.TH "krb5_fileformats" 3 "Fri Jun 7 2019" "Version 7.7.0" "HeimdalKerberos5library" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME krb5_fileformatsFile formats \- .SH "File formats" .PP This section documents the diffrent file formats that are used in Heimdal and other Kerberos implementations\&. .SS "keytab" The keytab binary format is not a standard format\&. The format has evolved and may continue to\&. It is however understood by several Kerberos implementations including Heimdal, MIT, Sun's Java ktab and are created by the ktpass\&.exe utility from Windows\&. So it has established itself as the defacto format for storing Kerberos keys\&. .PP The following C-like structure definitions illustrate the MIT keytab file format\&. All values are in network byte order\&. All text is ASCII\&. .PP .PP .nf keytab { uint16_t file_format_version; # 0x502 keytab_entry entries[*]; }; keytab_entry { int32_t size; uint16_t num_components; # subtract 1 if version 0x501 counted_octet_string realm; counted_octet_string components[num_components]; uint32_t name_type; # not present if version 0x501 uint32_t timestamp; uint8_t vno8; keyblock key; uint32_t vno; #only present if >= 4 bytes left in entry uint32_t flags; #only present if >= 4 bytes left in entry }; counted_octet_string { uint16_t length; uint8_t data[length]; }; keyblock { uint16_t type; counted_octet_string; }; .fi .PP .PP All numbers are stored in network byteorder (big endian) format\&. .PP The keytab file format begins with the 16 bit file_format_version which at the time this document was authored is 0x502\&. The format of older keytabs is described at the end of this document\&. .PP The file_format_version is immediately followed by an array of keytab_entry structures which are prefixed with a 32 bit size indicating the number of bytes that follow in the entry\&. Note that the size should be evaluated as signed\&. This is because a negative value indicates that the entry is in fact empty (e\&.g\&. it has been deleted) and that the negative value of that negative value (which is of course a positive value) is the offset to the next keytab_entry\&. Based on these size values alone the entire keytab file can be traversed\&. .PP The size is followed by a 16 bit num_components field indicating the number of counted_octet_string components in the components array\&. .PP The num_components field is followed by a counted_octet_string representing the realm of the principal\&. .PP A counted_octet_string is simply an array of bytes prefixed with a 16 bit length\&. For the realm and name components, the counted_octet_string bytes are ASCII encoded text with no zero terminator\&. .PP Following the realm is the components array that represents the name of the principal\&. The text of these components may be joined with slashs to construct the typical SPN representation\&. For example, the service principal HTTP/www\&.foo\&.net@FOO\&.NET would consist of name components 'HTTP' followed by 'www\&.foo\&.net'\&. .PP Following the components array is the 32 bit name_type (e\&.g\&. 1 is KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL, 2 is KRB5_NT_SRV_INST, 5 is KRB5_NT_UID, etc)\&. In practice the name_type is almost certainly 1 meaning KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL\&. .PP The 32 bit timestamp indicates the time the key was established for that principal\&. The value represents the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970\&. .PP The 8 bit vno8 field is the version number of the key\&. This value is overridden by the 32 bit vno field if it is present\&. The vno8 field is filled with the lower 8 bits of the 32 bit protocol kvno field\&. .PP The keyblock structure consists of a 16 bit value indicating the encryption type and is a counted_octet_string containing the key\&. The encryption type is the same as the Kerberos standard (e\&.g\&. 3 is des-cbc-md5, 23 is arcfour-hmac-md5, etc)\&. .PP The last field of the keytab_entry structure is optional\&. If the size of the keytab_entry indicates that there are at least 4 bytes remaining, a 32 bit value representing the key version number is present\&. This value supersedes the 8 bit vno8 value preceeding the keyblock\&. .PP Older keytabs with a file_format_version of 0x501 are different in three ways: .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 All integers are in host byte order [1]\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 The num_components field is 1 too large (i\&.e\&. after decoding, decrement by 1)\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 The 32 bit name_type field is not present\&. .PP .PP [1] The file_format_version field should really be treated as two separate 8 bit quantities representing the major and minor version number respectively\&. .SS "Heimdal database dump file" Format of the Heimdal text dump file as of Heimdal 0\&.6\&.3: .PP Each line in the dump file is one entry in the database\&. .PP Each field of a line is separated by one or more spaces, with the exception of fields consisting of principals containing spaces, where space can be quoted with \\ and \\ is quoted by . .PP Fields and their types are: .PP .PP .nf Quoted princial (quote character is \) [string] Keys [keys] Created by [event] Modified by [event optional] Valid start time [time optional] Valid end time [time optional] Password end valid time [time optional] Max lifetime of ticket [time optional] Max renew time of ticket [integer optional] Flags [hdb flags] Generation number [generation optional] Extensions [extentions optional] .fi .PP .PP Fields following these silently are ignored\&. .PP All optional fields will be skipped if they fail to parse (or comprise the optional field marker of '-', w/o quotes)\&. .PP Example: .PP .PP .nf fred\@CODE\&.COM 27:1:16:e8b4c8fc7e60b9e641dcf4cff3f08a701d982a2f89ba373733d26ca59ba6c789666f6b8bfcf169412bb1e5dceb9b33cda29f3412:-:1:3:4498a933881178c744f4232172dcd774c64e81fa6d05ecdf643a7e390624a0ebf3c7407a:-:1:2:b01934b13eb795d76f3a80717d469639b4da0cfb644161340ef44fdeb375e54d684dbb85:-:1:1:ea8e16d8078bf60c781da90f508d4deccba70595258b9d31888d33987cd31af0c9cced2e:- 20020415130120:admin\@CODE\&.COM 20041221112428:fred\@CODE\&.COM - - - 86400 604800 126 20020415130120:793707:28 - .fi .PP .PP Encoding of types are as follows: .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 keys .PP .PP .PP .nf kvno:[masterkvno:keytype:keydata:salt]{zero or more separated by :} .fi .PP .PP kvno is the key version number\&. .PP keydata is hex-encoded .PP masterkvno is the kvno of the database master key\&. If this field is empty, the kadmin load and merge operations will encrypt the key data with the master key if there is one\&. Otherwise the key data will be imported asis\&. .PP salt is encoded as '-' (no/default salt) or .PP .PP .nf salt-type / salt-type / "string" salt-type / hex-encoded-data .fi .PP .PP keytype is the protocol enctype number; see enum ENCTYPE in include/krb5_asn1\&.h for values\&. .PP Example: .PP .nf 27:1:16:e8b4c8fc7e60b9e641dcf4cff3f08a701d982a2f89ba373733d26ca59ba6c789666f6b8bfcf169412bb1e5dceb9b33cda29f3412:-:1:3:4498a933881178c744f4232172dcd774c64e81fa6d05ecdf643a7e390624a0ebf3c7407a:-:1:2:b01934b13eb795d76f3a80717d469639b4da0cfb644161340ef44fdeb375e54d684dbb85:-:1:1:ea8e16d8078bf60c781da90f508d4deccba70595258b9d31888d33987cd31af0c9cced2e:- .fi .PP .PP .PP .nf kvno=27,{key: masterkvno=1,keytype=des3-cbc-sha1,keydata=\&.\&.\&., default salt}\&.\&.\&. .fi .PP .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 time .PP .PP Format of the time is: YYYYmmddHHMMSS, corresponding to strftime format '%Y%m%d%k%M%S'\&. .PP Time is expressed in UTC\&. .PP Time can be optional (using -), when the time 0 is used\&. .PP Example: .PP .PP .nf 20041221112428 .fi .PP .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 event .PP .PP .PP .nf time:principal .fi .PP .PP time is as given in format time .PP principal is a string\&. Not quoting it may not work in earlier versions of Heimdal\&. .PP Example: .PP .nf 20041221112428:bloggs\@CODE\&.COM .fi .PP .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 hdb flags .PP .PP Integer encoding of HDB flags, see HDBFlags in lib/hdb/hdb\&.asn1\&. Each bit in the integer is the same as the bit in the specification\&. .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 generation: .PP .PP .PP .nf time:usec:gen .fi .PP .PP usec is a the microsecond, integer\&. gen is generation number, integer\&. .PP The generation can be defaulted (using '-') or the empty string .PP .IP "\(bu" 2 extensions: .PP .PP .PP .nf first-hex-encoded-HDB-Extension[:second-\&.\&.\&.] .fi .PP .PP HDB-extension is encoded the DER encoded HDB-Extension from lib/hdb/hdb\&.asn1\&. Consumers HDB extensions should be aware that unknown entires needs to be preserved even thought the ASN\&.1 data content might be unknown\&. There is a critical flag in the data to show to the KDC that the entry MUST be understod if the entry is to be used\&.