args() { for (llvm::StringRef arg : args) AppendArgument(arg); } Args &Args::operator=(const Args &rhs) { Clear(); m_argv.clear(); m_entries.clear(); for (auto &entry : rhs.m_entries) { m_entries.emplace_back(entry.ref(), entry.quote); m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data()); } m_argv.push_back(nullptr); return *this; } // Destructor Args::~Args() = default; void Args::Dump(Stream &s, const char *label_name) const { if (!label_name) return; int i = 0; for (auto &entry : m_entries) { s.Indent(); s.Format("{0}[{1}]=\"{2}\"\n", label_name, i++, entry.ref()); } s.Format("{0}[{1}]=NULL\n", label_name, i); s.EOL(); } bool Args::GetCommandString(std::string &command) const { command.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_entries.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) command += ' '; command += m_entries[i].ref(); } return !m_entries.empty(); } bool Args::GetQuotedCommandString(std::string &command) const { command.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_entries.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) command += ' '; if (m_entries[i].quote) { command += m_entries[i].quote; command += m_entries[i].ref(); command += m_entries[i].quote; } else { command += m_entries[i].ref(); } } return !m_entries.empty(); } void Args::SetCommandString(llvm::StringRef command) { Clear(); m_argv.clear(); command = ltrimForArgs(command); std::string arg; char quote; while (!command.empty()) { std::tie(arg, quote, command) = ParseSingleArgument(command); m_entries.emplace_back(arg, quote); m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data()); command = ltrimForArgs(command); } m_argv.push_back(nullptr); } const char *Args::GetArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) const { if (idx < m_argv.size()) return m_argv[idx]; return nullptr; } char **Args::GetArgumentVector() { assert(!m_argv.empty()); // TODO: functions like execve and posix_spawnp exhibit undefined behavior // when argv or envp is null. So the code below is actually wrong. However, // other code in LLDB depends on it being null. The code has been acting // this way for some time, so it makes sense to leave it this way until // someone has the time to come along and fix it. return (m_argv.size() > 1) ? m_argv.data() : nullptr; } const char **Args::GetConstArgumentVector() const { assert(!m_argv.empty()); return (m_argv.size() > 1) ? const_cast(m_argv.data()) : nullptr; } void Args::Shift() { // Don't pop the last NULL terminator from the argv array if (m_entries.empty()) return; m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin()); m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin()); } void Args::Unshift(llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) { InsertArgumentAtIndex(0, arg_str, quote_char); } void Args::AppendArguments(const Args &rhs) { assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1); assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr); m_argv.pop_back(); for (auto &entry : rhs.m_entries) { m_entries.emplace_back(entry.ref(), entry.quote); m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data()); } m_argv.push_back(nullptr); } void Args::AppendArguments(const char **argv) { size_t argc = ArgvToArgc(argv); assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1); assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr); m_argv.pop_back(); for (auto arg : llvm::makeArrayRef(argv, argc)) { m_entries.emplace_back(arg, '\0'); m_argv.push_back(m_entries.back().data()); } m_argv.push_back(nullptr); } void Args::AppendArgument(llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) { InsertArgumentAtIndex(GetArgumentCount(), arg_str, quote_char); } void Args::InsertArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx, llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) { assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1); assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr); if (idx > m_entries.size()) return; m_entries.emplace(m_entries.begin() + idx, arg_str, quote_char); m_argv.insert(m_argv.begin() + idx, m_entries[idx].data()); } void Args::ReplaceArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx, llvm::StringRef arg_str, char quote_char) { assert(m_argv.size() == m_entries.size() + 1); assert(m_argv.back() == nullptr); if (idx >= m_entries.size()) return; m_entries[idx] = ArgEntry(arg_str, quote_char); m_argv[idx] = m_entries[idx].data(); } void Args::DeleteArgumentAtIndex(size_t idx) { if (idx >= m_entries.size()) return; m_argv.erase(m_argv.begin() + idx); m_entries.erase(m_entries.begin() + idx); } void Args::SetArguments(size_t argc, const char **argv) { Clear(); auto args = llvm::makeArrayRef(argv, argc); m_entries.resize(argc); m_argv.resize(argc + 1); for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) { char quote = ((args[i][0] == '\'') || (args[i][0] == '"') || (args[i][0] == '`')) ? args[i][0] : '\0'; m_entries[i] = ArgEntry(args[i], quote); m_argv[i] = m_entries[i].data(); } } void Args::SetArguments(const char **argv) { SetArguments(ArgvToArgc(argv), argv); } void Args::Clear() { m_entries.clear(); m_argv.clear(); m_argv.push_back(nullptr); } std::string Args::GetShellSafeArgument(const FileSpec &shell, llvm::StringRef unsafe_arg) { struct ShellDescriptor { ConstString m_basename; llvm::StringRef m_escapables; }; static ShellDescriptor g_Shells[] = {{ConstString("bash"), " '\"<>()&;"}, {ConstString("fish"), " '\"<>()&\\|;"}, {ConstString("tcsh"), " '\"<>()&;"}, {ConstString("zsh"), " '\"<>()&;\\|"}, {ConstString("sh"), " '\"<>()&;"}}; // safe minimal set llvm::StringRef escapables = " '\""; if (auto basename = shell.GetFilename()) { for (const auto &Shell : g_Shells) { if (Shell.m_basename == basename) { escapables = Shell.m_escapables; break; } } } std::string safe_arg; safe_arg.reserve(unsafe_arg.size()); // Add a \ before every character that needs to be escaped. for (char c : unsafe_arg) { if (escapables.contains(c)) safe_arg.push_back('\\'); safe_arg.push_back(c); } return safe_arg; } lldb::Encoding Args::StringToEncoding(llvm::StringRef s, lldb::Encoding fail_value) { return llvm::StringSwitch(s) .Case("uint", eEncodingUint) .Case("sint", eEncodingSint) .Case("ieee754", eEncodingIEEE754) .Case("vector", eEncodingVector) .Default(fail_value); } uint32_t Args::StringToGenericRegister(llvm::StringRef s) { if (s.empty()) return LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM; uint32_t result = llvm::StringSwitch(s) .Case("pc", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC) .Case("sp", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP) .Case("fp", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FP) .Cases("ra", "lr", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_RA) .Case("flags", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FLAGS) .Case("arg1", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1) .Case("arg2", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG2) .Case("arg3", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG3) .Case("arg4", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG4) .Case("arg5", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG5) .Case("arg6", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG6) .Case("arg7", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG7) .Case("arg8", LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG8) .Default(LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM); return result; } void Args::EncodeEscapeSequences(const char *src, std::string &dst) { dst.clear(); if (src) { for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p) { size_t non_special_chars = ::strcspn(p, "\\"); if (non_special_chars > 0) { dst.append(p, non_special_chars); p += non_special_chars; if (*p == '\0') break; } if (*p == '\\') { ++p; // skip the slash switch (*p) { case 'a': dst.append(1, '\a'); break; case 'b': dst.append(1, '\b'); break; case 'f': dst.append(1, '\f'); break; case 'n': dst.append(1, '\n'); break; case 'r': dst.append(1, '\r'); break; case 't': dst.append(1, '\t'); break; case 'v': dst.append(1, '\v'); break; case '\\': dst.append(1, '\\'); break; case '\'': dst.append(1, '\''); break; case '"': dst.append(1, '"'); break; case '0': // 1 to 3 octal chars { // Make a string that can hold onto the initial zero char, up to 3 // octal digits, and a terminating NULL. char oct_str[5] = {'\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0'}; int i; for (i = 0; (p[i] >= '0' && p[i] <= '7') && i < 4; ++i) oct_str[i] = p[i]; // We don't want to consume the last octal character since the main // for loop will do this for us, so we advance p by one less than i // (even if i is zero) p += i - 1; unsigned long octal_value = ::strtoul(oct_str, nullptr, 8); if (octal_value <= UINT8_MAX) { dst.append(1, static_cast(octal_value)); } } break; case 'x': // hex number in the format if (isxdigit(p[1])) { ++p; // Skip the 'x' // Make a string that can hold onto two hex chars plus a // NULL terminator char hex_str[3] = {*p, '\0', '\0'}; if (isxdigit(p[1])) { ++p; // Skip the first of the two hex chars hex_str[1] = *p; } unsigned long hex_value = strtoul(hex_str, nullptr, 16); if (hex_value <= UINT8_MAX) dst.append(1, static_cast(hex_value)); } else { dst.append(1, 'x'); } break; default: // Just desensitize any other character by just printing what came // after the '\' dst.append(1, *p); break; } } } } } void Args::ExpandEscapedCharacters(const char *src, std::string &dst) { dst.clear(); if (src) { for (const char *p = src; *p != '\0'; ++p) { if (llvm::isPrint(*p)) dst.append(1, *p); else { switch (*p) { case '\a': dst.append("\\a"); break; case '\b': dst.append("\\b"); break; case '\f': dst.append("\\f"); break; case '\n': dst.append("\\n"); break; case '\r': dst.append("\\r"); break; case '\t': dst.append("\\t"); break; case '\v': dst.append("\\v"); break; case '\'': dst.append("\\'"); break; case '"': dst.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': dst.append("\\\\"); break; default: { // Just encode as octal dst.append("\\0"); char octal_str[32]; snprintf(octal_str, sizeof(octal_str), "%o", *p); dst.append(octal_str); } break; } } } } } std::string Args::EscapeLLDBCommandArgument(const std::string &arg, char quote_char) { const char *chars_to_escape = nullptr; switch (quote_char) { case '\0': chars_to_escape = " \t\\'\"`"; break; case '"': chars_to_escape = "$\"`\\"; break; case '`': case '\'': return arg; default: assert(false && "Unhandled quote character"); return arg; } std::string res; res.reserve(arg.size()); for (char c : arg) { if (::strchr(chars_to_escape, c)) res.push_back('\\'); res.push_back(c); } return res; } OptionsWithRaw::OptionsWithRaw(llvm::StringRef arg_string) { SetFromString(arg_string); } void OptionsWithRaw::SetFromString(llvm::StringRef arg_string) { const llvm::StringRef original_args = arg_string; arg_string = ltrimForArgs(arg_string); std::string arg; char quote; // If the string doesn't start with a dash, we just have no options and just // a raw part. if (!arg_string.startswith("-")) { m_suffix = std::string(original_args); return; } bool found_suffix = false; while (!arg_string.empty()) { // The length of the prefix before parsing. std::size_t prev_prefix_length = original_args.size() - arg_string.size(); // Parse the next argument from the remaining string. std::tie(arg, quote, arg_string) = ParseSingleArgument(arg_string); // If we get an unquoted '--' argument, then we reached the suffix part // of the command. Args::ArgEntry entry(arg, quote); if (!entry.IsQuoted() && arg == "--") { // The remaining line is the raw suffix, and the line we parsed so far // needs to be interpreted as arguments. m_has_args = true; m_suffix = std::string(arg_string); found_suffix = true; // The length of the prefix after parsing. std::size_t prefix_length = original_args.size() - arg_string.size(); // Take the string we know contains all the arguments and actually parse // it as proper arguments. llvm::StringRef prefix = original_args.take_front(prev_prefix_length); m_args = Args(prefix); m_arg_string = prefix; // We also record the part of the string that contains the arguments plus // the delimiter. m_arg_string_with_delimiter = original_args.take_front(prefix_length); // As the rest of the string became the raw suffix, we are done here. break; } arg_string = ltrimForArgs(arg_string); } // If we didn't find a suffix delimiter, the whole string is the raw suffix. if (!found_suffix) m_suffix = std::string(original_args); } void llvm::yaml::MappingTraits::mapping(IO &io, Args::ArgEntry &v) { MappingNormalization keys(io, v); io.mapRequired("value", keys->value); io.mapRequired("quote", keys->quote); } void llvm::yaml::MappingTraits::mapping(IO &io, Args &v) { io.mapRequired("entries", v.m_entries); // Recompute m_argv vector. v.m_argv.clear(); for (auto &entry : v.m_entries) v.m_argv.push_back(entry.data()); v.m_argv.push_back(nullptr); }