#include #include #include #include "ntp_workimpl.h" #ifdef WORK_THREAD # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYSEXITS_H # include #endif #include "main.h" #include "ntp_libopts.h" #include "kod_management.h" #include "networking.h" #include "utilities.h" #include "log.h" #include "libntp.h" extern const char *progname; int shutting_down; int time_derived; int time_adjusted; int n_pending_dns = 0; int n_pending_ntp = 0; int ai_fam_pref = AF_UNSPEC; int ntpver = 4; double steplimit = -1; SOCKET sock4 = -1; /* Socket for IPv4 */ SOCKET sock6 = -1; /* Socket for IPv6 */ /* ** BCAST *must* listen on port 123 (by default), so we can only ** use the UCST sockets (above) if they too are using port 123 */ SOCKET bsock4 = -1; /* Broadcast Socket for IPv4 */ SOCKET bsock6 = -1; /* Broadcast Socket for IPv6 */ struct event_base *base; struct event *ev_sock4; struct event *ev_sock6; struct event *ev_worker_timeout; struct event *ev_xmt_timer; struct dns_ctx { const char * name; int flags; #define CTX_BCST 0x0001 #define CTX_UCST 0x0002 #define CTX_xCST 0x0003 #define CTX_CONC 0x0004 #define CTX_unused 0xfffd int key_id; struct timeval timeout; struct key * key; }; typedef struct sent_pkt_tag sent_pkt; struct sent_pkt_tag { sent_pkt * link; struct dns_ctx * dctx; sockaddr_u addr; time_t stime; int done; struct pkt x_pkt; }; typedef struct xmt_ctx_tag xmt_ctx; struct xmt_ctx_tag { xmt_ctx * link; SOCKET sock; time_t sched; sent_pkt * spkt; }; struct timeval gap; xmt_ctx * xmt_q; struct key * keys = NULL; int response_timeout; struct timeval response_tv; struct timeval start_tv; /* check the timeout at least once per second */ struct timeval wakeup_tv = { 0, 888888 }; sent_pkt * fam_listheads[2]; #define v4_pkts_list (fam_listheads[0]) #define v6_pkts_list (fam_listheads[1]) static union { struct pkt pkt; char buf[LEN_PKT_NOMAC + NTP_MAXEXTEN + MAX_MAC_LEN]; } rbuf; #define r_pkt rbuf.pkt #ifdef HAVE_DROPROOT int droproot; /* intres imports these */ int root_dropped; #endif u_long current_time; /* libntp/authkeys.c */ void open_sockets(void); void handle_lookup(const char *name, int flags); void sntp_addremove_fd(int fd, int is_pipe, int remove_it); void worker_timeout(evutil_socket_t, short, void *); void worker_resp_cb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *); void sntp_name_resolved(int, int, void *, const char *, const char *, const struct addrinfo *, const struct addrinfo *); void queue_xmt(SOCKET sock, struct dns_ctx *dctx, sent_pkt *spkt, u_int xmt_delay); void xmt_timer_cb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *ptr); void xmt(xmt_ctx *xctx); int check_kod(const struct addrinfo *ai); void timeout_query(sent_pkt *); void timeout_queries(void); void sock_cb(evutil_socket_t, short, void *); void check_exit_conditions(void); void sntp_libevent_log_cb(int, const char *); void set_li_vn_mode(struct pkt *spkt, char leap, char version, char mode); int set_time(double offset); void dec_pending_ntp(const char *, sockaddr_u *); int libevent_version_ok(void); int gettimeofday_cached(struct event_base *b, struct timeval *tv); /* * The actual main function. */ int sntp_main ( int argc, char **argv, const char *sntpVersion ) { int i; int exitcode; int optct; struct event_config * evcfg; /* Initialize logging system - sets up progname */ sntp_init_logging(argv[0]); if (!libevent_version_ok()) exit(EX_SOFTWARE); init_lib(); init_auth(); optct = ntpOptionProcess(&sntpOptions, argc, argv); argc -= optct; argv += optct; debug = OPT_VALUE_SET_DEBUG_LEVEL; TRACE(2, ("init_lib() done, %s%s\n", (ipv4_works) ? "ipv4_works " : "", (ipv6_works) ? "ipv6_works " : "")); ntpver = OPT_VALUE_NTPVERSION; steplimit = OPT_VALUE_STEPLIMIT / 1e3; gap.tv_usec = max(0, OPT_VALUE_GAP * 1000); gap.tv_usec = min(gap.tv_usec, 999999); if (HAVE_OPT(LOGFILE)) open_logfile(OPT_ARG(LOGFILE)); msyslog(LOG_INFO, "%s", sntpVersion); if (0 == argc && !HAVE_OPT(BROADCAST) && !HAVE_OPT(CONCURRENT)) { printf("%s: Must supply at least one of -b hostname, -c hostname, or hostname.\n", progname); exit(EX_USAGE); } /* ** Eventually, we probably want: ** - separate bcst and ucst timeouts (why?) ** - multiple --timeout values in the commandline */ response_timeout = OPT_VALUE_TIMEOUT; response_tv.tv_sec = response_timeout; response_tv.tv_usec = 0; /* IPv6 available? */ if (isc_net_probeipv6() != ISC_R_SUCCESS) { ai_fam_pref = AF_INET; TRACE(1, ("No ipv6 support available, forcing ipv4\n")); } else { /* Check for options -4 and -6 */ if (HAVE_OPT(IPV4)) ai_fam_pref = AF_INET; else if (HAVE_OPT(IPV6)) ai_fam_pref = AF_INET6; } /* TODO: Parse config file if declared */ /* ** Init the KOD system. ** For embedded systems with no writable filesystem, ** -K /dev/null can be used to disable KoD storage. */ kod_init_kod_db(OPT_ARG(KOD), FALSE); /* HMS: Check and see what happens if KEYFILE doesn't exist */ auth_init(OPT_ARG(KEYFILE), &keys); /* ** Considering employing a variable that prevents functions of doing ** anything until everything is initialized properly ** ** HMS: What exactly does the above mean? */ event_set_log_callback(&sntp_libevent_log_cb); if (debug > 0) event_enable_debug_mode(); #ifdef WORK_THREAD evthread_use_pthreads(); /* we use libevent from main thread only, locks should be academic */ if (debug > 0) evthread_enable_lock_debuging(); #endif evcfg = event_config_new(); if (NULL == evcfg) { printf("%s: event_config_new() failed!\n", progname); return -1; } #ifndef HAVE_SOCKETPAIR event_config_require_features(evcfg, EV_FEATURE_FDS); #endif /* all libevent calls are from main thread */ /* event_config_set_flag(evcfg, EVENT_BASE_FLAG_NOLOCK); */ base = event_base_new_with_config(evcfg); event_config_free(evcfg); if (NULL == base) { printf("%s: event_base_new() failed!\n", progname); return -1; } /* wire into intres resolver */ worker_per_query = TRUE; addremove_io_fd = &sntp_addremove_fd; open_sockets(); if (HAVE_OPT(BROADCAST)) { int cn = STACKCT_OPT( BROADCAST ); const char ** cp = STACKLST_OPT( BROADCAST ); while (cn-- > 0) { handle_lookup(*cp, CTX_BCST); cp++; } } if (HAVE_OPT(CONCURRENT)) { int cn = STACKCT_OPT( CONCURRENT ); const char ** cp = STACKLST_OPT( CONCURRENT ); while (cn-- > 0) { handle_lookup(*cp, CTX_UCST | CTX_CONC); cp++; } } for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i) handle_lookup(argv[i], CTX_UCST); gettimeofday_cached(base, &start_tv); event_base_dispatch(base); event_base_free(base); if (!time_adjusted && (ENABLED_OPT(STEP) || ENABLED_OPT(SLEW))) exitcode = 1; else exitcode = 0; return exitcode; } /* ** open sockets and make them non-blocking */ void open_sockets( void ) { sockaddr_u name; if (-1 == sock4) { sock4 = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (-1 == sock4) { /* error getting a socket */ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: socket(PF_INET) failed: %m"); exit(1); } /* Make it non-blocking */ make_socket_nonblocking(sock4); /* Let's try using a wildcard... */ ZERO(name); AF(&name) = AF_INET; SET_ADDR4N(&name, INADDR_ANY); SET_PORT(&name, (HAVE_OPT(USERESERVEDPORT) ? 123 : 0)); if (-1 == bind(sock4, &name.sa, SOCKLEN(&name))) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: bind(sock4) failed: %m"); exit(1); } /* Register an NTP callback for recv/timeout */ ev_sock4 = event_new(base, sock4, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &sock_cb, NULL); if (NULL == ev_sock4) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: event_new(base, sock4) failed!"); } else { event_add(ev_sock4, &wakeup_tv); } } /* We may not always have IPv6... */ if (-1 == sock6 && ipv6_works) { sock6 = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (-1 == sock6 && ipv6_works) { /* error getting a socket */ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: socket(PF_INET6) failed: %m"); exit(1); } /* Make it non-blocking */ make_socket_nonblocking(sock6); /* Let's try using a wildcard... */ ZERO(name); AF(&name) = AF_INET6; SET_ADDR6N(&name, in6addr_any); SET_PORT(&name, (HAVE_OPT(USERESERVEDPORT) ? 123 : 0)); if (-1 == bind(sock6, &name.sa, SOCKLEN(&name))) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: bind(sock6) failed: %m"); exit(1); } /* Register an NTP callback for recv/timeout */ ev_sock6 = event_new(base, sock6, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &sock_cb, NULL); if (NULL == ev_sock6) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "open_sockets: event_new(base, sock6) failed!"); } else { event_add(ev_sock6, &wakeup_tv); } } return; } /* ** handle_lookup */ void handle_lookup( const char *name, int flags ) { struct addrinfo hints; /* Local copy is OK */ struct dns_ctx *ctx; char * name_copy; size_t name_sz; size_t octets; TRACE(1, ("handle_lookup(%s,%#x)\n", name, flags)); ZERO(hints); hints.ai_family = ai_fam_pref; hints.ai_flags = AI_CANONNAME | Z_AI_NUMERICSERV; /* ** Unless we specify a socktype, we'll get at least two ** entries for each address: one for TCP and one for ** UDP. That's not what we want. */ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; name_sz = 1 + strlen(name); octets = sizeof(*ctx) + name_sz; // Space for a ctx and the name ctx = emalloc_zero(octets); // ctx at ctx[0] name_copy = (char *)(ctx + 1); // Put the name at ctx[1] memcpy(name_copy, name, name_sz); // copy the name to ctx[1] ctx->name = name_copy; // point to it... ctx->flags = flags; ctx->timeout = response_tv; ctx->key = NULL; /* The following should arguably be passed in... */ if (ENABLED_OPT(AUTHENTICATION)) { ctx->key_id = OPT_VALUE_AUTHENTICATION; get_key(ctx->key_id, &ctx->key); if (NULL == ctx->key) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Authentication with keyID %d requested, but no matching keyID found in <%s>!\n", progname, ctx->key_id, OPT_ARG(KEYFILE)); exit(1); } } else { ctx->key_id = -1; } ++n_pending_dns; getaddrinfo_sometime(name, "123", &hints, 0, &sntp_name_resolved, ctx); } /* ** DNS Callback: ** - For each IP: ** - - open a socket ** - - increment n_pending_ntp ** - - send a request if this is a Unicast callback ** - - queue wait for response ** - decrement n_pending_dns */ void sntp_name_resolved( int rescode, int gai_errno, void * context, const char * name, const char * service, const struct addrinfo * hints, const struct addrinfo * addr ) { struct dns_ctx * dctx; sent_pkt * spkt; const struct addrinfo * ai; SOCKET sock; u_int xmt_delay_v4; u_int xmt_delay_v6; u_int xmt_delay; size_t octets; xmt_delay_v4 = 0; xmt_delay_v6 = 0; dctx = context; if (rescode) { #ifdef EAI_SYSTEM if (EAI_SYSTEM == rescode) { errno = gai_errno; mfprintf(stderr, "%s lookup error %m\n", dctx->name); } else #endif fprintf(stderr, "%s lookup error %s\n", dctx->name, gai_strerror(rescode)); } else { TRACE(3, ("%s [%s]\n", dctx->name, (addr->ai_canonname != NULL) ? addr->ai_canonname : "")); for (ai = addr; ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) { if (check_kod(ai)) continue; switch (ai->ai_family) { case AF_INET: sock = sock4; xmt_delay = xmt_delay_v4; xmt_delay_v4++; break; case AF_INET6: if (!ipv6_works) continue; sock = sock6; xmt_delay = xmt_delay_v6; xmt_delay_v6++; break; default: msyslog(LOG_ERR, "sntp_name_resolved: unexpected ai_family: %d", ai->ai_family); exit(1); break; } /* ** We're waiting for a response for either unicast ** or broadcast, so... */ ++n_pending_ntp; /* If this is for a unicast IP, queue a request */ if (dctx->flags & CTX_UCST) { spkt = emalloc_zero(sizeof(*spkt)); spkt->dctx = dctx; octets = min(ai->ai_addrlen, sizeof(spkt->addr)); memcpy(&spkt->addr, ai->ai_addr, octets); queue_xmt(sock, dctx, spkt, xmt_delay); } } } /* n_pending_dns really should be >0 here... */ --n_pending_dns; check_exit_conditions(); } /* ** queue_xmt */ void queue_xmt( SOCKET sock, struct dns_ctx * dctx, sent_pkt * spkt, u_int xmt_delay ) { sockaddr_u * dest; sent_pkt ** pkt_listp; sent_pkt * match; xmt_ctx * xctx; struct timeval start_cb; struct timeval delay; dest = &spkt->addr; if (IS_IPV6(dest)) pkt_listp = &v6_pkts_list; else pkt_listp = &v4_pkts_list; /* reject attempts to add address already listed */ for (match = *pkt_listp; match != NULL; match = match->link) { if (ADDR_PORT_EQ(&spkt->addr, &match->addr)) { if (strcasecmp(spkt->dctx->name, match->dctx->name)) printf("%s %s duplicate address from %s ignored.\n", sptoa(&match->addr), match->dctx->name, spkt->dctx->name); else printf("%s %s, duplicate address ignored.\n", sptoa(&match->addr), match->dctx->name); dec_pending_ntp(spkt->dctx->name, &spkt->addr); free(spkt); return; } } LINK_SLIST(*pkt_listp, spkt, link); xctx = emalloc_zero(sizeof(*xctx)); xctx->sock = sock; xctx->spkt = spkt; gettimeofday_cached(base, &start_cb); xctx->sched = start_cb.tv_sec + (2 * xmt_delay); LINK_SORT_SLIST(xmt_q, xctx, (xctx->sched < L_S_S_CUR()->sched), link, xmt_ctx); if (xmt_q == xctx) { /* * The new entry is the first scheduled. The timer is * either not active or is set for the second xmt * context in xmt_q. */ if (NULL == ev_xmt_timer) ev_xmt_timer = event_new(base, INVALID_SOCKET, EV_TIMEOUT, &xmt_timer_cb, NULL); if (NULL == ev_xmt_timer) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "queue_xmt: event_new(base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT) failed!"); exit(1); } ZERO(delay); if (xctx->sched > start_cb.tv_sec) delay.tv_sec = xctx->sched - start_cb.tv_sec; event_add(ev_xmt_timer, &delay); TRACE(2, ("queue_xmt: xmt timer for %u usec\n", (u_int)delay.tv_usec)); } } /* ** xmt_timer_cb */ void xmt_timer_cb( evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void * ctx ) { struct timeval start_cb; struct timeval delay; xmt_ctx * x; UNUSED_ARG(fd); UNUSED_ARG(ctx); DEBUG_INSIST(EV_TIMEOUT == what); if (NULL == xmt_q || shutting_down) return; gettimeofday_cached(base, &start_cb); if (xmt_q->sched <= start_cb.tv_sec) { UNLINK_HEAD_SLIST(x, xmt_q, link); TRACE(2, ("xmt_timer_cb: at .%6.6u -> %s\n", (u_int)start_cb.tv_usec, stoa(&x->spkt->addr))); xmt(x); free(x); if (NULL == xmt_q) return; } if (xmt_q->sched <= start_cb.tv_sec) { event_add(ev_xmt_timer, &gap); TRACE(2, ("xmt_timer_cb: at .%6.6u gap %6.6u\n", (u_int)start_cb.tv_usec, (u_int)gap.tv_usec)); } else { delay.tv_sec = xmt_q->sched - start_cb.tv_sec; delay.tv_usec = 0; event_add(ev_xmt_timer, &delay); TRACE(2, ("xmt_timer_cb: at .%6.6u next %ld seconds\n", (u_int)start_cb.tv_usec, (long)delay.tv_sec)); } } /* ** xmt() */ void xmt( xmt_ctx * xctx ) { SOCKET sock = xctx->sock; struct dns_ctx *dctx = xctx->spkt->dctx; sent_pkt * spkt = xctx->spkt; sockaddr_u * dst = &spkt->addr; struct timeval tv_xmt; struct pkt x_pkt; size_t pkt_len; int sent; if (0 != gettimeofday(&tv_xmt, NULL)) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "xmt: gettimeofday() failed: %m"); exit(1); } tv_xmt.tv_sec += JAN_1970; pkt_len = generate_pkt(&x_pkt, &tv_xmt, dctx->key_id, dctx->key); sent = sendpkt(sock, dst, &x_pkt, pkt_len); if (sent) { /* Save the packet we sent... */ memcpy(&spkt->x_pkt, &x_pkt, min(sizeof(spkt->x_pkt), pkt_len)); spkt->stime = tv_xmt.tv_sec - JAN_1970; TRACE(2, ("xmt: %lx.%6.6u %s %s\n", (u_long)tv_xmt.tv_sec, (u_int)tv_xmt.tv_usec, dctx->name, stoa(dst))); } else { dec_pending_ntp(dctx->name, dst); } return; } /* * timeout_queries() -- give up on unrequited NTP queries */ void timeout_queries(void) { struct timeval start_cb; u_int idx; sent_pkt * head; sent_pkt * spkt; sent_pkt * spkt_next; long age; int didsomething = 0; TRACE(3, ("timeout_queries: called to check %u items\n", (unsigned)COUNTOF(fam_listheads))); gettimeofday_cached(base, &start_cb); for (idx = 0; idx < COUNTOF(fam_listheads); idx++) { head = fam_listheads[idx]; for (spkt = head; spkt != NULL; spkt = spkt_next) { char xcst; didsomething = 1; switch (spkt->dctx->flags & CTX_xCST) { case CTX_BCST: xcst = 'B'; break; case CTX_UCST: xcst = 'U'; break; default: INSIST(!"spkt->dctx->flags neither UCST nor BCST"); break; } spkt_next = spkt->link; if (0 == spkt->stime || spkt->done) continue; age = start_cb.tv_sec - spkt->stime; TRACE(3, ("%s %s %cCST age %ld\n", stoa(&spkt->addr), spkt->dctx->name, xcst, age)); if (age > response_timeout) timeout_query(spkt); } } // Do we care about didsomething? TRACE(3, ("timeout_queries: didsomething is %d, age is %ld\n", didsomething, (long) (start_cb.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec))); if (start_cb.tv_sec - start_tv.tv_sec > response_timeout) { TRACE(3, ("timeout_queries: bail!\n")); event_base_loopexit(base, NULL); shutting_down = TRUE; } } void dec_pending_ntp( const char * name, sockaddr_u * server ) { if (n_pending_ntp > 0) { --n_pending_ntp; check_exit_conditions(); } else { INSIST(0 == n_pending_ntp); TRACE(1, ("n_pending_ntp was zero before decrement for %s\n", hostnameaddr(name, server))); } } void timeout_query( sent_pkt * spkt ) { sockaddr_u * server; char xcst; switch (spkt->dctx->flags & CTX_xCST) { case CTX_BCST: xcst = 'B'; break; case CTX_UCST: xcst = 'U'; break; default: INSIST(!"spkt->dctx->flags neither UCST nor BCST"); break; } spkt->done = TRUE; server = &spkt->addr; msyslog(LOG_INFO, "%s no %cCST response after %d seconds", hostnameaddr(spkt->dctx->name, server), xcst, response_timeout); dec_pending_ntp(spkt->dctx->name, server); return; } /* ** check_kod */ int check_kod( const struct addrinfo * ai ) { char *hostname; struct kod_entry *reason; /* Is there a KoD on file for this address? */ hostname = addrinfo_to_str(ai); TRACE(2, ("check_kod: checking <%s>\n", hostname)); if (search_entry(hostname, &reason)) { printf("prior KoD for %s, skipping.\n", hostname); free(reason); free(hostname); return 1; } free(hostname); return 0; } /* ** Socket readable/timeout Callback: ** Read in the packet ** Unicast: ** - close socket ** - decrement n_pending_ntp ** - If packet is good, set the time and "exit" ** Broadcast: ** - If packet is good, set the time and "exit" */ void sock_cb( evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void *ptr ) { sockaddr_u sender; sockaddr_u * psau; sent_pkt ** p_pktlist; sent_pkt * spkt; int rpktl; int rc; INSIST(sock4 == fd || sock6 == fd); TRACE(3, ("sock_cb: event on sock%s:%s%s%s%s\n", (fd == sock6) ? "6" : "4", (what & EV_TIMEOUT) ? " timeout" : "", (what & EV_READ) ? " read" : "", (what & EV_WRITE) ? " write" : "", (what & EV_SIGNAL) ? " signal" : "")); if (!(EV_READ & what)) { if (EV_TIMEOUT & what) timeout_queries(); return; } /* Read in the packet */ rpktl = recvdata(fd, &sender, &rbuf, sizeof(rbuf)); if (rpktl < 0) { msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "recvfrom error %m"); return; } if (sock6 == fd) p_pktlist = &v6_pkts_list; else p_pktlist = &v4_pkts_list; for (spkt = *p_pktlist; spkt != NULL; spkt = spkt->link) { psau = &spkt->addr; if (SOCK_EQ(&sender, psau)) break; } if (NULL == spkt) { msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "Packet from unexpected source %s dropped", sptoa(&sender)); return; } TRACE(1, ("sock_cb: %s %s\n", spkt->dctx->name, sptoa(&sender))); rpktl = process_pkt(&r_pkt, &sender, rpktl, MODE_SERVER, &spkt->x_pkt, "sock_cb"); TRACE(2, ("sock_cb: process_pkt returned %d\n", rpktl)); /* If this is a Unicast packet, one down ... */ if (!spkt->done && (CTX_UCST & spkt->dctx->flags)) { dec_pending_ntp(spkt->dctx->name, &spkt->addr); spkt->done = TRUE; } /* If the packet is good, set the time and we're all done */ rc = handle_pkt(rpktl, &r_pkt, &spkt->addr, spkt->dctx->name); if (0 != rc) TRACE(1, ("sock_cb: handle_pkt() returned %d\n", rc)); check_exit_conditions(); } /* * check_exit_conditions() * * If sntp has a reply, ask the event loop to stop after this round of * callbacks, unless --wait was used. */ void check_exit_conditions(void) { if ((0 == n_pending_ntp && 0 == n_pending_dns) || (time_derived && !HAVE_OPT(WAIT))) { event_base_loopexit(base, NULL); shutting_down = TRUE; } else { TRACE(2, ("%d NTP and %d name queries pending\n", n_pending_ntp, n_pending_dns)); } } /* * sntp_addremove_fd() is invoked by the intres blocking worker code * to read from a pipe, or to stop same. */ void sntp_addremove_fd( int fd, int is_pipe, int remove_it ) { u_int idx; blocking_child *c; struct event * ev; #ifdef HAVE_SOCKETPAIR if (is_pipe) { /* sntp only asks for EV_FEATURE_FDS without HAVE_SOCKETPAIR */ msyslog(LOG_ERR, "fatal: pipes not supported on systems with socketpair()"); exit(1); } #endif c = NULL; for (idx = 0; idx < blocking_children_alloc; idx++) { c = blocking_children[idx]; if (NULL == c) continue; if (fd == c->resp_read_pipe) break; } if (idx == blocking_children_alloc) return; if (remove_it) { ev = c->resp_read_ctx; c->resp_read_ctx = NULL; event_del(ev); event_free(ev); return; } ev = event_new(base, fd, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, &worker_resp_cb, c); if (NULL == ev) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "sntp_addremove_fd: event_new(base, fd) failed!"); return; } c->resp_read_ctx = ev; event_add(ev, NULL); } /* called by forked intres child to close open descriptors */ #ifdef WORK_FORK void kill_asyncio( int startfd ) { if (INVALID_SOCKET != sock4) { closesocket(sock4); sock4 = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (INVALID_SOCKET != sock6) { closesocket(sock6); sock6 = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (INVALID_SOCKET != bsock4) { closesocket(sock4); sock4 = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (INVALID_SOCKET != bsock6) { closesocket(sock6); sock6 = INVALID_SOCKET; } } #endif /* * worker_resp_cb() is invoked when resp_read_pipe is readable. */ void worker_resp_cb( evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void * ctx /* blocking_child * */ ) { blocking_child * c; DEBUG_INSIST(EV_READ & what); c = ctx; DEBUG_INSIST(fd == c->resp_read_pipe); process_blocking_resp(c); } /* * intres_timeout_req(s) is invoked in the parent to schedule an idle * timeout to fire in s seconds, if not reset earlier by a call to * intres_timeout_req(0), which clears any pending timeout. When the * timeout expires, worker_idle_timer_fired() is invoked (again, in the * parent). * * sntp and ntpd each provide implementations adapted to their timers. */ void intres_timeout_req( u_int seconds /* 0 cancels */ ) { struct timeval tv_to; if (NULL == ev_worker_timeout) { ev_worker_timeout = event_new(base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT | EV_PERSIST, &worker_timeout, NULL); DEBUG_INSIST(NULL != ev_worker_timeout); } else { event_del(ev_worker_timeout); } if (0 == seconds) return; tv_to.tv_sec = seconds; tv_to.tv_usec = 0; event_add(ev_worker_timeout, &tv_to); } void worker_timeout( evutil_socket_t fd, short what, void * ctx ) { UNUSED_ARG(fd); UNUSED_ARG(ctx); DEBUG_REQUIRE(EV_TIMEOUT & what); worker_idle_timer_fired(); } void sntp_libevent_log_cb( int severity, const char * msg ) { int level; switch (severity) { default: case _EVENT_LOG_DEBUG: level = LOG_DEBUG; break; case _EVENT_LOG_MSG: level = LOG_NOTICE; break; case _EVENT_LOG_WARN: level = LOG_WARNING; break; case _EVENT_LOG_ERR: level = LOG_ERR; break; } msyslog(level, "%s", msg); } int generate_pkt ( struct pkt *x_pkt, const struct timeval *tv_xmt, int key_id, struct key *pkt_key ) { l_fp xmt_fp; int pkt_len; int mac_size; pkt_len = LEN_PKT_NOMAC; ZERO(*x_pkt); TVTOTS(tv_xmt, &xmt_fp); HTONL_FP(&xmt_fp, &x_pkt->xmt); x_pkt->stratum = STRATUM_TO_PKT(STRATUM_UNSPEC); x_pkt->ppoll = 8; /* FIXME! Modus broadcast + adr. check -> bdr. pkt */ set_li_vn_mode(x_pkt, LEAP_NOTINSYNC, ntpver, 3); if (debug > 0) { printf("generate_pkt: key_id %d, key pointer %p\n", key_id, pkt_key); } if (pkt_key != NULL) { x_pkt->exten[0] = htonl(key_id); mac_size = make_mac(x_pkt, pkt_len, MAX_MDG_LEN, pkt_key, (char *)&x_pkt->exten[1]); if (mac_size > 0) pkt_len += mac_size + KEY_MAC_LEN; #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 0) { printf("generate_pkt: mac_size is %d\n", mac_size); } #endif } return pkt_len; } int handle_pkt( int rpktl, struct pkt * rpkt, sockaddr_u * host, const char * hostname ) { char disptxt[32]; const char * addrtxt; struct timeval tv_dst; int cnt; int sw_case; int digits; int stratum; char * ref; char * ts_str; const char * leaptxt; double offset; double precision; double synch_distance; char * p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME; time_t pretend_time; #if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 8 long long ll; #else long l; #endif ts_str = NULL; if (rpktl > 0) sw_case = 1; else sw_case = rpktl; switch (sw_case) { case SERVER_UNUSEABLE: return -1; break; case PACKET_UNUSEABLE: break; case SERVER_AUTH_FAIL: break; case KOD_DEMOBILIZE: /* Received a DENY or RESTR KOD packet */ addrtxt = stoa(host); ref = (char *)&rpkt->refid; add_entry(addrtxt, ref); msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "KOD code %c%c%c%c from %s %s", ref[0], ref[1], ref[2], ref[3], addrtxt, hostname); break; case KOD_RATE: /* ** Hmm... ** We should probably call add_entry() with an ** expiration timestamp of several seconds in the future, ** and back-off even more if we get more RATE responses. */ break; case 1: TRACE(3, ("handle_pkt: %d bytes from %s %s\n", rpktl, stoa(host), hostname)); gettimeofday_cached(base, &tv_dst); p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME = getenv("SNTP_PRETEND_TIME"); if (p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME) { pretend_time = 0; #if SIZEOF_TIME_T == 4 if (1 == sscanf(p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME, "%ld", &l)) pretend_time = (time_t)l; #elif SIZEOF_TIME_T == 8 if (1 == sscanf(p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME, "%lld", &ll)) pretend_time = (time_t)ll; #else # include "GRONK: unexpected value for SIZEOF_TIME_T" #endif if (0 != pretend_time) tv_dst.tv_sec = pretend_time; } offset_calculation(rpkt, rpktl, &tv_dst, &offset, &precision, &synch_distance); time_derived = TRUE; for (digits = 0; (precision *= 10.) < 1.; ++digits) /* empty */ ; if (digits > 6) digits = 6; ts_str = tv_to_str(&tv_dst); stratum = rpkt->stratum; if (0 == stratum) stratum = 16; if (synch_distance > 0.) { cnt = snprintf(disptxt, sizeof(disptxt), " +/- %f", synch_distance); if ((size_t)cnt >= sizeof(disptxt)) snprintf(disptxt, sizeof(disptxt), "ERROR %d >= %d", cnt, (int)sizeof(disptxt)); } else { disptxt[0] = '\0'; } switch (PKT_LEAP(rpkt->li_vn_mode)) { case LEAP_NOWARNING: leaptxt = "no-leap"; break; case LEAP_ADDSECOND: leaptxt = "add-leap"; break; case LEAP_DELSECOND: leaptxt = "del-leap"; break; case LEAP_NOTINSYNC: leaptxt = "unsync"; break; default: leaptxt = "LEAP-ERROR"; break; } msyslog(LOG_INFO, "%s %+.*f%s %s s%d %s%s", ts_str, digits, offset, disptxt, hostnameaddr(hostname, host), stratum, leaptxt, (time_adjusted) ? " [excess]" : ""); free(ts_str); if (p_SNTP_PRETEND_TIME) return 0; if (!time_adjusted && (ENABLED_OPT(STEP) || ENABLED_OPT(SLEW))) return set_time(offset); return EX_OK; } return 1; } void offset_calculation( struct pkt *rpkt, int rpktl, struct timeval *tv_dst, double *offset, double *precision, double *synch_distance ) { l_fp p_rec, p_xmt, p_ref, p_org, tmp, dst; u_fp p_rdly, p_rdsp; double t21, t34, delta; /* Convert timestamps from network to host byte order */ p_rdly = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdelay); p_rdsp = NTOHS_FP(rpkt->rootdisp); NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->reftime, &p_ref); NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->org, &p_org); NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->rec, &p_rec); NTOHL_FP(&rpkt->xmt, &p_xmt); *precision = LOGTOD(rpkt->precision); TRACE(3, ("offset_calculation: LOGTOD(rpkt->precision): %f\n", *precision)); /* Compute offset etc. */ tmp = p_rec; L_SUB(&tmp, &p_org); LFPTOD(&tmp, t21); TVTOTS(tv_dst, &dst); dst.l_ui += JAN_1970; tmp = p_xmt; L_SUB(&tmp, &dst); LFPTOD(&tmp, t34); *offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.; delta = t21 - t34; // synch_distance is: // (peer->delay + peer->rootdelay) / 2 + peer->disp // + peer->rootdisp + clock_phi * (current_time - peer->update) // + peer->jitter; // // and peer->delay = fabs(peer->offset - p_offset) * 2; // and peer->offset needs history, so we're left with // p_offset = (t21 + t34) / 2.; // peer->disp = 0; (we have no history to augment this) // clock_phi = 15e-6; // peer->jitter = LOGTOD(sys_precision); (we have no history to augment this) // and ntp_proto.c:set_sys_tick_precision() should get us sys_precision. // // so our answer seems to be: // // (fabs(t21 + t34) + peer->rootdelay) / 3. // + 0 (peer->disp) // + peer->rootdisp // + 15e-6 (clock_phi) // + LOGTOD(sys_precision) INSIST( FPTOD(p_rdly) >= 0. ); #if 1 *synch_distance = (fabs(t21 + t34) + FPTOD(p_rdly)) / 3. + 0. + FPTOD(p_rdsp) + 15e-6 + 0. /* LOGTOD(sys_precision) when we can get it */ ; INSIST( *synch_distance >= 0. ); #else *synch_distance = (FPTOD(p_rdly) + FPTOD(p_rdsp))/2.0; #endif #ifdef DEBUG if (debug > 3) { printf("sntp rootdelay: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdly)); printf("sntp rootdisp: %f\n", FPTOD(p_rdsp)); printf("sntp syncdist: %f\n", *synch_distance); pkt_output(rpkt, rpktl, stdout); printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->reftime:\n"); l_fp_output(&p_ref, stdout); printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->org:\n"); l_fp_output(&p_org, stdout); printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->rec:\n"); l_fp_output(&p_rec, stdout); printf("sntp offset_calculation: rpkt->xmt:\n"); l_fp_output(&p_xmt, stdout); } #endif TRACE(3, ("sntp offset_calculation:\trec - org t21: %.6f\n" "\txmt - dst t34: %.6f\tdelta: %.6f\toffset: %.6f\n", t21, t34, delta, *offset)); return; } /* Compute the 8 bits for li_vn_mode */ void set_li_vn_mode ( struct pkt *spkt, char leap, char version, char mode ) { if (leap > 3) { msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "set_li_vn_mode: leap > 3, using max. 3"); leap = 3; } if ((unsigned char)version > 7) { msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "set_li_vn_mode: version < 0 or > 7, using 4"); version = 4; } if (mode > 7) { msyslog(LOG_DEBUG, "set_li_vn_mode: mode > 7, using client mode 3"); mode = 3; } spkt->li_vn_mode = leap << 6; spkt->li_vn_mode |= version << 3; spkt->li_vn_mode |= mode; } /* ** set_time applies 'offset' to the local clock. */ int set_time( double offset ) { int rc; if (time_adjusted) return EX_OK; /* ** If we can step but we cannot slew, then step. ** If we can step or slew and and |offset| > steplimit, then step. */ if (ENABLED_OPT(STEP) && ( !ENABLED_OPT(SLEW) || (ENABLED_OPT(SLEW) && (fabs(offset) > steplimit)) )) { rc = step_systime(offset); /* If there was a problem, can we rely on errno? */ if (1 == rc) time_adjusted = TRUE; return (time_adjusted) ? EX_OK : 1; /* ** In case of error, what should we use? ** EX_UNAVAILABLE? ** EX_OSERR? ** EX_NOPERM? */ } if (ENABLED_OPT(SLEW)) { rc = adj_systime(offset); /* If there was a problem, can we rely on errno? */ if (1 == rc) time_adjusted = TRUE; return (time_adjusted) ? EX_OK : 1; /* ** In case of error, what should we use? ** EX_UNAVAILABLE? ** EX_OSERR? ** EX_NOPERM? */ } return EX_SOFTWARE; } int libevent_version_ok(void) { ev_uint32_t v_compile_maj; ev_uint32_t v_run_maj; v_compile_maj = LIBEVENT_VERSION_NUMBER & 0xffff0000; v_run_maj = event_get_version_number() & 0xffff0000; if (v_compile_maj != v_run_maj) { fprintf(stderr, "Incompatible libevent versions: have %s, built with %s\n", event_get_version(), LIBEVENT_VERSION); return 0; } return 1; } /* * gettimeofday_cached() * * Clones the event_base_gettimeofday_cached() interface but ensures the * times are always on the gettimeofday() 1970 scale. Older libevent 2 * sometimes used gettimeofday(), sometimes the since-system-start * clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC), depending on the platform. * * It is not cleanly possible to tell which timescale older libevent is * using. * * The strategy involves 1 hour thresholds chosen to be far longer than * the duration of a round of libevent callbacks, which share a cached * start-of-round time. First compare the last cached time with the * current gettimeofday() time. If they are within one hour, libevent * is using the proper timescale so leave the offset 0. Otherwise, * compare libevent's cached time and the current time on the monotonic * scale. If they are within an hour, libevent is using the monotonic * scale so calculate the offset to add to such times to bring them to * gettimeofday()'s scale. */ int gettimeofday_cached( struct event_base * b, struct timeval * caller_tv ) { #if defined(_EVENT_HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME) && defined(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) static struct event_base * cached_b; static struct timeval cached; static struct timeval adj_cached; static struct timeval offset; static int offset_ready; struct timeval latest; struct timeval systemt; struct timespec ts; struct timeval mono; struct timeval diff; int cgt_rc; int gtod_rc; event_base_gettimeofday_cached(b, &latest); if (b == cached_b && !memcmp(&latest, &cached, sizeof(latest))) { *caller_tv = adj_cached; return 0; } cached = latest; cached_b = b; if (!offset_ready) { cgt_rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts); gtod_rc = gettimeofday(&systemt, NULL); if (0 != gtod_rc) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "%s: gettimeofday() error %m", progname); exit(1); } diff = sub_tval(systemt, latest); if (debug > 1) printf("system minus cached %+ld.%06ld\n", (long)diff.tv_sec, (long)diff.tv_usec); if (0 != cgt_rc || labs((long)diff.tv_sec) < 3600) { /* * Either use_monotonic == 0, or this libevent * has been repaired. Leave offset at zero. */ } else { mono.tv_sec = ts.tv_sec; mono.tv_usec = ts.tv_nsec / 1000; diff = sub_tval(latest, mono); if (debug > 1) printf("cached minus monotonic %+ld.%06ld\n", (long)diff.tv_sec, (long)diff.tv_usec); if (labs((long)diff.tv_sec) < 3600) { /* older libevent2 using monotonic */ offset = sub_tval(systemt, mono); TRACE(1, ("%s: Offsetting libevent CLOCK_MONOTONIC times by %+ld.%06ld\n", "gettimeofday_cached", (long)offset.tv_sec, (long)offset.tv_usec)); } } offset_ready = TRUE; } adj_cached = add_tval(cached, offset); *caller_tv = adj_cached; return 0; #else return event_base_gettimeofday_cached(b, caller_tv); #endif } /* Dummy function to satisfy libntp/work_fork.c */ extern int set_user_group_ids(void); int set_user_group_ids(void) { return 1; }