//===-- sanitizer_symbolizer_libcdep.cc -----------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // This file is shared between AddressSanitizer and ThreadSanitizer // run-time libraries. //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "sanitizer_allocator_internal.h" #include "sanitizer_internal_defs.h" #include "sanitizer_symbolizer_internal.h" namespace __sanitizer { const char *ExtractToken(const char *str, const char *delims, char **result) { uptr prefix_len = internal_strcspn(str, delims); *result = (char*)InternalAlloc(prefix_len + 1); internal_memcpy(*result, str, prefix_len); (*result)[prefix_len] = '\0'; const char *prefix_end = str + prefix_len; if (*prefix_end != '\0') prefix_end++; return prefix_end; } const char *ExtractInt(const char *str, const char *delims, int *result) { char *buff; const char *ret = ExtractToken(str, delims, &buff); if (buff != 0) { *result = (int)internal_atoll(buff); } InternalFree(buff); return ret; } const char *ExtractUptr(const char *str, const char *delims, uptr *result) { char *buff; const char *ret = ExtractToken(str, delims, &buff); if (buff != 0) { *result = (uptr)internal_atoll(buff); } InternalFree(buff); return ret; } const char *ExtractTokenUpToDelimiter(const char *str, const char *delimiter, char **result) { const char *found_delimiter = internal_strstr(str, delimiter); uptr prefix_len = found_delimiter ? found_delimiter - str : internal_strlen(str); *result = (char *)InternalAlloc(prefix_len + 1); internal_memcpy(*result, str, prefix_len); (*result)[prefix_len] = '\0'; const char *prefix_end = str + prefix_len; if (*prefix_end != '\0') prefix_end += internal_strlen(delimiter); return prefix_end; } SymbolizedStack *Symbolizer::SymbolizePC(uptr addr) { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); const char *module_name; uptr module_offset; SymbolizedStack *res = SymbolizedStack::New(addr); if (!FindModuleNameAndOffsetForAddress(addr, &module_name, &module_offset)) return res; // Always fill data about module name and offset. res->info.FillModuleInfo(module_name, module_offset); for (auto iter = Iterator(&tools_); iter.hasNext();) { auto *tool = iter.next(); SymbolizerScope sym_scope(this); if (tool->SymbolizePC(addr, res)) { return res; } } return res; } bool Symbolizer::SymbolizeData(uptr addr, DataInfo *info) { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); const char *module_name; uptr module_offset; if (!FindModuleNameAndOffsetForAddress(addr, &module_name, &module_offset)) return false; info->Clear(); info->module = internal_strdup(module_name); info->module_offset = module_offset; for (auto iter = Iterator(&tools_); iter.hasNext();) { auto *tool = iter.next(); SymbolizerScope sym_scope(this); if (tool->SymbolizeData(addr, info)) { return true; } } return true; } bool Symbolizer::GetModuleNameAndOffsetForPC(uptr pc, const char **module_name, uptr *module_address) { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); const char *internal_module_name = nullptr; if (!FindModuleNameAndOffsetForAddress(pc, &internal_module_name, module_address)) return false; if (module_name) *module_name = module_names_.GetOwnedCopy(internal_module_name); return true; } void Symbolizer::Flush() { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); for (auto iter = Iterator(&tools_); iter.hasNext();) { auto *tool = iter.next(); SymbolizerScope sym_scope(this); tool->Flush(); } } const char *Symbolizer::Demangle(const char *name) { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); for (auto iter = Iterator(&tools_); iter.hasNext();) { auto *tool = iter.next(); SymbolizerScope sym_scope(this); if (const char *demangled = tool->Demangle(name)) return demangled; } return PlatformDemangle(name); } void Symbolizer::PrepareForSandboxing() { BlockingMutexLock l(&mu_); PlatformPrepareForSandboxing(); } bool Symbolizer::FindModuleNameAndOffsetForAddress(uptr address, const char **module_name, uptr *module_offset) { LoadedModule *module = FindModuleForAddress(address); if (module == 0) return false; *module_name = module->full_name(); *module_offset = address - module->base_address(); return true; } LoadedModule *Symbolizer::FindModuleForAddress(uptr address) { bool modules_were_reloaded = false; if (!modules_fresh_) { for (uptr i = 0; i < n_modules_; i++) modules_[i].clear(); n_modules_ = GetListOfModules(modules_, kMaxNumberOfModules, /* filter */ nullptr); CHECK_GT(n_modules_, 0); CHECK_LT(n_modules_, kMaxNumberOfModules); modules_fresh_ = true; modules_were_reloaded = true; } for (uptr i = 0; i < n_modules_; i++) { if (modules_[i].containsAddress(address)) { return &modules_[i]; } } // Reload the modules and look up again, if we haven't tried it yet. if (!modules_were_reloaded) { // FIXME: set modules_fresh_ from dlopen()/dlclose() interceptors. // It's too aggressive to reload the list of modules each time we fail // to find a module for a given address. modules_fresh_ = false; return FindModuleForAddress(address); } return 0; } Symbolizer *Symbolizer::GetOrInit() { SpinMutexLock l(&init_mu_); if (symbolizer_) return symbolizer_; symbolizer_ = PlatformInit(); CHECK(symbolizer_); return symbolizer_; } } // namespace __sanitizer